How to iron a dress correctly - Helpful tips for different materials. How to iron a satin dress

Satin is an elite natural fabric with a smooth sliding surface, luxurious shine and impeccable appearance. Initially, only silk fibers were used to create such a material, so the products were quite expensive.

Today, a mixture of silk threads with cotton, polyester, rayon or nylon is in great demand. The blended fabric is cheaper, but it also looks elegant and sophisticated.

Features of the atlas

Atlas is distinguished by strength and durability, exquisite appearance and pleasant smooth surface, good moisture absorption and drapery. Natural fabric is safe for humans and does not cause allergies.

Clothes, including wedding and evening dresses, are sewn from this material. In addition, the fabric is perfect for creating underwear and bedding, lining for outerwear and curtains. Sometimes evening and ballroom shoes are covered with satin.

Atlas is a capricious fabric on which hard-to-remove folds and spots quickly appear. In addition, over time, it fades and loses its shine, and glossy areas (weasels) may appear on the surface.

In order for the material to serve for a long time, to retain its original appearance and color, it is necessary to provide proper careful care. Satin dress and other products made from this fabric require the use of a special ironing and washing regime, adherence to the rules of storage and drying.

Therefore, be sure to check the label on the clothes before washing or ironing things. He will indicate what can and cannot be done, how to properly care for the products. You will find the decoding of the symbols. And then we will consider how to wash satin and iron without harm to the material.

How to wash a satin

It is recommended to wash the atlas only by hand. To do this, use lukewarm water up to 40 degrees and a mild detergent for delicate fabrics. Shampoo or silk cleansing gel is great.

First, soak the garments in soapy water for 5-10 minutes, then rinse without rubbing or spinning. After that, things are rinsed several times in cool water until the soap is completely washed out.

Satin things should not be strongly rubbed, squeezed and squeezed, twisted! This will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the material, the formation of strong folds and creases, which are very difficult to get rid of. For washing, do not use ordinary granular powders, as they leave yellow marks and stains.

If the tag permits, you can machine wash your satin items. To do this, choose a delicate mode with a temperature of up to 40 degrees and strictly without spinning. For washing, it is better to use a mild liquid detergent for silk or delicate fabrics. These can be various gels, liquid powders and shampoos.

After hand or machine wash, it is important to rinse the fabric thoroughly in a large amount of cool water to avoid soap streaks and marks. To preserve the shine of the products, add a little vinegar to the water during the last rinse. To add softness to the fabric, add fabric softener.

How to remove stains and gloss

  • Stains and shiny areas are removed before the main wash. After the procedures, the products are thoroughly rinsed and washed using the method recommended above;
  • A fresh stain can be removed with plain water using a soft cloth. Gently blot the dirty area without rubbing, otherwise dirt or grease will be absorbed even more into the fibers of the material;
  • Greasy stains are first wiped with a damp cloth, and then covered with corn or wheat flour and left for an hour. After that, the rest of the powder is brushed off with a soft bristle brush;
  • Glossy stains and iron marks can be effectively removed with vinegar 9%. To do this, saturate the gauze with the product, wring it out and put it on the problem area. Then steam the area, lightly touching the soleplate of the iron. This procedure will return a presentable appearance to the material.

How to dry atlas

After washing and rinsing, you need to shake the thing and hang it over the bathtub to glass the water. The satin can be dried vertically or horizontally. In the first case, carefully hang your clothes on a hanger. If it is bedding or curtains, hang the items from a rope or beam. Flatten the canvas thoroughly, remove folds and creases.

Atlas must not be dried next to a radiator or other heating devices, under direct exposure to sunlight! Do not tumble dry or wring before drying.

It is imperative to iron the satin, as it wrinkles a lot, and after washing, strong folds and creases will remain. Let's take a look at how to properly iron delicate fabrics and straighten wrinkled areas to keep the fabric looking its original form.

How to iron and store the atlas

You need to iron the satin from the inside out through damp gauze, a special ironing cover or a thick cloth. The material should be slightly damp, and the heating temperature of the iron is 140-150 degrees (medium ironing mode).

You can iron with an iron only with a clean sole, without burned areas and stains! If you are afraid that the iron may leave stains, place batting or other thick fabric, except for padding polyester, under the product.

To iron the satin, start from the corner and carefully guide it over the material with an iron, without stopping for a long time in one place. Do not press the iron strongly against the surface of the garments, but smoothly glide over the fabric. After ironing, leave the clothes on a hanger at room temperature for a few minutes. Only then put it in the closet or put it on.

The atlas must not be stored in a crumpled state, next to heating devices. Clothes made of satin are hung on a hanger and put into a closet with the doors closed. If necessary, you can use a special cover or case made of fabric or polyethylene.

Satin bedding is placed in a cardboard box or airtight container, or wrapped in gauze or white paper. Store laundry in a cool, dark place.

For many millennia, silk has been used to make clothes. Atlas is a fabric made of exactly this material. It came to us from China, where it was invented more than two millennia ago.

The Chinese craftsmen kept the secret of its manufacture for a long time. But over time, he became known in the world: first in Asia, and then in Europe. For centuries, atlas has been the fabric of the rich. The finest silk makers in the 17th and 18th centuries were Iranian.

Atlas means "smooth" in Arabic. This is what he is. Atlas is a dense fabric. Its surface is smooth and shiny. Because of this, it does not wear out for a long time. At first, the atlas was only white or monochrome. Now you can choose a multicolor fabric with patterns of various shapes.

Satin products look very luxurious, be it a wedding dress, tuxedo, blouse, tablecloth or linen.

Atlas views

They have been produced for several centuries, but they do not lose their relevance and do not go out of fashion:

  • "Mentenon" - satin with embroidery in the form of flowers.
  • "Trianon" - fabric with patterns in contrasting colors.
  • “Pompadour” is a dark satin with gold patterns.
  • "Khan" is used for sewing Chinese national costumes.

Material for making

Initially, satin fabric was made from silk threads. But in the 20th century, synthetic fibers began to be used for its production. Nowadays, for the manufacture of atlas they use:

  • silk;
  • acetate fiber;
  • viscose;
  • cotton;
  • nylon thread
  • polyester;
  • polyester.

All of these materials can be used in combination with silk thread. They make the fabric stronger and more durable. The most expensive and beautiful satin is a fabric in the production of which only silk thread is used.

Atlas properties:

  • the front side is shiny and smooth, the inside is matte;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • does not lose its luster for several years;
  • does not stretch;
  • retains its original shape for a long time;
  • does not start up arrows when the thread breaks;
  • absorbs moisture;
  • not electrified;
  • easily draped;
  • natural (does not cause allergies).


Satin or satin weaving is used in the manufacture of satin. In this case, most of the warp threads are on the front side of the product. The weft threads are hidden underneath. When producing a double-sided satin, there are two warp threads. There are weft threads between them.

The thread passes through a row of needles, moreover, it moves back by one loop. Swivel loops are made with one-way broaches. Intermediate - with two-sided. Depending on how the pivoting loops are located, different types of atlas are obtained. The usual one comes out if they are repeated across the same number of columns. When through different things - a textile atlas with a complex pattern is obtained.


The scope of application of the atlas is becoming wider.

Atlas is a fabric from which:

  • Elegant women's and men's clothing (evening, wedding dresses, tuxedos, ties).
  • Casual clothes (blouses, trousers, skirts, shorts, sundresses).
  • Women's underwear.
  • Room decor items (tablecloths, curtains, capes).
  • Bows for children.
  • Decorations for weddings and banquets.
  • Inserts, trimming for clothes.
  • Lining for fur products.
  • Tight shoes.

Caring for the atlas

Usually on the tag of each item purchased, all conditions of washing, ironing and care are described in detail.

They largely depend on the composition of the fabric. Satin items are washed by hand or in the washing machine using the delicate cycle. The water should be cold, no higher than thirty degrees, the detergent should be mild.

If you wash with your hands, you first need to soak the clothes with the powder for a few minutes. Then squeeze out gently and rinse in cool water. Do not squeeze, twist, dry in a typewriter. Better to squeeze out. For this, clothes are laid out on a towel, rolled up and squeezed out of water. Then they are transferred to another in order to finally dry up.

Store satin items in a cool place. Satin linen is placed in a special closed container and stored in a cool and dark place.


Satin fabric does not like high temperatures. Therefore, when ironing, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Heat the iron to medium or minimum temperature.
  • Do not use steam.
  • Iron from the inside out through cheesecloth or other thin natural fabric.
  • Do not keep the iron in one place for a long time.
  • Do not overdry after washing. This will complicate the ironing process.

It is better not to wash things made of satin silk yourself, but to entrust it to a dry cleaner. Especially if acetate is present in the fabric. Such a thing cannot be washed. She is shown only dry cleaning.

Atlas stretch

With the development of fabric manufacturing technologies, such a kind of atlas as stretch satin appeared.

The fabric is used for making evening dresses and dresses. Its distinguishing feature is the ability to flawlessly fit the figure. Therefore, dresses made from this fabric are extremely beautiful. Plus they are comfortable.

Satin stretch is a fabric that comes in two types: regular and dense. Tight fit for trousers, jackets and skirts. It is also called royal. Thin is used for sewing light dresses, peignoirs, nightgowns. It is produced in rolls with a width of one and a half meters.

Buying satin products is a great gift for yourself.

Not all brides have the opportunity to buy a new wedding dress, and they have to rent the outfit. For the celebration to go perfectly, you need to think about all the little things. At such a moment, the question of how to iron a wedding dress so that the outfit becomes perfect and does not spoil the fabric becomes relevant. You can entrust this work to professionals, but sometimes it is more convenient to do it at home at home.

The nuances of ironing a dress at home

There are many ways to iron a wedding dress, with the help of which you can quickly get the outfit in proper shape. However, this procedure has its own subtleties. Before you start ironing, make sure that there are no jewelry on the clothes, otherwise they may simply melt in the process. To get the job done faster, invite a friend to be your assistant.

If you decide to use an iron, you only need to set the delicate setting. But here, too, there is a little secret - gauze should be used so that hot air cannot burn through the fabric. If you don't follow this advice, you risk ruining your wedding outfit. First of all, this concerns a dress for which a delicate satin was used (if such fabric is unsuccessfully ironed, a hole is formed or an ugly stain remains).

It's best if your mom, sister, or girlfriend can help iron the bride's outfit, but a simple hanger can also come in handy. Hang the clothes up and start smoothing them gradually. A one or two is installed on the iron, but not more, so as not to burn through the fabric. Steam is not recommended. However, if ironing does not go without it, set the iron on the minimum power and keep it a few centimeters away from the fabric.

If ironing the fabric without steam, leave the iron at the same distance or move it slightly closer to the fabric. Thanks to this method, tulle and organza are perfectly smoothed. To get the best results when using the steam mode, slightly dampen the gauze (the material should be damp, but not wet) and test the operation of the iron on any other item beforehand.

If the item remains intact (for example, no stains appear on it), you can start ironing the wedding dress. Be very careful, as a rule, when sewing an outfit, several types of fabric are used at once, which require different operating modes of the iron. If you are going to steam the veil, you will need a pot of hot, clean water.

How to smooth a dress with a steamer?

If you have a special steam generator at home for steaming clothes, you can also use it for a wedding dress. Thanks to this device, you will quickly put your outfit in proper shape. Hang up your clothes, put on a glove so you don't burn your hand, and use the steamer to gradually work through any creases. Then leave the outfit for a while to cool down. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

A way to iron an outfit without a steamer

If you do not have a steam generator, use a more affordable method. You will need a bathtub filled with hot water. Hang a wedding dress over it and leave it overnight. Close the room until morning. Over time, the fabric will gradually moisturize and smoothen. Use this steaming method only if your dress is not adorned with sequins or rhinestones. Under the influence of moisture, they can simply fall off.

The method of steaming a wedding dress over a bathtub with hot water has several significant drawbacks:

  • The dress may fall into the water, after which it will need to be not only ironed, but also dried.
  • High humidity can cause jewelry to fall off the outfit.
  • This method does not help when the wedding dress is sewn from heavy fabrics.

How to iron a wedding dress with an iron?

To iron a wedding dress at home using an iron, you must strictly follow these simple instructions:

  • First of all, prepare the iron (make sure that the surface of the appliance is clean, otherwise stains will remain on the fabric), gauze, pre-folded in several layers, clothes hangers and an ironing board.
  • If you are comfortable, you can iron the dress on the floor, but then you will need an assistant.
  • Before ironing, carefully study the label on the garment, which should indicate the composition of the fabric. For the manufacture of almost all wedding dresses, polyester is used, which is not a highly crumpled material.
  • It happens that an outfit wrinkles in a box during transportation. If so, try on the dress again to see which parts need ironing. Often ironing is not required for the bodice, but the skirt must be ironed.

Bridal bodice

Before ironing the bodice of a wedding dress, carefully inspect the fabric for small wrinkles, they need to be sprinkled with water. This will allow these folds to "part" slightly and straighten out before you start ironing. Iron all wrinkles, even the smallest ones. Here's another simple tip: hang your wedding dress in the bathroom after you've recently taken a hot shower for a while. Moisture has a beneficial effect on the material and contributes to the easy smoothing of all wrinkles.

It is recommended to start ironing a wedding dress from the bodice. Provided that no additional complex elements were used for its decor (for example, rhinestones, beads, lace, embroidery), you can iron the bodice from the front side. Otherwise, turn the dress inside out and iron it inside out. Cover the board in advance with a soft, light-colored terry towel to protect the decor from damage.

Sleeves and hem

As soon as the bodice of the dress gets the proper look, you can start ironing the sleeves of the outfit, if any. To do this, use the special coasters that are available on the ironing boards. Only press down lightly on the fabric while ironing. At the end of the procedure, take sheets of paper, roll them into a cylinder and insert them into the ironed sleeves. Thanks to this little trick, the sleeves will no longer wrinkle and will retain their shape.

You can start ironing the hem. Place the skirt on the ironing board so that the fabric is as loose as possible and not stretched. First, you need to process the petticoat, and use gauze or a special fabric designed for ironing as a filter. If you have a steamer, it is best to use it instead of an iron. The dress is hung on a hanger and all the folds are worked out.

Decorative details

If you have chosen a wedding dress decorated with additional elements (for example, ribbons or bows), then you will need to iron them next. When ironing the bows, use the same pad as for the sleeves. The most important thing is to choose the optimal temperature for ironing each decorative element, taking into account the material from which it is made. Often, the fabric used for a belt or bows has significant differences from the main dress material.


Particularly noteworthy is the train of the dress, which needs to be ironed from the front side, and then work on the wrong side as well. First of all, the side seams are ironed, then the train is attached to an additional hanger (it must be placed a little further from the main one). Finally, as soon as all the details have been ironed, the clothes are left for a while at room temperature to cool down. It is advisable to prepare the outfit at least one night before the holiday itself. This will give you time to fix minor flaws.

- this is a very delicate, beautiful, but capricious fabric that requires constant care. Wash it like a delicate item and iron it wisely if you want shirts, blouses, dresses or skirts to look great.

With proper care, these things will have a pleasant appearance for a long time and bring positive emotions to their owner. How to properly iron and care for silk? This will be discussed in our article.

With an iron

Natural silk

Advice: If the fabric is stretched (the same is done if creases are formed), then it is moistened in a solution of glycerin and dried. Prepare the mixture as follows: 1 tbsp. spoon of substance in 5 liters of water. Then iron it again. When iron marks appear, they are smeared with a gruel of soda and water, then the dried mixture is cleaned with a soft-bristled brush.

Using a hot bath or steaming shower

You can iron things with a complex cut like this:

  • we hang the thing on a hanger;
  • we hang it in the bathroom on a clothesline;
  • we open the tap with hot water. It is impossible that splashes fall on the fabric;
  • we close the door to the room so that it is filled with steam as soon as possible;
  • after a few minutes, the steam will gradually smooth out the folds on the fabric itself.

Using a hot kettle

  • we take the thing and carry it to the kitchen;
  • pre-boil the kettle;
  • we keep places that cannot be ironed over hot steam;
  • the most stubborn folds should be straightened.

Important: Do not ruin the fabric with hot steam. These manipulations should be repeated for just a few seconds.

The best way is a steam generator

The steam generator has the softest effect on silk. Pour water into the tank, turn on the device, set the "Silk" mode and start ironing.

This ironing method will be the most delicate. It does not spoil the fabric, acting on it much softer than an iron.

Other options

You can use vertical steaming for ironing. To do this, we hang the item on a hanger, put the iron on the steaming mode and run it without touching its surface, leaving the device at a distance of 6–7 centimeters from the surface of the fabric.

How to prevent wrinkles and creases in silk


It is recommended to wash such things by hand. To do this, water is poured into the basin with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. It is best to use liquid detergents, dilute them thoroughly in water until they are completely dissolved. Concentrated tissue can be damaged. If the clothes are bright, but it is decided to use powder for washing, then you should buy a pack marked "Color". If desired, you can use baby soap or baby laundry powder.

To avoid damage to the material, silk should not be bleached, because silk threads are a protein that chlorine destroys when exposed to aggressive action. After bleaching, the item tears easily.

Also, silk items should not be soaked. If the contamination is very strong, then soaking should not last longer than 10 minutes. Do not rub the fabric too hard to avoid damaging it.

Beat the water in a basin until soapy, immerse it, trying to rub it as gently as possible. If you decide to wash in an automatic machine, then you should select a mode for delicate washing. It involves washing at 30 degrees, rinsing and lightly spinning. Clothes should not be washed more often every 14 days; it is recommended to ventilate them in the fresh air.


It is not recommended to twist silk with the help of hands or a centrifuge. It is necessary to put the thing and lightly press on it with your palms so that the water drains. The main thing is not to overdo it.

After that, the thing is straightened and laid out on a towel. It will absorb excess water, and then hang it on a hanger. Otherwise, if you hang it on a rope, the thing will simply stretch out.


Try not to use the steaming function. The iron is set to the "silk" setting. If it is not there, then you can switch to the "Wool" mode. The product is turned inside out on the wrong side, you cannot use steam or keep the iron in one place for a long time. It is imperative to try to iron an inconspicuous place before ironing in order to check whether the sole sticks or spoils the fabric. It is best to operate with a steam generator.

This procedure should be dry cleaned, but light stains can be easily dealt with at home. Sweat marks are removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. A yellow spot on a white cloth can be removed by rinsing in water and adding a small amount of vinegar. It is recommended to replace it with a rinse with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. Thus, silk will retain its whiteness longer.

You can remove stains with aspirin, ground into a gruel. It is useful to ventilate things from time to time outdoors, without exposing them to sunlight. This way things will retain their attractive appearance and shine for a longer time.

Silk is a delicate fabric that requires special care. Experts recommend not to wash silk with aggressive detergents. Iron silk fabrics with an iron at a low temperature or with hot steam. Do not bleach so that the material does not start to tear, do not soak. When these conditions are met, a silk blouse, skirt or shirt will last a very long time and retain its attractive appearance.

Delicate items require careful handling. Today we will tell you how to properly care for them.

Organza and Chiffon
Ironing. Chiffon, organza and satin become wavy when in contact with water. These fabrics are ironed with a slightly heated iron, without wetting, as water may stain.
After washing, satin items must be rinsed in cold water, adding a little vinegar in order to restore brightness. Iron slightly damp.
Care. Organza and chiffon made of pure silk should be washed very carefully. Do not rub or twist the fabric, do not dry in a centrifuge, but gently wring out.

Velvet and knitwear
Velvet and pile knitwear require special handling. For storage, roll the fabric with the lint side inward over the cardboard tube. Do not fold under any circumstances; folds may form in the fabric that cannot be smoothed out.
Ironing. Fabrics with a high pile are ironed with steam, fabrics with a smooth pile (for example, panne velvet) - without steam. The iron is led along the fabric in the direction of the pile without pressure. Place a piece of velvet, nap-up, on a regular mat. Thin fibers of the fabric wrinkle less. You can also use a terry sheet or a plush blanket.
Care. Turn the wrong side out when washing. They need to be washed at a water temperature of 30 ° C. Do not rub or twist. They also cannot be squeezed out in a centrifuge, but must be wrapped in a terry towel and squeezed gently. The pile and elastic velvet is dried in the unfolded position.

Lycra fabric
Ironing. Beforehand, it is imperative to make a test with an iron, during which also pay attention to whether the elasticity and structure of the material is preserved. Mixtures of viscose (synthetics) and lycra fibers tolerate slight heat. Such fabric should be ironed as seldom as possible. Silk with Lycra requires a moderately hot iron. Blended fabrics - cotton with lycra and wool with lycra - can be ironed through a damp cloth.
Care. All fabrics containing Lycra fibers are washed with mild detergents and must not be tumble dried. The water temperature during washing depends on the composition of the material.

Artificial fur
Ironing. Iron very carefully on the seamy side with slight pressure. Make a preliminary test on a piece of material. To prevent the fur from crushing, place a piece of faux fur as a bedding, face up.
Care. Always turn the short pile faux fur right side in when washing. Wash by hand, squeezing gently, or in the machine on a gentle cycle and low water temperature. Fur with long pile should only be dry cleaned.

Ironing. Before ironing, be sure to do a test on a piece of skin. Iron only the wrong side of the leather with a moderately heated, no steam iron and always cover with a dry cloth.
Care. Remove small stains with a special leather eraser: gently rub and brush away the crumbs. You can also clean a greasy collar.

Double-faced fabrics
Usually "face" and "wrong side" differ only in color. A jacket or coat made of this fabric can be worn on both sides.
Ironing. Such fabrics are similar in composition to drapes (consisting of wool with polyester or mohair). Therefore, such fabrics are ironed through a damp cloth.
Care. It is better not to wash things from double-faced fabrics, but to dry-clean.

Crossroads tips

  • Fresh sweat stains from white fabrics are removed with a solution of table salt (1 tablespoon per glass of water). They are removed from dyed fabrics with a solution of acetic or citric acid (1 tsp for half a glass of water).
  • Rust spots must be removed as soon as they appear. Rust stains are removed from white linen and cotton fabrics with a hot solution of oxalic acid (half a glass of water - 2 tsp). Rust stains are removed from woolen and silk fabrics with a warm solution of citric acid.
  • Dirt spots on the coat must be dried and then removed with a dry brush. The yellowed coat will regain its color if it is kept in a bucket of water with sliced ​​lemon for 24 hours. It is recommended to iron the greasy areas on woolen fabric through a cloth soaked in a weak solution of table vinegar.
  • If a knitted item sheds, soak it in cold water with the addition of vinegar before washing, and after washing with a rinse, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin to 10 liters of water.