Day cream for combination skin prone to dryness - Clinique Smart Custom-Repair Moisturizer SPF15. Combination skin Combination dry skin care

Combining dry skin with excessively oily and shiny skin can be a real headache. What should be the care for combination skin to make it look healthier and more attractive?

Combination skin types

You need to make a reservation right away: by itself the term "combination skin" does not mean anything... In fact, almost everyone has combination skin. In the center of the face there are more sebaceous glands, which are united in the so-called "T-zone": it includes the forehead, nose and chin. And this "T-shaped zone" is an absolutely normal and natural phenomenon. In turn, the skin on the cheeks has fewer sebaceous glands, so it is more prone to dryness. Any deviations in the balance of oily and dry areas of the skin lead to trouble: acne may appear, and the skin will tighten from dryness.

There are several types of combination skin, conventionally combined by this term, and each type needs its own care.

  • Oily combination skin: T-zone (forehead-nose-chin) - oily skin, visible pores, acne tendency, increased sebum secretion. At the same time, the skin on the cheeks is dry, but not overdried.
  • Dry combination skin: T-zone oily (enlarged pores, acne), but without excessive shine. The skin on the cheeks is dry or dehydrated.
  • Sensitive combination skin: Combines the above symptoms with redness, flaking and other symptoms of sensitive skin. Often this type of skin is the result of excessive enthusiasm for too aggressive skin care products or low-quality cosmetics that damage the natural protective layer of the hydrolipid mantle.

Care for oily combination skin

First, you need perfect hygiene. For washing, choose only the mildest products. Do not try to wash the skin "before it squeaks": excessive cleansing of the skin can lead to overdrying of some areas of the skin and increased oiliness in others. A skin completely devoid of its natural barrier film will have to defend itself by releasing more oil. However, dry areas without a protective barrier layer can turn red and peel off.

To cleanse oily combination skin, it is very useful to wipe the skin with undiluted hydrolates of sage, pine, thyme, witch hazel, rosemary, juniper, eucalyptus. These floral waters have a slightly acidic pH level and have protective properties for the skin: they gently cleanse, strengthen the hydrolipidic barrier and balance the skin. Just apply the hydrolat to your face and let it dry.

If you have acne, use it. A good cream that combines not only anti-inflammatory care, but also active hydration will help to significantly improve the condition of such skin. In some cases, it is worth resorting to the help of two face creams at once. For the T-zone, use a special mattifying cream, and on the rest of the areas, apply a moisturizer for oily skin. Matting will not only improve the appearance of the skin, but will also ensure the absorption of excess sebum, preventing the appearance of comedones and acne.

Once a week, you can do a light scrub designed specifically for oily skin. Choose a scrub that contains the finest granules possible. Gently wipe the skin without pressure and too intense exposure so as not to damage the hydrolipid mantle - the balance and health of your skin depends on the integrity of this layer.

If you have oily combination skin, avoid:

  • Long-term exposure to the sun: the sun's rays for a short time can improve the condition of your skin, but then its condition worsens.
  • Skin care products containing alcohols: These irritate the skin and cause an increase in skin imbalances.
  • Too oily creams and skin care products.

Care for combination skin prone to dryness

The main emphasis in caring for this type of skin should be made on the harmonization of the condition of dry skin areas. This means that hydration and protection should be your priorities. We recommend using "SENTIO": it is ideal for the most sensitive and problem skin, moisturizes the skin and normalizes sebum production.

Correctly selected scrubs and masks are the best friends of any skin type; this is also true for the care of dry combination skin. Once every two weeks - not more often! - Do a gentle exfoliation with very light granules. Always combine scrubs with moisturizing and cleansing masks.

It is recommended to make masks from clay with the addition of balancing oils once every 7-10 days. For combination skin prone to dryness, do not apply pure clay. Clay masks for such skin should not only cleanse oily areas of the skin, but also moisturize and nourish areas prone to dryness. How to prepare a balancing mask for combination skin?

  1. Dilute the clay to the consistency of sour cream. To dilute the clay, it is best to use flower hydrolates, which will regulate the pH level of the skin and additionally help stabilize its condition. The most suitable hydrolates for such skin are lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, verbena, mint.
  2. Add about a teaspoon of hazelnut, black cumin, sasanqua, black currant, tamanu, grape seed, or jojoba vegetable oil. Biologically active components of vegetable oils will help to actively restore the lipid barrier of the skin.
  3. Add 4-5 drops of any essential oil. Some of the best balancing esters are: fragrant eucalyptus, rosewood, geranium, ylang-ylang, neroli, patchouli, prickly juniper.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply to skin for 10 minutes. Do not let the mask dry on your face! To do this, periodically spray on the mask with thermal water or hydrolat.
  5. Apply a moisturizer to your skin daily... The harmonization of all areas of the skin will depend on proper hydration. Such a moisturizer should contain both natural oils for the natural restoration of the skin's hydrolipid balance, as well as special anti-inflammatory components.

Sensitive combination skin care

The above treatment is also suitable for sensitive combination skin. But such skin requires more careful selection of care products. For such skin, choose only hypoallergenic creams that are specially formulated for sensitive skin.
An additional means of active care for combination sensitive skin is "". You can only use this emulsion on skin prone to dryness and flaking. Or you can - apply a couple of drops all over your face instead of the usual cream. With regular use of this emulsion, not only the balance of dry and oily areas of the skin is evened out, but rashes and inflammations disappear, and the sensitivity of the skin is significantly reduced.

Combined (also called "mixed") skin type is actually one of the most common: it occurs in adolescents (80% of them), young people under the age of 25 (40%), young people 25-35 years (15%). The reason in most cases is the excessive production of the hormone testosterone by the body, which with age. Therefore, closer to adulthood (by 35 years), combination skin most often becomes of a normal type.

Combination skin care requires more effort than other skin types. Therefore, in order for the skin of the face to look healthy and well-groomed, for each type that is part of the mixed skin, you need to use separate cosmetics and care methods.

Combination skin is characterized by an even color, a relatively healthy appearance and large pores in oily areas.

Since with combined skin the cheeks, the skin around the eyes, neck and on the temples is either normal, and the skin on the nose, forehead and chin (in the so-called T-zone) is oily, with improper care, cosmetic defects appear: in the T-zone unpleasant blackheads may appear, and the skin on the cheeks may begin to peel off. For the treatment of acne on oily areas of combination skin, you can use antiseptics based on salicylic acid.

Combination skin care

When caring for mixed skin, a differentiated approach is needed, since washing is useful for oily skin, and this procedure dries out dry skin even more.

Combination Skin Care by Season


In hot summer, care for mixed skin should be carried out as for oily: this includes cleansing with gels with anti-inflammatory substances, regular use of masks, cleansing with scrubs.

In winter

in winter, at subzero temperatures, you need to look after the skin of a mixed type as if it were dry: apply a cream on your face 30 minutes before going out into the cold, cleanse with scrubs no more than once a week.

Spring and autumn care

spring care for mixed skin: in spring, special attention should be paid to the T-zone, which will be especially oily after winter: therefore, you will have to blot the skin with special napkins more often than usual and carry out a series of cosmetic procedures in order to make the skin less oily.

Key features of mixed skin care

When caring for mixed skin, you should avoid hot and cold water, as such water strengthens the sebaceous glands and increases the oiliness of the skin (use water at room temperature for washing).

You should give up toilet soap

You should not use toilet soap for washing, it can dry out dry areas of combination skin and cause them to peel.

Using tonics

There are two types of toner for mixed skin care: toner for oily skin - for the T-zone and toner for dry skin - for cheeks and neck.

When choosing cosmetics, remember that such substances are gummy: lanolin, isostearic and oleic alcohols, peach seed oil. In order not to harm your skin, avoid cosmetics with these substances.

After washing your mixed skin, it is best to pat dry with a tissue rather than dry off with a towel to avoid stimulating sebum production.

Masks for combination skin should be done at least 2 times a week. At the same time, it is recommended to apply a cleansing mask to the T-zone, and a moisturizing mask to the cheeks and cheekbones.

For combination skin, it is not recommended to use powder, as its mixture with sebum clogs the pores and provokes their inflammation. It is better to choose a water-based foundation, they are usually labeled "oil-free" or "non-oil".

In the morning, combination skin can be cleansed by washing with a special combination skin gel.

Since the skin continues to secrete sebum during sleep, it accumulates and forms a film. Therefore, washing your face in the morning can be done with a special facial brush. Gel applied to the soft bristles of such a brush foams better and penetrates deeper into the pores, more effectively removes grease. This daily routine will help to avoid clogged pores, blackheads and comedones.

If you have time, then in the morning after washing you can carry out another cleansing procedure: using a cotton swab, apply a small amount of kefir or serum to the skin of the face, rinse thoroughly after a couple of minutes with running water. After such a cleansing procedure, the feeling of oily skin will disappear, it will become smooth and silky.

Cosmetic milk can be applied to mixed skin in the evenings using a cotton ball, gently massage the skin for several minutes with your fingertips, then rinse off the milk with cool running water.

After the skin is dry, you can rub it with combination skin lotion. The purpose of a lotion or tonic is to normalize the acidity of the skin, prevent inflammation and tighten pores in oily areas. For these purposes, lotions with panthenol, bisabolol and herbal extracts are suitable.

Also, for mixed skin it will be useful washing with herbal infusion... This procedure is best done in the evening before going to bed. To do this, about 1 hour before washing, you need to pour 2 pinches of linden blossom with one liter of boiling water. After an hour, strain the infusion and wash the face and neck after the main cleansing. To prevent dehydration of the skin, you can add a little aloe juice to such an infusion for washing. The same procedure can be carried out with chamomile infusion.

After washing on previously dried skin, apply, respectively, day or night cream.

Careful skin care like this may seem tedious, but after a couple of days you will get used to these procedures, and as a result - after just a week of regular skin care - you will have healthy, fresh and less oily skin.

Application of scrubs for mixed skin types

Apply scrubs for this type of skin can be done no more than 3 times a week... A scrub for combination skin should not contain coarse abrasive substances, alkalis or alcohol, which stimulate the production of sebum and dry out the skin.

It's best to make your own scrub:

Pour the crumb of black bread with kefir, add 2 tsp. soda and stir. Then apply to face and massage gently for a few minutes, then rinse. This scrub will moisturize dry areas and cleanse oily areas.

Grind dry orange peels into flour. At 1 st. l. the resulting flour to take 1 tbsp. l. homemade unsweetened yogurt. Apply the resulting mass to the face and rub it into the skin for 2-3 minutes in a circular motion, then rinse with water (warm).

Masks for combination (combination) skin

Skin masks are available for cleansing, regenerating and nourishing.

Cleansing Masks

Grind 1 tbsp into flour in a coffee grinder. l. oatmeal, add a little milk and mix well, then apply to the skin and rinse off after a quarter of an hour. Milk can be replaced with chamomile broth.

3 tsp Mix white clay with the juice of lemon wedges and apply the resulting gruel only to the T-zone. Rinse off such a mask after complete drying with warm water.

Revitalizing masks

Peel and grate 1 cucumber, add raw protein 1 egg and a little olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton pad on cleansed skin, rinse off after 20 minutes. Cucumber mask will relieve puffiness under the eyes and swelling on the face, refresh the skin.

Peel and boil 50 g of pumpkin, then grate it, add 1 tbsp to the resulting puree. l. potato starch and a little olive oil, mix in a blender. Pumpkin mask has regenerating properties, moisturizes the skin. It should be applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes, then gently rinse.

Nourishing masks

Mix a small amount of cottage cheese (preferably 0% fat) with the required amount of milk until a thick slurry is formed. This mixture should be applied to the skin of the face, except for the skin around the eyes, and washed off after about a quarter of an hour.

Melon and kefir mask

For 2 tsp. take the same amount of yeast sour cream, mix thoroughly in a glass and dip it into a container of hot water. The mask is ready as soon as the mixture starts to ferment. It should be applied on the face skin, which has been previously cleaned with gel and lubricated with a light cream. Wash off with water after 10-15 minutes. This mask enriches the skin with vitamins and tightens the pores.

Caring cosmetics for mixed skin

To care for your mixed skin, you will need:

  • day cream for the face;
  • night face cream;
  • cosmetic milk;
  • toner for oily skin and toner for dry skin;
  • mint or thermal water;
  • cleansing, nourishing and regenerating masks (marked "for combination skin");
  • soft scrub;
  • matting napkins.

Cream for combination skin, must have special properties. It is desirable that it contains anti-inflammatory ingredients such as extracts of chamomile, calendula, plantain or sage. A cream for the care of mixed skin should not be greasy: for combination skin, choose creams with natural shea or macadamia butter. In winter when the air temperature is below freezing, you can use a denser night cream as a day cream for additional skin protection.

To maximize the effect of mixed skin care, oily skin should be treated with a toner specially developed for such skin, thanks to which the skin on the cheeks, forehead and nose will not shine. At the same time, dry skin of the cheeks and neck does not need to be subjected to additional overdrying, so it is better to wipe these areas with a light toner for dry skin.

Best for cleansing mixed skin cosmetic milk, it removes oily sheen and gently cleanses dry skin. Mint and thermal water will be good for oily skin and won't harm dry skin.

Masks for mixed skin, like a scrub, you can prepare it yourself: this way you can save money and be sure that no unnatural substances will harm your skin.

Particularly oily areas of combination skin can get wet throughout the day matting wipes, which effectively absorbs excess oil from the face when there is no way to refresh the skin with a toner or thoroughly cleanse.


Prevention of premature age-related changes

In order for the skin to remain young, elastic and taut, it needs to be looked after daily (morning and evening) with the help of cosmetics and procedures. In addition, you need not to abuse alcohol, stop smoking, limit the intake of salted food (to avoid water retention in the body) and sweets (excessive consumption of sweets provokes acne), drink at least two liters of water a day (to avoid dehydration).

After the age of 35, creams marked "anti-age" and "anti-rides" can be added to the main care products, which slow down the formation of wrinkles and tighten the skin. For mature skin cleansing, it is best to start with exfoliators containing alpha hydroxy acids - fruit acids, which are by far the most effective anti-aging agents.

Combination skin combines increased oiliness and dryness. Some areas of the face are characterized by increased production of fat, others are weak. This leads to inflammation and flaking. Correct care of combination skin of the face will help eliminate these manifestations.

Combination skin visually looks healthy and even.

With this type, the face is divided into zones of high and low fat content:

There are cases of a different arrangement of areas with high fat content. With age, this type of skin can turn into normal.

Mixed type factors:

  • a high amount of testosterone affects the production of fat;
  • incorrectly chosen cosmetics provokes the activity of the glands;
  • genetics;
  • lack of proper nutrition;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

This type of skin is peculiar to girls, it is rare in men.

What procedures should be performed daily

Combination skin care requires careful selection of cosmetics. Improper use of cosmetics stimulates additional fat production.

Allocate summer and winter care.

The summer option is similar to caring for the fat type:

Winter care:

  • cleansing with cosmetic cream or milk - daily;
  • scrub application - once every 2 weeks;
  • protection of the skin with a thick cream - daily 30 minutes before leaving the house;
  • moisturizing with a night cream - at bedtime as needed.

Combination skin treatments


Combination skin care includes daily cleansing. It is carried out in the morning and before bedtime. To do this, use a specialized foam or gel for combination or normal skin types. Additional peeling of the T-zone provides the use of a sponge or sponge.

One of the basic rules for caring for oily and combination skin of the face is to wash only with cool water and do not use hot water in order to avoid intensifying the activity of the sebaceous glands on oily and overdrying dry skin areas

You should wash your face with cool water - hot water affects the production of fat by the sebaceous glands and dries dry areas of the face. Cleansing before bed is preceded by removing makeup. Do not use soap and hard water for washing. This negatively affects the general condition.

Cosmetics for washing:


Skin toning is performed for:

  • removing microparticles that remain on the skin after the cleanser;
  • shrinking pores and reducing the number of blackheads;
  • nutrition of the skin.

It is important to choose a toner that is appropriate for your skin type. Using a toner for oily skin will dry out dry areas. For dry - stimulates the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetical tools:

Homemade tonic:

  • To create a tonic, knead the grapes and squeeze out the juice after 2 hours. Put 5 g of honey and salt in 0.5 tbsp. juice. Use tonic after 30 minutes. Apply to face after cleansing twice a day. Store at 3 ° C for 48 hours;
  • Another way is to freeze the chamomile tea. Tone the face with small ice cubes.


Exfoliation (from the English exfoliate - to exfoliate) - cleansing the skin by removing dead cells, opening pores and removing dirt. After that, the skin looks healthy, even and smooth.

Peelings are distinguished:

  • mechanical,
  • hardware
  • chemical.

Mechanical peeling is performed with scrubs, which are:

Scrubs massage the skin and remove particles. Simultaneously with this, there is a stimulation of blood circulation and supply of cells with oxygen. Particle size affects skin trauma: the finer the particles, the less trauma the skin is exposed to.

Types of hardware peeling:

  • laser - with varying degrees of purification;
  • ultrasonic.

These peels remove age spots and scars. But it hurts the skin.

Chemical peeling exfoliants:

  • acids;
  • enzymes;
  • mixtures.

Chemical peeling is the most effective and least traumatic procedure.

Cosmetical tools:

Homemade scrub recipe:

  • grind oatmeal, wheat or cornflakes. Dilute them with water to a state of gruel. Chopped peel of citrus fruits will reduce the oily skin;
  • The gentle scrub is made from rye bread crumb, sour milk and soda.


During treatment, the combination skin of the face must be dried in the T-zone and moisturized dry skin areas.

Special creams:

  • have a light texture and matte effect;
  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduce the number of blackheads.

Cosmetical tools:

For a homemade cream, you need the following ingredients:

  • olive or grape oil - 100 ml;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • beeswax - 4 tablespoons;
  • boric acid - 0.25 teaspoon.

Making homemade cream:

  • Stir boric acid and water;
  • In another container, mix wax and oil and heat in a water bath;
  • Add boric acid slowly;
  • Pour into a bowl for storing the cream and cool.

To increase the moisturizing properties, add vitamin E and glycerin while adding wax to the oil. Store the resulting cream at 3 ° C.

Deep cleansing

Deep cleansing for combination skin care is performed no more than once a week.

Deep cleansing procedures:

Cosmetical tools:


Combination skin is nourished not by creams, but by masks. This is due to the unwanted use of fatty creams. Such creams are acceptable only in winter for dry skin areas.

Nourishing creams:

Homemade nourishing masks:

  • a mixture of puree and cottage cheese;
  • a mask of grated carrots, egg white, whipped into a foam, and night cream;
  • mask of grated yolk, vegetable oil, apple juice, honey and cream. Apply to moisturized skin.

Features of winter care

With a decrease in temperature, you should replace the cosmetic cleansing product: gel with a creamy product. The skin should be cleaned, but not overdried. The nourishing cream will provide the skin with beneficial trace elements and increase hydration.

This is provided by:

  • glycerol;
  • ceramides;
  • hyaluronic acid.

These elements must be present in the composition of the cream.

These creams include:

  1. Cream "Luxury food" from L'Oreal. The cream adapts to the needs of the skin with shea butter and vitamin C.
  2. Dreamskin capture totale from The cream nourishes the skin and relieves redness. Formulated with Stem Cells & Longose ​​Extract. These ingredients mattify the skin and shrink pores.
  3. Aquasource from Biotherm. Thermal plankton and mannose keep the skin hydrated and enhance cellular metabolism.

In winter, a tonic is not used; it is replaced with an antioxidant serum.

Clinique's three-step system has proven effective in the care of combination skin, which includes:

  • cleansing soap - Facial Soap;
  • exfoliating lotion - Clarifying Lotion;
  • moisturizing agent - Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion +.

Features of summer care

Differences in care for combination skin of different ages

Principles of caring for combination skin up to 25 years of age

Young skin up to 25 years old after teenage imperfections becomes combination.

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin, you should:

Skin care consists of three steps:

  • cleansing - foam, gel;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing - do not use age-related cosmetics.

It is permissible to use scrubs made of coffee, sugar, salt, etc. Serum-infused sheet masks restore skin hydration and relieve inflammation.

After 25 years

After 25 years, the first wrinkles appear on the skin, dryness occurs. These manifestations are removed with moisturizers and a healthy lifestyle.

After 25 years, the following are added to the basic cleansing, toning and moisturizing products:

  • cream for moisturizing the skin around the eyes;
  • peeling with granules, acids or homemade;
  • cleansing mask;
  • moisturizing mask.

After 30 years

After 30 years of age, everyone's skin fades, but at a different rate.

This is influenced by:

  • genetics;
  • Lifestyle;
  • skin care.

After 30 years:

  • reduced skin moisture;
  • metabolic processes slow down;
  • the stratum corneum becomes thicker, the sebaceous glands are less active;
  • wrinkles appear, the elasticity of the skin decreases;
  • blood circulation is disturbed;
  • muscle tone decreases.

Combination skin care is complemented by nutrition and protection. Salon treatments will increase the effectiveness of special care.

After 40 years

Distinctive features after 40 years:

Cosmetic and folk remedies for cleansing pores and acne

Cosmetical tools:

To cleanse the pores of combination skin, it is recommended to use gels and creams. Creams have matting properties, gels do not leave a greasy film. Often, manufacturers call creams for oily skin an emulsion. This is done to accentuate the light texture.

Homemade masks are done 2 times a week:

Moisturizing and nourishing products

Pharmacy preparations:

  1. Apilak ointment- Royal jelly provides elimination of skin imperfections and skin hydration. For this, the ointment is applied in a thick layer 3 times a week.
  2. Blepharogel- in the composition of hyaluronic acid. Eliminates skin problems around the eyes. Apply at bedtime 2 hours after castor oil.
  3. Retinoic ointment- eliminates redness, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Home masks:

Skin care is carried out twice a day: in the morning toning and moisturizing with a cream; in the evening - cleansing with gel, feeding with cream. Moisturizing and cleansing mask is done once a week. Makeup should be age appropriate. A sample is a great way to try a cream before you buy it.

Herbal laxatives and diuretics are sources of skin aging. 0.5 l of kefir or mineral water reduces the negative effect.

The basic rules for care are as follows:

  • replace tap water in washing with herbal infusions or mineral water;
  • in the morning the cream is applied 30-40 minutes before leaving the house, in the evening - 1 hour before bedtime;
  • moisturizing and nourishing only after cleansing;
  • for skin breathing, the cream is applied in a very thin layer.

Caring for combination skin on the face is a process that requires certain knowledge. Accurate implementation of the steps and adherence to the principles transforms the skin, makes it fresh, even and rejuvenated.

Video: Combination skin care

Secrets of care for combination skin:

Daily care for combination skin:

Combination skin is currently the most common skin type.
This type of skin is characterized by oily and often shiny skin in the T-zone, acne and at the same time dry skin on the cheeks and eyelids, with areas of peeling. The skin is often dull in color, the pores are enlarged, and blackheads are present.

Your morning grooming program


Wash your face with clean water. Apply with a cotton swab to clean skin T

Product description



When you have cleansed and refreshed your skin, apply D Neutral cream for oily combination skin (SPF7)... In the cold season (at t from 0 ° to 7 ° C), use an hour and a half before going outside.

BFN advice: do not use the cream in frosty conditions, as it contains a large amount of moisturizing ingredients! At sub-zero temperatures, BFN recommends the use of a special protective day cream from the winter series of funds.

During the summer period when the sun is active (May-August), use the special C Sunscreen Fluid (SPF20).

Product description

Your evening grooming program



Whether you're wearing makeup or not, a thorough evening cleansing should be the first step in any skincare routine. This will preserve its radiance, health and natural balance.

Apply to pre-moisturized face and eyes with a gentle O cleansing mousse for sensitive skin along the massage lines with your fingertips, paying special attention to the T-zone, and then rinse thoroughly with water. The mousse not only perfectly and carefully removes impurities, sebum, removes makeup, but at the same time softens and refreshes the skin.

Product description


Apply with a cotton swab to clean skin T toning lotion for combination skin paying particular attention to the T-zone. Let the lotion absorb, leaving it on the skin for 5-10 minutes. The lotion restores the natural pH balance of the skin and creates special hydrophilic channels through which the active ingredients quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, thereby enhancing the effect of subsequently applied serums and creams.

Product description



At different periods of time, due to the influence of various factors, the skin requires special care aimed at solving a specific problem: dehydration, rosacea, pigmentation, premature wrinkles... Choose a serum according to the problem for a quick and effective solution to the current problem. Apply serum to prepared skin. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

During the summer months, the serum can be used on its own, without the subsequent application of a night cream.

Product description



Then use H oily cream for combination skin prone to oily... Lightweight cream that does not clog pores. Effectively nourishes, moisturizes and cares for combination skin, gradually normalizing oily / dry skin areas.

Designed for permanent use after 25 years.

BFN Council: For intensive nourishment of the skin and rapid restoration of the epidermal barrier, especially in winter, use after 30 years of age with a course 1-2 times a year. full-time cream concentrate, 35+ from the course "Corneo-complex".

Product description



Use E peeling mask for combination skin a course 2-3 times a year for 10 procedures every other day, the rest of the time use the mask 1-2 times a week as a regular supportive care.

  • Care steps
  • Care at different times of the year
  • Care at different ages
  • Funds overview

Features of combination skin

Combination skin care is by definition slightly more difficult than dry or oily skin. With this type, different parts of the face behave differently: for the T-zone, increased sebum secretion is characteristic, and the skin on the cheeks, on the contrary, is prone to dryness.

Key characteristics of combination skin:

    intense secretion of sebum in the forehead, nose and chin;

    enlarged pores in the T-zone;

    frequent inflammation, blackheads;

    tightness, dryness and peeling on the cheeks and the periphery of the face.

It is very important not to confuse dry and dehydrated skin.

The peculiarity of the epidermis of dry skin is that it lacks its own fat and loses moisture without its protection. Therefore, dry skin is a permanent skin type.

Dehydration is a temporary and remediable condition caused by a lack of moisture in the cells. Dry, oily, and combination skin can be dehydrated.

Combination skin - oily on the T-zone and dry on the cheeks © iStock

How can you tell them apart? Here are three tips.

    The pores of dry skin are not visible, but in dehydrated skin they can be quite large.

    Dry skin practically does not suffer from inflammation, whereas for oily and dehydrated skin this is a common story.

    Dehydration is most pronounced in winter, while dryness is a permanent condition.

Care steps

Even the most competent care will not work miracles and turn combination skin into normal skin. But he can neutralize some troubles.

Makeup remover

Fatty areas are often prone to inflammation. To warn them, make it a rule to take off your makeup before bed, no matter how tired you are during the day. Micellar water and hydrophilic oil will come to the rescue, the main condition for their use is not to rub or stretch the skin.


Don't use harsh cleansers, they will cause dehydration, which will only make the problem worse:

    oily areas secrete even more sebum;

    dry - begin to peel off.


Tonic is perhaps the most underrated cosmetic product. It is neglected 8 times out of 10, and completely in vain:

    toning helps to restore the pH level after washing;

    vitamins and plant extracts in the tonic composition saturate the skin with useful substances.


Exfoliation is necessary for any type of skin, especially with a tendency to clogged pores and inflammation. Use gentle scrubs or acid-based products to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the epidermis. This will help regulate sebum secretion and prevent acne breakouts.

Exfoliation © IStock


Moisturizing is necessary for both dry and oily skin. The only difference is in the textures of the funds:

    for dry areas, choose classic moisturizers that contain oils;

    for the oily zone - light gels and fluids.

In the case of combination skin, the following moisturizing scheme is suitable: apply a gel-textured product to the entire surface of the face, and a denser cream on top of it on areas prone to dryness.

Deep cleansing

Clay-based cleansing masks reduce sebum production and prevent bacteria from growing in pores. Apply such masks exclusively on oily areas (forehead, nose, chin) and do not let them dry out: when frozen, the clay causes tightness and discomfort.


An intense moisturizer in winter will keep combination skin from dehydration, while oil-based serums will help prevent moisture loss in drier areas. So feel free to apply the nourishing formula on top of your moisturizer.

Suitable ingredients for combination skin

Combination skin care.

    Glycerin and hyaluronic acid- hygroscopic agents that create a moisture-retaining barrier on the skin.

    Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, slow down oxidative processes, protecting cells from the negative effects of free radicals and prolonging the youthfulness of the skin.

    Lipid-replenishing components(solid oils and essences) prevent moisture from evaporating from the skin, which is especially true for areas prone to dryness.

    Clay and zinc They absorb sebum and have a bactericidal effect, which is why they are often included in the composition of cleansing face masks.

    Retinoids and acids(glycolic, milk, salicylic) stimulate skin renewal, exfoliate dead skin cells. Regular exfoliation prevents the appearance of both wrinkles and acne.

    Panthenol has a soothing effect and is also a good hydro-fixing agent.

Care at different times of the year

Seasonality is among the factors influencing the peculiarities of care for combination skin.


In the warm season, the skin reduces sebum production and actively loses moisture. To prevent this process, of course, it should be intensively moisturized, choosing light textures. For example, replace the classic cream with a gel or fluid that does not clog pores and does not provoke inflammation.

Combination skin reduces oiliness in the T-zone in winter © iStock

In winter

Temperature changes, dry air, frost and wind have a destructive effect on the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes dry, prone to irritation and flaking. To avoid this situation, apply an intense protective cream to your face before going outside, and use moisturizing masks at home.

Care at different ages

Obviously, time affects the body - with the onset of maturity, the skin becomes drier and its needs change. In short, the cream that you liked at the age of 20 will no longer cope with its task at 40.

Up to 25 years old

High-quality moisturizing and non-aggressive cleansing are still sufficient for combination skin. However, due to its nature, it can be prone to acne. It is quite possible to prevent and reduce pimples by applying cosmetics with acids and cleansing masks.

After 25 years

During this period, it will not hurt to add antioxidant products to the treatment procedure to protect against aggressive factors and prevent aging. Pay special attention to hydration - look for formulas with hyaluronic acid.

After 35 years

The first signs of aging appear, associated with a decrease in the production of its own hyaluronic acid in the body. To ensure that this process remains without consequences, include an intensive moisturizer in your treatment, and not only in winter.

Care for age combination skin involves the addition of anti-aging cosmetics © iStock

After 40 years

Wrinkles in owners of combination skin are usually late guests, but after the age of 40, there is a threat of ptosis, especially if you are overweight. The procedures in the beautician's office will help to postpone the appearance of this problem, including facial massage, which can be done in courses from the age of 30.

After 45 years

Timely consultation with a gynecologist before the onset of menopause will not only prolong the youthfulness of the skin, but also relieve you of the unpleasant sensations that accompany this difficult period.

When it comes to grooming, you will need "heavy artillery" in the form of powerful anti-aging ingredients such as retinol. Its derivatives - retinoids - accelerate the process of cell renewal, which can significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles and restore tone and freshness to the face.

Funds overview

Below you will find everything you need for combination skin.


Products for cleansing.

Blemish & Age Purifying Acne & Age Skin Toner, SkinCeuticals. Ideal for mature, inflammation-prone combination skin: a complex of salicylic and glycolic acids provides a gentle exfoliation that is relevant for daily skincare.

Micellar lotion for removing makeup Normaderm, Vichy. The soft formula does not dry out the skin, and the zinc in its composition has a sebum-regulating effect. The lotion removes even long-lasting make-up and is suitable for sensitive skin.

Micellar gel Rosaliac, La Roche-Posay. This soft gel with moisturizing ingredients gently cleanses and soothes the skin. Can be used as a first or second step of washing, suitable for sensitive skin.

Exfoliation and deep cleansing

Products for exfoliation and deep cleansing.

Corrective Effaclar A. I., La Roche-Posay. The combination of acids and niacinamide eliminates inflammation in a short time, drying them out and suppressing bacterial activity in the pores. The tool is recommended for local use.

Mask for instant radiance of the skin Turmeric & Cranberry Seed, Kiehl's. Turmeric and cranberry seeds energize the skin, making the mask an ideal “quick response” mask to use before an important event.

Mask “Magic of Clay. Exfoliate and tighten pores ”, L'Oréal Paris. Thanks to the content of three types of clay and seaweed extract at once, the mask not only cleanses the pores, but also restores the mineral balance of the skin.

Moisturizing and nourishing

Products for moisturizing and nutrition.

Emollient moisturizing cream for oily skin, Garnier. The light texture does not clog the pores, the complex of plant extracts in the composition deeply moisturizes the skin.

Night restoring concentrate Midnight Recovery, Kiehl's. The combination of squalane and herbal oils of rosehip, rose and rosemary intensively restores the moisture-retaining barrier, preventing the evaporation of water from the skin cells.

Luxurious Nutrition cream with light texture, L'Oréal Paris. Valuable oils, calcium and jasmine extract help the skin to maintain lipid balance and stimulate the restoration of cellular structure.