State program for the resettlement of compatriots to Russia. What grants exist in Russia for displaced persons from the ATO zone in eastern Ukraine

Migration processes are inevitable and it is almost impossible to suspend or stop them. The authorities responsible for the reception and integration of immigrants arriving in the Russian Federation are interested in their most comfortable and speedy adaptation, especially when it comes to more or less large-scale resettlement. To solve these problems, the government developed a set of measures in 2017. Over the past couple of years, the most noticeable migration from the zone of armed conflict in the east of Ukraine. People from the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of the neighboring state are offered special grants developed for migrants from the ATO zone.

What is a grant for migrants

The term itself is interpreted as a gift, that is, benefits that are transferred to a person free of charge. In the case of the help provided to the resettlers, the grants represent irrevocable targeted aid that is provided for the improvement of newly arrived foreigners and their adaptation to Russian realities.

In 2017, the issue of more or less mass migration from the ATO zone continues to be relevant and is likely to remain topical for the next year. People are moving out of poverty and danger to life and health. However, of course, getting a job in a new place is quite problematic, and even more so when it comes to a completely different state. It is very clear that government-sponsored resettlement grants will continue to be popular in the future.

The state, in turn, accepting migrants, expects from them the earliest possible arrangement, getting a job and a source for autonomous life support. In addition, in this way the government fills the niche of low-skilled and often low-paid workers, which is very beneficial for the state.

Many migrants find it very difficult to settle in a new place without state support. The rigid framework of migration legislation puts foreigners in rather difficult conditions. Not everyone is able to immediately secure the means of living. Difficulties are especially noticeable for migrants who are forced to urgently leave their homes. The consequences of hostilities in the ATO zone, unfortunately, force people to move suddenly, often losing everything. In such cases, grants are provided for people moving to the Russian Federation.

Grant program "Compatriot"

For 2017, the program for the resettlement of compatriots in the Russian Federation remains in effect. People from Russia or the USSR (Ukraine is just such a territory) who now live outside the Russian state can participate in the program. Their descendants can also exercise this right. One of the conditions for participation is reaching the age of majority (18 years) and the presence of the full scope of civil legal capacity. Applicants must be fluent in Russian. Most migrants from the ATO zone meet these requirements.

The rules do not limit the period of the program.

Having received a place in the program in 2017, migrants can apply for:

  • full compensation for the costs associated with moving to a new place of residence;
  • one-time receipt of "lifting";
  • cash allowance, which is provided every month before obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation, but not more than six months.

In case of participation in the Compatriot program, the migrants do not have to wait for several years of residence, and then another year of registration of documents for obtaining citizenship. Everything follows a simplified and accelerated procedure. The main thing is to actually live and register in the region, which is taking part in the implementation of the state program for 2017.

For business development

In 2017, migrants, like citizens of the Russian Federation, have the right to receive a grant to organize and develop their own business on the territory of the Russian state. In this case, there are no special requirements for foreigners. The main thing is that they have the right to legally reside in the Russian Federation and do not violate the rules of migration registration.

Grants for 2017 are allocated for the development of enterprises in the service sector, manufacturing industry and trade. Obviously, if a Ukrainian who has left the ATO zone wants to get help, it is better for him to choose a higher priority direction for the development of the state economy. These for the current year are industrial production and agricultural activities. So, the maximum chances are with applicants who represent business projects of enterprises in these industries.

Sponsors of such projects can be both the state and private funds for business development in the Russian Federation, banks, large companies, investors.

Rural Resettlement Grants

Mostly, such targeted funds are provided to those wishing to move to the countryside from cities to engage in agriculture. They are designed for migrants from the ATO zone who understand agricultural production and are not afraid of labor on the ground. Such funds can be obtained for organizing a farm or other agricultural enterprise that will directly participate in the process of manufacturing food and raw materials.

In 2017, there are whole programs for the resettlement of residents to remote regions for the development of agriculture, for which land plots and a lot of money are allocated.

Alternatively, immigrants from Ukraine who moved from the ATO zone can try to get assistance for resettlement to the countryside for hired labor in agricultural enterprises, in the social sphere (education, medicine). In this case, the grant recipient can be any capable foreigner who has expressed the appropriate intention.

Thus, the Russian Federation adheres to the position of creating the most loyal and comfortable conditions for those moving to its territory. At the same time, various nuances are taken into account, for example, the fact that migrants from the ATO zone in the East of Ukraine in 2017 may not have any means of subsistence and property left. Existing grants allow them to hold out, get on their feet and find their rightful place in Russian society.

To Russia from Ukraine in 2019 continues to operate and retains its relevance for migrants, since in recent years Ukraine has faced radical problems and changes, which inevitably gave rise to an absolutely contradictory attitude of the population to the current situation in the country, and also became the reason for the increasing rate of migration.

The compatriot resettlement program for Ukrainians and residents of other states has been operating since 2006, and in 2012 it was extended indefinitely. Last year, the number of residents of neighboring Ukraine who expressed a desire to migrate to Russia in order to settle in a new place of residence became a record high.

Individuals who have the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to resettle in Russia as "compatriots"

It is worth deciding on the list of citizens who have the opportunity to take advantage of the state program for the resettlement of compatriots in 2019. The following groups of individuals are recognized as “compatriots”:

  • representatives of nationalities who had a historical settlement on the territory of modern Russia, their descendants;
  • persons with relatives in a direct ascending line who previously lived in the Russian Federation;
  • people living today in countries that were part of the Soviet Union, and who previously had USSR citizenship. In this part, the compatriots in Russia program is especially relevant for Ukrainians;
  • immigrants from the Russian Federation, the Soviet Union, the RSFSR, the Russian state or the Russian republic, who were previously their citizens.

It is also worth noting that this list includes not only individuals living abroad of the Russian Federation on a permanent basis, but also residents of other states, including stateless persons:

  • officially received temporary asylum in the Russian Federation;
  • having a temporary residence permit in Russia;
  • with a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Do not forget that residents of other countries and stateless persons may have other means, if there are, of course, confirmed grounds for that, to acquire the status of a Russian citizen according to a simplified scheme.

Determination of the family composition of a participant in the state program for the resettlement of compatriots in the Russian Federation

The resettlement program to Russia from Ukraine in 2019 also involves a simplified procedure for the adoption of Russian citizenship by family members of the participants in the state program.

Read also How to issue, pay, check readiness, renew a patent for work for foreign citizens in Russia

According to Russian legislation, the following list of persons included in the concept of a “member of the participant's family” of this program can be given:

  1. Spouse.
  2. Children, their spouses, supported persons.
  3. Parents of the participant, spouse.
  4. Grandfather / grandmother of the participant.
  5. His grandchildren.
  6. Full-blooded and half-blooded siblings of the individual participating in the program are compatriots, as well as similar relatives of the spouse.
  7. The nephew / niece of the individual or spouse, as well as wards and wards of brothers / sisters.

It should be noted that adult family members of a person participating in the state program of voluntary resettlement in the Russian Federation, with the exception of the spouse, have the right to independently participate in the compatriots program.

Criteria for an applicant to participate in a voluntary resettlement program in the Russian Federation

Persons wishing to relocate to Russia are subject to a number of requirements that the participant must meet. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a participant in the state program, compatriots, must be of age and capable, be able to carry out labor activities. Also, the applicant must have good skills in spoken and written Russian for the fastest and most painless integration into society. In addition to the above criteria, the compatriots program for Ukrainians in 2019, as well as citizens of other countries, assumes that the participant has the appropriate qualifications and work experience in the profession. This requirement is due to the shortage of qualified personnel experienced by the regions that invite migrants.

Documents required for participation in the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots in the Russian Federation

To become a participant in the program of resettlement to Russia from Ukraine in 2019, you should fill out the application form as carefully as possible, as well as collect and submit the following documents: internal and foreign passports, documents of family members moving with the person, work book, as well as documents on education.

Correctly completed application form is reviewed and approved within a month. Sometimes this period is extended to 45 days. Upon completion of the verification of the package of documents and the questionnaire, the voluntary migrant receives a certificate from the state resettlement program.

Social guarantees and rights granted to voluntary resettlers

The compatriots program for Ukrainians and citizens of other countries provides certain social guarantees to people who decide to use it. It should be noted that a person who has moved to the Russian Federation will be provided with monetary compensation from the state budget. Thus, the funds spent on the transportation of not only things, but also bulky goods are reimbursed by the state. The state duty paid by the person is also compensated.

In addition to all of the above, a participant in the voluntary resettlement program can exercise his right to receive a certain amount of money for more or less comfortable adaptation and integration in a new place of residence. Individuals who have participated in the resettlement program and have had difficulty finding employment for a long time are eligible for a monthly benefit. Such an allowance will be paid within six months, its size will depend on the actual average payments in the Russian Federation.

Read also What grants exist in Russia for migrants from the ATO zone in the East of Ukraine

The law of the Russian Federation guarantees the right to employment of voluntary migrants on the territory of the regions. Also, a person who has used the state program can exercise his right to receive an education. The presence of a diploma in a “new” citizen does not exclude the possibility of obtaining another education. Migrants who intend to invest in the economy, as well as individual entrepreneurs are especially welcome. These categories of citizens will enjoy special support and respect from the authorities.

Today, the Russian Federation is experiencing a shortage of specialists in the field of agriculture and the agrarian industry, therefore, participants in the state program with the appropriate qualifications will be especially positively received and can easily find a job. Thus, voluntary migrants have every right to engage in any activity that does not contradict the current legislation.

Voluntary resettlement of compatriots to Russia from Ukraine and other states in 2019 also guarantees the following rights:

  1. The migrant's right to exemption from customs payments.
  2. Exemption from quotas when obtaining a residence permit.
  3. The right to receive any type of education.
  4. The right to receive qualified medical care.
  5. Assistance in employment.

Terms of obtaining Russian citizenship with participation in the program compatriots, as well as grounds for refusing to participate

According to Russian legislation, voluntary migrants receive the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation within four months from the date of application. Sometimes this period is extended to six months. In turn, the percentage of cases with a decision on obtaining the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation, for a period of more than six months, is very small.

Compared to the general procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship, compatriots' participation in the program has another indisputable plus. Thus, migrants and members of their families have the right to engage in labor activities without special permission, which is necessary in other cases of obtaining the status of a citizen.

Unfortunately, those who wish to voluntarily relocate to the Russian Federation are refused by the authorities. As a rule, a negative decision on the issue of resettlement is due to the fact that a person does not have the qualifications required in any region of Russia. Also, a refusal can be obtained by providing deliberately false information about yourself or your family.

People who have an outstanding criminal record or who decide to evade responsibility by moving to the Russian Federation are guaranteed to receive a refusal to participate in the program of resettlement of compatriots to Russia.

The Russian legislation regulating the provision of pensions to citizens of the country reflects issues related to pensions to displaced persons in 2017. Citizens of countries of the former union republics of the USSR can count on receiving a pension in the Russian Federation, subject to a number of requirements. Agreements between the countries on this issue were signed back in 1992.

According to the text of this document, payments of pensions to citizens of the former USSR are made on the basis of the current legislation of the country of which they are citizens.

Citizens of other countries who decide to migrate to Russia for permanent residence can also become the owner of a Russian pension.

When moving to Russia, pensioners have the right to count on their pension coverage in the event that they become citizens of the country or receive a residence permit in it. For citizens of the former USSR, there is a simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship.

According to the agreements signed between the states, pensioners who have moved to Russia have the right to receive a pension of the same type as they received it in the country of their previous residence. Such payments are calculated in accordance with the pension legislation in force in the Russian Federation.

When migrants receive pensions in the Russian Federation, the previous payments are terminated. Migrants can continue to receive pensions of their former countries of residence of a type that is not provided for in Russian legislation.

What immigrants can receive a pension in Russia?

Immigrants with permanent residence or those who have received Russian citizenship have the right to in Russia. To do this, they must have:

  1. Insurance experience is not less than 7 years.
  2. Individual odds not less than 9.
  3. Age established by Russian law. Now it is 55 for women and 60 for men.

Women with five or more children, as well as those who worked in hazardous industries, the list of which is approved by the Government of the country, can apply to reduce the age provided for retirement.

Pension payments in the Russian Federation are made only to those migrants who permanently reside in the territory of the state.

In cases where pension payments are made on the basis of permanent residence, their validity period ends together with the date of stay of a foreign citizen in Russia.

How can a migrant get a pension in Russia?

The very first step in applying for a Russian pension is collecting the documents required for this. Their list is approved by a special order issued by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory documents for a migrant are:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or residence permit indicating the place of registration
  • standard statement
  • insurance certificate of the PF RF
  • statement of a personal account in the OPS system.

A complete list of documents can be found on the website of the state services of the Russian Federation. Documents are submitted to the territorial PF or MFC at the place of registration or actual place of residence.

You can submit documents in person, through proxies or by mail. The term of consideration established by law is 10 days. The date of accrual is the day of submission of the application. You cannot submit documents earlier than one month before the onset of retirement age.

Is the pension retained for Russians emigrating from the country?

Russian citizens leaving for permanent residence retain the right to receive a pension. Since 2016, the procedure for obtaining it has been changed. Before leaving the country, it is necessary to determine the form of receiving a pension and submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Citizens traveling outside the country can receive a pension 6 months in advance. For such advance payments, they need to write an application to the Pension Fund. Every year, every citizen living outside the country must confirm the fact that he is alive to the pension fund. It can be drawn up with a special sample of papers at a notary.

The absence of such documents automatically terminates pension accruals. To resume charges, a pensioner will have to personally apply to the Pension Fund with a corresponding statement.

Internal relocation

Domestic pensions have regional characteristics. They depend on the amount of additional payments to local authorities, which are made to the main amount of the pension provision. When you change your place of residence, the pension is reissued within 3 days after submitting an application to the Pension Fund.

Residents of the Far North who have worked in these areas for more than 15 years and in areas equated to them for at least 20 do not lose their accruals. Such migrants retain the right to receive an increased pension.

Since 2013, people who wish to move to the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of permanent residence and obtaining citizenship can take part in the state program for the resettlement of compatriots.

Such a program makes it possible to make the resettlement procedure more comfortable for certain categories of citizens, especially since the state itself is interested in moving compatriots and attracting a stream of able-bodied population.

Legislative regulation of the issue: latest changes and innovations for 2019

The issues of resettlement of compatriots are regulated by the Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation", the State Program for Assisting the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and other bylaws.

The program was introduced in 2006 with a validity period until 2012 and immediately showed its effectiveness. Many changes have been made in the area of ​​legislation governing resettlement issues over the years. Later, the term of the Program was extended: in 2013 it received a new edition, and its validity became indefinite.

In 2018, the implementation of the Program continued, as in previous years, but with some changes.

Who can participate in this state program

Participate in the Program can both citizens of other countries and stateless persons, and citizens of the Russian Federation who permanently reside abroad and have Russian citizenship.

The purpose of the Program initially is the resettlement of a certain circle of persons:

Selection criteria and requirements for candidates

In addition to the attitude towards a certain category of citizens, a potential participant in the Program must also meet such requirements:

  1. The candidate must be of legal age and legal capacity to work in the Russian Federation;
  2. The level of proficiency in oral and written Russian should be such that the participant will quickly adapt to the country;
  3. Have work experience and qualified education that will provide the participant with a job in Russia.
  4. A potential migrant must not be a member of terrorist, extremist and other organizations, the activities of which are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, not earlier, not at the time of the application.

If, within the framework of the Program, a candidate needs to apply for a residence permit, he must meet all the conditions in advance that will allow him to receive it. A migrant should not be convicted or subject to deportation from the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the candidate must comply with the conditions of regional resettlement programs, so you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Requirements and conditions are presented in order to most contribute to the resettlement of those people who were brought up in the traditions of Russian culture and are ready, therefore, to quickly join the social ties of society.

What documents need to be collected

A potential participant needs to submit a completed application form and collect a package of documents including:

If a compatriot lives in the Russian Federation, then he must additionally provide original documents, which secure their right to temporary or permanent residence, documents on marital status (on the conclusion or dissolution of marriage) and identity documents.

When changing the last name, first name or patronymic of the participant or relatives who move with him in previous years, you need to submit the appropriate certificates from the civil registration authorities. It should be borne in mind that the spelling of such personal data of a person must be the same in all documents.

List of benefits

Compatriots who take part in the program and their relatives who move with him are entitled to receive social assistance and state support in accordance with the region of resettlement.

Participants are provided reimbursement of expenses from budgetary funds for moving to the region chosen for residence. The fees charged by the consulate, visa fees and funds spent on the transportation of their own property and the payment of various state duties are compensated. For subsequent reimbursement, you should save the contract with the carrier and paper confirming payment for his services. If the services are provided by an international company, you will need a bill of lading with customs marks and a cargo declaration.

If the participant is registered with the migration authority and has been in his possession for six months or more motor transport, he has the right, within 18 months after relocation, to transport this vehicle without paying any fees and charges at customs. This benefit applies to those persons who have received a certificate of participation in foreign countries.

The participant of the Program and the relatives of the migrant who arrived within its framework have the right to get RVP out of quotas, residence permit and citizenship in a simplified manner. Also, of the advantages, it should be noted that the migrant no need to pass complex exams to obtain them - this significantly saves time and money.

Within the framework of the Program, the participant is provided with support payments in the amount of up to 240 thousand rubles that can be spent on solving life and everyday issues, investing in your business, purchasing or renting housing. Their size depends directly on the region of resettlement, detailed information on this can be found on the websites of the regions.

Of the minuses of the resettlement program, it should be noted that the participant is obliged to live and work only in the territory of his region before obtaining citizenship.

It should be noted that funds are also paid to family members of the migrant, 120,000 rubles for each relative who has moved to the Russian Federation. Lifting are issued in two stages... The first part of the funds is paid immediately after resettlement, and the second - after a year and a half after settling in a new place.

In the event that a family that has moved to the territory of the Russian Federation does not have a source of income, then it is entitled to a separate cash payment in the amount of one living wage.

In which regions of the Russian Federation is resettlement possible?

A compatriot within the framework of the Program can choose the territory of resettlement in the Russian Federation - a subject of the federation or a part of it. At the same time, there are two categories of them: priority settlement and those that do not belong to priority territories. Many regions of Russia today have a shortage of qualified workers and need new personnel. Territories strategically important for the state are considered priority, they are determined and changed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2016, 47 regions have been able to host the Program participants, but most of all the migrants are expected in the regions of Transbaikalia, Kamchatka, Altai, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, Amur, Magadan and Irkutsk Regions, as well as in Sakhalin and in the Jewish District.

In 2019, the number of regions ready to accept new residents is 57 subjects.

Immigrants primarily strive to move to large cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow. However, it should be borne in mind that the maximum level of state support can be expected only when relocating to priority regions. A list of all regions can be found on official sites for the implementation of the Program.

Step-by-step instructions for the resettlement procedure

If a candidate living abroad has collected a ready-made package of documents and completed an application in accordance with the approved form, he can submit it personally to the authorized body of the Russian Federation on the territory of their country. Such bodies can be representative offices of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or a group for the implementation of the Program at consulates and departments of Russian diplomatic missions in foreign countries.

Living on the territory of the Russian state, in order to participate in the Program, you must submit documents on a territorial basis to the offices of the Main Directorate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Before submitting an application, you must take into account that documents drawn up in a foreign language must be translated into Russian. In this case, the translation and the translator's marks must be notarized. If copies of documents issued in foreign countries are submitted, the originals must be legalized in accordance with the established procedure, if these issues are not regulated by an international treaty.

After the application is submitted, you should wait until it is agreed with the executive authorities of the region to which resettlement is planned and government authorities.

Various departments should check that the potential participant does not have circumstances that may prevent him from entering Russia. If the person lives in the Russian Federation, the absence of reasons for the termination of temporary or permanent residence (RVP, residence permit) is checked.

After considering the application, the territorial body on migration issues of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that participates in the regional program, makes a decision and issues or refuses to issue a Program Participant Certificate to the candidate.

It should be remembered that the issued decision can be annulled in cases where the compatriot violates the norms of migration legislation or it is found that his stay in the Russian Federation is undesirable, a decision is made to expel from the country, entry into the Russian Federation is prohibited, or the participant has ceased to comply with the conditions of the regional program.

The certificate is provided within 60 days after receiving an application from a compatriot with a full package of documents. To obtain it, you must personally appear at the authorized body. The document is valid for three years after submission. If this period has expired, then the participant loses his status, and his relatives - the status of family members. That is, the participant needs to manage to obtain Russian citizenship during this time.

Before moving, you should make a sufficient number of copies of documents and photographs in advance to obtain a TRP and citizenship, so as not to waste a lot of time later.

When entering the territory of the Russian Federation, you should carefully consider to fill in the migration card... When crossing the border with a passport, the patronymic does not need to be entered on the card, if it is not in the passport, the purpose of the visit must be set private.

In the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs you can get a memo with a list of documents required for the RVP... It is necessary to note for yourself the necessary: ​​an application, a photo, a notarized translation of the passport, a copy of the Program participant's certificate, paper on the payment of a fee in the amount of 1600 rubles (for which you can receive a refund), a migration card and registration data at the place of stay. In addition, you need to go through a commission in medical institutions to obtain certificates and certificates of the absence of HIV, drug addiction and other infectious diseases according to the list. These certificates can be provided both when submitting documents for the RVP, and within a month after it.

After granting a temporary residence permit, it is not necessary to obtain a residence permit: the participant can immediately apply for citizenship, the issue of granting it will be considered within three months. This is a significant plus, because in the general procedure, you would still have to obtain a residence permit and apply for citizenship only after a period of time specified by law.

Features of resettlement from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus and other states

It should be remembered that citizens of some countries (for example, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) who arrived in the Russian Federation in a visa-free regime can stay on the territory for up to 30 or 90 days without registering at the place of stay with the local migration authority. But you should know that in order to obtain a TRP, such an account is necessary even for such a category of citizens.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities for the resettlement of compatriots from visa and visa-free countries, because in the field of migration policy between foreign states and the Russian Federation there can be different relations. For example, citizens of Belarus do not need to fill out a migration card, so it will not be required to be submitted to the migration authority, and citizens of states with which the Russian Federation maintains a visa regime will need a visa.

To clarify all questions, you can contact the consular offices of the Russian Federation in foreign countries and other authorized bodies.

Resolving the issue of employment and housing provision

According to regulatory legal acts, migrants after moving have the right to work and receive education on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If the migrant has no relatives in the place of resettlement, he should inquire in advance about the availability in the region temporary accommodation centers, where you can stay for a reasonable fee and even get a registration at the place during your stay. It will be needed for the subsequent submission of documents to the RVP.

Having in their hands a certificate of a Program participant, a migrant and a member of his family, in accordance with labor legislation, have the right to find a job on the same conditions as a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is a significant plus, because you can get a job without a work permit and registration of temporary residence, and the employer does not need to apply to the migration authorities for a permit document for the employment of foreign labor.

However, to date, some employers have not heard of such a program, therefore, before contacting them, you should convey to them all the information about your rights.

Also, on the official websites of the regions, you can find a list of vacancies within the framework of the Program, which you can apply for independently, and the requirements for the employee. But you need to remember that the issue of moving can take a long time, during which vacancies can lose relevance.

In addition, you should always remember that the issues of housing, everyday life, employment of all family members and the education of children should be clarified to the maximum in advance, collecting all the information for backup options for their solution.

For the resettlement program, see the following video:

The situation in the eastern region of Ukraine leads to high rates of population migration. People are forced to leave their homes and move in order to save themselves and their children from the unfolding hostilities. The Russian government is taking various measures to alleviate the situation of refugees, and programs for relocation are being created. One of the operating on the territory of Russia is the state program "Compatriots", which helps migrants in various directions.

Starting in 2013, the government removed restrictions and simplified the procedure for resettlement of Ukrainian citizens with refugee status. Our compatriots, that is, residents of Ukraine who are citizens of the Russian Federation, primarily have the right to participate in the resettlement program. This category has certain subsidies, benefits and social support from our government.

It is quite difficult to understand the complex structure of social assistance on your own; this can be done by a practicing lawyer with extensive experience in working with the population. Online consultation with the lawyers of our portal allows citizens to obtain the necessary legal knowledge, to quickly protect their interests. You can leave your question in the designated form or call the hotline. Consultation of our specialists is free and available at a convenient time for users.

The migration policy of the Russian government is aimed at helping in the resettlement of our compatriots from the territories of the former CIS. The return of Russian families to their historical homeland makes it possible to increase the indicators of demography, especially when moving to areas that are unfavorable in terms of population growth. Helping refugees is also a priority, it allows employing migrants to work, and protects their children and elderly relatives from the horrors of war.

Citizens of the following categories of persons can take part in the resettlement:

  • residents of Ukraine with Russian citizenship;
  • citizens born in the territory of the former USSR;
  • direct descendants of citizens of the USSR;
  • emigrants and other categories of persons established by law.

Active participation in the state program has exceeded all existing limits, but all persons eligible for relocation will be admitted on time. Participation in the project can be provided to adults who are able-bodied and meet a number of requirements. , temporary registration and get a job at an official place of employment.

All actions of visitors are aimed at obtaining a Russian passport in the future. The shortened or accelerated procedure provides for applying for citizenship as early as six months after arrival.

The resettlement of families is carried out in the direction of the regions that are the host country. These are sparsely populated areas, the northern and border regions of the country, where the able-bodied population is especially urgently needed.

The package of information is submitted to the regional office of the migration authority. To become a participant in the project, you must write an official application and provide documents:

  • identification of all family members;
  • a certificate of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • no criminal record and no legal prosecution.

The accepted application form, documents are checked by the FMS employees within 1-1.5 months. The information provided is checked in all directions, if the data is confirmed and there are no prohibitive measures, then the right to participate in the resettlement is granted. The applicant is issued a certificate of project participant with the right to the corresponding subsidies and privileges. For Ukrainian refugees who have received admission to the resettlement program, a voluminous list of state aid and social benefits is provided. For example, the cost of moving for the whole family, renting a living space, lifting equipment in a new place is paid.

Citizens are paid a lifting cash allowance in the amount of the minimum wage for six months, a lump sum of compensation. Local regional governments are involved in the adaptation of settlers in a new place.

Having not yet received Russian citizenship, but already having a migrant certificate, Ukrainian refugees can engage in all types of labor activities, study in state educational institutions.

53 regions of the country are actively involved in the Compatriots program. Each territory has its own guidelines and rules for working with migrants. Interested citizens choose the region they like and that suits the main parameters. Then they send an application to the local administration and directly learn about the features of resettlement in the selected area. The program has proven its relevance and effectiveness, is popular with migrants and has been worked out in practice.

Over the past two years of the resettlement project, more than a million citizens have moved to a new place of residence. These people have a similar mentality with Russians, related roots and culture, so assimilation is successful in most cases. The migrants participating in the program have the following rights:

  • the opportunity to study in all educational institutions without restriction;
  • receiving medical care according to SNILS;
  • excluding quotas;
  • when entering the country under the program, do not pay the customs fee;
  • receive funds in different directions and categories.

The complete list of benefits depends on the selected region, the presence of children in the family, the profession of the parents and many other conditions. According to the legislation, there is a gradation of the territories included in the resettlement program, the classification affects three directions of movement of refugees and displaced persons. Depending on the agreed area, family lifts, subsidies and benefits are issued.

All information on the existing project can be obtained on the official website of the FMS. There you can also submit an application and ask questions of interest to the user. If the question of relocation arises abroad of the Russian Federation, then interested persons should contact the Russian consulate. The staff will consider the possibility of relocation and begin issuing the resettlement certificate.

It should be noted that entering the territory of the Russian Federation, already having a certificate of a program participant, is much more convenient. A personal car is not subject to customs duties, as well as a container with property. Travel documents are paid to the destination, which must be confirmed by certificates. Migrants receiving state support are required to work and live in the approved area for at least three years. The agreement is signed before starting the move and receiving a call from the local administration.

In some cases, those who wish are denied participation, they are not granted refugee or migrant status. This is mainly due to an outstanding criminal record, the provision of deliberately false information and other specific features of the case considered by the FMS.

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