What to give, if your friend is gic? Smart scales with the application. Electric Toothbrushes Oral-B Vitality

It is not an easy holiday of holidays when you need to give something to your loved ones and relatives. At the same time, neither on March 8, nevertheless does not imply crazy spending for a gift. Carefully examining the proposals, we compiled a list of what you can buy for the conditional 100 USD. (True, not at all conditional).

Blueelounge Cableclip Small.

Very useful thing to streamline wires on the table and not only. It may not be possible to bring the recipient of such a gift to delight, but the order that appeared will certainly help him work more productively, and you buy a high-quality bauble, without devasting the wallet.

Where can one buy: Re-Store

Cost: 990 rubles

Led Fluorescent Message Board

Or, translating into Russian, a fluorescent board with LED backlight. Bright funny thing, for example, for motivational records that will be highlighted with the alarm clock.

Where can one buy: Amazon, eBay

Cost: 19 $


Without going far from the topic of wires, we present to your attention the following lot - WEMO SWITCH or a socket with the fashionable prefix "Smart". With this simple device, your home will be able to become truly smart, because now the power of the connected device is controlled through a smartphone or a Wi-Fi tablet. It will suit both the real guy and a beloved girl who, for example, forgets all the time to turn off the light. As an alternative to smart little things you can consider the light bulb directly Luminous BT Smart Bulb.

Where can one buy: M Video

Cost: 4590 rubles

Lockitron Bolt.

We go further on the gadgets of the smart home and stumble on a smart lock, manageable on the one hand with your hand, and on the other - a smartphone. The product is not cheap, but if you are going to give Lockitron to someone from home, consider it a beneficial investment in safety. Only first answer yourself for one question, what do you like more - keys or phone?

Where can one buy: Official site lockitron.com

Cost: 99 $


At first glance, it is just magnetic balls from which you can add different shapes. However, on the second too. For an inexplicable reason, these models of atoms are able to pull out a healthy smart person from life for a couple of hours, and what to say about people whose work is associated with thin code structures. And do not think to give them to children.

Where can one buy: official site nanodots.com or eBay

Cost: from $ 39.9


If a gift should be selected not the second half, but just a friend / friend, then it is possible to do the banal stand under the mug. Well, for example, in the form of a floppy disk, on which your wish is written. Fortunately, variations on this topic There is a great set, so finding the color and taste will not be difficult.

Where can one buy: Printdirect.

Cost: 329 rubles


A wonderful and inexpensive gift for those who work with CSS and HTML - a tear-off calendar, where every day is printed in different fonts. Just and funny, and most importantly - at the beginning of the year it is not so late.

Where can one buy: Amazon

Cost: 13.99 $

Stress Buster Desktop Punching Ball

If your husband comes from work angry and with a bunch of accumulated problems, a table boxing pear will help you. So he and negative emotions will leave where he took and produces the prevention of tunnel syndrome.

Where can one buy: Amazon

Cost: 25 $

Google Cardboard

If someone from your friends did not have time to join the universal VR madness, it's time to hand this "box." For full dive depth can be added to the MOCUTE Wireless Joystick. And then even an avid skeptic will go into virtual reality.

Where can one buy: on googurcardboard.ru or in any nearest electronic store

Cost: 1290 rubles

Eton BoostTurbine1000.

If your second half sins because it often does not respond to calls due to the sealing battery of the phone, then you will definitely need to give a pocket dynamo charging. And then no wasteland, the remoteness from the network and the car will not justify the missed bell. Secret: If the price is scared you, you can easily find a similar device 10 times cheaper than China's production.

Where can one buy: on the official website etoncorp.com

Cost: 49 $

Whatever you choose a gift, most importantly, put in search of all your soul, show all your love and most importantly - do not forget to say warm words remaining 365 days of this year.

PS: Or give a course on geekbrains. Choose there is from what.

And by the way, what gift did you prepare?

Those who want to deal with web development, recommend the profession "" from Geekbrains.

The new year is getting closer, the issue of selection of gifts for friends, relatives, well, and your loved ones, of course, is very acute. If you have not yet solved this task, we prepared a list of the ten most interesting things of this year. And perhaps it will inspire you for something. There is still time, so forward!

desktop Strategic game Master of Orion for 2-4 players.

For whom:for lovers of thoughtful military-economic velocities and wishing to explore this genre, for victims of science fiction, strategists, cosmos conquers, fans of a computer original.

Why: It is very not surprising that the board game (by the way from domestic developers) on the popular computer 4x-strategy strategy of 1993 appeared only now - in August there was a continuation of the series. Races, buildings, advisers and objects of the stands - right from the new video game. In terms of the visual component of Master of Orion, it looks attractive and worthy: more than 90 cards and 6 races of races look bright and stylish, there is something to grow. At first embarrass the abundance of incomprehensible characters on the maps, but after 15 minutes of reading the rules, all the questions disappear and you can immediately play. Big plus games - Ease of entrance, even previously unfamiliar with the genre, people are easily coated. The sequence of action and the main mechanics are studied fairly quickly: receiving points of action, the construction of buildings and systems, attacks, the management of the loyalty of the people, the development of science. The ultimate goal is clear: to gain more points at the end of the game, but - and in this the depth of Master Of Orion - you can come to victory in different ways: military, scientific, resource, and everything depends on you (the factor of chance in the form of hexagon cubes is absent). There is something to think about, to plan, build combinations, there is, on what to experiment and try different strategies, everything is not bad, but the process is not very tightened. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a video game fan. The thing is for the winter holidays, and still enough for spring!

Set of Stikbot Figurines

Plastic toys with high degree of mobility

For whom:for children and their parents - young directors and video bloggers.

Why: With the help of these toys you can shoot the most real movie. And if more precisely, it is either even the most incredible idea with the help of the phone. Stikbot are sold and individually, but we strongly recommend not to regret money for a set of several figures and stand under a mobile phone. If there is a color printer, the ability to create various scenery becomes truly unlimited. The figures themselves are made of translucent plastic, and their design allows them to give them various poses and fix them in different positions. On the hands and legs of the figures are suction cups - with their help you can fix the little men to any flat surfaces.

Where can one buy:Most toy stores, but you can order on Ozon

Mega-set of cubes

Almost 100 cubes of different shapes and colors, as well as one full set for DND

For whom:for roleviks, tablets, collectors.

Why: What could be better for any player, it does not matter in board games, wargames, role-playing adventures than a handful, a bunch, a mountain of dysks of all shapes, colors and sizes with some faces. The kit also includes a complete set of cubes necessary for the DND sessions. Even a notifying person will give this very fun.

Slippers that you certainly need

slippers BB-8

For whom:for the most part for the fans of "Star Wars", especially for those who loved a small robot assistant BB-8. In general, this gift is useful to almost everyone, because the legs need to be kept warm!

Why:at first glance, an absolutely banal thing, but how nice to get as a gift for the new year something really necessary, while also the form of your favorite hero. And you just look at the BB-8 head on these slippers! They are beautiful! The manufacturer took care of a wide audience, so the choice is accessible as much as 2 sizes. Well, and that no less important is the official products through the universe of the ZV, so that the quality is probably the corresponding. And on the sole of slippers there are special rubber lining in the form of circles so that you do not slip. Yes, unfortunately, moving around as BB-8 will not work in them, but even though health will remain in order.

Win warm

scarf Newta Scamman

For whom: All those who finally imbued with Puffendeum thanks to the Magic game Eddie Redmein in no less magical "fantastic creatures and where they live."

Why: Because the Harry Potter Universe is not only magic and adventure, but also atmosphere of home comfort and Christmas holidays, in which you can literally "wrap up" together with a striped scarf of the main Hogwarta Greenpisovs. It will only be left to find the recipe for butterfly and conveniently get in the chair at the burning fireplace. Yes, and admit to honestly, you also still do not lose hope in anticipation of the post office? ;)

Winter Is Coming

pendant "House Stark"

For whom: Girls who are crazy about cold, wolves and john snow.

Why: So because Russia as one huge branch of the houses of Starks: We live surrounded by snow, we go to furs, but without hats, and we begin to prepare for real winter in September. Therefore, the decorations from our girls should be appropriate - emphasizing not only beauty, but also in force of character. And even reminiscent, even in the summer, that no one has canceled the winter, and it is still close.

Adventures of Little Hilda

comics Luke Pearson "Hilda and Troll", "Hilda and Midnight Giant".

For whom:for children and their parents.

Why: Stunning both in the drawing and in the story of history about Girl Hilda, living with his mother surrounded by magical creatures, straight from the Scandinavian myths. Luke Pearson created a story that can be recommended as a real connoisseurs of comics to discover new horizons and those who have not previously familiar with this type of art: the adventures of Hilda will not be seen to read parents along with children, discovering the second layer. If "Hilda and Troll" is a pretty simple, but a pretty fairy tale, then the "Hilda and Midnight Giant" raises social issues, while maintaining fabulous charm and humor.

What:the first collection of stories for the previously known challenge of Mievil's full-quality prose.

For whom:for lovers of phantasmagorius and those who wish to open Mieville from the new side.

Why: Chain Mieville is one of the most famous and ambiguous writers of modernity. Its surreal (more precisely, "strange") works allow you to look at the usual world from the new side, opening new faces of horror. "In search of Jake" - this is the first experience of the writer in a small form, each story is good and almost a small masterpiece. In addition, it is convenient to read not too much retracting and making breaks.

Where can one buy: eg,

Let's figure it out to start who are such guy. And then you never know, maybe you are not the first day familiar, and Gick in an old good friend did not recognize.

Therefore, let's start with

how understand, what is yours friend - GIK?

Readers, strong in "Gicology", you can immediately switch to the second part of the material - actually a gift.

One hundred years ago, having heard in my address "Hey, Gick!" It was possible a) to deservedly give a controversy into nuts; And b) to start fooling, by order of the cheerful people. The thing is that by the beginning of the twentieth century gickiki. called circus jesters from wandering circus. In the century, the concept gIK will be the evolutionary path from the designation circus fools before intellectual elite societies. How thus?

In short gIKby the middle of the twentieth century in American schools began to call bakers, all sorts of auitsiders and, in general, those who sharpened the granite of science successfully of their Single Days than distinctly allocated in the crowd. This, in fact, was the cause of Ausisider: or a faceless mass did not want to take gick In their ranks, counting kicks and other small humiliation of the last to the best way of entertainment; Or, the young genius simply did not want to be likened to the degrading, in his opinion, the majority, and consciously became a rejection. True, the last option also did not exclude kicks and other small humiliation.

Typical image gick Those years - Vesnika with a tendency to sociopathy, preferring free time, wandering her dusty book racks, in search of narrow-directional publications.

In short, we all watched adolescent American comedies, in which there would be such a character.

By the time of the emergence and initial development of computer technologies gickiki. They began to call anyone who was simply fond of computer, and therefore the power of his own mind and enthusiasm raised how later it will be, a very useful communicative industry. From this, however, attitude to gicks Among the peers never changed, but for themthere was a common range of interests, over time, transformed the image of a sociopitally useless botan in a very popular intellectual, which is not at all away to shine the level of IQ in humans.

Today gicomcall people who are passionate about not only by computer technologies (but they also necessarily): gIKIf to generalize - an erudite man with deep knowledge in one or a few topics to such an extent that the night is not only hooking it the edge of the phrase, can tell about the types of wines, the works of impressionists or the architecture of modern computer iron.

GIKtoday - the person is not at all sociopathic, even on the contrary. Yes, and the stake inherent in botany of the 60s, also remained in the past: the depth of their knowledge gIK Prefers to demonstrate in the context of the conversation, not too focusing on difficulty with the ease of the concepts that have said to them who put half a sensible audience into a stupor.

By the way, a closed sweater and rubbed jeans also remained in the past: gIKtoday is public, popular, and therefore it should be very presentable. Almost the most famous gickiki. The last decade is called Steve Jobs and the brand Zuckerberg. So if your friend has something in common with the latter (take at least the availability of the iPhone or the thematically updated tape in Facebook), at the same time, a very smart one is interesting and often acquires some non-hard inventions, know before you gIK!

what give gico?

A gift for gick - Real Quest for caring and sober-minded friends, clearly aware that the new table lamp his It is unlikely to like. Is it, at least, will work on solar panels and turn on cotton.

Gicks often equip the life in accordance with the last word of technology: one workplace only can be equipped with a set of gadgets and all sorts of devices, which can be held in Thailand for a month.

So choosing a gift for a person who has everything is there, but what is not yet, it may be higher than any gift budget, you will have to be very inventive!

Modest but tasteful


Do not ask what it is and why it is necessary. All you need to know is what was waiting for so long gicky: First, the new Arduino - Yun fee recently came out, and secondly, she received Wi-Fi and Ethernet. Yun, if you want, this is a computer. Without a housing, but with motherboard, memory, network and a pair of interfaces. To Arduino Yun, you can connect everything that your heart, and use this scarf as a controller of this very wHAT IT: for example, for the outdoor surveillance system, helicopter control, or, with a smaller scale - as a loader of torrents; Little Lamp Arduino Yun can raise a simple site, or be used as the main device when organizing the system smart House. In a word, gIK It will be found how to apply such a very useful thing to implement any project that originated in his inquisite mind.

Key specifications: Support Wi-Fi, microSD card slot, ATMEGA32U4 microcontroller, Atheros MIPS WiFi Soc.

Cost: About $ 70 when buying directly from the manufacturer.

3 Doodler

3D printers - a new phenomenon, intriguing and very popular in narrow circles. Attaching Print Silicone Stand under the hottest - minimal of what might be made gickthe appearance of such a thing in the house. Although, no, perhaps, he immediately stands out for the printing of a completely combat-ready pistol (yes, this weapon can type At home!).

True, the purchase of a full-fledged 3D printer is, it is known whether, non-disabilities. Therefore, we suggest to consider the reduced, but no less exciting option: 3doodler device.

3doodler from a full-fledged 3D printer is distinguished by ... In fact, everything: one just kind of activity is the same. In appearance, by the way, 3doodler is a chubby ballpoint pen, in fact it allows you to manually create any plastic objects, drawing in all planes.

The 3Doodler is attached with a set of plastic threads, which, passing through the device, melts, and at the output quickly cools out than, in fact, the possibility of performing a three-dimensional pattern.

For a person creative, and just preferring to spend the leisure misfortune, a gift - what you need!

Key specifications: Delivery with the 50 ABS or PLA threads, power by connecting to the outlet (cable included), two high-speed consumables feed mode (quick / slowly).

Cost: From $ 75 when ordering through Kickstarter and $ 99 when the manufacturer of 3doodler is pre-order.

Pedometer FitBit Force

When it comes to all sorts of sports facilities, the fitbit products are better enough to find something. Fitbit pedometers have passed the way of development from doptop clips to the Force - lightweight bracelets, functional devices that consider not only steps, but also calories that the gadget carrier bothered to burn out the day of active recreation or full night sleep. Gico It is not necessary to have a subscription to the gym or at leisure to pump the biceps for a more solid look: to be healthy, supporting muscles in tone - the right thing. Moreover, if you can use some kind of hard tool.

Key specifications: OLED display, altimeter (altimeter), Bluetooth 4.0 module, sold in different sizes, work from one charge for 7-10 days.

Cost: From $ 130 when buying without intermediaries.

External storage device My Book 4tb from Western Digital.

Do not underestimate the value of an external hard disk, presented as a gift, since this thing always exists. 4 Terabyte of Memory - a pledge of peace of mind for those who are used to using removable media as the main archives for tons of photographs, movies, heavy games and programs. With the budget less average, this gift is able to please anyone gicksuffering from a lack of space on the built-in hard disk of his home PC.

Key specifications: Memory capacity on hard disk - 4 TB, USB 3.0 interface, ability to use both from Mac and Windows, integrated backup and file protection on the Dropbox service, hardware encryption support.

Cost:$ 160 (for 4tb) when buying from Western Digital.

Average Weight category

A bagVandal Roll-Top from Mission Workshop.

Mission Workshop is a firm, familiar not everyone. And very much in vain. Look around: each passerby in your hands or behind your back - a bag, a backpack, a briefcase, most of which are not only frankly look bad, but also frankly little to bring real benefits. The guys from warm San Francisco decided to go against the Chinese NO-NAME manufacturers, and offered a series of very useful bags for everyday use. Mission Workshop products are stylish and convenient. And, which is especially pleased, each series bag is made with the calculation of a clear execution of tasks set in front of it: each department, be modular or sewn, is your destination. Gicks, famous for some pedanotism and the claim to the functionality of each thing, such a gift is simply obliged to please!

Key specifications: Vandal Roll-Top is made of waterproof material, zipper with urethane coating, reinforced inner frame (carbon fiber), roll top, capacity from 1.8 to 4 cubic inches (from 30 to 65 liters).

Cost: $ 295 when buying in the store Mission Workshop.

Music StationO.P-1 fromTeenage.Engineering

You do not need to spend thousands of conventional units on arrangement of a whole musical studio. You can start experimenting with an adult sound and from OP-1 from Teenage Engineering. Op-1 is a portable musical work platform containing a synthesizer, a sempeller, sequencer, a multi-track recorder, a drum machine, mixer and controller. If all the charms of this invention listed above, for you unfamiliar, then be sure gIK, enthusiastic music, will appreciate such a gift. And, perhaps, it will even tell about what actually the adhesive thing you just gave him.

Key specifications: multifunctional system, multiple effects and sequencers, USB MIDI controller (works with both Mac and Windows); Editing recording; Mixer for 4 tracks; 24-minute recording limit; AMOLED display, mini-speaker; Three-axle accelerometer.

Cost: $ 849 in Teenage Engineering.

Makerbot Digitizer.

Here is another advanced gift in the subject of 3D printing. This time we suggest to give gico 3D scanner, allowing you to create an image for 3D modeling in less than 12 minutes! For those who have ever dealt with work on a 3D model for printing, it will be an invaluable gift, because now, to create any virtual three-dimensional object that has analogue in the real world, do not have to start the drawing process from scratch. They found a similar model, put it on the rotating platform, scanned, and - oh, the wonders of modern technology! - It turns out to be in the program for 3D modeling.

Although the principle of action is better to show:

Key specifications: Supports standard 3D file formats, contains Makerware for tablet software, connecting via USB, maximum weight for scanned objects - 6.6 kg.

Cost: $ 949 in MakerBot.

HMZ-T3.W: Wearing display fromSony

Although this device looks futuristic (and it is worth a confession as well), no decent gick will refuse such a gift. What a futuristic, the better! The latest model of wearable displays from Sony is a virtual reality helmet or a wearable home theater if you want. HMZ-T3W can not only demonstrate movies and videos, but can also be connected to the gaming console. The whole charm of such a device is the unique effect obtained when viewing anything on two 720p OLED displays embedded in the device body. And, according to developers, feelings will be the same if you watched a movie on a 750-inch display. In addition, T3W is equipped with a virtual 7.1 surround sound, 3D mode, as well as the possibility of connecting to all portable devices - laptops, smartphones, tablets via HML ready HDMI slot.

Key specifications: Two built-in 720p OLED displays, 3D support, connectivity via HDMI / MHL, virtual 7.1-channel surround sound, availability of wireless Wireless HD mode.


When the value of value does not have

This is a series of unimaginable gifts, most of which can go except in the form of pictures in the gift framework: they say, visualize the object of the dream! But, you never know, maybe someone and lucky to get sick, say, the electrocarrome or a ticket to space and back!

Brammo Empulse R is the first of the notched gifts for people who have everything. Everything except a motorcycle with an electric motor with a capacity of 54.00 hp (8 200 revolutions per minute), developing speed up to 160 km / h, capable of getting up to 90 km and charge for 8 hours. Harmful to the environment, durable and relevant. Roads. Very roads.

Key specifications: An electric motor for 40 kV, the maximum speed of up to 160 km / h is adapted for driving both through city roads and by Highway.

Cost:$18 995.

ElectrocarTesla Model S.

Cream of modern automotive engineering - Sports sedan Tesla Model S, also works on electricity. Model S is the development of "from scratch", so that in this car there will be enough place for the legs (this applies not only to passenger seats, but also a driver's chair) and for baggage (the trunk holds almost a hubometer of bags, suitcases and backpacks). These are far from the only "convenience", by which Model S is endowed with full, and far from the most impressive of his abilities: if short, then the only one, perhaps, that this car does not know how to fly.

Key specifications:the electromotor, the car can develop speed up to 96 km / h in 4.2 seconds, battery capacity of 85 kW * h. Enough for 300 km run.

Cost: from $ 62.400.

Weekend S.Virgin Galactic

If the sports electric car, wearable display, together with 3D printers and 3D scanners are not enough for the complete happiness of your expensive friend, give him a ticket to a cosmic adventure. Little, maybe everything is monstering himself, it got so so much that he bored? .. The weekend spent on board the spacecraft is quite capable of returning his interest in life: in addition to quite obviously funny from zero gravity and stunning panoramas overlooking the blue planet (Do not forget to give a friend more and Fish-ah lens just on the occasion - he is exactly useful!), He will also get the opportunity to join Yuri Gagarin, Leonid Popov and Nile Armstrong, as the few who ever left only left Earth.


Without conscience of conscience, I ask "phone number" from unfamiliar guys and girls. By checking whether the blocking button is convenient to fall under the finger and quickly triggers autofocus :) I would like to visit MWC and lead a live blog from the death of events.

Art on the game World of Warcraft

If you know exactly what genre prefers the recipient of your gift, or know that man is a fan of a certain game series, the gift will almost definitely be in the topic.

Pay attention to the fact that some games are not suitable for all gaming platforms, for example, some are only for game consoles, and others are only for computers. Also pay attention to the system requirements of games.

What can I buy from the already released games:

Before buying, make sure that your man has such a game yet.

  • Far Cry 5. - The shooter of the first person, where the fictional county of Hope Montana Hope from the fanatics sect will have to save. Player - Sheriff's assistant heads the resistance of the towns of the town. In the fight, you can use many gadgets, shotguns, missile installations, baseball bits and even sledgehammer. This is a wonderful reason to exciting the evening together.
  • Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN II - His magic, dragons, sparkling armor and gloomy gothic architecture? So, the classic RPG (computer role-playing game) will be an excellent gift. In the game you can create your own character and develop it, increasing strength, dexterity and mind. The creators promise an interesting quest system with non-standard solutions, a nonlinear plot and excellent dialogues. In August 2018, she came out on gaming consoles.
  • Total War: Three Kingdoms - Expressive and calm players will like a step-by-step strategy. Impeccable mechanics, thoughtful plot and huge game world with an incredible number of units - a great reason to spend the evening at home, building joint plans to save ancient China.
  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey He takes you to the era of ancient Greece. Athens and Sparta are preparing to come together in the Peloponess War. The game will be able to meet the famous Greek philosophers and politicians. Magnificent graphics, he will appreciate your excellent taste.
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Continuation of the adventures of Lara Croft. This time she fell to the island of Cozumel in South America. Tropics, mountains, mercenaries, ancient pyramids and their mysterious storages. He will be delighted.

What can I promise or pre-equip:

Promise - does not mean justifying and look like you forgot about the gift, but invented to give this at the last moment. Do something like a coupon or a joking receipt that you are committed on time to purchase the desired one. In addition, you will know exactly what your man has not had time to play this very game. And yes, very often for pre-orders are classified in-game gifts, and this is a pleasant bonus.

  • SEKIRO: Shadows Die Twice - The action of this gloomy game occurs in medieval Japan. Warrior with bone hand went on the path of revenge. It's not used to run away from the enemies. Just attack first.
  • Cyberpunk 2077. - The creators of the legendary series of the game "Witcher", inspiring the books of William Gibson, swung on the world of the future. They promised to release the game in the first quarter of 2019. But this is not accurate: the development is conducted since 2012.
  • Metro EXodus. - The most anticipated shooter for gambling from Russia (the exit is scheduled on February 22, 2019). If a young man always has several packs of buckwheat and cans of stew, then this game is for him. Heroes of the famous series are finally chosen from the subway and follow the East of Russia. Is there a place for love and friendship in the world after a nuclear explosion?

Art Games Metro EXodus

2. Collectible version of the game

A collection edition or special electronic edition is the same game that includes additional gifts. They can be both in-game, and include physical objects: art notes, figures.

With the help of reselling sites, you can find collectible versions of old, but insanely popular and loved by many games. Now such boxes are quite impressive amounts.

If your man a fan of some kind of defined game or is waiting for a noveltyThe collective version is the perfect gift.

An example of a collection of collective publication of the game

3. In-game gift

Many online games have microtransactions implying a purchase for real rubles Virtual products: heroes, game transport, weapons, premium accounts.

If your man plays such a game, then a gift in the form of infusion of a real currency is a good idea. Usually, many do not want to spend money on this, but if you get as a gift - this is a pleasant help in your favorite toy.

4. Accessories for the game

A good and practical gift will be the purchase of a good gaming accessory. A good example is a game rug for a mouse that often reaches impressive sizes. Yes, and it is difficult to strangle when it is purchased.

It is much more difficult to choose the gamepad, a special mouse, a keyboard, headset, but you can think about them, especially if you take a person with you to the store.

There are even special versions of sets of game peripherals for computers made in a single stylist.

An example of such a version for lovers of the game Battlefield 4

5. Useful thing

Lighters, key rings, diaries, calendars, covers for phone, mugs - Useful little things on which a reference to your beloved game can be born.

Mug with Assassin "S Creed

Case for the iPhone, which will accurately appreciate Lovers Skyrim

Just do not stag in the trifles - in some games, players are divided into fractions for which you need to fight. No one wants to get a gift souvenir with a symbolism of his enemy!

Incomparable opponents in the game - representatives of the Alliance and Horde. They are not distinguished from each other in life ... But T-shirts can fix everything!

6. Useless thing

As a counterweight useful - useless, but no less pleasant: weapons replicas from the game, elements of clothes of favorite characters, soft toys.

Maybe a real copy of the game sword is expensive and difficult. And where to find a blacksmith?

But the little copy of the famous Frostmore is very different! Unti-path!

Soft toy new mascot wow pepe

Suspension with gaming themes (Warhammer 40000)

7. Figure? Yes, a figure

Figurine is completely special "useless thing". And what about it is so special? Figures are collectibles, they are often considerable amounts, allow you to touch your favorite hero in the literal sense, besides, they deliver a huge aesthetic pleasure for people who are seriously interested in games.

The main thing is to find out what your favorite person is a favorite toy, and then everything is simple - order a gift via the Internet.

Diablo series antagonist

Lovely Silvana from World of Warcraft game

Collection of features of characters from the game Mass Effect

In addition, the figure is one of the best options. for lovers Moba: Dota2, LOL, HEROES OF THE STORM, etc. Among them you can find a lot of budget, but cute stuff.

Stylized figures Slame, Tini, Duma and Venga from Dota 2 game

8. Nostalgic little thing

Remember the era of the nucleation of computer games and your childhood: Battletoads, Mario, Ninja Turtles, Pac-Man... Now the heroes of these games are not only not forgotten, on the contrary, with the legendary characters of these games you can buy a bunch of both fan and useful things.

A real gamer who remembers the Golden Age of the Gaming Industry, will infinitely rejoice in the character from distant childhood.

A nightlight in the form of a ghost from the game PAC-MAN

Characters of famous games that can be collected by himself

Famous Sonic.

Cake. Such a gift is not only very cool, but also very tasty!

9. Prefix

No, it will not be about modern consoles (although this is a good gift, only very expensive). We offer to continue the idea of \u200b\u200bnostalgia - to buy from the hands or from all sorts of Chinese sites the same prefix from childhood. Well, of course, a set of cartridges for it.

There is nothing better than a couple of evenings to plunge into your childhood, forget about the problems and care, becoming a 10-year-old boy, which again passes the ninja turtles.

By the way, another funny and cute gift is Tetris. Yes, yes, the one that was so popular in the 90s.

10. Make a company - this is also a gift!

Probably the most spiritual and sincere gift for your favorite gamer in our list is to try to share his passion. At least one evening. Most likely, he will be pleased to tell him about his hobby a close person, feel like a more experienced player, show you the part of your world.

It's like a romantic evening with rose petals and candles, but in the Gamer version!

And in long raids or fierce duels a good way to cheer coffee from the store Chaibuket.ru.

Coffee "Bavarian Chocolate"221 rubles.