How to have a female energy. How to develop women's energy attracting men. Communication with other women

Your life may seem pretty good to you, but at the same time you, like many women, have lost contact with their female energy. Want to experience the taste of real life? Want to regain your femininity? Then you will have these simple tips. Women's energy is what is inside every woman, but at the same time she can calmly dorm and not shift out. Want to awaken it? Want to find incredible femininity? Then you have to work a little over yourself. Unfortunately, women's energy often in Western society is considered less important among two main energies. In fact, among them there is no main thing, because the male and female energies are half the whole. They complement each other and create a balance. If there is an unbalanced energy, male or female, it can pour into serious problems, because the balance is actually extremely important. How to release outgoing women's energy? How to constantly fill its stock?


Women's energy is the energy of movement. Oceans, hurricanes and other weather phenomena are all metaphors for it, as they are always in motion, constantly change. If you are stuck in your office and did not behave a particularly mobile lifestyle lately, it's time to bring your body into motion. This can be anything - a walk in the park, stretching in yoga classes or even dancing in underwear in your bedroom for your favorite music. In any case, your female energy is activated along with the movement.

Remove jeans

Since women's energy is a clean movement, it does not like to be closed or limited. Women do not like when they are told what to do or how to feel, just as a hurricane will not want to be tamed. Jeans and pants have a tendency to restrictions. It's time to arrange a kind of "detox" and wearing only skirts and dresses at least for a month. Look at how you feel. Do you think so easier to sail in life? Do you feel less limited and more feminine? Soft, flowing fabric is a display of moving female energy.

Highlight a feminine

The time consciously spent with other women can seriously recharge your female energy. When you are in one company exclusively with the people of your sex, something incredible happens. It is much easier for you to reset the masks and to be the one you are in fact.

Get more orgasms

If men quickly lose their male energy, if they are too often ejacked, then women, on the contrary, get the biggest benefit, the more orgasms. Every person can see what is happening with girls and women who are often experiencing orgasms - they become more creative, it is better to feel emotional connections, their intuition works better, and these are just some of the improvements - their full list is unlimited.

Put in priority

Male energy is penetrating power. Women's energy is energy aimed at opening. When you get love, attention, forces, your inner energy well is filled. And the speech here is not only about sex (although it also plays an important role). You can get with the help of massage, pedicure or even lunch prepared by someone else. In the case of massage, for example, you calmly breathe and relax, which allows the hands of a massage therapist to penetrate through the layer of your stress, which is extremely positive effect on your female energy. So get your calendar and schedule for yourself a few sessions of receipt.


Women form connections mainly by verbal communication, while men prefer touch. It's no secret that women, when reaches puberty, begin to take care much more to become effective and free verbal communicators with their peers. Thus, the female energy in you is replenished due to extended contacts with loved ones - with mom, dad, brothers and sisters, close friends and so on. So turn off the TV, call someone who has not communicated with anyone, and share the events that happen in your lives. Do not put any goals in front of you - just tell me what happened to you, and listen to what happened to them.

Indulge yourself

Men most often lean in thoughts, while women are in feelings. So if you want to replenish the female energy, you need to pamper your feelings. To pamper a feeling of taste Eat a tile of chocolate, drink red wine or treat yourself to any other favorite meal. To pamper touch, go to shopping and touch all the soft and pleasant fabrics of various clothes. Choose a place where you can pamper your feelings as much as possible - and go there. Leave your head and fully contact your body, consciously turning to each of the five of my feelings.


Male energy is destructive, while the female energy is creative. To bring something bright in your life, you can start drawing, writing poetry, compose lyrics, prepare delicious dishes for yourself and for others and so on. And there is no need for your poem, your dish or your song is good - they just have to be created by you. Forget about expectations and simply create for the sake of the creation process itself.

The development of female energy begins with the moment of puberty of the girl. During life, it is constantly changing. But it is necessary that the female energy is always in prosperity. Methods for filling female energy are very numerous. Here is some of them:

  • Sign up for a good massage. It will relax your body, which means the energy will be well circulated and recovered.
  • Go to the beauty salon and put yourself in order. This also applies to hairstyles, and manicure, and skin. Becoming more beautiful, you will be confident. And it attracts energy.
  • Painly indulge yourself with relaxing procedures. For example, warm bathroom with favorite flavors.
  • Watch yourself! Make masks, serums for face. It will also improve your appearance.
  • Also, for filling women's energy, you can visit the sauna flavored bath.
  • Review your wardrobe. Did it look like a male, consisting only of trousers and jeans? If so, then urgently in the store for coquetty skirts and elegant dresses. Woman draws his energy from the ground. And this means that for her there should be a way.
  • We are going to with your girlfriends often. It is also one of the ways to accumulate female energy. Only girlfriends should be real, and not envious and evil.
  • How else can you fill out women's energy? Make gymnastics, charging. It will open energy channels, energy centers.
  • Try not to reuter around yourself. Do not try to catch everything, because it is unrealistic. Better relax.
  • Smile more smile, be kinder to others. Positive charges energy, and negative, on the contrary, takes it.
  • Walk outdoors. This is also useful for the figure, and for internal energy.
  • By the way about the figure! That's what you really need to take care. Extra kilograms deprive you of energy.
  • The accumulation of female energy occurs during contact with a man. But not sex, but spiritual. This includes conversations, flirt, simple pastime.
  • How else can you fill yourself with female energy? Right! And more drink, especially clean water. Proper nutrition is a large number of fruits and vegetables, porridge and dairy products. It is also necessary to eat small portions.
  • Take yourself in some creativity. It can be drawing, embroidery or dancing. What inspires you makes you and more energetic!
  • If you have children, try to pay more attention to them. After all, they charge their energy and positive.
  • If you can help someone, help! You will immediately feel like cheerful and energetic!
  • Read good books.
  • Be sure to sleep at least eight hours per day. Sleep is the best tool in order to become energetic.
  • Do not hold the houses of old and unnecessary things. They interfere with the accumulation of energy.
  • Remember that you should have one partner to be trusted. Do not spray at many.
  • Try to think only about good! First, thoughts are material. Secondly, it will be able to replenish your inner energy.
  • If you believe in God, then go to church more often. This is one of the places where energy can be filled.
  • How to replenish women's energy? Sign up for yoga. Many oriental practices are directed to the replenishment of energy.

We talked about how to fill in female energy. But what about the disclosure of female energy? Usually when communicating with a man. As you know, male and female energy are two half of one whole. And when there is a reliable and faithful satellite next to the woman, then its energy is revealed, like a delicate flower. You also need to love yourself and accept yourself as you are. Your energy can be fully disclosed only in this case.

Magic meditation for women. Filling.

What factors affect the filling of a woman with its energies. As we kill our femininity ourselves.

Already many have heard that there is a male energy - this is the invasion, aggressiveness, orientation, vector. And female energy is soft, flexibility, tenderness and fasciance.

We live in the modern world, in which male energies prevail - speed and aggressiveness. And so the woman is very important to know how to maintain its energy where to feed it and how to accumulate.

Fatigue and depression. Why we lose energy?

Important: According to the principles of Eastern psychology, every man consists most of the male energy and a small one of the female. The same applies to women.

When a woman, by virtue of her lifestyle, constantly fights for survival, where - she hurries, stops thinking about himself and just does not feel the moment "Now" she loses women's energy.

But if she loses her, then what remains then?

The energies of men and women are connected in moments of proximity. It was then that a man receives a part of a woman's earth's energy.

This energy helps him materialize His ideas and goals, that is, ask the focus of his strength. Another female energy soothes him and sends to creative actions.

It is the meditation that allows you to feel yourself again at this moment. Consciously we turn off the stream of thoughts. Who prevent us from stopping.

And thanks to a calm and relaxing music and the confusion, we will dive again into our female images. With the help of meditation, a woman can accommodate everything that wants. And it will come true. Because the figurative thinking and women's energy are creating wonders .., de blend - an incredible choice of areas allows you to find your niche and realize your talents.

The energy of creativity is always creative and carries the enormous potential of female energy.

five . Communication with nature.

Nature is our external source that we are laid in essence.

Woman - As we wrote, it is earthly energy. And communication with nature, picnics, just walks along the river or the park will fill you with the forces and inspire on creativity.

6. Basic pleasures.

Massage, spa, yoga, baths with oils, sauna or bath - it all allows us

What is the happiness of a woman? In harmony, pacification and love! But modern women are so immersed in work, domestic responsibilities, the problems of their relatives and friends that they cease to pay attention to themselves. They spend their strength and time on others, spend their energy, not soying its reserves, and as a result, often feel exhausted and empty, irritated and tired (you can continue this list).

However, there are other women: satisfied, relaxed, sexy, filled, creative, attractive, confident, favorite and happy. What is their secret? What do they know and make such that inaccessible to others? Okay, we will not pull and answer these questions: It's all about women's energy and those practices that help this energy to accumulate, keep and transform into the desired things (and it is not only about material things as you understand).

Women's practices are a whole system of exercises that make it possible to fill in female energy. Classes can be held in groups or individually, to rely on meditation, physical oriented practices, art therapy, including various exercises, visualization, affirmations, helping to adjust and improve physical, psychological and emotional state.

Essence of female practices

In class, the focus is on the restoration of the balance of the energies and their proper circulation. In the modern world, a woman often assumes men's functions - earns money, takes key decisions, is responsible for the family. As a result, the chakras is unbalanced and the energy in the female body begins to move on the male type.

In those chakra, where the man's energy moves clockwise, in women it moves counterclockwise, and vice versa. In addition, the functions of the chakras in men and women are different: the first, the third and fifth chakras in men work more at the presentation of energy, and in women - for adoption, and the second, the fourth and sixth women work more to give out energy, and in men For adoption.

In the harmonious work of Chakre, a man gives a woman security, money, social status, and a woman is a pleasure, love and direction for the realization of ideas. With properly interconnection, a man and a woman live in harmony and abundance. If the movement of energy in chakras is violated, then problems arise both on the emotional, and at the physical level - the relationship in the family and at work, intimate life is suffering, material wealth leaves much to be desired, various diseases appear.

Through work with the psyche and body, women's practices restore the balance of energies, help a woman connect with their female essence. A high level of female energy allows you to establish relations in the family, attract a suitable man, new opportunities, money, happy events.

Types of female practices

There are many different directions, but in general, all practices can be divided into three types:

  • Body practices
    This group includes yogic and Taoist practices, dynamic meditations and exercises for intimate muscles.
  • Psychological practices
    These include various meditations, visualization, exercises, art therapy.
  • Energy
    This group consists of tantric and lunar practices, as well as Slavic rituals, Vedic practices, etc. An important place is the creeping of female strength funnels and exercises for the harmonization of the work of Chakras.

Use of female practices

If you are still not motivated, then read this list.

So, women's practices:

  • eliminate corporal blocks and clamps, allowing energy to flow easily and freely;
  • contribute to the development of estrogen, which makes the figure seductive, and movements are sexier;
  • help let out of the insults, malice, negative emotions, get rid of fears and tension;
  • harmonize internal state, give peace and peace;
  • eliminate the "mental garbage", teach relax and concentrate;
  • fill with energy, give a feeling of their own attractiveness and self-confidence.

When to conduct women's practices for filling women's energy?

Women's practices can be held at any time. But for the greatest efficiency, periods of strengthening and recession of energies should be taken into account.

Women's energy practices


1. in the time of year

Spring is a period of awakening energy, summer - time of active use, autumn - accumulation, and winter - cleansing. In addition, every time of the year enhances its energy: spring - the energy of the girl, the summer - mistresses, autumn - hostess, and the winter - Queen.

2. on a sunny calendar

On the day of birth or from the New Year on the Chinese calendar, 12 equal periods are counted. Each such period symbolizes a certain sphere of life, which should be engaged at this time (ritual of bookmarking Solari).

3. on the lunar calendar

The movement of the Moon on the signs of the zodiac indicates the spheres of life, the activity in which will bring the greatest results. The values \u200b\u200bof the moon also have the value: the energy of the energy increases in the growing moon, reaching his peak in full moon, on decreasing - decreases, coming to a minimum at the time of noving. Therefore, it is good to make practices on the filling of energy on the growing moon, and on a decreasing one - for cleansing. It is important to take into account the lunar days, each of which has its meaning and energy features.

4. By time of day

Patient woman syndrome

Tatyana Kulichich

In the modern world oriented on men's values \u200b\u200b(power, prestige, influence), many women feel that they lost contact with them. They may look great, but still feel their insecurity and the lack of happiness. Relations with the opposite sex do not add up, irritability and rudeness appears. After all, to be feminine means not only to dress beautifully and paint. Femininity is a special state of the soul, the finest Aura of Harmony and Heat, which comes from the one that mastered the art of being a woman. Want to learn this art? Want to become feminine, and therefore happy, energetic and filled? Want to be attractive and enjoy life? And in order to be attracted to you the most worthy men and thought for the honor and happiness to be near? After all, than feminine you, the stronger and courageous man next to you. Tired of weaklings and failed men in your life? So it has come to change the situation. In our article we will analyze the most effective energy practices for the development of femininity.

What is female energy and why should it be developed?

As the mystics and esoterics say, femininity is not a set of qualities, this is a certain energy. Some elements, symbols, minerals are considered female, because they possess this energy. What is she? Experts allocate the following features:

    1. Gentitude. People who have extrasensory abilities say that women's energy is horizontal waves, and men's vertical. Women are really stronger on their feet, they are less twisted in the clouds, compared with men. They are practical more careful, they are able to notice those details that elude male eyes. The most routine and landed occupation like cooking a woman can turn into a sacrament.

    2. Fertility. The main gift that the woman possesses is the ability to nose a new life. The female energy is created by nature itself for what to prove, protect, cross it out. This manifests itself not only in childbirth. Women are usually more open and generous than men. The female heart is softer and kinder, his love is poured on everything. Therefore, it is representatives of the beautiful sex that are more often charity. A modern woman is active, it is enough for work, and on the family, and on the hobby. As a beautiful and strong tree, she "fruits" in many areas of his life.

    3. Intuition. Female women truly phenomenally. She is able to feel their loved ones at a distance, guess their mood for the slightest change in the facial expressions. Therefore, a woman is so difficult to deceive. They are more likely to dream of prophetic dreams. Esoteric sciences are easier.

    4. Variety, multitasking. Everyone knows the anecdotes on the topic, as women know how to engage in thousands of business at the same time: cook, talk on the phone, learn. Attention to a woman works differently. It is not as focused as men, but it is capable of reaching greater. Hence the typical female curiosity and greed to knowledge. Woman is able to combine incompatible and reconcile any opposite. She knows how to be different, playing completely opposite roles. In the afternoon, she is a strict business woman, and in the evening mysterious geisha. With children - a kind mother, with a man - Muse and seducer.

    5. Adoption. The power of a man - in the ability to overcome circumstances, taking responsibility, in heroism and determination. The main female force is in adoption, in the ability to find peace and joy in the simplest things. Recall the women you consider a reference to femininity. They have a special cat's relaxation, isn't it? Decience, harmony with me and the world. A true woman trusts the universe and knows everything always happens at the right time. There is nowhere to rush.

So, female Energy will help you to become:

  • Attractive, charming, will reveal your charisma
  • Will develop in you intuition
  • Slaps a relationship with others, people will reach out to you, as a source of love and light
  • Fill confidence in yourself
  • Will add strength, make you more energetic, at the same time soften the rudeness
  • Will give a unique wisdom and the adoption of your life and love for yourself as you are
  • It will help to realize their special role in the universe.

Female Energy Filling

Technique "Goddess of Love"

In this energy practice, we will work with the most sacred female authority - the uterus. With its help, you can cleanse the energy blocks, uncertainty, problems with the intimate sphere. Also, this technique is perfect for those women who suffer from an irregular menstrual cycle and other female health violations.

Turn on slow, sensual music that can relax you. Lie on the back and bend the legs in the knees, put on the bottom of the abdomen. The left hand should be on top, since the left side is traditionally connected with femininity. Tell in this position for a few minutes. Blow smoothly, deep. Try to feel how the warmth of your hands warms the skin of the belly, how this energy penetrates the deep into your body, to the uterus.

Imagine how soft pink light fills your entire room. Inhale his full breasts. Feel how they gradually fill your body. The energy flows down, fills the uterus. With each breath, your muscles relax, warm, love and peace come into your body. With each exhalation, all blocks and clips dissolve. Full the soft waves of relaxation running through your body. It takes all the tension, fear, irritability.

And now I will make sure about how you fell into a beautiful garden. It may be the seaside coast of Mediterranean countries or native nature to you. Im present what you closer. You see around yourself fragrant plants, flowers, trees with ripe and juicy fruits. The birds sing as if burling you. Feel this beautiful flavor that fills the air. What is this smell: roses, daisies, field herbs? Inhale his full breasts and imagine how they are filled with your body, your uterus. You are a full bowl, fertile land. You are a true woman, a charming goddess of love! Full this, keep in this state for several minutes. And then slowly flip over your stomach, stretch, like a kitty, and you can climb. For a better effect, this meditation should be done every day for one lunar cycle, that is, 28 days.

Technique "Live Water"

Water is considered traditionally female elements. No wonder in many cultures of Bani, Hamama, the saunas were considered real femininity temples, places where women could share their secrets and even practice magical techniques (much is known about special fortune telling in the baths). In this technique in such an abode of femininity, we will turn our own bathroom.

Select the right time for this practice when no one disturbs you. It is better that you are at home alone. Light pink or red candles in the bathroom and turn off the light. Prepare a special salt scrub that will clean your energy. In magic, salt is considered the main cleansing ingredient capable of getting rid of any negative. Scrub is preparing like this: take a few spoons of crushed sea salt and add several spoons of your favorite vegetable oil (olive, grape bones, etc.) Apply a scrub on the skin of the body and face, massaging and imagine how the salt absorbs the whole negative, yours Fears and complexes. Wash the scrub with the words: "Body and soul cleaning, I open the new way!"

Now, after cleansing, it's time to drink its energy by the power of the female water element. To do this, fill the bath and add several drops of roses or jasmine oil into it (if there is no possibility to purchase oils, you can buy a foam with these flavors). Be sure to add flower petals, preferably roses. Establish on the edges of the bath 4 pink candles. Four - an even female number that means fertility and harmony.

Immerse yourself in the bath, presenting yourself a beautiful eastern princess. Play with water, like a little girl. Choose it in the palm of your hand, touch it, as if precious silk. Try to feel the energy of water. Imagine how she not only envelops your body with its softness, but also penetrates inside. The whole body from the inside is filled with its vibrations. Feel how for a couple of minutes they themselves turned into water, they became one with it. After taking such a bath, we have to have a beautiful, cozy clothes.

Technique "Power of Earth"

Earth is the second element, traditionally associated with femininity. And in this practice, we will work with its energies. To do this, you will need to go out and find a relatively quiet place where no one will disturb you. It may be a park or forest. It is important that your feet come into contact with the Earth, that is, it cannot be asphalt territory.

Stain smoothly, rectify the spine as much as possible, feel it stretched string. Focus on sensations in your feet. Full them, slightly move your fingers. Then imagine how the pile of dark green, emerald energy rises from the ground. He enters your body through the feet and rises above. Feel as he passes through the genitals and fills the uterus. Full this moment, imagine a small glowing ball of green in your uterus. Then the green pillar will rise above, to the heart. Here he turns into a small ball again. Your heart is filled with love to all the essence. It rises above and stops in the interbrass area, where the third eye is located on the beliefs. The green ball appears here. Imagine how the energy flow from the Earth connects the three luminous energy balls in your body: in the uterus, heart and head. You feel confident, calm and relaxed. You are protected by the mother of the Earth.

These practices will help you find contact with your mystical female essence, assure esoterica. You will become calmer, and at the same time liberated. Men will not hurt such a woman face!

Tatiana Kullinich for https: // Site

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