Gel for washing "Persil". Reviews are positive and negative. Types of gels for washing "Persil": the best Persil means and their review

Good day to you, readers reviews.
Finally, I got to write a review on such a means as a gel concentrate for washing Persil Power Gel Lavender.

It has long been going to purchase a liquid tool for laundry. I really annoyed for eternally non-bargaining powders, which remained on the seams of clothing when washing, such as down jackets.

And such a moment has come, passing the store where prices are very inexpensive I saw a bottle with the name of the famous brand of Persil powder, since I saw advertising on TV and knew that this powder was well disbuilt grabbed a bottle with gel and put in the basket. My joy was not limit.

But all the joy was already with the first washing.

No, of course, on the appearance of the gel concentrate was very attractive and beautiful.

It is really similar to the gel on the consistency, not much thick. There is a comfortable cap, which can be measured by the desired number of gel. The gel itself is poured from a bottle through a comfortable neck. Gel gentle lilac color.

The first thing that pushed me from the gel for washing Persil is his smell. We can say that he is an amateur. I am not a fan of such a smell unfortunately. Sorry spent money.


But the smell of underwear after washing turned out to be very strong, it was even necessary to carry the underwear into another room, away from children. I began to pour this tool (Puss Power gel) less, gender norms. The smell became less noticeable, we will have to wash with this gel workers, for children's linen it will not fit with such a caustic smell. But if the means pouring less, then I noticed that the underwear is not overwhelmed. It also stood up.

Persil Power Gel Concentrated tool, everything is written beautiful about him, but in reality everything turned out to be wrong.

- Excellent and economical tool for laundry

Advantages: It is convenient to use, economical, does not leave divorces on things

Disadvantages: Does not disrupt difficult stains

I have long since have noticed that many have just become just abandoning the usual laundry laundry powders and began to go to the washing gels. And not at all by chance, since the flow of such funds in contrast to the powder is much less, they occupy little space in the bathroom, such means are conveniently stored and used. Well, even for women to convey several means for washing in the form of a gel on a lot easier than dragging large powder packs.

Personally, I have long understood all the advantage of the laundry laundry gels and has already become also abandoned on a little bit of different powders for laundry laundry. Moreover, now such gels for laundry laundry are released more and more and you can already find similar funds in different ways and from your favorite trademarks. Just someone, for example, prefers the tools for washing called Ariel, someone Thade, and someone Persil. And someone can erase their things with some other means. And each manufacturer of course is trying to please their customers and produces constantly all new and new new items that correspond to the latest new items.

Of course about each type of gel for washing. Which are now produced, I can not tell you, as they are quite a lot. But I will tell about the brand of gels for washing, which I used myself. And called this gel for washing p ersil. I think that every at least once, but I bought myself a wash powder from this manufacturer. And personally, I one time used the powders of this brand constantly, and now they also really like me. Only to use the gel in my opinion was much more convenient and practical on a lot.

So what kind of types of gel for washing can buy yourself from this manufacturer. The most common gel for washing from Persil is a gel that is called Persil Color gel.

Gel for washing the linen Persil Color.

This gel is designed specifically for washing colored things. The convenience of this gel is that with the help of it you can erase almost any color things and with this color really does not lose.

The gel itself has a pleasant blue color and very good smell. Of course there is no such smell from the washing powder. I really like when things after washing smelling freshness and this gel just gives such an excellent effect.

And for the convenience of this gel there is a special measuring cup, which is convenient to pour it into a washing machine. The gel is sufficiently thick and foams well. And he is perfectly stuck out of things and even if you wash the jacket with it, then the divorces can no longer leave any.

Gel for laundry laundry Persil Lavender.

This gel is designed specifically for washing already white linen. Personally, I bought this gel just two probably. Just from white linen I have now stayed almost only bedding, I don't use it often for them.

The gel itself has a lilac color and simply a very pronounced smell that really looks like a lavender. For me, this smell personally turned out not much not pleasant. Of course, when you feel it only a few minutes, then it's nothing, but when he stands after washing at home all the time, then the head begins against him.

As regards the quality of the gel itself, if the bed linen does not have stains, he will cope with the washing perfectly. Lingerie after him just shines white. But with complex stains, it is not able to cope with this tool.

Gel for washing the linen Persil Sensitive.

This gel is designed specifically for people who have sensitive skin. Personally, I bought it only once. And to be honest, I personally didn't like it very much. With washing, he copes on the triethrower and I did not see any special effect from him.

The problem of choosing the best washing agent, which would bleach, and removed the labor-based spots and did not cause allergies from family members, standing in front of each mistress. But not all powdered and liquid means of household chemicals meet these requirements. One of the popular detergents is a Persil gel, which smells like, hypoallergen, displays the most difficult stains.

Review of the means of gels for washing "Persil" will help you assess their quality and choose the best of them.

Before you disassemble the advantages and disadvantages of "Persil" gels, let's look into the past, and let's see what kind of brand, which company produces this tool, and why it is so called. This tool received its name from the chemicals included in its composition.

The first three letters of the elements, combined with each other, gave the name of the brand - "Persil" (sodium perborate and sodium silicate.)

Back in 1907, Henkel produced a real extension in household chemicals. She invented detergent that allowed to quickly and effectively remove stains and bleach things without washing with the board.

Oxygen bubbles released during boiling linen, it delicately bleached it. For the first time, bleaching took place without chlorine, the laundry pleasantly smelled. In 1959, the tool entered the fad and surfactant anionic substances that improve the quality of washing.

1969 was the time of widespread the spread of washing machines, increasing the production of devices. The company, which produces Persil should, keep up with the times. Therefore, foaming inhibitors were introduced into the washing powder.

In the 70s, manufacturers brought a new formula capable of penetrating the fibers of the tissue and delivering the material from the hardwood spots.

Powder continued to use in washing machines. At the same time, special additives were introduced into the machine wash means, which prevented a corrosion device.

Every year, the washing powders became better. The company under their release used new achievements of science and chemical production. The concentration of active substances became stronger, already in the powder stopped adding fragrances.

For washing, the linen was now required less powder, which saved cash money, and gained popularity among the wide segments of the population.

Henkel company has become a means of household chemicals intended for different types of tissues. Prior to that, none of the manufacturers shared funds depending on the purpose of the materials.

In addition, they introduced the fading inhibitor of the fabric, which did colored fabrics brighter and did not allow them to lift, paint other canvas in their color. In 1994, the powder was replaced by granules, which made it possible to save the means-instead of 290 ml, was enough for washing 90 ml.

Manufacturers have produced a series of powders for children's linen. It is hypoallergenne, does not cause dermatical rash diseases in the manifestation of the disease.

In 2000, "Persil" powder began to produce in Russia. Millions of buyers became his admirers and used only them.

Lingerie was now bleached at 40 degrees. Clothes rushed longer, pleased with his owners. After some time, manufacturers again amazed with their enterprises: an improved formula appears, which removes any stains.

What happens Persil for washing?

The washing agent is in powder and in granules. Persil is produced for white and for colored linen, as well as a universal means.

Powders are for manual washing and machine-machine.

Geli "Persil" for washing

Concentrated gel Persil.

The advantages of the gel are as follows:

  • it perfectly disrupts the difficult stains;
  • there is a measuring cup (placed in the drum or in powder compartment);
  • economical. One bottle is used for 30 washes;
  • he is hypoallergen: it does not cause rashes on the skin of allergies. Recommended for children's linen;
  • well polished;
  • it has delicate, barely sensitive smell.

Manual washing involves one cap on 10 liters.

Gel Persil Expert Color

Persil Expert Color gel is designed for colored linen.

His advantages:

  • removes the difficult stains;
  • gives brightness clothes;
  • polished completely from the fabric, regardless of the gel density;
  • the smell is insignificant.

Persil Expert Sensitive

Gel for washing "Persil Sensivi" has a number of advantages:

Disadvantages: High price, requires additional dressing.

Persil Power Gel Lavender

Persil Power Gel is used for all types of fabrics, except silk and wool. Perfectly disrupts white things. The fragrance of lavender, which is part of the tool, gives things a nice, elegant smell. Does not require additional rinsing.

Eashes upper clothes, including down jackets. Does not leave rollers on things. It is used both for manual washing and for automatic.

Persil Expert Duo Capsules

This is the same gel, but in a special shell capsule. It is very convenient. It is worth it to be thrown into the drum and turn on the washing mode. No need to measure the amount of money with a measuring cup. It is designed for white linen and light-colored things.

Saves the brightness of color things and whiteness. Does not require prior soak and bleaching. It does not have an unpleasant smell and is well broken down. Outside at temperatures from 20 degrees.

Method of applying gels

When using different types of "Persil" gels, note that it is not recommended to overflow a liquid tool, it must be added according to the instructions. Otherwise, the linen appears a sharp smell, which is not destroyed for a long time, things are poorly rolled.

The required amount of means helps measure the dispenser cover.
Pouring gel is needed according to the weight of clothing.

Buy "Persil" can be in special bottles of various volumes. The most popular is the volume of 1,46l. Its price varies from 450 to 600 rubles. Replaces 3 kg of powder. Enough on 20 washes.

There are large volumes of 2.92l, as 6 kg of washing powder. The cost of its 1000-1200 rubles, and for 5l you will need to give 3500-3800 rubles. There are shares. To conveniently keep the bottle and pour the appropriate dose of the gel, there is a comfortable handle. Gel-blue color, lilac and turquoise.

Pour into the cap of the gel and place in the compartment for the washing powder. You can pour the tool immediately into the drum so that it dissolved better and faster. If the stains are complicated, then pour the gel on the spot, and then push the manually or on the machine.

Persil Reviews

Buyers praise washing powder "Persil". Especially often buy a means of large volume.

So, Evelina claims that the powder is purely disrupts, color things get brighter, and white is cleaned from dirt, they do not heat and do not yellow, save their whiteness without soaking. She heard from some girlfriends that the underwear after PERSIL smells badly, an additional rinse is necessary. But using powder constantly, it refutes the words of the girlfriends, saying that the underwear smells freshness. Evelina says that her husband is allergic: cough appears on other powders, runny nose. Persil does not cause an allergic reaction.

Alina recommends that all this powder. She says that he disrupts complicated stains. Color linen does not fade even after several styrices. The smell Persil the Color She liked: Soft and Fresh. But Alina complies on the high rise of the powder. The price of a large package-500 rubles and admits that if it were not for the action (paid for a large package of 200 rubles), she would not buy a tool.

Mile notes that he tried many different powders and chose Persil. He is the best. And bleaching wonderful, and the color preserves, and the smell is not a shit, pleasant.

And the mother of two beautiful sons Marina delivered 5 gel perbs out of five possible. She tells that she has long been looking for a means that would remove spots from the juice from the first time, berries. And the smell is not strong, did not cause allergies. Marina conducted an experiment. Some things poured the tool before washing, while others just postponed.

And what did she find? The stains were detached, even the trail left from the markers. And the smell is not strong, barely noticeable, as she claims. She really liked this gel. Marina is very glad that finally found the tool that was looking for. She advises him everyone. Of course, gel is expensive: the price is 450 rubles, but often there are shares.

We provided you a review of the means of gels for washing "Persil", introduced reviews of the powders and gels of Henkel, drew your attention to the features of Persil.

More recently, the owners had no choice. Everything was washed with soap or ordinary powder, which did not always cope with her duties.

Today there are a large amount of means of different consistency, prices, features. One of them is a liquid gel for washing. It is easy to dose, optimizes the flow, it does not leave dust, quickly dissolves in water.

It is also important that they are more effective in cold water than powders, which in the conditions of economy will be useful.

Convenient and compact packaging at the expense of high concentration - a bottle of gel will take much less, and not a large package with powder.

The use of gel does not require pre-wigulation of linen.

The tool can be applied directly to the stain, and then omit into the machine and wash.

Manufacturers promise to help restore colors saturation, extend the service life of things. It is more optimal to use them for manual washing, adding not to a special compartment, but immediately in the drum.

Gels are produced in capsules or bottles.

They do not cause allergies, easily wash out of the tissue, do not leave divorces.

There are more gentle compared to the usual powder, so you should not count that gels will cope with strong pollution.

Many love compact pills with gel that is convenient to use, not stinging hands. They can cope with complex stains. Also contain substances that protect the washing machine from scale.

The disadvantages should be attributed quite high cost compared to powders.

All manufacturers have their own secretion of the formula, but the main ingredient is surfactant, on a natural basis or synthetic, but softer compared to powders.

Also included in the composition of enzymes, bleach, components for water mitigation.

Bioduds help remove protein and fat spots from vegetables, fruits, milk, herbs. The means retain the quality of the linen even with multiple washing.

Video on the topic

The most popular are the following gels for laundry laundry, as well as white:

  1. Persil Universal Gel - penetrates deep into the structure of the tissue, easily dissolved in water, copes well with different stains, does not leave divorces. The composition enters the cellulose enzyme, which removes small hairs of the fabric, as a result, clothing acquires a flat smooth surface, the color of the linen is also preserved, including black.
  2. Effective in fighting spots and Domol Color from Rossman. True, he has a disadvantage - he changes the shade of pastel colors, so it is not recommended to use it with blue and pink things.
  3. Japanese gels for washing Presented in a large assortment. So, Beads Gel makes underwear soft, retains the color of the fabric, easily removes pollution, prevents yellowing and darkening, quickly and easily washed off.
  4. For washing cotton fabrics, the Japanese offer a liquid agent Lion Top Power Enzymes. Optimally for washing machines with front load, gives things a pleasant smell.

Gel capsules are faster and easier to dissolve in cold water, do not need a dosage, as they are enclosed in a special shell.

They are appreciated for the convenience of use and for high results in overturing things.

Ariel represents two types of gel in green capsules - for washing light linen, and in purple - for colored things, as well as to restore the color of the fabric.

Persil Duo-Caps consists of two chambers that are filled with a stain pressure and a concentrated tool for washing, respectively.

True, it is impossible not to say about the shortcomings. For example, it belongs to the inability to divide the capsule, as the full drum is not always loaded during washing, as a result, the cost consumption is not economical.

It is worth noting that such gels can handle far from all spots, especially with the solar.

But it is impossible not to note the ease of use. The capsule is placed on the bottom of the drum, and underwear are put on top. By entering into contact with water, the capsule is dissolved, and the gel falls into dirty underwear.

Pretty popular persil washing gel in capsules. Contains a high concentration of surfactants, enzymes, as well as a liquid stainover. Does not leave on the tissues and in the typewriter, effectively eliminates strong contamination.

Many owners concerns the question where to buy gel capsules for washing. There are no difficulties in this.

You can buy them both in ordinary stores and via the Internet. The price network is more attractive, and the more packaging, the cheaper purchase will cost.

Opinion about certain gels for washing all owners are different. Someone with pleasure uses the benefits of civilization, someone is pretty picky and conservative and carefully chooses tools for washing.

Loyal many women to gely for washing Power Wash. It does not contain phosphates, has a pleasant aroma of sea freshness.

Suitable for washing linen made of cotton, flax, synthetic and natural tissues. Can be used for manual washing. Prevents the formation of scale, disrupts stains from juice, coffee, fruit.

Ariel gel for washing for the host reviews copes with stains without prior soak, retains whiteness white things. But there are also disadvantages - a rather complex chemical composition, which can cause allergies, as well as a sharp smell.

- This is a gel concentrated tool that not only disrupts the stains, but also retains the color of the fabric, prevents discoloration, does not require additional rinsing.

It is safe because it does not contain phosphates, dyes and alcohol. Many mothers use it for the washing of children's things together with the air conditioner of the same manufacturer.

In the Russian market, the household chemicals of the Persil brand appeared about 10 years ago. In Europe, these powders have a housewife from 1907. And reviews This detergent has always got good. One of the unconditional advantages of Persil powders is that their composition does not include phosphates harmful to the environment.

A little about the manufacturer

Engaged in the release of household chemicals under the brand "Persil"german company "Henkel". This firm was founded for a very long time - back in 1876. The first product was the washing powder. It was manufactured then on the basis of sodium silicate. Unlike similar products from other manufacturers, the first powder from Henkel is not sold for weight, but in convenient packages for consumers.

The excellent quality of the new one at the time in the product market and the convenience of its use quickly made it very attractive in the eyes of buyers and popular. In subsequent years, the sale of household chemicals "Henkel" gradually grew. Ultimately, the company turned into a real industrial giant. Today, its products are well known not only in Germany, but also in other European countries, as well as in the states of the post-Soviet space.

In the domestic market companyHenkelworks since 1990. It was then that the first Russian-German enterprise was created."Sovchenk". It was registered in Engels.

Persil powders varieties

The line of household chemicals from Henkel company, designed for laundry laundry, rather wide. Under the brand name "Persil", several species of powders are supplied to the domestic market. With the wishes of the hostess, for example, may arriveand Persil:

    "Lavender". This type of Persil Powder is intended for washing white things. "Persil Lavender" is able to cope with the most complicated stains and at the same time gives linen the unique aroma of field herbs.

    "Freshness" from Vernel.This air-conditioned powder is simply ideal for laundry washing.

    Persil Power Perls Automat. This powder "Persil" -Avtomat is suitable for all types of fabric.

    Color "Freshness" from Vernel.This type of powder is designed for washing colored things.

    "Frosty Arctic." The composition of this powder includes special granules of the liquid stain pressure. This is a means for washing white linen.

All these powders are definitely very popular, including in the domestic market. But still, the most purchased types of household chemicals from Henkel, intended for washing, are Persil Expert Sensitive,EXPERT DUO-CAPS and EXPERT COLOR.

Composition and purpose

The Persil Expert Sensitiv is a special concentrated gel intended for washing. The main feature, like any other means "Persil", is the absence of phosphate harmful to the environment. It is designed this gel for washing primarily children's clothing and linen. It can also be used for washing things belonging to people with increased skin sensitivity.

Persil Expert Sensitive includes the following substances:

    Surfactant surfactant and non-ionic;




    optical bleach;




Powder destination Expert Duo-Caps

This concentrated detergent intended for washing in machine machines, like the Frosty Arctic, contains a liquid stain pressure. This powder for washing white and light colored things is intended. It comes to the market in capsules. It is almost the same as in Expert Sensitive or other washing powders "Persil". But this tool contains, among other things, also alcohol, as well as a dye.

Powder Expert Color

This tool is supplied to the market in the form of a gel. The main advantage of powderExpert Colorit is that it is able to withdraw from linen and clothes the most complex stains and at the same time keep colors as bright as possible. If desiredbyrocher "Persil Color" can Use for washing things from both natural and synthetic tissues.

It is allowed to apply this tool, including to remove bold spots from the linen. It smells like it is pretty nice. The powder "Persil Color" copes well with strong pollution even when washing in cool water.

Persil Power Perls Automat

This powder, as already mentioned, can be used for washing both white and colored things. Its formula is such that it is very well coping with pollution in water absolutely any rigidity. If you wish, this "Persil" can be used when washing things from synthetic tissues, cotton, linen, etc.

Many housewives are erased with its use and linening things. But soak such underwear when using Persil Power Perls Automat, as well as almost any other powder, is not recommended. To wash the muddy things when applying this powder "Persil" should be quickly.

Unlike other powders of this brand,Persil Power Perls Automat includes phosphates. He also contains soda, Antseorbent polymers, defoamer and bleach activator. The consumption of this powder depends on the stiffness used when washing the water. It is intended how you can already judge the name, only for washing in activator type machines. For manual it is worth using powders "Persil" of other varieties.