Epigraph to the seminar on vocational guidance of preschoolers. Material on the topic: Organization of work in a preschool educational institution for early vocational guidance of preschoolers

At the present stage, the process of modernization takes into account the current state policy trends. Innovative processes in the education system require a new organization of the system as a whole. According to the Russian Law "On education in the Russian Federation" from 29. 12. 2012 №273-FZ in Article 64 states that the process of pre-school education "Directed on the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children." . Of particular importance is attached to pre-school education and education. In this regard, before DW, the task of using modern, efficient and innovative means of developing a child. Innovative activity should be focused on improving the educational, personnel, organizational, logistical support of the DOU, organization of social partnership.

As a rule, career guidance begins only in high school students. The child does not have time to make a conscious choice, since the list of the proposed professions is small, knowledge of them is minimal and given episodically.

But the hidden reserves of vocational guidance are taking place not only in the initial level of training, but also at the stage of preschool childhood. An early start of preparing a child to choose a future profession is not to impose a child who he should become, according to parents (because, for example, many in the family work in this area), and in introducing a child with various types of labor to facilitate him an independent choice in the future. As part of the continuity of career guidance, the kindergarten is an initial link in a single continuous education system. It is in kindergarten that children get acquainted with the manifold and a wide choice of professions.

Depending on the abilities, psychological peculiarities of temperament and character, from the education of the child and putting it the value of labor in children, a system of knowledge is formed about professions, interests and attitudes towards certain types of activities. In kindergarten at this stage it is necessary to create a specific visual basis for the surrounding situation on which the further development of professional self-consciousness will be based.

The created situation forced us to take a fresh look at the organization of career guidance work, to start the necessary now. The more diverse presentation of the preschooler about the world of professions, the fact of the world is brighter and more attractive for him. The basis of early career guidance is the formation of emotional relations to the professional world in preschoolers, providing him to use his strength in affordable activities. The formation of ideas for preschoolers about the world of labor and professions is the necessary process, relevant in the modern world. Therefore, there is a need for focused working with children to form knowledge of adult labor, about the professions of parents.

1. 2. Regulatory support of the innovation project.

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 29. 12. 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" ;
  • The Law of the Krasnodar Territory of July 16, 2013 No. 2770-KZ "On education in the Krasnodar Territory" ;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards of SanPiN 2.4. 1. 3049-13;
  • Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155;
  • Charter of the municipal budget preschool educational institution -Baby Garden number 11 of the village.

1. 3. The problem is solved in innovation. The degree of theoretical and practical worker problem.

Problem: Insufficient awareness of children about the diversity of professions.

2. Purpose. Object of innovation. Subject of innovation. Hypothesis. Tasks.

Purpose: - Create a specific visual basis for the environment on which the further development of professional self-knowledge will be based.


  • Create material and technical conditions in an educational institution - specifications necessary for project implementation (Creating a mobile RPPS);
  • Increase professional level of teachers and develop the ability to organize joint group activities using various methodological techniques and means, knowledge and possession of modern technologies for the socialization of preschoolers, finding and using new educational resources that facilitate the decisions of the goals and objectives of the early professional orientation of preschoolers, the ability to create their own didactic and developing materials;
  • Increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the framework of collaboration on project implementation: "Early vocational guidance of preschool children" ;
  • Develop a methodological guidelines, a cycle of practical measures to improve the socio-communicative competence of children of preschool age
  • Organize: excursions, meetings, as well as close interaction with parents;

For kids

  • To form in children generalized ideas about the structure of the employment process, on the role of modern techniques in human labor activities, understanding the relationship between labor activity components;
  • Bring up careful attitude towards work and its results;
  • Help children to realize the importance, necessity and indispensability of each profession;
  • To form the ability to reflect their impressions in the game and productive activity, knowledge;
  • Stimulate the development of cognitive, communicative, creative abilities of children.
  • Enrich RPPS (plot role-playing games, didactic game, book material, albums on a particular profession, etc.) special equipment and gaming material according to their professional direction;

For teachers

  • Create and approve virtual didactic products (Virtual excursions, videos, presentations, games) for studying in mobile interactive workshops;
  • Develop a methodological support for early career guidance of children of preschool age in the world of professions;
  • Develop collaboration with parents to expand the knowledge of children;

For parents

  • Contribute to the manifestation of interest in the excursions held for children;
  • Accompany parents when rendering a child qualified assistance in a complex process of entry into the world of profession.
  • Improve the active participation in the life of a preschool institution, in organizing excursions.

For social partners

  • Create conditions and manifestations of interest in strengthening partnerships;

The object is the process of working as a pre-school institution on early career guidance.

The subject is the formation of a visual basis for the surrounding setting of the Dow on early career guidance.

Research Hypothesis: Creating a visual basis for the surroundings of the DOU is a prerequisite for a complex child immersion system into the world of the profession and creates conditions for more efficient socio-communicative development of the child.

3. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the project (Scientific and pedagogical principles, approaches, concepts based on the project).

Kindergarten is the first important stage of dating preschoolers with professions, which not only expands the overall awareness of the world and the horizons of children, but also forms some elementary experience, contributes to an early professional orientation.

The problem of admiration for preschoolers to work has found a worthy place in the works of the prominent teachers of the past. K.D. Ushinsky considered labor as the highest form of human activity, in which the desire to live congenital man is carried out. The main tasks of education in labor and for labor KD Ushinsky considered the attachment to children of respect and love for work together with habit to work. To educate respect for labor, it is necessary to develop a serious surrender to life in children and for labor as a basis. In the history of the development of pedagogical thought, approaches to solving the problem of the introduction of preschoolers to work were changed to the development of views on the identity of the child - a preschooler. A. S. Makarenko noted that the right upbringing is necessarily labor education, since labor has always been the basis of life. In modern pedagogical science, the problem of familiarization of preschoolers by the strud of adults was studied by many scientists: Crunelcht M.V., Loginova V.I. Meges, V.V. Misharina, L.A., Ovcharov A.A. Shamesova A.Sh. In the question of familiarizing preschool children with the professions of adults there are various approaches. S.A. Kozlova and A.Sh. Shakhmeov offer to acquaint children with workers, with their attitude to work, to form ideas that professions appeared in response to the needs of people (you need to bring the cargo, cook lunch). M.V. Crunelcht and V.I. Loginov make focus on the formation of ideas about the content of labor, about the products of people of various professions, to raise respect for work. Many teachers such as N.E. Verasca and TS Komarov, recommend to acquaint children with the types of labor, the most common in concrete terrain. T.I. Babayeva and A.G. Gigoberidze recommend not only to acquaint with the profession but also with the personal qualities of representatives of these professions. Gradually introduce children into the world of economic relations, to form sensitive needs in children based on the ratio of desires and family capabilities. Develop value attitude towards work. These tasks are reflected in the educational area "Socio- communicative development" . To date, the main directions of the development of the child, in which educational areas are identified.

Early career guidance is mainly information (general

acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude the joint discussion of the dream and experience of a child acquired by him in some kind of work activities (in terms of self-service, when performing satisfaction).

Thus, the formation of the ideas of preschoolers about the world of labor and professions is the current process in the modern world, which must be built, taking into account modern educational technologies:

  1. Technology of project activities (L. S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuykov). Project activities are activities with a specific goal, according to a certain plan for solving search, research, practical problems in any direction of the content of education.
  2. Pedagogical technology for organizing plot role games (D. B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, R.I. Zhukovskaya, A.P. Usova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko). The game is the most free, natural immersion form in real (or imaginary) reality in order to study it, manifestations of their own "I" , creativity, activity, independence, self-realization.
  3. Technology integrated learning (L. A. Verger, E.E. Kravtsova, O.A. Skilupova) is for pre-school institutions of a kind of innovative. Integration is a state (or the process leading to such a state) The connectedness, interpenetration and interaction of individual educational areas of pre-school education, providing integrity. Based on the analysis of the studied work, the accounting of modern educational technologies can determine the purpose and objectives of the work on early career guidance of children.
  4. Information and communication technologies. In modern conditions

man is impossible without building a system for the formation of his health. In the preschool institution at the moment it is: computers, multimedia projectors, laptops, televisions, as well as printers, scanner, tape recorders, camera, camcorder.

Applied information and communication technologies can be divided:

  • multimedia presentations;
  • virtual excursions (on enterprises, with representatives of professions that preschoolers are introduced).

Multimedia presentations are a visuality that gives the ability to build an explanation with the use of video phrases.

The innovation project provides a systematic approach to vocational guidance of preschoolers. These theoretical conclusions, didactic and methodological materials in practical activity can be used in the development of vocational guidelines for preschoolers.

The study of the characteristics of various professions will be through the reception "Immersion in the profession" , visiting jobs, view visual information, meetings with professionals. It is quite logical that the basis of this system is necessary to put game activity as leading at this age stage, and create certain conditions for the development of gaming activities.

For the realization of the tasks, social partners are attracted and the cooperation agreements are concluded with them. We believe that the development of social relations of the pre-school educational institution with organizations provides an additional impetus for the spiritual and moral development and enrichment of the child's personality, improves design relationships with parents under construction on the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial partnership.

4. Justification of the idea of \u200b\u200binnovation and mechanism for implementing an innovative project.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe innovative project: the creation of a single educational space in the preschool institution to familiarize children with the professions is relevant for our village. Since the village is considered small and remote. Most of the population is employed behind the staff of the village. To do this, the directional cohesive work of the entire pedagogical team in the activities of early career guidance. For this purpose, Mobile RPPS is created satisfying educational needs for the development of early career guidance both in groups and in DW with in-depth study of a particular profession.

According to the age characteristics of children in Dow, workshops are indicated where the child can exercise itself in the ability to observe, memorize, compare, to act as a goal in its independence and activity itself. The workshop is a special RPPC, taking into account the specifics of each profession and creates conditions for the game plot. The workshop involves introducing children with the diversity of professions, to imagine what the profession of the future may be.

Workshop "Builders" - represented by building designers, unconventional materials, small toys for playing. Includes all construction professions: architect, bulldozer, craneker, bricklayer, carpenter, plaster-painter, roofer, etc.

Workshop "Peace on the roads" - represented by game centers, stand in the hall of the kindergarten, platform with road signs, road marking. Includes drivers all types of transport, traffic police, professions of repair road works, auto mechanics, etc.

Workshop "Rescue Service" represented by the center of the young fireman, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, medical workers, etc. game centers in groups.

Workshop "Farming Economy" Includes gaming centers in the group. An important component of the component is the labor activity of children in the gardens on the window of the kindergarten. Gaming activities are built up taking into account the traditions of people living in Russia, in Kuban. Includes professions: agronom, gardener, farmer, zootechnics, poultry truck, vegetable breeding, etc.

For each workshop, an educator is responsible who equips the RPPS with special gaming equipment, replenishes didactic benefits, children's literature, artistic material, etc.

It should be borne in mind that an important role in the process of socialization plays the interaction of a person with organizations, both specially created and implementing a socializing function in parallel with its main functions (educational institutions). Here there is a growing accumulation of relevant knowledge and experience of socially approved behavior, as well as the experience of imitation of such behavior and conflict or conflict-free avoidance of the fulfillment of social norms. Therefore, the organization of psychological and pedagogical conditions is so important in which the child is revealed as a bright individuality, conveys his vision of the world, enters social relations, aware of its value and uniqueness.

Socialization, as a comprehensive process, is carried out at three levels:

  • communication with peers, which involves the ability to cooperate, efficient resolution of conflicts, joint activities, etc.;
  • at the level of household standards and rules of cultural behavior, i.e. the rules of etiquette;
  • acquisition for life in society, which is being implemented in preschool age through acquaintance with various social roles.

We have developed a system for visiting organizations. In the process of excursion, children not only form a knowledge system, but also acquire a social and emotional remedy for the world of adults, acquiring children to communicate with people. Children get the opportunity to expand and clarify the knowledge of professions and enrich their vocabulary.

Early career guidance, according to many teachers, should occur in the walls of the preschool. It is in educational programs of pre-school educational institutions that the task of familiarizing children with difficulty adults is registered in which children with professions are acquainted.



"Early vocational guidance of preschoolers in Dow"

The main goal of early career guidance is to develop the emotional attitude of the child to the professional world, to give the opportunity to show their strength and opportunities in various activities and occupations. Getting such knowledge, in the child, firstly, the skill of labor is formed, there is a valid attitude towards the work of adults of different professions; Secondly, its horizons expands, and finally contributes to the early manifestation of interests and inconsistencies to a particular profession. Consequently, the task of dating children with professions implies the preparation of a child to be able to safely be safe to enter into an independent life and specifically choose his own path of professional activity, that is, we are talking about professional self-determination. In the children's institution, the child's self-determination occurs, since it is not associated with the choice and development of the profession, but prepares and leads to this. Thus, the main goal is the gradual formation of a child of readiness to plan independently, analyze and implement their path of professional development.

The relevance of the work to familiarize children with the professions is substantiated in the GEF of pre-school education. One aspect of the educational field "Social and Communicative Development" is aimed at achieving the goal of forming a positive attitude towards work. Works of such researchers as Ya.Z. Neverovich, D.B. Elkonin, V.G. Nechaeva, TA Markova, D.V. Sergeeva, A.A. Lublin et al. The foundations of the domestic theory of labor education are laid. Its essence comes down to the fact that in the preschool period of childhood it is possible to form the general components of labor actions (the ability to plan, it is advisable to act in advance to present the results of their actions); Labor is the basis of personality self-realization, awakening in her creative principle. By virtue of age characteristics, the child cannot work professionally, creating material and spiritual values. Labor is not an end in itself, and its meaning is in the educational impact on the identity of the child. The need for career guidance of preschool children was noted in their studies N.N. Zakharov, E. Ginzberg, D. Sewer, E.N. Zemlyanskaya, S.N. Chistyakova, E.A. Klimov et al. These authors paid attention to the stages of formation of professional self-determination, the possibilities of choosing preferred professions to children. In research in V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina, S.A. Kozlova, A.Sh. Chess and others. On the problem of familiarization of children with the professions of adults, the fact that the children are available to the system of elementary representations, based on the key, core concept, around which information is lined up. The most difficult for the preschooler is the awareness of adults. They easier to allocate its social significance in the activities of those people whose profession is familiar with them than the content of professional activities. Acquaintance with the work of adults is crucial for the formation of the child of the initial ideas about the role of labor and significance of professions in society. Knowledge of labor, motifs, labor reflected in the images, already in preschool age begin to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes towards their own work, the work of adults, subjects created by people

According to A.N. Leontyeva, it is in children of senior preschool age that the ability to evaluate the activities of another person, compare itself with others. At this age, direct interest in the world of adults and to various types of their activities appear. If the youngest preschool age is simply implemented, imitation of adult labor actions, then in the senior preschool age, children have knowledge of individual professions and all that is associated with them. In practice, preschool institutions have accumulated a certain set of methods that promote the formation of ideas in children about adult professions. This includes an excursion, conversation, reading children's fiction, observation of specific labor actions of people of different professions, experimentation with different materials and, of course, the game.

The game is the leading type of childhood of preschool age. A large number of one time, children spend on the game. Consequently, the game is a key means of formation in children of senior preschool age ideas about adult professions. The main type of game where children with adult professions are directly carried out, is a plot-role-playing game. It was in the older group of a pre-school educational institution, a real, meaningful and rich plot-role-playing game unfolds. In the plot-role-playing game there is a playing by children of an adult world. Here they create an imaginary situation, we are reincarnated in the images of his adults around him, taking their roles on themselves, and fulfill it in the game setting created by them.

The main feature of the plot-role-playing game is the autonomy of children. They choose the topic of the game, determine the line of the plot, take the roles, decide where to deploy the game, etc. At the same time, children are free in choosing funds to create their own image. For example, taking into his hands any book and a wand "Pile" he can become a teacher at school. Such a game of fantasy and freedom in the implementation of the plan of the game allows the child to feel the part of an adult world, to be born into any profession, which in real life it will not be available soon.

The content of the game helps to realize the main motives and the goals of the professional activity of adults. Another feature of the plot-role-playing game is that it is creative. The creative abilities of children appear in the fact that they create a plan and unfold the plot of the game. Creativity in this type of game is also expressed by the fact that children depict the profession of adults from their own point of view, that is, as they see it, but it is limited to game rules. The plot role-playing game is a collective game, in the process of which children themselves install the game rules, follow their implementation, regulate the relationship.

The children of the senior group are reproduced in the game not only the work of adults, but also the relationship between people in work. In a senior preschool age, for example, the design game begins to turn into career, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In such games, children absorb elementary labor skills and skills, learn the physical properties of objects, their actively develops practical thinking. In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. It appears and develops the ability to plan its actions, manual movements and mental operations, imagination and submission are improved. Along with the games of previous years, the children of this age willingly play more complex games, reflecting the nature of the work of representatives of different professions, their relationship. In the preparatory for school, the group familiarization with the difficulty of adults is significantly complicated and requires the use of more diverse methodological techniques. The task of the teacher is to cause children a desire to learn as much as possible about the profession of interest. Forming an active interest in the work of adults, attention should be paid to the ideas of children about the moral side of labor: what benefits do parents bring their work? Why do all people work? Gradually, children are penetrated by the consciousness that people performing different work in one enterprise are involved in general. In the Games, the teacher examines every child, his interests, individual abilities, follows his experiences, in order to find the right paths and means of developing his personality, which can be the first step of the career guidance of the child preschooler.

Therefore, the knowledge of the work of adults should take one of the leading places in the educational work of a kindergarten. In addition, the familiarization of children with difficulty adults and individual professions should be carried out not at the level of a separate task, but as a holistic organic process. Socialization of the child preschooler is carried out to a greater extent through the game as the closest, affordable, interesting type of activity. The problem of familiarization of adults is based on a gaming basis. The plot-role-playing game allows us to specify and expand the ideas of children about the diverse activities of adults, their relationships with other people, about professions used by labor instruments, etc. The game is a reflection of life. Games have the opportunity to bring up respect for labor effort, show the usefulness of the result of labor to those around people, involving children in the labor process, as the game and labor often naturally combine. In a properly organized game, there is an opportunity to form the personality qualities necessary for the implementation of successful work in the future adult life: responsibility for the entrusted business, plan and coordinate your actions with partners, the ability to fairly resolve controversial issues. The game helps to form in children the habit of work, gives the joy of creativity, the joy of creation. Creating your own hands necessary for the game attributes, the child opens and develops its abilities, on this basis his passion is born, sometimes a vocation, a dream. Preparation for games in the profession is going everywhere where only a child can familiarize themselves with those or other qualities of specialties, to accumulate the necessary amount of information, even if minimal, but based on which one can already recreate a remote similarity of this type of human life in the game.

Thus, the interest of children towards various professions is fixed through the game, respect for work is brought up. The plot role-playing game from a functional point of view can be viewed as the preparation of a child to participate in public life in various social roles.

Based on the above, it follows that the plot role-playing game is the main activity of children in which they reflect the knowledge gained professions, this is a leading means of education of the characteristics of the characteristics of character: sociability, the desire with other children to fulfill their ideas, the ability to organize and work. The content of the Games and the fulfillment of the role in it, subordination to the rules of the behavior and the development of gaming and valid relationships, coordination with other assistance to each other - all this contributes to the formation of moral qualities, friendly relationships, which is so necessary in the further professional activities of a person .

The benefits of the plot-role-playing game is that it is emotionally saturated. And if the game activity gives the joy and satisfaction with the child, this is a positive incentive for the development of something new or consolidating previously acquired knowledge about professions. Thus, the plot-role-playing game is a conductor of children of senior preschool age in the profession of adults.

Prepared: Bogdanova Olga Ilinichna Educator of the first quarter. Category MBDOU № 91 "Zhuravushka" Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

We all know that vocational guidance work is actively conducted only in high school grades, at best, on average. But the pre-school childhood pays great opportunities. An early start of preparing a child to choose a future profession is to introduce a child with various types of work to ease him an independent choice in the future.

Currently, in the system of education, preschool education and education is attached, because Kindergarten is an initial link in a single continuous education system.

Children are doing their first steps to the future profession in early childhood. It is here they start "Surrerage" The role of a doctor, seller, cook, driver - representatives of those specialties that are most often encountered in everyday life.

I see my task, as an educator, I see not only to introduce pupils with a diverse world of professions, but also help children relate their interests and hobbies with the work of adults. The more baby "Trial" There are various professions on yourself, the more knowledge, skills and skills will acquire, the better it will evaluate its opportunities at older. The more diverse presentation of the preschooler about the world of professions, the fact of the world is brighter and more attractive for him.

I strive for my pupils:

  • Understood the value and importance of labor. Any work implies a material remuneration that, in turn, guarantees a person worthy of life (good housing, delicious food, rest, etc.)
  • Dare all those who work, and appreciated the fruits of their labor
  • Would be ready to work, possess the necessary skills and skills. It would be worked not only because they like it or interesting, but also because this type of activity is needed now, you need other people

Algorithm for familiarization with the profession:

  • Name profession
  • Place of work
  • Material for labor
  • Uniform
  • Tools
  • Labor Actions
  • Personal qualities
  • Labor result
  • The benefits of labor for society.

Acquaintance with the world of professions will be successful if the child is joy, positive emotions and has the opportunity to express itself in affordable activities.

In order for work on early career guidelines to be effective, it was necessary to create a certain objective environment:

  • The library was created with a selection of books about professions, which supplemented the file of proverbs, sayings about labor, mysteries, patterings, readers, poems about professions and workers of labor; poems for finger and articulation gymnastics, physical attacks; Card Scene-Role Games
  • They were chosen and independently made didactic, wallpaper - printed games, games with objects, verbal games, demonstration material
  • A selection of cartoons, video, presentations associated with the theme "Professions"
  • Forces of children and parents were made by books - babes, chosen and printed coloring, decorated album "Professions of our parents" , Lapbuchi manufactured "On Space" , "Fire profession" , "Profession Doctor"
  • The area of \u200b\u200bcalm was supplemented with suits for plot games: "Doctor" , "Nurse" , "Seller" , "The hairdresser" , "Policeman"
  • Equipped with a box with subjects - substituents

The game is the most free, natural immersion form in real (or imaginary) reality in order to study it, manifestations of their own "I" , creativity, activity, independence, self-realization. Therefore, in work on career guidelines, I often use plot - role-playing games, as they combine elements of the game and learning.

Production plots, a professional social environment, professional behavior and interpersonal professional relations are imitated in the vocational guidance plot-role-playing game. During such games, the earlier knowledge of the professional activity of adults is transformed into an affordable experience.

Gradually encourage children to complicate the content of plotting games. Children often offer new plots, and I help introduce new roles or specialty to game (Captain of the ship, navigator, sailor), encourage children to find and use new attributes in the game (Tools, Technology).

In plotting games, pupils learn:

  • communication with peers, which involves the ability to cooperate, effective resolution of conflicts, joint activities, etc.
  • communicate to life in a society, which in preschool age is being implemented through acquaintance with various social roles
  • at the level of household standards and rules of cultural behavior, assimilate the rules of etiquette;

Another of the affordable and effective ways to familiarize children with difficulty adults are observations and excursions. In the process of observations, children receive a small amount of information, so it is very important to complicate the content of the representations: to increase the volume of cognitive material, change and deepen the essence of the observed objects and phenomena.

Organized excursions to the medical office, in the laundry room, in the kitchen, to the accounting department, in the office of the head. During the excursion, he had the attention of children on the working person himself, his attitude to the work performed, relationship with other people. She talked about the qualities that the representative of this profession should possess.

Such an observation of the professional activity of an adult has a positive effect on the behavior of children, their attitude towards people and things.

After returning to the group, we have been discussed with pupils that they saw. The children were shared by what was especially remembered or liked. Any discussion ended with productive activities. (drawing individual scenes, design, modeling or applique)

Full work on early career guidance is impossible without meetings with people of different professions. As a rule, parents of pupils are invited to such meetings. If there is an opportunity, then they bring our workwear, in an affordable form to convey to children information about their profession. In turn, children have the opportunity to ask and get from adult answers to their questions.

Modern educational process cannot be submitted without project activities. Children with pleasure worked on the project "Laboratory of Professions" . Most children have chosen their parents professions. It was necessary to see how pride the children were told about the professions of their dads and mothers!

The work carried out on early career guidance allowed unobtrusively to bring children to the conclusion that any labor or professional activity is important, necessary and significant in a person's life.


  1. RF law "On education in the Russian Federation"
  2. Internet resources

The main goal of early career guidance is to develop the emotional attitude of the child to the professional world, to give the opportunity to show their strength and opportunities in various activities and occupations. Getting such knowledge, in the child, firstly, the skill of labor is formed, there is a valid attitude towards the work of adults of different professions; Secondly, its horizons expands, and finally contributes to the early manifestation of interests and inconsistencies to a particular profession. Consequently, the task of dating children with professions implies the preparation of a child to be able to safely be safe to enter into an independent life and specifically choose his own path of professional activity, that is, we are talking about professional self-determination. In the children's institution, the child's self-determination occurs, since it is not associated with the choice and development of the profession, but prepares and leads to this. Thus, the main goal is the gradual formation of a child of readiness to plan independently, analyze and implement their path of professional development.

The relevance of the work to familiarize children with the professions is substantiated in the GEF of pre-school education. One aspect of the educational field "Social and Communicative Development" is aimed at achieving the goal of forming a positive attitude towards work. Works of such researchers as Ya.Z. Neverovich, D.B. Elkonin, V.G. Nechaeva, TA Markova, D.V. Sergeeva, A.A. Lublin et al. The foundations of the domestic theory of labor education are laid. Its essence comes down to the fact that in the preschool period of childhood it is possible to form the general components of labor actions (the ability to plan, it is advisable to act in advance to present the results of their actions); Labor is the basis of personality self-realization, awakening in her creative principle. By virtue of age characteristics, the child cannot work professionally, creating material and spiritual values. Labor is not an end in itself, and its meaning is in the educational impact on the identity of the child. The need for career guidance of preschool children was noted in their studies N.N. Zakharov, E. Ginzberg, D. Sewer, E.N. Zemlyanskaya, S.N. Chistyakova, E.A. Klimov et al. These authors paid attention to the stages of formation of professional self-determination, the possibilities of choosing preferred professions to children. In research in V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina, S.A. Kozlova, A.Sh. Chess and others. On the problem of familiarization of children with the professions of adults, the fact that the children are available to the system of elementary representations, based on the key, core concept, around which information is lined up. The most difficult for the preschooler is the awareness of adults. They easier to allocate its social significance in the activities of those people whose profession is familiar with them than the content of professional activities. Acquaintance with the work of adults is crucial for the formation of the child of the initial ideas about the role of labor and significance of professions in society. Knowledge of labor, motifs, labor reflected in the images, already in preschool age begin to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes towards their own work, the work of adults, subjects created by people

According to A.N. Leontyeva, it is in children of senior preschool age that the ability to evaluate the activities of another person, compare itself with others. At this age, direct interest in the world of adults and to various types of their activities appear. If the youngest preschool age is simply implemented, imitation of adult labor actions, then in the senior preschool age, children have knowledge of individual professions and all that is associated with them. In practice, preschool institutions have accumulated a certain set of methods that promote the formation of ideas in children about adult professions. This includes an excursion, conversation, reading children's fiction, observation of specific labor actions of people of different professions, experimentation with different materials and, of course, the game.

The game is the leading type of childhood of preschool age. A large number of one time, children spend on the game. Consequently, the game is a key means of formation in children of senior preschool age ideas about adult professions. The main type of game where children with adult professions are directly carried out, is a plot-role-playing game. It was in the older group of a pre-school educational institution, a real, meaningful and rich plot-role-playing game unfolds. In the plot-role-playing game there is a playing by children of an adult world. Here they create an imaginary situation, we are reincarnated in the images of his adults around him, taking their roles on themselves, and fulfill it in the game setting created by them.

The main feature of the plot-role-playing game is the autonomy of children. They choose the topic of the game, determine the line of the plot, take the roles, decide where to deploy the game, etc. At the same time, children are free in choosing funds to create their own image. For example, taking into his hands any book and a wand "Pile" he can become a teacher at school. Such a game of fantasy and freedom in the implementation of the plan of the game allows the child to feel the part of an adult world, to be born into any profession, which in real life it will not be available soon.

The content of the game helps to realize the main motives and the goals of the professional activity of adults. Another feature of the plot-role-playing game is that it is creative. The creative abilities of children appear in the fact that they create a plan and unfold the plot of the game. Creativity in this type of game is also expressed by the fact that children depict the profession of adults from their own point of view, that is, as they see it, but it is limited to game rules. The plot role-playing game is a collective game, in the process of which children themselves install the game rules, follow their implementation, regulate the relationship.

The children of the senior group are reproduced in the game not only the work of adults, but also the relationship between people in work. In a senior preschool age, for example, the design game begins to turn into career, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In such games, children absorb elementary labor skills and skills, learn the physical properties of objects, their actively develops practical thinking. In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. It appears and develops the ability to plan its actions, manual movements and mental operations, imagination and submission are improved. Along with the games of previous years, the children of this age willingly play more complex games, reflecting the nature of the work of representatives of different professions, their relationship. In the preparatory for school, the group familiarization with the difficulty of adults is significantly complicated and requires the use of more diverse methodological techniques. The task of the teacher is to cause children a desire to learn as much as possible about the profession of interest. Forming an active interest in the work of adults, attention should be paid to the ideas of children about the moral side of labor: what benefits do parents bring their work? Why do all people work? Gradually, children are penetrated by the consciousness that people performing different work in one enterprise are involved in general. In the Games, the teacher examines every child, his interests, individual abilities, follows his experiences, in order to find the right paths and means of developing his personality, which can be the first step of the career guidance of the child preschooler.

Therefore, the knowledge of the work of adults should take one of the leading places in the educational work of a kindergarten. In addition, the familiarization of children with difficulty adults and individual professions should be carried out not at the level of a separate task, but as a holistic organic process. Socialization of the child preschooler is carried out to a greater extent through the game as the closest, affordable, interesting type of activity. The problem of familiarization of adults is based on a gaming basis. The plot-role-playing game allows us to specify and expand the ideas of children about the diverse activities of adults, their relationships with other people, about professions used by labor instruments, etc. The game is a reflection of life. Games have the opportunity to bring up respect for labor effort, show the usefulness of the result of labor to those around people, involving children in the labor process, as the game and labor often naturally combine. In a properly organized game, there is an opportunity to form the personality qualities necessary for the implementation of successful work in the future adult life: responsibility for the entrusted business, plan and coordinate your actions with partners, the ability to fairly resolve controversial issues. The game helps to form in children the habit of work, gives the joy of creativity, the joy of creation. Creating your own hands necessary for the game attributes, the child opens and develops its abilities, on this basis his passion is born, sometimes a vocation, a dream. Preparation for games in the profession is going everywhere where only a child can familiarize themselves with those or other qualities of specialties, to accumulate the necessary amount of information, even if minimal, but based on which one can already recreate a remote similarity of this type of human life in the game.

Thus, the interest of children towards various professions is fixed through the game, respect for work is brought up. The plot role-playing game from a functional point of view can be viewed as the preparation of a child to participate in public life in various social roles.

Based on the above, it follows that the plot role-playing game is the main activity of children in which they reflect the knowledge gained professions, this is a leading means of education of the characteristics of the characteristics of character: sociability, the desire with other children to fulfill their ideas, the ability to organize and work. The content of the Games and the fulfillment of the role in it, subordination to the rules of the behavior and the development of gaming and valid relationships, coordination with other assistance to each other - all this contributes to the formation of moral qualities, friendly relationships, which is so necessary in the further professional activities of a person .

The benefits of the plot-role-playing game is that it is emotionally saturated. And if the game activity gives the joy and satisfaction with the child, this is a positive incentive for the development of something new or consolidating previously acquired knowledge about professions. Thus, the plot-role-playing game is a conductor of children of senior preschool age in the profession of adults.