How to open a sewing workshop or mini-studio from scratch: a detailed business plan. Clothing business plan

If you are concerned about the question of how to open a sewing workshop from scratch, we will describe in detail how much such an undertaking costs, and draw up a business plan based on average indicators. But to be successful in this type of activity, you need to apply not only organizational talent, but also a creative approach to find your niche.

For a newbie in business, it is important to go all the way through, step by step, tackling issues gradually. And in order not to forget anything, we will describe each point in detail. And since the opening of a sewing workshop for tailoring has its own characteristics, we will focus on the nuances and distinctive characteristics of this enterprise.

Where to begin?

Before starting to organize any business, you need to look around and study the market in a particular region. Estimate the demand for different types of textiles, clothing, stuffed animals and other things that you could offer to the end consumer. Establish the number and level of major competitors in the selected industry. This is the only way you can decide whether it is worth doing such a thing and whether it is profitable.

It is very important to decide on the assortment of goods. Some types of clothing, for example, are available in the market in too many quantities and at an affordable price, which will be difficult to compete with. Other goods may be in short supply, but the demand for them is extremely high. It is this market segment that is best to conquer.

Only by coming up with a unique and profitable idea of ​​what exactly you will sew, you can achieve success even with minimal investment. But it will take time and fantasy. After all, it is not worthwhile to reduce the price of your products due to the poor quality of fabrics or the poor work of inept employees. You have to offer something that is high quality and affordable for the buyer.

It is very important to take into account not only the wishes of future customers, but also your own capabilities, mainly financial. Having drawn up a competent business plan with calculations at the very beginning, you will know exactly how much it costs to open a sewing workshop of the desired size and how soon your investment will pay off.

Business registration

To act within the law, you will need to go through the bureaucratic part of organizing your enterprise. First you need to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). In the first case, you submit the following documents:

  • a receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • application in the form of Р21001;
  • copies of all pages of the civil passport;
  • clarify the taxation system, for example, when choosing the simplified tax system (simplified scheme), or stay on the common one, which, in principle, is unprofitable for small businesses.

When organizing a legal entity, a little more documents will be required:

  1. Receipt for payment of the fee in the amount of 4000 rubles.
  2. A similar statement to the previous one, but form 11001 is selected.
  3. If there is a single owner, a decision is made to create a company. If the enterprise has several co-founders, then the opening protocol is drawn up.
  4. The charter of the LLC is also created.
  5. Copies of passports of all owners of the company.
  6. Statement on the selected taxation system.

When opening an individual entrepreneur, the number of days for consideration and issuance of the relevant documents turns out to be much less than when creating a legal entity. You just have to wait for a response from the tax office.

It is important to clarify the code of the selected activity of the enterprise in the documents. This could be:

  • 21 - when sewing overalls;
  • 22 - if you settled on outerwear;
  • 24 - indicates other types of goods and various accessories.

A separate stage will be obtaining permits from SES, GPN and Rospotrebnadzor. In order not to have any problems with these authorities, you need to know in advance the full list of their requirements for organizing a workplace and for arranging a sewing workshop in order to bring the premises to the specified parameters.

Production volumes

How much money will be required at the start, the number of staff, the size of the premises, the sales market and much more will depend on your ambitions. Therefore, it is advisable to think over from the very beginning what volumes of goods you intend to produce and sell.

If this is a small business, then the number of finished products produced per day will be limited to 25-50 units. To open such a business, an investment of 400 thousand rubles is enough. At the same time, you can concentrate on any unique and exclusive offer, and set prices higher than market ones.

If there is a desire and opportunity to create a large enterprise with access to the wholesale market and for sales throughout the country, the daily production turnover increases to 150-200 items per day. At the same time, the starting capital must be at least 5 million rubles. Not everyone can afford this.

But the result of the activity will not keep you waiting long. Even with the cost of finished products at the minimum level, due to large batches of goods, you can quickly reach a payback in a short period of time and get a significant profit.

Find your niche

As already mentioned, you should decide on what exactly you will sew. There are such directions:

  1. Clothing, which, in turn, is divided into women's, men's, children's, outerwear, sportswear, special (uniforms), home, festive, business, etc.
  2. Fabric toys.
  3. Various textiles (, curtains, towels, etc.).
  4. Accessories (scarves, bags), etc.

In accordance with this, it will be necessary to find workers who can make just such products and purchase special equipment. In order to expand the range and create interesting offers for buyers, you can sometimes combine some of the options. For example, when sewing children's clothing, produce various accessories for mothers or toys for babies.

Technological process

Each seamstress knows what stages the clothes go through before they can be used for their intended purpose. Nevertheless, we will list the main stages of work in order to more rationally organize the production process and distribute the premises into zones.

  • At the initial stage, the style itself is invented and the future product is designed, a sketch is drawn. This is what a fashion designer or designer does. He thinks over not only the silhouette, but also selects a color scheme, suitable material, etc.
  • Next, you need to transfer the idea to the fabric with a certain accuracy, make calculations for each detail. This is the work of a designer who creates a blueprint for the implementation of a creative idea. He develops patterns, specifies the dimensions of the future product, draws up technical documentation and calculates the amount of material that will be needed.
  • Cut out the fabric itself.
  • Every detail is processed and the finished product is sewn.

If your atelier is small, with a limited staff, then a cutter can perform the functions of a fashion designer and designer. He also communicates with clients, clarifies their wishes, makes measurements, cuts out details and controls the whole process. Separately, in the sewing workshop, they process the fabric according to the instructions and connect the details of the product to each other.

Choosing a room

The location of the workshop itself is not critical. It is more profitable if it is located somewhere on the outskirts or even outside the city, in industrial areas. So, the rent will be lower, which will save your costs.

But the size of the studio is of great importance. The documents indicate that one employee must have at least 7 sq. m. free space. Therefore, depending on the estimated production turnover and the number of hired personnel, it will be necessary to accurately calculate the size of the building.

In addition to the sewing workshop, there should be other areas, such as a warehouse, a cutting room, ironing facilities, staff rest areas and a bathroom. Taking this into account, the minimum dimensions of the rented premises are approximately 60-70 sq. m. It is important to take care of sanitary standards, carry out lighting, ventilation and heating. Remember that the building must meet all the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

We buy equipment

The most costly in the process of organizing a business will be the acquisition of specialized equipment, tools and other equipment. At the same time, it is very important to make an accurate calculation of what kind of equipment and in what quantity you need.

Also pay attention to the model, power and other parameters, since the speed of production and the quality of finished products will depend on them. You should not skimp on important equipment, because breakdowns and repairs will lead to downtime. And low-quality equipment will ruin the expensive fabric.

You can pay attention to domestic models of cars, as they are of high quality and affordable cost. In the case of buying used equipment, you need to assess its condition so that later you do not have to face unforeseen costs.

So, for small production volumes, you will need:

  1. Cutting tables.
  2. Straight stitching machines.
  3. Overlock and cover sewing machine.
  4. Steam generator.
  5. Several irons.
  6. Special ironing press.
  7. Work surfaces for sweeping and smoothing fabrics.
  8. Button apparatus.
  9. Shelving.
  10. Tools - knives, scissors, chalk, pins, needles, etc.


You will definitely need to hire a certain number of people to complete the various stages of sewing products. The result of the business will largely depend on the level of their training, since experienced craftsmen will be able to work faster and more accurately. But here you need to masterfully think over the price-quality ratio.

So, in order to save money, it is profitable to hire about 60-70% of highly qualified specialists, and take recent students for the remaining jobs. As a result, the former will teach the latter all the intricacies of the case, the team will work harmoniously, and you will partially reduce salary costs.

If we talk about the specialists that will be required, then these should be:

  • cutters;
  • seamstresses;
  • cleaning woman;
  • a person in charge of taking orders or selling products in bulk, for example, a manager.

If you plan to immediately start with large production volumes, then additionally hire a fashion designer or designer, as well as an accountant. With a narrow focus of business, attention should be paid to the corresponding specialization of each seamstress. To motivate key employees in the execution of the production plan, set pay for work on the "salary plus interest" system.

Consumable material

In order for the manufactured product to be of high quality, it is necessary to purchase appropriately good fabrics, threads, decorative elements and accessories. To do this, find a reliable supplier, or even better - work directly with textile manufacturers. When purchasing raw materials from the factory, you will significantly save on this type of cost.

You can also search for the desired fabrics and other accessories at wholesalers of this direction or study offers on the Internet. The main thing is not to get lost in priorities - trying to save money at the expense of cheap and low-quality raw materials, you will ruin the reputation of your company.

Even before the launch of the first batch of goods, it is advisable to worry about where you will sell the finished product. And although it has no expiration date and almost does not deteriorate, it is still not recommended to keep textiles in the warehouse for a long time. First, they will go out of style. Secondly, over time, the product will lose its attractive appearance. And thirdly, the business will not develop, and you will be left without profit.

The whole idea of ​​organizing a sewing enterprise is to sell the manufactured goods. Therefore, you need to find a permanent market for products. For this purpose, you can conclude contracts with private stores, retail chains, pavilions selling textiles or clothing. Some entrepreneurs, if they have enough finance, open their stores.

To promote your business, you can use the available advertising methods:

  1. Through the media.
  2. Ads.
  3. Internet.
  4. Create your own website with photos of the main models and prices for them.
  5. Make business cards.
  6. Conduct screenings.

When sewing workwear, it will be enough to conclude a cooperation agreement with factories, factories and other industrial buildings. Then you can fulfill their orders on an ongoing basis.

When sewing exclusive products, you need to pay special attention to finding clients. For example, by providing high-quality and beautiful things for a figure with non-standard sizes, you can be sure that such customers will come back more than once.

Mini atelier at home

For those who do not have enough finance to immediately open a full-fledged clothing workshop, we can suggest starting with smaller volumes. In this case, it is enough to equip one of the rooms for a small workshop, where you will independently sew clothes, textiles or toys to order.

This way of organizing a business is justified when creating a limited number of exclusive and unique models. To do this, you just need to come up with unusual products and find your buyer. And only having made up a sufficiently extensive client base can one expand, rent premises and purchase specialized equipment.

Financial part

But that is not all. After all, considerable sums will be spent monthly on the maintenance of the sewing workshop.

Depending on the volume of production, as well as on the established prices and the number of buyers found, the entire income will depend. For example, in a month from the purchased raw materials, you produce on average about 500 pieces of finished products. Unit price - 1500 rubles. Then the proceeds will be 750,000 rubles. Net profit - 375,000. As a result, full payback is achieved in two months of productive work.

But you need to understand that you may not be able to reach such turnovers right away. At first, the quantity of goods sold, even with a well-established production, will be much lower. Experienced entrepreneurs say that payback is achieved most often in six months of a small company.

Video: how to open a sewing production?

Let's look at a typical case of how sewing business plan.

Imagine that you are an experienced tailor or cutter with good purchased or your own patterns at your disposal, and at the same time, you are not deprived of new ideas. Then why not open your own sewing production? But do not forget that your sewing creativity must produce certain results. And the results will appear when it is based on a well-thought-out business plan.

The business plan of the sewing production determines the portrait of the buyer.

Obviously, you have already decided on the choice of the direction of activity.

Below is a review of the implementation of a business plan for sewing production during training in "Express Coaching"

Who is he, your customer? How old he is, what his taste preferences are and, most importantly, how much money your client can spend on updating their own wardrobe. Perhaps, the implementation of your sewing business plan will entirely depend on the last aspect.

Decide which client you will be working for. Will it be a mass consumer, ready to pay the average for the region for your products, or will you produce author's models designed for exclusive clients. Do not forget and take into account that together with a high level of profitability of your activity, your expenses will also increase.

Business plan of sewing production choice of sewing directions.

Let's try to carefully consider the market you are going to enter. What is he missing? Perhaps he is in need of cheap and inexpensive consumer goods, or, on the contrary, there are a lot of such things on him, and the consumer is ready to pay a good sum for a high-quality universal model of clothing?

Mind Map: Sewing Business Plan

Or maybe you dare to create chic clothes for the rich and thereby become a trendsetter and educator of taste? Then make up for yourself a clear idea of ​​the prices for fabrics and accessories from which models of such clothes are sewn. To do this, it would be good to consult with suppliers and owners of expensive clothing outlets. It is a good idea to involve marketers who will promote your product in the market in the process of building a business plan. From such specialists, you can get specific figures for building a business plan for a sewing workshop.

Perhaps you have decided to switch to sewing children's clothing? Do you know the requirements for its certification? You see how many questions there are, and the business plan of your industrial garment production will entirely depend on the answers to them.

Believe that the idea and desire to overcome all the difficulties on the way of building your own business will not be able to help in the implementation of all plans in practice.

This still requires certain funds.

Sewing business plan: miscalculation of costs.

In order to start your own sewing production, you need to rent a fairly spacious, equipped room in which cutting tables and overlocks, sewing machines, consumables and finished products should be placed.

It is possible to purchase used sewing machines and thereby save money during the business start-up phase. The savings can be very significant, but, be prepared for the fact that such cars very quickly become obsolete morally.
For greater savings, rent a room not in the most prestigious area of ​​the city, where rental rates cannot significantly hit your pocket.

When organizing production in an industrial area, do not forget that you will have to spend money on car costs for the import and export of raw materials and finished products.

Write down the creation and promotion of the brand in a separate expense item. It's not so difficult to come up with a name, but registering it with copyright in mind will cost you an amount ranging from $ 300 to $ 1,500.

Don't forget about important details like labels, care instructions and packaging. Each item of your expenses should be on a separate line in the business plan, then it will be easier for you to put it into practice.

One of the main features of the sewing business is that your customers are unlikely to be the end consumers of your products. And this factor can entail significant expenses for advertising, creation and promotion of a recognizable brand.

One of the options for selling finished products can be opening your own brand store. This is a good way and there can and should be several like it, let them be reflected in your business plan.

Record in the expense items the constant purchases of fabrics and accessories, the salaries of your workers (piecework wages are suitable), as well as the cost of renting the premises. It is almost impossible to acquire your own production facility at the initial stage of production, unless, of course, you are going to invest huge, multimillion-dollar sums of money in it.

In general, the amount of your expenses will depend entirely on the course of action you choose. If you are going to produce high-style clothes, then you will have to purchase sewing equipment of the highest quality, as well as hire a high-class specialist who knows sewing production from A to Z. And believe that even the coolest tailor, world-famous couturier will not be able to sew a good one. , a stylish thing on low-class equipment, so in the expense item of a business plan dedicated to the purchase of expensive sewing equipment, in parentheses, mark yourself that it will justify itself with a high-class work.

Sewing business plan - start-up capital.

It has been noticed in practice that expenses for a small workshop with 20-50 items per day need capital of 15 thousand dollars. Accordingly, a workshop with 150-200 items will require an investment ten times more than this amount.

If you have chosen the first path of development, then you should know that income will grow due to massive sales of your brand's clothing. In the event that you are going to work according to the second option, expect income from the price increase, justified by the growth in the popularity and prestige of the brand. Your business plan should separately reflect such nuances as the cost of a particular thing and the time spent on sewing it.

In the sewing business, as in any other business, the difference between expenses and income will make up your profit. It is clear that the outlet that will sell your products will take a good percentage of the wholesale cost of your products.

But, you will see real profit only after the actual sale of your products. Many private entrepreneurs will be able to offer you the organization of a wholesale purchase, but the amount of such a purchase will be low. Agree on the options that suit you best and count them in your business plan.

Perhaps, bulk deliveries to several resellers will be more profitable for you than waiting for many months for small amounts from numerous retail trading partners.

Remember, as in many other businesses, it is the first year of working in the sewing field that turns out to be the most difficult. But mass production will justify itself in the first goal and a half.

If you are going to work on individual orders, be aware that it can take up to 2-3 years. But do not be intimidated by such terms. After all, they are very arbitrary. Fashion is changing. Clothes wear out. And children simply grow out of it.

The main sections of the business plan for sewing production.

Now let's briefly summarize what your sewing business plan will include.

  1. Defining specialization or niche
  2. Researching a niche in specific figures and facts (monitoring)
  3. Room selection
  4. Staff recruitment
  5. Selection of the necessary equipment
  6. Clear identification of suppliers of fabrics and accessories
  7. Calculation of profitability
  8. Sales organization
  9. Advertising and promotion
  10. Construction of a technological chain
  11. Legal points
  12. Accounting and bookkeeping
  13. Transport

And if you have a desire to get a more detailed business plan for your garment production, then I advise you to pay attention to my training, as well as subscribe to a free email newsletter

The sewing business includes sewing clothes and household accessories. A business in the garment industry is bound to make a profit if you get creative. You can open a designer outfit shop, a stuffed toy shop, or a workwear shop. The possibilities are only limited by the imagination.


When opening a sewing enterprise, determine the direction of production:

  • clothes - household, special, casual, childrens, adults;
  • fabric toys;
  • home textiles;
  • other accessories.

Plan production volumes - the chosen figure will determine the start-up investment in the business, the size of the premises and the number of personnel.

Having chosen the direction of work, register a commercial structure - LLC or individual entrepreneur. The list of documents for registration is presented in the table.


Receipt for payment of state duty 4,000 rubles. Receipt for payment of state duty 800 rubles.
Application form 11001. Application form R21001.
The decision to create a legal entity (if it has one founder) or the protocol on its opening (if there are several founders). A copy of all pages of the Russian passport.
LLC Charter.
Passports of all founders (or copies certified by a notary).
Application in form 26.2-1 on the transition to the simplified tax system (if accounting is supposed to be kept under this system).

Applications are considered up to five business days. Following the results, you will be invited to the local tax office and given a package of documentation for a legal entity or entrepreneur. After registration, open a bank account and order a company seal.

OKVED codes suitable for garment production:

  • 18.2 - sewing textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.21 - creation of workwear;
  • 18.22 - sewing of outerwear;
  • 18.24 - other clothing and accessories.

As you plan your business, take into account legal requirements for manufacturing facilities, list equipment, and plan to hire employees. Calculate start-up costs and monthly costs. Analyze the demand and draw conclusions about the possible sales volumes and business payback. Below are examples of business plans for a production workshop and a mini-studio.


There are three types of manufacturing enterprises: small, medium and large.

To open a small business, it is enough to have premises and 400,000 rubles. for the purchase of equipment and consumables. The average production volume is 25-50 items per day. The small-scale sewing business is suitable for entrepreneurs with limited capital and who want to produce exclusive items and sell them at prices above the market average.

To organize a workshop with a productivity of 150-200 products, costs of about 5,000,000 rubles are required. At the same time, a powerful workshop pays off faster due to the wholesale distribution of products to large retail chains.

Analyze the regional specifics of the market and identify potential buyers. Find out in what volumes sellers buy goods in the market, and in what quantities - chain stores. Think over the assortment of goods, focusing on the needs of customers and your resources.


The garment manufacturing process consists of the following stages:

  • model design;
  • design and transfer of the model to the fabric;
  • cutting fabric;
  • sewing, product finishing.

Modeling is done by a fashion designer. He draws up a sketch of the future product, selects colors, types of fabrics. The constructor converts the sketch into a drawing, calculates the dimensions of the parts and the amount of material. He also makes patterns and technical documentation. In an atelier or a sewing workshop, the functions of a fashion designer and a designer are performed by a cutter - he communicates with the client, takes measurements, cuts parts, and brings the product in line with the specified parameters. The cut parts are sent to the sewing workshop, where they are turned into a finished product.


In garment factories, products are produced in batches for general consumption. The workshop is equipped with one or more production lines. The advantages of a workshop over a home workshop are the ability to set affordable prices and sell large batches of products.


So, you've decided to open a tailoring shop. Now select a room suitable for production. The area of ​​the workshop depends on the number of goods produced. So, for the manufacture of 100 units of products, 60-70 sq.m. is required. area. Before renting a room, invite the fire and sanitary authorities to check and obtain a permit to conduct activities.

To ensure that the premises meet fire safety standards, equip it with a fire alarm, emergency exit and fire extinguishers.


Having finished with the lease of the premises, proceed to the purchase of equipment. List the required units, including:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • a machine for cutting fabric;
  • household iron;
  • steam generator;
  • cutting knife;
  • button apparatus;
  • tables and shelves;
  • consumables - threads, tailor's scissors, chalk and others.

The total cost of equipment is 250,000 rubles, for accessories - 50,000 rubles.


The success of the sewing business depends on the level of personnel training by 70%. When opening a small production, hire:

  • two cutters;
  • three seamstresses;
  • cleaning lady;
  • accepting orders.

At first, the designated number of employees is sufficient. Later you will be able to attract fashion designers, designers, highly specialized seamstresses to work.

To save money, hire 60% experienced staff and 40% beginners - possibly students. Having gained experience in your enterprise, they will work there for many years.

Pay for the work of staff on the "salary + interest" system. Create a production plan and reward employees with financial bonuses for achieving their goals.


Explore the wholesale bases of fabric manufacturers. Select suppliers based on the price-quality ratio. If you manage to enter into direct contracts with the bases, you will save on supplier markups and reduce production costs.

While studying business, ask questions on forums, look for successful entrepreneurs in your region and learn from their experience, make acquaintances, including with suppliers.

Ideally, find a mentor to accompany your business. He will tell you where to find high-quality fabrics and accessories, how to purchase equipment and organize the sale of goods.


To find out what products will be in demand in the region, work in several directions at the same time. Combine the sewing of evening dresses with the production of fabric souvenirs, and the production of workwear with the production of accessories for the dacha. Make sure that the combinations are not absurd - it is strange when a company that produces hammocks and awnings is engaged in the manufacture of chiffon shawls.

After the sale of the first batch of goods, analyze the demand again and clarify the portrait of the target audience. Review your pricing policy if necessary. So, if you sew summer sundresses of a simple cut, and your consumer is young mothers, you should not overcharge.

In any region, there is a stable demand for children's clothing - if you manage to get a certificate for sewing such, consider that you have found a "gold mine".

Study not only the demand, but also the supply in the market. Take a look at competitors' stores, see what they produce and at what prices they are selling. Don't try to intercept other entrepreneurs' ideas - use your own insights to attract buyers.

So that the business does not "burn out" at the very beginning, calculate the income and expenses. Determine the payback period for your business. An example of calculations for a sewing workshop for workwear with a capacity of 75 items per day is shown in the tables below.


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Registration and execution of permits 10 000-20 000
30 000-50 000
Renovation of the premises 20 000
Purchase of equipment 250 000-800 000
Purchase of materials 70 000-330 000
20 000
Total 400 000-1 240 000


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Premises rental for the first month 30 000-50 000
Purchase of materials 70 000-330 000
Employee salaries 75 000-100 000
Electricity, utilities 15 000
Transport and other expenses 20 000
Total 210 000-515 000


The level of income and profits of an entrepreneur depends on the volume of products produced, consumer demand, the availability of a customer base and partnerships in the field of trade.

Wholesale cost of one product RUB 700-1500
Number of items sold per month 500 pcs.
Average monthly income 350,000-750,000 rubles.
Profit per month 140,000-235,000 rubles.
Business payback period 4-7 months


Possible distribution channels for garments:

  • Network shops;
  • private entrepreneurs;
  • direct sales;
  • Internet trade.

At the initial stages, agree with the owners of small stores on the supply of your goods for sale. Connect the big networks later and then build your own online store.


It is easier to open a home atelier than a sewing workshop. To do this, you just need to have a modern sewing machine and equip a room in the apartment for a workshop. To develop your business, purchase equipment and organize an advertising campaign. Print and distribute flyers, create an advertising site or social network group. Explore fashion magazines and try to find a "flavor" for your products in order to attract clients who value exceptional things.


When you're ready to expand your business and move into a leased area, write a business plan. Pick up a room 60-80 sq. m., complying with the standards of SES and fire authorities, with good ventilation and a 380V electrical network.

Buy 2-3 sewing machines, shelving, overlock, a couple of tables and mannequins. Hire employees if you are willing to provide them with a salary. The key employees of the atelier are the administrator, cutter and seamstress.


Below are tables with the calculation of the costs of opening a mini-studio with the number of employees - 3 people and production - 1 product per day.


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Premises for rent 10 000
Purchase of equipment (2 cars, overlock, tables) 45 000
30 000
Total 85 000


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Premises for rent 10 000
Employee salaries 45 000
Purchasing supplies 10 000
Total 65 000


Average cost of one product RUB 3,000
Number of products sold per month 35 pcs.
Average monthly revenue RUB 105,000
Average monthly income RUB 40,000
Business payback period 3 months

As you can see, a small atelier quickly pays off, but does not bring a large profit to the owner. To increase the level of income, it is necessary to expand the business or focus on the production of exclusive items at high prices.


For your atelier to be successful, set up a work schedule that is clear and convenient for clients. If you are staying in a shopping center, keep the opening hours in line with the opening hours of the center.

Create a business card website with a clear description of services and a group on a social network to keep in touch with customers.

If you are sewing clothes, pay special attention to clients with a non-standard figure - once you will please them, and they will return for new wardrobe items regularly.

Observe the terms and quality of the order. The best advertisement is the conscientious work of the staff and friendly customer service.

Sewing production has always been considered a profitable and promising business. The most important thing is the choice of specifics and the correct customer orientation. Sewing production is a huge field of activity and, which is important, there is an opportunity for growth. For example, starting with a small workshop for tailoring small clothes, you can grow to the production of your own line.

Today, the most important criterion when buying things is their quality. People with high incomes can afford to buy clothes of world brands that are of high quality, but also, correspondingly, high cost. The bulk of the population is forced to make purchases of inexpensive goods from foreign manufacturers. They, as a rule, do not always correspond to the standards - the sizes may not match, the sewing is sloppy, the patterns are simple, which does not give a good fit. Therefore, recently, interest in domestic production has increased.

Where to begin

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the market in the field of garment production in the region where you plan to open your own business. Pay attention to the specifics of the services provided by competitors. Perhaps there is a direction that is not yet developed in this area. The range and type of work performed is extremely wide:

  • Clothing repair;
  • sewing children's or small clothes;
  • tailoring of outerwear;
  • tailoring of special clothes (uniforms, workers, etc.);
  • sewing interior items (curtains, bedspreads, pillows, etc.);
  • sewing leather goods, suede (this requires special equipment).

This, of course, is not the whole list of works that a sewing workshop can provide. In addition, they often practice combining different types of services.

Customer orientation

Buyers can be divided into different groups. But, nevertheless, division according to purchasing power belongs to the main ones. When targeting wealthy clients, it is necessary to ensure that the requirements are high enough to reach the desired level of sales. We must constantly monitor fashion trends. It should be borne in mind that every customer will demand high quality fabrics, tailoring, perfect fit, etc. Benefits - wealthy clients provide good income. There is a possibility of going international.

The work of sewing enterprises, which are designed for an average level of income of clients, have their own specifics. The most important thing is to constantly maintain the price-quality ratio. Inexpensive things are easy to buy, but high-quality things at an affordable price are a problem. The buyer makes claims to the material, sewing (how neatly the lines are made and the seams are processed), patterns. And here the main thing is to find a compromise between how to make the products of a garment enterprise affordable, but at the same time provide a good income.

Production design

To conduct this business, either individual entrepreneurship is registered or a legal entity is registered. For registration of a state of emergency, the following documents are submitted:

  1. application registration card;
  2. a payment document confirming payment for registration.

To register a legal entity, you need:

  1. company charter;
  2. certificate of assignment of an identification code;
  3. a certificate confirming the registration of a business entity (issued by the regional executive committee);

The paperwork takes up to two months and about $ 100.


The issue of a room for a sewing production can be solved in different ways. If you plan to produce a small volume, then there are two options. First, a small room is rented. Second, workers are hired who have the ability to do work at home. In this case, you do not need to spend money on rent, however, the cost of transport grows very much. The work must be taken home, and then the finished product must be taken away.

With medium-scale production, it is definitely necessary to rent large areas for workshops. Rent is one of the biggest waste. It is recommended to select a room, which, together with utility bills, will cost no more than $ 3 per month. per sq. m. It is desirable that the room does not need major repairs, and the power grid has a voltage of 380V. Otherwise, both repair and supply of the required voltage will entail high costs.

For a team of 10 workers, on average, 100 square meters of working space is needed. If you plan to place a large number of equipment, you need an area of ​​400 sq. In addition, the garment industry should have storage, utility rooms, rooms for the mechanic and administration.


The type of equipment depends on the selected specifics and on the scale of production. The largest number of operations is performed on universal machines. For a mini-shop, 6-7 pieces are enough. You will also need special ones - edge overcasting, semiautomatic buttons and buttonhole. In addition, wet heat treatment equipment is required. When sewing outerwear (coats, suits), special presses will be needed to provide the necessary pressure for duplication.


Product quality is one of the main criteria affecting its sales, and, accordingly, your profit. It depends on the equipment and on the workers. Well-oiled machines rarely produce defects. Therefore, the main factor affecting product quality is employees. The ideal option is people with work experience.
For a small sewing workshop, 20-25 people are enough. They are divided into two teams, which include:

  • seamstresses - 7 people;
  • workers at the wet heat treatment section - 2 people;
  • foreman.

In addition, specialists are needed to ensure the operation of the enterprise as a whole:

  • cutters - 2 people;
  • technologist-constructor;
  • mechanic;
  • electrician;
  • storekeeper;
  • accountant.


The main one-time costs include the purchase of equipment. Monthly expenses:

  1. rental of premises;
  2. purchase of materials (fabrics, accessories);
  3. salaries of employees and administration;
  4. communal payments;
  5. taxes.

To launch a small shop producing from 20 to 50 units of goods, an amount of about 15 thousand dollars will be required. An enterprise in which it is planned to produce up to 200 models will cost 150 thousand dollars a day.
When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate and indicate the average cost of a copy of the manufactured product and the time required for its sewing. Your profit, as in any business, will be the difference between income and production costs.

Recently, the sewing business has become more and more popular.

Seamstresses who used to work from home open their own workshops, and sometimes a whole production workshop. I would like to note right away that this business is quite a profitable occupation. This is easy to explain. After all, goods of this kind have always been in demand among the population.

When opening a sewing business, you need to remember that there is a lot of competition in it. In every more or less large city in our country there is a sewing production or a sewing workshop. In order to work in this area, you will need a rather big start-up capital. The main items of expenditure will fall on the rent of premises, the purchase of equipment, the hiring of employees and the purchase of the necessary materials. It is difficult to name the payback period, since this indicator is unpredictable. Experts recommend opening a workshop that will specialize in something specific. For example, sewing children's winter overalls. That is, a specific thing and from a specific material. This is the most optimal strategy for a sewing business.

Let's consider step by step how to open a sewing production

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Registration of a workshop as a legal entity

You can open your own business as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company).

If it was decided to register the company as an individual entrepreneur, then it will be necessary to collect and submit the following documents to the tax office:

Consideration of a set of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur takes five working days.

With a positive decision to open an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from EGRIP (single register of individual entrepreneurs);
  • notification of registration with the tax authority of an individual;
  • notification of registration in the territorial PFC of an individual (Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat a certificate of the issuance of statistics codes.

After registration, the individual entrepreneur needs to make a seal (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 2 thousand rubles).

If the choice was made in favor of LLC, then the following set of documents is provided to the tax office:

  • application form 11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid receipt of state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;
  • if the accounting will be conducted according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified taxation system in the form No. 26.2-1.

The term for consideration of the application by the tax authority is five working days.

In case of a positive response to the application, the tax office issues:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • LLC charter;
  • certificate in the form 1-3-Accounting for registration with the tax authority;
    extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • notification of registration with the Pension Fund of Russia (PF);
  • certificate of registration with TFOMI (territorial fund of compulsory health insurance);
  • certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, FSS and Rosstat. It will take two days to make the seal of the organization. It takes an average of three days to open a bank account. The authorized capital of an LLC must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

OKVED codes:

  • 18.2 - manufacture of clothing from textiles and clothing accessories;
  • 18.21 - production of special clothing;
  • 18.22 - manufacture of outerwear;
  • 18.24 - manufacture of other outerwear and accessories.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52-FZ of 03/30/1999, it will also be necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and State Fire Supervision.

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Finding and renting a suitable premises

Starting the selection of a suitable premises for a workshop directly depends on the planned scale of production. Let's give an example: for sewing 90-100 pieces of fabric per day, the area of ​​the room should be about 70 square meters. m. The more products the workshop will produce, the larger the lease area will be needed. It is good to open your workshop in one of the production zones of the city. Rented premises in such places are suitable for the area. and the rental price is low. Before signing a lease agreement for the premises, find out if the selected premises meets all the requirements of the SES and other inspection companies.

You can start a sewing business at home as well. In this case, it will consist in the fact that for each seamstress at home, special equipment is installed that works on specific sewing operations. It turns out that one seamstress makes patterns, another processes the edges of the product at home, the third is engaged in stitching, etc. In this case, there are no rental costs since the workshop is not needed. All work on the production of goods is done by seamstresses at home.

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Equipment for the sewing workshop

To equip a sewing workshop, you will need the following:

  • sewing machine;
  • cutting machine;
  • heat treatment unit;
  • wet processing unit;
  • interoperative tables;
  • automatic loop sweeping machine;
  • button apparatus;
  • overlock;
  • steam generator;
  • cutting knife;
  • cutting equipment;
  • expendable materials.

Equipment costs will amount to about 250 thousand rubles. A more accurate amount can be announced knowing the volume of work, production area and the number of employees.

The expenses for the purchase of accessories and fabrics will amount to 50 thousand rubles.

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Recruiting personnel for garment production

The success of this business is more than half dependent on the skill level of the employees working in it. Therefore, close attention should be paid to the selection of personnel. Employees must have at least a minimum of work experience, have certificates and a diploma of graduation from professional educational institutions. It is equally important that they are all polite and friendly in dealing with clients. If there are not enough funds for highly qualified employees, you can hire several professionals and beginners with no work experience to help them. The chances are high that these young employees will continue to work as they gain experience.

For productive work of personnel, it is better for seamstresses to establish a salary according to the formula, a small salary plus a percentage of the proceeds. This will create an additional incentive to work. At the initial stage of work, when there are few orders, only seamstresses can be hired. As the business grows, additional order takers, cutters and fashion designers will be required.