Effective ways to ask for forgiveness from the girl. How to properly ask for forgiveness from your beloved guy: Step-by-step instructions


People constantly make mistakes. And these errors arise for a simple reason - we are all people, and all are imperfect. Moreover, if two imperfect people occur on one territory, they inevitably make mistakes. It is very important to understand this and do not roam a person in a perfect mistake, but learn to forgive and understand.

No less important to forgive yourself, because it is the first thing you must learn to be able to forgive other people. You can also recognize your mistakes, but do not traged out of it, but conclusions. It is necessary to try to fix everything and step up to the path of self-improvement.

When the quarrel has already occurred and disappeared the fires of the first fights, people tend to go to themselves. We always occupy a defensive position during a quarrel. And only when we retire, we can safely appreciate your actions and understand what our mistake is.

If it turns out that you are not right, you need to admit it and try to correct the situation if this man is dear to you. It is very important in this situation not to lower your hands and do not act on the principle of "all over", but try to find a way out.

So, you decided that they were mistaken, did something wrong, somehow offended our man. Excellent, the hardest part is passed. Now it's small.

Men are very departious when they are offended by trifles. They do not like when a woman is angry, goes into herself and relationships between the floors are gouging. All because men are characterized by emotional cretinism. How to fix a similar situation, they are difficult. Because to correct this situation, it is necessary to appeal to emotions. Therefore, they often be in the blissful delusion that sex can fix everything, and try to use it for reconciliation. They have no idea how far from the truth. But in principle, if you committed some error and you need to fix it, it can be very helpful. It is just necessary to drag it into bed by simple manipulations: a little flattery, relaxing caress and more difficult-to-fit clothes, so that it is becoming more comfortable. And he will not stand, in the same evening will forget about your offense and will become like a silk.

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But we will not stop at this one way, besides, you can very soon to take up. And then the tactics will have to change.

Option gift. To change the guilt, it is better to choose something non-standard as a gift, but for his soul. He probably has some kind of passion, and it's already tired of you. You often quarrel about this. Excellent, the higher it will appreciate if you make a surprise to him, which does not just imply attention and invest in forces and means, and also encouraging his hobby. If you are not very versed in his passion, ask friends or colleagues to help. Even if you choose something very absurd, it will not be indignant, but you will appreciate your attention and care. But only you need to make it clear that you give it precisely as a sign of reconciliation, and not to "buy" its location. To do this, it is better to hand a gift to hand and explain to him. The effect will not make it wait.

The following method is culinary. We'll have to resort to the old as the world, rule about the path to the heart of a man. If you can go through the stomach to the heart, then why not try to go the same way to forgiveness. In order to draw a man, you can cook his favorite dish or what he can allegedly like. It can be anything, but only no vegetarianism. The dish should be meat or, in extreme cases, fish. Men are still predators. If you are in cooking, just say, not a dock, you have all the trumps on your hands. If a man in ordinary life was not very spoiled with delicious food, he will be easiest to please. You should only try more than usual, may resort to the help of more experienced culinary culinary. One exactly - he will appreciate your efforts and will be very surprised. Only in culinary seduction you need to go to the end. To cover the table in the appropriate case of the manner and serve something suitable from drinks to the dish.

Another option: third party. If all your tricks did not have a proper action, then you can resort to helping someone from acquaintances. Better than good and those who respect your husband. As a rule, the words of the older men listens. But it is impossible to pass through the third face of reproach and accusations, just ask him to give to understand your husband, as you are hard and want peace and calm in the family.

This, of course, is extreme measure. Try all the same not to carry out litter from the hut. In addition, the likelihood is great that your request will not want to execute. Well, who wants to get a quarrel in other people's quarrels, besides, it is still unknown how to meet such help your husband.

In a word to solve the conflict, you do not need to deny it, you do not need to exaggerate it, you need to decide.

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In addition, you can absolutely free to ask a question like a specialist in another section of the site - Questions in the notes.

The feeling of guilt is one of the most unpleasant experiences. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary not only to reassure himself in the deed, but also get the "vacation of sins" the one who caused harm to. And here you can stumble upon the insult wall, break through which is very and very difficult. The closer people, the stronger they wound. And therefore, in the depths of the offense, it can be understood that you are not indifferent to him. Let the understanding of this simple truth give you strength in the struggle for the restoration of relationships after a quarrel. So how to achieve forgiveness?

Vile burning

This method is one of the longest, but most bloodless in terms of clarifying relationships. If you seriously quarreled with your husband, play the role of a submissive wife. Remove at home, tasty cook, take care of it to be cozy. You can even go for concessions in what was a taboo before. But a smart man will quickly cut, as you can manipulate and starts to seek your own, adding to your conscience according to the most minor reasons.

When he replaces anger to mercy, do not avoid a serious conversation. You need to ask for forgiveness and say that love and preservation of relationships for you means much more than what you were crushed.

Little insult - great performance

If your misconduct is at all trifle, but the guy is still poured, use a very simple method - try to laugh it and try to bring the quarrel into a neutral zone. Fall in front of him on your knees, read monologues from Shakespeare, lie your head about the floor, in a word, arrange a presentation. He will not stand and forgive you everything.

Could not say - write

SMS, Letter or Private Message - Use any communication method to write a guy about how you regret the quarrel. Of course, it is best to talk to face to face, but he can intentionally avoid you, then text with apologies is the only way to start rapprochement. After you still have to communicate on this topic, but without those negative emotions.

If you do not feel guilty or you understand that now your favorite person is trying to manage you, do not go to significant concessions, especially if it comes to the fundamental questions for you. The only thing that can be apologized in this case is for your incontinence in the heat of a quarrel. Promise no longer provoke it to the dispute, but do not retreat from your position. If the argument turns again, stop the conversation.

Why does a person who offended someone with such difficulty picks up apologies? And where to find these words? Some psychology and knowledge of communication rules will help deserve forgiveness and return good relations.

Common mistakes

There are three common errors.

First error - Stretch forgiveness at any cost. You can, for forgiveness, but lose the most important thing - its respect. The girl will not respect the one who causes pity and sympathy.

Never use:

  • molb about forgiveness;
  • any attempts to call pity;
  • complaints about difficulties in his fate;
  • the phrases of the type "I do not deserve you", "my act is not an excuse", "I am so lucky in fate" ...

Remember! Under no circumstances do not humiliate in front of the girl.

Second error - Find the perpetrator. Shooting responsibility on other people or circumstances, you will demonstrate to the girl, which depends on the circumstances, are unable to manage their own life and control their behavior.

Whatever you do, what an insult did not cause, never use excuses:

  • "I was drunk ..." ("I got friends ...");
  • "I was detained at the meeting ...";
  • "I could not get rid of ...";
  • "I had to take it ...";
  • "I advised me a friend ...";
  • "Friends persuaded to go ..."

Remember! You and only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life.

Third error - Ask for forgiveness of SMS or send any verses in the message in social networks. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness only at a personal meeting. No sms, no poems, no high-speed, beautiful phrases - you need to talk to her eyes in your own words, the easier - the better.

What you need to talk. How to choose the words

Effective behavior strategy - apologize, retaining your dignity and without losing respect for the girl. Reliable and serious relationships are based only on mutual respect, without him there is no future in relationship.

If you want to make forgiveness, follow next rules:

  • take a look in the eyes and contact by name - this allows you to trust in the subsequent words;
  • admit your guilt: "I made a mistake ...;
  • tell me that you understand the feelings of an offended person: "I understand how you hurt / offensive / annoying / unpleasant when I did / said it / entered ..."
  • apologize: "Please forgive me for";
  • give a promise to not repeat the error.

Last paragraph - This is a promise to yourself, first of all. It is very important to keep this promise, because it will be impossible to deserve forgiveness again.

The answer to the question, to ask for forgiveness alone or in the company of friends depends on the circumstances of the quarrel. If the quarrel happened with witnesses, then let the same people witness the request for forgiveness and reconciliation. It is impossible, offended at all, after apologizing alone!

And this advice may sound unexpectedly, but: it is worth practicing in front of the mirror.

Good gift will help deserve forgiveness

Flowers donated as a sign of reconciliation is a prerequisite.

Great idea - a small gift. Make sure it:

  • chosen with love and care;
  • have a symbolic value.

These gifts include all pair figurines or figures: pigeons, bunny, dogs. Another gift is the figurines, symbolizing a repentant offender (sad bear).

Tickets for theater, a concert or disco will help demonstrate their serious intentions. A bright emotional event will add new colors.

An expensive gift will be associated with the desire to pay off for the blame. But elegant jewelry, chosen with taste and love, women of all ages at all times perceived favorably.

Beautiful ways to apologize

The girl will definitely appreciate the time, efforts and funds invested in preparation. Therefore, one beautiful, non-standard act can sometimes turn out a thousand words.
Here are several the most original ways apologize:

  • Apologies video. In this video, you can also ask for your shared friends. This will give persistence of your request.
  • Collage. Here you also need help friends. Ask for them to take pictures with posters: "You have to forgive him," "Return, he will not be so more", etc. From these photos, you can make a large collage in Photoshop. Do not forget to put yourself in the center. The picture can be sent to the girl by mail, or print and hang where she sees it;
  • Inscription on asphalt Under its windows. Pretty trite, but still effectively.
  • Ask to convey apology letter, a completely unexpected person, for example, a teacher who came to read a lecture.

None of these methods cancels personal apology.

Ask for forgiveness from the girl who carelessly offended, is a noble gesture that requires not only the recognition of his misconduct, but also efforts to overcome themselves. And if a drop of diligence and creativity will be added here, then you can be calm: the relationship will be restored.

Men apologize do not like. It is a fact. Where a guilty woman can recognize his guilt several times, ask for forgiveness and move away from a conflict situation, a man may not even understand that something happened.

If you decide to ask for forgiveness, it also probably did you really have something terrible, got sideways with their problem and we wore it for several days. And now, he came to this moment when you have to take a step and restore trusting relationships. But how to ask for forgiveness from the girl? This question remains open, even if you have already decided on it.

Why arises the need to apologize?

  1. Resentment of the girl. The girls were accustomed to dig in themselves and in their relationship, they are very sensitive to gross words and any manifestations of indifference. Sometimes you just need to be alone and work, for example. What does it seem to her? Fruit, found another, decided to part. A few days spent in such thoughts will make you touching a person! But your consciousness is somewhat otherwise arranged. Therefore, when you see that the girl is extremely offended, try to take the first step and achieve at least conversation. You may not even recognize what and why she was offended. If, in your opinion, there was no testimony, just give her warmth and tenderness, say a couple of gentle words.
  2. Commes. The most terrible reason why you can start looking for how to ask for forgiveness from your beloved girl or wife is a goal to the left. If everything has revealed or your conscience does not allow you to keep everything in the secret, you should think well how to deserve forgiveness. First decide what to do next: trying to restore the relationship after treason or at least part smaller than each other.
  3. Coarseness. Disputes who lead to rudeness, beat themselves very much, and for your assessment of his wife or girl. Excessive rudeness can lead to the end of the relationship, and to a long protracted offense. If this is a single case, you need to make it clear that you realized the error. With protracted problems, it is better to understand yourself first. Forgiveness after a quarrel is constantly disrespecting a wife or girl.
  4. Bad habits. You smoke or drink, and consider it normal. And she is against. She constantly says about it, it became her obsessive idea. You can't hold your obligations to her and take off your bad habit. Do not believe, but it can also lead to parting. You will also have to first think about yourself and your life, to understand why she so opposes the usual actions for you.
To correctly transfer the crisis in relationships, if you really want to reanimate them, you need to prepare well. First of all, to understand everything about yourself and your attitude to the problem. Our opinion: If you ask for forgiveness from my wife, changing your position or at least defining your attitude towards her position, you are doomed to success and can apologize.

Beautiful steps to reconciliation

If the insult is strong, and the forgiveness seems impossible, it is necessary to understand that for your chosen one is important not so much the fact that you came and learn in her legs. The efforts that you spend on this action are important, awareness and demonstration of intention to change the situation.

Students are very romantic and original apologies. Imagine: She's not talking to you and resets all calls. Blocked all contacts, turned off the phone and does not read letters. All acquaintances warned that you had fallen a deadly offense. How to achieve its location?

On the way to one of the universities (for the very one, on which she goes to work daily), a very sensual and touching recognition in love was written on the asphalt. And so that it has no doubt that this appeal is to her - before the main entrance, the question was asked with her name: "Do you forgive me?" It is clear that not 5 minutes spent on such an apology. Lovely really spent strength, time and emotion. Of course, do not forgive him and not give a second chance with such a scenario difficult!

The only case when words may be more important than actions.

If suddenly after a quarrel is waiting for you to spend money on it, this is not the best option. In our opinion, it is better to give a girl to understand that any problem is to solve without financial. But at the same time it is more often to pour it on the positive stages of life! Then she will strive to keep harmony (and most often apologize to you due to its emotional reactions to words and actions).

The selection of words should be concerned seriously. Look in the heart, do not look for ready-made phrases, then your apology will be original (which means unique, not like others). Tell me why it is so important to keep your relationship or return the smile to her eyes. Explain that you understand your mistake, and, most importantly, ready to do everything to correct the situation. Do not hurry, try to really delve into the situation and understand its motives offended. There is no one universal way to do it right.

If she understands what work you have done over yourself, you can really restore trust in your relationship. But if the misdemeanor is complicated (for example, it came to cheating), you need to put the whole arsenal.

Tell me there are no templates

Dear friends, modern society is shipped with goods and services. Standard gifts that all men prevent their girls are no longer valid. If you are every time you do something wrong, hurt your wife with words or affairs, you will be tricking in the house of huge bears, bouquets or candy, sooner or later it will simply stop acting.

You need to move away from standards and think about the individual way to ask for forgiveness after a quarrel. Traditionally offer 4 options for reconciliation: gifts, fulfillment of desires, public recognition in love and any surprise.
However, there is no ready-made option. You need to think about what your relationship do you need, which it is she who attracts how strong your misconduct (obviously, apologize after the treason will need to be a little different than if it spat the mirror in the bathroom once again) and that she loves This life or dreams try?

Do not be afraid to look stupid, do not be afraid to be romantic, do not be afraid to try several times. Think about how to show her that she is the road you. Think about the preferences of the wife or girl. Even simple actions - buy her favorite ice cream, make dinner, beautifully cover the table and remove the dishes after dinner - can be very effective. Especially if you do not play your favorite things.

But what allows you to get forgiveness once will not work every time. Than each quarrel to think about what to come up with and how to originally ask for forgiveness, it is better to work on its excerpt and their relationship. They definitely, definitely, will be able to be better.