How a newborn should spit up. Regurgitation in newborns after feeding causes. Milk flow too fast

Spitting up in newborns, sometimes called physiologic or uncomplicated reflux, is common in infants and is usually (but not always) normal.

Most young children occasionally spit up because their digestive systems are immature, which encourages the return of stomach contents into the esophagus.

Many newborns and babies regurgitate some of their breast milk or formula during or shortly after feeding. Some crumbs spit up only occasionally, while others - after each feeding.

While the child is growing, gains weight well, and regurgitation is not accompanied by pain or discomfort, there is no cause for concern.

The baby often spits up after feeding when he is getting a lot of milk in a short period of time. This happens when the baby is sucking very fast and forcefully, or when the mother's breasts are full.

When a child is often distracted (pulls the breast to look around) or fusses about the breast, he swallows air and therefore will spit up more often. Some babies spit up more when their teeth are teething, crawling, or eating solid foods.

  • the child spits up curdled milk immediately after eating. But it happens that the baby spits up and an hour after feeding;
  • half of all children under 3 months spit up at least once a day;
  • regurgitation usually peaks at 2 to 4 months;
  • many children outgrow this condition by 7 to 8 months;
  • most babies stop spitting up at 12 months.

When a baby spits up milk, this is not yet a cause for concern. The fact that the crumb spits up a curdled mass is explained by the action of an enzyme that is contained in the juice of the stomach. The enzyme is responsible for preparing food for the next stages of digestion.

Why does the child often spit up?

This is a common reason why a baby spits up. Mother's milk changes in consistency and composition during feeding.

Milk is more watery and lactose-rich in the beginning. Later, the milk becomes fatter and more nutritious. Accordingly, while the baby is eating, the amount of fat in breast milk also increases.

It is possible that the baby is constantly spitting up as it receives more front milk.

This can happen if a nursing mother takes too long a break between feedings and the amount of foremilk in the mammary glands increases.

Milk flow too fast

Children's stomachs are small and fill up quickly. If breast milk is coming in too quickly, the baby should be weaned almost every 5 minutes to get rid of the air absorbed during the rushed suckling.

Immature digestive system

A newborn often spits up because the esophageal sphincter does not close completely after the stomach is full. This is due to the infant's immature digestive system. Because of this, the child spits up.

Allergic reaction

If the baby spits up frequently, the baby may be allergic to the presence of wheat or cow protein in the mother's milk. The baby will also have symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, frequent gas, and a rash around the anus.

Features of the character of the baby

A fussy baby at the breast swallows a lot of air, which is why the baby spits up breast milk.

Periods of development

At certain times, for example, when teeth are teething, children learn to crawl or start eating solid food, the child spits up a lot after feeding.

Incorrectly selected mixture

This is a possible reason why a baby spits up after formula feeding. There are times when your chosen artificial formula is not suitable for your baby.

Why does the child vomit like a fountain?

If a child vomits a lot and often with a fountain, he may have the following conditions that require medical supervision.

If a child spits up like a fountain, they may have a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


  • frequent regurgitation or vomiting;
  • discomfort with regurgitation.

It happens that the child does not spit up in the full sense of the word, but a quiet reflux occurs. This is a phenomenon in which the contents of the stomach only reach the esophagus and then swallowed again, causing pain.

Signs of severe reflux:

  • the child cries a lot during feeding, it is impossible to calm him down;
  • poor weight gain or loss;
  • refusal to eat;
  • difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, chronic nasal congestion, chronic ear infections;
  • spitting up yellow or bloody.

Research has shown that breastfed babies have less severe reflux episodes than formula-fed babies. The baby spits up the formula more often than the mother's milk, since human milk is easier to digest and leaves the baby's stomach twice as fast. The less time milk spends in the stomach, the less chance it has to get back into the esophagus. Any delay in emptying the stomach can make reflux worse.

Pyloric stenosis

A condition in which the muscles in the fundus of the stomach thicken and prevent food from passing into the small intestine. Fountain regurgitation in newborns in combination with underweight are clear signs of pyloric stenosis.

And it affects more boys than girls. This usually occurs in babies at about 1 month of age. Pyloric stenosis requires surgical correction.

Bowel obstruction

If there are green bile impurities in the baby's regurgitation, this is one sign of a blockage in the intestines that will require an emergency room visit, a scan, and possibly emergency surgery.

Disorders of the central nervous system

Disorders of the central nervous system are also the answer to the question of why a newborn spits up like a fountain.

Rotaviruses are the main cause of gushing spitting up in infants and young children, whose symptoms often progress to diarrhea and fever.

Rotavirus is one of the viral causes of gastroenteritis, but other types of viruses such as noroviruses, enteroviruses, and adenoviruses can also cause this condition.

Sometimes infections outside the gastrointestinal tract cause gushing spitting up. These are infections of the respiratory system, ear infections, and urinary tract infections.

Some of these conditions require immediate medical attention. Therefore, be vigilant regardless of your child's age and call your pediatrician. if there are:

  • blood or bile in vomit and regurgitated masses;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • persistent repetitive gushing regurgitation;
  • bloated or visually enlarged belly;
  • lethargy or severe irritability of the baby;
  • convulsions;
  • signs or symptoms of dehydration - dry mouth, lack of tears, retraction of the fontanelle, and decreased urination;
  • prolonged vomiting for more than 24 hours in a row.

Sometimes spitting up with a fountain does not mean the presence of pathology, but if a child spits up with a fountain every day after feedings, you should consult a specialist.

What if the baby spits up?

  1. If the baby spits up frequently, change the feeding position to a more upright position. Gravity will play a role in retaining milk in the stomach if the infant is held upright for about half an hour after feeding.
  2. Avoid any vigorous activity immediately after eating. This can lead to the baby spitting up.
  3. Provide a calm and relaxed atmosphere during feeding. Don't leave your baby very hungry before you feed him. A hungry and anxious baby may swallow a lot of air, increasing the chances of breast milk reflux.
  4. Feed your baby in small portions, but more often, to avoid tummy overflow.
  5. Avoid overfeeding your baby.
  6. Have the child burp as often as possible to get rid of air that may be absorbed with food. If you don't see a burp after a few minutes, don't be alarmed. Your baby may not need this.
  7. The child should be put to sleep on its side or on its back, not on its stomach. If your baby spits up during sleep, keep your head elevated.
  8. Don't put pressure on your stomach. Loosen any tight clothing, do not put the child on his stomach with his belly on your shoulder so that he can burp.
  9. Eliminate certain foods from your diet to see if frequent spitting up is resolved.

When does the child stop spitting up?

Parents are often interested in the question, up to how many months does the child spit up? When all the elements of the digestive system develop and become stronger, the baby will be able to keep food in the stomach, regurgitation will stop.

Most babies stop spitting up at about 6 or 7 months or when they learn to sit up on their own. But some of them will regurgitate for up to a year.

If the baby spits up a lot, but generally feels well, no special treatment is required other than the feeding methods mentioned.

Frequent spitting up in newborns is a process that almost any mother can handle. But in some cases, treatment is necessary.

If the child is constantly spitting up or the amount, smell and color of spitting up have changed, contact a specialist. First of all, visit your pediatrician. Then he can refer to a gastroenterologist, neurologist, surgeon.

Do not delay a visit to the doctor if the child spits up violently, and then screams or wriggles. This behavior may mean that the baby's esophagus is irritated.

Increased attention is required if regurgitation looks like a fountain, occurs after each feeding, or looks like vomiting and afterwards the body temperature rises.

Do not risk in vain, show your child to a specialist.

Spitting up after a year is a wake-up call. At this time, this unpleasant process should have already stopped. Otherwise, it indicates a pathology in the child's body, the nature of which can only be determined by doctors.

Sometimes regurgitation is so frequent that the child does not gain as much body weight as necessary. This is much more important and may require special tests and more proactive treatment. If testing confirms gastroesophageal reflux, treatment may include gentle feeding practices and possibly medications.

Some medicines, such as Ranitidine, help neutralize stomach acids and protect the sensitive lining of the esophagus, which is exposed to stomach acid due to regurgitation. Others, such as omeprazole or lansoprazole, stimulate the stomach to move food faster into the intestines.

Spitting up in a child is one of the most important and sometimes confusing problems that you will face as a parent. The recommendations in this article are general and apply to infants in general. Remember that your child is unique and may have special needs. If you have questions, ask your pediatrician to help find answers that are specific to your baby.

Spitting up a baby after breastfeeding is a situation that worries every mother. Are there any reasons for concern? How to determine the cause of regurgitation? What to do to eliminate regurgitation?

Find out today.

In the meantime, a little background ...

Baby is 1.5 months old. Delivery on time, but there was hypoxia. Recently, she began to regurgitate a lot, more often after breastfeeding.

This greatly interferes with the restful sleep of the baby. After all, instead of relaxing and falling asleep after feeding, she spits up, worries, cries.

A soothing collection can be added to the bath when bathing (buy at the pharmacy, brew and add to the bath).

Each method can be applied separately. Better all at once in the aggregate. Apply within a week, and see how the situation with regurgitation changes.

By the way, the mother of the girl, whose story I told you at the beginning, literally a week later wrote the following letter:

Lyudmila, good evening!

Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. And for advice about an osteopath. We have already gone 2 times, the improvements are evident. It turns out that these are the consequences of hypoxia, so there were a lot of regurgitation.

Try it, look for your own way to cope with regurgitation in your baby after breastfeeding.

Ask your questions in the comments.

Ludmila Sharova, breastfeeding and childcare consultant.

Regurgitation in newborns

Regurgitation in newborns and infants is a normal and even necessary physiological phenomenon. Meanwhile, the reasons why a child spits up are different. Some of them are worth seeking the help of a pediatrician.

In most cases, newborns and babies spit up in a completely safe,
natural reasons. Completely "cure" babies from regurgitation
you can not. However, it is in your power, if you wish, to slightly reduce the intensity
and the frequency of "spitting".

Regurgitation in newborns and infants: the main causes

To understand why the child spits up, and to distinguish the physiological norm from a potentially dangerous situation, it is necessary to delve into some of the details of the process as such. In itself, regurgitation in babies is an involuntary throwing of stomach contents into the esophagus and above, into the baby's mouth. And accordingly - spitting out food. The child spits up "on the sly" or literally gushes - it depends on the force with which the walls of the stomach push out the food.

About 80% of all children in the first six months of life "feel sick" every day. But how much, how often and when exactly each of them spits up depends on many factors on an individual basis: on the degree of maturity, on birth weight, on the dynamics of weight gain, as well as on how strong the mother's desire is to “feed always, feed everywhere. " Already from the moment of birth, mom, dad and other relatives should understand that the principle "as much as you fit, so much is useful" rather harms the health and comfort of the child than contributes to his growth and well-being.

There may be several reasons why a child spits up the eaten milk or formula:

  • The kid eats more than he is able to digest and "hold" in the stomach. Many pediatricians believe that overfeeding and the “on demand” breastfeeding style is the main reason for frequent regurgitation, as well as the reason that the baby spits up a fountain.
  • Cardiac part of the baby's stomach(that is, that part of the stomach that is directly behind the esophagus) in the first six months of a baby's life not perfect yet... Namely, in children after six months and in adults, the border between the esophagus and the cardiac part of the stomach is a special cardiac sphincter, which, by contracting, does not allow food to be thrown back into the esophagus. So in the first months of a baby's life, this sphincter is not yet developed.
  • Dissonance between the pharynx and intestinal motility. During the meal, the newborn usually sucks milk or formula 3-5 times in series. And between these series, the baby pauses, during which he swallows what he managed to suck. Breast milk and formula are simple, liquid foods that reach the infant's intestines very quickly. As soon as "food" enters the intestines, peristaltic waves arise, during which the fundus of the stomach is strongly strained and the pressure in it rises slightly. This pressure creates an impetus for the food in the stomach to "hurry" out.
  • Excessive Gas and Colic in Newborns are also the cause of regurgitation. Air bubbles press on the walls of the stomach and intestines, thereby causing pressure, which provokes the spitting out of food.
  • "All troubles are from nerves." With a high activity of the nervous system in newborns and infants, such a phenomenon as stretching the walls of the stomach is often observed, in which regurgitation is the most common symptom. However, this reason is too rare and "medical" for parents to go into it and try to "see" it on their own.

It is not so much important why the child spits up, but how he gains weight at the same time.

Mom, dad and other household members of a newborn baby should first of all worry not about why and how the child spits up (this problem is always secondary!), But above all - the dynamics of the baby's weight.

If the baby is steadily gaining weight, then no matter how much and how often he regurgitates food debris, this is considered a safe and physiological norm - his gastrointestinal tract system is formed, and regurgitation in this case is not considered a negative symptom. If the baby does not gain the prescribed weight, and even more so - loses it, only in this case it is worth sounding the alarm and rushing to the doctor for advice, informing him in detail - how often, how much and when exactly the child spits up.

If the weight of the child is normal, and also if he is cheerful, smiling, sleeps well, and so on, then the very phenomenon of regurgitation is not a problem of the baby's health, it is a problem of the mother, who, seeing that the child spits out food, is completely beyond any then the grounds are unnecessarily worried.

Let's repeat - it makes no sense to worry and panic because the baby is spitting up, as well as trying to figure out why the baby is spitting up, if the baby is gaining weight well. And only if the "newborn" kilograms suddenly began to melt - then the phenomenon of regurgitation becomes significant. First of all - for the doctor to whom you are obliged to show the "losing weight" baby.

Why does the child spit up and lose weight at the same time?

When a baby spits up food during the day (a lot, a little, often or rarely - this is not so important) and at the same time not only does not gain weight, but also loses it - regurgitation is no longer considered as a physiological norm, but as an alarming symptom. Symptom of what?

This question will be answered by the doctor to whom you will bring the baby. The most common and common causes of the phenomenon of "regular regurgitation of food plus weight loss" are as follows

  • Abnormal development of the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract system is quite complex in its organization, and not every baby at birth has the organs involved in the process of digesting food, the proper size, shape and are clearly located in their places. Often, something is too small, quite often something is twisted or pinched - there may be a sea of ​​anomalies. The doctor will determine the only one, the very "marriage" in the gastrointestinal tract system, which interferes with eating well and gaining weight.
  • Lactose intolerance. In a nutshell, it is the following: the breast milk of any mammal (including humans) contains a protein - lactose, which is broken down in the stomach by special enzymes - lactase. When this enzyme is not produced in sufficient quantities, or not at all, milk intolerance arises. And, of course, if it is impossible to digest it, the baby will regurgitate it often and in large quantities. And as a result - to lose weight. In this case, the doctor will help you choose a special lactose-free mixture.
  • Infection. In any infectious disease, the gastrointestinal tract system is the first to react to infection. In this case, the color of the regurgitated food in the baby will have a yellow, and more often greenish tint. Due to the fact that milk eructation is mixed with bile. If you notice that your baby is spitting up "green milk" - rush to the doctor with a bullet.

Is it possible to “stop” or reduce regurgitation in children?

Even if we take into account that spitting up in newborns and infants, who are normally gaining in their weight category, is a physiological norm (that is, it is not dangerous and will go away on its own), not every mother will like that all her dresses began to smell like a baby burp.

The question "How to stop or at least reduce spitting up in an infant?" very often sounds in the office of pediatricians. And the first answer to it from the doctors is just to wait.

Babies stop spitting up food leftovers at about the moment when they begin to sit confidently - that is, about 6-7 months of age.

And what can those parents who can't wait to do? Let's make a reservation right away - today there are no safe medicines, means or devices that reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation in children. The maximum that you can ask pharmacists in a pharmacy is a remedy for excessive gas formation. Namely: simethicone-based products, or preparations based on fennel fruits... The amount of gases inside the baby will decrease - the pressure on the stomach walls will also decrease, and, accordingly, the volume of regurgitated food should also decrease.

In addition to the use of "gas mask" means, all other measures to reduce regurgitation should be exclusively organizational and household in nature. Namely:

  • 1 After feeding, carry the newborn and the baby in a "column" for as long as possible - let, pardon me, burst freely: the more he can release the swallowed air, the less "return" milk or formula will then pour out on you.
  • 2 Reduce food volumes for a while. If the baby is breastfeeding: feed less time, but do not reduce the number of feeds per day. If the baby is artificial, then simply reduce the number of grams of ready-made formula that you give per feeding. How much to cut - the doctor will tell you, because this figure strictly depends on how much the child weighs and the dynamics of its addition.
  • 3 When going to bed, doctors advise a newborn baby to swaddle (just do not tighten the legs with a diaper - as a prophylaxis of hip dysplasia in newborns and children under one year old). When the baby is swaddled, his nervous activity calms down - decreases. And along with it, the pressure on the walls of the stomach decreases. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood that the child will spit up during sleep.
  • 4 Lead an active lifestyle - walk with your baby every day and bathe him, wear him in a sling and in a special backpack, if there is even the slightest opportunity - visit the pool, massage and gymnastics courses with him. All this will speed up the process of strengthening the muscles of the baby, including those muscles that are included in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • 5 Before going to bed, give your baby a dummy, or at least let him suck on a thumb - to some extent this is useful. The fact is that in this situation food no longer enters the stomach, but the sucking movements continue to stimulate intestinal activity. As a result, more food gets "under the digestion" of the baby than will be spat out.

The use of pillows and rollers, as well as laying the baby face down on his tummy while sleeping, is highly discouraged. All of these techniques increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome during sleep. How, then, can the baby be laid on its back so that it does not choke on its own belch? Place a flat pillow directly under the mattress so that the baby is lying at an angle of about 30 degrees (of course, the head is higher than the butt). At the same time, from time to time, make sure that the child's head is slightly tilted - to the left or to the right. In this case, even if he spits up (which is unlikely), he will not choke.

Let's summarize

So, if spitting up in an infant does not proceed in parallel with weight loss, then it is considered a normal, safe phenomenon that will go away by itself as soon as the baby grows up. If the child regularly regurgitates the food he eats every day, and at the same time “melts” before our eyes, run to the doctor and find out the reason. There are no medicinal safe remedies for spitting up in newborns and infants. But you can to some extent reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation if you lead an active lifestyle with your baby, often carry him upright, put him to bed properly and make sure that excessive gas formation does not interfere with the child's comfortable existence.

And that's it! The rest will be done by nature itself when the baby grows up and gets stronger.

Why does the child spit up and is it worth worrying about? In most cases, no. However, there are a number of situations where spitting up in newborns may indicate a disease or malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spitting up after feeding is normal.

Causes of regurgitation in babies

A child can spit up for one reason, or for several at once. Up to six months, spitting up in children is considered the norm, and it is due to the peculiar structure of the gastrointestinal tract. The reasons for spitting up in infants up to six months are called physiological. These include:

  • short esophagus;
  • insufficiently pronounced narrowing of the esophagus;
  • the muscular sphincter is not sufficiently developed (the part of the body that regulates the transfer of food from one organ to another);
  • insufficiently formed system of food advancement along the gastrointestinal tract.

When a baby spits up after each breastfeeding, this is also the norm, starting from the age of two months and up to one year.

From four months, the child should spit up no more than once a day. There are a number of reasons that are caused by mistakes in childcare. In these cases, you need to quickly correct the mistakes and then the regurgitation will stop. These reasons include:

  1. Swallowing air with food. Occurs when a baby is not sucking properly: does not fully cover the nipple or breast with his lips, eats in the wrong position, a bad nipple is picked up, the cap of the bottle is not twisted enough. To avoid these reasons, you need to ensure that the baby completely encircles the mother's nipple, so that his bottle is always tightly closed, and there is nothing in it except the mixture.
  2. Binge eating. Another common reason. Feeding the baby on demand, rather than on schedule, can lead to this. Such experiments should be stopped immediately.
  3. Colic and flatulence. Gas bubbles press on the walls of the stomach and intestines, causing food rejection.
  4. Breast milk intolerance. A rare cause caused by poor maternal nutrition. In this case, you need to go to the doctor, they are prescribed a suitable mixture.
  5. Excessive activity. Do not touch the child immediately after he has eaten.

Physiological regurgitation after feeding

Regurgitation types

There are several of them. All of them are caused by different reasons, some indicate the danger of diseases, and some are natural for the baby's body. It is better to know each of them in more detail, because a nursing infant can pass from one species to another. Such a transition can be caused by both natural and dangerous changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spitting up "fountain"

This type of regurgitation is very dangerous. If a mother notices this with her baby, she should immediately consult a doctor. It is believed that the baby can be injured or even fatal (it can simply drown). By the way, Komarovsky denies the danger of even such types of regurgitation, arguing that the child is able to choke only if he lies supine. One way or another, only a specialist can help in such cases. The reasons for spitting up a fountain include:

  • serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • birth trauma;
  • poisoning or infection.
  • dysphagia (indigestion).

Spitting up as a fountain is dangerous for a baby.

Spitting up through the nose

It also happens that a newborn spits up through the nose. This is also not the norm. This type of regurgitation leads to the development of polyps. The integrity of the nasal mucous membranes is impaired. In order to help a newborn, you need to consult a doctor.

Spitting up through the nose is often caused by inappropriate feeding. It is necessary to ensure that the child eats in the correct position and exactly according to the clock, correctly wraps around the nipple. In order to help the baby, you can put him on your stomach, or do a special massage. This will help the baby to stop hiccupping.

How to reduce spitting up in a child after eating

The easiest thing to do is just wait. A newborn should stop burping at the age of six months. There is no way to stop this process artificially - there are no universal medicines for regurgitation. All that a mother can do for her child is to try to reduce this process, to make it painless. For this, there are a number of specific measures, especially those that should be taken into account by mothers whose children are restless both day and night.

  • Don't feed your baby too much. Meals should be balanced and consistent with the schedule.
  • It is not recommended to feed the baby in a horizontal position. A sixty-degree angle is ideal.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the baby completely encircles the nipple. When IV it is important to monitor the quality of the mixture and the correct filling of the bottle.
  • While eating, it is necessary to monitor the baby's posture, his head should be located above the body.
  • Before feeding, you can give your baby a gentle abdominal massage. You can let the child lie on his stomach for a while, this will reduce gas formation and colic.
  • After feeding, the child is carried in the arms in an upright position until he regurgitates.
  • You can put several diapers under the baby's head during sleep, thereby raising his head and making it easier to regurgitate.
  • The milk mixture should be warm. You need to feed your baby at the same time. It is necessary to ensure that the mixture does not turn out to be curtailed, do not heat it for too long.
  • Don't feed a crying baby. You should give up activity after eating.
  • You can give your baby a dummy before bedtime, this slightly relieves colic by stimulating the bowels.

Correct position during feeding

Massage before feeding

Light massage should be done before meals all the time. This takes about five minutes. First, the belly is stroked with light soothing movements, while during the massage the area of ​​the right hypochondrium should not be touched, there, the baby has a liver. Then they make slightly pressing movements with their hands from right to left. The following movements are done from top to bottom along the central part of the abdomen. Then one hand is left on the stomach, and the other is stroked first on the left, then on the right side.

Now stroking with one hand downward and the other upward at the same time. Then the baby's tummy is stroked in a circle. First with one hand, then with two hands. You can massage the child and "P" -shaped movements. First, from bottom to top, then from left to right, then from top to bottom, and so on.

The massage itself should be done in a clockwise direction. For each movement, you need to spend about 1.5 minutes.

Massage before feeding - lie on your tummy

How to behave after feeding

The fact that a child will burp after eating is completely inevitable. So you gave the child something to eat. The regurgitation should occur after about twenty minutes. After this happens, change your baby's clothes. Calm the child down, let him lie on his side for a while. If hiccups start, boiled water in a small amount will help. If there is a rise in temperature or the discarded milk has a strange color, you need to call a doctor.

Hold your baby upright after feeding

Causes of pathological regurgitation

These include gastrointestinal diseases, infections, poisoning, trauma, and others. In general, the causes of pathological regurgitation are presented by a list based on the microbiology:

  • developmental delay;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • colic or flatulence;
  • constipation, dysbiosis;
  • abnormal development of the stomach;
  • neurological abnormalities.

It is about such pathologies that we can talk about when it comes to frequent, profuse, and strong regurgitation in children. Now in more detail.

Digestive disorders

  • Dysbiosis can cause spitting up at an early age. It can be caused by antibiotics, or poor nutrition of the baby. As a result, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, an imbalance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms occurs.
  • Various infections are accompanied by fever, lethargy, anxiety, diarrhea, and severe colic. In the rejected masses, mucus impurities may be observed.
  • Food allergy when it comes to IW is caused by cow's milk protein. In this case, the baby serum must be replaced with another one. If the baby is on HB, then the mother needs to better monitor her diet.
  • Lactase deficiency is caused by a deficiency of lactase in the child's body. In such a situation, doctors prescribe special mixtures and vitamins to the child.
  • Flatulence and constipation. Can be avoided when it comes to GW. The mother just needs to exclude everything sweet and gas-forming from her diet.

Digestive disorders - causes of regurgitation

Congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Pyloric stenosis. Narrowing of the passage between the stomach and part of the intestine, leading to stagnation of food. As a result, the child begins to spit up for the first two weeks simply profusely, then with a fountain and after a while vomiting begins. The mass spit up by a child often has a curd consistency. Pathology belongs to the dangerous group and the child needs inpatient treatment.
  • Pylorospasm. The same narrowing as in pyloric stenosis, but caused by a spasm of the pylorus muscles. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, switch to the mixtures and additional drugs prescribed by him.
  • Expansion of the sphincter. The opening between the stomach and the esophagus is too wide. The doctor prescribes vitamins and calcium, additional drugs. Food is taken in fractional portions. It is permissible to eat a small amount of cottage cheese.

The structure of the esophagus and stomach in a baby


  • The child was born prematurely. In such children, the sphincter is less developed, in which case the child will continue to regurgitate up to six months, until he catches up with his peers in the development of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pathologies formed during intrauterine development. These are disorders of the central nervous system, sleep disorders, increased intracranial pressure, high excitability of the vomiting center, and more.
  • Injuries in the cervical spine. The child could have been injured during childbirth, proceeding with complications. Treatment here is prescribed by a neurologist, this is a special massage, physiotherapy, medications.

What tests are needed if there is concern?

In order to make sure that regurgitation is not dangerous in nature, it is necessary to undergo the following examinations: X-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests and stool analysis. All of these procedures are prescribed by a neurologist or pediatrician. In some cases, other tests may be necessary.

Any breastfeeding woman has faced such a problem when a newborn baby for one reason or another begins to regurgitate milk after breastfeeding, and in the case when the child is on artificial feeding, then after using the formula. Most often, this is a normal and natural phenomenon in the process of a baby's growth, which does not bother much and with which the child will soon, developing physiologically, cope on its own.

In special cases, regurgitation acts as a factor in the disease that develops in the baby's body. In this case, only a pediatrician can establish the disease. Of course, every parent worries about the reasons why the newborn begins to regurgitate food. In order to understand the reasons for this process, you should carefully review the information about this phenomenon.

Regurgitation is the process of ejection of milk from the stomach through the mouth. Is it normal for the baby to regurgitate the milk it has received? In fact, this is not always correct..

Why does a newborn spit up after feeding?

Why does spitting up like a fountain occur?

This kind of regurgitation of substances can significantly alert a young mother. Factors of such regurgitation can be:

How to determine the cause of regurgitation?

At the time when the child begins to regurgitate the received mother's milk, you need to carefully examine the spot. If the baby vomits milk rolled up or the mass is more like cottage cheese, then you don't have to worry anymore. It's not vomiting at all. Pour a teaspoon of water near the spot and if the spots match in size, then everything is in order with the baby. It is only necessary to show special concern and go to a specialist when the baby spits up profusely enough.

Why does my baby spit up after formula feeding?

If the baby begins to spit up after the mixture, then the factors may be the same as in children when feeding with breast milk.

First aid for babies and prevention

If the regurgitation process begins at that moment when the child lies on his back, there is a high probability of blockage of the baby's airways and the subsequent occurrence of pneumonia. In order to prevent the child from getting sick, you should immediately turn the baby over on his stomach or take him into your arms. So the baby can completely get rid of food leftovers.

In order for the child's bowel function to stabilize, he should be given Motilium, and for spasms - Riabal. But these remedies it is worth using only after consulting a doctor, therapist, because you cannot 100% know what is the reason for regurgitation of food.

Preventive actions

If the child spits up food too often, then you should remember a few actions that have been tested by the rest of the parents and that can help save the baby from the possibility of regurgitation.

When should you go to the doctor?

Spitting up is an action that any caring parent can prevent. But sometimes help from a doctor is still needed.

In the case when the baby spits up all the time or the mass, which can be noticed after the regurgitation process, has changed its volume, color and smell, then you should go for help to professionals. From the very beginning, you should visit the pediatrician. After a thorough examination, he may refer you to a surgeon, neurologist, or gastroenterologist.

Also, one should not wait too long with a visit to specialists, when the baby spits up too abundantly, and then begins to scream or bend. This behavior can mean that the baby's walls in the esophagus are inflamed.

A special inspection must be performed if regurgitation occurs in the form of a fountain, you need to check the temperature readings after regurgitation or inspect the stain. It would be best to show the baby to the doctor, and not take risks just like that.

Spitting up after the baby is one year old should also be considered abnormal by the parents. By this age, this process should go away automatically. Otherwise, this may mean that pathological processes are operating inside the baby's body, the nature and occurrence of which only specialists can understand.

What does the normal regurgitation process look like?

Why does the child start to spit up after every meal?

The birth of a baby Is a happy event for every family and parents. Moments of euphoria and happiness are quickly replaced by concern for a small child: how to properly care for him, how to protect him from various diseases, what to take for treatment?

Many people know that the time from birth to one year of a baby is considered the most difficult. During this period of time, the baby's body is actively growing and adapting to new conditions, the process of work of all organs and systems in the baby's body is getting better. Most of the problems and difficulties can occur with the gastrointestinal tract. According to the confirmed information, 70% of children under the age of one year experience difficulties in the process of bowel function.

Most often, parents are faced with such a problem when the child begins to actively regurgitate after each feeding.

Regurgitation can be caused by both physiological and biological factors. If physiological factors are considered quite harmless, then with biological ones everything is not so simple. The fact is that babies under one year old have a completely different structure of the digestive tract. In newborns, the esophagus is noticeably short and not closed to the maximum. In addition, they have a small spindle-shaped stomach volume and an insufficiently developed fermentation mechanism, which means that the baby is able to spit up after any feeding.

It is worth paying attention to some signs of regurgitation: