How to start meeting a girl if you are friends? Perfect girl or how to meet a guy

The opposite sex was called the opposite, apparently because he was on the other side of the barricades. Opposites, as you know, are attracted. The same happens with guys and girls. But when trying to communicate, misunderstandings often arise, misunderstanding, and sometimes even a complete failure. Girls often seem that guys - the people are incomprehensible and unpredictable, which cannot be explained from the point of view of female logic. When you want to impress them, they do not notice you or ridicule, and when you are not at all up to them, they are enthusiastic and say compliments.

So, we will analyze the question very strongly worrying many girls: how to behave with a guy?

Guys are also living creatures, with the same breed as girls. Differences, of course, is, it has long been noticed, but in percentage ratio they are not so great. Moreover, both in physiology and psychology. Therefore, with a guy, it is necessary to lead yourself first as a person. Like with a friend, sister, classmate. Or classmate.

If you don't have any communication problems when dealing with girls, but as soon as you are with a guy - you are paralyzed, you are starting to stutter, all thoughts disappear from my head, and the body throws it into the heat, then in the cold, - it means you too dreamed of Sexual differences. Or is mortally in love with this particular guy. In the first case, it is easier to cope with you, you just need to imagine that this guy is your friend. And talking to him in the same way, not thinking about the impression. After all, you do not think about it when you chat with girlfriends about different trifles.

The second case is more complicated. Even people with powerful intelligence and inhuman exposure can behave as mentally defective when meeting with the object of passion. Such is nature. If the object feels the same thing to you, the situation becomes especially interesting. Then, having learned each other better and hung up a little to your feelings, you will remember with a laugh, which were funny idiots at the beginning of dating.

When you're not sure that your chosen one would share your flame feelings for at least ten percent, you are not easy for you. Is it possible to cope with fear, with a shiver in hand and inability to be connected in the presence of the subject of your secret rehabits? You can, but this happens very difficult. You can help several uncomplicated tips:

Rehearse. Imagine that you tell him that he will answer you what will happen later. Tell it out loud, preferably before the mirror. Be sure to try several different options so that, being in a real situation, do not pronounce the answers that do not comply with its issues. The main thing in this exercise is to clearly imagine that you are talking to him, and not with your reflection in the mirror. After several workouts, seeing him next time, you will feel more confident.

Use friends and friends. Communication in the company is much simpler than alone, especially at first. Ask your girlfriends to help you and make you so that you are with him in the same company. To begin with, you can just look at him when he says something or even when silent. Later you can start chatting. You will feel more confident in the surroundings of familiar persons.

Be yourself. If you try to really, you can at first seem to him by someone else: a cheerful partner, despite the fact that you love silence and books, the experienced traveler, although never left from the city or a fragrance and Tikhoni, despite the fact that you are a real Sori-head . If your communication continues, he still learns what you really are. And maybe disappointed, because at first you seemed to him quite another person. It is better to immediately be real, then you will be sure that he liked himself, and the image not invented by you.

Finally, all obstacles were overcome, the barriers were destroyed, he became your guy. Consider the question: how to behave with a guy with whom we meet that your relationships are durable, long and pleasant to you.

  1. Silence and listen. Most guys believe, and quite fairly that girls love ears. Therefore, guys are usually trying to hit the girl's imagination with a variety of more or less fantastic stories in which they appear knights without fear and reproach. Well, or just people with a rapidly flowing and filled with a variety of interesting events life. Your business is to listen to all these stories. But it is not easy to do this, but thoughtfully and tastefully: to nourish your head, agree, surprise, ask the leading questions to learn all the details and, of course, laugh any phrase containing at least a small spark of humor.

    By doing so, you will at the same time kill two hares: you will win his sympathy and you know more about it. With the first point everything is clear, everyone likes, when they are listening carefully. Your interest is a powerful weapon of exposure. Looking into your attentive, surprised and admired by his stories of eyes, he will fall in love with you more and more.

    The second paragraph is also of great importance. Perhaps you are familiar quite recently, you are fascinated by his beautiful blue-green eyes and earring in the ear. But you know about him not so much. Listening to his stories and bearing in mind that something can be exaggerated in them, you will have an idea about him, about his friends, about his lifestyle. If hiking and gyms, discos and travels are perfect in his stories - perfectly. And if most of them tell about how much they drank with friends and how after that they hung up - it is worth thinking if this person is so interesting to you.

  2. Ask his tips. For any questions: how best to prepare for exams, what to answer a friend, which behaves not in a friendly, what dress to wear and what movie is worth seeing. Do not forget then to follow these tips. If you find that in some kind of area, he disassembled not as good as you, for example, does not understand that there is no blue color to your eyes, as if nonsense, exclude this topic from the field of his advice.
  3. Never say anything bad about his friends. Even if they don't like you at all. With them, he has long been with you - much less. It is not known who he will choose if it comes to an open confrontation. In any case, it is better not to bring before. Always behave with his friends are friendly, try to find common interests and common topics for conversations. Do not forget that men are no less than women, love to discuss their personal life. If all his friends agree that you are a cool girl, your boyfriend will be very nice.
  4. Learn to cook. The path to the heart of any man runs through his digestive system, do not need to forget about it. On the contrary, it should be fully used. But refrain from complex culinary experiments, if you are not sure of yourself. Count your strength. It is better to prepare a simple, but delicious salad and simple, but high-quality sandwiches, which, without having experience and inspired by the pictures in the culinary book, to start something like a meat roll with a complex filling, but in the end, to get something burnt outside and raw inside.
  5. Do not stick all your problems on it. And also do not load excessively with your trouble. Of course, you need to share with each other and bad, and good, but it would be nice to give him to understand that some problems are you able to solve yourself. But sometime you still need his help. If he driven a nail into the wall to hang your common photo in your room or helped you deal with a complicated computer program - be sure to thank it so that he remembers it. Then the next time he will be happy to help you, and at the same time will feel like a hero. If you will perceive his help as proper, it will soon turn into a boring duty, from which he will lean in all ways.
The same applies to colors and gifts. Do not be afraid to show your delight and your joy. It will be nice to him and want to please you again and again.

It's no secret that since childhood, year after year we are becoming an adult. The boy turns into a strong and brave man, and a girl in a beautiful and charming girl. At the same time, incredible changes occur in the body, and the fault of them, in large part, are sex hormones.

It is because of them that representatives of both sexes appear an attraction to each other, which may still grow into a real passion between the guy and the girl. For this reason, people form a couple.

But what does it mean to meet with a girl. And how to behave during the construction of such a process? To understand this, you need to disassemble the basic principles of romantic relationships.

How are the guy and the girl?

Here, see. Any caress, like kisses. They meet. Nobody will allow one to a friend!

It is difficult to identify a single concept of dates between two people, because we are all different - we have different hobbies, we look at different films, we love to spend time differently.

Therefore, it is impossible to consider all the moments of the guy and girls in accuracy, as it will directly depend on them from them.

But there is a couple of general moments that are accepted in our society characterize a date. These include:

  1. Romantic conversation, that is, not just touching with a friend;
  2. Physical contact (very important). That is, hugs and walking hand;
  3. Sex affairs. Kisses, sex (for adults!) And so on;
  4. Privacy. That is, when two meet, they do it alone. This is an important fact.

There are also stereotypes of our society, which are aimed at the idealization of relations. You can not listen to them, but for many they are important. To such myths include the fact that:

  • most often, it is the guy who invites the girl on a date, trying to "win" her heart with his sense of humor, his erudition, its qualities.
  • most often, the point of date is a quiet, cozy place. After all, it is cozy places that can cause pleasant memories from the girl who will directly associate with a young man.
  • If a date is running in a local cafe or restaurant, then the score pays, as a rule, a guy to show his visibility and security.
  • The guy should always demonstrate his braveness, willingness to protect his princess, as the medieval knights did.

Do you meet and be friends?

And to laugh together, like Chumba-Yumba, it's just friendship. She can be so based with anyone!

Helping each other in any life situations, to spend together time - very similar to friendship, right?

These two concepts really have something in common, but they are completely different. Love - there is something more than friendship. This is not only a willingness to help a person in a difficult situation or support with any failure.

Love is the willingness to give a person to all myself and thoughts that even at 90 years old you will be near your half.

And for all those years that you will live together, you will overcome all the obstacles that have arisen on your way, while holding hands. This is the most real feelings.

Before you begin to meet, it is very important to understand whether you are to this person as a friend or as your half. It is not easy, though.

But you have to sort out yourself, because in this case you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the person who you want to see. After all, giving him a false hope, you can simply later smash his heart.

But this is again deep reasoning. If we speak specifically, then torture with a girl, and not to be friends with her - it means:

  • To be the only one of your kind. Meet with one, but be friends with many;
  • Have the status of her guy, and not just a friend;
  • Have access to her body. Physical contacts and all that;
  • Be above her friends. That is, more closely communicate.

Should I offer to meet?

If you realized, you feel something more than just friendship, then you do not rush to offer her to meet or call her under the crown.

Otherwise, excessive inaccessible can be complicated on the contrary. Just enjoy life. You still have so young and you have so much to experience together.

Refuse attention and care for your future half and eventually you will understand that you together came to romantic dates, to the first kiss.

Enjoy every minute spent together, it will only strengthen your relationship.

But if you officially offer her something, she will automatically refuse. Because ... because you do almost everything.

Therefore, you just need to walk to walk, strengthen relationships, try to surpass its so-called "friends." And the relationships themselves are married. From here and went this word torturing.

Fighting unwanted friendship

Unfortunately, this problem is found very often among young people who do not have a lot of relationship experience.

You can often spend time together, attend interesting places, make new discoveries together for yourself, but all this can be felt just like a strong friendship or banal frieson.

In this case, the exit for the guy is very simple and at the same time complicated - believing the girl is not like a friend, but as a man. To show men's care, to show the courage of your half, to declare their rights to it.

Show her that she is interesting to you not only as an interlocutor, but as the opposite sex. It is the confidence of a girl in his man who will be able to break this print of friendship and help create two friends a strong darling couple.

But do not forget that sometimes friendship simply cannot collapse and give way to love. Then it is better to look for another girl. Otherwise, you go to the status of "just a friend" for many years and get a moral injury.

Explaining what it means to meet with a girl in 12.13, 14 years or more, you can say a small one that it means spending a lot of time with it alone, while having access to her body.

In fact, this is the same friendship, but here you are kissing, walk by the hand, enjoy each other.

The main thing is not to confuse relationships with just communication. And do not forget to see the situation, taking the necessary solutions.

At this time, the word "meeting" it is quite possible to characterize serious relationships with a young man. Now you have become a couple, translating your communication to a new level. Subsequently, such relationships can lead to a proposal of hands and hearts, and after - to the wedding. In the meantime, you just enjoy each other's society. Now the young man does not need to seek the location of the beloved girl - agreeing to the relationship, she gives to understand the guy that he is the only one for her. Nevertheless, a pair must not allow each other to lose interest in the proper novel. We take time togetherCouples that meet, together attend cinemas, cafes and other places. For people in love, it is quite natural to spend a lot of time in each other's society. Mutual friendsGradually, a common company appears at the couple in love - a girl meets his chosen wishes, and he enters her circle to communicate. In addition, as a rule, after some time, lovers introduce each other with their family. Joint plansA couple that meets most often does not live one day, but builds far-reaching plans for a joint life or at least for the nearest vacation. Caring for meIn addition, to meet with a guy - it means to take care of him, and to take his care. Lovers please each other with pleasant surprises, gifts and attentive relationships. Intimate proximityIf the guy and the girl are adults, then their relationship is not limited to conversations in the cafe and meetings with friends. Of course, people starting to meet, gradually become close to each other and in an intimate plan. How to quickly go to the new stage of your novel, each pair determines for itself individually.

How to behave with a guy who likes

What should be a normal girl in the guy's presentation

AppearanceIt is foolish to deny that men love their eyes, and, of course, appearance has a considerable meaning for them. You may not have a "puppet" face and a luxurious figure, but if you don't be lazy to care for yourself and stick to the style that the most suitable for you, then, for sure, the guy liked will pay attention to you. In general, young people like different girls, And not to please everyone - for example, someone is delighted with blondes, and someone in the soul of brunettes. The main thing is that you look harmoniously and did not try to match the image that does not fit you at all. Character chosenIn this case, opinions diverge - someone like girls with explosive temperament, and someone prefers fragrances. Whatever it was, but most young guys still do not want their beloved to be hysterical special, and are extremely negative about the scenes in the public. Sports girlMany guys pay attention to sports girls, and it is likely that your chosen one is no exception. Sign up for classes in the gym, take on dynamic dances, pay attention to any sports section. Surely, the young man will be very proud for you! In addition, the hobby of this kind will very favorably affect your appearance.

How to talk with a older guy

You must stand out against the background of your peers, be more serious and purposeful. Do not try to conquer the guy who is older - enough just to hint on his sympathy. Nevertheless, the main initiative should occur from him. Forget about whims - so you will only once again remind each other about the difference that is available to you. Also try to avoid jokes on the topic of age - perhaps they are completely unpleasant to him. It is worth imposing a man's own tastes, believing that everything that he likes is "already last century." On the contrary, reveal the interest in his hobbies, and for sure you can open many interesting songs and projects for yourself.

How to communicate with a young guy

First of all, you should not hide your age, somehow embarrassed by him or fear that he will scare the potential boyfriend. Couples in which a woman is older than his beloved, no longer ceased to be rare. Previously, no one was surprised if the girl came to the public with a man almost twice as older, now similar trends are drawn by the guys - more and more they like girls who are older than them. The age should become your main plus. Do not attempt to behave in the same way as you behaved at the age of your chosen. If you think it will make you closer, then you will seriously mistaken. Surely, the guy stopped his choice for you, because it is waiting for your behavior. In his understanding, the chosen one who is older than his peers is most likely more relaxed, balanced and wise. Do not be boring. Do not fall into another extreme. Communicate with the beloved at ease, but do not turn into his "mommy". Remember that first of all you are a woman for which a man must be responsible. Do not take the initiative in relation to yourself, let your chosen one disclose from the new Parties. Moreover, understand that, most likely he chose a girl at all, not focusing on her age - he just liked you. Do not worry because you are older than your beloved, and do not pass this excitement and him.

How to start meeting a guy

If you started meeting with a young man, then you have to do everything possible so that these relationships are not interrupted. To do this, in principle, it is enough to remain as you were when the chosen one has paid close attention to you. Surely, after that you tried to demonstrate only the best quality, and if you think that you can now behave differently, then you are mistaken. Many guys, even starting to meet with a girl, continue to look closely to her, so it will not be very good That your behavior will differ significantly from the one that you demonstrated at the courtroom. Before you, several general recommendations, which should be adhere to at the initial stage of romantic relationships.

Do not be obsessivePerhaps you have long been ready for these relationships, and in your thoughts they developed very actively. You have already made an acquaintance with each other's families, the birth of your own family, the emergence of children, expanding the living space. It is unlikely that young man will be happy if you break all these perspectives before him. Remember that everything is your time, and such ambitious plans should not be built alone. Despite the fact that you have already planned your future for a few years ahead, your chosen one can only begin to realize that some time ago he stopped being free. Do not relax, be interesting alwaysDo not consider that if the guy offered you to meet, now you can completely relax. Surely, the young man is extremely surprised if you suddenly turn out of an active and cheerful girl to the Domascan, prone to melancholy. Also, the guy can upset if the girl who attracted him with his modesty and shyness, suddenly turns out to be a cunning Tusovshita. Such situations prove once again that it is not necessary to try on completely atypical images for themselves, trying to attract a young man, because the truth is sooner or later it's still different And it can turn into sad consequences for the recently knit novel. Common leisureIf you started meeting with a guy, you must realize that now, most likely, you have to organize joint leisure. With enthusiasm, take invitations for a date from the lover, and do not forget to take the initiative. Do not forget that now you are not at the point of courtship - now you are jointly trying to build a full and happy relationship.

First time with a guy how to behave

If you are scheduled for the first date, then try not to be late, adding unrest not only to a young person, but also yourself. Think about what clothes you will wear. Make sure things are in perfect condition and do not require washing, ironing or minor repairs. It will not be very good if you realize before the output itself that a certain defect is present on the selected attitude. Your task is to be confident this evening, and the hurry fees will be enough to promote this. Also decide on the place of the first date. It is undesirable to invite a guy home or go to visit himself. Such a format of a date may imply intimate proximity, and if you are not ready to translate your novel so quickly to a new level, choose a walk in the park or evening in a cozy cafe.

What to talk to a guy when you walk on a walk

Support the themes that it affects. Ask counter-questions, show what you are interested in his society. If he sets you any questions, answer the deployment, not stupid on emotions. If the guy is silent, then you can also provoke any topics for conversations - about exercise sports, beloved food, favorite places of pastime, interesting films and a lot. . If you see that the interlocutor does not too willingly support the topic you specify, the best change it is not another. In order not arose awkward pauses, before a date, determine for yourself what questions you would like to clarify.

How to behave to like guy

Be cute and charming. Let the young man understand that he is sympathetic. Care about him, flirt with him, interest his opinion. It is important that the young man felt significant next to you. Undoubtedly, this feeling will cause warm emotions from him, and he will again and again look for meetings with you.

How to communicate with a guy who loves you

There are two options here, and they depend on whether you have a response feeling for a young person. If you understand that you also love him, but until you decide to say about it, then at least show your location to the young man. If you have no response sympathy to the guy, try to behave in relation to it delicately. Explain to him that you are very flattering his attention, and you did not expect such feelings on his part, but, unfortunately, your heart is busy or you are not yet ready for relationships. Do not force a guy to live empty hopes - immediately mark that they do not answer it with reciprocity.

How to stay with a guy alone and what to do next

If you stayed one on one with your young man, then such a situation has quite consistent with more frank communication. If earlier your dates took place in crowded places, then wanting privacy, you can invite him to go home to a romantic dinner. Note that such an invitation to the guy may regard its own way - for him it will be something akin to "green light" allowing him to behave more actively, seducing you. If you are not yet ready for intimate proximity to the boyfriend, then it is advisable to avoid such a privacy. However, if you still stayed together, you just have to get rid of the possible tension in advance, which can be transferred to your chosen one. You can offer your favorite person together to see an interesting movie or just talk to souls for dinner and a glass of wine. Privacy involves a romantic mood, so if you decide to invite a young man to my home, do not deny your beloved in the arms and kisses, because the situation is more than has to such behavior.

How to kiss the guy to fall in love

With the help of a kiss, you really can awaken in the lover rather strong emotions. An ordinary kiss on the lips will probably accept it, but you will achieve a much larger effect if you "combine" your kisses. So, you stayed alone, how to kiss the guy, so that it remember him for a long time? Try to start with this zone, which is distinguished by incredible sensitivity. During a conversation or watching the film, put the guy's guy on the shoulder, after which you pull the lips to his neck and kiss it. Note that we are talking about the zone at once under the ears. Such kisses can be combined with the lungs, barely tangible pieces. You can accompany your actions with a joke that your boyfriend smells so amazingly that you are ready to "eat" it. Here you can then go to a passionate kiss on the lips. Note that the sky is a rather sensitive zone, so the guy will wait very pleasant sensations if you spend the tongue through the sky a couple of times.

How to behave in a relationship with a guy when you meet with him

How to behave at the guy at home

For a guy can be quite indicative how you behave in his house. He may not like if you, barely crossing the threshold, start to shake dust from the shelves or water the flowers, which, in your opinion, have long needed it. Surely, you believe that in this way you demonstrate your economy, however, notice that you really are visiting, and such behavior is more than strange for the guest. In addition, a young man can decide that you encroach on its territory. Having come to visit the lover, do not see yourself as if you are the housewife here - just relax in the society of your beloved person.

How to behave visiting a man

It is noteworthy that when it comes to a mature man, and not a young guy, the tactics of behavior can be completely opposite. The habits of an adult have long been formed long ago, and if you see any obvious shortcomings in the house of men who clearly require female intervention, then most likely, without your help you can really not do. If you desire, you can offer the chosen one to cook him a delicious lunch or hang curtains in the living room. Most likely, he will take it not as an encroachment on its territory, but what care. However, in this case, you need to know the measure - do not argue out loud that you urgently need to move to it, so that the house is finally in order. Such proposals must come from a man.

How to behave in the company of his or his friends

Wanting to introduce a guy with your friends, do our best to be as comfortable as possible. So that acquaintance goes easier, you can, together with friends and a loved one, go to the "quest-room", bowling or something like that. Familiarity softer will pass for some common matter. You can also acquaint my lover with the company gradually, inviting me to a movie or cafe along with you one person - thus, over time, he will know all your friends without any stress. If you have to get to know his friends, stick to several simple rules:
    Do not attempt to make a positive impression on his whole company, telling vulgar jokes, laughing loudly and trying to be in the spotlight. Maybe you think that in this way you are trying to become a "part of the group", but in fact some of the buddies of a young man can calculate you with an ordinary bandy. Your task is to behave friendly, and humble enough - support the dialogue, show interest in the interlocutor, but do not forget about the norms of decency. Do not allow the young person to be uncomfortable for your behavior. Do not show arrogance, demonstrating that this company is a great honor to get acquainted with such a girlfriend as you. Such behavior can be very repelled. Do not flirt with your beloved friends. You can decide that in this way, just get a contact with the guy's company and do nothing reprehensible - just trying to enjoy the guys. Subsequently, such behavior may not be exposed to you in the best light. Be more a listener than a storytellor - do not try to "drag the blanket" on yourself, becoming the main star of the evening.

It happens that the usual dates for the girl is not enough to feel happy. If you understand that just meetings are already a little or it is difficult for you in your tight schedule to paint the time on dates, then, of course, it makes sense to push a young man to the thoughts about the joint stay. If you live alone, then periodically invite the guy to Himself home for dinner several times a week. After that, of course, he makes sense to stay with you overnight. Create a cozy atmosphere in your apartment, in which he wants to return again and again. After a month, you can start a conversation that you are already practically living together, and is it time for you to go. B than the guy visiting, offer him your help in cooking or cleaning. He must get used to your direct participation in his life. Over time, it is also appropriate to start a conversation about a joint stay. If you do not have the opportunity to demonstrate to your favorite person skills of the hostess, and meanwhile your relationship has been going on for more than six months, then start pushing the chosen one to the thoughts about living together, telling you how it is usually not enough for you, And how do you miss when parting with him. If no hints help, that is, it makes sense to ask a young person directly about what he is thinking about the prospect of living together.

How to behave with a man

Rules of behavior with the former

As a rule, after parting, many pairs or try to support the visibility of friendly relations, or with a scandal they say goodbye to each other. Ideal can be called another option - when you meet with former beloved, you are absolutely neutral. It makes no sense to demonstrate an increased interest in his business and share their own successes, as not to be shuddered. Just welcome his nod. If he does not enter with you into the dialogue, then you do not impose him. Please, you can call the increasing case when a man with parting arose a strong and unfair offense. Then you are free to welcome your offender, having passed by as if they did not notice him. It is much more difficult if your meeting happens in some company, then it will be involuntarily to comply with the norms of decency in the public and say hello to the former. However, if you have a common child, then, of course, the demonstration of indifference in any case is inappropriate - periodically you need to discuss your business Chad. However, if parting was difficult, it is not necessary to go beyond the scope of the child.

What is not acceptable in behavior with a man older than you

One of the main rules is not to try to provoke a man to jealousy, which is much older than you. Surely, it is already attended by the thoughts that you may be interested in the guy who closer to you by age, and the extra unrest on this occasion will be completely nothing to do anything. If you chose a man's senior in satellites, then try to fit him. Perhaps he works hard, and prefers a relaxing holiday in a cozy atmosphere, then it will not be very good if you periodically disappear in nightclubs or to behave frivolously.

If he is younger than you, do not remember the age difference

Do not accedurate your attention on the topic of age. Evaluate a young man at all other criteria: whether there is a need to take care of you or he himself is looking for someone who take care of him; Are you interested in each other in society; Does public opinion have importance for him; What are his future plans.

Perhaps your relationship has long froze at one stage, and you understand that every date your date differs from the previous one. So, how to develop a relationship if you have been encountered for a while? Familiarity with friendsIt can be a pretty weighty step, gradually you will have a common company that will bring you closer even more. Acquaintance with parentsThis step is even more serious, and often raises a lot of excitement emotions, both by the guy and the girl. If the chosen is decided to this act, then there is practically no doubt that it is configured very strongly towards you. CohabitationSome guys will minimize this stage, moving directly to the proposal of the hands and hearts, but still most young people want to check the compatibility in everyday life with your girlfriend, and in general - to get used to the new status. For a man, a joint accommodation is almost equal to official marriage, so you can not doubt that if he offered you to live together, then he sees a potential spouse in you. Joint travelTrips to other cities and countries not only give new impressions, but also allow each other from new sides. Talk about the futureAsk a young man who he sees his future if he has any unrealized plans. According to his answers, you will easily determine if he sees you in his future or still not think about it.

How to behave when parting

Unrequited love

It has long been known an expression that "will not be forcibly milked." If a young man does not have those feelings that you would like, then, probably, it makes no sense to think that it may change. Do not try to cause sympathy from the lover, stating that you do not want to live without it or feel bad because of parting. It looks more like ordinary manipulation. Instead of such statements, accept the desire to break the relationship with the dignity. Thank you for all that pleasant that you had, and wish all the best. Now you need to take yourself in hand, not to pursue the former and throw all the forces on the restoration of your mental balance.

Your feelings are cooled - admit to him in this

Admit to a honestly guy, which no longer feel the emotions that were previously. You can try to try to establish relationships together. But this option is also possible that the guy considers himself offended by such words, and does not wish anything to do. In this case, you really have to continue your life without him.

It is better to let go if he loved another or did not fit a former

If he honestly admitted to you even before cheating, then try to accept his words, and do not arrange scenes. No one is insured against such an outcome. Ask a man if there is a chance to change the situation if a negative answer follows, then try to get out of these relationships with dignity, simply by crossing a person from your life. If you try to establish everything against his will, you can eventually become a member of the love triangle.

Admit to honestly, love another person

In this case, it is necessary to show at least a little respect for a person who has been close to you for some time ago, and not to tie new romantic relationships behind him. Honestly, inform the former chosen one that you are confused in your feelings, but you don't want to lie in your thoughts and the heart now lives another person. Ask for a man forgiveness for this situation. It is not necessary that you did not plan it, but you understand that you are not able to cope with your feelings. By the way, such statements should be done if you are one hundred percent sure you want to go to another person and do not love your current guy anymore.

What can not be done at break

No matter how there is a situation, there are things that cannot be done, even if you were not a culprit of the break. First, do not try to narrow the former lover, turning to him calls with threats or trying to "reveal the eyes" by his new choices. Secondly, do not try to blame him in front of friends - perhaps he led himself dishonestly towards you, but this does not mean that he is a bad comrades. Thirdly, do not try to drag into your side of his relatives, do not incite the unnecessary "war". The best that you can do under the circumstances - try to forget the former one and avoid talking about him. Please accept the fact that now your life will leak without it, but in it, by sure, there will be many stunning events if you still be able to mentally let go of the past relationship.

Darina Kataeva

Each woman or young girl thought about how to start a relationship with a guy or a man. Some do not know how to behave correctly, others are difficult to continue relations. As the strength of the house depends on the foundation and further relations - from their start. Behavior, manners and habits of a woman in this play an important role. But? What are the secrets of some women? And how to show the young man that he is not indifferent to you?

Friendship.Healthy and happy relationship between a man and a woman begins with friendship. Most often, such friendship and develops into warm and. The guy will become another for you only if it is pretty outwardly and pleasant in communication. In any case, such relationships are not one-sided, any friendship is aimed at mutual self-dedication.

At the same time there should be no vigorous to you. Remember that such friendship usually lasts long, so if you are not tuned to long-term romantic relationships, it is better not to tie a person at all. Otherwise, you, imperceptibly for yourself, break his heart.

Sympathy.How to start a relationship if there is no mutual sympathy? People begin to meet when they like each other and outwardly, and internally. Evaluation of the appearance of another person occurs according to the inexplicable factors for us. Some argue that we appreciate others by our own appearance, and other people seem to us beautiful if these indicators coincide. It is not surprising that many param say: "You are so similar outwardly, like brother and sister!"

Comfort level with each other.Although the appearance in relations plays an important role, it does not apply to the number of main indicators. We are starting with the people with whom we are comfortable. Lovers seek to show themselves from the best side, they thoroughly hide their true essence.

In relations and their development is not worth a hurry. Remember that only with time you will understand that it is a person in reality.

The official start of relationship.In fact, the relationship has already begun when you started to be friends. However, now one of the most difficult stages come - officially start relationships with your guy. Here women often face the same problem - the indecision of the man. Naturally, the representative of the beautiful floor appears the temptation to take the initiative to their hands and start acting. However, such behavior often turns out to be erroneous. How to be in such a situation?

How to push an indecisive man by the beginning of the relationship?

If there are no problems in the relationship, but the guy is not solved on the proposal to meet, it is necessary to find out what the problem is and what is the cause of his behavior? These include:

Streking and experiences about your reaction.
Doubts whether you come to each other.
And it is not planned to further develop relations.

You, as it is recommended to find out what is the main reason and how to fix it. The main thing to remember is that the man wants and must be a conqueror, so do not allow the main thing: the desire to independently make a proposal guy. If you do that, all my life will pull the man. Do you dream of such a perspective? Then take more wise steps that contribute to the proper development of relations and. These include:

Talk about relationships. This is appropriate if the reason for the indecision of the guy is an excitement about the girl's answer. It is not necessary to personally offer a man to meet, but the conversation about how he would be a wonderful guy, and in the future his spouse will have a positive effect on a man. So you will show that they are satisfied with the relationship and would like more. During the conversation, smile, be cute and friendly. And the main thing is your naturalness. Do not talk about what you do not feel, it will immediately become noticeable.

Do not confuse the initiative in communicating and the initiative in courtship. There is nothing reprehensible to write or start a conversation. However, do not forget that the desire to start attitudes should come first of all from a man.

In case of doubt a guy, you should not hurry, wait a while. After all, the fact that the guy does not seek to forcing relations, is a good indicator. It can be seen that he strives for, and for you it is for a long time to be a positive sign. If you exercise the initiative in this case, it will push the man and prompt him to decisively refuse to relationships.
If the guy suits everything, and he does not take any actions towards strengthening and developing relationships, think why continue with him friendship? Do you want to always be a "spare" option? In this situation, it makes no sense to continue the relationship, and you, as a wise woman, will have to decide to parting or an increase in distance in relations.


If you want to find and start a relationship with him, never pretend to those who you are not really. Be calm, natural and enjoy every day and new stage in the relationship. Do not grab your boyfriend, as for the rescue circle, behave adequately, and then he will definitely be initiative to start with you a relationship.

March 15, 2014.

Not all guys who have the most serious intentions can easily and simply decide to go to a new phase of relationships. This is, as a rule, with fear to receive a refusal.

However, to make the proposal of the cute ladies still have to have, otherwise you risk losing it because there is a guy more dear and ponacpistea, who does not think, and does.

How to offer a girl to meet? How to behave if young special will refuse or consider your proposal inappropriate? Several rules will help you prepare for such a serious step.

The phrase "I meet a girl" suggests certain relationships based on mutual sympathy or love. At the age of 12 or 13, such relationships are usually as follows - walks together, visiting cafes, cinemas and discos.

Older pairs go to a more intimate level.

However, the offer does not mean only kisses and affection. From you, from both a guy, you need to comply with certain obligations:

  • protect your girlfriend;
  • to get up on her side in quarrels, conflicts and disputes with other people;
  • everting her honor if someone began to insult her.

In addition, you will have to meet and accomplish your girlfriend to study, training.

How to prepare for the proposal?

Since such an event is considered a serious step, it is not only possible, but also need to be planned. To prepare for the proposal, get acquainted with the following rules.

  1. Try to make sure the correctness of your own choice. Some young people offer to meet the girls who visited them after the first spark, running between them. To make sure in the correctness of the act, make sure of the sincerity of your own feelings.
  2. Try "Take the Soil". In order not to be afraid of a possible failure, you can clarify how the girl applies to you. Making sure that she has warm feelings to you, proceed directly to the proposal.
  3. Pick up the most suitable way. Perhaps all unusual ways to make a girl a sentence to meet already invented. But this does not mean that it is impossible to use the traditional way. There are many options, and each of them has both the advantages and disadvantages.
  4. Think out an event plan. Choosing the most appropriate option, how to offer a girl to meet, make a plan. Such a serious approach is necessary to make it easier for you to start a relaxed conversation and finally offer.
  5. Implement your idea. Making sure the correctness of the choice, specifying the presence of a response feeling at the girl, thinking the plan of the event, you need to immediately start acting. Previous points should not take too much time because you can simply miss your love.

If the girl refused meetings, should not be angry, revenge or beg. Refused - it means there is any reason.

If it is not ready for a relationship, wait a bit, and then try again. If you are not suitable for her, you will have to look for another object for love.

How to propose a girl to meet? Main ways

The chances of a positive answer will increase significantly if you make the right sentence to the girl to meet. You can do this in several ways that we will talk more about.

Method number 1. VK (VKontakte)

The easiest and, at the same time, the ambiguous method is to say about your sympathy on the Internet. VK is the most popular domestic social network, therefore, most likely your chosen has its own page. A message in VC is perfectly suitable if you are 12, 13 years old or a little older.

The young men of 18-19 years old are still better to meet when a personal meeting, but also to reject this method.

First of all, you should come up with beautiful phrases for the offer. Of course, you can say a girl that you like and you would like to meet with her.

However, to hit the young person in the heart of the heart, try to choose something inoreigatory. For example, send a collage from her and your photos, video or music.

The most audacious approach (which can both work and lead to failure) - without a virgin agreement, change your status to "I meet ... (insert the ladies nickname)."

Method number 2. for schoolchildren

At this age, everything is simple and difficult. In 12-13 years old, adolescents are still forming ideas about inlentibility, romantic relationships.

In addition, the guys in this difficult period often feel silent and fear of public refusal (of course, these feelings can be found in 15 years, and at 20).

For a classmate to guide about your delicate feelings, act as follows:

  • write to her confession in verses;
  • write funny and pleasant SMS;
  • send gifts in VK;
  • watch it to the house;
  • invite to walk with friends in your company;
  • protect from any offenders.

Perhaps she will understand what you like, and without these beautiful phrases. After all, the main thing is not a word, but a male attitude!

Method number 3. Romantic

How best to tell the girl, what do you like and make her an offer to meet? Try to show a fantasy, remember or find out that she is most nice. Perhaps romantic will look like:

  • recognition in verses (better if it is your own creation);
  • beautiful phrases on asphalt in front of its window;
  • execution of serenade under the balcony;
  • recognition after a romantic journey;
  • plush toy, when you click the proposal to meet;
  • important words uttered after the arranged dinner at candlelight.

Remember! Not every girl is configured romantic. Some young people are quite landlined and do not dream of mans of royal blood on white horses.

To understand whether the romance does not like your choices, look at her page in VC, try to meet her girlfriends and ask them.

Method number 4. Original

If you are interested in how originally offer a girl to meet, and even so that your "Queen of the Heart" forever remembered this pleasant moment, it is important to show fantasy and not be afraid to experiment.

  1. Try to make a crawl with your own hands. For example, write in the album the character traits and quality for which you like it. For each reason, please choose a photo with characteristic emotions. At the end of the album you can depict your offer.
  2. Flashmob is a fashionable promotion, looking quite unusual and beautiful. Attach your buddies or ask for the help of strangers, explaining the reason to them. For example, the girl goes to the balcony, and the "helpers" release the balloons from which the proposal is folded. Or, for example, ask your subscribers to VC to send her a message about what you wish to meet with it.
  3. Quest is a popular event. Why not use it in a convenient quality for you. Arrange a girl like this game during which it will visit certain places and find tips in them, which will indicate where to go on. Final - You are with a bouquet of roses and a pleasant offer.

Other original methods can be found on the Internet or conduct a brainstorm with buddies, which will prompt the most unusual and tempting method of supply.

Method number 5. Telephone

This method is considered the least effective because you will not be able to see the face of your chosen and show your joy if the girl agrees.

If you still want to make a proposal by phone or SMS, you need:

  • talking clearly, with tenderness in voice;
  • do a pause to wait for her response;
  • do not interrupt, even if her answer was upset;
  • send intriguing SMS in which you confirm in warm feelings;
  • important words still pronounce at a personal meeting, and in SMS only hinting about a serious conversation.

How best to offer young lady meet? Much depends on psychological features, age (12, 13 or 20 years) Girls and Cavallar. In addition, it is important to choose the perfect place and time for recognizing so that no one can prevent you from or, on the contrary, people could help you in implementing your plans.

Remember one thing: if you consider the chick of his dreams, feel free to start a sentence!

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.