What are the tablets called not to get pregnant. Contraceptive pills after unprotected sex: what to take

Sometimes during sexual intercourse, such an unpleasant event may occur as a condom gap, which will entail the seed fluid to enter the woman's body. Also, during sex, partners may forget use the contraceptive means. And some couples and at all have sex without a condom, while using interrupted sexual act as a method of contraception.

Without observing careful caution, all this can lead to unwanted pregnancyWhat is a serious problem for both partners.

What is emergency contraception for 72 hours

One of the methods of emergency contraception - special pills from unwanted pregnancy that need take a woman within 72 hours. This medical method, directed against the suppression of opportunities to get pregnant with unprotected sexual contact.

These are medical preparations that contain a huge dose of women's steroid hormone - Gestagine (progestogen), which suppresses ovulation by influencing the front share of pituitary gland. Also, Gestagen thickens a cervical mucus, which makes it difficult to promote the spermatozoa to the egg.

In case the fertilization has come, then under the action steroid female hormone The endometrium layer regresses, thereby making it impossible to attach the zygota to the uterine tube.

In other words, the principle of action of these drugs is based on artificial stimulation of menstruation in a woman. The uterine reduction occurs, as a result of which washed out egg cell.

Thus, tablets for emergency contraception can stop pregnancy at the moment of conception within 72 hours.

Name of drugs for emergency contraception

Nowadays, medicine provides a fairly large selection of pharmacological therapy with unwanted pregnancy.

Postinar - Contraceptive drug, which includes the substance of the levonoretel - synthetic gestagen. The medicine prevents the pregnancy of about 85% of cases. The drug must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Hynepriston - active component of the mifepristone. Accept for 72 hours.

- The drug has in its composition the same substance as the previous one. Accept for 72 hours.

Geneva - The active substance is a mifepristone - a synthetic steroid anti-medical agent. Causes braking ovulation, prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Take the drug for 72 hours after sexual intercom.

Such a drug as a regular not suitable as an emergency contraceptive, but with long-term reception, the regylon provides contraceptive effect.
Regular is a combined contraceptive drug. His pharmacodynamics is oppressing the effect of gonadotropin, inhibition of ovulation and the prevention of spermatozoa penetration into the cervical canal.

Terms of application Tablets

It is important to early making emergency contraceptives after unprotected sexual intercourse, preferably for the first 12 or 24 hours. The last term is 72 hours, after which the contraceptive does not work. Remember, the earlier emergency contraception will be applied, moreover, the chances of a successful effect of the drug.

But this type of contraception is the extreme method. Emergency contraception preparationscan be used only twice a year due to the enormous consequences for the body in the form of hormonal imbalancethat is very dangerous for women's health and can lead to a long row of diseases.

Side effects

  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • rash;
  • edema extremities and faces;
  • nunning, pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • ectopic pregnancy is a complicated pregnancy, when a fertilized egg is attached outside the uterus. This is a state that requires emergency medical care, the condition is dangerous for life;
  • mastopathy - pathological fibrous-cystic changes in breast tissues. In the breast, painful fine-grained seals occurs. This is a benign education. However, there is a great risk of their malignancy and the transition to a malignant tumor process;
  • uterine bleeding is a difficult state that also requires emergency medical care. Life threatening;
  • infertility (especially dangerous drug emergency contraception for ever born girls);
  • thromb formation - hormonal preparations can provoke thrombosis, which in turn can lead to a thromboemboy of pulmonary artery, strokes;
  • crohn's disease - hormonal drugs increase the risk of crown disease 3 times;
  • emotional lability.

It is worth noting that the choice of the drug is better to do with a specialist doctor. It is not worth a hurry to take the first contraceptive, before that without consulting with the gynecologist. Improper use of hormonal preparations is very dangerous for both health and life. The doctor will pick up a more suitable drug for you, tells the risks that they can expect after taking the drug. Under the supervision of a specialist, the consequences of the reception of these drugs are significantly reduced.

If you still for some reason you cannot go to a gynecologist, then before accepting the drug, carefully read his instructions. This is important not only for the correct application of pharmacological action, but also for your health.

After the adoption of hormonal drugs, within two weeks, it will be advisable to see a doctor, even if you feel good and no complaints are presented.


To the age of 16, the reception of emergency contraception is contraindicated, as they have not formed cyclic of ovulation and menstruation. This can lead not only to infertility, but also to irreparable health problems. Others

Do not take oral contraceptives with confirmed pregnancy, there is high risk of ectopic pregnancy.
The use of hormonal contraceptives is excluded in the pathology of the liver, biliary tract, liver failure. In disruption of glucose absorption or during lactose intolerance, the use of these drugs is also prohibited.

It is prohibited to use drugs at the breastfeeding phase. Do not feed baby breast days If the drug was adopted.

An interesting fact that a hormone prolactin is standing out in the organism of the mother's nursing breasts, which, under certain conditions, practically eliminates pregnancy to a woman at this time.

Hormonal contraceptives are contraindicatedIf a woman in the past had an ectopic pregnancy, with tumors, with increased blood coagulation indicators, or with long-term intake of corticosteroids, with anemia, crown disease.

Any pathology from the body of a woman may cast doubt on the reception of hormonal contraceptives. You should think twice before taking these drugs by weighing everything and against.

Each organism is individual, and especially female. It is difficult to say how to react a healthy organism on a hormonal splash. In some cases, the consequences after receiving oral extra contraceptives do not appear, or are manifested slightly, in the other cases, the reception of hormones can lead to serious consequences for the health of a woman. There is a big risk that not only the reproductive system will suffer, and the whole body as a whole.

Unwanted pregnancy can lead to social problems, especially at the young age. To prevent unwanted consequences, before taking emergency contraceptives, it is better to consult a gynecologist who will appoint you a more gentle medicine.

Most modern girls and women are well understood in matters And they know its main methods. Among which, by the way, there are frankly obsolete and already quite irrelevant. For example, a calendar way when an approximate day is calculated ovulation or the intermitted intercourse method.

In accordance with the scale used to assess the effectiveness of contraceptive methods ( pearl Index ), the above mentioned methods relate to extremely ineffective. The Pearl index for them is set to 25-40 and 18-27 points, respectively. For comparison, the barrier method of contraception, in which condoms use, and some other means for this scale are gaining 2-3 points.

It is believed that the lower the Pearl index, the higher the protection against unplanned. Perhaps among all methods of contraception used to prevent pregnancy, are the most effective are birth control pills ( , also known as COOK) , as well as some hormonal drugs, for example, injection or Intrauterine spirals.

Of course, the tablets from pregnancy have their own disadvantages, however, according to experts, the advantages of such contraception with interest overlap all its negative sides. Perhaps the main difficulty with which women facing contraceptive pills are the need for permanent, in other words, daily reception of these drugs.

Otherwise, with the pass of the next reception of tablets, the risk of becoming pregnant after sexual intercourse, in which not used, for example, barrier methods of contraception increases sharply. What to do in such a situation and what to drink not to get pregnant? There are one right answer to these questions - emergency contraceptives .

In medicine for this term use name postcoital . Emergency, fire or emergency contraception. This method is effective after unprotected intercourse. In addition, emergency contraceptives will help avoid pregnancy when taking contraceptive pills on an ongoing basis if the woman could not or forgot more than two times in a row to take the medicine.

Generally, emergency contraceptive tablets Used then and only when the main method of protection against unwanted conception gave failure. And have time to take such contraceptive pills after the act you need for 72 hours. Otherwise, even these special contraceptive tablets designed for such situations will not help avoid unwanted pregnancy.

It is important to emphasize that in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (hereinafter WHO) emergency contraceptives after an unprotected act should not be used by women on a regular basis. Since hormonal compounds that are part of such drugs may adversely affect not only the reproductive function, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Emergency contraceptives - it is still a more sparing alternative surgical interruption of pregnancy . But, like all drugs, they should be used correctly and do not abuse them.

Before we proceed to more detailed consideration of emergency contraceptive tablets and talk about how such drugs affect the body, it is worth staying on some major issues related to the process of conception. So that in the future it is better to understand the mechanism of influence on the female body of tablets against pregnancy.

So, for the occurrence of pregnancy should happen. This is a merger of sex cells of partners (male spermatozoov and women egg cell ), as a result, cell formation occurs zygotes (diploid cell capable of "generating" another cell). By itself, sexual intercourse cannot be associated with the act of fertilization. Since not every contact between a man and a woman is committed in order to continue the kind.

With unprotected sexual act, the men's sperm naturally falls into the women's vagina. It is noteworthy that the Wednesday of the Women's Organism is dedicated for spermatozoa. This is due to a high level of acidity in the vagina. Therefore, after ejaculation, the overwhelming majority of spermatozoa dies. However, the most movable part of them still penetrates Makeup and can lead to fertilization. How much can you get pregnant after unprotected sexual intercourse?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand that for conception should be as they say "to the stars", namely:

  • in a woman, in this period there must be ovulation, for this, the phenomenon is characterized by the state of the maturity of the egg. If for some reason when breaking Follicula Eggs did not "come out" in uterine tube or did not reach his maturity, fertilization will not happen;
  • the spermatozoa men should be strong enough and movable to overcome the acidic medium of the vagina and penetrate the structure of the egg;
  • when connecting a sperm and eggs, the process of fetal egg division should be launched;
  • implantation of a fetal egg should occur, in the process of its division on the walls of the uterus.

The whole fertilization process takes about seven days. It is for this period of time that there is a formation. Embryo Which with help chorione (predecessor placets. ) Enshrined in the uterus, where it grows and develops over the next nine months. It is important to emphasize that not rare cases when emergency contraception is not dangerous to conceive the tablet.

This means that even subject to all the rules for using emergency contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse (for example, they must be taken after a maximum of 72 hours, so as not to get pregnant) fertilization may still occur. Of course, there are not the majority of such cases, and they are more likely to exceptions. However, the likelihood of "flying", as the people called unwanted pregnancy, there is always even subject to the use of ordinary contraceptives.

Tablets from unwanted pregnancy after the act are divided into two main categories:

  • tablets "Next Day" . Preparations that are better to accept in the next 24 hours after unprotected contact. In fact, a woman has a maximum of 72 hours, so that the pills from pregnancy will affect and helped avoid fertilization;
  • Kok or (so-called jUZPE method ).

As for oral contraceptives related to Kok or drugs from the series of mini-dies - it is essentially an emergency contraception. After all, contraceptive pills must be taken constantly. However, there are varieties of such drugs that can be used as tablets in order not to get pregnant after an act unprotected by any means of contraception.

As a rule, for these purposes, an increased dosage of contraceptive pills containing hormones or anti-humons is used. Also, the methods of emergency contraception can be attributed to the installation within 120 hours after unprotected intercourse intrauterine spiral .

For pregnancy, emergency contraceptive tablets are dangerous because they contain substances in their chemical composition that prevent fertilization offensive. The main current compounds in tablets against pregnancy after an unprotected act can be either or anti-Children .

The first compounds are biologically active substances that relate to belkov or Steroids and produced by organs or tissues of a living organism. Hormones are transported on the blood flow from the organ to the organ and are responsible for the physiological activity of the body, for example, for its development and growth, metabolism, and so on.

As can be seen from the name anti-Philmons - These are connections are opposite to hormones. They suppress hormonal activity in the body.

It is noteworthy that anti-humons by nature having an exogenous or endogenous origin are often structural analogues of the hormones that they suppress.

So, before wondering what to drink, so as not to get pregnant to the emergency contraception tablet, it should be remembered that the composition of the drugs of this type may contain:

  • . synthetic progestin (steroid female sex hormone), is contained in such preparations as: , Tetraginon ;
  • mifepristone . Synthetic antiprogestin (anti-city) is contained in such contraceptive contraceptives as: , Renomelan, Agesta, .

Levonorgestrel-based preparations

First let's talk about how levonorgestrel and preparations containing it. So, interrupting pregnancy pills related to emergency contraception after the first reception:

  • immediately affect the chemical composition of mucus endocerswix (cervical cervical cervical channel) Also increasing its viscosity, thus slowing down the process of penetration of sperm in the fallopian tube;
  • act on the ovaries, warning out the output from the main follicle of ripened eggs (subject to the adoption of tablets before ovulation), suppressing gonadotropic hormones, which ultimately blocks or delays the ovulation process;
  • the implantation of an egg, fertilized spermatozoa, in the fallopian walls for the further development of the embryo and the formation of a "children's" place. To fail in fertilization, the levonorgestrel, not only changes the endometrium structure, thereby not letting it go to the secretory phase, without which ovulation does not occur, but also affects uterine (phallopy) pipes. As a result, the number of their abbreviations is significantly reduced, which leads to the impossibility of entering a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity.

It is important to emphasize that drinking the above-listed drugs, which include levonorgestrel You only need to consult your doctor. In addition, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions attached to the tablets. The fact is that these contraceptives contain colossal doses of hormones.

After their reception in the female organism, a hormonal imbalance occurs, the consequences of which can be unpredictable. Therefore, experts include such methods of contraception to "disposable" means, which are extremely recommended to use more than 4 times a year. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to apply such emergency contraception preparations more than once per menstrual cycle.

Tablets emergency contraception (They are also called the "pills of the next day" due to the specifics of the reception) - it is even effective, but rather a controversial method of protection against unplanned pregnancy. Doctors argue that after a one-time reception of such drugs in the body there are serious changes, therefore it takes time to restore the function of the reproductive system of the woman.

Mephristone-based preparations

What can be said about the second group of emergency contraception preparations containing antigormon mifepristone - They act almost as levonoretrel-containing contraceptive pills, i.e. also:

  • inhibit the ovulation process;
  • the endometrium structure changes, which leads to the impossibility of fastening the fertilized egg in the fallopian wall;
  • increase uterine reductions, due to such hyperreactivity, the fertilized egg "is expelled" from the uterine cavity.

It is worth noting that to protect against unwanted pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, you can use Non-immalic drugs , for example, vaginal candles containing nonoxinol (steridil,) or ( , ). The above preparations refer not only to the methods of express contraception, since they have a spermatocidal impact, the scope of their application is much wider, due to their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal abilities.

Above the listed names of tablets from pregnancy after an act, unprotected by any means of contraception, not all. Currently, in any pharmacy there is a good selection of such drugs. About how the emergency contraceptive tablets are called directly from the pharmacy pharmacy, but it is better to deal with these questions to the doctor. After all, any medicines (and contraceptives do not exclude their rules) there are its own contraindications and side effects.

This is especially true for women with GW (breastfeeding) or suffering from some diseases in which large doses of hormones or anti-humons can become fatal. Let the unequivocal response to the question of whether the contraceptive pills belonging to postco-cellular contraception are harmful because what will be good and efficient for some, for others can turn into big health problems, not a single woman should use this method of solving the problem of undesirable Pregnancy without preliminary medical advice.

Only the specialist will be able to, firstly, correctly choose the drug, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient (an ordinary person may simply be lost in anything speaking of the composition, contraindications or side effects of the tablets after an unprotected act). And, secondly, it is the doctor who will tell how to make emergency contraceptives to make not harm its body and achieve the desired result.

There are several basic rules for receiving drug-cellular contraception:

  • It is necessary to clearly follow the use of such drugs. The overwhelming majority of tablets should be taken no later than 72 hours from the moment of unprotected seitium. Many have a question, how many days are 72 hours? It is well known that, in one day or in one day 24 hours, therefore, 72 hours are three days or three days. It is believed that the first tablet of ambulance should be as soon as possible, the second is optimally 12 hours after the first or maximum after 16 hours. It is important to emphasize that the effectiveness of the tablets depends directly on the period of their reception. It is believed that drugs with levonorgestrel The most effective within 24 hours after sexual intercourse (95% efficiency). With their reception after 48 hours, efficiency decreases to 85%, and after 72 hours - up to 58%. Containing mifepristone Tablets are also taken no later than 72 hours from the moment of contact.
  • It is important to stick to the dosage indicated in the instructions for drugs or a prescribed doctor. As mentioned above, emergency contraception tablets take twice after a certain period of time, for example, Postinar . However, this rule is not relevant for all drugs. Eskinor F. or Escapel (Contain levonorgestrel ) I. Geneva , Hyneproviston (Contain mifepristone ) Drink one tablet within 72 hours from the moment of sexual contact.
  • It is strictly forbidden to independently adjust the dosage of contraceptive pills. This can lead to the development of side effects, as well as provoke serious negative consequences ( bleeding, ). It is recommended a couple of hours before the reception of emergency contraceptive tablets and after not eating food so that biologically active compounds are better learned in the body. If after receiving the drugs, vomiting happened, you will have to drink a pill again.

Combined oral contraceptives

It is also worth paying attention to the so-called method of contraceptive UZPE . As mentioned earlier, as an emergency contraceptive, you can use well many familiar Kok (combined oral contraceptives). This method can be an excellent way out for those whom for any reason are contraindicated pills related to post-cellular contraception.

As emergency contraceptives, you can use such COCs as: , Tetraginon, Ovr other. As a rule, in such tablets contain hormones - estrogen, Levonorgestrel, Desogestrel, Ethinyl Estradiol and progestogen .

According to the instructions you need to take COC every day one thing. However, this rule can be broken in an emergency to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The main thing is not to overdo it in order not to harm the body. The following dosages are considered safe.

  • from 2 to 4-5 tablets (depending on the KOK type) in the first reception, which should take place no later than in three days or 72 hours after sexual intercourse;
  • the same number of tablets need to drink 12 hours after the first intake of COC.

The effectiveness of this method also depends on the time of reception of drugs. That is, the sooner the woman drank the pills, the greater the probability that ovulation will not come and fertilization will not happen.


We talked about how not to get pregnant after the act "without obligations". Now the turn has come to discuss the negative aspects of emergency contraception and determine who should not resort to helping such an uncompromising method.

Use of emergency contraceptive pills, not counting of course a woman's psycho-emotional calm, there is no fact. And how much and what harm can they bring?

levonorgestrel Preparations:

  • for pathology of biliary tract ;
  • for liver diseases, for example, liver failure ;
  • in cases where the pregnancy was confirmed by a gynecologist, i.e. The fertilized egg was successfully implanted in the uterine wall;
  • when the age of the patient is 16 and less years;
  • for lactose intolerance ;
  • with impairment of suction galactose and glucose ;
  • in some diseases, the gastrointestinal tract, for example, crohn's disease ;
  • when;
  • in the presence of tumors sensitive to changes hormonal background ;
  • for violation of menstrual cycles ;
  • when;
  • in case of failures in work hemostasis systems .

It is forbidden to use containing mifepristone Preparations:

  • for liver failure ;
  • for porphyry ;
  • for renal failure ;
  • in case of violations Hemostasis systems (blood coagulation) ;
  • when receiving glucocorticoids , eg, , etc;
  • when receiving Anticoagulantov ;
  • for adrenal insufficiency ;
  • with confirmed pregnancy;
  • with breastfeeding; P
  • in the presence of some diseases in the chronic stage;
  • for anemia ;
  • women aged from thirty-five years;
  • for ectopic pregnancy.

Of course, any woman has the right to decide independently, what modern ways of contraception or even folk methods are used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. However, you should always think about what harmful consequences may occur for the body when receiving certain drugs.

The tablets of emergency or "fire" contraception can be dangerous:

  • development risk subsequently ectopic pregnancy , due to a violation of the process of transporting a fertilized egg to the place of consolidation in the uterus for further development;
  • risk of appearance Uterine bleeding with which even medical professionals are not always coped;
  • risk infertility , especially for young women, whose menstrual cycle has not yet been established;
  • risk of development diseases Crown , chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects all its departments (from the oral cavity to the rectum);
  • risk reinforced Thromboration which provoke high doses of hormones contained in all without exception to the "next" day tablets, which leads to , And even a fatal effect.

According to the reviews of women who experienced the action of emergency contraceptive pills, the most common side effects of these drugs are:

  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions as ramp and skin itching;
  • euchness or disease soreness (Mastalgia);
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • strong headaches;
  • stress ;
  • emotional instability.

Absorbative pills. Price where to buy how to use

So-called pharmacet or Drug often associated with emergency contraception. However, this is not the same thing. Of course, both of those and other drugs help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, only the mechanism of action and the time of receiving the so-called abortive pills is different.

Let's talk about the main differences between the drug abortion, which, according to many specialists, is safer than surgery, for example, vacuum Aspiration or scraping. To what period of abortion pills can be effective in interruption of unwanted pregnancy?

So, as we have previously mentioned, after an unprotected act of pregnancy, the contraceptive tablets relating to emergency contraceptives can save within 72 hours. Medications for drug abortion are used when pregnancy has already come.

So, when you can use abortive pills or to what time. These funds are permissible to take in early pregnancy (up to 42 days amenorrhea -For day of the last menstrual cycle).

This means that the effect of abortive pills has for pregnancy to the sixth maximum until the seventh week.

It is worth noting that the most efficient abortion pills affect the still weakly attached to the Makeup of a fruit egg on a period of up to four weeks.

During this period, the hormonal background of the female organism has not yet reached the peak of their changes and can be resorted to the help of drugs for interrupting unwanted pregnancy.

It should be noted that abortive pills should not be taken without medical control. Although this method of interrupting pregnancy is considered safer than surgical intervention is far from always everything goes smoothly and without negative consequences for the female organism.

To prevent possible health damages, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist, as well as to take this kind of pills only in its presence, so that a qualified specialist can provide rapid assistance (for example, if strong bleeding) and prevent the severe exodus of the drug abortion. Unfortunately, not many think about how aburrent tablets can be dangerous.

After all, they can even die from them if complications arise and doctors will not have urgent medical care. Therefore, drugs for medication abortion containing Mifepristone (Steroid anti-piced substance of synthetic origin), for example, or taken once in the dosage of no more than 200 mg solely under medical control.

Mifhegin , the drug produced by the French manufacturer, like his domestic analog Mifeprex contain in its chemical composition the same biologically active substance mifepristone which blocks developing progesterone due to the impact on progesterone receptors. With the normal course of pregnancy, such as progesterone produced yellow bodies of ovarian , forms endometrium , whose main function is the creation of the best conditions for development Embryo .

The action of mifepristone-containing drugs gives the opposite effect ( myometrium Reduced, increase increases prostaglandinov ) that in the end leads to preventing unwanted pregnancy. After a maximum of 48 hours after using an abortive type tablets, a woman must complete a drug abortion and take such medicines as or Gemeprost .

This is analogs of prostaglandins, which stimulate the process of "expulsion" of the fetus from the uterus. It is very important to understand that in order to avoid severe complications, the patient must be under mandatory medical control within 2 hours after taking the above-mentioned drugs.

In order to completely make sure that there was an interruption of pregnancy, a woman needs to go through an ultrasound after two days after the procedure, and then re-appear at the reception to the gynecologist in two weeks. According to experts, the effectiveness of this method comes to 99%. However, in some cases, abortive pills do not help fully get rid of the fetus, and then the woman has to pass such an unpleasant procedure as:

  • abrasion (in common man scraping ) Is an operation aimed at removing the fetal egg, as well as some pathological formations on the mucous membranes of the uterus;
  • vacuum Aspiration (in everyday life is more common name Mini abortion ) Is a method of interrupting pregnancy, in which the fruit is removed from the uterus using a special vacuum suction.

As we talked above, the drug abortion is considered to be the most gentle way of interrupting unplanned pregnancy, since there is no mechanical impact on the uterus. As a result, its mucous membranes are not damaged, which eliminates many possible complications. However, this method has a number of contraindications in which the ability to use abortive pills is prohibited:

  • inflammatory diseases of ovarian or uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy ;
  • scars in the uterus , due to previously postponed operations;
  • some Zhktic diseases .

When conducting a drug abortion, the following complications may arise:

  • bleeding in the uterus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea;
  • sharp abdominal pains;
  • incomplete abortion those. The situation in which the pregnancy progresses, since the rejection of the fetus did not happen;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • vomiting.

Price of contraceptive tablets

The price of postcoital contraception tablets depends on several factors. First, the price of drugs is influenced by the manufacturer, secondly, the number of pills in the package, and, thirdly, the region where contraceptives are sold. For example, popular and widespread tablets as Postinar In Ukraine, there are 200 hryvnias on average, and in Russia 350 rubles.

How much are abortive pills? The price of this type of drugs depends primarily on their manufacturer. In addition, as we mentioned earlier, the pharmacological abortion is a medical procedure that should be held exclusively under the supervision of the doctor. Therefore, the cost of the gynecologist's doctor's services themselves is added to the cost of the abortion tablets, which will be observed for the patient and can help her in a timely manner if something goes wrong as planned.

- emergency contraception with 95% efficiency.

Advantages: pregnancy can be avoided.

Disadvantages: Effect 95%. Blow on the feminine body.

Good afternoon! Let's talk about postcoital contraception.

What is and when postcoital contraception is needed.

Of course, the best way to protect against unwanted pregnancy is to use the contraceptive means before or during sexual intercourse (condom, for example). But it also happens that contraception is not needed before, but after unprotected sexual contact. Cases are different, namely:

Unprotected sexual intercourse, and pregnancy is undesirable

During sex, a condom broke

It was incorrectly implemented interrupted sexual act and the probability of pregnancy still exists

Rape occurred

And similar situations.

In general, there is a probability of pregnancy, and the child is not planned at all. There are two ways of postcoital contraception - tablets and inside-uterine spiral, delivered in the first five dawn seven days after this intercourse. Even if the fertilization happened, the spiral does not give an egg to gain a jetty in the endometrium of the uterus. But we will not talk about spirals, let's talk about pills.


This is a steroid remedy, the main substance of the Mephypriston. Packing one tablet. It should be taken within 72 hours after a dubious sexual intercourse. The hyneprovon action is to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus. Also, this medicine is inhibited ovulation.

For greater confidence in the effect of the pill, it should be taken either after 2 hours after meals, or two hours before meals. The effectiveness does not depend on the female cycle phase. Pregnant taking contraindicated. Nursing breasts need to stop feeding two weeks after taking the drug. Side effects can manifest itself as - nausea, headaches, weakness, feelings of discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen. There may be bleeding and breaking the menstrual cycle.

It is necessary to understand that this drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, from genital infections, AIDS. You should also know that it is impossible to use a hynepriston as a constant contraception. This is an emergency and very strong means that strikes on female health.

Prices for hyneprovon are such. On the network 358 p. (Rylag), 424 rubles. (EAPTEC), but now this medication in free access is not. In the pharmacies of our city you will not find it. After all, its main substance is a Mofypriston - and this is a means to be interrupted by pregnancy in early deadlines in stationary institutions. They cause childbirth when measuring pregnancy. Therefore, it is removed from free access. Only at the doctor and under the supervision of the doctor.


This is a hormonal means of emergency prevention against unwanted pregnancy. The main substance is a hormone levonorgestrel. Packaging two tablets, each of which contains 0.75 milligrams of this hormone. They need to drink in a period of up to three days (the same seventy two hours) after a dubious PA, and with a break of 12 hours between the first and second.

The action of the hormone levonorgestrel is as follows: the transformation of endometrial, and thus interference in the implantation process of the fertilized egg; retention ovulation; Increasing the viscosity of fluid in the uterus, and therefore preventing the movement of spermatozoa. The postiner has contraindications - this is age up to 16 years old, pregnancy, liver problems.

Postinor is a very strong blow to hormones, and it is not advised to apply it with young people who did not give birth. It can not be considered as a constant contraception. Even in the description it is written that it is impossible to use more than 2 times a year.

The cycle can be knocked out, there may be bleeding separating sections between menstruation.

And with all side effects, Postinor may not be effective, especially if you take it late. During the first 24 hours after the contact, the probability of the occurrence of pregnancy is estimated 5% if the postinor is accepted on the second day, then this is already 15%, if in third (48 - 72 hours) - then high 42 percent.

Medication is produced in Hungary, Gideon Richter Pharmacepania. Prennian prices will vary in different sources. In the Internet pharmacies it is 390 p. (Pipuli.ru), 363 rubles (Apteka.ru), 361 rubles. (Eapteka.ru). In urban pharmacies, price fluctuations are the following - from 292 to 418 rubles. But I doubt that in such a situation, when it is necessary to raise a tablet, someone will compare city prices or order a medicine on the Internet and wait for delivery. You can, of course, buy a drug in advance so that he lay and waited for "his case", the shelf life of the postiner is five years old.

They write that the drug is presptured, but in pharmacies it can be purchased easily.

Also a hormonal means of post-cellular contraception. The manufacturer is the same as the postinora, Hungarian firm Gideon Richter. And the substance is the same - a hormone of Levonorgestrel.

Immediately write about prices. On the network, the cost of Escapel is also different - 477, 504, 436 rubles. In the city, the medicine is sold at prices from 358 to 550 p. The difference is due to the location of the pharmacy T mode. In 24-hour pharmacies are always more expensive. But such a drug may be needed very quickly, so you can buy for any price if it is impatient.

Escapel has the same action as Postinor. But in its package there is only one tablet with 1.5 mg of Levonorgestrel. If Postinor needs to drink in two receptions, then Escapel in one, drank and forgot, as they say. This consists of its convenience.

It also slows down ovulation and prevents the introduction of an egg (if the fertilization has already happened). Changes the endometrium structure. But it is not effective if implantation has already happened.

Escaple the same features as the previous medicine. The sooner after suspicious contact, the tool, the greater the likelihood of "not get pregnant." In the first day, the effect of 95%, on the second day it decreases to 85%, the third is only 58%. So it is impossible to fully rely and have confidence that pregnancy will not happen.

Steroid remedy for urgent contraception, preventing the introduction of a fertilized female cell in the endometrium. It has one tablet that needs to be applied in a period of seventy-two hours after suspicious sexual contact (the condom flew or broke up and the like). As part of Mephypriston, so the drug is sold strictly according to the recipe, and now it is also removed from the free sale. But they do it gradually, you will practically buy it on the network, but in the city it is still for sale.

Prices from 385 to 525 rubles depending on the pharmacy.

Once again I want to remind you that:

1. You can not perceive this type of contraception, as permanent. If you have unprotected sexual contacts, then consult your gynecologist, it will pick you up a permanent protection option - contraceptive pills, individually for you (if a partner is permanent) or spiral.

Today, every girl has the ability to choose: to be pregnant or not. This choice was possible, due to the presence of many types of contraception in the modern world. Knowing how to be protected from unwanted pregnancy, you will not be afraid of her unexpected offensive.

Conversion methods for unwanted pregnancy:

  1. Barrier
  2. Rhythmic
  3. Chemical
  4. Installation of the Navy (Spiral)
  5. Hormonal contraception
  6. Emergency methods

Barrier method of prevention

Protect from unwanted pregnancy in this way, means the use of funds that prevent the penetration of seed fluid into the cervix.

These include application:

  • condoms;
  • vaginal caps;
  • diaphragms;
  • contraceptive sponges.

The first method is considered male, three others - female.


This prevention option is considered the most efficient among all applicable. A feature of this method is the need for use with each sexual contact. It is unacceptable when using a condom to use additional substances for lubrication (creams, gels, etc.), as this reduces its efficiency as a method of contraception. With proper use, protective properties reach 98%. It is also possible to mention women's condoms, however, they have established themselves worse, their contraceptive ability reaches 80-90%, so widespread use is not found.

Disadvantages of use of condoms:

  • the possibility of breaking;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • reduced sensitivity during sexual contact.


The diaphragms are the objects of the dome-shaped form, which are made of latex or rubber and have a spring bezel around the perimeter. It is not difficult to understand how to protect against unwanted pregnancy with the help of a diaphragm: it must be placed inside the vagina in such a way that it rests on the pubic articulation in front, and behind the rear arch of the vagina. With such a placement of the diaphragm closes the cervix and prevents sperm.

Disadvantages of using the diaphragm:

  • low contraceptive protection (up to 19 women from 100 per year will be pregnant);
  • the need to combine the use of the diaphragm with the chemical method;
  • the need to insert the diaphragm before the sexual act;
  • the possibility of allergies to materials.

Ceching caps

The caps are rubber thimbles of about 3 cm, which close the cervix, not allowing the sperm further in the sex paths of a woman. There are varieties of thimbles that only a doctor can insert, such caps can be worn throughout the month, except for menstruation. There are also caps that are introduced at home the woman for the period up to 48 hours.

Disadvantages of using crooked caps:

  • low protective properties (about 83%);
  • the complexity of the application: It is possible to put it improperly, injured the mucous membrane;
  • the need to introduce the cap almost in front of the sexual act;
  • the need to use in combination with chemical methods of contraception.

Contraceptive sponges

Such sponges are made of a paralleon, which is saturated with nonoxynol. Protect from unwanted pregnancy in such a way very simple: shortly before the alleged sex, but extracting 8 hours after it. Being in the vagina, the contraceptive sponge closes the entrance to the cervical canal.


  • low protection (75-86%);
  • the need to manipulate before the sexual act.

Rhythmic, or biological prevention method

They imply natural protection against the child's conception without the use of any mechanical or drugs.

Include such varieties:

  • calendar method;
  • temperature method;
  • cervical way;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse.

Calendar method

So, the beginning of the fertile period will be a day, equal difference: the duration of the shortest cycle - 18. The end of a period dangerous for conception will be a day, equal difference: the duration of the longest cycle itself - 11. Example for clarity: for the last year, the girl has the shortest cycle It was 27 days, the longest - 32. Thus, the period from 9 to 22 the number of menstrual cycle will be dangerous.


  • cannot be used in women who have a different period of menstrual cycle;
  • low reliability.

Temperature method

To use this method as contraception, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum. All measurements need to be carried out strictly at the same time, in the morning time, in the lying position. Results that are derived from daily measurements are listed in the schedule. How to protect against unwanted pregnancy using the data obtained? The fact is that the first half of the monthly cycle is characterized by a low temperature (below 37 ° C), in about a day, the temperature is still slightly reduced (up to 0.5 ° C), and after the occurrence of ovulation, on the contrary, it rises to 37 and even higher, such And it remains until the occurrence of menstruation. Sex can not have 6 days before ovulation and 3 days following it.


  • low contraceptive efficiency;
  • cannot be used in women who have different cycle duration;
  • inconveniences, consisting in the daily temperature measurement of a long period;
  • the possibility of incorrect interpretation of the data obtained.

Cervical Prevention Method

It consists in changing the consistency of the mucus in the cervical channel. So, about a day before the exit of the egg, it becomes more viscous and light, and its number increases. However, the period when an undesirable pregnancy is possible, includes 4 days after that.


  • low efficiency;
  • not applicable to representatives of beautiful sex with an irregular monthly cycle;
  • subjectivism assessment of the nature of the selection;
  • not suitable if there are collision or cervicitis in women.

Interrupted sexual act


  • contraceptive protection is not large (about 80%);
  • psychological factor is the need for constant control;
  • the presence of a small amount of spermatozoa in the male lubricant, the hit of which can lead to the occurrence of pregnancy.

Chemical methods, or spermicides

Includes the use of gels, creams, suppositories, foam, which possess the property to "neutralize" spermatozoa in a short time (from a few seconds to 2 minutes). As a rule, they are used in conjunction with female mechanical methods of contraception.


  • not quite effective as an independent contraceptive method (70-75%);
  • the need for manipulation before sexual interchange;
  • the teratogenic effect for the fetus in case the woman is protected, not yet knowing the occurrence of her pregnancy.

Intrauterine device


  • risk of inflammatory pathology in female genital organs;
  • there is a danger of breaking the uterus;
  • abundant menstruation;
  • probable development of ectopic pregnancy. About this state will tell the article.

Hormonal agents

A reliable and effective way, which will help to solve the question for a long time how to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Its effectiveness is more than 99%.

Several types of hormonal contraceptives are isolated.

Combined oral contraceptives

Monocomponent oral contraceptives

Mini-saw - contain only progestogen in its composition, therefore influence only on the nature of the mucus in the cervical channel, as well as on the processes after ovulation (the impossibility of implantation of the fetal egg);

Subcutaneous implants

Prolonged hormonal contraceptives

Injection forms of gestagens, which are capable of distinguishing a substance that prevents conception to the blood for a long time.

How to protect against unwanted pregnancy after a faithful sexual intercourse.

The following ways of protection against unwanted pregnancy are emergency, as they are held after the sexual intercourse itself. Among them, the reception of hormonal drugs or emergency installation of the Navy is distinguished.

Hormonal drugs

There are various preparations designed specifically for the "morning" contraception. Among them is the famous postinor, as well as Danazol, Escapel. The most modern is hyneproviston, which is safer. Take hormonal emergency contraceptives no later than 72 hours (3 days) after sexual intercourse, it is best - no later than 24 hours.

The mechanism of their contraceptive protection consists in preventing the attachment of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity due to the changed hormonal background. So to be protected from unwanted pregnancy, it is impossible than 1 time in 6 months, as a hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman is going on, which may entail serious health problems.

Emergency installation of the Navy

Effective this method will be in case the installation of the helix is \u200b\u200bcarried out within 5 days after unprotected contact. The mechanism of action is not different from planned contraception using the IUD, so this helix can be left as a further method of contraception. The girl should know how to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Today there are many methods of contracepting of different action. Condoms, hormonal contraceptives and installation of intrauterine spiral are most effective. However, it is always necessary to remember the contraindications and possible consequences when using a specific method. In addition, the choice of the contraception method will depend on the presence of a permanent or non-permanent partner, the regularity of the sexual interchange and age of the patient. For example, for young girls it is best to use hormonal contraceptives (Coki), and for the giving birth women - the installation of intrauterine spirals.

Publication author: Valery Konstantinova

Postcoital contraception is considered to prevent pregnancy, which is extremely unwanted. The need to receive data tools occurs if the woman forgot to take the oral contraceptive on time or during the intercourse there was a condom gap. Often postcoital contraception is used after a violent sexual intercourse.

It should be noted that pregnancy prevention is possible only if the woman accepted an emergency contraceptive for 3 days from the moment of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Contraceptive tablets based on levonorgestrel

Emergency contraceptives, which contain in their composition Levonorgestrel prevent the egg fertilization. After receiving the tablet, ovulation is delayed, thanks to the cervical mucus, which prevents spermatozoa in the egg.

Whether the data will help contraceptive pills after the act, depends on the time that passed after sexual contact:

  • up to 24 hours - efficiency of 95%;
  • 25 - 48 hours - efficiency of 85%;
  • 49 - 72 hours - effectiveness 58%.

Consider what kind of contraceptive pills based on Levonorgestrel today are the most efficient:

NameHow long to takeInstructionPhoto
Within 72 hours

Emergency contraceptive consumption is effective for 3 days.

It should be noted that 2 tablets are in the package, respectively, the reception of an emergency contraceptive must be made twice.

The second tablet needs to be served 12 hours after consuming the first. Not chewing, powered by clean water.

Within 72 hours

Within 3 days after sex (not protected), you must take one tablet.

If side effects occurred in the form of vomiting, a re-reception of the drug is required.

Extra contraception based on mifepristone

Thanks to the active substance (mifepristone), ovulation becomes impossible if you take a tablet for 3 days from the moment of unprotected intercourse. In the event that more than 3 days have passed, the mifepristone (enlarged dosage) is used as an early pregnancy (up to 9 weeks).

NameHow long it is necessary to takeInstructionPhoto
HynepristonWithin 72 hours

1 Tablet take, drinking with a small amount of water.

GenevaWithin 72 hours

It is preferable to take this drug 2 hours before meals, provided that from the moment of the last reception, no less than 2 hours passed.

AgestaWithin 72 hours

1 Tablet takes drinking with a small amount of water.

It is preferable to take this drug 2 hours before meals, provided that from the moment of the last reception, no less than 2 hours passed.

Combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception (JUZPE method)

The UZPE method is emergency contraception, which is based on the reception of oral contraceptives.

To effectively prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to take tablets within 24 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. For this method, the reception of the following drug drugs is characteristic:

  • Marvelon.
  • Microgenon
  • Regular.
  • Riguevidon.
  • Miniziston.

You can also use low-volume hormonal preparations, such as new, Logest or Mersille. In this case, it is necessary to use 5 tablets twice with an interval at 12 o'clock.

Emergency contraceptive during lactation

Women who feed the baby breasts can use two types of emergency contraception:

Installation of intrauterine spirals

To prevent unwanted pregnancy Installation of ectopic spirals should come for 5 days From the moment of unprotected sexual intercourse. In this case, it is not necessary to interrupt the breastfeeding.

It should be noted that after the installation of intrauterine spirals, the contraceptive effect will remain in the future.

Receiving hormonal tablets

If a breastfeeding woman decided to prevent unwanted pregnancy to use hormonal agents, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding for 36 hours.

In order not to break the production of milk in a given period of time, a woman needs to grind milk, and the child's nutrition is replaced by milk mixtures by age. When lactation, a woman can choose any of the above types of medication. However, experts recommend to give preference to levonorgestrel based tablets.

The most suitable option will be the tablet Escapel, the reception of which is carried out once.

Non-immune emergency contraceptives

There are two types of emergency contraception:

  1. hormonal drugs;
  2. non-immigraal drugs.

Preparations that do not contain hormones include medical remedies based on mifepristone. We list their names:

  1. Feminine;
  2. Hyneproviston;
  3. Agesto

Preparations based on this acting substance do not violate the hormonal background. It is believed that pills based on mifepristone are more effective than the levonorgestrel tablets.

Another advantage of non-coronal drugs consider the lower percentage of side effects.

What contraceptives are the most secure

The safest emergency contraception is considered to be the JUZPE method. Low-volume drugs have a minimum of side effects. If you observe the conditions for receiving tablets, the effectiveness of this method is 90%.

These contraceptive drugs can be purchased without a recipe.

It should be noted that vaginal contraceptives are not suitable for emergency contraception due to low efficiency.

Table: Comparison of the effectiveness and side effects of contraceptive pills after an unprotected act

Cost of emergency contraceptives

How many pills are prevented by a unwanted pregnancy? Consider a list of tablets and their average cost:

Please note that the price of drugs is specified average. Depending on the region of accommodation, the cost may vary.

When postcoital contraception is allowed

Emergency contraceptives can be used if the pregnancy is extremely undesirable:

  1. Since the cesarean sections, less than 2 years have passed.
  2. Sex act had violent character.
  3. Past attempts to get pregnant ended with fetal fetal or ectopic pregnancy.

Before taking a serious medication, its contraindications should be taken into account:

  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Available pregnancy.
  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Malignant tumors.

If, after receiving an emergency contraceptive, bloody seals occurred, urgently consult a doctor to the gynecologist.

If 2 weeks after the use of the contraceptive drug, menstruation has not arrived on time, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

How to choose contraceptive pills after the act (