How a well-mannered girl should behave. Etiquette rules for a modern girl

Women's etiquette is based on the principle: a woman should never forget that she is a representative of the fair sex. A real lady always has an impeccable appearance, her own way of dressing, she uses cosmetics intelligently and professionally.

Olga Belmach, CTB host:
There is such a popular wisdom that a woman is greeted by her clothes, and sent off for her manners. Therefore, let's start with clothes, and end with just the rules of conduct.
The first rule is dress. It is worth remembering that there are seasons (summer, winter) and there is a time of day (morning, evening). The clothes here will be radically different. For winter it will be denser and darker, for summer it will be lighter and lighter. The same goes for morning and evening. In the morning we dress much easier and less flashy, but in the evening, and only in the evening, sparkles are permissible. By the way, if you have done a manicure, for example, with sparkles, then it is permissible only for the evening. The next morning, you must definitely get rid of these sparkles.

According to etiquette, a woman cannot appear at work or at a formal evening without pantyhose or stockings. Light-colored tights are more versatile, but black legs look slimmer. If you are unsure of the correct choice, wear flesh-colored tights. They usually go well with any outfit.

Olga Belmach, CTB host:
Remember that at work a neckline, very short skirts, and even more so both together, are unacceptable. Very tight and transparent clothing is unacceptable. Knitwear and denim are not very appropriate at work, even if a chic evening dress is sewn from it. Leather clothing is unacceptable, especially skirts and trousers.
And I would like to talk about a separate aspect (it's not very convenient to talk about it, but it's even more inconvenient to see): underwear should not be visible from under your clothes. This is especially true for trousers.

The suit is a versatile business, everyday wear. It is better to choose accessories for it depending on the character of a woman: for flirty and cheerful ladies - less ruffles, flounces, colorful drawings. But discreet women are more suitable for soft, rounded collars, small folds and ruffles on blouses, as well as elegant shoes, according to the Big Breakfast program on CTB.

Olga Belmach, CTB host:
We are not going to say that shoes should be polished, solid, of high quality. The main requirement is not to allow yourself to take off your shoes in the summer. Even in 30-degree heat, your sock should always be covered. The most you can afford is to bare your heel. But remember that even a real woman should be beautiful.

A woman should not wear a lot of jewelry, especially during the day. Of course, evening wear implies jewelry, but try not to look like a Christmas tree.

Olga Belmach, CTB host:
One person can have three colors. Allowed in extreme cases, four, and in no case more. This rule, by the way, helps to color our life. Try not to have one monotonous color on you. Color in a blue, gray scale, for example, a bright red color on the chest or in the hair, where it is permissible based on the situation.

What does an elegant woman look like from the outside? Good posture: gently drooping shoulders, straight back, slightly tucked in belly. Legs are straight at the knees, but without tension. Slightly bent at the elbows and chin raised, but not "lifted" up.

Olga Belmach, CTB host:
According to the rules of etiquette, you cannot cross your legs, you cannot carry your hands in your pockets and you cannot be late. Even on a date. Of course, you can afford 15 minutes, but etiquette does not approve of you even then. And if we are talking about a business date, then in no case, it is better to come in advance.
A real woman does not swear, all the more obscenely, does not chew gum or brush her teeth with a toothpick. This is done especially in the ladies' room.
Moreover, in front of other people, you cannot powder yourself, comb, use perfume. There is also a specially designated ladies' room for this.

A woman's manners should not be provocative. When talking, you should not exaggerate facial expressions, laugh too loudly or pretend to be indifferent to everyone and everything. In a word, a lady should be natural and feel at ease.

Olga Belmach, CTB host:
Going somewhere in the world, remember that a woman may not represent her companion to those around her. It is assumed that it may not be up to her level. But a man, by the way, in no case should not introduce his companion. This is extremely indecent.
As for the presentation, it starts with those who are of lower rank. The youngest are introduced first, and only then the oldest are introduced.
Also, according to the rules of etiquette, the husband and wife at the table do not sit next to each other. They don't even sit opposite each other. As a rule, rather distant places are provided for them. But at the same time, the wife has no right to flirt in the presence of her husband.

When communicating with a man, a woman should not talk a lot. You should not focus on your troubles, financial difficulties, love failures. However, you shouldn't be silent either - it will put your interlocutor in an awkward position, according to the Big Breakfast program on STV.

Olga Belmach, CTB host:
And remember that a woman creates a holiday not only by going out to people, but also at home. That is why she is not allowed to walk around the house in a dressing gown or pajamas. For breakfast, she must certainly not only change clothes, but also put herself in order.
Another "home" rule for women, because it is they who, as a rule, violate this rule: women cannot read SMS and diaries of either their own husbands or their own children.
And I want to end with the words of the heroine Audrey Hepburn: “Remember that good manners can make a real lady even of a street girl”.

30 modern rules of etiquette

In fact, the basics of etiquette are pretty simple. This is a culture of speech, elementary politeness, a neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions.

Bright Side presents you with a selection of current rules that every self-respecting person and others should know.

  • If you say the phrase: “I invite you,” it means you are paying. Another wording: "Let's go to a restaurant" - in this case, everyone pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, she can agree.
  • Never come for a visit without a call. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to be in a dressing gown and curlers. One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If the person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: "Oh, how lucky, I just came!". If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."
  • Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. By doing so, you show how important the communication device is in your life and how much you are uninterested in the annoying chatter going on around you. Any minute you are ready to leave useless conversations and check the Instagram feed once again, answer an important call or get distracted to find out which fifteen new levels have come out for Angry Birds.
  • You should not invite a girl out on a date and communicate with her via SMS.
  • A man never carries a woman's bag. And he only takes a woman's coat to bring it to the locker room.
  • If you are walking with someone and your companion greeted a stranger, you should also say hello.
  • Many people think that sushi can only be eaten with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Men, unlike women, can eat sushi with their hands.
  • Shoes should ALWAYS be clean.
  • Do not go on idle chatter on the phone. If you are in need of a soulful conversation, it is best to meet with a friend face to face.
  • If you have been insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice at the person who insulted you. Don't stoop to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  • On the street, the man should walk to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel can go, who must be ready to perform a military salute.
  • Drivers should remember that cold-blooded splashing mud on passers-by is a flagrant lack of culture.
  • A woman does not need to take off her hat and gloves indoors, but not her hat and mittens.
  • Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a crack in the house, prayer, the composition of the medicine, love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.

    1. A person is not at all decorated with too loud laughter, noisy conversations in public places, staring at other people.
    2. Don't pay unannounced visits. If uninvited guests come to you, you have every right to be in home clothes and even curlers.
    3. Entering the room, let the first one coming out of the door to meet you. And also when entering the room, greet the first, regardless of your status.
    4. The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. If after half an hour you do not feel your perfume, then it suits you well, but keep in mind that people around you may suffocate from this smell.
    5. According to the international protocol, the total number of jewelry that you can wear at the same time should not exceed 13 items, including jewelry buttons.
    6. Wearing rings and signet rings over gloves is a sign of bad taste. However, it is quite possible to wear a bracelet over gloves.
    7. It is permissible for a woman to remain indoors in a hat and gloves, but it is better to take off a hat and mittens.
    8. The bag should not be placed on your knees. It is permissible to put the clutch on the table, but it is advisable to hang a larger bag on the back of a chair or put it next to it on the floor.
    9. Decide on the wording when it comes to paying for food in a restaurant. The phrase: "I invite you" implies that you are paying for lunch. The sentence: “Let's go to a cafe / restaurant” is neutral and everyone pays for themselves. A woman has the right to expect payment of her dinner if the man himself proposes it.
    10. If some of the invited guests are late, it is advisable to invite the audience to the table 15-20 minutes after the appointed time and serve snacks with aperitifs. The rules of etiquette at the table allow you to wait with the main course until the arrival of all latecomers. But no more than 1 hour.
    11. How to behave as a vegetarian invited to a barbecue? A friendly picnic is quite possible to warn the owners about their taste preferences and to take with you a couple of appropriate dishes. But the rules of business etiquette suggest that you have a meal in advance before a business lunch, and not show your special diet at a common table.
    12. It is unacceptable at a common table to mention that you are on a diet. Especially in response to the invitation of the hospitable hosts to taste the treats. They need to be praised, but eating is optional.
    13. The same principle applies to alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can be poured into your glass, and it is desirable to sip it, but no one forces you to drink.
    14. A sign of bad manners is a request to buy or bring some food if you are invited to visit. An invitation in itself means thoughtfulness and organization of the holiday, as well as the choice of a gift at the discretion of the guests, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
    15. According to the rules of etiquette, some products at the common table can be eaten with your hands. These include: bread, sandwiches, sandwiches, canapes, pies, cookies, hard cakes, asparagus shoots, artichoke leaves, fruits, berries with cuttings. Poultry meat is eaten by hand when it can no longer be eaten with a fork and knife.
    16. Political, religious, medical and financial topics are taboo in general small talk. For example, questions like how much a house, outfit, cosmetics cost, what are you sick with, etc. - are inappropriate.
    17. It is also unacceptable to discuss absent people, which is essentially gossip. Also, a sign of bad manners is to speak badly about loved ones and relatives. You should not "wash dirty linen in public."
    18. During the conversation, try not to touch your interlocutor without his consent or desire: to take by the hand, pat on the shoulder, push or stroke. Respect the other person's personal space.
    19. From the period when the son or daughter moves to their own room, learn to knock before entering the child. In return, you have the right to require him to follow the same rules of etiquette when he goes to your bedroom or office.
    20. If someone behaves impolitely towards you or your companions, you should not stoop to his level and respond rudely to rudeness. Better to educate with dignified behavior and your own example.

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    Etiquette rules for girls

    Knowing and adhering to the basic rules of etiquette will help every woman or young girl feel confident in any society under any circumstances. The lady is always visible - she is refined, refined and well-mannered, it is pleasant to have a conversation with her, she is desirable at any party.

    Everyone can instill good manners, the main thing is to know the fundamental points and try to observe them day after day and in any situation.


    Very often the word "etiquette" is associated with how, for example, how to set the table correctly, which glass to use for wine and which one - for water, how to dress for a particular social event. But this concept is broader, it covers all the spectra of a woman's life.

    Etiquette is also about how to behave in public transport and how to organize communication in the work collective. A young girl should demonstrate her manners and good manners in relations with the young man, him and her parents. This includes even a friendly chat with a girlfriend, who, it turns out, must also obey special rules.

    To embark on the path of "becoming a lady", first of all, you need to learn to control your emotions. Nowadays, many girls are used to expressing their overwhelming feelings violently. Restraint and modesty are the main distinguishing features that distinguish a true lady., and it does not matter, whether it is the joy of meeting a friend or indignation from an unfair incident.

    Learning to hide your emotions is a very important step in learning good manners. There is no need to come up with excuses for yourself that at that moment it was impossible to remain silent or outwardly remain indifferent to the situation - the problem will surely be resolved soon, but restoring a damaged reputation is much more difficult.

    Try to be tolerant of the shortcomings of others, do not criticize anyone in public, do not interfere in other people's affairs, behave modestly and with dignity - these principles will pay off ignorance of the common rules of etiquette.

    Rules of behavior

    There is a set of rules that will help you avoid embarrassing moments in life situations in which every girl finds herself day after day.

  • When you meet a familiar person on the street, be sure to greet him. Consider the closeness of your relationship. You should not show excessive emotions too loudly and violently or try to call out to a friend across the street, just meet your eyes and nod to each other.
  • Avoid on-the-go snacks outside. Firstly, there is a high probability of choking, and secondly, inadvertently you can stain a bystander. This also applies to eating in stores or other public places that are not intended for this.
  • During a phone call, make sure your voice is not too loud. If this is not possible, step aside from the main crowd - your negotiations should not be in the public domain.
  • Do not sort things out in public if you do not want to receive condemnation from others.
  • Don't get into fights with strangers. If you have received a remark, even an unfair one, it is better to apologize or remain silent. Remember that you are a real lady.
  • Try not to be late for meetings, come on time if you are invited to visit. Punctuality is an elementary rule of decency that any woman must observe. If, in spite of everything, you understand that you are not in time, be sure to call in advance and warn how long you will be late.
  • Pay attention to your posture and gestures during the conversation. Your movements should be restrained, smooth, feminine, should not attract attention and shock.
  • The girl's makeup must match the setting. During the day and at work, it is better to choose neutral decorative cosmetics of natural tones, but an evening social event allows you to apply bright lipstick and shadows with sparkles.
  • Our life is not limited to ordinary everyday life, when you just need to behave within the generally accepted norms of behavior. A young girl in the modern world is trying to comprehend all spheres of life, attend all social events, and make new acquaintances.

    More and more meetings of any format are held in the restaurant. To show your best side, to show your awareness and good upbringing, follow basic rules that are easy to remember:

    • A trip to a restaurant begins with studying the menu and making an order. Do not be afraid to ask the waiter, for example, about the ingredients, serving method, cooking time.
    • Check out the specifics of the institution. If you come to a Chinese restaurant, do not order European cuisine.
    • At the table, behave with restraint, always remember about the posture (do not lie on the chair) and gestures (in no case swing your fork!), Do not speak loudly. Remember - you are not alone in the restaurant.
    • If the waiter brought your order earlier than others, you should not immediately grab the fork and knife. In this case, you need to wait until everyone has plates on the table.
    • Place a napkin on your lap immediately before eating. This will keep it close at hand and keep your clothes clean.
    • If something falls off the table (appliance, napkin), do not focus on it. Just call the waiter, he will bring you everything you need.
    • Hold the fork and knife correctly, in your left and right hand, respectively. Try not to swap the cutlery. If the garnish is crumbly, use a knife to help fill the fork.
    • Use a spoon on your side if your meal includes a first course. This will keep your clothes clean.
    • If you can't chew a piece, then gently bring the napkin to your lips and remove it imperceptibly.
    • These general rules will surely help you “don't lose your face”. Of course, depending on the company at the table, there are assumptions, but only by observing the main points, you can develop a habitual stereotype of behavior for yourself, which will become natural.

      One of the most important aspects of any woman's life is relationships with men. The beautiful half of the population always blames the fact that there are no real gentlemen left in nature, but the girls themselves are not distinguished by the presence of good manners.

      Remember, by adhering to the principles of a real lady, you are encouraging the opposite sex to treat you appropriately.

      There are several basic rules of etiquette in dealing with men:

    • Defiant behavior always repels others, especially men, at any stage of the development of a relationship. Remember that there should always be a mystery and understatement in a woman, so do not express your emotions violently - do not forget about restraint.
    • Do not sort things out and do not argue with your beau in public. Passionate kissing is also not worth it.
    • Don't be too intrusive. Even if the relationship is going through a "candy-bouquet" period, you should not often call or write messages to your partner. Only one call from a woman should fall on three or four calls from a man.
    • You shouldn't be too indifferent and arrogant girl either. This will be perceived as disrespectful and alienate the potential partner.
    • With pleasure, let the man take care of you, but do not wait and demand yourself when, for example, they open the door to you or give you flowers.
    • In the traditional sense, etiquette between a man and a woman is supported by patriarchal principles, where all strength and power, as well as the demonstration of superiority of mind and solvency, belong to the strong half. Time changes and the scales gradually level out. For example, in modern society, it is considered permissible if a lady pays her half of the bill herself or goes first to get acquainted with a man who interested her.

      Speech etiquette

      Speaking competently and politely is one of the most important qualities of the modern world. In the digital age, men and women are losing this important skill, conversation is becoming impoverished, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a conversation.

      Knowledge of the basics of speech etiquette will help any girl present herself in society correctly, teach her how to parry, even if the topic of the conversation is unfamiliar.

      They say: "They are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds." In fact, for a woman, it would be more correct like this: "They are greeted by her clothes, and escorted by how she behaves and speaks in society."... A well-mannered person with a correct understanding of the culture of behavior always evokes approval.

      Any communication always begins with a greeting:

    • There is a certain order that must be followed during the greeting: the younger ones are always the first to greet the older ones in a respectful manner, the men greet the women, the one who is late - the one who is waiting for him, the one who entered the room - those who have already gathered in it, the one walking - that who is standing.
    • When a couple, a man and a woman, meet a lonely lady, the woman who has an escort is the first to greet her.
    • If during a walk a man greeted a person unfamiliar to a woman, a woman should also greet him.
    • If a girl is invited to a table event, then, entering the room, she must first greet everyone at once, and after sitting down at the table - with neighbors on both sides.
    • A girl can greet a man with a nod of her head, and during a handshake - not take off her glove, only if this is not a meeting with an elderly person. The handshake is a purely female initiative.

    The words of greeting are familiar to everyone from childhood: “hello”, “good afternoon”, “good morning” or “good evening”. Among your close friends and comrades, more relaxed options are acceptable, for example, "hello". Pronounce the words clearly and clearly, do not crumple the endings.

    The intonation should be friendly, there should be a slight smile on the face. Greet and address the person by first name, older ones by first name and patronymic.

    The beginning of any relationship begins with the acquaintance stage. Often times, these situations require the girl to be introduced to a stranger, or she herself needs to introduce her friends. The rules of etiquette in this case are simple:

  • The man must take the initiative himself and leave the girl.
  • The youngest in age or rank are introduced to the elders first.
  • First, they introduce a less familiar person, only then their friend (given that they are of the same age and position).
  • If at a given time a woman is alone, then she is the first to introduce herself to a couple or a group of people.
  • In the case when it is necessary to introduce two people of different sexes, you should first contact the woman and tell her the name of the man.
  • At a social event, it is desirable for a woman to be introduced to this or that guest by the hosts or mutual acquaintances.
  • If a seated man is introduced to someone, he must stand up. It is permissible for a woman not to rise from her seat only if she is not introduced to a lady who is much older than her.
  • After the introduction, you should greet a new acquaintance and, preferably, exchange handshakes. The woman may start a short detached conversation.
  • Conversation in a secular society is also governed by the rules of etiquette:

  • Watch your intonation. Speech should not be fast, but also not drawn out. Speak calmly, in a low voice. Your tone should be cheerful and friendly.
  • Do not use incorrect phrases and "slang" expressions.
  • Do not start conversations on irrelevant topics - politics, religion.
  • Never go deep into a topic. In society, they always talk about everything a little bit, but in general - about nothing.
  • Do not interrupt the other person, but at the same time demonstrate interest and participation in the story.
  • If you want to reach out to a person who is standing away from you, just walk up to him. Shouting loudly and talking through other people is unacceptable.
  • Avoid hints, dubious jokes in your speech - not everyone can understand specific humor or hidden subtext.
  • Try to keep the conversation on a positive wave - do not scold or judge anyone. It is better to refrain from any comments altogether, all the more you should not argue and at all costs defend your point of view.

    Business ethics

    Long gone are the days when a woman could only do housework and take care of herself, her children and her husband. In the modern world, the meaning of gender is being erased; more and more often, leading positions are taken by the fair sex. In order for a girl to build a career, gain respect, have a good income, she should learn the basics of business ethics.

  • The most important principle of business relations is punctuality. It is unacceptable not only to be late for work, but also to delay the deadlines for completing tasks.
  • You should not discuss business issues in a personal conversation, as well as send the internal documents of the organization.
  • Don't gossip behind your colleagues' backs.
  • Dress according to your organization's established dress code.
  • In business correspondence, do not use "slang" expressions, abbreviations, except for the generally accepted ones. Always start a letter with a greeting, and end with a list of regalia.
  • What simple rules of etiquette every girl should know

    Which of the rules of etiquette do you remember? Except that a man opens a door for a woman. But what to do if food falls out of your plate while visiting you? Or how to properly join a company of people who are already talking about something at a business meeting? But what if you met a person and forgot his name?

    What can and cannot be given to foreigners?

    The trend of the modern world is simplification. Now a man may not open the door for girls, and social networks blur all boundaries between students and ministers. It would seem that etiquette is the same unnecessary concept. But no. If you want to build a good career or make really "necessary" acquaintances, be so kind as to know at least the basic rules. In Ukraine, etiquette is rarely included in the list of compulsory subjects. But business lady Evgenia Pankratyeva, Consultant on Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol, at the SHE Congress for women, shared several rules:

    When you get to a conference or meeting, make sure the badge is always on the right shoulder. Greet with your right hand.

    If you have forgotten the name of a person according to American rules, it is better to tell the interlocutor about it right away. On the British side, take a wait-and-see attitude.

    If your name is misnamed, you need to immediately correct the interlocutor. Do not lead to a situation where instead of Karina they will be called Katerina, and it will be even less convenient to fix it after a year of communication. Shyness and shyness play against you in a business meeting.

    How to kiss correctly when you meet? European rules of etiquette say that it would be appropriate to kiss the air twice. And if kissing is not at all pleasant to you, limit yourself to a handshake and thus immediately outline your territory.

    If you need to join an already chatting company, then first you need to choose a group that does not have a private conversation. This is understandable from the breadth of gestures and facial expressions. According to the rules of etiquette, it will be enough to say: "Good afternoon, can I join you?"

    If you understand that the conversation is no longer interesting to you, you should shake everyone's hand and say, “It was great to meet you. I just saw a man about to leave. I would like to have time to talk to them before that. " For British society, another rule works: “I have to catch the plane / train / meeting, so I have to leave. "But you don't have to leave.

    What to talk about in society? Americans talk about the weather, politics and the event they attend. But the British - only about the weather and how they know the owners of the house.

    And a few more useful rules from the editors I WANT:

    Shoes should always be clean.

    A man should not carry a woman's bag, but should go to the left of the girl.

    Laugh too loud in society is offensive.

    Use perfume it is necessary so that the rest do not suffocate.

    A man should enter the restaurant first.

    Should be kept secret age, wealth and faith.

    Do we always feel confident about etiquette? And how should you behave in order to make a good impression? And aren't good manners a vestige of times gone by?

    To begin with, ignorance of the elementary truths of etiquette leads to the fact that, falling into the seemingly simplest and most ordinary situations, a person demonstrates an inability to behave. Why do you need to know the rules of etiquette? To establish contact with a partner or interlocutor; communicate comfortably; do not cause disturbance to others; leave pleasant impressions about yourself and show yourself as a civilized and well-mannered person.

    The basis of etiquette is a kind of code of mutual expectations, rules and models of communication that exists in every society. It permeates all spheres of communication: official - civil, public, service, and unofficial - everyday, family, comradely. The rules included in this code are simple and boil down to the principle: do as you would like to be treated with you. They smiled at you - give a smile in return. Show interest in the interlocutor - he will remember you with warmth. You do not need to pretend that you are not worried about the opinion of others: any normal person is more or less concerned with the opinion of others, that is, with what impression he makes on people. For this impression to be positive, you need to learn a few simple rules of behavior.

    So, a man should not sit in the presence of a standing woman, unless, of course, he is an invalid or a very old man, and it is also not accepted to sit down without an invitation. It is unacceptable to bow to a woman or start a conversation with her until she recognizes you. But there are exceptions: if you pass a good friend in the service corridor or on the street and you see that she does not notice you, you can quietly call her name or touch her hand. It is strictly forbidden to address a lady by her last name in a public place!

    Etiquette rules for men and women

    If your travel companion on public transport is an elderly person, you must make way for him or at least take his heavy bags. You cannot ignore the attempt to give you a seat: do not look for a hint of your age in this, but just remember that a well-mannered man will offer to sit down for both the young lady and the old lady.

    It is not customary to talk at the table about unpleasant things, discuss or criticize someone's religious beliefs, humiliate any country or nationality, laugh at the mistakes of other people.

    Remember that a well-mannered man will never enter a room in front of a woman, unless it is necessary to turn on the light in the room so that the lady does not stumble or bump into furniture in the dark.

    If a man is with a lady on the stairs, he must follow these rules: going up - follow, and going down - be in front. Walking with a woman, a man must measure his step with her so that the lady does not have to run after him. Entering the elevator, he lets the woman forward, and when he stops, he goes out first and gives her his hand. In addition, he does not stand with his back to other passengers in the elevator.

    Some people think that walking "under the arm" is outdated a long time ago, but how comfortable it is for a woman to walk, leaning on the arm of her friend: you don't have to look under your feet so as not to stumble. Young people chose another option, not at all worse - to walk holding each other's hands, but strict etiquette considers the habit of walking in an embrace unacceptable. By the way, during a walk, a man should always go to the left, and if you need to overtake someone, go around to the left so that your fellow traveler is not accidentally touched.

    As for the things that you carry with you - bulky bags or backpacks - try to keep them so that they do not interfere with others. You should not eat pies or ice cream on public transport: this way you risk getting your fellow travelers dirty.

    As for the one who should be the first to greet, entering the room, then you need to greet everyone - even strangers - people in the room. You shouldn't puzzle over who is the first and how you say “Hello!”, Since the rules of etiquette are based on simple norms of behavior - respect for seniority, position, for women ... Younger greet elders, men - women, but shake hands at the same time not necessary. After all, a strong handshake presupposes an old acquaintance. But even at the same time, the eldest or the woman should be the first to give the hand.

    When you greet each other, look into each other's eyes and do not hold your hand limply or motionless - this is unpleasant. If men greet, it is imperative to take off their gloves, but a woman is allowed to shake hands without taking them off. If a lady gives you a naked hand, take this as a sign of special affection. Do not forget to rise when you meet, if you are sitting, and when shaking hands, remove the second, free hand from your pocket. A woman can feel more free - not to get up, but to keep her hands in a sleeve or in her pockets. By the way, not everyone knows that when you meet, you can kiss the hand of only a married lady, and this gesture will be more appropriate indoors, and not on the street.

    When meeting on the street, if you are joining a company, you should be the first to say hello. And if two couples meet, then women first greet each other, then men greet the ladies, and last they shake hands.

    In the queue, on public transport, do not address strangers with a ridiculous shout "Woman!" or "Man!" Unfortunately, we do not have generally accepted addresses, so you should draw attention with a polite request, for example: "Excuse me, could you give me the money for a ticket," or "Please pass me a newspaper."

    As for addressing well-known people, it all depends on the degree of your closeness, on the form of communication adopted in your company. There are only a few "iron" rules: even a bosom friend cannot be called her truncated name - Mash, Nagy, Svet - and even more so, shouting out the name of a friend on the street.

    Aristocratic manners from an early age were instilled in girls from noble families in special schools and gymnasiums, such as the "Institute of Noble Maidens." But even the most impeccable etiquette of a woman does not automatically make her a "lady." A worthy woman by her appearance commands respect. And it doesn't matter if it has blue blood in it. A true lady is distinguished from all women by grooming, restraint, adherence to moral and ethical standards, and at the same time openness to communication, benevolence and charm, which in no way depend on noble birth or external attractiveness. To become a real lady, you need to not only instill good manners, but also adhere to certain guidelines in life.


    They often meet us by dress. An acquaintance begins with an assessment of the appearance, a first impression is formed, and then a stable opinion. Clothes and shoes should always be clean, tidy, and appropriate for the occasion. An overly open neckline or a too short skirt border on vulgarity and accessibility. But the appearance of a woman is not limited only to things, even if they are of the best brands.

    Body culture plays a decisive role in whether we will be liked by others, and especially by ourselves. Well-groomed hair, teeth, nails can tell more about a woman than a show of outfits. A healthy toned body, a relaxed calm face without tense folds between the eyebrows, smooth graceful movements look incredibly attractive.

    Going in for sports, having a good rest, eating right, not abusing bad habits are the main postulates of a real lady.

    Good health is the best brand that not only colors a woman at any age, but also makes it possible to fully enjoy life. A healthy, well-groomed woman at any age will need a minimum of effort to emphasize her best features with the help of neat makeup that is close to her natural look. Confident in herself, with a friendly smile on her face, she will look graceful in any outfit. A drop of unobtrusive scent and discreet accessories will only emphasize the sophistication of nature, give the image a mysterious charm.

    The ability to greet correctly

    Any meeting starts with. The first spoken word can set the tone for the whole conversation, and sometimes trigger a chain of further life events. This is why self-control is so prized in high society and in the business world. Words can destroy everything or, conversely, revive. Non-verbal manifestations are no less important in communication: intonation, facial expression, body position.

    Courtesy is the hallmark of a real lady. A friendly intonation and an affable half-smile are an integral part of the rules of etiquette for women. The words of greeting should be pronounced clearly, looking openly into the face of the interlocutor. A reciprocal trusting relationship causes an appeal to the interlocutor by name or by name and patronymic.

    There are common rules of behavior that need to be worked out to automatism. A real woman will never think about who greets first. She clearly knows:

    • a man is the first to greet a woman or women;
    • the youngest in age or rank is the first to greet the elder;
    • a latecomer greets those who are waiting;
    • the one who entered the room greets those present;
    • walking along the street or corridor greets those who stand in his way;
    • the one who joined the feast greets everyone at once, and then separately with the neighbors at the table.

    In the business world, a greeting is always accompanied by a handshake. But a woman who knows her own worth knows very well that the correct handshake will only confirm her in the status of a lady. She will not curry favor and become like men. According to etiquette, a woman extends her hand first and decides who to give it to. In this case, you can not remove the glove, an exception is made here only for very elderly men. If a man extends his hand to a woman first, this indicates extreme tactlessness. In all cases, a woman can simply confine herself to a nod of her head. And only the closest people will kiss when they meet.

    Ability to behave with dignity

    Impeccable manners, grace in movements and gestures, facial expressions, emphasize self-confidence and possession of the rules of etiquette. A worthy woman always remains at her best, even when no one sees her. To learn this self-control, psychologists advise you to play an actress and imagine that the filming video camera is constantly on. Or the queen, who is always looked at and admired.

    Very often we find ourselves in unpredictable situations when we risk humiliating ourselves with an ill-considered reaction. Slippery jokes, obscene gestures, looks - the environment is not for a lady. Therefore, you need to clearly define for yourself the boundaries of what is permissible and strictly adhere to the line of behavior inherent in a worthy woman.

    This does not mean being a prude and a bore. You need to be able to beautifully besiege a boor and demonstrate aversion to unworthy behavior, but at the same time be open and sincere. A good sense of humor is a sure-fire weapon in any situation. And the ability to listen and give in are invaluable qualities of a woman, for the sake of which any man will be ready to grab the sword.

    Correct posture

    A straight back, neck and head held high indicate openness and self-esteem. And vice versa, just by straightening your back, you can give yourself confidence. If you are unlucky with your posture, it's time to do the simplest exercises: a stand against a wall, squats with a book on your head, or magic Japanese gymnastics with a towel. And more often to imagine a crown on our head - the more evenly it holds there, the more attractive we look. A true lady never loses her posture, because a straight back is a sign of aristocracy.

    Stand right

    It is not appropriate for a real lady to prop up a wall or shift from foot to foot. Good manners also prohibit crossing your legs or arms. It is allowed to keep your legs in the third position in a standing position, putting one leg slightly forward. They strongly advise a woman to become like a man and keep her hands in her pockets. Even a teenage girl in this position will look like a tomboy. You should also not wave your arms and gesticulate vigorously. The closer the arms and elbows are to the body, the more graceful the woman's pose looks.

    Walk correctly

    The gait of a real woman exudes confidence. Sometimes they say: "he walks like a swan swims." This is the secret of attraction. The head should be kept straight, the chin slightly raised, and one should not look at the feet. The etiquette of a true lady tells you to go slowly, without jumping up at every step. You can imagine a straight line in front of you and put your foot closer to it.

    Although there is a cult of model appearance in society, you should not imitate their gait, which looks deliberately artificial. Good manners tell you not to shuffle or bang your heels too loudly. The leg should be brought forward from the hip, step with the whole foot, not wagging the hips too much. Movement while walking should look graceful and give the impression of lightness, floating.

    Sit right

    Sitting beautifully according to etiquette is a real art that is acquired by hard work on oneself. After all, we often forget and do not control all our movements and postures when we are busy or carried away by a conversation. Therefore, the ability to sit correctly and change posture must be brought into habit. Then elegance will become a natural behavior and will allow you to avoid funny or unpleasant moments.

    Female etiquette categorically rejects the leg-to-leg pose. Most women find it very comfortable, and yet it is bad form. The male habit of cross-legging appeared, in all likelihood, when women began to massively wear trousers. But a real lady sits with her legs brought together, her knees bent slightly to the side. Both feet are on the floor. The most you can do to change your posture is to cross your legs at the ankles. Hands are free and relaxed on the knees, the shoulders are slightly lowered, the back is straight.

    Calm and poise

    Women have a natural emotionality, which, among other qualities, so attracts men. But emotions should be shown correctly and in a balanced manner. Too violent manifestation of joyful feelings looks like a cheap performance. Such a woman may well be considered stupid. In the same way, in the heat of anger, a woman should not rush into battle with others, sinking to the level of a bazaar trader.

    A worthy woman will behave with restraint in any situation. She is tolerant of other people's mistakes and does not intervene in conflicts, leaving the natural course of events to resolve the problem. A true lady will never complain about life. If she has any difficulties, she can only tell her closest friend about it. And she herself has the most valuable gift - the ability to listen.

    Restraint in expressing emotions, minimal gestures, modesty and tact are the main distinguishing features of a real woman.

    Grammatically correct speech

    A woman who knows her own worth does not limit her interests to watching primitive serials or reading women's novels. She has a rich inner world, she is well-read, has a fairly wide vocabulary and can easily keep up a conversation on any topic. She follows the latest news, but will not get involved in debates about politics or religion, even if she has her own opinion on these issues. She will try to keep the conversation positive and never gossip about anyone behind his back.

    The intellectual level of a person is visible in his vocabulary. The variety of adjectives makes speech rich and fun. Thanks to her education and sense of tact, a true lady will be able to maintain a small talk "about nothing", answer a joke to a joke, bypass ambiguous phrases, politely transfer the conversation to another plane, show interest or interest the interlocutor herself. Art is one of the basic skills that a modern independent woman should possess.

    Punctuality and courtesy

    Punctuality is an integral part of the rules of etiquette for a woman. At home, in front of her loved ones, a woman can still be capricious and allow herself some weaknesses. In the business and cultural sphere, it is unacceptable to be late, showing disrespect for partners, colleagues, friends. Politeness is highly valued in the work collective and in other areas of life. A woman who respects herself will also respect others. If she happens to be late, she will definitely warn you by phone and apologize in advance for being late. The organization of a woman, the ability to complete assigned tasks on time, increases her rating in the business sphere and contributes to career growth.

    They say that in order to change your life, you just need to start doing something new. To become a real lady, you need to analyze your habits, manners, skills and abilities, and determine what you like or dislike in your own life. It's never too late to start changing something, the main thing is to take the first step in the right direction.

    To become a real lady, it is not enough to look and dress tastefully well-groomed. The main thing is to be a versatile and cultural person, whose manner of communication and behavior in society does not cause any complaints. And even if you are a “rebel” in life, it is simply necessary to know the rules of female decency and etiquette. After all, each of us would like to have the respect of others, feel authority at work, fully communicate with friends and have an impeccable reputation in society. In fact, behind the success of every woman is a lot of work on herself.

    Agree, there are situations when a beautiful girl is not at all interesting as an interlocutor, or, on the contrary, an ugly girl attracts everyone's attention with her intellect, her ability to present herself and maintain a conversation in society.

    It is never too late to engage in self-education, so pay attention to the tips for a true lady: how to behave with people and what to avoid.

    What is good manners based on?

    The elementary rules of good manners are based primarily on inner culture and restraint. This means that you need to monitor your emotions and sometimes remain silent where you want to throw out your anger. If you are accidentally pushed or hit on public transport, the easiest way is to get upset. However, a real lady will not pay attention to this or politely ask the passenger to be more careful.

    As you know, modesty adorns any girl, therefore do not get involved in disputes or showdown, especially if the issue does not concern you. Do not try to show your superiority in dialogue and do not humiliate the interlocutor.

    We think that gossip is not worth mentioning - this is a low occupation for a real lady. And remember that politeness has always been the basis of any etiquette.


    Let's start with the form of greeting, when you need to show your attitude towards a person. The way you greet will depend on who it is addressed to and in what relationship you are with a particular person. With distant acquaintances, you can simply say hello in words, kiss a close friend or relative on the cheek or hug. And remember: the one who is better educated is the first to greet, so do not be afraid to be the first to greet the interlocutor. At the same time, avoid too violent emotions so as not to attract the attention of others.


    Remember that it is extremely impolite to go to visit without a preliminary call or invitation. Try to avoid visits too early or late to be "out of place." The time from 12 to 18 hours will be optimal, of course, if you were not invited on a certain occasion and at a certain time. Do not appear empty-handed. This rule is especially true if the owners of the house have children. As a sign of attention, be sure to buy sweets for them.

    Remember that a well-mannered person is never late, and if something delays you on the way, be sure to call the owners and warn them. As you enter the house, say hello to all the guests. The extreme manifestation of lack of culture and disrespect for the interlocutor is talking on the phone and reading messages, so it's better to forget about the phone at the table altogether. And if the incoming call is important, just apologize and step aside to ask the other person to call back later.

    In the company of guests, one should not discuss negative points or pressing problems - this, in principle, is not interesting to anyone, and the atmosphere will be hopelessly ruined. Try to start a casual conversation and charge those around you with extremely positive emotions.

    And when you need to leave, do not draw too much attention to it - just say goodbye to the owners and thank them.

    In the restaurant

    If a man invited you to a restaurant, this does not mean that he should pay. The phrase "I invite ...", of course, implies that he pays. If there is no such invitation, then everyone pays their own bill. If you go to a restaurant with your boyfriend, remember that a real gentleman will always let the lady go ahead. He will first give you the menu, and at the end he will make an order.

    Before starting a meal, a cotton napkin is placed on your lap. It is worth starting to eat when there are already dishes in front of all the guests.... An exception is if the interlocutor himself asks you not to wait for the others and start your meal. If you are finished with your meal, place the cutlery in parallel on the plate - this will be a sign for the waiter that you can clean the table. If you want to pause and go out, for example, to the restroom, put the appliances in a crisscross pattern.

    Probably, you should not remind that chomping at the table is extremely uncivilized, you should also not defiantly sniff food or pick out something from it. It is unacceptable to eat with a knife or try to get food particles stuck in your teeth.

    You should also not rush too much, even if you are hungry, talk while chewing food, or put your elbows on the table. And "digging" into your boyfriend's plate, choosing the best pieces, is also very uncivilized - this is a piece of advice for those girls who think that such behavior is permissible and even somewhat cute. Nothing of the kind - a real lady will never allow herself to be frivolous at the table.

    If it so happens that you spill or spill something on the tablecloth, wipe off the excess liquid with a napkin until the waiter replaces your cutlery and the tablecloth.

    Rules in the relationship between a man and a woman

    The rules of conduct in relations between a woman and a man are not at all a relic of society, but the basis of a long-term relationship between partners. Of course, every man would like to see in his chosen one, first of all, sincerity, feminine and refined manners and understanding in everything. Beauty is an absolutely secondary concept, more precisely, internal beauty is much more important than external beauty. Guys appreciate being casual, and they need to feel stronger around you as your protector.

    On a date

    If a girl is a little late for a date, this should not be considered a violation of etiquette, this is just an unspoken rule of all girls so that the partner gets a little worried and has the opportunity to mentally reflect on your relationship again. But one thing is to be 5 minutes late, and another half an hour, so draw conclusions whether the guy will wait for you. He can easily interpret being late as disregard for him, which, in principle, is not so far from the truth.

    A man, contrary to outdated rules, should not carry a woman's handbag at all, but helping with heavy things is his duty. If it is raining outside, a man carries an umbrella, of course, if he is taller than a woman or the same height as her.

    Learn to properly respond to gifts and say not just "thank you" - express gratitude with warm words and pay attention to the delicate taste when choosing a present.

    At work

    Dress code at work is essential to success... Take care of a neat hairstyle, a restrained classic style of clothing and tasteful jewelry. Business etiquette provides for the ability to listen to your opponent, leading the most constructive dialogue.

    And of course, try not to overuse phone calls during business hours. Only negotiations on work topics are permissible - leave personal files for the lunch break.

    In the modern world, there are certain things that girls should do not because they want to, but because it is part of the rules of etiquette for normal decent girls.

    Probably, men also have to adhere to some patterns in behavior. However, they have more to do with their profession and status. Moreover, now we are not talking about men at all.

    So, let's consider the most important norms and standards, one might even say the dogmas of modern rules of etiquette for girls .

    Almost always, any decent girl is late for a date with a man. For what? Rather, for prevention, so that the same man does not relax. Indeed, in moments of waiting, a man can be alone with himself, think, reconsider his attitude towards the girl. But long reflections can lead a man to the conclusion that by being late, the girl is demonstrating her obvious disregard and disrespect. Therefore, you need to be late a little.

    On the first date, a decent girl stubbornly refuses to kiss. More precisely, he wants, but in no case does he kiss. After all, everyone knows men's thoughts and words about a decent girl. So you have to wait. But everyone is happy: girls flirt, men conquer.

    None decent girl , it is never recognized by what efforts they get beauty. Admitting that she wears contact lenses and dyes her hair is like death.

    The rules of etiquette prohibit a decent girl from having an intimate relationship with a man even on a second date, let alone the first.

    After a date, decent girls will never call first until after 72 hours. And this is logical, because according to all existing rules, the man calls first, and within an hour after parting, but for some reason he did not call.

    In this case, there is a variant of the further development of events: he was hit by a car, he did not like the girl (in this case, it would be better if he was hit by a car), he is overly shy.

    It is the third option that provides a decent girl with an excuse and the opportunity to make a call, however, after 72 hours. Moreover, having decided to call, the girl should have such a relaxed conversation, as if she made a mistake with the number, but since an acquaintance has turned up, then you can chat ...

    No sane modern girl , under no pretext, is it recognized as the real reason for the refusal to go home to a man after work to watch an incredibly exciting film. Indeed, most often the reason is that she simply did not expect that such an intimate atmosphere could develop tonight. And of course, I didn't prepare properly. It happens the same. But a man can hear a wonderful story on the topic "I won't go because I want to better understand my feelings."

    And if a man is smart, he will surely understand everything by the expression in the eyes of a girl who, in fact, does not mind watching a movie and even closer communication. Therefore, henceforth, he will try to warn a little in advance about his plans.
    In turn, a girl should show respect to a man. Indeed, in your relationship, you are equal partners.

    There is no need to humiliate and "poke" a man's nose like a guilty kitten. This will only lower his self-esteem or provoke a rupture. Unflattering statements about his relatives or friends are also not allowed.

    Men love to be admired. Try to make him sure that he is the best and only one in your life. He just needs to feel that you love him. However, do not let him relax.