How to teach one year old. What is the reason for the wrong pronunciation? "Catch the sound" game

Many parents will not wait until their child learns to speak for 2-3 years. In this question, you should not compare the baby with other children: all this process proceeds in different ways. But any mom, even inexperienced, forces to speed up the development of speech and teach the child to speak without the help of specialists.

Stages of development of speech in children

First of all, you need to pay attention to the features of the development of speech in babies in accordance with the age of the child.

  • By two months, Kroch begins to "go" and "Agur".

If the child begins to "roar" when an adult appears, it means that the speech process from the reflexes stage moved to the Communication Stage!

  • For half a year, the child begins to say individual syllables: "Ba", "Pa", "Ma".

Over time, he repeats them multiple and combines each other. So the first words of the child are formed.

  • By the year, a child in the vocabulary should have several words, including incomplete and imitative words.
  • By one and a half years, the vocabulary of the child grows, the first primitive proposals should appear in the speech.

For example, "dad bu", "Dai Nam", etc.

  • In 2 years in the development of the child's speech, obvious progress is obvious.

Kroch already knows 150-300 words, builds more complex proposals, asks questions.

To teach a child to talk, you should not wait for 2-3 years, you need to talk with the baby from birth, even if he has not yet started to "go."

  • Sing the child lullaby songs.
  • Approaching the baby, repeat after it, move the lips, work as a language, move your mouth and cheeks. This is called articulation. Do not hesitate to make fun and show your articulation.
  • Tell everything you do and what you see.
  • Call items, repeat these names, soon the child will remember and will understand what we are talking about.
  • Ask him questions, even if he is not yet able to answer. "Well, let's go walk? Yes, baby? "," Want to eat? Let me feed you. "
  • Try all the words clearly and quite loud.
  • Read books, tell fairy tales and "fun."
  • Imitate the sounds of animals.
  • Pay toddler attention to different sounds around.
  • From three months, make a massage of fingers.
  • Play finger games (their many on the Internet).
  • Suggest touching objects other than touch (different types of fabric: soft, rough).
  • Make bags with different croups, let the baby taught them.
  • Closer to the year you can give the baby to look for toys in a box with a semoliant.
  • You can play with different croups, beans or pasta, but under the enhanced control of the adult!

Not enough clear speech in 2-3 years is not yet considered pathology. The main thing is that the child understand everything and tried to speak. In order for the child for 2-3 years to learn to talk, follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not suck with the child, say full words, even if the baby can not say the way you are.
  • Do not repeat the words in the toddle of the baby. Call your names with your own names. No "bi-bi" and "Nam-Yam".
  • Repeat the names of items repeatedly, teach them together.
  • Ask questions to the baby and wait for a response, try to teach the child to conduct a dialogue.
  • Avoid sign language, encourage the child to speak words, collect them in the proposal, complicating gradually.
  • Learn cards or pictures in books, call items, characters and describe actions.
  • Play the game "What or who is it?", "What is he doing?" With cards or illustrations in books.
  • Read and tell fairy tales.
  • Play finger games.
  • Paint with finger paints.
  • Sculpt from dough or plasticine.
  • Communicate with older children.

If a child for 2-3 years continues to be silent or says it is not clear, there are several useful techniques that will help you teach to talk to the child:

  1. Articulating gymnastics.

Put the child in front of the mirror, and yourself sit so that the baby can see you. Pronounce words, actively articulating. Ask a child to repeat all the words and movements in front of the mirror. It is advisable to do daily, but not more than 10-15 minutes.

  1. Games for language.

It is easier to achieve a clear pronunciation if you teach the baby to pronounce individual sounds. Training in the game is more fun and more efficient. Teach the child to growl like a tiger - excellent preparation for the correct pronunciation of sound "P". How snake hits - preparation for the pronunciation of hissing.

  1. Tongue Twisters.

The initial task is to speak clearly, and then more clearly and quickly. Thanks to the permutations of sounds in patterings, the kid will be able to train sophisticated sounds.

Teach a child to talk forces forces of every mom, the main thing is not to let this question on samonek, but also not forcing to do forny. Time will come, and your baby must learn to speak.

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments as you taught the child to speak in 2-3 years, share tips and effective techniques.

On a debt and entertaining way to develop a child and becoming it, as a person, the ability to talk and get thoughts in the correctly selected words is, perhaps, one of the most necessary skills. This depends on this in the future: how the child will communicate with people, will be able to find a common language with them ....

But this is all then, and now, when the baby has long been gulit and Aguches, the parents are waiting so much when he tells his first word and guess on the chamomile: what will it be? "Mum"? "Dad"? Or even "dove"?

All parents wish their child to speak as quickly as possible, but all children occur in different ways. Forces Mom and Pope influence the speech process and help the child start talking.

The main stages of speech development


The first sounding kid begins to publish at an early age when it marks 2-3 months. He can even be distinguished to distinguish the voices, but the general sounds of children perceive as a pacifying melody. This is considered the first stage of speech development.


By 5-7 months, the muttering of the child becomes more distinct, decorated with emotions, because the second stage comes.


Finally, the third stage falls at age from 7-9 months. The kid during this period begins to pronounce short words folded from the syllables: "Ma-Ma", "Ba-Ba".

Meaningful speech

The delight of parents who heard such accomplishments, the baby does not perceive as a given. The meaningfulness of speech appears in his age about a year, when the vocabulary is replenished by several "structures" of 3-10 primitive words.

If you do it at this time, then in 2 years the baby will be able to not only replenish the vocabulary, but also to call items, actions and even talk about your own sensations.

When you need to start?

It is considered normal if the child does not speak very well at 2 - 2.5 or even three years old. Teach a child to talk - it means to see explicit progress in the development of speech: new sounds, an attempt to repeat words, knowing what specific subjects mean.

Girls in this sense, much faster begins to delight parents with their sound successes, and the boys lag behind them for several steps. All because the weak floor matures much earlier than strong - and this is the natural law of survival.

In those families where parents speak two or more languages, the baby will most likely start talking even later. Do you know what to "digest" and apply two flow of information in action at once!

How to teach the baby to talk?

We start from birth

It is impossible to try to start learning a child only when he is a year old. From the very birth, the mother should take an active part in the formation of his speech: talking to him, sing, hover, adaggerate, while showing the baby his articulation.

Tell me about everything around

When he is growing, you must constantly talk to the baby: about everything and constantly, so that he first learned to understand the intonation, then rhythm, then the meaning of words. Also let the child the opportunity to answer you even if on an incomprehensible, walking language. So funny at first glance dialogue helps the child learn to talk.

Comment on the actions that you perform: Look, Mom takes a saucepan, "" Look, my mother pours you milk! "," Now I will delay you. " "Tell" your life experience to know what he is talking about.

Pronounce words and sounds clearly and clearly

The kid must see your face when you appeal to it. Words thrown on the run, will not help here. Try the words clearly, and shock vowels stretch: Ka-Roo-Vaaa. Boldly pull the lips into the tube and round the mouth so that the baby understands how to pronounce the sounds.

Go to a new level

At the age of one and a half years, go to the usual "voice mode", while continuing to clearly vote sounds. Difficult words at the same time should not be replaced by simple, let the child replenishes his vocabulary.

Also, it is not necessary to summarize some items: call a hat and a hat, and a shock, and a helmet. You do not make it easier for him "Life", and make it difficult to the process of knowing the world.

Do not disregard the verbs with adit

Take into account the verbs, without stopping at the replenishment of the vocabulary of the "noun" stock. Tuchka, rain, a dog must be present in a conversation, but on a par with "goes", "flies" and "running." At the same time, the proposals must be as simple as possible: the machine goes, the sun shines.

To these rule, add and the need to accumulate definitions so that the kid can say that the sun on the street is gold, and the summer is roast. It will also be correct to oppose the words to each other: butterfly flies, and the bug will crawl.

So you enrich the kid's dictionary and systematize everything in the child's head, so that it can "wake up" from the library in time.

Play with sounds and syllables

Thinking how to teach a child talk, play more often with syllables and sounds, because all this can be combined with current affairs: go on the bus - Play the syllables, go for a walk - Singing songs.

When the baby becomes older, increase the load and start the same fun, only with the words: what happens to solid? (Stone), what can be called green? (Grass).

Develop a fine motor skill

Small motor skills should also constantly develop, because the hands according to the statements of doctors are considered the second organ of speech. Massify the fingers of the child, play with them in the fun, ladies, Soroki Crow.

Few later, when the baby becomes older, go to the game with different objects - rubber, wooden, prickly, rough, smooth, so that he studies them with his own hands.

Boldly, let's a one-year-old pasta and beans, deal with it with a laying of plasticine, collect a mosaic and be sure to draw. All this will help the child not only learn to speak, but also do it right.

Methods that help children's speech develop faster

Language Games

Good fun - a game with a language you need to do with the child.

  • the tongue is going to walk (it is necessary to open the mouth);
  • then he washed (spend the tongue on the upper teeth);
  • i decided to suit (it is necessary to turn and hide the tongue);
  • back looked around (lick lips);
  • to the side turned (turn the tongue to the left, then to the right part of the mouth);
  • slapped down, hooked (lower the language);
  • up climbed and in the house disappeared (lift the language and hide in the mouth).

Songs with games

Mom and dad sing a song, while portraying the sounds all that is happening in it: the Cocan of the hooves, the sound of the motor, the cow washed. Then repeat the same with the baby.

Tongue Twisters

When the kids do not speak bad sounds, with, with others, help him with patters.

For example, such:

  • "Herp Herpathy, Has Horror";
  • "In the thunderstorm from the cargo collapsed the body";
  • "The wasp is not a mustache, not effort, but the mustache";
  • "Six squeezes in the chaolate rustle."

Problems with speech: when to go to the speech therapist?

Reflecting on how to teach a child to speak, you need to realize one important detail: you must be a responsible and attentive parent. The more you talk to him, the more the child remembers words, and his speech develops harmoniously.

Why can not try to independently adjust the defects of children's speech?

However, the baby does not always pronounce the letters well, and the parents want to help him try to correct these defects on their own. Do this categorically impossible!

Such speech therapy classes harm the baby, and their consequences cannot correct and experienced specialist. The same applies to speech therapy massage, due to the incorrect movements of which there is a spasm of nerve endings.

In what cases do you need a specialist help?

To seek help from a specialist is in the event that the child does not speak or stutter at all. Also a wrapping of parents should the fact that the baby spoke, and then suddenly stopped talking.

Finally, if at five years old, your Chado still incorrectly pronounces sounds, he is just necessary to help the speech therapist!

How to find a good speech therapist?

To find a professional professional, it is better to use the services of "Sarafan Radio" - ask about a good speech therapist for friends and friends. If you decide to contact the clinic immediately, then look at the reviews on the Internet and ask diplomas and certificates of establishment - just like a doctor's diploma.

The "Medvezhya" service of the Non-Physcional will lead to the fact that the child will not only do not learn to speak, but also his speech is subsequently impossible to fix it.

And, finally, it is worth saying that a speech of any kid directly depends on how much time parents pay classes. Teach a child to talk only to talking to him. Therefore, by applying the necessary efforts to achieve the cherished goal and free time, you will achieve in the way of developing the speech of your Karapus big and joyful success!

How proud every mother is the first pushing his baby! The first self-separated sounds! The first "ba-ba-ba" and "yes yes yes"! As the whole family is looking for meaning in them and argues to hoarseness, what it means - Baba, Uncle or give ... But the first year of life of your child is going on, the second is coming to an end. And the vocabulary of the child does not change. Instead of understandable words - new variations of sounds and syllables. We run to the pediatrician, a neurologist, a psychologist and also God knows to whom. Some prescribe medicines that stimulate the development of the brain, others advise to protect against stress, they are third their hands and condescendingly say that you, they say, want, wait to three years. But the flair suggests you - you need to act.
Let's start with the fact that you needed to act from the very beginning. The development of speech in children is a complex process. Articulation itself does not have a separate value so that the child learned to speak. There are, of course, exceptions are a short bridle, an incorrect bite and, accordingly, lispness, but they are already engaged in professional speech therapists or even dentists.
Do not be lazy to talk with a 2-month-old child, it favorably affects and on the subsequent ability to perceive communication, and on the ability to share your emotions.
And in half a year the accumulation of a passive dictionary is already beginning. After all, the "bird" language of a two-year-old child is nothing but the inability to choose the necessary words to express their thoughts. And do not think that if in a week your one-year-old karapuz did not learn to show eyes from a bear and bunny, he did not care where they were. Children assimilate much more than we notice it, it's just that the connection has not yet been formed between the coordination of movements and speech. I got into the field of view of the child, the child immediately grabs his hands. And if we ask you to take the ball, lying among other toys, the high probability that your request will be ignored. This is due to inability to focus and focus on the request of the parent. And we begin to worry - my child will not learn what the ball is! And we lower your hands, they say, not Doros before conversations with him, let's talk later, in a month or another. And this is the main initial error. No stimulation to communicate - no communication. Repeat every one. Even if you wash the child 10 times a day, then exactly the same time to inform him - we wash: cheeks, spout, eyes, mouth. No need to add that all actions are accompanied by a calm voice, cheerful poems and leisureness.
And then your works will not disappear. You will not have time to look back like a interesting and funny interlocutor next to you!
How to stimulate the development of speech? There are several non-hard ways.

  1. The repetition of the teaching. Call everything you do, all household items, all phenomena on the street, warn that the dad will come, grandmother or guests. And believe me, the results will soon be felt.
  2. Repeat for the child. Do you seem to be a tedious and infinite leopping "Du Du Du do"? And try the choir! And immediately you will see how fun will seem to your child. And then suddenly the new "song" - "before-to-up". Repeats? Keep up the good work, turning over all the vowels. This is an excellent training not only speech apparatus, but also a developing game.
  3. Speech development is closely related to the shallow motor. The tips of the fingers and the ability to control their movements are directly related to the brain sites responsible for the development of speech. Of course, the shoelaces are still too early. Let's have completely different items for the game - round, rough, ribbed, soft, sticky, rustling, smooth, etc. The more diverse, the better. It is no secret that many children prefer to play with no expensive developing rugs and games, but by conventional jars with lids, spoons, boxes, flasks and candy. Multicolored buttons strung on the thread that can be sought like a rosary are greatly popular. Give your child a choice!
  4. After a year, try to avoid gestures. Try not to react to the outstretched hand or a thousand finger, and, giving the thing a thing, say - say "give". Gradually complicate the option - "Say, Mom, give a pear." You can learn the words "please" and "Thank you."
  5. Active interest awakens the sounds of animals and imitating them - "Mu-Mu", "Av-Av", "Kva-kva", etc. Along the way, you will learn many animals by examining pictures in books.
  6. Communicate with "speaking" peers or sometimes with the conversational older children. The desire to imitate overpays all the failures.
  7. Sing songs! Even if you do not have hearing and voices. Apply a tricky reception - suddenly "confuse" some words and after a small pause a rare child will keep not to fix you! For example, "Good Dr. Aibolit, he is under the tree ... Lies (goes, standing, sings)"
  8. Rhythmic, easily memorable verses is not only entertainment, but also training. Poems can be read 10 times and every time the child listens to them as the first. Do look that forgot some phrases in the most interesting place, or the continuation and ending - and you will hear them.
  9. Do not ignore the child's attempts to tell you something. Try to listen carefully, looking into the eyes. Can be wondering, ask how to strive "how? Show-ka "and generally do an extremely interested view. And you will find your child's desire to tell you everything he sees and hears. Especially useful, coming from the walk, tell someone from home what happened. For example, dad. What snow fell there, he is cold, white, you can take it with a handle and Vanya took it a pen, etc. Or they fed the birds, fell in a puddle, rode from a slide, were friends with the girl anne, etc. Dad must be completely restless and surprised to ask.
  10. Try not to surround the gaming space of a one-year-old kid by electronic toys, because the child becomes a passive observer for the game, not an active participant. Fantasia is excluded, all actions (except for pressing the button or lever), and the child gets used to that neither the process nor the result of the game does not depend on it. Play balls, machinery, cubes, pyramids, matryoshos, and leave bright shining inventions for later.

Try to use these simple techniques, and then you will distribute to the right and left tips, how to teach the child to speak!

Normally, by four years, the child has a good speech and uses about 1500 words. But there are situations when the baby does not rush to communicate, and in this case it takes a little more effort to master this skill.

How to teach a child for 4 years to talk

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the kid slows down the speech development. It is important to eliminate the presence of serious reasons - biological (associated with refinery dysfunction, problems during pregnancy and childbirth) and social (lack of incentives for speech development, constant stress, hyperopka). To reveal them is possible at the reception at a specialist. After that, it is necessary to start the implementation of the plan "How to stimulate the speech of the kid at 4 years."
Immediately disclaim that any violent learning methods are not talking. The question of how to make the child of four years speaking, do not even have to arise. You can only intimidate the crumb and completely repel the desire to communicate. Therefore, we use only soft, calm methods, reserve patience and do not drive the rapid result. Mark the slightest successes of the crumbs, instilling confidence in him and the desire to continue occupations.

Games for the development of children's speech 4 years

Training to speech skills takes place mainly in the game form. Thus, children are better set the essence, easier to be involved in the process and show a good result. We offer several special games for the development of speech of four-year-old children:

  • funny faces - sit in front of the mirror or look at each other. Speak what to do, and ask to repeat you. For example: "Supervise the language and try to get the tip before the chin / nose. Running a tongue with a tube and show me. Tightly squeeze lips and cheeky. " Field for fantasy is limitless. You can slightly tear over the baby and laugh at your grimaces;
  • the boat / boat - in the pelvis or bathroom you pick up water and allow a paper boat, and it's better not even one. Planning such a story, for example: the wind flew far, far, and he needs so much boats to twist the sea and get to the magic lands. First you call the wind, and then ask the child to blow on the boats so they swam. And on exhalation, the sounds of "P" (several times in a row) and "F" (continuously) are necessary. Kroch should not inflate cheeks. Blow stronger, weaker, intermittent and watch the boats;
  • sunshine Fox - Planning a piece of a fairy tale about Kolobka. Put a scarf or any long piece of matter to the floor - it will be a bridge along which the fox (baby) will go across the river. Ask the baby to flaunt the tongue and put a small flat cookie on it (it will be a bun). Fox caught a kolobka and go home to enjoy, but she needs to go through the bridge. The child should go, having trapped the tongue and holding cookies on it;
  • steps - For each step you need to call one word on a given topic (animals, dishes, fruits, vegetables, all round, edible, etc.). You can make an element of competition and install the start and finish, and the winner will receive a prize;
  • the third is superfluous - call three words (plate, cup, tea; crow, dog, cat, etc.) and ask the child to find more superfluous. This game will teach it to generalize (plate, cup and tea - items in the kitchen, but tea does not apply to the dishes; Crow, a dog and a cat - living beings, but the bird will be superfluous) and expand the vocabulary.

It is important to understand that the child does not just need to learn to speak, ideally you need to teach it to do it right. In solving such a task, the following exercises will be helped for the development of the speech of the child of four years:

  • Speech apparatus muscle training:
  • fish - open your mouth as wide as possible and then closed, it is performed at the expense;
  • watch - smile wide, the mouth is open, due to the ride of the tongue from the right corner of the mouth to the left;
  • swing - mouth is open as wide as possible, the tip of the tongue is alternately adopted to the gums, then behind the lower cutters;
  • elephant - pull the lips with a tube, as if I pronounce the sound "y";
  • the hamster - inflation cheeks, tightly coming up with a sponge and vigorously rush, as the hamster does.
  1. Funny poems for learning the pronunciation of vowels "a", "y", "o", "and", "e", "s". You can come up with yourself or take advantage of the ready-made options.
  2. Role-playing games - come up with a story where you need to teach the main character correctly pronounce some sound or word. At the same time, the child should act as a learning character (the first time you can play this role for yourself, and then pass it to the baby).

Any classes and games developing a child's speech at 4 years will definitely perform together. First, you take a leading role and gradually pass her child (use the phrases "help me", "remind", etc.). Active children can immediately act as the main character. With regular classes, progress will not make himself wait.

Do you need to teach the baby to talk? When should I start this job? Who should do with the child? You will not find an unequivocal response to these questions. Some parents believe that the development of the speech of the baby should pass spontaneously, explaining it by the fact that no one in due time did not teach talking, and now they are wonderful speakers. Other parents are taking actively to develop a child's speech since infant age. So who is right? In fact, the right and others, since the development of speech occurs spontaneously, but the effectiveness of this process is largely depends on the provision of certain stimulating activities, so let's figure it out how to teach a child to speak.

Learn to say baby infant age

Communication with infants occurs to a greater extent on a non-verbal basis. The baby learns to recognize and independently exercise non-verbal signals: Mimic reactions (smile, silence); moving heads, hands and legs (turns around his head, raises the legs, points the handle, etc.) At the same time, since 1 month of life, the child appears the first voice reactions - a consulting that is not yet a speech, but is a predish vocalization in the form of outstanding sounds like "A-GU". In 4 - 6 months of life, the baby comes a new period in the development of speech - "laying" preceding the emergence of independent words and representing vocalization in the form of repeating syllables of the type "Ma-Ma", "Ba-ba", etc.

In order for the bustling and tinted to appear in a timely manner, you need to organize the following interaction with the child. First, attract the attention of the kid to your face. Mom's face or dad should express different emotions. In addition, organize cramped physical contact with the child: take it on your hands, intersect various parts of the body, press to face, etc. In the process of such a non-verbal communication, stammer all its actions, as well as squeeze the quiet songs, tell the stories and fairy tales in a calm voice so that the child see your articulation bodies and felt the vibration from their movements. Such actions are especially needed, since, despite the fact that the infants do not yet understand the meaning of words, it actively reacts to the intonation of an adult and tries to imitate it in the form of elementary vocalization.

An essential difference in the development of the child 6 - 7 months of life is that he begins to sit, thanks to which he appears the opportunity to know not only those objects that adult offers him, but those who are in the field of his vision. To get them, not enough non-verbal funds, you need to study them differentially called. So that the necessary "words" appear in the active dictionary, create the following conditions.

  • First, make interest in the child to the surrounding objects.

  • Secondly, designate all the surrounding objects. At this age stage, we can use brazed words and sound modes: doll - "Lyalya", cow - "Mu Mu."

  • Thirdly, show the baby various actions that can be performed with the surrounding objects and call them.

  • Fourth, consider pictures and illustrations with the baby and the illustrations, which depict animals, toys and other objects, describe them.

  • Fifth, stimulate the baby to repeat the brave words and sound resistance ("What is it?", "How does it say ...?").

At the same time, the child must constantly hear the correct example of saying words. To do this, talk to the baby as with an adult: Do not distort the words, do not simplify them, do not repeat the wrong option for the child.

Learn to speak a child of early age

The age period from the year to three years is the most dynamic in the development of speech and is characterized by the transition from the brave words and sounds that the child denotes almost all the surrounding objects and performing with them ("AV-AB", "Dai", "Nya"), To the words and phrases of the so-called "adult" speech. So, in 2 years, the vocabulary of the child should be at least 200 words, and the speech is characterized by the presence of simple phrases with the lack of grammatical communication, for example, "Cook of Buk", "Mom Dyi", "Uncle Bi Bi", etc. In 3 years, the kid is about 1200 - 1300 words that are actively changing in case of cases, persons, times and numbers. At this age, the child correctly utters almost all sounds of speech. Exceptions can make hissing and whistling sounds, sounds [p] and [l].

In order for the speech development of an early age child in accordance with the norm, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Do not be lazy to talk to the baby.
  2. Try the words correctly, "not Syushuki".
  3. Read him poems, fairy tales and stories.
  4. Carefully study the surrounding items and phenomena, examine them using different analyzers. For example, in the process of acquaintance with an apple, feel it to determine the form and characteristic details, try to taste, sniff. At the same time, call all your actions.
  5. Consising for pictures, photos and illustrations, describe in detail all the objects that are depicted on them.
  6. Listen to audio recordings.
  7. Watch videos, movies and cartoons. Upon completion of the view, ask the baby about what he saw, explain the moments incomprehensible to him.
  8. Organize baby chat with your peers, as well as with older children, so that he learns to interact with them in the game.
  9. Ficeen toys and other surrounding objects. Actions with them accompany the voice reactions and phrases, for example, we sing a song doll - "A-A-A", the train rides "Chuh - Chuh, TU", etc.
  10. Create troubled situations. For example, place a child's favorite toy at an inaccessible level for him. To get it, the baby should ask you about it.
  11. Constantly stimulate the child to speaking, as not only passive, but also an active dictionary should be accumulated.
  12. Correct the pronunciation mistakes of the baby unobtrusively. Attract your favorite toys to this process that will "help" the child find the right speech solution.
  13. Use exercises for the development of small movements of the fingers and articulation organs.