The main heroine of teenager. "Teen" (Dostoevsky): the history of the creation and detailed analysis of the novel. Literary direction and genre


Chapter first

Not lost, I sat down to record this story of my first steps on a life field, then as I could do without that. One thing I know probably: I will never write my autobiography anymore anymore, even if you live to a hundred years. We must be too inflated in love with yourself to write without shame about yourself. Those only I apologize for not to write, for which everyone write, that is, not for the reader praise. If I suddenly thought to write down the word into the word, everything that happened to me since last year, then it was up to this as a result of the internal need: before that I am struck by everyone who performed. I record only events, evading all the forces from the total outsider, and most importantly - from literary beauties; The writer writes thirty years and at the end does not know at all what he wrote so many years. I am not a writer, I don't want to be a writer and drag the inside of my soul and a beautiful description of the feelings on their literary market would be honorable and meanness. With annoyance, however, anticipate that, it seems, it is impossible to do completely without a description of feelings and without reflection (maybe even vulgar): Before that, there is no literary activity on a person, at least the one who undertakes to himself. Reflections can even be very vulgar, because the fact that you yourself appreciate is very possible, there is no price for an extraneous look. But all this aside. However, here is the preface; More, in this way, nothing will happen. To business; Although there is nothing wiser, how to proceed to some kind of business, - maybe even any matter.

I start, that is, I would like to start, my notes from the nineteenth of September last year, that is, exactly from the day I met for the first time ...
But explain to whom I met, so, in advance, when no one knows anything, will go; Even, I think, and the tone of this went: leading to itself to shy away from literary beauties, I fall from the first line into these beauties. In addition, to write intelligent, it seems, little of one desire. I also note that it seems that neither in one European language is not written so hard as in Russian. I now wrote what I wrote now, and I see that I am much smarter than what is written. How does it come out that a person has a smart thing expressed him much more stupid that it remains in it? I have repeatedly noticed in my verbal relationship with people for the whole of this last fatal year and tormented a lot.
I'll start with the nineteenth of September, and still I will insert the words two about who I was, where I was before, and what could be in my head at least inevitably in the morning of the nineteenth of September, so that the reader was clearer And maybe I myself.

I am a cumulative gymnasium, and now I have been twenty-first. My last name is my Dolgoruky, and my Legal Father is Makar Ivanov Dolgoruky, the former Yard Lords of the versil. Thus, I am legitimate, although I, to the highest, illegal son, and the origin is not subject to any doubt. The case happened in this way: twenty two years ago a landowner Versilov (this is my father), twenty-five, visited his estate in the Tula province. I assume that at that time he was still very impersonal. It is curious that this person, such a striking me from my childhood, who had such a capital influence on the warehouse of my whole soul, and even, maybe, for a long time I have infected all my future for a long time, this person even remains in extremely many things to me in a mystery. But, in fact, about it after. So you will not tell. This man is already filled with all my notebook.
He just widowed the time, that is, twenty-five years of his life. He was married on one of the highest light, but not so rich, fanariot, and had a son and daughter from her.

Proceedings of such a famous classic, like Fedor Dostoevsky, the thinker of modern Russian classics has not yet lost its relevance. And even on the contrary, it is becoming increasingly interested in the circles of researchers of Fyodor Mikhailovich's creativity, but also youth and older generation people. Roman Dostoevsky "Teenager" was written in 1875 and was published in the journal "Patrican Notes" of the same year. The nature of this work is such that the will of the unillates will think not only about the abstract sense of life, but his own state, its mental state today. The novel, indeed, makes it firmly think about his life, and even he also helps to feel like a person looking for and thinking. Such an impact has a novel on millions of minds reading it.

The very first idea striking the analyzing work to the reader is, perhaps, the desire of the author to reflect the relationship between fathers and children, their problems and exits from problem situations. And not only in private, but also more large-scale - for example, the relationship of generations of fathers and children. Also in Roman compently and successfully crowds the topic of religion and human relationship to spiritual values.

So, the development of relations, mostly, occurs between the two heroes is a teenager Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruki (Arkady's surname was his formal father) and his father Andrei Petrovich Versilov. The main hero is a teenage in Arkady - nineteen years. According to modern standards, at this age, people are already attached to the youth of their years, and not teenage. But F.M.Dostoevsky sees his teenager quite reasonably, because all the surroundings considered Arkady Takov. He was very indignant about this speaking: "What a teenager I am! Is it growing at nineteen years? "

Arkady has already graduated from Moscow gymnasium, but does not want to go further to learn. Instead, he decided to embody his cherished dream - to become the richest man, such as, for example, Rothschild. "Why did he want a wealth?" - you ask. And the answer will be such - he very much wanted to be powerful and live by a secluded life. "To what it seems to be a crazy desire," the reader will involuntarily think. And everything was the fact that Arkady had problems communicating with people. He always seemed to be laughing with him, and he looked stupid. His character had, as peculiar and all adolescents, prone to pride, pride and expansive radicalism.

So, after graduating from the gymnasium, Arkady moves to St. Petersburg, where he was invited by his native father of the versilov to find a job or as it was called to "enter the service." In St. Petersburg, his mother also lives - Sophia Andreevna, and sister - Elizabeth Andreevna. Father Versilov very actively preached Russian culture, all sorts of spiritual ideas of the Russian nobility, "World Citizenship" and "All-Exercise of Ideas". Of course, such a person will serve as a significant authority for Arkady and occupy the main place in his life. After all, Versilov in the eyes of the teenager was not just a father, but also the ideological inspiration.

However, despite the attitude towards the version, Arkady still fell under the influence of his father's reassigns. Therefore, in St. Petersburg, he rides with some inner tension and the task to find out, whether Versili actually performed all those vigilants who attributed to Him Molva. And now having arrived, Arkady comes to the service secretary to Sokolsky Nikolay Ivanovich, who was before the other Versilov. Serving at all for a long time, Arkady leaves Sokolsky in the next impulse of pride and vulnerable pride, because Sokolsky's daughter accused him of spying.

And then Arkady in his hands fall two letters. One of which is a notice that the trial about the inheritance with Sokolski, which Versilov won, can be revised and the decision will be clearly not in favor of the Father Arkady. And the second letter was from Sokolsky's daughter, Katerina Nikolaevna, and spoke about the dementia of her father and that he needs a guardian. Such content of the letter might greatly annoy Sokolsky and set up against his daughter. Arkady, however, not confused and hid the second letter.

Useful young people

The story of a teenager who wanted to develop his relationship with his own father. After stormy scandals and experienced moral shocks, the protagonist coincides its proud character and acquires life wisdom. Very philosophical and realistic story.

Further events and scandal around Versilov and Lydia Ahmakova, who gave birth to him an illegitimate child, sorrows Arkady at the end. Moreover, he personally was an eyewitness of the scandal because of Versilov. Arkady is empty. He understands that his father, whom he almost idolized - a dishonest man, a secret debauchet and a scoundrel. Therefore, Arkady decided to express all his father and retire from him. But after some time, he is convinced of the opposite that the versils are not at anything and arkadium soothes. A close relationship has finally established between the Father and Son.

After some time, Arkady was addicted to gambling and plays roulette. And, of course, loses a lot. But one day he found out that his sister's sister Anna Andreevna is going to marry Sokolsky and that she is very interested in his inheritance. And in order to solve everything in their favor, she is looking for any compromising on Sokolsky's daughter. But he immediately spoke nothing about that letter, which is still stored with him. After many events in a drunken nonsense, he tells about this letter to the old friend Lambert, who also decided to weave his networks around the opportunity to heat his hands on Sokolsky's money.

Maka Ivanovich Dolgoruki is in full swords in all these intricacies - the formal father of Arkady. He was a very unfortunate and wise elder who collected the alms on the construction of the temple. At the moments of wise and edging for Arkady, conversations with Makar Ivanovich, in the young soul of the young man was poured by life. A little later, Makar Ivanovich dies. Father Versilov throws a family and runs to his long-standing passion Ahmakova, Sokolsky's daughter, who rejects him. And the acrodia finally decides to take revenge on Ahmakova for her heart bullying over the versil. He goes to Lambert to discuss the revenge by the preserved letter.

Lambert, drinking a poor teenager, paints his letter from him and, together with Versilov, lures Ahmakov to Tatyana Pavlovna, Aunt Arkady. A repentant teenager learns about it and the string rushed to her to stop the plan of Lambert. Arriving in place, he cares such a picture: Lambert threatening the revolver and demanded from Ahmakova money. The outcome of such a tense situation is solved with the help of one strange act of Versilov, who unexpectedly turns out to be attached behind the door. He, catching the revolver at Lambert. I decided to shoot Ahmakov first, but then I still stopped the choice of myself by gathering to shoot in my heart. Arkady rushed to save his father, he helped Trischov. Versilov in the fight still shoots, but falls into his shoulder.

Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky, he is a teenager, tells in his notes about himself and the events of recent times in which he was one of the main participants. He was twenty years old, he just graduated from the gymnasium in Moscow, but the receipt of the university decided to postpone so as not to be distracted by the implementation of the cherished idea, which he caught a little from the sixth grade.

The idea of \u200b\u200bhim is to become Rothschild, that is, to accumulate a lot of money, and together with the money to gain power and privacy. With people Arkady, according to his confession, it is difficult, he is lost, it seems to him that they laugh above him, he begins to assert and becomes too expansive. The idea did not accidentally crumbled in his soul. Arkady is the side son of the informant nobleman Andrei Petrovich Versilov and his courtyard, which creates in it, a teenage and proud, a complex of inferiority. He wears another - his formal father, also the yard Versilova, Makara Ivanovich Dolgoruky, but this is just an extra reason to humiliate - when you meet it often ask: Dolgoruki prince?

To the gymnasium, he was brought up in the fans of the Frenchman Tushalar, where many humiliation was undergone due to their illegality. All this made it particularly impressionable and wounded. Once, having come to his consolidated brother, the legitimate son of Versilov, to obtain the money sent by the father, he was not accepted, although the brother was at home, the money was transferred through Lacey, which caused a storm in Arcadium. His pride is constantly on guard and easily visited, but, good and enthusiastic by nature, with a friendly and benevolent towards him, he from resentment and dislike is rapidly moving to love and adoration.

In St. Petersburg, he comes at the invitation of his father to enter the service. In addition, his mother, meek and pious Sophia Andreevna, and Sister Lisa, and the main thing, and the father of Andrei Petrovich Versilov, who belongs to the Higher Russian Cultural Type of the World Bedding for All. Versilov confesses the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual nobility, the highest aristocracy of the Spirit, considers the Higher Russian cultural thought "all-grade ideas" and "World Citizenship".

In the heart of the teenager, he takes a huge place. Risted in other people's people, Arkady just once saw the Father, and he made an indelible impression on him. "Every dream of my dream, since childhood, responded to them: Vitala near him, it was reduced to him in the final result. I do not know, I hated or loved him, but he filled my future, my all the calculations for life. " He thinks a lot about him, trying to understand what is the one for a person, he collects rumors and opinions about him of different people. Versilov for him is an ideal: beauty, mind, depth, aristocracy ... and especially - the nobility, which is nevertheless constantly put by Arkadyat.

In Peterburg, Arkady comes wary-aggressive in relation to the versil. He wants to crush slander on him, crush his enemies, but at the same time he suspects him in low and dishonest aids. He wants to know all the truth about him. He is heard about his piousness and passionate in Catholicism, something is known about his proposal by Lydia Akhmakova, as well as about the slain of Prince Sergey Sokolsky, which Versilov did not answer. After some scandalous act, Versilov is expelled from the highest society, but everything is covered with fog and mystery.

Arcadia is determined by the secretary to the former friend of Versilov, the old prince Nikolai Ivanovich Sokolsky, who is tied to a smart and impetuous young man. However, he is soon out of pride refuses the place, especially since the daughter of Prince Kathersavitsa Katerina Nikolaevna Ahmakova, who is in long-time hostile relations with Versilov, accuses Arkady in spying.

The will of the case in the hands of Arcadia turn out to be two important letters: from one it follows that the verier process won the process of inheritance with princes Sokolski may not be revised not in his favor. In the second, written by Katerina Nikolaevna, the dementia of her father, the old prince Sokolsky, and the need to take him to the custody. The letter is able to cause anger of the old prince with severe consequences for the daughter, namely the deprivation of inheritance. This "document", around which the main intrigue is tightened, will be sewn from Arkady in the lining of the Sultuka, although everyone, including Katerina Nikolaevna, he says that the letter was burned to his friend Kraft (he handed him to Arkady), soon shot.

The first explanation with the version leads to a temporary reconciliation, although the attitude of Arcadia to his father remains wary. He acts as a temporary daemon, giving a letter to the version of the inheritance, believing that he would hide him, and excuses him in advance. In addition, to protect the honor of the Father, he decides to call the duel of the same Prince Sergey Sokolsky, who once gave the Versilov Society.

Arkady goes to familiar Vasin to ask to be a second, and there he meets his stepfather, Scherist Stebalkova, from whom he learns about Versilov's breast child from Lydia Akhmakova. Immediately the scandal is played in the next room, also some mysteriously associated with the versil. Soon Arkady will find the continuation of this scandal on the apartment of the mother, where will accidentally come simultaneously with the young girl of Olya, who is angry with Versilov in her meanness and pops up the money to them, and ends with him a little later. In the soul, teenager troubled. Versilov appears by a secret debauchet. After all, the Arkady himself is the fruit of the Versilovskaya sinful passion for someone else's wife, which he leads from a legitimate husband. Where is the honor? Where is the debt? Where is the nobility? ..

Arkady finally expresses his father everything that has accumulated in the shower for the years of humiliation, suffering and reflection, and announces his break from Versilov, to then proudly delete into his corner and get lost there. He leaves no thoughts about Duele with Prince Sergei Sokolsky and challenges him, but he expresses his deep repentance and no less deep respect for the Versilov himself. They break up big friends. Immediately it becomes known that Versilov refused to inherit the princes. It turns out that his faults in the suicide

oli was not: they were given by them completely disinterestedly, as help, but she, who had already become an object of vile encroachments, understood his act was becoming.

Two months pass, Arkady liked Fart and leads the most secular lifestyle, taking money from Prince Sergei Sokolsky to those that he would be relying to Versilov. The main passion is the game in the roulette. He often plays, but it does not stop it. Versies from time to time comes to Arkady to talk. The closest and trust relationships are established between the Father and Son. A friendship of Arkady and Katerina Nikolaevna Ahmakova are tied up.

Meanwhile, it becomes known that the legitimate daughter of Versilov, the Soviet sister of Arkady Anna Andreevna intends to marry the old prince Sokolsky and extremely concerned about the inheritance. For her, a document is important to the daughter of Prince Akhmakov, and it is extremely interested in them.

One day, Katerina Nikolaevna appoints Arkady at his aunt Tatiana Pavlovna Prurtkova. He flies out and, put it alone, inspires even more, marking him that he was appointed a love date. Yes, he suspected her in cunning, in a desire to learn about the document, but now, the dismissed simplicity and hearts, the anthem of her beauty and chastity admires. She slightly removes the young man too hard, although it is not at all seeking to repay the fire that flashed in it.

In the half-sparing state, Arkady plays a roulette and wins a lot of money. During a hysterical explanation with Prince Seryozhe, offended by Arcadia because he turned away from him in the gambling hall, he learns that Lisa's sister was pregnant from Prince. Strained, Arkady gives him everything won. About the date with Akhmakova Arkady tells in all details of Versilov, and he sends her an angry abusive letter. Arkady, having learned about the letter, in Tuske seeks to explain to Katerina Nikolaevna, but she avoids him. Arkady plays a roulette again and wins again, but he is unfairly accused of stealing other people's money and peel from the gambling hall.

Under the impression of experienced humiliations, he falls asleep on the cold, he dreams of a guesthouse, where it was offended and a friend, and a friend of Lambert, he wakes up from someone's shots and sees ... Lambert. The old buddy brings him to himself, and Arkady in the rustling of frankly tells him about the fateful document. From this point on, the villain Lambert begins to weave his vile intrigues trying to use and Arkady.

In turn, Prince Sergey Sokolsky, the kindly, but a weak-like person, turns out to be somehow mixed in a fake shares, which is engaged in a skelter who is engaged in a skelter, also wars his networks around the hero. Not devoid of conscience and honor, the prince goes to the police and is recognized in everything. Arrested, he, however, makes one more meanness - from jealousy to call on Vasin, who belongs to a certain Kramol manuscript, given to them Lisa and from her already falling to Sokolsky. As a result, Vasin is arrested.

On the same days, seriously sick Arkady meets with his legitimate father Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, a fragmented and pious elder, in travels to the construction of the temple, and now, because of the disease, Arkady who stopped at the Mother of Mother. During their conversations, the wise elder sheds the light in his soul.

The arrival of the old prince Sokolsky with Anna Andreevna, and the prince intends to place in the same apartment where Arkady lives, - in the hope that he will not stand, seeing the prince in the state of fear and depression, and will show him the letter Ahmakova. Meanwhile, Makar Ivanovich dies, as a result of which Versilov gets the opportunity to enter into a legitimate marriage with the Mother Arcadia. But in it again flashes the inflated passion for Ahmakova, bringing it to an insanity. In the eyes of the whole family, he splits particularly expensive for Sophia Andreevna Icon, who bequeathed by him Makar Ivanovich, and leaves. Arkady wanted him and overhears the explanation of Versilov with Ahmakova. He is shocked by the passion of the Father, in which love and hatred are fighting. Ahmakov also admits that he once loved him, but now she doesn't like exactly, and for Baron Boring comes married because it will be calm for him.

Commanded the Father and wanting to save him, hating and at the same time jealous of Akhmakov, confused in his own feelings, Arkady runs to Lambert and discusses the actions against Ahmakova with him - in order to disgrace it. Lambert sweeps a teenager and at night with the help of his mistress Alfonsinka steals a document, stitching an empty piece of paper instead.

The next day comes the old prince Sokolsky. Anna Andreevna is trying in every possible way to influence his brother, but Arkady, repenting after desperate frankness with Lambert, categorically refuses to act against Ahmakova. Meanwhile, the apartment is broken in the apartment and the prince takes force. Protecting now the honor of Anna Andreevna, Arkady is trying to fight, but to no avail. He is taken into the site.

Soon he is released, and he learns that Lambert and Versies lured Katerina Nikolaevna to Aunt Arkady Tatiana Pavlovna. He hurries there and sleeps at the most critical moments: Lambert, threatening with the document, and then the revolver, extorts from Ahmakova money. At this moment, hiding versils will run away, takes a revolver and stuns Lambert. Katerina Nikolaevna is fainted in horror. Versilov picks up her on her arms and it makes no sense in her arms, and then puts his sacrifice on the bed and, suddenly remembering the revolver, he wants to shoot at her first, and then. During the struggle against Arkady and submitted to Him to the aid of Trishatov, he tries to commit suicide, but not in the heart, but in the shoulder.

After the experience of the crisis, Versilov remains with Sofia Andreevna, Ahmakova bursts with the boring, and a teenager, and not rejected from his idea, now, however, "already in a completely different form," persuades to enter the university. Notes, these, according to the hero, served him to re-education - "It is the process of recall and recording."

Even before Dostoevsky began "demons", he dreamed of writing a big novel (or a cycle of novels) "Life of a great sinner" (an earlier name "Atheism", 1868-1870), depicting a long life path and ideological searches of a modern Russian person, his Metalia between religion and atheism Against the background of several formations of the mental life of the Russian Society of the XIX century. This idea was further developed in the last two novels of the writer.

In the first of them, the "adolescence" (1875), Dostoevsky (as opposed to the "childhood" and "adolescence" of Lion Tolstoy) raised his task to outlines the process of mental and moral formation of the young man not from the noblest, but from a distinguished environment, early learning out of life and Painfully sensing her social "disadvantage".

As in the "demons", the "adolescence" appear two generations - "fathers" and "children". But the appearance of a representative of the young Russia is described in the "adolescence" much more sympathy than in the first novel. It was evidence of the serious internal oscillations of the novelist in the assessment of Russian youth and its ideological quest.

It is not by chance that, unlike the "demons" and those preceding them two novels, who were printed in the journal Katkova "Russian Bulletin", "Teenager" appeared in "domestic notes", published by spiritual leaders of revolutionaries of the 70s. - another youth of Dostoevsky N. A. Nekrasov and the former many years of novelist in the magazine struggle M. E. Saltykov-generous.

"Teenager" - the experience of Dostoevsky in the genre of the Roman of Education, noted, however, the same seal of deep peculiarities as the rest of his novels. These are notes of a dream manager, who has just entered into life and during the first year of its spiritual independence of the challenging and stormy process of moral struggle and internal maturation. Dostoevsky himself determined the main topic of this his work as a "mess."

The life of the Russian Society of the early 70s, the mental wandering of the hero himself - a kind of "ugly duckling", which reaches mental maturity and self-knowledge, is noted and widely depicted in the novel.

The illegal son of the Versilov landowner and his former serf (wearing the name of his "legitimate" father of Makaradolgoor), the hero of the novel is already in his origin, in understanding the author, the personification of that "disorder", which the life of a simple Russian person was noted.

From the first years of his conscious life, the teenager stretches to his real father - Versilov, passionately wants to solve the secret of this mysterious for him and for the people around him, but constantly meets the alienation and rebuff.

At the same time, there is already lonely childhood spent in Moscow, in "Aliens", introduced Arkady with the feeling of social inequality and humiliation, which falls out in the surrounding society to the share of illegitimate. After the end of the gymnasium, the parents in St. Petersburg, proud and dreamy arkadium simultaneously adores and hates Versilov, wants to achieve his love and recognition.

In the fight against his hostile reality, the hero with his head goes to the created "idea carefully hidden from everyone, to become a new Rothschild and with the help of accumulated wealth (which he himself deeply despises) to conquer the power and power over people. Having entered into combating society, the teenager, as it seems to be ready to take advantage of even dark framing, violence and blackmail.

But, like other central heroes of Dostoevsky's novels, Arkady is not an ordinary "acquirer", but a thinking and feeling young man seeking to solve the basic moral issues of life, experiencing a fevering process of internal searches and doubts. Under the influence of these doubts, the surrounding people often seemed to him by deceivers and chauffers, and the world is a strong isna. But every time after that, in it, the faith flashes in it with a new force and in the light moral principles manage it.

This faith, which is supported by the Hero Mother and Sister and which is especially acute in him after acquaintance with the named after the father of Arkady - a peasant-wanderer Makar, helps the hero after a long and painful struggle to overcome the poison of his destructive doubts and start a new life.

Versilov that embodies the best features of the Russian nobility of the exhaust era, and a teenager, a representative of modern youth, Dostoevsky considers as types of two generations of Russian society, which, although they are divided by mutual distrust and hostility, are preferably related to each other, ideologically and psychologically deeperly related to each other. .

The idea of \u200b\u200bpsychological community, about the similarity of the search for "fathers" and "children" is revealed in the dialogues between the Versilov and his son, which make up the main nervous nodes of the novel. The psychological proximity of the Father and Son leads them after a long misunderstanding to mutual rapprochement.

Both of them - despite their sophisticated throwing between good and evil - ultimately obsessed, on the thought of the writer, the same "Russian" longing for the "living life", according to universal truth and justice, are designed to the deep and sincere "world-win for everyone".

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / edited by N.I. Protkova and others - L., 1980-1983.

"Teenager" - Roman F.M. Dostoevsky. The emergence of the plan can be dated January 1871, when, according to M.N. Katkova, Dostoevsky told him the plot of the new novel. Direct work on the work began only in February 1874 and continued all 1875. In parallel with the exit to the light of individual parts of the "Teenager" (the first publication - "Domestic Notes" Nos. 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 12 for 1875 g.; separate edition - St. Petersburg., 1876).

Fully preserved draft materials for "adolescence" allow you to reconstruct the creative method and the main stages of Dostoevsky's work on the plot: from saying "for one yourself" ideas that will be the basis of the future novel, the search for the main "type" - to the definition of the form and tone of the narrative ( first stage); from the constructive marked main storylines and images - to detailed prescribing key scenes and characters, the selection of "lyrics" and "facts" for them (second stage); Finally, after full clarification of the plan of each part - work on separate chapters.

At all stages of draft work and in the final version of the "adolescent" of Dostoevsky, traces of the plan, who owned the writer in the last decade of his life: write a novel "volume in" War and Peace "... out of five big leads", "completely separate one from another "Under the general name" Life of a great sinner. " The action of the first leaders occurs in the 1840s, covering the childhood and youth of the "sinner". The central hero of the epic, "in continuation of life, then an atheist, then a believer, a fanatic and a sectator, then again an atheist," - a collective image having undoubted autobiographical features. To the image of a great sinner in one way or another, the teenager himself, Arkady Dolgoruky, and his father of Versilov. The similarity with Nekrasovsky Vlas and the instructions in the first part of the novel make it possible to interpret in the same vein and image of Makara Dolgoruky as a repentant sinner.

Initially, the main hero of the new novel, the author saw versilov. The impetus to the understanding of this image as the "real man of the Russian majority", the "underground", "predatory type" was the article V.G. AVSEENKO "HISTORICAL ROMAN" ("Russian Bulletin", 1874, №4). I do not agree with the conclusions of Avseenko on the hero of the Roman E.A. Salias "Pugachevtsy", Prince Danili, understood as "predatory type", Dostoevsky chants the features of the "real" "predatory type", the main of which are "a huge broad value", the combination of the beauty of the ideal with the disgrace and the randomness of life ("... and repentance , And yet the continuation of all sins and passions "). In the sketches of the preface to the "adolescence", the reason for the "wideness" and "underground" was noted - pride, leading to the "destruction of faith in general rules" and internal "disorder". "Next to the highest and devilly pride (" there is no judge ")) there are extremely harsh requirements for yourself, with the only one that I do not give a report to anyone." The predominance of "predatory types" leads, in turn, to the "disorder" of public: "The whole idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is to have a universal confusion<...> Moral ideas<...> Suddenly no one is left. "

In accordance with this idea, the initial version of the name of the novel is "mess" corresponding to the same form of the narrative - a similar form of the narrative of "crime and punishment" (an all-lawless author, the exposer of the slightest spiritual movements of the hero). However, in July-August 1874, there is a "change" in the choice of the main character (in the drafts called), which resulted in the change of the name ("Teenager") and the forms of the story of the story of the narrator - the main character): "The hero is not he, and BOY. The story of the boy, as he arrived, who came across. Where did they determine?<...> He is only an accessory, but what is the accessory !! TEENAGER"; "Write from yourself. Start in the word: J. "Confession of the Great Sinner, for Himself." I am 19 years old, and I already a great sinner. " Of paramount importance in the further development of the plot will be the scheduled "genre" of the notes of Arkady - Confession - and his age, 19 years old, on the border of the age of the majority defined in the Bible to achieve twenty years, the time of distinguishing "good and evil", responsibility for their actions.

In accordance with the author's issued by the name of the novel - "mess" in society and the soul; "Chronicle of a random family" replacing the "Traditions of the Russian Family", preserved by A.S. Pushkin ("Captain's daughter") and L.N. Tolstoves M ("War and Peace", "Anna Karenina"), the history of "entry into the field" and transformation through the confession of the young "sinner" - the selection of the facts of current reality occurs. In the draft materials, links to the criminal chronicle, articles in newspapers and magazines, letters of numerous correspondents of Dostoevsky are constantly falling. Conditionally, these records can be distributed according to the following groups: the facts illustrating "disorder" (reports of suicide, frauds, unmotivated murder and murder "from idea", hooliganism); The controversy about the estate, which could be the carrier of the "fastening idea" in the collapses of Russia; Children and teenagers, their relationship with society and family. Interest in the facts of Russian reality Dostoevsky passes and his hero.

In the "adolescence" of Dostoevsky, the novel "On the future of Russia - children", the diversity of selected by the author "facts" is meaning precisely from the point of view of whether all this seeks and that with us themselves<...> It will be ", but not statistically, when individual cases serve as proof of the" general rule "withdrawn from their sum, and in its unity and uniqueness. In the final edition of the novel, part of these materials - mostly the most memorable for the reader of the event - left unchanged and mentioned by heroes for the characteristics of persons or phenomena in the similarity ("History in the family zone", "face in the sizes of Mother's Mituteny Mitrofania" - are available in seems of loud criminal cases of murder in the tritons of the surviving advisor and forgings). Another part is easily recognizable, it basically concerns the prototypes of characters and events of the second plan. So, reports on the investigation of the case of the circle A.V. Dolgushina was based on the image of the Dergachev mug; The details of the process of counterfeiting shares of the Tambov-Kozlovsk Railway, the relationship between the accused Nikitin and Kolosov was reflected in the description of the fraud of St Balkov and young Sokolsky; The nature of the declassed nobleman Arthur of Trutonbach, who was held in the case of the sale of invalid coupons of the Rybinsky-Bologna railway and recognized as an obsessed mind disorder, find out in Sergey Sokolsky and Andreev; The features of the "girls of Elizabeth Geidrehi", shot at the ball after insulting the bridegroom, a merchant "million miner", were used when creating Olga images and, possibly, Arkady Lisa sisters; The story of the novel was almost unchanged the case of the underground roulette contained by the retired military (Roulette of the Mair), and a newspaper message about a drunken student, who attacked women with an area of \u200b\u200bBranju ("He had a strong young man" from the first "joke" of a teenager). It is more difficult to identify prototypes of the main characters. When creating these images, an undoubted orientation is not so much on real persons (Chayadaevsky features in the characteristics of Versilov, the details of the appearance of young Nekrasov, which it has developed in the presentation of Dostoevsky, in the image of Arkady), as on literary heroes. Transparent "borrowing" from its predecessors of finished types, plot construction, fabulous moves - one of the artistic techniques of Dostoevsky. The author, like his character-ideologists, puts an experiment, carries out a "sample": What will change, if you recreate a familiar situation with other participants, in other conditions or test your heroes already arising in the literature.

One of these "samples" in the novel is "Onegin" triangle. In the "Pushkin Speech", Dostoevsky analyzes in detail him: "Skitalets" (Onegin) - "Smered" (Tatiana) - "Honest Old Man", "Old Husband" (General). The situation resolution involves two options: the first (rejected and Pushkin, and Dostoevsky) - Tatiana goes for Onegin, the second - Tatiana cannot do that. In the novel, we see both options embodied; It is a mirror reflection, symmetry whose axis is versilov. Sophia Dolgoruky ("Humped") goes for the "Skaltole" from the living husband; Ahmakova, "Simple Type" of a secular woman, widowv and being free, does not agree on this threatened death, nor "from endless love pity." At the same time, the "Oneginskaya" situation of the novel turns out to be more difficult than the "Pushkin speech" reproduced in the "Pushkin Speech" in that there are both options for its permission as the fact that both are left in question. Epilogue and Roman In general, give the possibility of a double interpretation: whether the transformation of the hero of Oneginsky type is possible, whether the "sacrifice" sacrifice is saved or, on the contrary, her life is destroyed to them ("I tormented you and toasting").

The "Onegin Situation" not only helps to understand the image of the "Skallet" -vers, but also reveals the character of Arkady, proves the errorlessness of his moral "instinct". Moving version of versilles (his insight with respect to people is often emphasized by the author) turns out to be unable to solve Ahmakov, sees "all vices" in it. As "atheist is not by conviction only, and completely" and idealist on the mind, he is "just more inclined to assume any nastyness." Arkady, on the contrary, finds in the princess "all perfections," is shot down in his sense of reverence only under the influence of the resentment for Versilov, jealousy, but at the time of the fall is already aware of his feelings as a sin ("Spider's Soul") and again restores faith in " Tsaritsa Ground. "

Most often, their literary prototypes call the heroes themselves. So, Versilov repeatedly mentions the "piercing" scenes of favorite literary works, which will subsequently unconsciously repeated them in life - "the last monologue of Othello" and "Onegin at Tatiana's feet." For the first time, it appears in the novel grated under Chatsky for an amateur play, and the tweaking word of Chatsky, from now on, becomes its attribute; It is as the "prophet" and the accuser is perceived by the versilles in the world. Arkady admits that the "Rothschildov idea" originated in his heart, when he was "reading" a monologue of a miser knight for five years; It intends to begin the execution of the "idea", because Petersburg is associated with another Pushkin "colossal face" - Hermann from the "peak lady". Almost the only one in the novel, who does not refer to literary sources - Makar Dolgoruky. Makara's stories - lives (in the novel - Maria Egypt, in draft edits - Alexy, man of God). In search of the "right tone" of the speech of the "Wanderer", Dostoevsky appeals to legend about the wanders of the Inoka Parfation, the Book of Job, the "Words of the Motogram" Isaac Syrina.

The awareness of the heroes of their literary "primary sources" is closely correlated with the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Teen" novel of Dostoevsky: "Cleansing" of the soul "sinless, but already faded by the terrible opportunity of debauchery", "asked by vice still in the smallest, but already bold and stormy dreams of their" - Central in aesthetics of the Dostoevsky idea of \u200b\u200b"saving beauty".

"Impression", "image", "delight", "Uming", "idea-feeling", "ideal beauty" - words, frequent on the pages of the novel. In the aesthetic theory of Dostoevsky, finally established for the mid-70s, they are copyrights characterizing the relationship of the subject and the object of aesthetic act.

Contemplation of "Higher Beauty", for Dostoevsky, can transform a person. The mechanism of the transformation action of beauty was repeatedly considered by the writer. The first prerequisite is the very existence of a "beautiful image", the contemplation of which causes "unconscious", "immediate", "irresistible" impression; Endless and strengthening, even if it is not realized by a person, the impression will set in the heart of the "new feeling" (delight, the attitude to which Dostoevsky is ambiguous, or humation); In man there is an "internal change", simultaneous, "suddenly", "once." In the event that the striking change, "making the former no longer in one moment," does not occur (on the insufficient strength of the image or the insufficient openness of the heart is an impression), the image is still present in the heart, "finishes" in it and, thus, Determines the future life of a person who may not realize his presence in itself. With the accumulation of such impressions of "Higher Beauty", a person is transformed. Particularly important points in the considered scheme are the impact of a holistic, not analyzed and not decomposed image, "entirely, and not by individual parties"; The impression that covers the "all being", "not going to the words", sometimes not even registered by consciousness; Lack of temporary gap between contemplation and impact of the image ("suddenly"). These moments allow the "excellent image" ("ideal of beauty") to become the unifying society of the idea, as opposed to ideas disconnecting - theories based on the arguments of the reason and requiring logical evidence (the implementation of the theory's ideas is Skolnikov's dream in "Crime and Punishment") .

The "beautiful image" can meet in life (the hero of the Dostoevsky "funeral of the universal owner"; Christ), in art ("Sicstinskaya Madonna" Rafael, "Asis and Galatia" Lorrene). The creation of convincing, "living", "positively beautiful" images of the "literature of beauty" is the purpose of the true artist.

The problem for the late aesthetics of Dostoevsky is the duality of beauty - with a special force put in "Teenage" and "Karamazovy Brothers". In the draft editions of the "Teenager", comments on the "clouding" of the heart, perceiving the beauty of the organ, about the "unclean", "antichrist" beauty: "The future antichrist will captivate beauty. Sources of morality in the hearts of people, the green grass will dry out. " Obviously, now the ability of the heart to an unregistered consciousness, one-time adoption of "excellent image" seems dangerous, and beauty itself is "terrible force." The main issue is to distinguish between the beauty of "false", antichrist, and "genuine", Christ, the cleansing of the heart, capable of perceiving the "ideal of Madonna" and "ideal Sodomsky", ethical attitude towards aesthetically significant.

Dostoevsky's "teenager" thought as a work of the "Literature of Beauty", oriented primarily on the reader - the peer of the main hero. Hence his special form, the unity of two genre varieties: "Roman about the boy" and "Roman about the idea", educational and philosophical. The history of the entry into the life field Arkady Dolgoruky turns out to be the history of "organic rebirth" of the idea that he is the carrier.

The protagonist of the novel is a member of the "Random Family", thirsting to find a way out of the "disorder" of reality, the "fastening idea", on which "everyone would have risen." He understands that the "fastening idea" should be of particular nature, a special force to translate the arguments of all the "thousands" "Saviers of Mankind", convince them "suddenly", without evidence, otherwise it automatically becomes only one of the "trichina", aggravating " confusion. " It is such, special nature, the idea calls Arkady "Idea-feeling." The concept of "idea-feeling" and in Chernov, and in the final editorial office, the "ideal of beauty" is the final edition of the Roman.

Arkady wants to serve humanity, heaving him this ideal of the burn. Like an ancient asketam, the mobilical life of achieving oblivities (hence the living vocabulary in the story about the idea: "Desert", "feats", "Skimnik"), a teenager seeks to fully incarnate in his ideal - the image of Rothschild, who attracts it the same features that " Smart Spirit "said the Great Inquisitor in the Roman" Brothers Karamazov ":" Miracle, secret and authority. " The criterion for achieving the ideal is the accumulation of persistence and continuity of the "Rothschild sum". "Ugly", or case-dependent, methods of mining money, the entire spectrum of which is present in the novel: fraud (stalks), receiving an inheritance (versilov), favorable marriage (Anna Andreevna), game (Sergey Sokolsky), blackmail (Lambert), usury - Teen rejects, as not corresponding to the greatness of the idea. But a million, mined in this way, cannot be spent (then the "Rothschildov Digit" becomes no longer criteria for holiness, but "fatestice" - a means to satisfying "vulgar" needs), it is impossible to leave without movement (then the money turns into a target, and the Rothschild is equal with "harpagons and plush"). It remains only to distribute a million people; Thus, the newly new Rothschild is destroyed, which is equivalent to suicide.

The "idea" of the teenager is counted Dostoevsky to the "underground". Based on unlimited pride, it grows out of the humiliating impressions of childhood of illegitimate, outside the family, in the Pension Tushar among the "Graft and Senatorial children". Flight from people, "Privacy", "Corner", "Helicing" - the necessary conditions for achieving the "Rothschild Digit". But the "live life" hesitated the idea. The reasons for "sweating" of its writer outlines in the plan-abstract of draft edits and fully implements this plan in the final text. This reasons are the awareness of the internal contradictions ideas based on aesthetic ideal and at the same time on material interest; Love for Ahmakova; Interest in the fate of the Father, Skaltoleva Versilov; Observation of the twin heroes, also obsessed with the passion of enrichment: meeting with the "wanderer" Makar Dolgoruky, the carrier of the idea of \u200b\u200brestoring the images of God ("appeals").

The action of the novel covers several months, from September 19 to December 13, 1872 (in fact - only the most rich days of this period of this interval). Arkady comes to Petersburg not only with the "idea", but also with a mysterious "document" with a mysterious "document", compromising Ahmakov, a woman from the Supper Petersburg Society. The plot lines of the "Document" and "ideas" are developing in parallel, then intertwining, then displacing one another, which gave reason to reproach the Roman Dostoevsky in "Amorphism". However, the "document" to some extent an "idea"-shaped equivalent. The desire of limitless power over a brilliant secular woman stems from the same source as the ideal of Rothschild. It is not by chance that the first meeting with Ahmakova ("donators") becomes the beginning of Arkady's notes and the impetus to the presentation of the "idea", and the salvation of the princess from the assassination of Versilov marks the "sweat" of the image of Rothschild. In the first part, another "dilution" - suicide Olga, which Arkady involuntarily pushed, swaying Versilov, who tried to help her.

The second part is the story of the "evasion" of the teenager from the "idea", paradoxically associated with it: "That's the bad" my idea "<...>that allows decisively all evasion; It would be not so firm and radical, then I would, maybe, and was afraid to evade. " "Evasy" - friendship with the younger Sokolsky, "Thousands, Rysaki and Borel", playing the roulette of the Mair - attracts with its "glitter", the ability to "be above all" and end in fainting in the "deadlock" of the Flumbage of firewood and the desire to "burn!" , metaphorically echoing with the images of "corner" and a fire of Tuileries. The impression, it would seem that for a long time ousted by "underground," - the memory of the visit of the mother to the Pension Tushader in the Fomin day and its "blue batistic boiler" - does not give Arkady to die.

The third part is the most important idea in the history of rebirth. The problem of choosing "Well-known and Evil" The soul is set in it with a special acute already at the level of the image system: almost simultaneously appear in the Roman Lambert, "Meat, Matter, Horror", Comrade for children's years Arkady, bubbles him to blackmail Akhmakov, and Makar Dolgoruky, The confession "Appeament" of a person ("pleasing"). The "idea" of Arcadia is connected with both ways to him: the content (power, gloss, the sudden appearance of the insignificance) - with the "Lambert", the way to achieve the goal - the "feat" of the gradual approach to the ideal - with "Makara". The third part also motivates the appeal of Arkady to the memorization, gradually developing into confession: the motive of a great sinner who consistently speaking in it turns it into an analogue of the Great Post, although in time the action refers to the beginning of December (the completion of Arcadia's notes for Easter, which indicates an epilogue, confirms ego). So, from the lives told by Makar, Arkady celebrates the same, the most memorable and striking him - the lives of the repentant harlot Maria Egyptian, which is devoted to the fifth week of fasting. The first meeting of Makara with Arkady, plotically resembles the beginning of the lives of the martyrs of Evdokia, also a repentant sinner and also commemorated during the Great Post. The repentance and salvation of the soul is the topic of the musical fantasy of Trishatova (Gretchen in the Cathedral) and "Afimyevskaya were" - the plug-in Novella for Dolgoruky about the merchant Skhothnikov. The motives of the fall, memories of the lost paradise and "good news" about the atonement are introduced by Visi Versilov ("Golden Age") and his story about "Christ on the Baltic Sea" (the phenomenon of Christ living "without God" people).

If you build on the festive days that are mentioned in the novel ("doves in the village", flying in the beam of light through the dome of the church during the communion, and the "blue batter" - children's memories of the hero; Resurrection of Christ - the end of the notes) according to the church calendar, fate Arkady turns out to be included in the Eternal Mystery of the History of Humanity for Dostoevsky: Falls - the benefit of the news about the resurrection of Christ, the Atonement and Eternal Life - the tragedy of faith (Thomas) - a new life for the "past doubts", return to the state to the sin, Paradise-Children's Another level: a person who is given freedom of choice between good and evil, which "Paradise is not a gift got." Thus, the "new idea", the "new life" of Arcadia really relates to what Makar Dolgoruky will test him: "The Church of the Holy Journal, it will be necessary, then die for her." This correlation is not stated directly, but symbolically, through the consistent communication of the turning points of the hero with the most important holidays of the Christian calendar. The paradoxical words of the epiloga "This new life, this new, which opened in front of me, the path and there is my idea, that is the most as before, but already in another way, so it is impossible to know it already" can be understood in this light As the preservation of the path to the ideal (likesliness of oneself to the perfect image) when changing the very ideal, who becomes not the Libra-Messiah Rothschild, and Christ. The form of the narrative, allowing to combine the exhibition of an adventurous novel with moral issues, awaken the sympathy for the "most cute, the most cute" hero and motivate its transformation, becomes the "process of remembering and recording" "impressions" in which Arkady is involved.

Epilogue indirectly confirms the correctness of the hero. A hint that it is Arkady becomes chosen by Ahmakova, in the novel called "Living Life" ("Living Life" as opposed to the "book, compound" also calls Versilles and Truth), in conjunction with Easter motives, it allows you to consider an epilogue as confirmation that Transfiguration took place.

A peculiar "review" on the notes of Arcadia as a literary work and the document of the epoch is becoming an honorable response of a secondary character, Nikolai Semenovich, in which the thoughts of Dostoevsky himself are guessed.

The screening of the novel was carried out by the director E. Tashkov in 1983; Stage incarnation - Theater on Taganka, R.P. Lyubimova, 1996