Until what time do the medication. Types, features and timing of abortion. Names of abortion pills and where to buy them

Women who are faced with an unwanted pregnancy often wonder how long it is possible to have an abortion, until what month the procedure is safe for health. Termination of pregnancy in any case entails some complications and the need for a recovery period. Everything happens individually and only after visiting the antenatal clinic.

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Description of the procedure

Abortion is forced
termination of pregnancy through medical intervention. Translated from Latin, this word means "miscarriage."

According to the mechanism of manifestation, they distinguish:

  1. Spontaneous, which occurs for a number of reasons most often in the first trimester without the initiative of a woman. Some encounter it even before they know they are carrying a child.
  2. Artificial. This class includes all other types of abortions that involve third-party intervention at the initiative of the mother.

Causes of spontaneous miscarriage are very different:

  • wrong way of life;
  • weakness of the immune system;
  • previous abortions;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • smoking;
  • sexual infections.

Regardless of the timing of an abortion, it is important to remember that this is an important step that requires a lot of responsibility. After a miscarriage, serious complications can follow, from cervical fibroids to failure to carry subsequent pregnancies and infertility in general. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons in advance.

Interruption methods

Abortions are legal in Russia, made before 22 weeks. At the same time, it is important at what time the abortion is done, since up to 12 weeks this happens at the request of the woman, from 12 to 22 - under certain circumstances.

These include cases where:

  • the pregnancy was the result of rape;
  • there are medical indications;
  • A woman is declared incompetent after the death of her husband.

The answer to the question of how long a pregnancy can be terminated depends on the method chosen:


For medical termination of pregnancy, the first trimester is most favorable. The optimal period for an abortion is 45 days or 6 weeks.

Abortion is done with drug Mifepristone. The tool for several hours blocks the release of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for preserving the fetus. As a result, a miscarriage occurs.

The advantages are:

  1. there is no recovery period or stay in the hospital;
  2. minimal risk of complications;
  3. no damage to the cervix, as in the surgical method;
  4. high efficiency;
  5. the possibility of successful conception in the future;
  6. such a method is psychologically easier perceived by women.

Medical termination of pregnancy occurs two hours after taking the drug and is accompanied by bloody uterine discharge. They can last for two weeks and be profuse. Also, the discharge is often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, this indicates a contraction of the uterus.

Important! If heavy discharge continues to be after two weeks, and the pain does not go away, you should consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Three days after the medical interruption, you should begin to protect yourself, since conception is possible during this period.

Women who are in the early stages of gestation and do not want to keep the child are increasingly resorting to medication.

This method is much safer and more effective than surgery. Especially if there was a caesarean section earlier, and the suture on the uterus has not yet healed to the end.

Plus, when using tablets, you do not need to be under the supervision of a doctor for a long time or use anesthesia.

Many people ask the question: how long can abortion pills be used. The effect of the tablets is the higher the earlier a woman decided to use them . The maximum term for abortion using pills is 6 weeks or 42 days from the first day of the last menstruation.

Important! As soon as a woman finds out that she is pregnant and decides to interrupt this process, one should not delay taking abortion pills.

If more than 6 weeks have passed since conception, and the doctor decides to terminate with pills, then the procedure is carried out in a hospital under supervision.

Miscarriage occurs under the influence of the following drugs:

Mifepristone An effective drug that blocks the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. It is necessary to take 600 mg of the drug 2 hours after a meal. To consolidate the effect, 400 mg of misoprostol are prescribed.
Pencrofton Analogue of Mifepristone tablets. Assigned to 600 mg at a time. 8-14 days after taking the pill, the patient should undergo an ultrasound scan.
Mifegin It is a steroid that increases the tone of the uterus and leads to its active contraction. Drink the drug once, at a dosage of 600 mg.
Mytholian The main active ingredient of mifolian is mifepristone. It has a similar effect by blocking the hormone progesterone. As a result, a miscarriage occurs.

Despite the fact that abortion pills are recognized as the safest means, there are a number of contraindications to their use:

  1. malignant and benign uterine formations;
  2. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys;
  3. high pressure;
  4. poor blood clotting;
  5. epilepsy.

Abortion pills have a lot of advantages:

  • psychologically easy procedure
  • takes little time
  • does not cause complications.

However, it is very important to undergo an ultrasound examination 10 days after taking the pills to make sure of the result.

vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion (or mini-abortion)- this is getting rid of the fetal egg by sucking it through a special vacuum nozzle

This method is less dangerous than instrumental, since damage to the uterus or the occurrence of infections is excluded.

Sometimes disputes arise as to how many weeks a vacuum abortion can be done, since sometimes it is carried out in the period up to 12 weeks.

Vacuum abortion is allowed for up to 6 weeks, subject to the normal development of the fetus. If the pregnancy is frozen, then it is possible to use a mini-abortion up to 12 weeks inclusive.

At too early a time, it is also not recommended to do it, since the fetal egg is still difficult to distinguish. Therefore, a woman who decides on a mini-abortion and is interested in how long this procedure is done should determine the type of pregnancy.

Late dates

Late abortion poses a health risk future mother's life. But there are situations when such a method is inevitable.

It is important to remember how long a pregnancy can be terminated. This period is 22 weeks. After 12 weeks, it is considered that this is already an abortion in the later stages, since the child has formed the main organs and systems.

The decision to terminate can only be made by a doctor for medical reasons:

  • detection or severe genetic diseases;
  • the mother has an infection or cancer.

It is important to remember that late abortion is very dangerous, so the decision is made not by one doctor, but by a council.

Process duration

Sometimes women are interested not only in the question of how long the whole procedure will take.

The later a woman decides to get rid of the fetus, the more dangerous the consequences for her health will be. It is important to remember how long a pregnancy can be terminated by different methods so that a long wait does not result in surgical intervention.

Useful video: how the abortion procedure works

Expecting a child brings with it many pleasant moments that will remain in the memory of a woman for life. The expectant mother anxiously follows the first movements of the baby, listens to his heartbeat and looks forward to meeting the newborn. But there are situations when, for a number of reasons, the birth of a new life does not become a joyful event, or it is impossible to save it due to medical indications. In this case, the question of how to terminate a pregnancy and not harm health is of particular relevance.

Is it safe to terminate a pregnancy?

There is no need to talk about a completely safe abortion. Any of the existing methods today has side effects and carries certain risks. The safety of abortion directly depends on the method of termination and on how many weeks the abortion is done. The shorter the gestational age, the more likely it is that the female body will more easily endure this operation. The most benign of the possible ways to terminate a pregnancy is medication, since it does not involve surgical intervention.

Important! Abortion for medical reasons cannot be carried out without the consent of the patient. In case of refusal, the woman in labor takes on all the responsibility and risks associated with her life.

Until what time can I interrupt "at will"

Before deciding to have an abortion, you need to know that it is possible to do it on your own initiative only up to 12 weeks. At a later date, this procedure becomes real only if there is a certificate from a medical institution containing indications for interruption.

Pills (medical abortion)

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages is perhaps the most gentle method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Thanks to the action of a special substance taken orally - mifepristone - women have the opportunity to avoid painful surgical procedures and hide their position from others. This method can be used up to 42-49 days (6-7 weeks) from the first day of the last menstruation. The later the drug was taken, the lower its effectiveness, and vice versa.

The undoubted advantages of this method are the ability to avoid adhesions and injuries, which often become the consequences of surgical intervention. This procedure is painless and safe. It is also important that a woman experiences the least stress with this method of abortion. After using the drug, the patient begins a heavy menstruation, which is easy to endure psychologically.

Did you know? In ancient Greece, crocodile droppings were used as a means to neutralize spermatozoa.

Medical method of termination of pregnancy, until what would week it was not carried out, completely eliminates the risk of infertility. Ultrasound examination before and after medical abortion is a mandatory procedure. This is necessary to confirm the fact of pregnancy and to fully verify the positive result of the procedure.

Mini abortion (vacuum aspiration)

The operation is performed in the first trimester. The optimal period is not less than 6 and not more than 12 weeks. Aspiration in the early stages minimizes the development of possible complications. The procedure consists in extracting the contents of the uterus with an electric vacuum pump. Due to the negative pressure created in the uterus, the fetal egg exfoliates and is sucked out using a special cannula (tube). This method avoids possible injuries of the cervix and consequences leading to infertility.

The mini-abortion procedure is necessarily carried out in a medical institution under local or general anesthesia, which makes it almost painless. Before vacuum aspiration, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination, pass the necessary tests to exclude infectious and inflammatory diseases. If available, mini-abortion is contraindicated.

Important! Pulling pains in the lower abdomen, profuse bleeding after vacuum aspiration - an occasion to urgently consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of incomplete removal of the fetal egg.

Removal of the upper layer of the uterus, called "curettage" or "curettage" is the most effective method of abortion, since the doctor can evaluate its results directly on the spot. How long a pregnancy can be terminated in this way depends on the reasons for the abortion: an operation at the request of a pregnant woman can be performed up to 12 weeks, for medical reasons - up to 18.

Before the operation, a pregnant woman must pass smears for oncocytology and infectious diseases, undergo an ultrasound examination and an examination by a gynecologist. Tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV are also required. The operation is performed under anesthesia, therefore, before the procedure, a consultation with an anesthesiologist is required. Among all the listed abortion methods, this one is the most unsafe for health and has the greatest number of possible consequences.

Indications for interruption

Pregnancy can be terminated following medical and social indications. In the first and second cases, this procedure is carried out no later than 22 weeks. Medical indications are based on a possible threat to the life of the mother and the unborn child. For example, in the presence of diseases such as active tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV, leukemia, severe hypertension and diabetes, it is quite reasonable to follow medical indications and decide on an interruption.

Did you know? The uterus of a woman has incredible elasticity. During pregnancy, it increases to 500 times its original size.

Abortion is also recommended when the future mother or father of the child has severe hereditary diseases - schizophrenia, epilepsy; a pregnant woman was diagnosed with a chronic inflammatory or degenerative process in the kidneys, chronic liver damage. It is also recommended to terminate the pregnancy if a woman has a narrowing of the pelvis or the bones of the pelvic girdle are deformed.
Previously, the list of social reasons for abortion was quite wide. Today, the reason why a pregnancy can be terminated can only be conception as a result of rape. In addition, the decision to terminate the pregnancy can be made if the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities, disabilities, malformations that guarantee its non-viability.

Possible consequences and risks

Abortion pills, no matter how long they are taken, also carry certain risks, the main of which is an incomplete abortion. In this case, it will be impossible to do without surgical intervention. Also, medical interruption can cause uterine bleeding. Vacuum aspiration can cause damage to the walls of the uterus (one of the signs is prolonged bleeding). Also, as a result of this operation, incomplete aspiration of the fetal egg may occur, the main signs of which are pain in the lower abdomen and incessant bleeding. In addition, a mini-abortion can provoke an accumulation of blood in the uterus.

This condition is caused by weak uterine contractions, which lead to the closure of the cervical canal by blood clots. With vacuum aspiration, the possibility of developing an ectopic pregnancy remains. This is possible if the doctor did not rule it out before the operation, but decided that he was dealing with a normal pregnancy. The most deplorable consequences for a woman are curettage. As a result of this operation, a large blood loss, endometritis (an infectious disease caused by staphylococci and streptococci), hematometer (clotting of the uterine cavity with blood clots) is possible. Also, curettage can cause tearing of the cervix and even infertility. Knowledge about , how long can you have an abortion , certainly necessary, but the most important thing to remember is that any intervention in the work of your body should not be uncontrolled. That is why, in order to avoid possible negative consequences, the abortion procedure and the postoperative period accompanying it should take place strictly under the supervision of the attending physician and only in a medical institution. If your pregnancy was unwanted, it is necessary to terminate it as soon as possible in order to avoid psychological trauma and reduce the likelihood of possible risks.

You can't predict what tomorrow will be like. Today's prosperity may end in complete collapse. Therefore, cases of getting rid of unwanted pregnancies with the help of abortion are not uncommon. In our article we will talk about how long it is possible to terminate a pregnancy.

According to the current legislation, a woman, at her own request, can arbitrarily terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks from the date of conception. In official documentation, it is customary to use the concept of obstetric period, which is considered based on 1 day of the last menstruation.

The actual gestational age is usually set 2 weeks less than the obstetric one. The obstetric term was popular before the use of ultrasound, as the approximate date of birth was calculated based on the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. Since the day of conception is difficult to find out, but almost every girl remembers the date of the onset of menstruation.

Minimally invasive methods of abortion, which include abortion with medication and vacuum, are allowed up to 8 weeks of pregnancy. According to the WHO, medical abortion must be performed before 63 days from the day of conception.

The 8th week of pregnancy is the last date during which you can terminate the pregnancy using medication. It is advisable to perform this procedure at 4-5 weeks from conception or 10 days from delay.

The possibility of getting complications after an abortion largely depends on how long the procedure was done. The longer the period, the higher the likelihood of complications in the form of severe bleeding, the remnant of the fetal egg or parts of the body of an unborn baby.

Pros and cons of medical abortion

Often, women who have recently learned about conception immediately rush to the gynecologist to find out how long the pregnancy can be terminated. If she chooses to terminate the pregnancy with pills, then in this case you need to know:

  1. The main advantage of this type of abortion is the possibility of terminating a pregnancy without the use of surgical instruments, which does not give the possibility of complications in most cases.
  2. With a medical abortion, a woman does not need painkillers, as she experiences sensations similar to painful menstruation, so she almost easily tolerates them.
  3. Psychological trauma after a medical termination of pregnancy is extremely rare, so it is easier for a woman to tune in to a new pregnancy in the future.
  4. Before having an abortion, it is necessary to pass certain tests, as well as a smear to determine the pathogenic flora.
  5. A woman does not need inpatient observation before an abortion. At the next appointment at the antenatal clinic, the doctor gives her pills, after which the woman has a miscarriage. In a few days, she will have to visit a gynecologist to make sure that the abortion did not entail any complications. In case of complications, additional drugs are prescribed.

This type of abortion has contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to the composition of drugs used for medical abortion.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Problems in the work of the adrenal glands are considered especially dangerous. Abortion is also prohibited for people suffering from severe bronchial asthma.
  • Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. Before prescribing a medical abortion to a pregnant woman, the gynecologist must send her for an ultrasound to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, this method of terminating a pregnancy can endanger a woman's life.
  • Various diseases associated with pathologies of blood clotting.
  • Some hereditary diseases that affect the production of hemoglobin.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Inflammatory, infectious and venereal diseases.

Also, the drug method of getting rid of the fetus in the womb is contraindicated for nursing mothers, since the substances that make up the drug can affect the composition of breast milk. Women who have undergone a caesarean section should use this method of abortion with caution, abortion should be performed in a hospital for up to 4 weeks.

Another method of abortion should include cleaning, which is a surgical operation. The cervix is ​​expanded with a special device, after which an instrument is inserted into it, which scrapes out its cavity. This procedure is performed by the doctor almost to the touch, so complications are possible after it.

Remember, any abortion will remain in your memory for a long time. Perhaps in the future you will regret your act, you will try to forget about it, but the memory will periodically return you to the day when you came to the gynecologist and asked him to terminate your pregnancy.

So think twice before committing legal murder of your baby in the womb. After all, the problems that exist today may end tomorrow, and you will not be able to return the child.

Video: Medical termination of pregnancy

Abortion is an ambiguous procedure, but sometimes it is a lesser evil. On the territory of the CIS countries there is no ban on artificial termination of pregnancy. But there is a restriction according to which the term for an abortion at the request of a woman cannot exceed 12 weeks. At a later date, you can terminate the pregnancy, but this requires good reasons.


  • pregnancy as a result of rape;
  • death of the child's father during pregnancy;
  • serving a prison term for a pregnant woman;
  • deprivation of a pregnant woman of parental rights to her children.

These grounds provide the opportunity to terminate a pregnancy for up to 22 weeks.


  • gross malformations of the fetus;
  • severe deterioration of the mother's well-being. Serious diseases, the treatment of which is incompatible with gestation;
  • incapacity;
  • severe mental disorders.

The possibility of a late abortion for medical reasons is discussed on an individual basis, this procedure can be performed at any stage of pregnancy.

Medical research required for termination of pregnancy

  • The conclusion of the gynecologist.
  • Clinical blood test.
  • Smear on flora.
  • Analysis for human chorionic gonadotropin to determine the exact gestational age. As an addition or alternative, it is possible to undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  • Wasserman test (RW).
  • Analysis for HIV, hepatitis B, C.
  • Analysis for blood type and Rh factor.
  • Hemostasiogram (coagulogram).

Also, a woman may be asked for the results of FLG, ECG, a smear from the cervix, and more.

Until when is the pregnancy terminated? Unsafe (criminal) abortions

Criminal abortions - performed in artisanal conditions by people who do not have the proper education and / or permission for this type of activity. Or an attempt to get rid of pregnancy by the woman herself with the help of folk remedies and methods.

Knitting needles, horse hair, bulbs, aspirin, tansy, hot baths - with the help of all this, women are still trying to get rid of an unwanted child. Criminal abortions are very dangerous. They can be at least ineffective. As a maximum - to cause the birth of a disabled child or the death of a woman. 15 percent of pregnancy-related deaths in women are due to criminal abortions. For comparison: with a safe abortion in the early stages, out of a hundred thousand women, only one dies.

Until when is the pregnancy terminated? Types of abortions

Non-surgical abortion

This is what they call medical abortion in the early stages.


  • ectopic pregnancy. Before a medical abortion, it is important to undergo an ultrasound in order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy against the background of an intrauterine device or after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives;
  • severe form of anemia;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • hepatic, renal or adrenal insufficiency;
  • individual intolerance to drugs;
  • Carefully: with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, asthma, high blood pressure. Lactating women for two weeks after taking the pills should stop feeding babies.

instrumental abortion

So called abortion using surgical instruments. These are vacuum aspiration, dilatation and curettage, dilatation and extraction, artificial childbirth.


  • inflammatory and infectious processes of the genitourinary system;
  • individual intolerance to anesthesia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

At what time can you have an abortion. Termination of pregnancy in the first trimester

Medical (pharmaceutical) abortion

This is interruption with mifepristone and prostaglandins. The principle of action is to provoke a miscarriage. Under the influence of drugs, the cervix opens, the muscles contract and the embryo is expelled. You can terminate the pregnancy with pills for up to 43 days from the moment of amenorrhea.

You should not delay the gestational age with abortion pills, in which the fetal egg is still poorly attached to the walls of the uterus, and the woman's hormonal background is not significantly changed - 4 weeks.


  • anesthesia is not required;
  • the cervix and the internal cavity of the uterus are not injured. WHO recognized the pharmacist as the most gentle for a woman;
  • no effect on the menstrual cycle.

Possible complications:

  1. Continuing/incomplete termination of pregnancy. It is extremely rare that a whole fetal egg may remain in the uterine cavity after a pharmacist. This usually happens if a medical abortion is performed, the terms of which exceeded the allowable ones. More often fragments of the fetal egg remain. In these cases, it is imperative to clean the uterus with vacuum aspiration or curettage.
  2. Bleeding. It is because of the risk of bleeding for several hours after taking medications that you should be under the supervision of doctors.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen. They are provoked by contraction of the uterus. Antispasmodics can relieve such pain.
  4. Allergy. In world practice, cases of death of patients due to the development of a severe allergic reaction to drugs used in medical abortions have been recorded.

Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion)

This is a relatively safe way to terminate an early pregnancy. In this case, the fetal egg is sucked off with a vacuum aspirator. It can be performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. The maximum time for vacuum abortion is up to 7 obstetric weeks. Some doctors believe that a mini-abortion takes place on time with less consequences for the body than a pharmaceutical abortion.


  1. The most sparing way of instrumental termination of pregnancy.
  2. No dilatation of the cervix is ​​required. During a mini-abortion, no metal instruments are inserted into the uterine cavity, only a flexible hose, which reduces the risk of perforation of the uterine wall.
  3. Speed ​​of implementation. The procedure itself takes several minutes. A couple of hours after the abortion, the patient can already be discharged.
  4. Menstrual function is restored within 40-43 days.

Possible complications:

  1. Incomplete removal of the fetal egg. 5 days after the mini-abortion, it is necessary to do a control ultrasound in order to make sure that there are no fragments of the embryo in the uterine cavity. If an incomplete abortion is confirmed, then it is desirable to clean the uterine cavity also with the help of vacuum suction. Curettage is not recommended due to the high trauma.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstruation.
  3. Previously, mini-abortions were dangerous with the possible development of pneumoembolism - a condition in which air was not sucked out of the uterus, but, on the contrary, was fed into it. And, as a result, it entered the circulatory system and provoked blockage of large vessels with an air clot and the death of the patient. However, today's modern equipment eliminates this danger.


In medical circles, this procedure is called dilatation (expansion) and curettage (curettage) or acute curettage. The most traumatic and, alas, the most common method of abortion in the CIS countries. Approximately eighty percent of women who terminate a pregnancy resort to curettage. According to WHO, complications after acute curettage occur at least twice as often as after vacuum abortion.

At the request of the patient, acute curettage is performed at a gestational age of up to 12 weeks.

Possible complications:

  1. incomplete abortion. In this case, the scraping procedure should be repeated.
  2. Uterine damage. A sharp curette injures the inner surface of the uterus. The risk of damage increases by 20 percent with each week of pregnancy.
  3. The cervix can tear during expansion, which in the future is fraught with the threat of miscarriage and difficulties with conception.
  4. Profuse bleeding. Therefore, after the procedure, it is advisable to stay in the hospital.
  5. Gynecological infections.
  6. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  7. Failure of the menstrual cycle. Curettage is usually carried out in the second half of the first trimester, when the woman's hormonal system has already been rebuilt. Termination of pregnancy in this case is especially stressful.

At what time can you have an abortion. Termination of pregnancy in the second trimester and later

Dilation and evacuation

This is a long-term abortion (second trimester). It has a relatively low invasiveness, however, all late abortions affect the woman's body much more detrimentally than abortions in the first trimester. In dilatation and evacuation, the cervix is ​​opened with metal bougies, and the fetus is expelled with vacuum suction. If the evacuation of the fetus with the help of a vacuum aspirator failed or was partially successful, then abortion collets and curettes are used in the future.

Benefits: According to WHO, this is the safest way for a woman to terminate a pregnancy in the second trimester.

Possible complications: the same as with vacuum aspiration, dilatation and curettage.

Artificial childbirth

This is the name of abortion in late pregnancy, a process in which the expulsion of the fetus is carried out by stimulating labor in a woman. They have four varieties.

  • Taking prostaglandins.

An outdated, extremely painful method, which consists in stimulating labor by administering medications of this type.

  • Taking mifepristone and prostaglandins.

A better alternative to the first option. Happens faster. With a gestational age of more than 5 months, there is a chance that the fetus will survive after a late abortion, so it is first killed by injection of sodium chloride solution.

  • Salt abortion.

The so-called "fill". The most painful way of late abortion for a woman. It consists in the fact that 200 ml of amniotic fluid is pumped out of the fetal bladder, and a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride at a concentration of 20 percent is poured into its place. The fetus dies within one to two days from dehydration and hypernatremia. Further, labor is stimulated with medication.

  • Small caesarean section.

It is called "small" solely because of the size of the fetus. It happens transvaginally and abdominally, the second option is often used. A small caesarean section is prescribed for late-term abortion for those women who have contraindications to other methods of abortion.


It is extremely important for a modern woman to know what type of abortion is done before what time, so that in case of unforeseen situations, she can resolve the situation with minimal negative consequences for the body.

Medical abortion is otherwise called non-surgical or pill abortion. This is a modern medical procedure that allows you to terminate a woman's pregnancy in the early stages. Surgical intervention in this case is not applied.

Intervention in the work of the body is carried out with the help of special preparations with an antiprogestogenic effect.

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages can be called a relatively safe method.

The drug stimulates the process of exfoliation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. With an abortive effect, the embryo independently separates from the uterine mucosa and comes out. This is the so-called artificial miscarriage.

The effectiveness of the technique is approximately 95-98 percent.

How long can it be done?

If medical termination of pregnancy is planned, the timing is strictly defined. The procedure can be carried out only in the early stages, no later than 5-6 weeks (up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last menstruation).

When asked how long it is possible to do medical termination of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the period in this case is set only according to the results of an ultrasound examination by the transvaginal method.


For the procedure, doctors use the following drugs:

  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mytholian (China).

All tablets have a similar principle of action. Active substances block the production of progesterone in a woman's body. It is this process that is involved in the development of pregnancy. Taking the drug provokes exfoliation of the membranes of the embryo from the walls of the uterus and its exit from the body.

When wondering how many weeks a medical abortion is done, it should be borne in mind that the above-mentioned drugs are not freely available in pharmacies.

How is the procedure carried out?

Carrying out a pharmacist requires a doctor to have a number of permits.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy and. A conventional and ultrasound scan is performed using a transvaginal probe. The embryo must be excluded.
  2. Signature by the patient of documents for consent to the procedure.
  3. In the absence of contraindications, the woman is allowed to take the drug in the doctor's office. Here she spends at least 2-3 hours under medical supervision. This is necessary so that in case of complications, the patient is provided with emergency assistance.
  4. After the required time, the woman can go home. During the period of stay in the doctor's office, the uterus usually contracts and bleeding begins.
  5. Three days after a medical abortion, you must visit the doctor again and undergo the procedure. This is mandatory and necessary in order to exclude the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

The question of the pain of the procedure is often asked. As for the pain, it is more intense than with normal menstruation. After taking the drug procedure, a woman may feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen, as well as cramping pains. You can consult a doctor and take painkillers.


There are a number of contraindications for medical interruption. The absolute ones, when it is forbidden to do the procedure, include the following:

  • ectopic course of pregnancy;
  • gestational age more than 9 obstetric weeks;
  • the presence of scars on the uterus;
  • allergic reactions to the drugs used;
  • the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver.

There are also relative contraindications to pharmabort, in the presence of which the patient may be refused the procedure (the issue is decided by the doctor):

  • age less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • poor blood test (low hemoglobin, clotting problems);
  • smoking within the last five years;
  • epilepsy;
  • long-term use of drugs with antithrombotic action.

Consequences and complications

Normally, after a medical termination of pregnancy, a woman feels almost the same as with a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

After the procedure, you may experience:

  • spasms, pain in the lower abdomen and painful uterine contractions;
  • vomiting and nausea, dizziness as a result of hormonal balance in the body;
  • bleeding that can last up to several weeks.

Hormonal imbalance after pharmacotherapy can cause consequences in the form of the development of a number of gynecological diseases, such as inflammation, cervical erosion, endometritis, endometriosis. All this can cause infertility in the future.

To exclude such consequences, it is necessary to undergo the prescribed examination before and after the interruption, compliance with hygiene rules and all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

The following complications are possible as a result of the procedure:

  • Bleeding. The most common complication after artificial interruption. Normally, there should be bleeding. But their abundance, intensity and too long duration lead to serious blood loss, anemia and death as a result. An alarming symptom when a woman has to use more than two pads (for 5 drops) in one hour.
  • incomplete abortion. Means the partial release of the uterus from the fetal egg. Danger in the development of purulent complications and sepsis. For this reason, an ultrasound examination after the procedure is mandatory. In the presence of residues, the uterus is cleaned or vacuum aspiration is performed.
  • Hematometer. This is the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which subsequently leads to purulent processes and sepsis. Alarming symptom: increasing pain in the lower abdomen after taking the pills and no bleeding.

The effectiveness of medical abortion, the likelihood of negative consequences and complications depend on a number of factors:

  • professionalism of the doctor;
  • woman's responsibility
  • implementation of recommendations after the procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications after interruption, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • To undergo the procedure only with a qualified doctor. It is dangerous to carry out an artificial interruption on your own.
  • Refuse the medabort if there are contraindications and choose another method.
  • In the recovery period, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, monitor your well-being. It is not recommended to use tampons, it is better to use pads.
  • Refrain from sexual activity for two to three weeks after the procedure. This can lead to bleeding and inflammation.
  • For two weeks, heavy physical exertion, physical activity, alcohol intake, thermal procedures (bath, sauna, etc.) are prohibited.
  • It is recommended to take hormonal contraceptives for at least 6 months after a pharmaceutical abortion. This will help restore the hormonal balance in the body and prevent subsequent unwanted pregnancies.
  • If you feel unwell after the procedure, the appearance of discharge with a smell, an increase in body temperature, you should immediately make a visit to the doctor.

No type of abortion can be called completely safe. Each of them can lead to serious complications. Despite the ease of carrying out the procedure of medical termination of pregnancy, it cannot be used as a method of emergency contraception.

Farmabort is a necessary measure, and if it cannot be avoided, it is better that it be a one-time in a woman's life.

In the video about interruption