If a large fetus during pregnancy, what to do. Childbirth with a large fetus. What doctors are concerned about

A large fetus is a fetus that at the time of its birth has a body weight of 4000 grams or more. Often for a woman, even a baby weighing 3800 is already heavy, and it is not easy to give birth to it, but the weight limit beyond which this diagnosis is made is 4000 ... If the weight of a newborn exceeds 5 kg, they talk about a giant fetus, there are cases of birth of babies whose body weight exceeded 7 kg ...

Excessive baby weight in modern obstetrics is becoming a problem, because more and more babies are born with a lot of weight. At the same time, the large size of the child makes childbirth difficult, can cause complications, birth trauma, and can even be a reason for a cesarean section. Statistics show that every fifth child today is born with a mass exceeding 4 kg.

Large fetus during pregnancy, causes

Why are women now increasingly giving birth to massive babies and is this a good thing? Improvement of human living conditions, easy availability of any food products, change in dietary habits and a large number of expectant mothers suffering from excess weight have led to this pathology.

Now we do not give birth to 8-10 children, as we once did, we enter pregnancy as healthy as possible, and we take care of the child, trying to eat as best as possible and taking vitamins.

The slightest deviation in the condition of the child, the placenta is a reason to prescribe drugs that improve blood circulation in the placenta, to impose a regimen on a woman with limited motor activity. And the crumb in the stomach is only engaged in gaining weight, it is inherent in it, to grow and take the maximum for its growth that mom can give him. And she can give him literally everything now.

Childbirth at an older age, which is so often now found, by itself contributes to the birth of massive babies, affects the weight of the child and overmaturity, and hereditary predisposition.

This is facilitated by the prevalence of a disease such as diabetes mellitus. Once upon a time, literally in the last century, women relied on fasting in the last weeks of pregnancy. Only those foods that contributed to the child's weight gain were limited, such as fatty and sweet foods, wheat flour, butter ... A modern pregnant woman does not think about such a diet, and the arrow of the scales does not frighten at all, after childbirth it will be possible to lose weight.

Women used to work until the day of birth. Today, starting from the 30th week, we get the opportunity to lie quietly on the couch, and eat, eat, eat ... And only when the birth begins, the "big baby" becomes the body's response to these features of our life and pregnancy in modern conditions.

The reasons for the birth of large children can also lie in deviations in the development of the baby himself, his diseases.

You are at risk if:

You are overweight
- the child has a tall and strong dad
- you have diabetes
- you are about to have a second birth
- women in your family usually give birth to children with a lot of weight
- if you are postponing this pregnancy

Large fetus, ultrasound diagnostics

A large fetus during pregnancy is diagnosed using ultrasound and calculations along the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the mother's uterine fundus. The tendency to deviate from the norm begins to be clearly traced only from the middle of pregnancy, before that, all babies develop in about the same way.

On ultrasound, excess weight of the baby is diagnosed when the size of the circumference of the baby's head, tummy, the length of his thigh ceases to correspond to the gestational age, he overtakes him.

Large fetus and caesarean section

If you are told that the baby is overweight, a cesarean is not necessarily an inevitable outcome, often women are quite able to give birth to even a very large child through the natural birth canal. As a rule, this is a relative indication for a cesarean section, and you have to do a cesarean if other factors are present at the same time, such as, for example, a narrow pelvis or breech presentation.

A problem due to the large size of the baby can arise during the birth itself, the clinical discrepancy between the head of the fetus and the mother's pelvis will lead to the need for surgery, and the massive body can simply get stuck on the shoulders, and this often ends in a fracture of the baby's collarbone.

The decision on how to give birth in the presence of a large fetus is made at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, most likely, you will be hospitalized before the onset of contractions, in advance.

How to make sure that a child is born with a normal body weight?

Do not take pregnancy as a disease, stay active, keep moving. Eat right, do not lean on fatty and fried foods, avoid sweets and starchy foods, do not eat for two, and make sure that only wholesome and healthy food is on your plate. If you have diabetes, despite the fact that you will definitely feel very good during pregnancy, strictly follow the dosage of the drugs prescribed by your doctor, do not give up the medication.

And most importantly, tune in to the positive. We are all very different, very individual. Perhaps everyone in your family gives birth to big babies? And you will give birth, you can handle it yourself without any complications, because for you it will be the norm.

The content of the article:

The birth of a large baby has always been considered a great success. The large weight of the child meant his vitality and good health. However, today doctors are ambiguous about this issue, and modern women are often not physically ready for the birth of a large baby. This article is about how to give birth to a large baby.

Which fruit is considered large

Neonatologists - doctors who monitor and treat newborns - call large those children whose birth weight exceeds 4 kilograms, and whose body length is 54 centimeters. The birth of such a baby is not only a reason for parents' pride, but also a reason for a close examination by doctors, since the large size of a newborn can signal the presence of diseases in a child.

Why is the large size of the fetus dangerous?

Determination of the size of the fetus today is possible even before childbirth using ultrasound and special formulas, which allow calculating the weight and size of the child from the length of individual parts of the child's body. Therefore, even before the onset of labor, both the mother and the obstetrician know about possible complications if the fetus is large. Immediately after birth, doctors examine the physical condition of such a baby, because a large baby experiences more stress at birth and may suffer from asphyxia or bruises during childbirth.

Reasons for the birth of a large child

In this case, it is impossible to speak one hundred percent of the hereditary factor, since large children were born to miniature women, but it should not be ruled out either. Naturally, if the father or mother had large children in the family, then the newborn, most likely, will be a hero. However, there are several other factors that can lead to an increase in the size of the baby during intrauterine development:

1. Endocrine diseases of parents

First of all, for mothers, if a woman in labor is sick with diabetes, then the risk of having a large child increases. In this case, the entire pregnancy should be under the supervision of a specialist, to monitor the health of both the mother and the child. In obstetric practice, women with diabetes are often advised to be observed in a hospital in the last weeks of pregnancy and, if complications arise, to induce artificial childbirth.

2. Prolongation of pregnancy

If this pregnancy is really delayed, and not the result of an incorrectly calculated period, then this, as a rule, means an increase in the weight of the child. In the last weeks before childbirth, the baby is already fully formed and gaining weight, so overweight directly leads to an increase in the weight and size of the fetus. It is worth noting that doctors do not welcome such a "procrastination" of childbirth, since the placenta also has its own reserve and after 39 weeks it begins to age and does not provide the child with the necessary substances in full, therefore, a born baby with a post-term pregnancy is thoroughly examined for exhaustion, the presence of purulent-septic diseases or inflammation.

3. Nutrition of the mother during pregnancy

Women who are overweight or with a disturbed diet during pregnancy often give birth to large children, but the large weight of such a child is not an indicator of his good physical condition - this means a metabolic disorder in the baby during intrauterine development and possible diseases. That is why doctors advise women during pregnancy to be very careful about their diet and closely monitor their weight gain.

All the above possible problems are cases of clinical practice, but these are, first of all, particulars, because as a rule, large children are healthy and strong babies, whose condition is assessed as excellent.

Problems with the birth of a large child

A large fetus during pregnancy is a colossal burden on the expectant mother, in addition to the main problems that almost every woman faces - toxicosis, edema, weight gain, etc. a consequence of the fetus squeezing blood flow in the lumbar region.

The main problems that a woman in labor can experience:

Discrepancy between the size of the mother's pelvis and the parameters of the child's body - "narrow pelvis"
In this case, they mean not only the large head in the child, but also the possible failure of the shoulders to pass through the birth canal.
There are two types of "narrow pelvis":

1. Anatomical narrow pelvis, that is, the size of the woman's pelvis does not allow her to give birth on her own

In this case, we mean the insufficient size of the small pelvis of a woman, as a result of past diseases (rickets and others) or external factors (trauma).

2. Clinical narrow pelvis, that is, with ordinary parameters of the pelvis, a large child cannot pass through the birth canal on its own
It is this concept that implies the clinical picture of childbirth, in which the birth of a child is hampered by the insufficient size of the mother's pelvis.

How to give birth to a baby with a narrow pelvis

The main solution to this problem is a cesarean section, it can be either a planned or an indication in the labor process. However, it happens that even with an anatomically narrow pelvis, a woman can give birth on her own with a small child, but giving birth to a large fetus with a narrow pelvis is a direct indication for a cesarean section, since there is a threat of injury to the mother and child.

Long duration of labor

The larger the child, the more difficult it is for him to move along the birth canal, and the more effort the mother needs to make in attempts, therefore, the birth of a large child, as a rule, lasts much longer.

Long recovery postpartum period

Childbirth is a huge stress for the female body, especially giving birth to a large child - tears and incisions very often accompany this process.

How to give birth without tears and cuts

First of all, you need to prepare your body for childbirth:
- do not run yourself during pregnancy and be in good physical shape - this will help maintain strength for all childbirth and give you the opportunity to push as the doctor says;
- to increase the elasticity of the muscles of the perineum (Kegel exercises) - this exercise will help control contractions and make attempts more effective;
- to learn the technique of breathing during childbirth - correct breathing during childbirth helps the woman in labor not only maintain her composure, but also control the strength of contractions and attempts;
- and the most important thing is to listen to doctors - even with a large baby there is a chance to give birth without tears and cuts, the main thing is to hear what the obstetrician says and follow his commands.

Weak labor

This concept includes both weak or fading contractions, and incorrect (weak) attempts by the woman in labor. The main reasons for this pathology are called hormonal imbalance, a narrow pelvis or other physical abnormalities in a woman's body, as well as a large fetus or polyhydramnios. Often the reason for weak labor is also called a small weight of a woman.

How to give birth to a large child if the mother is lightweight
The diminutiveness or low weight of the mother does not always lead to difficult childbirth - easy childbirth, first of all, is an indicator of the good physical condition of the woman in labor. Of course, it will be more difficult for weak women, since all forces are involved in childbirth, and the frailty of the body can lead to attenuation of contractions. However, even thin women have the opportunity to give birth to a large child on their own, you only need to properly prepare yourself for this process.


Bleeding during the delivery of a large baby is the first signal to the obstetrician about damage. In this situation, a woman in labor should not lose her composure and listen carefully to doctors, since only specialists can understand the type of this bleeding and how critical it is for the expectant mother.

There are many opinions as to how to give birth if the fetus is large, but the most correct way would be the traditional method under the supervision of a doctor. Even with excellent health of the mother and child, with good indicators for independent childbirth, it is not worth risking, since the management of childbirth with a large fetus is the responsibility of professionals and independent "home" childbirth can lead to dire consequences.

Premature birth with a large baby

Premature or early birth is called the premature birth of a baby. Children born prematurely, as a rule, need special medical supervision, because they may have little vitality or incompletely formed organs, reflexes, and immunity. In this matter, the weight of the child, of course, matters, but not key, since weight is not an indicator of the physical strength of the fetus. Large children also need the help of a neonatologist and a thorough examination.

How to give birth to a large baby after a cesarean

This problem has been repeatedly discussed by specialists, because a large baby during pregnancy and childbirth puts more pressure on the mother's internal organs, and doctors express serious concerns about the health of women who decide to give birth on their own after cesarean. Caesarean section is an operative intervention in the body, which is accompanied by the opening of the uterine cavity, so there is always the possibility that with complications in childbirth, old sutures may come apart. It is because of this factor that only a specialist should make the decision about how the birth will take place.

The delivery of a large child requires the correct behavior of the mother, both during pregnancy and in the process itself. Do not be afraid of the size of the future baby - in medical practice, more than once, miniature women have successfully given birth to real heroes on their own, the main thing is not to be afraid and follow the doctor's advice. An easy delivery of a large child is not a myth - the right attitude and thorough preparation will help a woman calmly and without complications go through this difficult path and give birth to a large baby.

Children-heroes are the joy of grandmothers and a reason for the pride of their parents. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Why are big babies born, and what dangers can await them?

What does "large fruit" mean?

There are several situations in which doctors call babies large:

1. Large infants are considered to be born with a body weight of 4 kg or more. In this case, the baby can be 36 - 42 weeks old (full-term or post-term), that is, the gestational age is not decisive. Today, approximately every sixth newborn is born large, and rare (less than 1%) heroes are gigantic, that is, with a birth weight of 5 kg or more.

2. In the second half of pregnancy, during any planned measurement of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, the gynecologist in the expectant mother may suspect that the fetus is large. This happens if the numbers obtained on the centimeter tape are 3 or more cm higher than the approximate average value (obstetricians have special tables and calculation formulas for each week of pregnancy). This means that the young puzzler is ahead of his peers in physical development by 2 weeks or more. Since every day matters for the period of intrauterine life, this gap is considered quite tangible. By the time of delivery, the woman's waist circumference at the navel level will be more than 100 cm (meter!), And the bottom of the uterus will be 42 cm or more higher than the pubic bone.

An additional argument in favor of a large fruit is more than 500 grams. in Week. But the doctor can only assume that the baby began to gain weight too actively, because the body weight and size of the pregnant tummy can only grow in a woman (for example, with edema or polyhydramnios). Ultrasound will confirm suspicions.

3. During ultrasound. The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when all organs are formed in the fetus, and in the literal sense of the word, he is not up to fat. He begins to accumulate muscle mass and adipose tissue from the second trimester, most actively in the third. Therefore, most mothers for the first time will hear that their baby is large (tendency to a large fetus), about p. Just at this time, the second planned ultrasound is carried out, at which the doctor will necessarily calculate the baby's weight by measuring the length of the femur, the circumference of the head and tummy (again according to special tables or using the program - in new ultrasound machines).

But there are some young accelerators who confuse doctors with their heroic dimensions already at the first, genetic ultrasound. Then the question usually arises about the correctness of the calculation of the gestational age by the mother herself, about the accuracy of her registration of the date of the beginning of the last menstruation or the day of conception. In such cases, the estimated date of birth is indicated by ultrasound (exactly in time), and then the second figure is written, calculated according to the menstrual cycle indicated by the woman. There are no particular reasons for worry, since a gap of 2 weeks is considered acceptable, especially since the baby looks larger, and not smaller than it should be.

TOP reasons why babies are born large

1. Acceleration

Do you think only teenagers strive to overtake their parents in height? No: babies-puzzlers have been born bigger and bigger for many years. Therefore, a woman must be prepared that her full-term babies will be harder at birth than she and her husband on their birthday.

2. Heredity

It is noticed that a fragile mother, especially a young one (under 20 years old) or an age one (after 34 years old), will grow up in the tummy of a hero much more often if the spouse was born large at one time. And if the woman, too, in infancy was not small, then the baby will become just a giant.

Daddies who are prone to overweight, growing a tummy with a future mom, babies are also often born as heroes.

The point is not only in the genetically embedded program of the physical development of the crumbs. Indeed, quite often babies, large at birth, are compared in weight and height with their peers in kindergarten, and even much earlier. The hereditary features of the metabolic activity in the body of the mother and baby, the structure of the placenta itself or its vascular network (it will be more abundantly supplied with blood or have larger dimensions) are important.

3. Overburdening

In case of prolonged or post-term pregnancy, the little belly must use the opportunity to grow up while the mother's body prepares for childbirth. Before 14 days, you don't have to strain yourself to suck, breathe, scream and recover - you should know that you are fat!

4. Poor nutrition of a pregnant woman

Expectant mothers in the second half of pregnancy are forced to limit their physical activity. At the same time, few manage to slightly reduce their diet: here at least cope with increased appetite. So an excess of calories appears imperceptibly, adding extra pounds to mom and her belly.

A separate problem is refined sweets and buns made from premium flour. Not only does their relentless eating increase the risk of gestational diabetes, but sugar, even worse than salt, provokes the onset of edema. Hence the excess weight and rather large dimensions of the pregnant woman and the heir.

It is noticed that with obesity of the 1st degree, about a quarter of women give birth to large, more often healthy, babies. But then - with each excess kilogram of the mother - the proportion of heroes increases slightly, but the risk of developing dangerous diseases in the fetus and injuries during childbirth for both increases many times.

5. Rebirth

With equally proceeding pregnancies, each next child will be born larger than the previous one. Everything is explained by the readiness of the mother's body for gestation and for the hormonal and physiological changes associated with it. But this will be so only in those cases when a woman has the opportunity (time, quality nutrition) to fully recover between childbirth. Otherwise, the mother risks giving birth to a small baby and suffering for a long time from polyhypovitaminosis, the symptoms of which will be thinning hair, lost fillings in the teeth, exfoliated nails, dry skin, dull eyes, endless fatigue and postpartum depression.

6. Diabetes mellitus, which my mother suffered from before pregnancy, and

There is a whole range of symptoms in babies called diabetic fetopathy. In fact, these are the consequences of hormonal shocks and surges in blood sugar levels in the mother. Among them, one of the earliest and most common is an excessive increase in fetal weight after 20 weeks of gestation in combination with polyhydramnios.

7. Swelling in a pregnant woman for various reasons

While the baby is in the mother's tummy, he is inextricably linked with her, part of her. Therefore, everything that happens to her necessarily affects the belly. And if a woman has, they will be in a crumbs. This means it will weigh more.

But there are important differences that must be remembered: when in a pregnant woman, edematous fluid accumulates only in the subcutaneous tissue of the legs, in the baby it is distributed throughout the body, including in the lungs, in the heart and in the brain, disrupting the work of all organs and preventing it from starting a fulfilling life after birth. The placenta also gets a lot: due to edema, it thickens, the blood supply in it is disrupted, and the fetus does not receive oxygen. That is why a large increase in fetal mass with edema in its mother is a reason for excitement and active treatment.

8. Hemolytic disease intrauterine

The edematous form of incompatibility for the Rh factor of the mother and the fetus is the most severe and prognostically very dangerous form of hemolytic disease. Healing a newborn baby is a huge and often ineffective work. Therefore, doctors are trying with all their might to prevent its development, actively observing Rh-negative pregnant women and carrying out a set of protective measures for them.

9. Iatrogeny

This is the reception by the expectant mother of drugs that contribute to the rapid growth of the fetus or the accumulation of excess fluid. These are corticosteroid and female sex (gestagens) hormones, glucose, anabolic steroids, excessive drug addiction that increase blood circulation in the placenta.

How is pregnancy with a large fetus

The first half of pregnancy does not differ. Unless the tummy will become noticeable a little earlier, and even then in women with a narrow pelvis. Mom needs to be prepared for the fact that as soon as doctors see a tendency towards a large fetus, she will have to go to the ultrasound more often and do a few additional ones, first of all - blood for sugar and a glucose tolerance test. The main recommendation of a doctor who is observing a pregnant woman is to eat right, not to "lean" on sweet and fatty foods.

In the second half of pregnancy, when the reason for the development of a large fetus is clarified, some mothers will be offered inpatient or outpatient treatment. Most of the little heroes will simply have to more often listen to reminders with her about the need to observe moderation in food.

How will the expectant mother feel? She will feel her paunch earlier than others. The jerks will not be gentle and timid for long: very soon she will have to wait until her footballer plays enough and stops kicking her in the ribs perceptibly. And girls will frolic as well as boys. In heroic mothers, dyspnea begins more often and earlier due to pressure from the uterus of the stomach and diaphragm. Often they are worried about edema and varicose veins on the legs and hemorrhoids due to a slowdown in the outflow of blood from the lower body through the vessels pressed by the uterus. There may be pain in the sacrum area due to overextension of the lower back, pain and cramps in the feet and in the calf muscles with a large increase in weight and with a lack of nutrition for the pregnant woman. For many, it occurs due to which the pregnant woman will not be able to sleep on her back and will feel short of breath and dizziness during examinations in the supine position (ultrasound, examination in a gynecological chair).

There is one funny moment: until the last moment, you can keep intrigue and smile mysteriously instead of answering the question of the curious about whether twins are expected.

It is believed that women with a big belly are sure to carry a large baby. However, this is not the case, because the size of the abdomen does not only depend on the size of the fetus. This factor can be affected by obesity, polyhydramnios during pregnancy. Very rarely, a neoplasm that appears in the pelvic area, as well as the abdominal cavity during pregnancy, also increases the size of the tummy. The success of childbirth depends on how accurately the weight of the baby is determined. How do obstetricians determine a large fetus during pregnancy?

The main factors

One of the sources for determining the size of a large fetus during pregnancy is ultrasound. However, even with the help of modern equipment, the weight of the child is determined rather conditionally. But discrepancies in 500 g in childbirth can have a significant impact on their process. The accuracy of an ultrasound scan directly depends on the device, monitor resolutions, doctor's professionalism and many other factors.

For a pregnant woman in an antenatal clinic, first of all, the size of the pelvis is measured with a pelvis meter. In addition, during the gestation of the child, the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus are measured. Subsequently, just these parameters help to calculate the estimated weight of the crumbs by the formula. The most popular formula, however, does not differ in accuracy: the height of the uterine fundus in centimeters is multiplied by the abdominal circumference, also in centimeters. However, this formula does not take into account the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer in the calculation. Therefore, using one formula to calculate the approximate weight of a child is not professional. A good doctor uses several formulas to get more precision.

Of course, how accurate the weight of the unborn child can be can be said only when he is born. Although the approximate information on how much the baby weighs is mandatory and important, therefore, it is necessary to make guesses about a large fetus.

Large fruit

Every woman understands "large fruit" in her own way. If the child is in a cephalic presentation, the size of the mother's pelvis is normal, then a fetus of 4 kg or more is considered large. If a woman has a narrow pelvis and / or a breech presentation of the baby, a 3.5 kg baby is considered a "relatively" large fetus. What does "large" or "relatively large fruit" mean? And the fact that the passage of a child with such a weight through the birth canal can cause some complications after childbirth, both for the mother and for the baby.

Complications with a large fetus

As a rule, if a woman bears a large fetus during pregnancy, there will be a post-term pregnancy. The fetus seems to be already formed, but the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth. This could be due to a mismatch between the pelvis and the fetus.

Actually, this is a very dangerous thing. After all, it is sometimes very problematic to diagnose it. It seems that the size of the pelvis in a pregnant woman is normal, but the weight of the child does not correspond to them at all, and this complicates the successful completion of childbirth.

"Latent" discrepancy manifests itself in the normal external size of the pelvis, but narrow internal parameters. Usually the consequence of such a discrepancy is a weakened labor activity. Contractions are not effective, the uterine cervix does not open, no stimulation of labor helps. The baby's head is unable to sink into the pelvis and press on the neck, thereby facilitating its opening. In this case, only is shown.

The most difficult option, when the cervix opened, there were attempts at childbirth, the pregnant woman makes every effort, and the fetus's head cannot go down. In such a situation, an emergency cesarean saves.

Shoulder girdle dystocia - when the baby's shoulders do not turn to the required position. This complication is difficult to predict. But the degree of possibility of occurrence directly depends on the weight of the fetus, most often this happens with a baby weighing more than 4 kg. If the fetus weighs less than this mark, such a complication hardly threatens him.

In this case, an obstetric technique is used when the child's collarbone is broken. This may seem terrible, but there is no other way out, since the life of the crumbs is in danger. A fracture of the clavicle at this age overgrows quite quickly, since the periosteum does not break in newborns.

Prerequisites for a large fruit

It is not uncommon for the second child to be larger than the first. But this rule does not always apply. The factors that affect the size of the baby during the second and further pregnancies are: the amount of hemoglobin, the absence of anemia, the functioning of the placenta, the threat of miscarriage and gestosis.

Another common opinion: if a pregnant woman is large, has an excellent appetite during pregnancy (weight gain should be monitored), she will definitely have a big baby. Not true.

Child's weight depends on genetic parameters. That is, if the parents of the baby were born large, the likelihood of a large fetal weight is very high.

If the expectant mother has endocrine pathologies, most likely, the baby will inherit a disturbed metabolism.

It just so happened in our country that the weight of the baby from the newly-born woman in childbirth will be asked before the name. But is the weight of the baby at birth so important and how does it affect the course of pregnancy? All your life you dreamed of such a man as in Vasnetsov's painting "Heroes". Not three at once, of course, but one still appeared in your life.

And now you are happy, not overjoyed. With him like a stone wall, and such a caring, in general, truly brave Russian fellow. You have a happy family and expect a baby. Only before pregnancy, it seemed to you that your future daughter would inherit your genetics, be small and diminutive, and more like a French woman than a Russian princess of an undefined weight category. But a boy is born, weighing 4500 and red cheeks. And the birth is going well.

These are all fairy tales, you think. How can this be? But a lot depends just not on the weight of the baby himself, but on the individual characteristics of the mother's body. You can suffer with a child weighing two and a half kilograms and safely give birth to four kilograms.

In general, during pregnancy, your doctor is simply obliged to monitor the possible weight of your unborn child. This is necessary in order to establish how the baby is developing, what the birth will be like. The exact weight of the child can be calculated using ultrasound diagnostics.

There is an opinion that if the child is too large, the mother is recommended to have a cesarean section. But it is not so. In order to prescribe a cesarean section, it is necessary to know exactly the individual physiological characteristics of the woman's body, in particular the width of the pelvis.

If the pelvis is too narrow, or the baby's head is not commensurate with the woman's pelvis, or the baby has a breech presentation, these are clearer indications for a cesarean section.

In other cases, the expectant mother will be able to give birth to a baby in a natural way, whatever its weight. The most important thing is to stay calm and find a good doctor who can determine the presence of abnormalities in time.

Reasons why a large fetus during pregnancy

A large fetus during pregnancy is most often the result of genetic inheritance. If you and your husband are 1.60 tall and with the appropriate weight, then the likelihood that you will have a two-meter hero is negligible. Look at the children of your relatives, with what weight they are born. The children of your husband's relatives.

This will help you decide what size your baby will be. Another caveat: the second child is often larger than the first, so if this is not your first pregnancy, keep in mind.

If the expectant mother has diabetes mellitus, it is highly likely that the baby will have a large body weight. This is due to impaired metabolism and glucose in the body. Such babies develop faster than others, and sometimes it becomes necessary to induce childbirth by artificial means, especially if late gestosis has begun and the level of glucose in the blood is low.

If a large fetus during pregnancy what to do

A large fetus during pregnancy can also result from the eagerness of the expectant mother to relax for nine months and eat for herself and for the guy in the stomach. Incidentally, this is not the best option. The fact that a woman needs to eat like an elephant during pregnancy is nonsense and delirium. It is necessary to include in the diet those foods that the baby needs for development, enriched with calcium, vitamins and minerals. And it's not pointless to stuff buns into yourself and think that in this way you will make an invaluable contribution to the development and health of the child.