Two French braids, on the contrary, step by step. French braid for eversion video. How to weave a braid inside out: step by step instructions, interesting tricks and beauty secrets. To whom and for what occasions is it suitable

Weaving braids is not only fun, but also a useful activity: such an element can add zest to any hairstyle - from austere to casual. And for this it is not at all necessary to study especially complex technologies like weaving from 4 or more strands. Even a classic braid can be presented in an unusual way - for example, it can be done inside out. How to weave such a braid? What are some tricks to keep your job clean and perfect, even without a lot of skill?


A master class for weaving braids in reverse

The general technology of creation is identical to that of the classic 3-strand braid: the alternation of the central and side parts remains unchanged, but their direction of movement changes.

  1. Divide the entire mass of hair into 3 equal parts, smooth each of them.
  2. Bring the right strand under the middle one, crossing it with it, pull them in different directions.
  3. Mirror the action: wind the left strand under the one that is now the middle one and pull too.
  4. Repeat the process, alternating between the right and left sides, all the way to the tip. Secure it with a rubber band to match your hair or dress.

The only thing that can really make it difficult to weave on the contrary is the unusual position of the hands, but this is only a matter of time. Otherwise, the work is so simple that an inverted braid is obtained the first time.

But it is worth considering some nuances:

  • If your hair has a lot of frizz and you want to get a smooth and neat hairstyle, after moisturizing, treat the strands with a little mousse (a ball the size of a walnut to the length of the shoulder blades). The only thing is - choose a product without fixation, otherwise it will glue the hairs together, and after a while it will become impossible to weave a braid.
  • Having trouble doing a clean hairstyle from the back? Start working from the side - throw the entire mass of hair over your shoulder and proceed as described above. Once the hands have memorized all the steps, you can try to repeat them without looking.

The French version is considered to be the strands stacked on top of each other with a gradual lateral addition, and brought under each other with the same lateral "increment" are called Dutch - or dutch braid.

  1. Separate a small, wide part in the front zone from the total mass of hair, moisturize it well and divide it into 3 equal shares.
  2. Bring the right strand under the middle, crossing them, then do the same on the left side.
  3. Holding not only the separated strands, but also the place of their meeting in the center, grab with your free fingers on the right part of the hair 1 wide of the existing strand, add to the one that is currently on the right and bring it under the middle one, crossing them.
  4. Do the same on the left: pick up a strand equal to the existing side hair from the free mass of hair, wind them together under the central one.
  5. Continue adding loose curls until you run out. Then weave your braid back and forth from the resulting wide strands and fix it.

This hairstyle looks especially attractive if the ponytail (from the back of the head) is hidden inward, securing it with hairpins and invisibility. For very long hair (up to the waist), you can twist the bun, and so that it does not look too simple, links along the entire length pull to the sides thereby making the weaving more airy and voluminous.

An important nuance: when creating a Danish braid inside out, pick up the strands at the same level: if the part above the ear was taken on the right, it should be located in the same place on the left.

There are no rules for the distribution of free canvas, but professionals recommend first grabbing the extreme curls, and then, when they run out, move to the middle line.

Inverted braid on the side: unusual and graceful

On the above options for the idea of ​​braids, vice versa do not end: they can be shifted to either side, wrapped over the head, added with small elements to other hairstyles. If we talk about a gradual increase in the level of difficulty, of course, Dutch weaving will be followed by lateral version of it.

The steps are identical to what was described earlier, but there are a few significant points.

  • The beginning of the hairstyle is also taken in the upper front zone, from where the curls are immediately thrown to the chosen side and begin to cross under each other.
  • New strands from the side opposite to the one where the hairstyle is located, it is advisable not to pull too much - they look much more attractive when they lie free, with slight sagging.

Learning to weave braids from 3 strands, on the contrary, is no more difficult than their classic variations, and after mastering this technology, you can try to turn out 4 strands or more. However, for inversion, it is important to master traditional patterns so that the muscles remember the movements even in a dream.

Braids are popular. They have become an element of hairstyles and by themselves create a complex and beautiful hairstyle. They are chosen both as everyday and as a festive option. They are practical, but at the same time sophisticated (new and new methods of weaving are being developed). Some of the options are tricky. While others are done on their own. This is exactly what the French braid is inverted.

The French treasure is the scythe

Who is the reverse French braid suitable for?

If the French braid is familiar to women of fashion, then not everyone knows what a braid is inside out. In a traditional braid, weaving occurs in such a way that the selected strands seem to "go" into the mass of hair. The hairstyle itself looks flat, pressed tightly to the head.


The inverted braid got its name for a reason. Visually, it looks like a traditional one. But turned inside out, the direction of the strands is not inward, but outward, not to the scalp, but from it. The result is a complex hairstyle that looks much more sophisticated.

This hairstyle is suitable for absolutely everyone, as it can be varied. It can be lifted upward, or released downward, like a regular braid. A sufficiently large volume of the element allows you to correct some imperfections in the shape of the head. If the head is oblong, then the reverse French braid should be placed at the back, securing it just below the back of the head. If the head is flat, you can, on the contrary, raise it to the occipital region. With a small head, form a voluminous hairstyle. For a large head, leave a braid at the back, down to the shoulders.

The outer braid is bulky due to the peculiarities of the weaving. Therefore, it is indispensable for the owners of thin or thin and voluminous curls. Nuance - you can create it only on long and straight curls. On wavy and curly, the structure of the hairstyle is not read so clearly. Weaving a pigtail for eversion is not easy, but some fashionistas manage to master the weaving of a reverse braid, and even do a hairstyle on themselves.

Hair preparation

Weaving a braid for eversion is difficult both on yourself and on another person. The more difficult it is if the hair is not properly prepared. To keep the French braid inside out well, the hair does not get tangled in the process, and the procedure itself is as simple and fast as possible. You need to prepare your hair in a special way:

  • Think over the braid itself (direction, type, size of links);
  • Comb your hair thoroughly so that it can easily be divided into strands with your fingers;
  • If your hair is curly or very wavy, straighten it so that the braid with the hooks can be read more clearly;
  • Foam, mousse or gel your hair. So they will become easier to divide into strands, slip out of hands less during the weaving process, and crumble. As a result, the hairstyle will look much neater and more professional;
  • After applying the styling product, comb the curls again thoroughly.

Before weaving the twisted braid, select the part from the head of hair on which you will perform it. Divide this volume by the required number of strands.

Step-by-step instructions and a scheme for weaving two reverse braids

The braid weaving pattern, on the contrary, shows that, on the contrary, a French braid can be braided from three strands, which are intertwined in a way that is non-standard for a given hairstyle.

  1. Divide a wide strand visually into three narrow ones;
  2. Take the central (second) strand and put it on the first crosswise;
  3. Take the first strand out from under the second and put it on the third;
  4. Now remove the third strand from under the first and put it on the second below it crossing with strand number one;
  5. Place the first strand again under the second, below it intersecting with the first;
  6. You should have the following strand order: 3 - 1 - 2;
  7. This is one link;
  8. Continue to weave the French braid in reverse as if you were just starting out and the order of the strands would be 1 - 2 - 3.
Do it right and it will turn out beautifully

It's easier than describing in words how to weave a braid on the contrary, to show its scheme. A braid is a woman's dignity, weave it correctly!