Why you may need old nylon tights. Preparing the nylon for work. From nylon tights you can make pads to scare away moths

Description of the care of nylon tights.

Dedicated to all women, because each of us has repeatedly come across arrows and holes in nylon tights. In this article, you will learn what to do in such cases.

How to make stockings from nylon tights?

Tights can make beautiful original stockings. And they will continue to delight you, like your favorite tights. For work, take:

  • tights
  • threads
  • elastic band that will hold the stockings on the leg
  • You can take the threads in the same color as the tights, or you can experiment. For example, take an elastic band and threads of a different color than the future stockings.
  • Now you need to cut off the top of the pantyhose so that you get two identical stockings. For this you will need sharp scissors... Trim your stockings to the very top.
  • Edge of a cropped stocking scorch with fire... It is advisable to use a candle or lighter fire. It would be nice to pull the stocking over some frame. So it will be more convenient to burn the edges.
  • Next step: Sew an elastic around the edge of the stocking. To do this, fold the burnt part outward and sew an elastic band to it with neat stitches.

In this way, you will give your tights a second chance. They need to be worn under a special belt or use a thick elastic band and wear it yourself.

How to make knee-highs from nylon tights?

Now many women of fashion prefer golf. They not only go well with a skirt or dress, but also visually lengthen the legs.

You can buy them at any store. But you wanted to have them right now, but there is no possibility. In this case, they can be made from old nylon tights.

For future golf it is better to take dense and black tights. They can be worn on top of dark tights, and they will not differ in shade. Plus, they will also warm you in winter.

To make pantyhose knee-highs:

  • Trim the bottom of the pantyhose. Just cut above the knees. Otherwise, they will not reach the right place.
  • Next, fold the edge of the product and sew. Only sew the stitches straight and inconspicuous from the outside. To solve the problem of golf dropping, sew on the wrong side of the elastic band.

How to make leggings from nylon tights?

It is better to take tight nylon tights for leggings. Decide on the color yourself. Usually they are either black or gray. Young girls can experiment and take on brightly colored tights. For converting tights into leggings you will need:

  • Pantyhose themselves
  • Scissors
  • Elastic
  • Thread with a needle

To make leggings:

  • Take a pair of scissors and cut the bottom of the pantyhose to the ankle length. Try to keep your tights the same length.
  • Hem the edge with threads. At the end you should have a "rubber band".
  • Sew an elastic to the bottom of the pantyhose. This will give your tights an aesthetic look and hold.

How to paint nylon tights for flowers?

Many needlewomen create flowers from nylon. And they face the question of painting this product. For these purposes, there are many options:

  • The first option is professional paint... These can be purchased at a craft store.
  • For painting, take the dye and pour it into the dish.
  • Add water to it to make a pasty mixture.
  • Mix all this with the addition of washing powder.
  • Dilute this mixture with 5 liters of water.
  • Soak nylon tights in this liquid for an hour.
  • Then rinse and hang to dry.
  • The second option is potassium permanganate... This method is the cheapest and fastest.
  • Mix the potassium permanganate with water and soak the tights.
  • Then rinse several times. The intensity of the color depends on the amount of potassium permanganate and the time of soaking.
  • Nylon tights can also be dyed brilliant green. The method of staining does not differ from staining with potassium permanganate.
  • Corrugated paper can help in this case. It should be crushed and thrown into water. After half an hour, remove and dip the tights into the resulting solution.

How to stop the arrow on the pantyhose and hide it?

It happens that at the most inopportune moment an arrow has gone on your tights. This little nuisance can be annoying and ruin your mood. If the arrow is small and does not go beyond the visible limits, then it can be stopped:

  • By using colorless varnish... To do this, coat the entire arrow with this product and wait until it dries.
  • Hair fixation spray can also save the situation. Just sprinkle the arrow with it.
  • Soap- wipe the arrow that appears with it and let dry.
  • Also, the arrow can be simply sew up threads. Only it should be done carefully, without skipping the loops.

How to sew up tights discreetly: an arrow, a hole?

To unnoticeably sew up an arrow or a hole on the tights, you will need:

  • Threads matching the color of the tights
  • Magnifying glass

The actions are as follows:

  • Prepare a needle and thread.
  • Tighten the edges of the bottom end of the hole or arrow.
  • Pull the thread through all the loops to prevent the arrow from going the other way. For this purpose, glass is useful to you.
  • Treat the seam with clear varnish.

Even the tightest seam will be visible. Therefore, if the hole or arrow is in a conspicuous place, then it is better to throw out such tights immediately or leave them for household needs.

How to remove a puff, hold on pantyhose?

Puffs and clues spoil the look of the tights. And they very quickly turn into holes and arrows. If you notice such a flaw in your tights, then try to smooth it out. Only fresh puffs can be saved this way. Otherwise, throw away your pantyhose right away.

To prevent the puff from becoming an arrow, you can use the same colorless varnish... It will stop the formation of holes in the pantyhose for a while.

How to remove pills from tights?

Pilling occurs when wearing tights for a long time and frequent washing. You can get rid of them with the help of a special machines for removing spools. It easily and accurately removes such defects.

You can also use a razor to remove fluff from pantyhose. To do this, take a Soviet razor with a removable blade and gently slide it over your pantyhose. This can be done faster with a conventional machine.

How to wash nylon tights with hands and in a typewriter?

Nylon tights should be washed after each wear. Washing your tights properly will prolong the life of your tights. Use warm water and detergent for hand wash. Soak the tights for 25 minutes. in this solution.

Then change the water and wash again with detergent. Rinse the tights well and then hang to dry.

In a washing machine, tights should only be washed in cool water... The regime should be gentle. Better to choose delicate wash. A laundry bag protects them from snags and pills.

How to quickly dry nylon tights?

You can quickly dry tights using terry towel. It absorbs moisture well and prevents tights from deforming. You just need to wrap this product in a towel and twist it. In 20 minutes. the tights are almost dry.

On air nylon tights dry even faster. It is enough just to hang them by the bottom and leave them in this position for a few minutes. A more radical method is to use hair dryer... It will dry the tights in a short amount of time.

How to whiten white nylon tights?

After long-term wearing, white tights become gray or very dirty. Expensive detergents quickly solve this problem. But not everyone can afford it. Therefore, there are several cheap ways to fix this problem should be considered:

  • Laundry soap- they used to wash everything. To do this, rub the tights with this soap and let them lie down. After half an hour, simply wash and rinse them.
  • Bleach or bleach- you need to be careful with this tool. Sometimes, after this method, things acquire a yellowish tint. Therefore, it is better to first check this method on things that you do not mind throwing away later.
  • By using boric acid it is also possible to wash white tights. To do this, add three tablespoons of this product to the water and soak the tights in it for an hour.
  • If you add mustard powder to the wash, the white tights will become even whiter.
  • The ammonia and peroxide will wash your tights well and remove stubborn stains.

How to wash tights that are stained from shoes?

In this case, it is best to return the shoes to the store right away. Tights can be saved in several ways:

  • Rub the dirty areas with soap and leave in this form for 10 minutes. Then put them in hot water. Do not keep it in this position for a very long time, because the tights can lose their shape.
  • To remove paint from tights, use ultrasonic washing machines. They are indispensable for washing such things. It is enough to soak the tights in water and leave overnight with the washing machine turned on. In the morning, lightly wipe the stains and rinse the item.

How to wear women's tights correctly?

Nylon tights are an irreplaceable thing for girls and women in the cool season. They allow you to wear skirts and dresses in autumn, winter and spring. But not everyone knows how to properly dress such a fragile and delicate thing.

Nylon- very elastic material, but prone to puffs and arrows. To prevent such flaws from forming on your favorite tights, you should dress them correctly and carefully:

  • First, take one piece of pantyhose and put it on your arm.
  • When you get to the toe, you gently begin to put this design on your leg.
  • Do not rush, pull the claws in turn: first the foot, then the lower leg, thigh.
  • Do the same manipulation with the second part.

How to pull up tights discreetly?

It so happens that the tights can slip a little and interfere with walking. In a deserted nook, they are easy to pull up. And if it happened in a crowded place and there is nowhere to hide? In such a situation, brave girls can arrange an erotic show and sexually tighten this item of clothing.

To do this discreetly, you should try to do it through the top - just straighten the jacket. At the same time, try to slightly tighten the elastic of the tights. If you want to lift them up on your feet, try grabbing them through your skirt. At the same time, pretend that you are straightening the skirt itself, and not tights.

How to stretch nylon tights in length and width?

Purchased tights in some cases are small. This often happens when choosing the wrong size. But don't despair. This product can be stretched in length and width so that afterwards it will fit you:

  • You can soak small tights in water and put them on. Once dry, they will return to your size.
  • Leave the tights on hot water bottles overnight.

How to reduce nylon tights?

There are several ways to reduce nylon tights:

  • Wash in a washing machine at 50 C.
  • Soak in hot water overnight.
  • Wet and put on.

It is better to get rid of such tights or leave until better times.

How beautiful to rip pantyhose?

The fashion for ripped tights goes back to the 90s. Therefore, many girls are wondering how to beautifully tear tights. If you have nylon tights with arrows and holes, then they will fit for this business. First, select the option that you will display on the tights:

  • Huge holes - for this option, it is better to take mesh tights. In the right places, just cut the strings.

· Small holes - these can be made using a round metal product. The metal should be heated and lean against the nylon.
Holes and Arrows - Any object with sharp, uneven edges will do. Just slide it over your pantyhose.

How to prevent tights from tearing?

After buying nylon tights, many are worried about the imminent formation of holes and arrows. To extend the life of a given item of clothing, tights should be placed immediately after purchase, put on 2 hours in the freezer... This helps to tighten the nylon threads and reduces the likelihood of snags and arrows.

The dress sticks to the tights - what to do?

When wearing synthetics, "electricity" appears, which allows the dress to stick to the tights. To fix this problem, you can use antistatic agent... This product is best used outdoors. It has a specific odor and harmful substances for inhalation. Alternatively, use the following methods:

  • Rinse items in water containing vinegar.
  • Hair balm can also solve this problem - just mix the vinegar and balm, dilute this mixture and rinse things in it.
  • Salt and citric acid in the ratio of 1 tsp to 10 liters of water, it will relieve things from sticking.

How to store socks and tights in the closet?

Correctly laid out socks and tights save space in the closet and allow you to quickly find the thing you need. It is better to store these products in small departments... So they will always be in their place. In this case, the tights will not be confused with each other.

If it is not possible to divide these things into departments, then socks should be stored in pairs... Less chance of losing one sock. It is better to roll tights with a roller and stack them vertically in the closet.

You can store socks and tights just in the closet

For storage of socks and tights, there are special organizers... They are a box with many compartments. Such a thing is easy to place in a closet. You can also use hangers to store your pantyhose. Round hangers with clothespins will keep your socks hanging in pairs.

Video: About nylon tights

Old tights don't have to go to landfill. Skilled hands can find an incredible number of useful uses for this recycled material. What exactly you can think of here - see the new review. Definitely, the tips collected here can be useful to everyone.

1. Artificial fog

Putting on a thin nylon stocking on the camera lens, you can get original images with the effect of fog. This trick is definitely worth taking note of for all novice photographers and fans of experiments.

2. Adorable toys

From old torn or unnecessary tights, you can make unique toys that will become an original home decoration or gifts for loved ones.

3. Artificial flowers

Craftswomen and needlewomen can use thin nylon tights to create stunning fake flowers.

4. Channel for nails and screws

Scraps of unnecessary nylon stockings, socks and tights can be used to reinforce loose screws in old furniture or to nail down walls. To do this, the drilled hole must be filled with scraps of a stocking, stick a hot, heated nail there and immediately pull it out. You can drive a nail, screw or bolt into the resulting molten channel.

5. Glass rag

Old nylon products can be turned into rags for effective glass cleaning. Due to their abrasive properties, these cloths do an excellent job with any dirt and do not leave fibers.

6. Cloth for cleaning and polishing shoes

Scraps of unnecessary nylon tights can be used to clean and polish shoes.

7. Scrubber for washing dishes

Torn tights can be converted into washcloths. To do this, cut the previously washed pantyhose into thin strips and use a crochet hook to knit washcloths from them that will cope with fat and dried food debris no worse than purchased ones.

8. Furniture polishing

Capron has a soft abrasive property and well removes dirt and dust from polished and varnished surfaces. So, just crumple up holey tights and wipe them on wooden furniture.

9. Protection of the massage comb

A clean nylon sock or a piece of stocking can be put on the comb so that the teeth stick out. This will protect the comb from the remnants of dandruff, sebum and will allow you to clean it of hair and dirt at any time, simply by removing it all along with the nylon.

10. Net

Nylon is a fairly durable material, so old tights can be used to create a net for fishing, or a device for cleaning the pool.

11. Washing

In order not to inadvertently ruin a delicate item during machine wash, place it in a nylon stocking. Also, in nylon stockings or tights, you can wash small things so that they are not lost in the machine.

12. Nail polish remover

Use a waste nylon stocking to wipe old nail polish off if you don't have cotton on hand.

13. Nylon in a flower pot

Before planting the plant, place a piece of nylon tights on the bottom of the pot to protect the soil from washing out when watering.

14. Perfect paint

Nylon tights for drying shoes.

Old nylon products can be used to dry wet shoes. Pour some cat litter into the trimmings of unwanted tights, tie and place in wet shoes. In addition to moisture, the bags also absorb unpleasant odors.

Video bonus:

Continuing the theme on their own.

Almost every female representative has a whole bunch of nylon tights with arrows for the autumn-spring season. They break easily, so you have to buy new ones all the time. But do not rush to get rid of old tights, rest assured, they will still be useful to you. Let's find out what useful ones you can do yourself.

Surprisingly, real hostesses have long been using "kapronki" for their own purposes in the garden, kitchen and even sew various crafts from them. They can come in handy even for minor repairs, unexpected breakdown of the machine, they have a lot of applications.

So, you can make a lot of things from old nylon tights with your own hands.

  1. Storage tank for onions and garlic. Synthetic tights are remarkably breathable, do not accumulate moisture and do not rot.
  2. Rags for mirrors and glass. Curling the pantyhose into a square and then stitching them cross-to-cross, you get an excellent sponge with good abrasive properties.
  3. Scented pads. Sew envelopes from pantyhose and put orange peels, various fragrant herbs in them. These pads will keep a pleasant fresh scent in your home.
  4. Remedy for moths. If you sew pads from tights and fill them with lavender, they will protect things from moths.
  5. An original doll. Having stuffed nude-colored "kapronki" with padding polyester, you can get a very realistic doll.
  6. Fog effect on the photo. The pictures will turn out to be mysterious and unusual if you cover the lens with dark nylon tights.
  7. Durable socks. Pantyhose threads can fasten the sole area or just the heels. These socks will last much longer than usual.
  8. Egg dye bag. So that when painting the applications do not come off the Easter eggs, each should be put in a nylon stocking and tied tightly.
  9. Elastic ropes for tying plants. Garter material made from old nylon tights is much stronger than regular ropes, softer, and, moreover, it does not rot from dampness.
  10. Capronki, in the absence of a padding polyester at hand, can be used for stuffing soft toys.
  11. If you cut the stockings into strips and then tie a washcloth out of them, you can easily polish the furniture with them.
  12. Using old nylon tights, you can collect beads or other small items from the floor. Just put the stocking on the vacuum cleaner and pick up all small objects from the floor - they will remain on the surface of the tights.
  13. If you need to check any surface for smoothness, just sweep it with nylon. If there are no puffs, then it is free from defects.
  14. You can cover a jar with butterflies, insects with tights. So they can breathe, but they won't fly away.
  15. Melted nylon can be used to glue porous and fleecy materials. However, it should be borne in mind that it melts and solidifies very quickly.
  16. A tourniquet from old nylon tights can easily save someone's life. Strong stockings can be used to bandage people who have received a fracture or injury.
  17. Women's nylon tights can temporarily replace a torn alternator belt.
  18. If the paint has come in lumps, simply strain it through a stocking or drown it slightly in a jar. In this way, you can avoid unevenness when painting walls and other surfaces.

To make old nylon tights take up less space, cut them into strips of 2-3 cm, and then roll them into a ball.

How to apply baby tights?

In winter, when the weather does not allow you to walk for a long time, it's time to make something with your own hands with your child. For example, you can make dolls for the theater, funny toys, florics from old children's tights. Some needlewomen even weave colorful rugs. And from unnecessary children's tights, you can cut rags to wipe the dust.

Florika making workshop

Florrick is a fun evergreen toy. It fits perfectly into the interior of the children's room. It is very simple to make it, for this we need:

  • Children tights;
  • scissors;
  • thread with a needle;
  • beads;
  • sawdust;
  • soil for indoor plants;
  • lawn grass seeds;
  • stand or plate.

Cut a stocking 20-25 cm long, fill 1/3 with sawdust. Mix the soil with the seeds and fill in the remaining 2/3, sew up. Give the toy the shape of a hedgehog, sew on eye beads, a nose on the toe, water it well. After some time, the seeds will germinate and a green fur coat will appear on the florica.

Workshop on making a very long dachshund

Long as a sausage, funny and funny, such a dog is very popular with children. The more colorful tights you find, the better.

So, in order to make a toy with our own hands, we need:

  • a few old children's tights;
  • thread with a needle;
  • scissors;
  • multi-colored patches, beads, buttons;
  • synthetic winterizer or nylon tights.

First, cut off the "legs" at the tights (the "feet" must also be separated). Turn the sections inside out, and then carefully sew together. Sew up one end, stuff the whole body with old nylon tights or padding polyester. Sew on the other end, attach the beaded eyes, nose. Take 2 "feet" from the tights, sew them in place of the ears. Cut out a collar, four legs, a tail from bright patches and glue (or sew) them to the “body”.

Did you know that tights ...

Many women wear pantyhose without thinking about their origins and significance in the fashion world. Surprisingly enough, they were originally part of an exclusively male wardrobe. It was only in the 16th century that fashionable women began to wear silk stockings. But nylon tights appeared much later - only in the middle of the 20th century. The popularity of this wardrobe item has grown more and more every year. There was a fashion for short skirts and dresses, and with them the market was flooded with "kapronki". This product is now generally available, available in a variety of colors and shades, with a wide variety of textures and weaves.

So, dear women of fashion, do not rush to throw away your torn stockings. You can make a lot of useful, interesting things from old tights with your own hands. They can be used in the garden, in the kitchen, in the nursery and even in the home first aid kit. If they are torn quite a bit, you can simply wear them under jeans. And you can rob a bank (just kidding).

Every woman has more than one pair of nylon tights that can no longer be worn (torn, the "arrow" went, puffs appeared). A zealous mistress or owner will not throw them out, but will give them a second life. In this article, you will learn how to use old tights and what can be made of them. And there are a lot of applications for old nylon tights, believe me!

I hope everyone understands that:
Tights are thoroughly washed before use. And where the tights come in contact with food, only new (and also washed) ones are used.

The use of nylon tights in the household

If you have lost any small thing in the room, then you can find it. It is only necessary to make a simple filter from a piece of nylon from old tights on the pipe of the vacuum cleaner, which will keep the lost thing and prevent the vacuum cleaner from swallowing it.

In the same way, you can avoid the suction of soil and sand in the aquarium when changing the water using a vacuum cleaner (washing).

By the way, if you use a reusable filter in your vacuum cleaner, you can replace it with a part of nylon tights (do not confuse the filter with a garbage bag).

It is very convenient to polish with nylon tights to a shine.

Old nylon tights can not be thrown away. They make beautiful rugs, pots and even dolls.

Nylon tights are a must-have for a modern woman. They are comfortable, pleasant to the body and sometimes madly beautiful. But tights have one huge drawback: no matter how high-quality and expensive they are, sooner or later they will still break. By the way, sometimes it happens in the most inappropriate place at the most unfortunate time. Frustration and only - an expensive and loved thing should be thrown away ...

If necessary? Craftsmen know how to give tights a second life, turning them into useful household items, exquisite interior decorations and even cute dolls.

How can old tights be used?

If the tights are torn, let the arrows go, they can be successfully used in the country and household in a variety of ways.

  1. As a cloth for wiping dust, shoes, removing animal hair from clothing. It is very good to clean glossy surfaces, glass, tiles with tights
  2. As a cover, not a broom so that it does not sprinkle with straw
  3. For storing onions, garlic
  4. Like a vacuum cleaner attachment. If some small and necessary thing is lost on the floor so that it is found, but it is not sucked into the vacuum cleaner, you can pull a piece of nylon fabric over it, which will act as a catcher
  5. As a tow for insulating windows. Foam rubber, which is often used to plug gaps in windows that did not have time to be replaced with metal-plastic ones, soon begins to rot or crumble. Tights rolled into a tube keep warm well, do not fade and can last for years
  6. For painting surfaces. If the paint in the can is taken up in lumps, or rubbish has got into it, it can be saved. All this heterogeneity will remain inside if you put on nylon tights on the neck of the can. They will let paint through, but not rubbish. Also, coloring can be done by the tights themselves, then the texture at the surface will turn out to be very interesting
  7. Make a sieve. Through it you can sift flour, drain pasta, squeeze cottage cheese. Tights are even used to brew tea so that tea leaves do not end up in portioned cups. You can also filter a solution of whitewash chalk, wallpaper glue, etc. through a sieve made of tights.
  8. Tie up tomatoes. Summer residents have long got used to using tights in such an unusual way. They are cut into strips, which later play the role of strong and elastic ropes.
  9. Like patches on mosquito nets, or even instead of mosquito nets
  10. Like chopiki. If the socket for the screw needs to be strengthened, the chop is not at hand, you can insert a nylon flap into the hole made in the surface and melt it. The screw will hold perfectly
You can tie up tomatoes with old nylon tights.

Vacuum cleaner attachment from old tights.

Bow net from old tights.

IMPORTANT: It is obvious that the used recycled nylon tights must be clean. They should at least be washed with powder. For some types of handicrafts, they are even boiled.

If you have imagination and desire, there is no need to rush to throw away the old torn tights from nylon. Very beautiful interior items are made of them, such as:

  • decorative pillows
  • pots
  • rugs
  • furniture covers
  • decorative bottles-ladies
  • lampshades for lamps
  • half-rack for pens and pencils
  • butterflies
  • baskets for sewing, toys, other household stuff
  • photo frames

A decorative bottle made from old tights.

A rug from old tights.

Butterflies from old tights.

Pillow toy made of old tights.

A flower from old tights.

Lampshade from old tights.

Chair cover made of old tights.

Dress from old tights.

Toy box made from old tights.

IMPORTANT: The fantasy of a needlewoman can go so far that old tights make an elegant cocktail dress

VIDEO: Flowers from nylon tights

DIY nylon tights dolls? Step-by-step instruction

Dolls made from old nylon tights and stockings are called stockings. They serve as an interior decoration, a talisman for housing (we are talking about cute housewives). Children also play with stocking dolls. In order to make such a charm, you only need basic sewing skills. Master classes with photos and videos will help budding puppet masters.

The first thing to start with is to choose the type of stocking doll. There are:

  1. Wire-frame hosiery dolls. From nylon, fillers and a dense frame (it can be made of cardboard, wire, polystyrene, etc.), a toy is made with all parts of the body, which can even be mobile. Frame dolls are most often made for children.
  2. Soft body dolls. Turns out like ordinary stuffed toys
  3. Doll head. Sometimes she is with her hands, in a fluffy dress. Such dolls are hung on the walls
  4. Pop dolls. They differ in that they have expressive faces and ... sirloin. Popiki are designed to express the mood of their owner. If he is in the spirit - the doll looks at the guest with a pretty face, if not - turns its fifth point to everyone
Stocking doll with a box.

Stocking doll on a pillow.

Wall hanging dolls.

Stylish stocking doll.

The doll is a priest.

Stocking doll the little mermaid.
  • nylon tights
  • scissors
  • threads
  • PVA glue or silicone in the gun
  • frame (cardboard, wire, plastic bottle, etc.)
  • padding (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer)
  • fabric for sewing clothes
  • decor for clothes (rhinestones, ribbons, lace, etc.)
  • paints, cosmetics, brushes, toothpicks for coloring the doll's face

The simplest nylon doll can be made like this:

  1. The frame of the doll can be twisted from wire. You need to remember how in childhood they made wire men, make one, and put the details of a toy from a stocking on it
  2. The head is made first. To do this, stuffing is placed in the stocking, a ball of the required size is formed, and tied in a knot. Cut off the rest of the stocking. In place of the knot, you can make a seam, then the doll will turn out to be more accurate. A window is left for the wire frame
  3. The doll's face is created with the help of stitches with which the nylon is pulled together in the right places. This is how the eyebrows, nose, nasolabial folds, lips and chin are obtained. Next, she gets makeup. The eyes of the doll can be drawn or sewn on ready
  4. The doll's body is made simple, oval. If there is a desire, the chest, navel, butt are also made out with the help of stitches.
  5. I want to make my hands beautiful, with fingers and even nails. On the legs, the feet can be arranged in the same way.
  6. Details of the doll are put on the frame and sewn onto the body
  7. You can dream up with hair by making it from threads, synthetic fibers, etc.
  8. Doll clothes and accessories are made

IMPORTANT: To get a doll with a natural complexion, it is not enough to choose flesh-colored tights. They need to be boiled using a special technology.

VIDEO: Master class nylon doll Splyushka

How to boil pantyhose for making a stocking doll?

Puppet masters advise to give nylon a natural flesh color by boiling it with a chlorine-containing agent. Such in the stores of household chemicals in bulk. But on the forums on needlework, they say that some spoil the material itself, others make its color faded or dead.

  • bleach Ace
  • Domestos
  • Comet with chlorinol

The procedure itself is carried out in this way:

  1. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of water in an enamel pan
  2. About 20 ml of chlorine product is added to it.
  3. Panty hoses are boiled in a boiling solution for at least a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula
  4. Rinse the boiled discolored pantyhose and soak in cold water with fabric softener for another 15 minutes

How to make a doll hands out of tights?

The hands of a stocking doll can be soft, with the fingers marked with seams, but they turn out to be connected to each other. To make the hand full, a frame is made for each of the fingers.

  1. The frame is twisted from wire - one loop for each finger
  2. For each finger, cut a strip of padding polyester, wrap it tightly around the frame
  3. The palm is also filled with padding.
  4. The nylon is pulled over the hoop, the base of the doll's pen is applied to it, the contour is drawn, a small seam allowance is left
  5. Cut out handles from nylon in duplicate
  6. Pull the nylon on the handle frame and carefully sew it
  7. Attach the doll's hand to the forearm. If the forearm and hand have one frame, the whole arm is attached to the body.

Outlining the contours of the hand on nylon.

Sewing hand parts.

How to sew a monkey out of tights?

The monkey stocking doll is a symbol of the year and is just a cute toy for children. It is made like an anthropomorphic doll.

  1. Make a wire frame
  2. Wrap the frame with double-sided adhesive tape, then the synthetic winterizer will stick well to it
  3. Wrap the frame with padding polyester, fix it with thread winding
  4. Monkey pens are made according to the instructions above.
  5. They shape the head of a monkey, shape her face with stitches
  6. Shape toy body
  7. Connect body parts together
  8. Sew clothes for the monkey

Monkey frame.

Monkey stuffing.

Making a monkey's face. A monkey made of old tights.

IMPORTANT: If you wish, you can use fur to make the monkey fur

How to make a brownie from nylon tights

They say that the figures of brownies, like the mystical creatures themselves, bring comfort and warmth to the home, protect it from fires, thefts, and other misfortunes, and contribute to the establishment of warm relations between family members. The brownie is easy to make from old nylon tights.

Hosiery doll brownie Kuzya.

Funny brownie from nylon.

Housewife-amulet from old tights.

VIDEO: Doll from tights "Domovikha"

How to make a blanket for a cat from pantyhose?

A blanket for a cat is by no means a decoration or a mockery of an animal, as many might think. It is extremely necessary for the animal in the postoperative period. Depending on what the operation was, what suture and what was made from, the veterinarian advises wearing a blanket in order to:

  • the cat did not lick the seam
  • the seam is not damaged
  • no infection (bacteria, fungi) has entered the seam

Blankets for cats are on sale, but they are expensive, and you only need a short period of time. The product can also be made of old nylon tights using a pattern.

IMPORTANT: The blanket can be sewn from several patches of nylon, or you can stretch the material and make a one-piece product

How to make a mermaid tail from pantyhose?

A mermaid tail may be needed for a masquerade, for photography. Little girls are also often asked to do it.

I must say that the mermaid tail from tights turns out to be rude. But you can try to skillfully decorate it.

There are several options for creating a costume element.

  1. You need to buy large tights. One overshoe is immediately cut off, it is not needed. The fin frame is inserted into the second foot. Insert both legs into a galoshe with a fin, you get a tail. If you use a monofin for such a suit, you can swim in it.
  2. Take tights of the right size. The lower part is cut off from them. Panty hoses are cut along the inner seam of each ear and then the front and back parts are sewn together to make a skirt. The fin is decorated with fabric or lace. You can walk in such a tail

IMPORTANT: The pantyhose tail is trimmed with sequins, pebbles, lace, satin ribbons to imitate scales. It can also be dyed with fabric paint

How to cut tights in a spiral?

To make a rug, wicker bedspread or furniture cover out of tights, they need to be cut into yarn in a spiral. You need to understand right away that this is a rather long exercise.

  1. The socks and the upper part of the tights are cut off
  2. The tights are cut so that each strip is about 1 cm thick
  3. An incision is made on top of the canvas and slowly cut a strip of "noodles", being careful not to cut it and keep the same length
  4. The yarn obtained from both shafts is tied together with a neat knot

How to knit a pantyhose rug on your toes

From yarn from old tights, using knitting needles or a crochet hook, you can knit an interesting and durable rug for a hallway, a summer residence and even a living room.
You can make it on your fingers. A detailed master class is in the video below.

VIDEO: There was a use for old tights! Cozy rug! Utilitarian handicraft