What do the guy kisses in different places mean. What can tell a kiss on the cheek? What does it mean if the guy touched the lips of other places

First you need to understand whether the man answers your kisses or not. Answer yes: what is happening gives him pleasure and the partner responds to a kiss. If the partner with a kiss breathes exactly, and after it begins to speak absolutely on other topics, then this does not speak anything good.

Types of kisses filled with love and passion:

Simple - In addition to the lips, partners do not touch each other;

French - partner gently caresses the cavity of the mouth of a woman with the language,

Kiss with lulling In this case, a man holds the face of a woman with his hands.

The kiss is a butterfly, with it, the partner kisses his beloved in different parts of the person, and at the same time gently concerns her with their eyelashes.

Kiss adjacent The partner kisses the lower lip of his woman, and she at that time his upper;

Kiss in which dueling of languages \u200b\u200boccur;

Awesome kiss"A man begins to slowly kiss his sleeping sweetheart, gradually turning it into a very passionate, as long as she wakes up.

Passionate kiss The so-called kiss with a filled mouth is considered. This is when you dial a full goat drink and pass it to your partner through a kiss.

The most pleasant kisses are unexpected kisses, without the consent of the partner. Such kisses like most men and women.


Definition of the type of person in kisses

The owner - during a kiss such a person it is important to enter into a partner or partner to strong arms. He behaves in this way because it is important for him to feel the sense of safety and solid soil under his feet. Pressing his beloved (s) he shows that this man fully belongs to him.

The actor prefers to kiss when "viewers", demonstrate his love, its relationship, his art of kisses. Few people guess that such a discretion was preceded by times of loneliness and complexes. But now I want to show the whole world to show what he is capable!

Realist - never closes his eyes when kiss, which indicates its solid approach to life situations and problems. He perfectly owns his feelings and emotions. Perfectly disassembled in people, so from the first second sees the attitude and intention of a partner or partner.

Romantic - unlike realistic prefers kisses with eyes closed. Thus, he tries to get away from sometimes irreanty realities, surrendering to a completely overwhelming feeling, sexual fantasies. Such a person is impressed, so often thinking about something, in the end it is disappointed, but it does not scare him. On the contrary, the uncertainty and anticipation of something new in the relationship only attracts.

Boltun - manages to continue to speak even while kissing. Too thorough analysis exposes all its sensual impulses, trying to subjugate the emotions of the mind. His sober mind simply does not give a sensual body to show himself in all its glory.

Formalist - This type of people perceives and sex and affection and kisses like something at all is not aesthetic, so do not be surprised if, after a kiss, it will run to brush his teeth, rinse the mouth, chew orbits or tick so. Unfortunately, these are only flowers, such behavior indicates elementary inability to penetrate the problems of close people and clean water egoism.

Self-hated kisses - No matter how cool, but the kiss is a demonstration of our feelings. We show their emotions and feelings to your beloved person through it. People who do not like kissing lose their feelings of emotions, while they deprive the beloved person of one of the brightest manifestations of love. With such a person, it is difficult to build relationships, because you do not know, whether he does not kiss you, because he does not like, or because he never loved, or because he does not kiss anyone at all.

Interesting facts about kiss

Before the kiss you need:

1. Relax and forget about problems at work or at home. It is the thoughts that you upset for today will play a joke with you.

2. Before the kiss, clam each other, intend your partner on your head. This will help you show your love and surrender to the will of feelings.

3. Undoubtedly, a kiss in most cases is a prelude for passionate sex, so do not make sharp movements while kissing, forget about everything, think only about how much you love a person who is with you next.

Keep, raise yourself a mood and create a positive attitude, while not thinking about extra kilograms and wrinkles, immerse yourself in the punch of pleasant sensations and passions.

Many of us often do not notice how you give kisses for many times a day. During the day we smack in the cheek mom, dad, brothers, sisters. "Air Takes" send to friends and even smoky in the nose of a pet (and some of their own reflection in the mirror).

Of course, they cannot be compared with those that we give your favorite people with a special meaning.

Kisses are of great importance for each pair. They help to find out, people are suitable for each other or not, learn whether they are compatible. Any kiss carries an encoded message. It is entered into exactly what kind of kiss give you or how you kiss you.

For example, it may be a light touch of lips, friendly smock in the cheek, an agitated inept school kiss, which you probably remember all my life. It may be a passionate fusion of the lips, which is the beginning of sexual adventures.

He can also be ordinary and familiar. Many couples who have been living together for a long time, gradually displacing this important element from a love game. Many men kiss the spouse for us together and formally before leaving for work, or thus thank you for a delicious dinner or an ironed shirt.

Sexual relationships themselves pass without this attribute. But it is impossible to underestimate the value of kisses in the nose, neck, lips, cheek, arm and types of kisses. It is them, sincere and sensual allow you to decorate life, as well as to give sex the shade of passionality and tenderness.

Also, with the help of kisses, you can understand whether partners are a harmonious pair. After all, it is with close contact, kissing each other, you can see the true compatibility of a man and a woman.

It happens that he and she experience mutual sympathy to each other. But the first touch of lips with lips can show that there are no passions here and there is only tender and touching friendship.

In addition, the first fusion of the lips can demonstrate the insincerity of one of the partners. In words, he or she explains in love, and kiss says coldness or even dislike.

So they can mean a lot and be completely different. The fusion of the lips can have different goals and plans. On the movement of lips and body, you can determine which unconscious partner sensations are transmitted to you. Since this is possible, it means you can find out what means and symbolizes the kiss presented to you.

The first kiss is especially important. It is an extremely important element in the development of relationships. His importance exceeds the first sensations from sex with this person. How exactly he kisses, can tell a lot about the partner, and even about what he is in the mood now.

Touching lips is brought by encrypted sexual signals. First, the close location of the tel. Allows you to recognize the concentration of pheromones, in the smell emanating from person and unmistakably tell about the state of its sexuality at a certain spicy moment.

If his lips are tightly compressed, you can definitely talk about the reluctance to continue the love game. But if they are soft, relaxed and passed inside, and his tongue moves towards, it says about the desire of sexual relationships and need to be brave. If his language is tense, he wants quick sex. If the language is soft, escaping, it means that the partner wants a slow love game to the sexual act. What else means kisses? Here we will talk about this now.

What do kisses mean?

The value of the kiss in the cheek. This is your partner wants to say that you need him, and he is grateful for what you are.

The value of a kiss in hand. Kiss hands means respect and reverence.

Kiss in nose - The value of this touch is to say that you are miles. Usually accompanied by chmokan.

The value of a kiss in the neck. Delicate touch of lips to the neck. A man says that she wanted to possess you.

Kiss value on lips. If passionately kisses in the lips. Your favorite or beloved loves you.

If gently touches lips lips, then wants to say that they fell in love (or fell in love) in you.

If the partner takes away your lips - it says that he is jealous and is not going to give you to someone else.

The most desirable and memorable kiss is the one who is presented by the furtively, without permission, unexpectedly. Such sensations are often precursors of strong passion and future relationship, he is often remembered for life.

Also, kisses differ in technology, among them you can allocate some types of kisses:

For example, lips on the lips. During this, you touch only your partner's lips, and it concerns your lips.

French. At this time, the lips are open, the mouth open, and the language "travels" along the inner cavity of the partner's mouth.

With delicate bite. You can easily and carefully take the bottom lip of your partner.

Lulling. When you kiss another person, keep his face in your palms.

Mixed. It happens when you kiss the bottom of the partner's lip, and he is your upper.

Butterfly. By touching her lips to the face of another person, you also easily caress his skin with your eyelashes.

Vacuum. You, as it were, suck the air from the mouth of your beloved person, and then dramatically tear off.

Licherry. You make a sip of a sweet liqueur or wine from the glade, but do not swallow, and share them with a partner while kissing. Just do not do it unexpectedly, that your favorite person does not choose.

Of course, this is not all that can be told about kisses. Yes, this is not the most important. The main thing is to connect your fantasy and come up with your own kiss, which you give your favorite person. Let him tell, better than any words, about how great your feelings are.

If in your pair kisses moved to the background, return them again to your relationship. Remember that they are the first to become unnecessary when the habit and events are in relationships. And with the usual, not meaningful smock on the cheek, comes boredom and monotony into sexual relations. Of course, it does not mean that there are no more love between people and passion.

But this serves as the first signal that something needs to be changed, returning lost paints and sensations. Kiss your favorite more often, explain to them in love and chase away boredom and monotony.

All the most relevant information in the article on the topic: "The value of kisses in different places Psychology". We have collected a full description of all your problems.

It is very difficult to find the person who can imagine life without kisses, especially when it comes to sexual and love relationships.

Such simple and simple action will quickly help a person to express everything to the variety of emotions that he feels for his partner, and also demonstrate the intentions and future actions of sexual order.

The fact is that while kissing a person on the face turns out 28 muscles are involved simultaneously.

It is for this reason that kisses well affect skin conditionThey smoothed wrinkles on the face.

In addition, gentle touch touch contributes development of endorphins in the bloodTherefore, quickly raise the mood. Kisses as well activate the processes of digestion, and also Strengthen the properties of the immune system.

Researchers in the field of psychology assure that kisses are needed by a person in order to stabilize their own emotional state, because it is during the kisses very well produced hormones joy.

They are responsible for human passion. Kisses have an incredibly useful stimulation of lungs and hearts, because during a kiss it becomes more often pulse and the number of breaths increases.

Because the phrase "kiss on health!" Really true.

If you consider the gender side of the kiss, it should be noted that those of female and male sex at all various attitude To kisses.

For a strong floor, this is the first thing a sweet prelude before a sexual act, and for women it is a huge world, a source of muses and inspiration, pleasure and good mood.

For women while kissing a huge role plays a pleasant smell of the mouth of a sexual partner, as well as the skill (technique) of his kiss.

It is enough to kiss a person just once to realize, he will suit it for her or not.

Male's face is much less legible in such matters, as they are mostly worried about the final result, and not how the kiss process itself goes ...

The value of various kisses depending on the place

Kisses are pleasant in a variety of places.

Every person, for sure, there is a couple of the most beloved for this places that meet the most sensitive erogenous zones.

But in general, any place that partner cares and kisses is of great importance and carries its meaning.

People often distinguish preferences in places for kisses, so what every place is so significant?

  • Kiss in nose Indicates that the partner considers his beloved very cute.
  • Kiss in the corner of the mouth It indicates that the person is currently not yet sure if his partner will agree to be not only a friend, but it tries to express his feelings and experiences in this way; He shows an obvious desire to enter into close relationships.
  • Kiss in the ear Says an attempt to involve a second person in an interesting love game.
  • Kiss in the eyes - A symbol of very warm, trepidate, sincere and gentle feelings.
  • Kiss in the neck. Indicates an explicit something much more and directly indicates that the partner wants sex.
  • Kiss on my cheekmeans warm relationship between friends;
  • Kiss in Guba Speaks about very close, trusting relationships, clean love, at the same time, if it is the first kiss on the lips, it means that warm and close relationship will begin with this partner.
  • Kiss deep on the lips Indicates a strong excitation and a huge need for physical fusion.
  • If a partner bites lower lruption His person during a kiss, this may indicate power in their relationship.
  • Kiss hands Expresses very great respect and deep respect.
  • If a kissing hair - This is a very obvious expression of great sympathy.
  • If a person kisses his beloved with open eyesthen he watches him, and if kisses With closed eyesThis indicates that he truly slows down in such kisses.
  • Kiss in the forehead -such a reverent kiss symbolizes the concern and some patronage from the partner. So kiss kids. Most often, heat, attention and desire to help are so manifest.

Preference in kisses

Considering the above designations, it is important to realize that for each specific person, the value of different kisses can appear Strictly individual concept According to its own preference.

And if for whom a kiss in the ear can cause delight, then for someone even the thought about it provokes disgust.

Similarly, as a kiss in the forehead, which so much reveals the sincerity of another partner, some may seem overly cold and chaste for sexual relations.

Often in the question of the meaning and meaning of the most different kisses, even psychology is powerless, as there are no absolutely identical people, like stars in the sky.

Everyone has their own tastes, views and preferences. But whatever the kiss does not mean, it opens up for everyone a completely new world of emotions, sensations and experiences, which are disturbing, worry in good sense and excuses to the depths of the soul itself.

Kiss, this is a way to express your feelings without saying not words and find out the feelings of your partner without asking the question.

Kiss a small movement of lips, but it may include all our emotions.

Kiss is a secret, and it can be interpreted in different ways. Although each kiss carries the imprint of your thoughts and contains the various messages that we will learn to understand correctly.

Sometimes he whispers timidly: "I love you," and sometimes shouts: "I want you." The task is not from the lungs, find out what message, wants to send your partner a kiss, but the mission is fulfilled. All you need to know is that the difference underlies each type of kiss and our women's magazine you are not alone, will help you figure it out.

Types of kisses

2. Romantic kiss- It's when the open lips gently touch the partner's lips. In order to achieve the desired effect, it should be slow and gentle. Passion is a mandatory element of a romantic kiss. Without passion, he loses his meaning. The first romantic kiss sends a message that you want to learn more about the kisses, but do not want to rush too quickly, and do not want to scare your partner. Couples that were together for a long time use this type of kiss when they want to show that they care about each other and feel tenderness.

. French Kiss, languages \u200b\u200btouch each other. This kiss is passionate and intended for couples that were together for a long time or for couples who want to deepen their relationships, because he carries a message: "I love you" and "I want you." French kisses are considered the most erotic kisses and often lead to a more intimate physical contact. The French kiss is art, and as soon as you will master them, you will have a "butterfly in the stomach".

. Kiss in the face It arises when the lips gently touch the face of who kisses and he has many meanings. If you kiss a friend or family member, the kiss lasted about 1-2 seconds and most often used as a greeting. But he often sends messages as "thank you" or "I support you." When it is intended for those who attract you physically, he says: "I treat you with sympathy." Kiss in the face is ideal for the first meeting, when the goal is knowledge and study. If you get a gentle kiss in the face at the first meeting, it means that the potential partner shows politeness and courtesy.

. Angelic KissIs a very tender kiss lips in eyelid or next to your partner's eye. This brings the world and strengthens the emotional connection between partners. It can be a very good way to tell your favorite "good morning" immediately after waking up or "good night" after the wonderful night you spent together. Sophisticated couples often practice such a kiss. This is a soft way to pour your emotions.

. Kiss in noseThis is a slight touch of lips to the tip of the partner's nose. This is an interesting way to draw attention to your loved one and is almost always a smile on his face. Usually used by couples who have long been together and who want to express love. Kiss in the nose is often used by mothers who want to entertain children and make them laugh.

7. Kiss in the forehead Find a group of gentle kisses and elegant. When using family members, his goal is to bring the world a kiss. For example, when small children sick, parents kiss their foreheads and send a message "I love you and hope that you will feel better," "Everything will be fine, because I'm here" or "I'm here and staying until you You won't feel better. If your partner gave you such a kiss, he wanted you to show you that you are safe with him. This kiss is often called "maternal".

. Kiss in the ear Slightly attempting snail or lobe. It has a large erotic impact, if when it is implemented deep breathing in the ear. Kiss in the ear belongs to the group of passionate kisses and the transmitter of a powerful message: "I want to do something more serious" or "I desperately want you right now."

. Kiss handsan elegant gesture that has great potential. This kiss comes from the distant past and can be interpreted, based on the one who uses it. If you kiss your hand, then secretly say: "For me, your presence is a great honor" or "I love you." In the highest circles as a replacement of words "nice to meet". In any case, the meaning of a kiss in his hand betrays admiration and respect. Unfortunately, today it seems a bit old-fashioned and is used less often.

. Eskimo kiss- You need to slightly rub the tip of the nose, the tip of the nose of our partner. This pretty way to kiss the dedication to the partner. Eskimo kiss fun and often applies between parents and children.

11. Kiss in the neck Careful touch of lips to the neck of the partner's neck. It is often used in pairs that are very close and intimate relationships. If your partner gave you a gentle kiss in the neck, you need to know that he feels wonderful in your company and sends a message "I miss you without you."

. Vampire Neck Kiss or Just SquareHe also bites the skin slightly. This method leaves red traces, so the consent of both partners will be required. Unlike a tender kiss on the neck, the erotic message "I want you to now," and leads to more than just a kiss. This type of kiss is not suitable for public spaces.

13. Language of Grizzly It is a more aggressive form of a French kiss, and includes sucking the partner's language while he did not leave your mouth. This type of kisses is sensual and mischievous, the message that he carries: "I can't tear your hands from you" or "you are worried about me." If your partner gave you this kiss, you should know that he is looking for physical contact and more intimacy. But note that a kiss that includes Grizzly Language should bring pleasure to both partners, do not amuse one and do not wander the other.

. "Spiderman" This kiss was named after the famous scene from the film "Spiderman", in which Kirsten Dunst kisses Toby McGuire when he hangs on the building. This is a kiss of the bottom lip. This type of kiss brings a good feeling, because you can feel the breath of your loved one. Sends a message: "I feel that we are close enough."

. Light kiss lips. A surprisingly romantic kiss and more often used in everyday life. The kiss of the lip sends one message: "I pull me to you."

Kiss value.

  • Types of kisses and their meaning

What could be more pleasant than a kisses of a loved one? For many people, a kiss is the most common form of manifestation of love.

By the way, we teach our feelings this way from early childhood, because in childhood we know exactly that the one who kisses us - loves us. Accordingly, we kiss only those people who are not indifferent to us.

Types of kisses and their meaning

Do not forget that the kiss is a wonderful medicine. During the manifestation of feelings in this way, a significant number of hormones are produced in the human body. Serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine and, of course, adrenaline.

These hormones are responsible for a good mood, a sense of love, attachment and pain. But Adrenaline, in turn, a student heartbeat, improves blood circulation and thus saturates the body with the desired amount of oxygen.

Today, the species of kisses have a huge amount. Most people do not even guess that this process can be so diverse. By the way, to humanity, all these varieties of "pleasures" are known for a very long time, and some of them were even described in the ancient Kama Sutra.

  • "Smooth" kiss is one of the most delicate and leisurely kisses. You need to kiss only lips, contact languages, however, like the teeth should not be. Someone may surprise that the contact of the teeth at all should be present somewhere, however, there are types of kisses that suggest that such contacts, but a little later.
  • "Smooth" kiss. According to its principle, this kind of pleasures would be better called a "suction" kiss because the guy must gently kiss the girl and at the same time sucking her lips slightly, trying to touch their tongue.
  • Another very interesting kiss received an equally interesting name - "RTO struggle." During this kiss and man, and a woman, as if trying to take the top over the partner, get sick and put each other's lips. However, this species should be extremely neat, because in the process of "games" you can forget about caution and strongly bite the partner.

Types of kisses

  • Kiss in your ear. This species is considered very erotic, because it is on the ear there is a huge number of all kinds of points and erogenous zones. With such a smack, it is allowed to get sick and suck the uh's lobe.
  • "Playful" or "exciting" kiss. Here and without words everything is clear. This technique is used to excite a partner in order to ignite in the excitement satellite. Men in such a kiss can slightly bite the lips to the girl, but the representatives of the beautiful gender there are more resolutely - kiss a partner directly through the language.
  • "Easy" smack. This species implies a gentle touch of the lips and language of partners. There is nothing hurry and speed, the main thing is to enjoy this languid moment.
  • So we reached the so-called kiss of "teeth." Let's say right, this technique, of course, on an amateur. The guy must take the initiative in his hands and in the process of a regular kiss, thipping the head of his beloved kiss her teeth. Do not be surprised, even from this, very strange, the way to show your feelings someone is delighted.
  • Kiss with the language that was called "Samayan". This kiss serves a kind of signal that both partners are ready to continue the relationship "in another setting." A man slightly bites his lover tongue, and she, in turn, tries to take his tongue as much as possible in his mouth.

A variety of kisses

  • "A passionate kiss". It is a bit not what we are accustomed to imply under passion. This technique suggests a lot of "small" or on the contrary kisses. It is also kissing in this case, except for the mouth: neck, chest, belly, hands, hips.
  • The highest degree of skill is the ability to kiss the partner with the language and at the same time to get directly to the sky of the Beloved. This is another type of kisses.
  • "Non-dwy" kiss. During this chmok, partners are as if they shame this process and therefore kisses are obtained by fast, brief and without language.

This is perhaps the most common types of kisses, but this list can be continued indefinitely. Also, do not forget that manifesting your fantasy, you can, along with your favorite "open" a few more new kiss techniques.

The value of a kiss guy, men in the ear

  • Kisses in this series in principle is considered intimate and erotic. Ears are an erogenous zone of many people. Such kisses, as a rule, suggest the existence of a continuation of relations in a more intimate direction.
  • If your man loves to kiss you this way, it also says that he is ready to go to a more serious level of your relationship.

Kiss in your ear

  • However, it is not necessary to exclude such an option that the beloved simply gives preference in this kind of chmok, and there is no hidden meaning.
  • If, during such a kissing, a man bites or sucks the ear of the ear, then this is a unambiguous signal that the partner wants sex and trying to arrange you in every way.

The value of a kiss guy, men in the eyes

This type of kiss is the most touching and gentle. If a man kisses you into the eyes, then he is experiencing the strongest and tremendous feelings for you. This kiss is nothing more than the act of concerns and dignity. Be sure that the partner who prefers such kisses will be a faithful spouse for you and your personal guardian angel.

An ordinary kiss on the lips without language: meaning

This kiss is in great demand. Immediately you need to say that it is possible to kiss in this way not only with the beloved.

  • If we are talking about brief, so to speak, a single kiss in the lips, then you can kiss relatives. In this case, it will be a sign of greeting and joy from the meeting. Also with the help of this type of kisses greet each other most of friends. Smack on the lips is a great option to show a person about his importance in your life.

Kiss without language

  • If we talk about such a kiss between partners, then it has a little different meaning. Of course, the kiss immediately acquires a more intimate meaning, but it means not so much passion as careful care.

What does a quick kiss in the lips mean?

A quick kiss on the lips, as a rule, does not imply any continuation at the moment. That is, such a kiss is rarely used as a "prelude".

  • This species is great for the "young" relationship. Under the "young" relationship we mean the relationship of the pair at the initial stage.

Fast Smack on Lips

  • With the help of a quick kiss, you can greet a partner or say goodbye. This smack can also talk about the timidity of the beloved, which in principle happens most often.
  • As a rule, it is resorted to such kisses when the relationship is still immature and each of the partners is afraid of the initiative.

The value of a guy's kiss, men in the neck

Another kind of "hot" kisses:

  • The neck is also an excellent erogenous zone, and the men knowing this, well use this information. Indeed, even minor touches of lip and language in this area can cause a partner a strongest sexual desire and, as a rule, bring great pleasure. If a man kisses you in the neck, then this is definitely a manifestation of passion and desire.

The value of a kiss in the neck

  • Another interesting fact: if a fair sex is most likely love this kind of caress, then men preferred it are much less. Kiss in the neck is considered more feminine than male, but we want to emphasize the moment that this is just a matter of taste.
  • As a rule, partners with longer relations are attached to such comforts, among the new couples a kiss in the neck is not particularly popular.

The value of a kiss of a guy, men on lips with closed and open eyes?

Surely everyone knows a unknown rule that talks about the need to kiss only with closed eyes. However, let's think it's logical, well, what is such in what would look at the partner during these affection?

  • First, there are people who enjoy the fact that they see the Beloved so to speak in the process, secondly, this is just a matter of habit.
  • On the other hand, you need to take into account the interests of the partner, because many people can confuse the fact that during a kiss, such an intimate procedure, someone looks at him.
  • Another thing is that a kiss with open eyes is not quite comfortable and not everyone can relax and enjoy this process.

Kiss with open eyes

  • If we talk about generally accepted concepts, then a kiss with open eyes is considered to be superficial, non-serious. If someone resorts to such a kiss, it is considered a kind of distrust to the partner, the inability to fully give the brazers of the board to the partner's hands.
  • But a kiss with closed eyes is considered more sincere and passionate. Such kisses tend to bring more pleasure.

Pickling lips when kiss: What does it mean?

  • Prying lips with a kiss phenomenon is very common. Such actions may indicate the partner's desire to continue relations in another setting. That is, the beloved, as it were, playing, bites your lips and causes an excitement in you.
  • But there is another explanation for this. It is said that biting the lower lip, the partner involuntarily, subconsciously shows his distrust of you and relations in general. And it can mean jealousy.
  • The oxidation of the upper lip means nothing but the desire to master you fully and completely. As a rule, such behavior is characteristic of human people.

Value of a kiss guy, men in the corner of lips

This type of kiss should be attributed to "unsure." When a partner is confident in you and your relationship, he will probably won't "take a little bit", that is, a kiss will be full. A similar kiss can also be attributed to a random, that is, rudely speaking, kissed the way it turned out.

Kiss in the corner of the lips

Smack in the corner of the lips is characteristic of the pairs, who only began to build their relationship, and not yet confident in either a partner or in the need for these relations in principle.

Value Kiss Guy, Men Nose

Such a cheerful and kind kiss.

  • Here you need to remember that the beginning of the smack in the nose takes still in childhood. There is nothing nice and more pleasant than the kiss mom's mother in a nose. This kiss from childhood carries only positive emotions and confidence that you really love.
  • The "adult" kiss in the nose is no different from the "Children's" value. It is characteristic of the pairs of those who were held, in which there is a strong spiritual and physical connection.

Kiss in nose

  • If a man kisses you in his nose, this means that his love and concern is infinite. Such a kiss definitely does not carry any intimate background, he expresses the tenderness of the partner, care and desire to protect.

The value of a kiss of a man in the cheek

Kisses on the cheek, this is perhaps the most that everything begins.

  • Again, it is impossible not to say that these kisses come from childhood. Probably, from the most kindergarten, we know about this form of a kiss. Children's innocent smack always expressed sympathy and love towards a person who kiss.
  • So in adult relations, a kiss on the cheek symbolizes sympathy and it is with the help of such a kiss that any relationship begins.

Kiss on my cheek

  • If we talk in general, then a kiss on the cheek has a lot of functions and values. Here, look, such a kiss you can say hello or say goodbye, you can thank a person, you can express the joy of the meeting. And you can also understand whether the person is ready to go to another level of relationship.
  • With this smack, attention is worth paying not to what cheek it was made, but how. Quick, short kiss speaks about the reluctance of a person to kiss and continue the relationship. If the partner, kissing you on the cheek, as if delayed and the kiss was confident, then this man plans to continue relations with you.

Kissing a guy, men in the forehead

This kiss can be attributed to all the same concerns of care, tenderness and understanding. Very similar to the kiss in the nose. If your partner kisses you in the forehead, then he has been taking respect for you, care.

This type of kiss is not inherent in the new pairs, since there is no other solid spiritual connection between them. This Smok expresses the readiness of the partner to maintain and protect his beloved person from all adversity.

Value Kiss Guy, Men Head, Hair, Scalp, Temple

As a rule, such a kiss has no sexual population, it exists in order to express a sense of tenderness, care and patronage.

  • Most often, such a type of kisses are used as "sedative", because at the moment when the beloved kisses you thus makes the impression that you are protected from around the world.

Kiss in the head

  • Psychologists celebrate the fact that the most common kiss in hair and head among partners who have a difference in age.
  • From here and we are talking about the patronage, because only a predominantly mature man that took place can give a woman a feeling of peace, care, peace and stability.

Deep kiss with a language index: what does it mean?

You do not need to be a psychologist and an expert in order to understand what these "deep" kisses mean:

  • In principle, the kiss and transmits that the very depth of the senses between partners and their desire. Of course, such kisses are the expression of the highest sexual desire and passion.
  • This smack, if, of course, such a definition can be used here, is very intimate and relatives. A deep kiss is clearly not appropriate at the very beginning of relationships and then when their development will not follow.

Deep kiss

  • The "floating" kiss uniquely can be considered an excellent prelude, because he perfectly excites partners and raises the desire of proximity. So, if your man kisses you in this way, be sure that they are driven by the desire and passion.

The value of a kiss of a guy, men in the chest

Very personal type of kiss.

  • As a rule, it happens only between partners who have complete mutual understanding and trust. Naturally, this kiss has sexual attack and does not express such feelings as care and patronage. Here you mainly need to talk about passion, tenderness, the desire of sex.
  • When it comes to kissing in the chest, it is worth noting that it all starts from the neck. That is, rarely when a man immediately moves to caresses in this area. Starting with lips, neck and dropping below, a man how to prepare you for a possible continuation.

The value of a kiss of a guy, men in hand, palm, wrist - Why do men kiss a woman's hand?

Kisses of this character are primarily a sign of respect for a man to representatives of a beautiful sex.

  • Also, such a kiss can act as a greeting. It should be said that such a gesture will be appropriate to women and girls of any age, that is, it is not necessary that the woman you kiss your hand will be older.
  • Why do we specify this moment? Because in most cases, people mistakenly think that you need to kiss your hands and you can only people with older people, as it were, in respect of their years.

The value of a kiss in hand

  • So if a man kisses your wrist, then this is nothing but the desire of proximity and even more so at this desire indicate kisses and sussowing fingers.
  • Kissing palm, a man gives you to understand what accepts you as you are and ready for a serious relationship with you.

The value of a kiss guy, men in the belly

Belly is the most powerful erogenous zone of our body.

  • Even those women who believe that they have no erogenous places in this zone, with the right and experienced man are always convinced of the opposite. Is it worth saying that kisses in the stomach is a definitely prelude?
  • Of course not. The zone of the belly is very close to the "cherished place" and by itself such kisses lead to sex.
  • Of course, the kisses of this zone are suggested that a man eager for you. By the way, if you allowed a partner to the stomach, then subconsciously you are ready to continue.

The value of a kiss guy, men in the shoulder

Give a clear definition to this kiss is extremely difficult. However, if you think it is logical, it is likely that such Smack expresses a hidden passion and desire. Why is it hidden?

Kiss in the shoulder

Because if the partner was ready to "open all the cards", it would be a kiss in a sideline or chest and stomach, and if it were the need to express sympathy and love, then in lips or ear. That is, a kiss in the shoulder is such a transitional relationship.

The value of a kisser guy, men in the knee

This type of kiss is very intimate and interesting.

  • Unambiguously, we can say that the partner who kisses you knees and the legs are crazy about you and is experiencing the most tender and sincere feelings towards you.
  • Look, many men say that the kisses of a similar character, especially the kisses of the feet and the bottom of the leg, is a kind of insult and humiliation of male dignity.
  • And believe me, a lot of men adheres to such an erroneous opinion. However, real guys will never speak, and think this, because the sake of pleasure partners can be tried.
  • So, if a man kisses you his knees, then this is a manifestation of love and respect for you.

Air Kiss: What does it mean?

This kiss you need to perceive as a flirt. It is with the help of an air kisses that another person can attract the attention of another person and, as if not enough to hint at his sympathy for him.

French Kiss: What does it mean?

Oh, this French kiss, which for a long time cannot leave alone in love with one in love. What is this kiss and why is it so popular?

  • First, it is worth saying that this kiss involves the work not only the lips, but also be sure to languages. This is the whole raisin and is. During the French kiss, partner languages \u200b\u200bdo not get tired of caressing each other.
  • This kiss is considered the most passionate and sexual and means the desire and willingness of partners to go to the proximity.

Today you have certainly convinced that a kiss can be truly a real action, and at will even with a submission.

A huge number of types of these jaths simply cannot but rejoice and even those who do not like kisses in principle after testing several new species can change their mind.

Well, experiment, connect your fantasy and then you will certainly delight yourself, and your partner with new interesting sensations.

Video: Secrets and Kiss Values

Of course, no one will argue that kisses make up an important part of the sexual game. They can express a variety of shades of our feeling. And they are just pleasant.

What is the meaning of kisses in different places?

  1. Head. Yes, in a kiss site, indeed, human experiences are expressed. So, for example, it is believed that the kiss in mind is not a passion, but patronage. This applies to the kiss in the forehead or the top. If we are talking about a man's kiss, most likely is care, tenderness. Sexual subtext is usually not here. However, getting such a kiss is still very nice, because he proves that someone shows care for his part.
  2. Back. Considering the values \u200b\u200bof kisses in different parts of the body, it can be noted that the kisses are not in mind have a more pronounced sexual value. This can be said about the kiss in the back, whose meaning is a passion, desire, delight. In general, kisses to the body body is always a small hint. It is believed that the spin along the spine is an erogenous zone. Kisses in this place will cause a response desire to be with your loved one.
  3. Lubs. Oddly enough, but a kiss in the lips means love - and that's it.
  4. Eyes. Psychologists believe that if a man kisses a woman with open eyes, it means that he wants to control it, can be interpreted even as distrust or jealousy, especially if he still bites it. If he closed his eyes, he demonstrates confidence, tenderness, desire to be together. Tenderness means a kiss in the eyes. Such affection shows that there is an interest in his partner.

In general, you should kiss how much you want. Scientists have already proven that the kisses are healing the body and prolong life. And knowing their meanings, it will be possible to easily determine what feelings are under the partner.

The value of kisses:

Kiss in hand - I adore you, the expression of the feeling of friendship and reverence. Kiss your hands, wrists means that you care for you or show explicit signs of attention and care. Previously, it was a purely formal greeting kiss. However, now, its value has changed somewhat. If a close person kisses you in your hand, it means adoration, i.e. Something is much more than love.

Kiss on the cheek - I want to be your friend, the need and passionate desire is next to the beloved. Kiss in a cheek means, as a rule, that your friendship is a value that they do not want to lose you, and that you are important to humans.

Kiss in the neck. - I want you, ardent thirst for possession.

Kiss in the ear - I'm just playing.

Kiss in nose - big sympathy.

Kiss in the forehead. Kiss in the forehead means, as a rule, maternal care. So kiss little babies. In any case, this is a manifestation of attention and desire to help, in some cases - patronage.

Kiss in Guba - I love you (recognition in love). Kiss on the lips, this is a fairly intimate kiss. As someone from the wise men said: two souls are found on the lips of lovers. Therefore, this kiss means only love. Although, there are an incredible set.

Types of kisses:

- Love kiss. Expresses a sense of love, perhaps passion. It may be gentle, timid, sensual or exciting.

- Gentle kiss. Expresses a reverent attitude to the partner. As a rule, it is short-lived, and is most often on the lips and cheeks.

- a passionate kiss, on the contrary, it can last infinitely long, and most often begins with lips. It is here that it can contact the language - the so-called "French kiss".

- friendly kiss, Most often there is a cheek, a kiss of hand is possible or just just move the lips, imitating a kiss. In such a pretty way, people express their friendly attitude, attachment, warm feelings. It is for this species accept a Russian custom three-time kiss. So, for example, kings or boyars were kissing, meeting important guests.

- respectful kiss They receive such parts of the body as a hand, the ring is possible on them. Thus, a person hints about respectfulness to him, about respect or even a worship. At the very least expressions of the aforementioned feelings can kiss legs.

- Dyed kiss Most often gets small children or animals. A person thus expresses a sense of lunizing, tenderness and joy from their contemplation or appearance in the field of visibility.

- Kiss Father, Son or Brother. Such kisses are common among family members. Touching may be on the lips or cheek, even forehead, depending on family traditions.

- air kiss It is like a subspecies of a friendly or even a love kiss, denoting increased attention to a person who kiss, or even flirt with him. The kiss is transmitted by air or through touch to their palm, and after they direct it towards the kissable object, or only the lips make the movement of the kiss in the right direction.

- Judne Kiss. Inside, a cunning kiss, expressing not true love, affection, friendship or respect. This type of kiss came from the Bible.

Regardless of the type of kiss, they (in the sense of kisses) are necessary to maintain a positive attitude. Even a kiss in the cheek charges positive emotions, not to mention the sensual kiss in the lips. If a person looks into your eyes, he wants you to kiss him; Plays with your hair - can not live without you. Never ask permission to kiss, and just kiss. When you kiss, close your eyes. The most "delicious" kisses are kisses received by secret, without receiving agreement on the partner. Such kisses are easy and gentle. From them crazy and guys, and girls.

Kisses technique:

Kisses with covered eyes - Love.

Kisses accompanied by pieces - expression of jealousy.

Kisses lips on lips - Touch the partner only with lips.

French kisses: The lips are open, the mouth is weakened, the language is sensually and gently touched to the inner surface of the partner's mouth. This kiss right is considered the most popular worldwide. The French kiss requires contact of partner languages. You need to penetrate the partner's mouth and play with his tongue. These may be light and strong touch. The selection depends on the preferences of the partners. Language can be gently bitten - it will delight the partner, but be careful. During the kissing language, you can also suck.

Kisses with a bite: You are a little bit at the bottom of the partner's lip.

Fishing kisses: During a gentle kiss, you hug his face (her) with their own hands.

Related kisses: You gently put a partner's lower lip, and at this time he kisses your upper lip.

Kisses Zorro: Duel of languages \u200b\u200bof each other.

Sleeping kisses: Kisses at the time when the Beloved sleeps.

Awakening kisses: Gently kiss your sleeping partner, gradually filling the kisses passion until it is awakened.

Butterfly kisses: You gently caress the partner's cheek with your eyelashes.

Vacuum kisses: Extract the air from the mouth of your partner, and then suddenly deviate from it. Such a kiss turned out if there is a small cotton when tightening the partner's lips.

Kisses with a filled mouth: You dial a full mouth of the drink (can and alcoholic) and transmit it to each other with a kiss. Remember that thickening thirst is not the purpose of this kiss.

Sliding Kiss: Touch the lips of the corner of his mouth, gently spend them along his lips, as if to intend, and kiss on the other side.

Seductive: Take a piece of ice in your mouth and transfer it to each other in a kiss until it melts. The same can be done with a cherry or chocolate piece.

Teasing: Approach him, as if you intend to passionately to pour into his lips, and unexpectedly stop; Start it to kiss it and suddenly stop. And so - several times.

Provoking: Play the tongue, rhythmicly and deeply giving it into his mouth of his beloved, imitating sexual intercourse.

A few more types of kisses:

IMATA: Delicate poultry on the lips. Casting Netop Powers, one lips, do not prick the teeth, but not by checking outside the lips.

High: ONA CEELEET on the lips, the bragging of the Motion of the Light, the shop will be covered.

Which: ON Bepets EE Lips in Cough, the lips of the trumpet lips and creating in the Cable, the tapping of the language.


Igve: ON CLAGKA FIQUE EY LABES. ONA Moving Language WO PTU NEGO is exchanging to start.

Tools: ON in the TPACTNOE COCE COCE EE teeth, Zapocidaving EE in it is lower.

Cameyan: ON Bepets EE Language to CEBE in the PoT and, slightly caciable EGO tooths, COCE. ONA SPEMIKSY ZAGLY EGO Language How is it deeply deep, there is a worthwhile CTOE TPACTNOE AGAINE IM EGO IN CEBE, LEFT TO THE MAKE OF MEN.

Helcome: Potals in the language of EGO or EE lips, legkoe kacanie lip or lower lip. Halad in laying chas.

Meal: Put the language of WO PTU DPRUGO.

Capic: Language is a discharge to Cable Za and Slagka, which has ladded kaacania, language and toes.

PAKOVINA: Powers in Uxo, with leaps of climbs of uxa and kacania Gip PA UXOm.

CAPA: Forexian poultry in standing with inside the covers of the bumps, locking and bole. "Caples" - awareness of the animals, a challenge to ei; the "CAPI" ee on the "Caples" ones. EE is worth being with him on a lot.

Received: The language of the Calga KacaeTe NEBA DPRUGO.

APAKMYAN: It is one of the lips and the lips and the lips of the And But Booth, which is in fact that there is a pretention. It is Ottyae with the bottom of EE the bottom lip and goes to the language of the ei za, which is exchanging EE with legigue movements, nobing ee.

ATA: Odin OksAt is a dpug's lip, which flows the language of the Language of the DPGOGO and goes into the ego. Camels Kanchik Noca, Poddle.

If you use the language when you kiss, it turns out and excites. Part of the body in which you kiss this, does not matter.

Forms of kisses:

1. An ordinary kiss on the lipsaccompanied by weak pressure on them.
2. Normal kiss on the lipsaccompanied by a stronger pressure.
3. "Love bite." When the kiss is enhanced with sensual excitement, it turns into a love bite. It is believed that women on average much more love bites than men; Passionate women very often leave traces on the lover's shoulders. "Kama-Sutra" recommends to take the same places on the body where you kiss. Excluding except the upper lip, language and eyes. In other words, the most suitable seats for bite is the forehead, lower lip, cheeks, chest, hands and navel. Reflecting on the origin of such a variety of kiss, Ivan Bloch in the "sexual life of our days" puts forward the theory of inheritance of natural sadism from lower animal forms that have a partner eating during sexual intercourse. In the end, do not say: - I love you so much, what is ready to eat!
4. "Deep kiss", or "maracy". "Kiss of the Language", "French Kiss", the French are called the "Soul Kiss". A brief description of the French kiss is cited by the book of Jerome and Julia Rainer "Sexual Pleasures in Marriage": "The lips of the husband are included in the semi-open lips of his wife, so that his tongue stops at the gate of her closed teeth, trying to penetrate further. She opens his teeth and skips his tongue inside the mouth; Their languages \u200b\u200bare encountered, quickly pulsating. Then her mouth is revealed wider and covers its tongue. At first, only the tip, and then so deep, as we succeed ... "in the European culture" French kiss "was and remains the most necessary phase of the preliminary love game before SOTIMA.
5. Kiss in the eyes With a very weak pressure on them.
6. Kiss in the neck, considered particularly pleasant for women.
7. Long kiss. Lips of lovers, as it were, can not break away from each other. The kiss is accompanied by a strong, then weaker adultery.
8. Kiss in the corner of the mouth. Kiss then in one, then in another corner of the mouth.
9. Pulsing kiss. Lips and nose are pressed against the girl's cheek, easily vibrating and rubbing about the cheek.
10. Many small kisses In the inner side of the hand rising from the wrist to the armpit. Such kisses are able to awaken love.
11. Kiss on the cheek. The most common and natural. However, much greater pleasure can be obtained from the lungs, very, very fast kisses in various points of the face, excluding lips. Speed \u200b\u200bhere is especially important.
12. A large variety can be made, kissing a partner in his lips, slightly inflated its own.
13. Previous option can be slightly modified if the lips of the lips are the one who kiss.
14. You can cause extremely pleasant sensations, kissing the ear of the ear of your beloved person or next to her. Men especially love when they kiss them.
15. The variation of the previous way can be easy to ensure the uches of the ears instead of kissing them.

16. Rain kisses, covering neck and chest, descending lower and lower at different speeds. Some kisses can be shorter, others are longer.
17. The inner side of the hip is particularly responsive to kisses.
18. Many romance writers chant kisses in the shoulder. Men are not very loved by such kisses, but adore to kiss the shoulders of women themselves.
19. Beautiful preliminary stage before kisses in the lips - kisses fingertips.
20. Common modification kissing in the lips is easy assault lip., instead of pressed on them.
21 and 22. You can restrict ourselves sucking only one lip. Top or bottom.
23. You can continue to make a variety of already described ways, sucking in turn then the upper, then the bottom lip. Do not do it too much. Tenderness and care is a place in passion.
24. Smooth kiss. Easy to touching the lips of the forehead on the one hand, gently spend them through the entire forehead and kiss on the other side.
25. Exactly the same smooth kiss You can kiss the lips. Touching on the lips of the corner of the mouth, spend them along the lips and gently kiss in a different corner.
26. Light kiss In the tip of the nose can be an excellent prelude to more intense forms of kisses.
27. A man can enter the tip of the tongue between the lips of his beloved, spending left to right, then right left. So you can continue for quite a long time. And there is no reason to make the same thing that hinders the girl.
28. You can touch your lips and cheek teeth, not forgetting about accuracy, so as not to hurt each other.
29. You can also "eat" partner's lips with one lips so that the teeth do not participate in the kiss.
30. Gentle contacting tips of languages.
31 . The previous kiss can be diversified, alternately touching the tips of the languages \u200b\u200band pulling them down.
32. Suat With a kiss delivers great pleasure to lovers. Such kisses are actively used, and they are taking calmly and patiently. At times kisses one partner, sometimes another, but you can, for a variety, kissing and at the same time.
33. Many are particularly sensitive to kisses in the area where the neck goes into the shoulders. Both in front and rear.
34. As for kisses to other parts of the body, most men and women spin are extremely sensitive to caresses, especially the lower part at the base and along the spine. The hips are also very sensitive and form a weak erogenous zone.
35. Kiss with a mutual gentle stroking of erogenous zones.
36. You can kiss right under the chin, while the head of the kiss raised up.
37. The area of \u200b\u200bthe throat is very sensitive to kisses, so the kiss in the lower part of the neck is unusually pleasant.
38. Variation of a regular kiss in the lips serves kiss right above the center of the upper lipunder the tip of the nose
39. If a mustache is bothering him, a kiss remains right under the center of the lower lip.
40. Fast "literal" kiss the tongue of the tongue into the ear shell.
41. "Profile Kiss". A series of kisses along the face symmetry line, starting with the middle of the forehead, then dropping along the nose to the central point of the mouth and ending in the middle of the chin. You can finish a kiss on the lips.
42. Kisses in the upper part of the girl's chest. Kisses of nipples.
43. The back of the neck and the back of the neck are in most people an erogenous zone, thus, the slight stroking of this area with lips up and down causes very pleasant sensations.
44. "Vertex Kiss." It is a series of small kisses along the spine, beginning with near the neck and ending at the lowest point of the spine.
45. The reverse version of the previous one is also a whole rain of kisses, but in front.
46. \u200b\u200b"Smooth Kiss" Along the eyebrows.
47. It is possible to suck eyebrows instead of kissing them.
48. Quite intimate kisses to the area where the thighs go into the body, they are very excited and awakened by desire. Men for the most part prefer to be active participants, and women to take kisses.
49. Kisses are also possible down from the navel to the point where the thigh goes into the body. Lips should be relaxed to spend easily on the skin.
50. Young kissWhen you kiss your fingertips and then press the lips to your beloved for a moment. This is also a kiss, yes such that the clumsy words after it sometimes be unnecessary.

Attitude towards kisses in the world.

In different countries, kisses are different.

In medieval Italy, a man who kissed a girl in humans was obliged to marry her.

In ancient Rome, the kiss served a welcome sign. I kissed not only close and friends, but also unfamiliar passers-by.

In his homeland, the famous French kiss is called a "merger of shower" - not only lips are involved in the kiss, but also language. Not wanting to stop at what has been achieved, the sensual French invented the second version of this magic kiss when only languages \u200b\u200bparticipate in it.

The kisses of the residents of the Far North are more than just to lose their noses. In contact with the sentences of the sense of smell, the Eskimos splashes the lips and at the same time they breathe, then exhale, squeezing her lips. Having enjoyed each other's aroma, the lovers are pressed to the nose to the cheek of the partner and get silent for a minute and longer. Frank Sinatra found that it was very cute, probably, therefore, on each second photo, the singer is captured kissing in this pose.

In Japan, Taiwan, China and Korea are not taken to kiss everyone in sight. Moreover, it seems that the Japanese kiss ceremony is invented specifically to edify Europeans: most of all it looks like a kiss of two pioneers of the end of the 70s. For example, two Japanese in order to kiss, you need to stand face to the partner on the "pioneer" distance, leaning out (hands on the seams!) And for a split second to touch each other's lips. And what, on the background of too "adults" caress, it may even seem intriguing!

Europeans are more successful in this regard and are not shy of their feelings. They kiss on the streets, in parks, metro, on discos and, of course, in the cinema.

At all times, the kisses were considered not only touching the lips. These touchs were in themselves great importance, since with their help it was possible to convey their feelings and desires. And to this day, we use a kiss in order to transfer our emotions to an expensive and welcome person. The value of kisses can be different.

In fact, the kiss is not as simple as it seems. In ancient times, he was considered a real work of art. Along with the language of gestures, there was a so-called kisses language, with the help of which one could convey a secret message to another person.

For example, a kiss of the hand was considered a sign, respect and friendship. That is why men always kissing a woman's hand during dating or meeting, demonstrating their attitude towards her. In addition, it was a wonderful reason to pokoke with the lady you like.

A light kiss on the cheek symbolized the desire to be together with the desired man forever. At all times, a kiss on the lips was explained as a real recognition in love. The value of kisses in the nose is also very symbolic and denotes affection, sympathy and passionateness by man.

To date, some people have very unpleasant associations a kiss in the forehead. Its value is often associated with the farewell kiss of the dead man. In fact, in this way, people always expressed concern for man, tenderness and desire to protect her beloved.

Passionate French kisses symbolize the desire to completely surrender to the beloved, allow him to have. Gentle kisses in the neck suggest that a person wants intimacy. The value of kisses in the ear is also quite original, as it is in this way a person tries to say that he just plays.

As can be seen, knowing the meaning of kisses, you can learn a lot about a person. Unfortunately, such a kind of ethics has long moved into the past.

The fact that different nations have their own traditions that relate to this wonderful process are also interesting. For example, Eskimos are simply sensually rubbed by noses, believing that mixing their breathing is the most heartfelt act. Interesting and technique called the "Butterfly Kiss", during which a person with short eyelashes caresses the skin of his partner.

A lot can be said about a person, take into account his manner of a kiss. For example, if during this act a man "attacks" female lips, trying to completely subordinate it to himself, then it means that he is a passionate lover, but with a serious relationship there may be problems.

Kiss, in which a man constantly restrains himself and absolutely controls his emotions, says that he is a very reliable satellite, but it is unlikely to wait for all-consuming passion.

The same people who try to merge with their partner with their partner, seeking to maximize contact, as a rule, are considered ideal satellites, they are reliable, true, sensual and gentle.

There are also many interesting scientific facts about kisses. For example, it is believed that people who often do it live longer and feel much better. The fact is that during the confluence of the lips in the human body, a real hormonal storm rises, which has a positive effect on the general condition and mood of kissing people.

At all times and in all cultures, it was the kiss attached great importance. The technique of kisses is described in some philosophical treatises, the most famous of which is considered to be "Kamasutra", in which, by the way, many species of such techniques are described, as well as the value of kisses.

The kiss is a very important part of the relationship, since with the help of it you can convey your feelings, to open up before your loved one, as well as completely give yourself to his power. You should not neglect this wonderful gift and forget that the meaning of kisses in everyday life is just a huge.

The value of kisses in different places

Of course, no one will argue that kisses make up an important part of the sexual game. They can express a variety of shades of our feeling. And they are just pleasant.

What is the meaning of kisses in different places?

  1. Head. Yes, in a kiss site, indeed, human experiences are expressed. So, for example, it is believed that the kiss in mind is not a passion, but patronage. This applies to the kiss in the forehead or the top. If we are talking about a man's kiss, most likely is care, tenderness. Sexual subtext is usually not here. However, getting such a kiss is still very nice, because he proves that someone shows care for his part.

    As for the kiss in the temple, the meaning is not so obvious. It does not doubt that it means tenderness and care. But usually such a kiss is considered more sexy than in the forehead.

  2. Back. Considering the values \u200b\u200bof kisses in different parts of the body, it can be noted that the kisses are not in mind have a more pronounced sexual value. This can be said about the kiss in the back, whose meaning is a passion, desire, delight. In general, kisses to the body body is always a small hint. It is believed that the spin along the spine is an erogenous zone. Kisses in this place will cause a response desire to be with your loved one.
  3. Lubs. Oddly enough, but a kiss in the lips means love - and that's it.

    In the lips, of course, you can kiss differently. For example, if a man at the same time with a kiss slightly bites his lips, it means that he wants to dominate in a couple and kisses in the corner of the mouth the difference. He means tenderness, the desire to be with his beloved, but also some uncertainty.

  4. Eyes. Psychologists believe that if a man kisses a woman with open eyes, it means that he wants to control it, can be interpreted even as distrust or jealousy, especially if he still bites it. If he closed his eyes, he demonstrates confidence, tenderness, desire to be together. Tenderness means a kiss in the eyes. Such affection shows that there is an interest in his partner.

In general, you should kiss how much you want. Scientists have already proven that the kisses are healing the body and prolong life. And knowing their meanings, it will be possible to easily determine what feelings are under the partner.

Language language or value kisses

Psychologists argue that after the first kisser, you can accurately determine, the person is suitable or not. True, one touch of the lips can tell about many things. Want to know how to decipher this message? Then read the value of kisses in our article.

Why do people kiss?

So an intimate process has long been interested in scientists. A lot of theories put forward, the mass of myths is born, and the true meaning of the kiss is never revealed. Interestingly, even antique thinkers thought about this issue. For example, Plato suggested that with the help of a kisser, a person is trying to reunite with his second half. After all, the ancient myths say that previously people were two-failed. However, the gods decided to disconnect them in order to deprive the arrogance.

The value of kisses in hand

To evaluate the true attitude of a person, it is necessary to take into account many details: the circumstances of a kiss, an emotional attitude, clear localization of the touch of lips. If the kisses are covered with fingers, it means admiration and sense of tenderness. But the inside of the palm prefers those who are ready to submit their beloved. Kiss the external side of the handle usually implies respect. This is a classic formal gesture, allowing a man to show their gallantry and sympathy towards a woman. But the cloth's lips touch a few centuries ago was considered the most frank and sexual. Today, psychologists regard this gesture as a desire to subordinate to their partner.

The value of kisses in the nose

The nose usually kiss loved ones to demonstrate their sympathy and tenderness. This is a very delicate manifestation of feelings, usually emphasizing the significance of the partner and the entire depth of love experienced in relation to it. If your lips have touched your nose, then be sure that he trusts you.

The value of kisses on the cheek

When the lips slide down the cheek, this in most cases implies friendship. However, often the first date will end in such a chaste mob. In this case, this gesture can be regarded as hope for a romantic continuation of dating. The partner is already experiencing a certain sympathy, but it is afraid to fully show his feelings. A girlfriend often kiss a friend in the cheek, which emphasizes their durable communication with each other. Although there are those who are frivolously belong to such kisses and are ready to distribute them to everyone.

Kiss in the forehead

The value of such a kiss: A person is desire to take care and care for you. Typically, this manifestation of feelings is characteristic of the fathers, so the kiss in the forehead is often called fathers. If a man is much older than a woman in a pair, he often allows himself to concern her forehead with her lips, in order to demonstrate the desire to protect and protect their soul mate.

"And my mouth with your kiss hot merge ..."

The value of kisses on the lips is understandable even to the child. This is a manifestation of love, passion and tenderness. Lip touch is one of the most intimate moments connecting two people. It is by how a person kisses, you can tell a lot about his character and true intentions. For example, aggressive mobility is typically insecure people. The abundance of saliva means the insincerity of the senses of the partner. The French kiss often becomes a prelude to closest relationships.

The value of kisses to the neck

In this case, the partner to you direct test says: "I want you." The neck is one of the main erogenous zones than the one who wants to excite you will take advantage of. Kiss in the neck symbolizes the desire and passion.

Kiss in Ushko

In most cases, this is part of a love game. This is a prelude to the proximity or hint of true desires. If you kissed you in the ear, then be confident in the strength and sincerity of the senses of the partner.

The value of kisses

Daily people exchange kisses, practically not betraying the values, and if you deepen, each kiss means something, and such a manifestation of love can be the most different. It is impossible to compare the value of kisses with your loved one and relatives, girlfriends. By how a person kissed you, and what emotions you have experienced a lot. It is in this action that people sometimes understand whether they are suitable for each other. Kiss often carries a kind of encoded message, that is, therefore, especially the representative of the beautiful half of humanity pay attention to how their men kiss. It may be an innocent touch of lips, friendly smock in a cheek or an excited kiss of a schoolboy in love who will remember for all his life. Especially much more girls like when they are passionately kiss, as it says about the start of interesting sexual adventures.

Kiss in the lips and its meaning

Many couples that have been living together for a long time, almost do not give values \u200b\u200bto kisses. Men forget about how important it is for a woman to feel desirable, and a passionate kiss in the lips in such cases would not hurt. Often, representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer to kiss the spouse of ordinary and simply, thanking it, therefore, for a delicious dinner or other household matters, but sexual relationships should not pass without these attributes. We draw your attention to that no less significant kisses in the neck, hands, cheek and other places. The main thing is to invest in their sincerity, passion and tenderness. Kisses help to understand whether the harmonious relationships are in a pair.

Of particular importance is the first kiss. Even if you are experiencing a strong sympathy for a person, one kiss can completely change your point of view. In general, according to the way partner kisses, you can tell a lot about him, until what kind of mood is at the moment.

If the lips are compressed, this suggests that the partner does not want to continue the love game, in turn, response actions speak seriously setting. The movement of the language can also be said that a man wants rapid sex, and tender movements speak of readiness for a long foreplay.

Kisses in different parts of the body

Kiss on the cheek means that your partner wants to show what needs you and thank you for being with him. If your favorite person kissed your hand, it means that he respects you and reveal. But if you consider a kiss of your hand and its value in more detail, it is worth paying attention to the type of kiss. For example, if a man tries to kiss every girl's finger, it speaks of his admiration for you, and the touch of wrist lips for centuries was considered a manifestation of sexual attraction to a representative of a weak half of humanity.

Kisses in the forehead mean for representatives of both sexes completely different things, for example, men belong to such a gesture as repulsing them from yourself. This is all due to the fact that in this way you often kiss young children, show maternal care. And the representative of the strong half of humanity will not like such an attitude, since he can understand the desire of a woman to dominate in relations. If a man does so, his kiss in his forehead is trying to demonstrate such qualities as care, willingness to support and protect it in a difficult moment.

Kiss in the nose always meant something cute and childish. This is an excellent demonstration of tenderness and sympathy. Such a delicate way to show feelings, speaks of sincere love.

The value of kisses, if a man kisses a woman's hands what it means.

It is unlikely that anyone can present his life without kisses, especially if we are talking about intimate life. These simple actions help us express our own emotions, as well as predict further actions of a sexual nature. But besides this kisses have other advantages. For example, they contribute to the improvement of digestion, mood, as well as strengthening the immune system.

Different psychologists claim that kisses are needed to stabilize our spiritual background, since it is precisely in the process of kisses. Endorphins are actively produced (hormones of happiness and joy). The same hormones cause passion.

In addition, the kisses stimulate the lungs and the heart, as the pulse is expected during the kiss and the amount of breaths increases. In the process of a kiss, the person has 29 facial muscles. Thus, combining useful with pleasant, we not only enjoy, but also perform a kind of gymnastics.

If we talk about gender aspects, then women and men are completely different attitude towards kisses. For men, it is, first of all, the prelude before sex, and for women it is the whole world, the source of inspiration, satisfaction and mood.

It is worth saying that the women are very important and pleasant smell of the mouth of a partner, as well as the actual kiss technique. Just once again kiss a partner to understand, he fits you or not. Men are less legible in this regard, because they are more interested in the end result, and not how the process itself goes. As you can see, the difference is essential.

The ability to kiss comes with experience, but the kiss technique is always the same and knowing it, you will be easier to take the first step.

Of course, a kiss is an important part of relationships, but speech and talk is that what you spend the days on the span, so in this article you will read what to talk to the guy on the first date, at a meeting or for a walk.

In the development of relations between a man and a woman, much attention is paid to the meaning of kisses. They allow you to learn about the compatibility of partners. Any kiss is a kind of encoded message.

It may be a friendly smock, accompanied by patting on his back and hugs, and a polite kiss (easy touch), and an inexperienced excited first kiss, memorable for life, and preludes to sexual relationships and so on.

Many couples who live together are not paying enough attention to kisses, pusing them from a love game, leaving them a niche formality. The kiss is given before leaving for a job for goodbye or as gratitude for the stroking shirt or a delicious dinner.

The very session of love passes without this attribute of the sexual game. But no need to underestimate the role of a kiss in intimate intimacy, because it gives sex the shade of romanticity and tenderness.

With the help of kisses, you can determine whether partners are a pair. They can often find the true incompatibility of women and men. Partners experience interest or strong sympathy to each other, but the first one kiss can show that it does not even smell passion, but only touching and tender friendship is present.

Even one touch of lips can reveal a strange reaction as a coldness and dislike.
Kisses skills are of great importance in achieving success in love relationships. If there is no partner's approval at this stage, then there is even no sense in further relations.

The most passionate and tireless lovers pre-creep the partner with kisses, in order to continue to successfully demonstrate their own abilities in bed.

The values \u200b\u200bof the kissing attention was given back in antiquity. In the 3rd century, our era even appeared a kind of textbook on the conduct of sexual relations, which came to the present day. This is a kamasutra in which one of the chapters is assigned to kisses, their classification and meaning.

In Kama Sutra, kisses are divided into 4 types: moderate, soft, pressing and tighteners. They differ more than the amount of energy in them invested. A very detailed description is given a nominal kiss, during which a woman simply touches his lips to the lips of the partner, while no movements at the same time.

With a bowl of a kiss and a man tip heads toward each other. With a compressive kiss, a woman or a man squeezes the bottom lip of the partner with his lips, touching it with her tongue.
Kiss a lot can tell about a person and his mood.

If the lips are compressed, it means that the partner has no desire to participate in a further love game. If the lips are blocked during the kiss, it means that the partner expects decisive actions from you. The movement of the language indicates a pronounced passionate desire, and the more tense language, the more passion.

Screering and soft tongue speaks about the desire of a partner of a slow love game. Real lovers already at the kiss stage can achieve complete understanding and get a lot of pleasure from it.

In the case of a long relationship between a woman and a man, a kiss value is already moving into the background. Kisses become the first victim of habit. When kisses disappear, sexual relationships become dull, boring and monotonous.

But if partners stopped kissing, it does not mean at all that there are no more passion and love between them. However, this is a signal to the fact that their relationship turned into something of granted. To return bright colors, relationships need to kiss more often.

Now let's talk about the meaning of kisses. When you follow the next time kissing with your loved one, pay attention to how he does it. We give several examples of kisses described from the point of view of psychology.

Tense kiss. He, as if storming is trying to take in

Asha lips, dug in them, choking on passion. This kiss is like a passionate attack. Psychologists say that with such a man's bright future you do not see, and the novel with him risks to be very short.

Dry kiss. He kisses restrained and dry. His lips are very calm and, it seems that he wants to kiss you, but it does not. Such a man is considered a fairly good and reliable companion of life. But there is one drawback - it is completely alien to him as a romance.

Kiss "bracket". The guy while kissing tries to you with all the body, constantly hugs you, trying to you to show you with my gestures, how much wants to feel you. Such a man differs from the rest of the fact that it will be a faithful companion and a great husband.

Kiss Fireworks. Such a kiss includes a lot of small kisses, and in the main kiss a man can bite and suck your lips. It may sometimes seem that he chooses a new technique for a kiss every time. Psychologists believe that such men are incorrect husbands and excellent lovers.

The most pleasant are unexpected kisses without the consent of the partner. Most women and men love such kisses. There are also a kind of "sleeping" kisses, when you kiss a partner during his sleep. This causes a tide of emotions even in a dream. For a "awakening" partner's kisses, it is necessary to immediately kiss, gradually the strengthening passion until he wakes up.

Very gentle is a butterfly kiss, when you caress your cheek with a loved one. There are also lull kisses, during which you hug a face of your loved one.

And you wondered what love is. Everyone is experiencing love but few people can describe it in their own words.

Some ladies enjoy female dominance and use men for their own purposes, on this page describes more. Just do not overdo it so that the man does not escape from you in horror.

Watch that there is no extra hair on your face, they do not sell Charm and will only distract your partner from a kiss on the lips. How to do this with the help of a thread, we described here http://socialwoman.ru/beauty/udalenie-volos-na-lice-nitkoj/

The place that the partner kisses is also very important. People have many erogenous points, and they have their own.

Kiss in the nose means that the partner considers you cute. Kiss in the corner of the mouth says that the partner is not yet sure that you will agree to be him not just a friend, but trying to express my own
Emotional attachment to you and the desire to enter into relationships with you.

It is important to understand that for each person the value of kisses is a very individual concept. Sometimes even psychology is in this question, since how many people exist in the world, so much and all sorts of emotions, which, like stars in the sky, are intertwined in unusually beautiful paintings.

Or maybe not at all trying to find a description of your relationships and feelings, but try to just enjoy communicating with each other. In such a matter, the main thing began to listen to your own heart - it will be the best tip for you.

But in any case, that would not mean a kiss, it opens up a completely new world of sensations and experiences, which exciterate to the depths of the soul. So fall in love, kiss and rejoice every moment!

Value for each kiss? I really need plizz

Ilya Rubnichenko

The value of kissing eyes
Kiss in the eye is often also called an angel's kisses. He carries the world and indicates a strong emotional connection of partners. Such a kiss is an excellent way to say "Good morning" or "Good night" and show your deep feelings and attachment to the partner again.
Value kiss in nose
Kiss in the nose, as well as a kiss in the eyes, is usually used by established couples, which have already long been together. Such a kiss almost always causes a good smile, distracts from sad thoughts and allows you to feel sincere love and affection of a loved one.
Kiss value in forehead
Kiss in the forehead most often expresses friendly feelings. For new relationships, which can still be called not started, this kiss can express coldness and detachment, but in close relationships to talk about care and concern.
The value of a kiss in the ear
Kiss in Echo is quite intimate and can be boldly attributed to the category of passionate kisses. He means that a man is ready to go to the next stage in relations in which not only tenderness will be present, but also passion.
The value of a kiss in the neck
Kiss in the neck usually use a pair that are already very close. The meaning of this kiss can be defined as serious spiritual and physical proximity, comfort in relationships and confidence that they will last for a long time.
Romantic kiss
During such a kissing lips, a man gently and slowly concern the lips of the woman, while the mouth is slightly open, the movements are very leisure and smooth, but at the same time they feel a certain proportion of passion. Romantic kisses are relevant both on the first date and for couples, which have been together for many years. A romantic kiss whose value on the first date can be described as an interest, for established partners means the expression of their feelings and emotions, appreciation and infinite attachment.
French Kiss
The French kiss is customary to call a kiss, in which not only lips are involved, but also the language. The meaning of this kiss is a passion and willingness to go to closest relationships. This type of kiss is the most erotic and often leads to intimate proximity. In the movements of the Language of men often you can "hear" such phrases - "I love you", "I want you."
The value of the kiss in the cheek
The kiss on the cheek is used almost all people and is an expression of warm feelings, attachment and support. If we talk about a man and a woman, the kiss on the cheek on the first date can be regarded in different ways - it can be a manifestation of politeness and unwillingness to offend, but not express interest, but may indicate that the man is not confident in the feelings of a woman and Does not know whether she wants any further relationship. More accurately determine the value of a kiss in the cheek, you can carefully watching the tongue of the man's body, which never lies and always helps to correctly understand his intentions.


if a partner kisses your lips, then he expresses how deeply it is in emotionally tied and needs a relationship with confidence;
If a partner is deeply kisses on his lips, it means that it is experiencing a need for physical contact, which has closer importance;
With a gentle kiss in a brush, he tries to express tenderness, friendly affection;
If kisses the forehead, it means that the need unconsciously experiences to protect and protect you;
If the partner kissed you in his nose, he expressed that he experienced strong confidence and tenderness;
With a kiss in the hair, a partner expresses what you are pretty, and he is enjoying conversations;
If your boyfriend or girl uses the kissing technique in the neck, then this, in most cases, means the expression of desire to sincerely deliver pleasant emotions with the hope of responding feelings;
The value of a kiss in the uhi mossy can suggest you about hardness in your feelings of your loved one;
kissing the rear sides of your palms, your boyfriend or a girl is likely to be readiness for submission;
Kissing the external sides of your palms, the partner formally exhibits respect and no more, perhaps even experiences indifference;
If you kissed you in the wrist, then this means that the partner wants to subjoin another partner;
If a partner with a kiss covers eyelids, he is experiencing insecurity and strive for sincere approach;
If, with a kiss, your partner is slightly serving the lower lip, it symbolizes that he is not sure of your feelings, and most often, therefore, a partner expresses jealousy;
And if he takes a slightly when kissing the upper lip, then the authority is usually expressed in relation to you;
The value of a kiss with a frank combination is most likely the insincerity of this kiss at this time, which does not mean that this person is always like this.