Elena Kozlova: “Pregnancy is the most wonderful state in a woman’s life! Pregnancy is great! Pregnancy is a great time

Almost every woman from a young age dreams of becoming a mother in the future. For some, this desire is then given easily, practically without effort, while others are forced to be treated for a long time and give up many things in order to get pregnant and give birth to a baby. Be that as it may, the first pregnancy is always a special event, one that will be remembered for a lifetime. In any case, the very first pregnancy is a surprise, even if it was planned for a long time, since a woman does not yet know how to behave, and what is possible and what is not - such a state is new for her. It often happens that a woman cannot control herself, gets nervous, unnecessary and unreasonable fears associated with pregnancy appear. Such a period is very important both for the pregnant woman herself and for her loved one, the child's father. Therefore, support is the first thing a mother-to-be needs.

In order to always feel good and enjoy every day of your first pregnancy, there are a few simple tips to follow. First of all, it should be said that the optimal and most suitable age for pregnancy is the age of twenty - from twenty-one to twenty-five. A young woman has not yet fully formed, both physically and psychologically. This can lead to certain problems during pregnancy, and during childbirth.

The second moment, the first pregnancy is the time for complete mental balance, for the warmest relationships in the family, for sincere smiles and happiness. No stress at work, no sadness, no worries - this is the guarantee of a healthy pregnancy and a constantly good mood for a young and beautiful expectant mother. Further you need to hide psychologically difficult books and horror films - even if they were the most beloved before. You should not dwell only on yourself and your condition - for a husband this is also an important period, so you need to pay no less attention to him than before, try, on the contrary, to spend even more time together and, moreover, to involve him in caring for the future baby. Pregnancy makes a woman even more beautiful.

This needs to be emphasized with new comfortable clothes, attractive shoes, a beautiful smile and a positive mood. You just need to constantly pamper yourself - relax, read what you like, please yourself with tasty and healthy dishes, make natural face and hair masks - in a word, fully enjoy life.

Pregnancy planning, pregnancy- what a wonderful time it is! It is an exhilarating, unforgettable experience. You need to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest, and I will tell you about the undoubted advantages of your position.

Falling in love with yourself again

Do you know when it ends? When the test showed two stripes. From that moment on, the whole world turns upside down. Yes, yes, it is turning over, sensations, habits, attitudes towards yourself and the world are changing, because now you are not alone! At first, this will be your secret. When I found out about my pregnancy, of course, I could not resist and immediately told my husband, although the test showed such a barely visible second strip that I stood near the window all day, peering at it. And although my husband reacted with caution to my news, did not want to be upset later, my world had already turned upside down. Every day the second strip became brighter, somewhere on the 5th test I stopped and realized I was pregnant, that's for sure. Long live new life! It was our secret, an extraordinary tenderness appeared in the relationship. The husband kissed, hugged and talked with the "tummy" all the time. When we came to visit, everyone saw that we were glowing with happiness, but no one guessed what our secret was.

They say pregnancy beautifies and this is undoubtedly so. Now you can really pamper yourself. After all, you should, if possible, enjoy all that is beautiful. Nice music, beautiful pictures, delicious food, as well as a fragrant candlelit bath, meeting good friends, interesting travel - all this will give you and your baby a lot of pleasant moments. Love your body again, you will take care of it with tenderness and enjoy it, because you are not only taking care of yourself.

New opportunities

Well, to begin with, you are presented with the opportunity to update your wardrobe. Moreover, now there are a lot of stores that sell clothes for pregnant women. You will also be happy to go shopping for newborns, and look after the dowry for your baby.

You can also expand the circle of your girlfriends: in a consultation, in a maternity hospital, in classes for expectant mothers. And you will always have something to talk about and what to discuss.

Relations with mom and mother-in-law will also move to a new level. Now they will do their best to become your faithful friends and advisers, if, of course, your relationship was not like that before.

Your breasts will become very attractive, which you will be happy to emphasize with blouses with a beautiful neckline. You are gorgeous!

During pregnancy hidden talents often wake up: knitting, embroidery, drawing, culinary talents and even design ones, because you have to decorate a room for your baby. You will feel the power to move mountains.

Perhaps for the first time you can afford to eat as much as you want and then when you want, even if it is 3 o'clock in the morning, you can safely go to the refrigerator and eat such a delicious sandwich. When I got pregnant, I ate all the time during the first trimester. I had the impression that my mouth did not close, 20 minutes after eating, I again felt wild hunger, and I had to eat again. At night, sometimes I also wanted to eat, but my natural laziness won over the desire to leave the warm bed.

Also for the next year you will forget what PMS is, no pads, tampons - how great it is. Well, oh, if there are no contraindications from the doctor, there is a desire, then you are free to do whatever your heart desires, without worrying about the consequences. You don't need condoms and other contraceptive attributes.

You can create a personal pregnancy calendar for yourself and then you will know how your baby looks like every week of pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth is a very short period in a woman's life, but undoubtedly the most memorable one!

There are also such "surprises" as toxicosis during pregnancy, and during this period it is not at all happy, but soon everything will pass, and you can fully enjoy the time of your pregnancy . It will pass so quickly in just 9 months. Let your pregnancy will bring you many happy and wonderful moments!

For many women, pregnancy is the greatest and happiest time. During this period, a woman feels all the charm of life and the realization of the birth of a new small life. There are many "But" in this wonderful state, how many doubts, worries and fear this event generates in our bright minds. And not a single magazine and book will give a real peace of mind to a pregnant woman, which a loving person can offer by invigorating and hugging him gently touching his tummy and saying: "Everything will be fine."

During this period, pregnant women feel that they are cut off from social life, from friends and from the world in general, and that they will never again experience joy and moments of happiness. But all these experiences are caused by hormonal surges and are usually not justified by anything. In order to avoid unnecessary worries and worries, you need to think about how delightful it is to give life to a new man, how wonderful it is to hold your child in your arms, with his little hands and kind eyes. What great joy the words, first steps and achievements, heard from him for the first time, will bring.

During pregnancy, a woman is not only in excitement and anxiety, but also sees the world in new colors, she perceives the world around her in a completely different way. At these moments, a woman herself is transformed, she becomes naturally beautiful, her natural beauty is manifested. At this time, of course, you cannot relax, you need to take care of yourself, it will be very useful to learn special exercises that will make preparation for childbirth pleasant, and the course of pregnancy carefree and easy. You can diversify your pregnancy by communicating on forums, attending special courses for pregnant women.

The main thing throughout pregnancy, whatever it may be, is not to forget that nothing in life can be compared with the appearance of a baby, with his joyful eyes. After the lapse of time, everyone understands this. The joy that arose after the birth of a long-awaited and beloved baby cannot be compared with any difficulties that arise during pregnancy. A child is a big responsibility, and before creating a new life you need to remember this, most of the responsibility lies, of course, on the shoulders of the mother, she is the most important person for her child at the beginning of his happy life.

Someone is waiting for this with hope for a miracle, joy and anticipation of an incredible life, someone with apprehension, someone with horror and a sense of hopelessness. What am I talking about? Yes, about her, about pregnancy.

Very often the very interval from conception to birth falls out of the eventfulness of life. So difficult, the first moment is tortured. Or accidental and unexpected. The birth of a child is a great event. And how many changes it brings with it!

And what about pregnancy? What do they say about her, besides the glorified changes of moods and tastes of a woman? What is this moment of life, how will we live it? Differently. Both in joy and in sorrow.

How did it happen

So you found out that you are pregnant. Probably not a single moment can compare with this in terms of emotional saturation. Reactions can range from the most violent and happy to panic and aggressive. Even if you were expecting it, it causes confusion. And if not? For some, this is a very difficult moment to make a choice. And it's not about whether to keep the pregnancy or not, that's another story.

How to tell parents, young man, at work? What if this introduces such confusion and deprives the usual supports that it is not clear what to do?

Take responsibility for the unborn child. Expect nothing from others other than what the law prescribes. Resentment, anger will harm you in the first place. Pregnancy exacerbates all sore spots both literally and figuratively. This means that we will have to deal with this.

Remember, difficulties make us stronger and children happier. Here, with the hope for the best, with confidence in the choice made and love for the baby, and go ahead.

Black humor

If you have been spared toxicosis, edema, heartburn, drowsiness coupled with insomnia and other "delights" of pregnancy, you can skip this point. You most likely enjoyed the process all the time, experienced only exalted feelings of joy and peace. Those who are lucky enough to experience the restructuring of the body with more vivid consequences cannot do without black humor.

I had toxicosis, which is considered, according to the doctors' notes, of moderate severity. This is when from everything vomits and sometimes unexpectedly. It is useless to roar, you have to lie under a dropper, sort out products that will climb and then remain in the stomach, and wait patiently until this wonderful time lasts 1.5-2 months (for someone it is even more).

What is humor?

The fact is that when you vomit like this, you tense up. The first times I was afraid to strain my stomach. Then, washing her face, she looked in the mirror and was horrified by her blue face. So I finally settled on the abdominal muscles. And there, as you know, there is still a bladder, which is already beginning to be compressed by the growing uterus. As a result, when vomiting comes unexpectedly, you run to the toilet and do not know which side to turn. You swear, laugh and go to the shower. Don't forget that in our beautiful hospitals, showers are on schedule ...

Whatever happens to you, remember - it is temporary and worth it not to give in to despondency.

Hospital delights

Yes, we live in Russia, and our hospitals are also Russian. Is it good or bad? Surprisingly, I see a change for the better.

First, beds with normal bottoms began to appear. Not a mesh. True, to strengthen the frame, there was a metal bar in my bed, and for some reason on top of the frame, but these are trifles, only 5-10-15 coups per night and that's it. And colored linen!

Secondly, the food is acceptable. For a state of toxicosis, it is almost ideal, since the dining room and the kitchen are separated, there are no foreign smells, and even meat climbs. And how much joy comes from bread and cheese and certain days when they cook fish and puree!

Conversations deserve special attention. In the gynecological department there are not only pregnant women, but also quite elderly women, loudly broadcasting how much and what they have been cut out. And you understand: you are doing well!

Third, the staff. If you treat with understanding the work of these stoic people, you can get an adequate attitude towards yourself. Young doctors and nurses appeared, attentively and with dignity doing their job. The older staff supports them with stories and jokes. What is missing is dedicated people who can support when things go wrong.

The joy of the turning points

They come when toxicosis subsides and you return to your usual life. When an ultrasound scan takes place and you are told: everything is normal, the location is right, there is no placental abruption. When you step over the cherished weeks and the child stays with you. When you get the test results and everything is fine. When you go on maternity leave and realize that it's not for two weeks.

Alarming symptoms

Mood changes in a pregnant woman are often associated with hormonal changes. Although I believe that the responsibility of a woman for her unborn child plays a significant role. What is allowed and what is not? What medications can harm? What if the doctor is not accurate in his diagnosis? How will my condition affect the child if I get sick?

A multitude of fears and anxieties prevail over us ...

In the hospital, there were girls who had a slight uterine dilatation, with positive dynamics threatening a miscarriage. The doctor recommended rest and observation, since surgery is not foreseen at such stages. So they thought that "it's easier to sew everything up" and calm down, and not be afraid to sneeze again. Yes, we are ready to endure a lot, to play it safe, so that inside the small life does not lose its strength.

In these situations, I see the duality of online or real-life pregnant communities. On the one hand, you will be told that neither thrush, nor the cord entanglement, nor 41 weeks prevented from giving birth to a healthy and normal baby. On the other hand, you will hear sad stories. Choose a positive attitude and a good doctor - perhaps these are the main ingredients.

Loss of individuality

The more long-awaited pregnancy, the more difficult it goes, the more attention is paid to your "belly". There is anxiety in those around you who want to do you good in the name of caring for your baby.

No sooner had you reached out your hand at the table than they carefully hinted to you that you this is probably harmful, but you really want pickled cucumbers or beets, because they ... Or they start to lead you by the handle, fearing that you will slip out of the blue. It is recommended not to go to social events to avoid infections.

You are not obliged to listen to this, and even more so if you are sure otherwise. You need both walks and mobility; you need communication and a sense of social involvement. We have to look for a balance between the old life and the new state, but not a complete rejection of the former in favor of the latter.


To be in time for everything. Finish things at work. Survive a renovation or relocation. Buy all the things you need.

An additional lot of trouble falls on you, although it becomes difficult to walk, sleep and just bend over. But the energy from the woman is rushing! She is building her nest, and men who are unable to resist this tide are forced to participate too.

I remember how one day a 7-month-old pregnant woman with uterine tone was admitted to the ward. Recommendations: rest and no stress. And after a couple of days she runs away for a quiet hour with the words: "They brought us drywall, we need to help my husband to carry it." A curtain.

Not so little happens in these 9 months. This is a small life outside the framework of everyday events with its own laws. You need to accept your pregnancy, fit it into your usual existence, go through all the difficult moments, not lose yourself and prepare for the birth of a baby.

On this path, support, help from doctors, a positive attitude, humor and faith in the correctness of their actions are important. The result will be birth, followed by new worries, worries, first smiles, steps and words ... Kindergartens, schools, first loves and work experiences ... And again pregnancy, already in the families of your children ...

Appreciate this period, remember it and live again. It is desirable only in joy!