What is included in hair oil. Natural hair oils - how to choose? Types of natural oils and the rules for their selection

Natural cosmetics have always been in demand among women. The beauty care given by nature cannot be compared with any chemical care products. Natural oils are the best option for hair. Allow to provide the best performance: achieve rapid growth, strengthening, recovery. But what is the best and how best to apply them? Let's try to figure it out.

The choice of funds is great, choosing the best, the most suitable, is a difficult task. The first thing to consider is your hair type and scalp type. Further, from a significant number of possible options, by trial and error, choose the best that you like the most. Taking into account consumer feedback, the following types are called, which are most popular:

  • Burdock
  • Castor
  • Olive
  • Jojoba
  • Coconut
  • Arganovoye
  • Wheat germ
  • Almond
  • Linseed

It will not be difficult to get the maximum beneficial effect by following simple recommendations:

  • It is better to mix thick, viscous oils with a light base, use slightly warmed up;
  • It is advisable to apply the product before washing your hair on wet curls;
  • The basic components are distributed over dry strands, mixtures, masks - wet;
  • It is better to rub into the skin with light massage movements - this way the beneficial properties will be better revealed;
  • After the massage, it is better to insulate the head with a film, a towel and hold it for 15 minutes to several hours.
  • Essential options are not used in their pure form, especially for oily hair;
  • The greatest effectiveness is achieved by using them as part of masks - a mask with oils, complete with other ingredients, can work wonders;
  • Rinse off with warm water, rinsing twice with shampoo.

What is the best hair oil?

Definitely answer the question: "What is the best hair oil?" impossible. Here you need to take into account the individual characteristics. Deal with a useful action. It is best to find out which one is suitable for your skin type. Testimonials help to say the following:

  • For oily skin, it is better to choose: olive, jojoba, argan, almond, avocado, linseed. Essential variant: bergamot, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm.
  • For normal skin, any are applicable, the main thing is to achieve a certain task assigned to them.
  • Dry skin is well suited: burdock, castor, shea, coconut, wheat germ. Among the essential ones, the best: jasmine, chamomile, geranium, sandalwood, myrtle.

What is the best oil for hair ends?

Split ends treatment and prevention are best done with basic components for dry hair type - castor, olive, argan, almond. Apply generous amounts of oil to the roots, spreading with a large comb along the entire length. Wash off after 2-3 hours, if desired, you can leave it overnight.

Reviews claim that such care will provide moisture, strengthen the structure, create shine, silkiness, and help achieve growth.

Helps to get rid of troubles caused by temperature extremes, dry air, numerous styling. Reviews allow us to say - an excellent option in this case: coconut, wheat germ.

Considering esters, it is worth noting that citrus fruits have a bad effect on split ends, since they contribute to the aggravation of unpleasant symptoms. Better to use florals: sandalwood, chamomile, ylang-ylang.

A professional leave-in cosmetic definitely works well. It is convenient to use, does not require additional preparations, rinsing. Consumer reviews give a positive assessment to the formulations.

You just need to apply a small amount over the entire length of the curls.

Is castor oil or burdock oil better for hair?

Burdock is an excellent growth stimulant, limits hair loss. Helps to achieve strengthening, restoration of hair. Perfectly fights excess sebum, suppressing excessive activity of the glands. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. Relieves itching, dryness.

Castor is able to cope with some skin diseases, fungal infections. Perfectly nourishes, retains moisture, softens, thickens scales, restores natural shine. An excellent choice for thin, loose strands.

Which one is better? Each option has value, has the right to be called a leader. Better to try, draw your own conclusions. The result will undoubtedly be extremely positive.

How to apply oils for dry hair?

Dry curls, due to their fragility, are exposed to excessive loss, brittleness. With oil-based care products, there is a threat of creating more weight. The consequence is the opposite effect: the benefits of the procedure will be less than the harm.

To avoid this difficulty, it is better to apply the formulations exclusively to the skin, massage the root area. Distribution of oil along the entire length is not allowed. An exception is the local application of the product to split ends.

An extremely unpleasant problem is hair loss. There are many reasons: health problems, improper lifestyle, the influence of an aggressive environment, improper hair care.

Hair oils for hair loss according to experts: castor, burdock, linseed.

According to experts, the use of oil will help to cope with this trouble, to achieve growth, strengthening. Basic bases: burdock, castor, linseed effectively fight for strong hair shafts. Essential: bergamot, anise, myrrh, cedar, rosemary, eucalyptus can significantly reduce hair loss, fragility, stimulate the growth of new ones.

The hair structure is such that each hair is covered with a film that protects the hair from thermal and other aggressive factors. The film is nothing more than subcutaneous fat. But over time, it loses its properties, and the hair becomes more vulnerable to the ingress of water and other exogenous substances. As a result, fragility and lifelessness appear.

Each hair is covered with small scales, which together make up the top layer - the cuticle. If the fatty film is damaged, the flakes are automatically subject to mechanical damage. They are damaged by towel drying or brushing. This is why hair loses its usual shine and attractive appearance.

In this case, oils come to the rescue. Their use gives fast growth, nutrition, gives them a special shine and elasticity. Oil penetrates into the cuticle for a very long time. This takes about 14 hours. therefore oil is applied overnight. For the effectiveness of the procedure, it is advisable to wash it off in the morning.

The thing is that water penetrates into the structure much faster than oil. To get under the hair layer, the oil particles need to bend and maneuver. That is why it cannot penetrate completely inside the cuticle and a certain amount remains on the outer surface of the hair. Which then gives shine. In addition, applying oil to the scalp can promote relaxation.

The oil applied before shampooing prevents excess water from entering the hair. Therefore, when washing the cuticle, it opens less and less protein is lost. She both absorbs water and gives it away, while her scales open and close.

Attention! Often the scales break. This process is called hair fatigue. Fatigue can occur with daily shampooing. But everything can be improved by the use of oil. It is able to restore health to hair.

What is the benefit?

Properly used oil is able to restore the hair structure, protect it from brittleness, strengthen the roots, and prevent hair loss. When it gets on the hair, it prevents them from losing moisture. This is very important for maintaining healthy hair.

Oils contain fatty acids and vitamins A, E. These ingredients are essential for nutrition and recovery.

Most useful oils:

  1. Burdock. It contains a large amount of tannins and fatty acids. Well suited for absolutely any type. With it, you can get rid of brittleness, dryness, and improve the structure. Gives elasticity. Suitable for use with the fatty type, they stop falling out.
  2. Castor. Brightens and moisturizes. With its help, hair growth is enhanced, they are restored, strengthened and the ends stop breaking. If you use oil as a course of treatment, you can achieve a good recovery effect after dyeing and perm.
  3. Coconut. Recommended for use in combination with masks or balms. You need to apply it to the entire length of the hair or damaged ends. It refreshes well and removes dandruff. It contains many fatty polyacids necessary for recovery.
  4. Linseed. Rich in amino acids and fatty acids. Leaves hair supple, soft and shiny. It has a beneficial effect on the bulbs. It is better to apply it together with a gel or shampoo.
  5. Arganovoye. Contains vitamin E and omega acids. It is very effective in restoring problem hair. It practically revives them, prevents hair loss and moisturizes well.

All oils stimulate hair growth, add lightness and shine, and eliminate dandruff. They are widely used as an air conditioner. The main tasks of their use are: nutrition, hydration, restoration of weakened and damaged hair. Protect roots from temperature extremes when using hair dryers and tongs.

Reference! For greater effectiveness, any oil should be applied warm. You can warm it up with a water bath. In this state, it begins to act faster on the hair.


Any oil, like any other product, can cause individual intolerance. This can be easily verified. On the wrist, apply a few drops and hold for 2-3 hours. If there is no redness or spots left on the skin, the oil is suitable for use. Perhaps this is its only drawback.

Before applying, you need to make sure whether this type is suitable for a specific hair type. If the wrong oils are selected, they can clog the pores.

Possible negative reactions and consequences

If you use the mask according to all the rules, the result will be beautiful hair. But if you neglect some of the rules of use, oils can be harmful.

It must be remembered not to abuse this useful procedure. In this case, fat overload can occur. Oddly enough, but this will worsen the condition of the hair and, accordingly, their appearance will suffer. therefore it is recommended to do masks no more than once a week.


It is not advisable to use oils for representatives with oily hair. Here you need to look for an alternative. For oily hair, this product can only give excess oily shine and blockage of the pores of the scalp. Subsequently, this can lead to the loss of the bulbs.

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Here is a video clip in which a professional trichologist will tell you all the nuances of using hair oils:


The beauty and health of your hair depends on caring for it. Expensive care is not always useful. Oils are the healthiest and easiest way to care for your hair. Therefore, it remains relevant today.

The most important thing in the use of oils is the need to choose the right one for a particular hair type. It must be remembered that overuse of oil masks can do harm rather than benefit. Only the correct use of oils can be called effective.

The recognized leaders in hair care are the following:

  • ... A mild and soothing aromatic oil that can be used on all hair types. It improves blood circulation, promotes the growth of strands, and prevents hair loss. Has an antiseptic effect. Suitable for mixed hair types: oily at the roots and dry at the ends.
  • Nourishes, smoothes, softens curls, restores them, does not weigh them down.

    L'Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil Rich Oil(about 1060 rubles per 100 ml). This oil is suitable for dry, unruly, frizzy hair.

    It saturates them with strength, nourishes the tips. Perfectly distributed, gives shine, elasticity, saves from section.

    Wonders Smoothing Amazonian Murumuru(900 rubles for 125 ml).

    Includes vitamins, exotic extract of seeds of the Amazonian palm tree Murumuru. Facilitates styling, maintains smoothness for three whole days, protects strands from negative external factors.

    Egyptian Hibiscus Matrix Oil Wonders for colored hair(about 750 rubles for 125 ml). It will preserve the brightness of the color, protect against aggressive components in the composition of paints.

    Does not dry the strands, makes them shiny, does not weigh them down.

    Elixir Ultime(about 1,500 rubles per 100 ml).

    A light textured product that can be applied to both dry and damp curls. Includes four valuable oils: argan, camellia, corn kernels, and Pracaxi, an exclusive development of the brand itself.

    It is used economically - a couple of drops are enough for long hair.

    Professional products often combine several types of extracts, which makes them more effective.

    Watch a video about which oil and for which problems you need to choose:

    Oils are an excellent tool to help in the care of curls. Choose and use them correctly - then your hairstyle will thank you for it.

Hair type: all hair types

Will help: strengthen, restore, stop loss

Burdock oil recipes for hair have been known for a long time. Burdock has a huge amount of useful components necessary for healthy hair. It grows in abundance in Russia, due to which this oil has a number of advantages over many others. The first is, of course, an affordable price and high prevalence, in a rare pharmacy there will be no burdock oil. Second, it is believed that plants of the strip in which he was born are most useful for the human body. Therefore, for the majority of the inhabitants of our country, burdock oil is more effective and can be presented as the best oil for hair. It is suitable for general strengthening and restoration of the hair structure during unfavorable periods of stress, loss of energy, lack of vitamins. Burdock oil helps with hair loss, a recipe with hot pepper tincture is especially useful and effective:

  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. hot pepper tinctures

We mix all the ingredients well until the most uniform consistency is obtained and rub into the hair roots. With a slight tingling and warmth - everything is fine, the mask works, we hold. If there is a strong burning sensation, the mask must be washed off immediately. Under favorable conditions, we keep the mask for 25-45 minutes. Then wash off in the usual way. Hot pepper tincture stimulates blood flow and improves the nutrition of hair follicles.

!Note! If the skin is inflamed or damaged, it is better not to use this mask.

Burdock oil can be used in pure form or with the addition of other oils, castor, olive and even sunflower. Detailed recipes and methods of use in the material

No. 2 Castor oil for hair

Hair type: for dry, damaged, brittle and tired hair

Will help: for scalp problems, seborrhea, makes hair smooth, gives it strength, eliminates cuttings

Castor oil grows in tropical and subtropical regions. It has been grown in Egypt for more than 4 thousand years and mainly for the sake of the oil, which they consider to be the best oil for hair!

Castor oil is very thick and viscous, it is quite problematic to use it in its pure form, since it is difficult to apply and not easy to wash off. But there are a few tricks.
1. Castor oil for hair can be heated, then it becomes more liquid and convenient for application.
2. Castor oil can be mixed with another oil of a lighter texture, such as burdock.

Castor oil can revitalize hair after almost any damage. It restores shine and strengthens hair. With regular use once a week, it can simply work wonders. This oil is a great solution for many problems!

Vitamin hair mask with castor oil


  • 1 tablespoon burdock oil
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of each vitamin (B6, E, A)

All vitamins in liquid form are sold in pharmacies. Vitamin B6 will help relieve dryness and unpleasant itching. Vitamin E will provide nutrition to the bulb. These vitamins can also be purchased at the pharmacy and added a teaspoon at a time to a mixture of burdock and castor oils. Vitamin A should be added if the hair suddenly becomes thin, dull, brittle, begins to split. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Apply to hair, put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around your head. It is recommended to keep the mask from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Then wash your hair in the usual way.

Learn more about the mixing ratio with other oils and

No. 3 Coconut oil for hair

Hair type: all hair types

Will help: strengthen, grow healthy and strong hair, accelerate growth, for permanent care, beauty and health maintenance

Coconut oil for hair is actively used by girls and women of the eastern countries of the world. It is there that coconut oil is considered the best there. It is used to grow long and healthy hair. From young to old, poor and rich, girls and women care for their hair with coconut oil throughout their lives and take pride in their luxurious braids. The secret is to regularly use the oil to strengthen your hair. Coconut oil contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that are essential for healthy hair. With a lack of them in the body, it is the hair that suffers first. Therefore, using coconut oil for additional nourishment of hair, you reduce the burden on the body and provide the hair with missing elements.

Coconut oil will make hair stronger, smoother, accelerate its growth, and restore the structure of damaged hair. Regular use of coconut oil will make your hair look more well-groomed, shiny and lush.

Coconut oil for hair growth


  • 15-20 ml coconut oil
  • 5-10 ml castor oil
  • 15-20 ml of good cognac


We heat coconut oil in a water bath to 37-40 degrees. Add cognac. We apply the composition to the roots of the hair, cover the head with a plastic bag or a shower cap. We hold for 30 minutes - 1.5 hours. The longer, the better, but if a strong burning sensation occurs, the mask should be washed off immediately.

No. 4 Avocado hair oil

Hair type: all hair types

Will help: give shine, moisturize, strengthen, grow healthy and strong hair

Little avocado for hair has a unique complex of beneficial fatty acids. This oil can rightfully be considered one of the best hair oils. It will not only provide enhanced nutrition, but also give your hair a healthy shine. According to this parameter, only flaxseed oil can be compared with avocado oil. It is suitable for all hair types and for the care of the ends.

Avocado oil for hair ends

To care for split ends and brittle hair ends, avocado oil can be used alone or together with jojoba, grape seed, and macadamia oils. The selected oils are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the ends of the hair 20-40 minutes before shampooing.

Recipes for all hair types, against hair loss and dandruff can be found in the article

No. 5 Flaxseed oil for hair

Hair type: all hair types

Will help: general restoration and strengthening of hair, accelerate growth, get rid of dandruff, hair loss and sectioning

Flaxseed oil for hair is extremely useful, as it has a unique complex of OMEGA fatty acids. In this oil, they are collected in a wide composition and will help solve a whole range of hair problems. The effectiveness of linseed oil in comparison with other oils is quite high. Just 1 application is enough to evaluate the result of its impact.

Flaxseed oil to strengthen hair

To strengthen hair, you can use pure flaxseed oil as a mask. For this you will need 2 tbsp. linseed oil. Such a mask is kept for 40-60 minutes, after which it is washed off in the usual way.

Detailed recipes, oil composition and its properties in the article

No. 6 Olive oil for hair

Hair type: all hair types

Will help: restore, strengthen, heal, restore shine, accelerate growth

Olive oil is versatile and can be used on all hair types. But for the application to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to add additional components to this oil, since olive oil itself may be inferior in effectiveness to other oils.

If you ask any woman from the Mediterranean countries which hair oil is the best, each of them will answer unequivocally - olive oil.

Greek recipe:

On slightly damp hair, apply 20-30 ml of olive oil, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a heated towel. After 20-40 minutes, wash off the oil in the usual way. After such a mask, the hair will gain a healthy shine and strength.

The answer to the question of how to choose the right olive oil, and many useful recipes with it, can be found in the article

No. 7 Argan oil for hair

Hair type: for normal to oily hair

Will help: strengthen, restore, make you more luxuriant, healthy and strong

Argan oil for hair is considered one of the most beneficial, it is added to shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. Argan oil has a light texture and is suitable for treating oily to normal hair. This oil will not weigh them down and at the same time provide additional nutrition and hydration.

Argan Oil for Shine Hair

Argan oil mixed with macadamia oil is often used to shine hair. These oils have the full spectrum of essential elements for shine and healthy hair. Moreover, argan oil and macadamia oil will strengthen hair, restore its structure and restore its shine.


  • 10-15 ml argan oil
  • 10-15 ml macadamia oil

Next, we act as usual, rub it into the roots and scalp, put on a shower cap or a plastic bag, wrap it with a towel on top or put on an old hat. It is recommended to keep such a mask from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, then wash your hair in the usual way.

Hair masks with argan oil for oily hair, for shine, for restoration and a recipe for the care of hair ends can be found in the material

No. 8 Almond oil for hair

Hair type: all hair types

Will help: almond oil will help in general strengthening and restoration of hair, add shine

Sweet almond oil is often recommended for hair care, it perfectly nourishes and repairs hair from roots to ends. It is effective to use this oil not only in the composition of masks, it can be used for combing, express masks, head massage and added to shampoo.

To strengthen hair and accelerate its growth:

  • 2 tbsp linseed oil
  • 1/2 tsp liquid vitamin A
  • 1/2 tsp liquid vitamin E
  • 5-10 drops of lavender or ylang ylang essential oil

This composition provides the hair with the components necessary for its active growth. The mask is applied 1-2 times a week.

No. 9 Grape seed oil for hair

Hair type: for oily and oily hair

Will help: restore the structure, remove the split ends, regulate the sebaceous glands, nourish, moisturize

Grapeseed oil can be used for all hair types, but it is especially suitable for oily and oily hair. This oil is light in texture and does not weigh down the hair after application. It can be used as a standalone product and as part of masks to achieve greater results. As an independent remedy, it is used once a week before shampooing. It is applied to the roots and distributed over the entire length of the hair. It is necessary to stand for 30-60 minutes and then wash your hair in the usual way.

Mask for oily hair with grape seed oil

  • 3 tbsp grape seed oil
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp cognac

Mix everything and apply to the hair roots for 25-30 minutes. Then we wash it off in the usual way. The mask helps to strengthen hair follicles and gradually increase hair density.

No. 10 Wheat germ oil

Hair type: for dry, brittle and damaged hair

Will help: heal damaged hair, restore structure, moisturize

Wheat germ oil is most suitable for repairing dry and damaged hair. It gently moisturizes, nourishes and promotes rapid recovery. After applying this oil, your hair will become smoother, shinier, in a word, healthier.

Wheat germ nourishing poppy for dry hair

  • 2 tbsp wheat germ oils
  • 1 tbsp avocado oil
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

The composition can be slightly warmed up in a water bath and applied to hair 30-45 minutes before shampooing. For regular hair care, the mask is done once every 2 weeks. For urgent recovery from hair damage 2-3 times a week.

No. 11 Mustard oil

Hair type: for dry, normal and damaged hair

Will help: against hair loss, early unity, grow thick and long hair, nourishes, moisturizes, promotes growth acceleration, elasticity and obedience

Mustard oil for hair will help with many problems. Like many other natural oils, it helps to restore hair, make it healthier, fuller and more well-groomed, smoother and more manageable.

Regularly applying mustard oil to your hair along the entire length will help prevent early graying. With this oil, you can grow healthy and strong hair, for which you need to use the following recipe at least once a week:

  • 2 tbsp mustard oil
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard powder
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 7-10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the roots and distributed over the entire length of the hair. We leave for 30-40 minutes. We wash off in the usual way.

No. 12 Jojoba oil

Hair type: dry, brittle, dull and oily

Will help: moisturize, restore, used in the complex treatment of hair loss, heal the ends

Jojoba oil moisturizes and nourishes hair well. It has a light texture and is one of the best oils for oily hair. For dry hair, jojoba oil is also suitable, as it intensely moisturizes and restores the hair structure.

Jojoba oil mask for dry and damaged hair

  • 2 tbsp jojoba oil
  • 1 tsp a spoonful of liquid honey

The mask is applied 30-40 minutes before shampooing. Then wash my head in the usual way.

Essential oils for hair

The essential oil will help maintain the beauty and health of your hair. It should be remembered that a little essential is practically not used in its pure form. It is added to base oils. Essential oils penetrate the hair structure better than base oils and promote better absorption of beneficial elements contained in base oils. In addition, most essential oils regulate the sebaceous glands. So they are indicated for the care of hair prone to oily.

Lemon essential oil

  • activates metabolism, hair follicles receive more nutrition, become stronger and stronger.
  • regulates the sebaceous glands, oily hair keeps clean longer.
  • promotes the acceleration of hair growth due to its composition.
  • lightens hair.
  • promotes the healing of the hair structure.

Lemon essential oil is used to stimulate hair growth in the following composition:

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp flaxseed oil
  • 1 tbsp macadamia or grape seed oil,
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin A,
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin E,
  • 7 drops of lemon essential oil

The mask is first applied to the roots, then distributed over the entire length of the hair, not forgetting about the ends. A shower cap and a towel must be worn. The mask lasts from 45 to 60 minutes, washed off with regular shampoo. Using this composition once a week, you can grow beautiful, well-groomed hair. Hair growth with regular nutrition with vitamins is noticeably accelerated.

This mask will also be useful for those whose hair grows very slowly.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is used to solve a wide range of problems, it

  • nourishes, improves blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to each hair,
  • soothes the scalp, eliminates redness, inflammation, itching, irritation,
  • awakens dormant hair follicles and stimulates new hair growth,
  • with regular use, it helps to increase hair density,
  • restores the hair structure, it becomes smoother and more manageable,
  • helps to stop hair loss,
  • used as an aid in the fight against seborrhea,
  • regulates the sebaceous glands, useful for both oily and dry hair,
  • helps to get rid of various types of fungi and dandruff.

Lavender essential oil has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is often used to combat various troubles: fungi and dandruff. The most effective recipe is:

  • 1 tbsp castor oil
  • 1 tbsp burdock oil,
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil,
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil

All ingredients are mixed and applied mainly to the hair roots. Remains are distributed along the entire length. Such a mask is kept for 30-40 minutes, after which it is washed off in the usual way.

Ylang Ylang essential oil

Last but not least, Ylang Ylang essential oil for hair. This oil can work wonders. For example, cure split ends.

So, ylang-ylang essential oil has the following properties:

  • Improves blood circulation, which primarily activates the nutrition of the scalp, hair follicles and the hair itself.
  • Prevents hair loss mainly by improving nutrition.
  • Acceleration of new hair growth. Pipten, which is part of the oil, awakens dormant hair follicles and thus stimulates the growth of new hair. Gradually increasing hair density.
  • Regulation of hair fat balance. For oily hair, ylang-ylang oil is an excellent addition to your hair. While drying your hair, using ylang-ylang oil will keep your hair fresh for a little longer.
  • Protection. Due to the presence in the composition of a large amount of antioxidants, ylang-ylang oil protect hair from the adverse effects of the external environment.
  • The antibacterial properties will help fight bacterial seborrhea.


Any oil or any mixture based on it must be tested for individual tolerance before use. Apply a small amount of the product to a sensitive area of ​​the skin, on the bend of the elbow or on the wrist and evaluate the effect within 20-30 minutes. If no unpleasant symptoms have arisen, the remedy can be used.

Well-groomed and healthy hair is a woman's pride. To give curls an attractive look and make them truly beautiful, women use various means, preferring home care to an expensive salon. When choosing a hair oil, 99 out of 100 women ask which one is better. The use of natural products without chemical impurities makes it possible to significantly improve the condition of the strands without causing them the slightest harm. What are the most beneficial oils for hair and how to properly treat curls with them?


Natural oils have long been used to care for damaged and weakened hair on the head. Their main advantage is their excellent composition, where there are no chemicals. What hair oils are good for? Natural remedies are divided into 3 types, which are worth discussing in more detail.


The best hair oils are vegetable oils. They can be used neat, without additional components. The products owe their popularity to their ability to penetrate the hair cuticle and exert not only external, but also internal effects on its structure.


They are applied externally. Their use is necessary to prevent hair loss, to accelerate their growth, reduce fragility and heal the scalp. Aromatic oils are usually added in a few drops to a shampoo or balm for curls, or a medicated mixture of hair oils is prepared by adding different components according to the specified recipe.


A good hair oil can be the fruit of modern technology. Cosmetic products used mainly for express care can include several plant and essential varieties, as well as parabens, fragrances, pearlescent pigments, UV protective filters and other synthetic elements.

What is the best hair oil? Different products have completely different effects on the strands, therefore they are selected according to individual indicators.

Benefits and effectiveness

Nourishing hair oils are prepared from seeds, seeds and plant parts. The most useful and effective is the product obtained by cold pressing. This production method allows you to preserve the maximum amount of valuable natural raw materials.

What problems can you cope with by regularly making oil masks and rubbing:

  • dryness;
  • fragility;
  • excessive loss;
  • loss of color and natural shine.

Already after the first application, women notice the effect of exposure to natural ingredients. The systematic application of oil formulations allows you to improve the condition of the strands, make them strong, thick, get rid of oily sheen and restore the saturation of the shade. Moisturizing oils for hair help to retain enough moisture, making curls look beautiful and manageable.

Rating of hair oils

Any woman wants the care of curls to be simple, and the effect of the procedures is instantly noticeable. If you decide to try to heal your strands using hair oil, which one is better to choose? Cosmetologists have compiled a rating of products that are most effective for restoring the structure of each hair and improving the scalp. It includes 7 oils.


It allows you to add volume to the strands, protects against harmful solar radiation, and improves the natural shine. The oil is applied as a mask for 2-3 hours, and then the hair is washed with shampoo.


If the ends of the hairs are thinned and constantly break off, use this particular tool. Jojoba oil is often referred to as "liquid wax" because it envelops each hair in an invisible film that allows the pores to breathe freely. As a result, the strands become shiny and elastic.

Grape seed

It can be applied neat topically or added to shampoos and balms. The beneficial properties of grape seed oil include:

  • improvement of split ends;
  • cure for dandruff;
  • improving the structure of the hair follicle;
  • nutrition of the scalp.


The oil obtained from the kernel of the exotic walnut helps to restore docility and softness to the strands after a couple of applications. They are treated with curls from roots to ends. It does not weigh down the hair, removes dryness, nourishes, stimulates growth and restores radiance.


Inexpensive hair oil can be found in the kitchen of almost every housewife. The aromatic substance cold pressed from olives is perfect for preventing brittleness and dryness. The maximum benefit from the product can be obtained only by heating it to 40 degrees, or by putting on a polyethylene cap over the applied oil mask, which retains heat.


Provides invaluable health benefits to curls. Its use helps to quickly get rid of itching and dandruff, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, and saturate the scalp with micronutrients.


What is the most effective oil for hair? Our mothers and grandmothers also used a product derived from burdock roots to get rid of hair problems. Burdock oil contains stearic and palmitic acid, due to which damaged hair literally come to life, its loss slows down, and growth, on the contrary, accelerates. The substance is rubbed into the scalp and evenly distributed over the entire length, kept for 20 minutes and washed off.

Pharmacy hair oils are commercially available. They are inexpensive and easy to use at home. Many women use other types of oils as well:

  • peach;
  • rosewood;
  • tangerine;
  • castor;
  • lavender;
  • linseed;
  • from wheat germ;
  • argan;
  • lemon;
  • hemp.

Application features

All natural oils are effective in different ways. Some work in a complex manner, others are suitable for oily hair, and still others are suitable for dry hair. Hair oil can be purchased at the pharmacy to be applied along the entire length of the curls and to be rubbed into the scalp. There are also special preparations for colored and uncolored strands. It is necessary to select the oil, taking into account individual characteristics, so that the active ingredients solve hairstyle troubles.

How to use hair oil? There are several general rules that require strict adherence to the effects of natural remedies to be noticeable.

  1. Extremely damaged hair is treated with an oil mass heated in a water bath, leaving it on the strands for the whole night.
  2. To get rid of dandruff, oils are rubbed into the scalp for 15-20 minutes - this improves blood circulation and increases the absorption of nutrients.
  3. To protect against ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to apply a few drops of a natural remedy rubbed in the palms of your hands along the entire length of cleanly washed curls.
  4. After the procedure, the composition is washed off with organic shampoo and the strands are rinsed with cool water.
  5. For one session, 5 ml of oil is enough. A larger amount will be difficult to remove from the surface of the hair, you can dry it out, or vice versa, make the hair too oily.