Lacing games are a developmental aid for the formation of clear hand movements in a young child. Pros and cons of lacing games

Scientists have shown that the development of a child's speech is closely related to the development of "fine motor skills".

What chalk and I motor skills a?

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform fine, precise movements with the hands and fingers. Examples of actions fine motor skills - this is buttoning, handling small objects, writing, drawing, etc. Scientists claim that the development of fine motor skills in a child contributes to the development of speech, and also prepares the hand for writing.

How to develop chalk yu motor skills at?

Fine motor skills can be developed withfollowing actions:

    Games with small details (mosaics, constructors, puzzles)

    Massage of hands and fingers



What is the role of lacing in the development of fine motor skills?

Lacing games are one of the most effective ways to develop fine motor skills in children. The lace-up games are based on the ideas of the famous teacher Maria Montessori.

Tying shoelaces is a task that a child does not manage to solve right away.Indeed, this requires attention, concentration, the ability to perform subtle and precise hand movements and a clear understanding of what the result should be.

Lace-up games are designed to helpthe child to develop fine motor skills, and this affects the development of the brain and speech.

What kind of lacing games are there?

The lacing game is usually handsome object (boot, button, apple, cheese, etc.) or a set of objects with holes, through which you need to thread. For example, lacing , , , other.

What are the benefits of lace-up games?

Games - lacing are of great benefit to your child's development! They:

    develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands

    develop coordination movements, agility and eye

    develop perseverance

    improve memory

    build lacing skills

    contribute to the development of speech

    prepare hand for writing

    contribute to the development of creativity.

What age are lace-up games intended for?

Experts believe that use games- lacing and best for kids from 1.5 years. It is this age that is most favorable for the development of fine motor skills.

How to organize a game with lacing?

Just do not think, dear adults, that you can give your child a lacing and take care of yourand deeds. In the beginning, you also have to work hard. After all, at first it will be difficult for the baby, so your help is simply needed!

Explain to the child the purpose of the game - to thread the hole.... If the kid does not succeed, first show yourself how it is done. If you manage to interest the child, he will certainly want to repeat it himself! Be sure to praise your baby for the first, even small, achievements - and then he will have an incentive to develop further and reach new heights!

If everything does not work out right away, do not be discouraged yourself and try to cheer up the baby.Convince him to try again. The first failures are even for the best - after all, they will teach the child to overcome difficulties, and not to retreat in front of them. And then the result will definitely be!

What kind lacing at what age to use?

From the age of 1.5 years, you can use the laces "" , « » , « » , « » , « » .

For older children (from 3 years old) laces "", « » , « and etc.

With the help of these cords, the child will learn to group objects by color and shape. , get acquainted with numbers and geometric shapes.Such games will help not only develop fine motor skills, but also prepare your child for school!

What is the purpose early development?

Scientists have concluded that the goal of early development is not get a prodigy, reading at 2 years old, and to develop the child's brain and his and to the knowledge of the world. And then he will be ready to perceive and assimilate any knowledge. And for the development of the brain, it is very important to develop hands and fine motor skills.

Therefore, do not think that games for the development of fine motor skills are something frivolous and unnecessary., and you need to lean mainly on English and math! This is a big misconception.

"Don't think about lacing down!" :)Sometimes the simplest things can do amazing miracles.

The diminutive fragility and impeccable perfection of tiny fingers makes the mother's heart squeeze and swoon with love. Tiny marigolds, a warm palm - this is how real happiness looks like. But happiness, as you know, is insidious and changeable. For example, when fingers pull out nail scissors or lipstick from a place where (in the opinion of adults) it is impossible to get them; or when they turn the key in the keyhole from the wrong side and at the wrong time, but you never know - every family has its own story about the playful hands of their favorite pranksters. So, we draw conclusions: fingers need to be occupied with something useful, cognitive and developing. For these purposes, lacing for children.

Everyone now knows about the striking connection between fine motor development and intelligence. Fantastic, but it really is: the faster the baby develops his tactile skills, the faster he begins to speak, the faster he develops. Therefore, as good as traditional rattles and cubes are, every child needs their own lacing toy. To determine your preferences, as well as what kind of lacing toy will be optimal from what age, a small excursion through the strings and laces is offered.

Laces for babies from 0 months to 10 years

1. Lacing for the little ones

For children from 1 year up to 3 years

Well, how can one resist here, not to quote the immortal phrase of the sad donkey Eeyore from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh:

Comes in ... and comes out great!

Toys with lacing for children from one year old are arranged according to the same principle. But if poor Eeyore was always unlucky, he was presented with a burst ball and a pot without honey, then lacing for children is bright and intricate, playing with it is a pleasure. For example, lacing an apple or a fungus: "enters" and "exits" into the holes-holes of the worm and caterpillar. Or a piece of cheese, which is "laced" by a funny mouse.

2. A goby on a string, or how you can tell a story on a string

For children from 1 year up to 3 years

In fact, the wise Inca Indians were the first to think of storing information on cords (kipu) five thousand years ago. But some Russian folk tales simply ask to be told in the ancient Indian way, for example, the tale of the turnip. Or about Kolobok. Or teremka. The logical sequence of the narrative becomes visible, it can be touched with pens, it is better to understand and remember.
And one more weighty argument: such developmental lacing toys allow you to solve a seemingly insoluble conflict. To develop fine motor skills, the baby needs to play with small objects, but playing with small toys is dangerous (you can swallow them, put them somewhere, or just lose them!). But if you collect the "small fry" on a string, then you can not be afraid of anything.

3. Teaching beads

A very, well, just a very functional lacing game for children that allows you to learn and learn anything (and this is not to mention the development of fine motor skills and others like that).

- For children from 1 to 3 years old: large ones in the form of letters, numbers, flowers, animals, various geometric shapes, etc. are easily strung on a lace. It is clear that in the process of stringing letters are learned, numbers are memorized.

- Sets for ages 3-10, allowing you to create various jewelry: beads, bracelets, baubles.

4. Collect a friend with your own hands

For children from 1 year up to 3 years

An almost living, almost real friend turns out if you collect wooden lacing toys. The kits contain balls, pyramids, prisms, cylinders, carved from wood and painted in the color of giraffes, tiger cubs, octopuses. The figures are flexible and mobile, almost like real ones.

5. Children's lacing in the form of shoes: we do not lace up sneakers, but train the laces!

For children from 2up to 4 years

There is a lot of things to teach the kid: to hold a spoon, and to drink from a glass on his own, and to wash his hands, and to dress himself. But, nevertheless, the most difficult thing (after tights) is the laces. Few parents can boast that their baby has mastered the "lace" science quickly and without problems. Perhaps, a toy lacing in the form of a boot will help you in this difficult matter. It is very important at the age of two to three years. Surprisingly, even the most inveterate capricious and reluctant to lace up toy boots with pleasure. And there it is already a stone's throw to your own sneakers.

6. Pyramid on a string: I will collect the pyramid, I will surprise all my relatives

For children from 1.5up to 3 years

Yes, the classic pyramid can also be made as a toy - lacing for children. Instead of a rigid rod (by the way, this central rod is often a dangerous and traumatic thing), the “rope” pyramid uses a flexible cord with a fixed locking element at one end. Such children's toys retain all the advantages of the usual ones, plus - tiny fingers should especially try to thread the cords through the hole. This means that motor skills are developing especially intensively.

7. Constructors with laces: we either construct or lace ...

For children from3 years

In fact, it doesn't matter what exactly the child does when playing construction sets - developmental lacing toys. The result is important: the baby develops coordination, logic, memory, speech. Constructors "on strings" can be divided into several groups:

Constructors on the principle of "1 + 1": an apple or a fungus must be laced to the hedgehog's back so that the prey does not fall, so that the daily hedgehog will bring the treat to his hedgehogs. Constructors from the same category: a butterfly is laced to a flower, a dress to a doll. Isn't it a wonderful toy?

Composition constructor. The task becomes more complicated: several elements must be laced in a certain order. For example, a hood, fenders, headlights are attached to the body of a car ... Or a whole still life is created: fish are swimming in the river, a tree is leaning on the bank, the sun is shining in the sky.

8. Draw a picture for mom with colorful laces!

For children from3 years

Indeed, wonderful things: drawing with lacing ... A bit like embroidery, but instead of a hoop there is a wooden plate with holes, where multicolored threads are threaded. Spatial thinking, fine motor skills are trained, creativity develops. Recommended for children over three years old.

9. Magic Gigo-thread

For children from4 to 7 years old

To create really good ones requires the efforts of a whole company of serious people - creative, loving and knowing their job. As was the case with the development of the game "The Magic Thread of Guigo". Gigo has already won prestigious awards for the development of intelligent building blocks. - another success. And not only from the point of view of teachers and child psychologists, young players also like the lace-up toy from Gigo. Firstly, you can play Magic Thread together with your friends, secondly, the game is very flexible and allows you to come up with your own rules, and thirdly, it’s just fun to play! This 144-piece set includes 16 schematic cards, multi-colored rods and cords. The winner is the one who completes the circuit faster (the game is recommended for children over four years old).

Olga Mikhailova

V early preschool age performing simple exercises is the key to complete child development... A number of studies show that most children experience motor retardation. Researchers associate this with the improvement of the scientific and technical process, the increasing mechanization of human labor. Nowadays, most of the operations for us are performed by machines, which cannot but affect our lives.

Training thin finger movement is very important... It will have a stimulating effect on the overall child development, will contribute correction and prevention of violations in the development of the child's speech.

Games lacing is aimed at thinning finger movements... Fingers and hands become flexible, mobility, stiffness disappears movements... Also during games develop an eye, attention, perseverance.

Child 1, 5-2 years old you need to work with an adult. An adult guides the lace into the desired hole - the baby pulls it out.

You will be able to cope with the task on your own. child over 2 years old... It is imperative to make a knot on the lace or put on a stopper so that the lace does not jump out through the hole. During games are formed and concepts are fixed - up, down, right, left, obliquely. Shouldn't be rushed baby- for him to hit the hole with a lace is not an easy task.

Currently in stores developing toys a sufficient assortment of various lacing games. Along with shop samples of lacing games in kindergarten, we use homemade samples.

We offer you a lacing option,

suitable for games. Think about what the laces look like? Well, of course, for worms. Our worm laces will make holes

in the most suitable for them food: in leaves and apples. Plus a bright long lace, and your educational game is ready!

Better to start with the magical appearance of the worm lace. Sing to the little one rhyme:

One, two, three, four, five. The little worm went for a walk through the trees, over the bushes, over the blades of grass, over the leaves.

Your little worm-string can play peek-a-boo with your baby, tickle your palm. And then the little worm found one leaf, ate it; "Om-Nom-nom!" And looked out from the other side leaf: "Ku-ku!" These two favorite exclamations will not leave your little one indifferent. Further you suggest to kid feed the worm yourself and see how it looks from the other side. Along the way, you ask the kid himself and voice the actions of the worm. This way you will stimulate child's speech development, fine motor skills. And how much pleasure your baby will receive, and you yourself, seeing his joy and realizing that the reason for this is precisely your efforts!

You can make a lacing game yourself. It is not difficult to make it, and plus you will adapt it to the interests of your baby... You will need colored cardboard, tape and a hole punch. Cut out two identical halves, laminate with tape and punch a hole around the edges. In addition to colored cardboard, you can use thick, hygroscopic, household napkins, felt, flexics, porous rubber.

Every mother wants her child to develop harmoniously, and developing toys help in this. They can be very different, but their main task is to help the baby learn new skills and develop existing ones. If you have a child, then offer him lacing games.

What are these games?

The lacing game is a base in which holes are made: through them the child must thread the laces. The toy can be firm or elastic, and the laces can be multi-colored and have different lengths and thicknesses. The easiest option is a base and a few hard-tipped ropes that can be passed in different ways. A more complex lacing game is a panel with laces and additional elements that can be strung in different variations to create patterns and compositions.

There are different lacing games: the simplest ones can be offered to babies from 1-1.5 years old, the more complex ones are designed for children 3-4 years old. There are models for boys and girls, but they usually differ only in appearance: shades, patterns. Lacing can be performed in the form of animal figures, any objects, fruits, berries, insects, and so on.


Why are lacing games useful for a small child? They help the baby to develop in different directions:

  1. Regular training in fine motor skills allows you to develop your speech.
  2. By playing these games, the child will be able to learn how to tie shoelaces, and without any problems. And the process will be interesting and exciting.
  3. Lacing develops logical thinking, because the baby needs to think about which hole to thread the lace into.
  4. Fantasy can also be used if the game is complex and has several laces and removable parts: the child will come up with new combinations, create patterns.
  5. Lace-up games promote dexterity.
  6. Lacing exercises improve coordination, as the child has to thread the strings from the inside and out, getting the tips into the narrow holes.
  7. This is an excellent training for sight and eye.
  8. Such games increase concentration and develop perseverance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of lacing games:

  • They are simple, but at the same time useful and provide harmonious and versatile development.
  • The bright shapes attract the little ones, so it is interesting for them to play.
  • Security. Usually lace-up games are made from natural environmentally friendly materials, therefore they are absolutely harmless. There is little risk of parts being swallowed as toddler models usually have large parts.
  • Relatively low price. Lace-up games are usually much cheaper than other educational toys.
  • If desired, the toy can be made by hand.


  • If a child plays with lacing all the time or sees it every day, he will quickly lose interest in it.
  • At first, the child may be nervous and capricious in case of failure. But after a few workouts, he will make his first successes and will certainly get involved in the game.
  • Lacing is hardly suitable for hyperactive children, as it requires perseverance and patience.

How to play correctly?

It is very easy to play lacing games, but in order for them to be as useful as possible, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Play with your child: direct his actions, show examples, encourage, delve into the process.
  2. Although the laces are safe, you shouldn't leave your child unattended.
  3. So that the baby does not lose interest in lacing, do not store it with other toys, but put it away and take it out before class. And so that the game does not get bored, you should not offer it every day, you can do it every other day or several times a week, alternating with other entertainments.
  4. If the child is not yet interested in lacing games, the time has probably not come yet. Set them aside and offer in a month or so.
  5. Purchase several models and alternate them so that the baby is interested, and he takes new actions and masters new skills.
  6. A small child is unlikely to be able to play for more than ten minutes, but this will be more than enough. But older children will be able to study longer.
  7. Do not force the baby to play if he does not want to do this or is distracted by something else. He himself must show interest.

DIY lacing

The lacing game can be made by hand. This will require Internet access, a color printer, wide tape, thick cardboard or a sheet of plywood, a pencil, glue, scissors or a stationery knife, a hole punch, as well as laces (preferably in different colors).


  1. Find a ready-made lacing pattern on the Internet and print the image on a color printer.
  2. Cut out the picture, circle it on cardboard or plywood, use large scissors or a utility knife to make a base blank. It is advisable to sand the edges of the plywood so that they are not sharp.
  3. Glue the image onto a solid base.
  4. Laminate the workpiece by gluing it with wide transparent tape.
  5. Make holes in the marked places using a hole punch. If not, an awl or scissors will do.
  6. The lacing game is ready! But if you wish, you can supplement it with small bright details, in which you also need to make holes.

Be sure to purchase an interesting and useful lacing game for your baby or make it yourself.

Mom, I've read a lot about the benefits of lacing for the development of a child, maybe someone will also be interested ... I share information

Today, most modern children have a general motor lag, especially in urban children. Remember, now even kindergartens are asked to bring Velcro shoes so that educators do not take the trouble of teaching a child to tie shoelaces. Even 20 years ago, parents, and together with them and children, had to do more with their hands: sort out cereals, wash clothes, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for each lesson.
A consequence of the poor development of general motor skills, and in particular of the hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. The relationship between the development of fine hand movements and speech was noticed back in the last century by Maria Montessori, and before her - by Seguin. That is, we can conclude that if not everything is in order with speech, this is probably a problem with motor skills.

However, even if the child's speech is normal, this does not mean at all that the child is good at handling his hands. If at the age of 4-5 years tying shoelaces causes difficulties for a child, and nothing is molded from plasticine except balls and sausages, if at 6 years old sewing on a real button is an impossible and dangerous task - then your child is no exception.

Unfortunately, most parents find out about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills only before school. This turns into a forced load on the child: in addition to assimilating new information, you also have to learn to hold a pencil in your naughty fingers.
Developmental games with a child should not be treated as corrective activity, correcting something, this is an interesting and enjoyable activity that meets the basic needs of the child. The game gives the kid his first victories that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Therefore, if your collection of toys does not yet have lacing, then we strongly recommend purchasing one! The lacing game will help develop fine motor skills, eyes, perseverance. The game helps to improve coordination of movements, flexibility of the hand and looseness of movements in general, which is the key to the absence of problems with writing at school. Like any exercise for the development of fine motor skills, the toy activates the development of speech.

For older children (3-4 years old) there are plot lacing. The child is offered an "unfinished" picture, to which the missing details need to be laced. During the game, the child will master different lacing methods - just stitches, criss-cross stitches. Teach your baby to put objects on the background, combine holes, thread a lace through them (this can be done both from above and below; you can string an object on a lace and only then lace it), tie bows. Remember that the second part - the work - to lace up the parts - is as difficult if not more difficult than the first.

The game teaches attentiveness and accuracy - every detail has its place, in the process the child will acquire the skills of designing, drawing up ornaments, and will begin to orientate on the plane with greater ease.
Most of the lace-up games are accompanied by guidelines containing diagrams according to which you need to "assemble" a toy, and samples of patterns and ornamental weaves. However, inviting your child to try out their own lacing options will have a positive effect on your little one's creativity.