Sincere feelings - what is sincerity in a relationship? Sincere feelings

The most important thing for every girl is to feel loved. But sooner or later, each of them wonders how to test a guy for feelings. To find out the answer to a question of interest, many girls use all sorts of methods, some of which are better not to be applied in practice.

According to statistics, men are less likely to wonder how to test a girl's feelings. This is primarily due to the fact that men are more confident in themselves. In women, doubts about feelings arise in the following cases:

  • The girl has low self-esteem, she constantly needs proof of love;
  • The acquaintance of a guy and a girl lasts quite a long time, but on his part there are no hints of a more serious relationship;
  • The girl is not sure about the feelings of her boyfriend, and wants to know whether to continue the relationship or end it;
  • In case the guy behaves ambiguously, not showing affection, but also does not break off the relationship.

How to test a young person's feelings

Do you want to know what a man you like is feeling towards you? Look at him as if from the side. Take a closer look at how he treats you, how he shows his feelings. Every little thing matters, for example, he is interested in whether you are warmly dressed, what you ate for breakfast, how are you doing at work or at university. If you are anxious to find out how to test a man for the sincerity of feelings, heed the advice of psychologists.

Show feigned indifference

To find out how a guy feels towards you, act out some coldness and indifference, just don't overdo it! You can do this in the following ways: be late for an appointment, do not call a couple of times at the appointed time, or do not reply to correspondence. If a young man really has sympathy for you, he will want to know the reason for your indifference. But do not forget, each person has his own limit of patience, do not get carried away.

Check how serious his intentions are.

If a guy is in the mood for a long-term relationship, he will not be afraid to introduce you to his friends and parents. Inviting you as a couple to a birthday or wedding is clearly a sign of seriousness.

Take a closer look at how serious the guy is about your love life.

When a young man is attentive to everything that happens in your life, this is a good sign. He will come rushing along when you are suddenly ill, he will come to take you on a business trip, in a word, he will not stand aside during serious events in your life. Sudden surprises also indicate strong feelings for you.

The guy remembers your phone number by heart and all joint memorable dates.

A person remembers only that information that is very important to him. If a young man remembers your favorite color, the date of the first meeting or the moment of the first kiss, then he is not indifferent to you.

The young man does not ignore any change in your appearance.

An excellent sign of the sincerity of male feelings is the increased attention to the girl's appearance. A new item of clothing, a changed hair color are not ignored, and this clearly indicates an increased interest in the girl. Agree, only a man in love pays close attention to any little things related to the subject of his adoration.

Show of jealousy

Male psychology is arranged in such a way that each representative of the strong field feels like an owner in relation to a woman with whom he has a certain relationship. It is difficult to ignore the manifestation of jealousy - the guy's face changes if you turn your gaze to other men.

The combination of some of the listed signs clearly indicates that the young man has tender feelings for you. Show observation, and if you notice that the guy constantly wants to touch you, hug you, you often catch his eyes on yourself - most likely, you will hear a declaration of love in the near future.

How not to test your senses

However, there are a number of actions that should not be used to test a young person's feelings.

Extreme checks

Do not make up stupid tasks, like if you walk on this roof, then you love me. Each person has their own degree of manifestation of love, and not every guy is ready to risk his life in order to prove something to you.

Jealousy check

Another stupid idea how to test the feelings of a man. A young man who is too jealous of his girlfriend is more likely to have a sense of ownership than a trusting relationship with her. Therefore, you should not arrange a "sudden" meeting with an ex-boyfriend, or write love SMS from another number, this is not only stupid, but also dangerous.

Checking by temptation

Many girls try to find out the feelings of a young man with the help of a friend, and in the end they risk being left without a boyfriend and without a girlfriend. Every man is a hunter by nature, and there is always the possibility that he will lead to other prey.

To find out how a man treats you, you do not need to weave cunning intrigues, be sincere in your relationship, and get the same attitude in return. Love is always visible from a distance; truly close people do not need a test of feelings.

When you shouldn't continue your relationship

So, you are dating a guy, or you are just planning to do it, but you do not know how he treats you. If you don't have the time and patience to observe his behavior for a while, but you really want to know, go up and ask directly. You decide whether to be in the unknown or to hear the bitter reality. You can also find out information of interest from mutual friends and acquaintances, let someone be in the know.

A guy has no serious intentions towards you if:

  • When he meets you, he continues to wander around. He feels free and pays attention to all female representatives.
  • The tone of his conversation does not change with your communication, that is, he does not distinguish you from the crowd.
  • The man spends little free time with you. From friends and acquaintances you often hear about his adventures in clubs, but he does not invite you with him.
  • The young man does not give you flowers and nice trinkets.
  • In your presence he devotes too much time to other pretty girls.
  • The guy does not want to communicate with you by correspondence - on social networks or by phone.
  • In a difficult situation, you have to rely only on yourself, your beloved, there is not even a hint of help from the young man.

If you find several matches on the list, do not have any illusions, the young man is absolutely indifferent to you, and he does not plan to start a serious relationship with you. Try to forget about him, and then a really worthy person will appear on your horizon who will love you and provide all kinds of support.

Every woman always wants to know what a young man she likes thinks about her, what feelings he experiences. Sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at it, and everything immediately becomes clear. If the situation does not seem so simple, and you want to use additional methods of testing feelings, be prudent, do not overdo it. Attempts to cause excessive jealousy, seduction by a friend or correspondence on someone else's behalf from a dating site can only harm your relationship. Be honest and sincere with your chosen one and then in return you will receive the same feelings and emotions.

Relationships rarely satisfy partners completely. If someone may lack tenderness or attention, sincerity becomes fundamental for others. It is difficult to rely on a person who constantly carries everything in himself, it is difficult to predict his behavior, find out what he needs and help him.

Perhaps you feel that your partner is hiding something, how to check the sincerity of his feelings? It is unlikely that you have "Polygraph Poligrafich" at your disposal, and therefore you will have to take up the study of the psychology of the opposite sex and learn how to fish out the necessary information from your beloved.

To achieve sincerity, sometimes it is enough to ask directly

Not always, of course, but it works. Ask your guy how he feels about you, what he likes about you and what he lacks. Even the most reserved person in a certain environment is able to open his heart. Don't put pressure on him. Doesn't want to answer - try other methods. Love involves not only honesty, but patience as well. Show this virtue.

Reveal your secrets to him to get rid of the lies

If the guy is silent or is telling you a lie because he is afraid of hurting you, offer to exchange secrets. You will tell him something that no one knows, he will finally be able to open up, because in this case the principle of mutual exchange, widely known in psychology, will work. That is, he will feel obligated to you, and a person always strives to get rid of any obligations as quickly as possible.

Observe his gestures

For a woman who is well versed in men, the question of how to check the sincerity of feelings is not worth it, because by her behavior she will already be able to tell how a person treats her and whether she is hiding something from her. Learn to read with gestures... If he has something to hide, the body will certainly give him away: he will start sweating, movements will become sharp, his eyes will run, avoiding contact with the eyes of the deceived person. To win over and provoke a sincere conversation, make it clear that he has nothing to be afraid of. Take both hands, hold them to your chest and say, looking into your eyes, that you are ready to listen to any truth.

Reality may not be sweet... Are you ready to hear it, or is it better to be blissfully unaware? If you know that your life partner is withdrawn, do not try to force your soul to turn inside out in front of you in one go. The trust in his eyes still needs to be earned, and therefore have patience, do not harass him with unreasonable jealousy, suspecting of treason and all mortal sins, and do not express dissatisfaction constantly, this will negatively affect your relationship.

What is every living person afraid of? To be deceived? To be abandoned? To be abandoned? To be rejected? .. The saddest thing is that this list can go on and on, disregarding the fact that idealistic ideas about the relationship between men and women imply not only well-being and an ideal picture of life, but also presuppose getting the corresponding experience from the lived period of time. from the received emotions, be they at least negative, at least positive.

Even more significant is the fact of not just experienced relationships and disappointments received, but a rational assessment and objective analysis of everything that happens and is done within the given boundaries of the prevailing circumstances.

The only statement, with which, probably, no one will argue, says that there are as many people on Earth, there are so many opinions. Indeed, arguing on the topic of relationships, everyday life, family, values, laws and postulates of a happy life and cloudless relationships, no one has yet given the only correct answer to the question of how to ensure this cloudless life for oneself and what support to enlist during the construction of ideal relationships.

But there are 2 stumbling blocks: firstly, there is no single recipe for happiness common to all people, because every person is absolutely unique. And, secondly, not everyone is able to implement these 100 simple steps and not leave the distance somewhere at the 99th step: after all, changing oneself and starting to live according to the laws of the Universe is a huge and constant work.

What are people afraid of in a relationship?

To the elementary question of what people are afraid of in a relationship, other than those listed about betrayal, disappearance, betrayal, the end of the romance and the warmth of feelings, most said that all this is nothing, compared to how to be lonely.

Often, the relationship ends quickly enough, because they did not carry any meaning and depth, sometimes implying only a sexual short-term subtext. Sometimes it suits both sides. Sometimes it remains just a pleasant flash throughout the life path and is literally erased into dust when a new object appears.

But sometimes such situations leave deep scars in the souls and hearts of people, making them doubt the sincerity of the words spoken about love and tenderness. Women, as more subtly arranged creatures, in such situations suffer more often and more acutely. It is this fear of loneliness and the unquenchable thirst for love that makes you trust what you have said, go hand in hand with the person who in the future often causes acute intolerable pain.

Sincere feelings: how to recognize them?

So how do you recognize a man's sincere feelings? In our time, a declaration of love has lost its original meaning and value of meaning. Sometimes words of love are pronounced with completely different sensations or, on the contrary, without them at all. It is scary to imagine that love confessions have become a way to achieve their own goals, a method of weakening a person's vigilance and objectivity, by achieving selfish ideas and other things.

The most pleasant memories and feelings of people in a lifetime are usually associated with the concepts of friendship, love and mutual relations and affection. How to understand that the relationship that has arisen will really bring only warmth and tenderness? The best way is to just stop and sort out the inner sensations.

1. Observe the person and analyze the possible awkwardness of movements, feelings and embarrassment. Such moments of behavior speak only of sincere awe and emotion in the presence of their chosen one.

2. Assess how much a person is interested in free time, hobbies and social circle of his half.

3. Analyze how often a person independently makes himself felt, takes the initiative to spend time together and leisure.

4. To push a person to an act unusual for him, let it be not a stressful situation, but just an unusual situation.

5. Understand how strongly a person discusses relationships and is open to communication about their development and stability.

6. How does it relate to living together and living together. What is his opinion on this? Reasoning? It is enough just to start a conversation, exchange information, but not force them to act and not issue ultimatums.

7. It is worth understanding how open he is in conversations about his soul mate with his environment and loved ones. Does meeting hide from family (parents, siblings) and friends?

8. How elementary a person is generous with the most common signs of attention.

It is worth evaluating not the strength of passion in a new relationship, but the degree of trust and attitude towards each other. After realizing in advance that it is pointless to waste time with a person who does not plan to connect his future life with you, you can easily avoid loneliness, depression, and broken hearts.

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Do you want to know if your boyfriend is sincere?

Surely you are worried about the question, does he treat you sincerely? Of course, you have your own opinion on this issue. Maybe you believe his beautiful phrases, or maybe, on the contrary, a declaration of love raises doubts about his feelings.

Some girls are sure: if their boyfriend is next to them, sincerity is manifested in this. At the same time, many are repelled by this.

But young people are also different, so it can be very difficult to understand whether a guy treats you sincerely.

Plus, each of these guys wants to be first in everything. Relationships with the opposite sex are no exception.

And one more fact that is negatively perceived by many girls. Even if a guy has a girlfriend, he will still flirt with other girls and stare at pretty women. What to do, that's how men are arranged!

But all of the above facts do not mean that the guy treats you badly. On the contrary, he may even idolize you, but at the same time he does not show it in any way. You should feel it yourself. Sometimes it's helpful to ask a guy how he feels about you. Do not be afraid to hear something unexpected in response. At least that's how you sort out your relationship.

In fact, it is also useful to check the sincerity of the relationship. Do not be lazy, invite his friends to visit, but do not tell the guy anything about it. Let his friends call him and tell him where they are. And then ... Then draw your conclusions: if the guy does not come, then your relationship is unlikely to be as cloudless as it seems at first glance. And if he comes, rejoice! You are a really good couple.

And if you are not a couple, but just friends or remain good acquaintances? How to determine how a young man treats you and whether you have a sincere relationship?

Guys have only male friendships. As for the girls, then, most likely, they do not consider the relationship with them friendship.

But there is always sincerity in relation to "friends". The purpose of "friendship" does not matter here. And it is not worth checking such sincerity.

However, if you still feel like it, try this advice. Talk to your boyfriend alone. Offer him to play the game "You are for me, I am for you." Take turns telling each other your secrets. Perhaps this game will shed light on your relationship. But it is impossible to predict how it will turn out. Therefore, think in advance if you need it.

Sign language. Everything is clear without words

You will not believe, but sometimes you can learn a lot about a person by the way he gestures, what facial expressions he has and in what position he sits when talking to you. Moreover, his words can easily disagree with the so-called body language!

After all, our gestures instantly betray true feelings. Even if we try to hide something, a person who can read sign language will immediately understand it. If you are fluent in sign language, you can accurately guess what a person is thinking at the moment!

Do you want to know how a guy really treats you?

This is not difficult!

How does he feel about you?

To begin with, the sign language is different for guys and girls. For boys, it is not so diverse. So, where girls use about fifty gestures, guys are content with just a few! Therefore, they are easier to understand than us girls.

Take a closer look at him. Does he straighten his clothes, iron or ruffle his hair? This is a good sign! He likes you and subconsciously wants to look his best.

When talking to you, does he move or lean towards you? So he is trying to get closer to you. We've already talked about personal space. Distance between people less than 50 cm during communication is considered a personal contact. This means that the guy is subconsciously trying to get into your field.

Finally, the most important sign is touch. This is a sign of attention or affection. If a young man is trying to inadvertently touch you in a conversation, be sure: he is very interested in you.

Is he cheating on you?

You would give everything in the world to find out whether he is sincere with you or not. You really want to be sure of his words! So watch his hands!

When talking to you, does his hand constantly reach out to his mouth? Chances are he's not being very honest with you. Subconsciously, this gesture suggests that he does not want to utter words that hide deception or half-truths.

It is not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. If a person looks away and then sometimes looks into your eyes, he is trying to deceive you! And he looks into his eyes only to make sure that you believe him.

Suppose you come across an inexperienced liar and your question catches him by surprise. He will start to get nervous, transfer the conversation to another topic, twirl a pencil, eraser or other objects in his hands, mumble ...

But an experienced liar is likely to closely monitor your reaction. He will look you in the eyes, but at the same time he will either blink often or squint them, because it is not easy to create the appearance of an honest look.

Intuition won't let you down!

If you want to understand sign language, develop your intuition! Observe people often and analyze their behavior. You will immediately see patterns that are common to almost everyone.

Even if the person you are talking to does not often use facial expressions or gestures, you can still understand what he really thinks. So, if the interlocutor is afraid of you, he will keep his distance and erect barriers. It could be a matchbox turret or a bag lying between you.

A person who has a negative attitude towards you always keeps their hands crossed or clasped. It is also a signal of closeness and self-doubt. Perhaps your interlocutor is simply unpleasant about your conversation and he is experiencing internal stress.

But how can you tell if you've interpreted sign language correctly? Elementary: turn on the TV without sound and watch the dialogue on the screen. First of all, look at facial expressions and gestures. Try to understand what these people are talking about and who is in what position. After ten minutes, turn on the sound and check if you have correctly assessed the situation.

By the way, the easiest way to train is on feature films. The actors who act in them try to convey emotions not only with words, but also with gestures. So the impression is amplified many times over.

But programs on political topics or those where journalists participate are much more difficult for analysis! After all, both politicians and journalists try to hide their emotions. They specifically learn not to betray their true feelings. Therefore, if you can learn to guess what they think, you are a major expert in the field of knowledge of sign language!

Don't get carried away!

And yet remember that everything is good in moderation. The ability to read gestures is a good help in guessing the true intentions of people. But you cannot be one hundred percent sure that you have correctly defined how you are treated!

So, if during a conversation with you the interlocutor is nervous, do not immediately conclude that he is lying. Maybe he just thinks about his problems, and you take it personally!

Knowing your body language gives you another opportunity to be sure what your interlocutor's intentions are. Only in this case, trust, but verify! Maybe your interlocutor, who constantly reaches for his mouth, is not lying to you, but is trying to understand whether a sore from a cold has healed on his lip!