How to behave on a date. What to wear and how to look for a date. The most natural behavior

Often, girls have a fear of the first date. They do not know how to behave, what to talk about and what to do in order for the young man to want to continue communication. But there are some guidelines that can help charm your companion and make a pleasant impression on him. Sincerity is an important aspect, as guys don't like insincere girls who try to look like someone else.

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General rules of conduct

In order for a date to leave behind only positive emotions, it is necessary to get rid of negative thoughts and pressing problems. It is better to forget about all the bad things and concentrate on the event. In front of a man, you need to be yourself, to enjoy the meeting. It is worth trying to enjoy the communication. If a young man sees lightness and cheerfulness in a lady, he will treat her much better. It's important not to try to play, but to be yourself.

It must be remembered that you cannot be more than 15-20 minutes late for a meeting. If for any reason the girl needs to stay, it is better to warn the guy (call or write a message). When arriving at a meeting, it is advisable to turn off the phone or turn off the sound so that calls do not interrupt the date. You cannot constantly correspond with someone on a social network, as this is disrespect for a man.

If a young man helps to take off his coat or opens a door for a woman, you should thank him. He will understand that it was not in vain that he showed good manners and respect for his companion, and will begin to show signs of attention more often. You need to learn how to properly respond to compliments, for example, you can make a response.

You should not discuss tearful TV shows and films so that the guy does not think that the interlocutor is a frivolous and stupid person. Better to discuss new films with deep meaning.

Men are interested in independent and self-sufficient women, so there is no need to inform him about life with parents and money problems. It is categorically impossible to complain about life.... A pessimistic girl cannot win a decent guy. It is worth sticking to the positive and trying to make the date easy. You cannot arrange interrogation. It is necessary to find out information covertly.

How to behave correctly when you first meet:

  • During a conversation, you should look the guy in the eyes, do not look away and do not move your eyes.
  • Even if the girl likes to talk a lot, you shouldn't do this, as this behavior can look ridiculous. You cannot interrupt the interlocutor.
  • It is important to learn how to maintain conversations on a variety of topics, even if it is politics, oil rigs or traditional medicine. Men like interesting conversationalists.
  • You shouldn't tell him everything about yourself. It is better to allow such little things to be revealed in the process of further relationships. If the chosen one finds out everything about the girl at the first personal contact, he will become uninteresting.
  • You can ask about the young man's accomplishments, but you don't need to flatter him. A few hidden compliments about his professional or personal qualities are enough.
  • A girl should avoid being too categorical in judgments and not be assertive, defending her positions and points of view. You don't need to teach the interlocutor anything and be boring. Calmness and self-confidence is what will help to interest the interlocutor.

Choosing a meeting place

The meeting place should be discussed so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Sometimes a girl is prepared to sit quietly in a cafe, and a guy suddenly leads her to an expensive restaurant. In such a situation, the lady will not feel very comfortable and can do something stupid. You should not choose places with loud music and noisy companies, as they interfere with acquaintance and rapprochement.

The best options for a first date are watching a movie or going to a concert. Such events give rise to many common impressions and topics for communication. Even if the place offered by the man is not to the liking of the woman, she should not show it.

Talking about ex and sex

It is important not to forget that topics of this kind are unacceptable at such an early stage of acquaintance. If a man begins to ask questions about his past personal life, he should be answered briefly. There is no need to tell the story of unhappy love in colors. You can try to move the conversation to another topic without asking counter questions. If a young person tries to insist on the topic of ex-partners, you should tell him that this is too personal information.

On the first date, a man should not see a single hint that a woman is sexually available, as he can take advantage of this. You need to have self-esteem and not be cheeky and vulgar. Do not think that if a companion brought a lady to an expensive restaurant, she owes him anything. If he insists, it must be explained that she did not ask for the favor. A well-mannered man will choose the woman who has dignity and honor, therefore it is necessary to learn to respect oneself.

Age difference

Some girls fall in love with older men. Here the relationship of ages should be analyzed. Meeting a 20-year-old girl and a 30-year-old man is appropriate if the woman is smart, educated and has something to talk about. In this case, you need to show your intelligence and sense of humor. Do not be embarrassed and timid, you should try to relax and not think about age.

You need to behave with dignity on the first date with a man who is over 30 years old: offer interesting topics, not ask inappropriate questions, not talk about his wealth. You should be careful about his hobbies, tastes and preferences, because if the age difference is large, they may differ from the tastes of the interlocutor. To avoid awkward situations, you need to find out about everything in advance.

You should think about what exactly a woman hooked on a man older than her, in order to later hear from him the words "I love you." If it is an appearance or a figure, it is worth emphasizing your merits, but not overdoing it. So, attractive legs can be emphasized with a skirt, but not too short, so that it does not look vulgar and vulgar.

Older men do not need a spoiled doll with constant whims, but a woman who can morally support him and give good advice.

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other bad force.

If you were able to attract the attention of a man you liked, then the next stage in the development of your relationship will be the first date with him.
If your appearance and body language were the main weapons to attract his attention, then the goal of the first date will be to recognize the man and show yourself, and for this you need to use your intellect. The first date can end in a long romance, or it can remain just flirting. The main thing is that it has a continuation (unless, of course, at the first meeting the man does not disappoint you). The tips below will help you achieve this.
A man invites to meet, and a woman usually chooses the place and time of the meeting, but she specifies whether it is convenient for a man. Contrary to popular belief, a woman should come to a date exactly at the appointed time: it is tactless to be late. By this time, the man should already be in place.
Many women are very anxious before dating. If they really want to make a strong impression on a man, they start making mistakes, for example, rushing to speak, spilling a drink on the table, etc. In fact, you just need to relax. Take a deep breath before starting your story. Smile as often as possible. Feel free to laugh. Laugh at his jokes, but don't overdo it: if you giggle like a schoolgirl at everything your partner has said, it will annoy him. Try to enjoy the communication and not think about the consequences. Reassure yourself that no matter how the date goes, it’s just a small episode in your life that doesn’t matter.
On the first date, you need to be modest, but at the same time communicate. You have to be reasonably funny, cute, sexy and smart. No need to complain and be capricious. A man is unlikely to like a woman who sees everything in black and does not notice pleasant moments. This is especially true for dating. The man thoughtfully thought out and planned the evening, he really wanted to please you, so that you would be pleased to be in his company. He compiled a program that, in his opinion, you should like. Now imagine his feelings when, instead of your grateful smile, he hears that the food in the restaurant is bad, the service is very slow, that it was the worst movie you have seen in recent years, and the woman in the back was talking so loudly that you missed half of it. Therefore, try to develop a useful habit of thinking positively, being able to find positive moments in any situation - yes, they serve slowly, but the waiters are very polite and friendly and you really liked this restaurant. Let your partner feel that you appreciate what they have done for you.
If the first date you owe your appearance, then the second - the ability to conduct a conversation. For communication to be mutually beneficial and interesting, a woman needs only three reactions to a man's speech: sympathy, attention and observation. Almost all men, no matter how confident they may seem, on a subconscious level simply crave approval from women. Try to talk less about yourself and listen more to the man, showing interest in everything he says. Include in his speech remarks like "This is interesting" or "I understand you", insert questions on the topic. Show a sincere interest in what the man is proud of - his work, hobbies, achievements. Ask questions to learn more about it. If a man is awkward, it could be a sign that he really likes you.
Talk about yourself in general terms. Tell about your work, interests, but do not disclose to him the intimate details of your life on the first date. To the question "Are you dating someone" you can answer "Well, of course, I am not sitting alone at home." Leave him in the dark, then he will really want to know the details next time. When you decide to tell him about something meaningful, let him decide that he deserves your trust. Although, if a man is laconic and you like it, then in order to challenge him to frankness, you can open a piece of yourself on the first date. Just don't ask about his girlfriends.
It is useful to appear weaker than you really are, do not pretend to be an experienced woman and forget about female emancipation. Every normal man wants to seem experienced himself and make of you the woman he dreams of.
A man loves to protect and patronize, seeing in this his superiority. So ask him more often for advice. Let him show his gallantry a couple of times in the evening by asking him for services, but do not overdo it, otherwise this may be regarded as your claim for special attention.
Men love to talk about their achievements and acquisitions, and in general to brag. They enjoy receiving compliments just as much as women, so it's important to praise them on time. Only compliments should sound sincere, and they should not be squandered without any reason. A compliment is not a lie, but just a slight exaggeration of merits, or a benevolent truth, spoken at the right time.
For a compliment to "work", it doesn't hurt to know the character and habits of the person to whom it is intended. It is necessary to note precisely those qualities that are traditionally considered masculine. At the same time, it is very important to determine for yourself which qualities are most significant for this particular man. For example, for any man, it is very important to evaluate his acquisitions (cars, for example), professional qualities, intelligence, appearance, strength, good taste, ability to listen, understand, communicate, look after and, of course, his sexuality (more on that later). In any man, you can find something that you like.
Even on the first date, you need to fondle a man. As if accidentally touch his leg under the table, hold his hand for a second, sip wine from his glass, do not miss the opportunity to dance with him, do not hesitate with a smile, look into his eyes.
At the end of the date, the man should walk you home (but not further), and you warmly thank him for the evening. Even if you really like the man, you should not show him that at any moment you are ready to put everything aside and meet with him again. Yes, you would love to meet him again, but in the near future you are very busy, you have a lot of things to do, in addition, you promised to go with your friends to the cinema (theater, disco, cafe ...). Let him know that you like him, but he is not the center of the universe for you, and you will not devote all your time to him, abandoning your friends and hobbies. As much as you would like to dial his phone number or reply to an email message, don't rush to do so. Letting him wonder what you are doing will only increase his desire to see you again. However, do not drag out too much with the next meeting, otherwise the man may shift his attention to another. The gap should be no more than 3-5 days.
Now about sex. A woman, as a rule, enters into an intimate relationship with a man, having ulterior motives (although, perhaps, she is not aware of this). She wants to make a bigger impression, secretly hoping for further development of the relationship or, seeking to get married. Intimacy, however, is not at all a guarantee of a long-term relationship. The only reason you should go to bed with a particular man is if that's what you want. But even in this case, you need to wait. Flirt, dress seductively, kiss, but stop in time in front of the bedroom door. Let him understand that you need to be conquered, then he will start thinking more about you.

A lot of people get excited about their first date. To make a good impression, both women and men make similar mistakes. They start talking loudly and laugh out of place, spill drinks and turn food. In order not to get into such situations, first of all, you need to relax and smile more often. But not tense and nervous, but with a sweet and open expression on his face and with obvious pleasure from communicating with an unfamiliar, but pleasant person.

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According to statistics, the first date does not have a continuation in more than fifty percent of the cases. A beautiful stranger or an interesting man does not live up to expectations, not only because they turned out to be the wrong person, but also because of constraint and excitement. The first meeting with a stranger does not always reveal the whole truth about him and leaves a residue of regret after wasted time.

How not to ruin your first date?

It is necessary to behave naturally and calmly. Excitement is the first enemy of possible love, as well as some of the misconceptions that make it difficult to correctly assess the situation on the first date. Based on the notion that there will be no second chance to make a first impression, the person is nervous and misbehaves. It is especially sad when both partners are shy, do not know how to start a conversation and how to behave. The most common mistakes in behavior are:

  1. 1. Excitement. It arises from self-doubt or from fear that the next meetings will not take place.
  2. 2. Excessive expectations. A woman has more expectations from the first meeting than a man. She is sure that the man who invites her has serious intentions. This is not always the case, and often the guy just wants to have a good time with the girl, and she transfers her own aspirations and expectations to the stranger.
  3. 3. Excessive control over the situation. It affects people who have had a negative experience of first dates. They are fussy, afraid to make a bad impression, and are fixated on little things.

Having come on a first date, one must forget about past experiences and not look far ahead. Just try to enjoy the conversation, and perhaps the relationship will have a future. Men and women alike expect failure and hope to continue. It is better to behave naturally, remaining yourself. This way you can get more chances for developing relationships and avoid mistakes in choice. After all, the pretense will soon be revealed, and the time will be wasted.

Older partners also make mistakes at the first meeting. At 30, there is experience and some wisdom, but the person is worried, and the date does not go according to plan, even at 40. Maturity can play a cruel joke if a forty-year-old man invites a young girl out on a date and tries to fit in with her peers. A girl, having agreed to a meeting with a rich and experienced man, is often disappointed with his frivolity or consumer attitude. A young guy easily gets into awkward situations with a 40-year-old woman. Disappointments cannot be avoided at any age, and this should not be scary. People are different, and to meet the right person, you will have to go on more than one first date.

How to behave with a man

How to behave correctly?

The outcome of the first date depends on the behavior and appearance. Someone immediately fills their own worth, while others are embarrassed to show their best sides. A woman should not be late for a date, and a man should already be there to meet her. You don't have to plan your next meetings, but enjoy the moment. The first date is an event where people realize how interesting they are to each other. To realize this, you should avoid noisy places. It is necessary to choose a quiet secluded corner, but without unnecessary intimacy, so as not to embarrass the girl.

There are rules for women and men, and their behavior is slightly different. The guy should not be too persistent, and the girl is capricious and mannered . If the ladies want to continue, they must:

  1. 1. Look well-groomed. Dress properly. A girl in a dress is more likely to win the heart than in a short skirt, shorts or trousers. According to the norms of decency, no more than 35% of open areas of the body are allowed. A man should not think that there is an accessible woman in front of him, but he should not completely hide the body.
  2. 2. Do not extol yourself or add a price tag.
  3. 3. Listen carefully, admire the interlocutor and laugh at his jokes.
  4. 4. Do not talk incessantly.
  5. 5. Listen more. If the guy is silent - ask questions. It is known that the more a man talks on a date, the more he likes the girl. If you can get him to talk, he will feel a spiritual connection and want to continue.

Do not talk to him about forbidden topics:

  • health;
  • ex-boyfriends;
  • Job.

And about my problems:

  • about the desire to start a family and have children as soon as possible;
  • that she is not appreciated at work;
  • complain about life.

If you want to touch a man - do not hesitate. Light touches bring them closer together and say that the guy liked him. Light flirting is allowed, drinking from a man's glass or trying his dish. The main thing is to determine that he is not a prude and not a too squeamish person.

Psychopathy signs in men

How can a man make a good impression?

Most often, the guy invites the girl he likes to the cinema, and then goes with her to a quiet cafe or park. Girls like it when a man takes the initiative, but takes into account their desires. His appearance has the same meaning as that of a woman. The guy must look neat so that the girl will notice that he is preparing for the meeting. A man should take into account that if she agreed to a date, then he liked him, and she is ready to give him a chance. She expects from him:

  1. 1. Confident behavior. Confidence is the most attractive trait in people. A girl can forgive a slight self-confidence, but she will immediately notice the lack of willpower, and this will alienate her.
  2. 2. Decisiveness. He must be proactive but attentive. Offer, but do not insist or pressure.
  3. 3. That he will cheer up and tune in a positive way. At the end of the day, everyone wants to relax and have fun.
  4. 4. That he will not rush things. She should feel that she was interested in him as a person, and not as a girl for an hour. Especially if she went on a date with a rich man and she didn't feel like he was buying her.
  5. 5. Lack of awkward silence. Pauses in conversation with a stranger spoil the impression and the whole evening.
  6. 6. Desires to know her inner world. She will appreciate if the guy treats her hobbies with respect. This will immediately evoke sympathy and some closeness between them.

Of course, the girl will wait for the gentleman to accompany her. The road to her house will show if there is a chance for a second and next dates. There will be time for conversations and non-verbal cues. When you say goodbye, you don't need to kiss a girl, especially if she doesn't want to. An affectionate look and a promise to call soon are enough. By shaking her hand with two warm hands, the guy will show sympathy and desire to continue the relationship.

If the girl remains cold, do not be persistent, but politely say goodbye and leave. You can not impose and insist on a new meeting. You should not be very upset, because in one date you cannot deeply love a person, and he will not break his heart.

Romantic date

How do zodiac signs behave on a first date?

Aries invites confidently and boldly. This zodiac sign is characterized by love at first sight, and he will make every effort to impress and conquer the girl he likes. Acts spontaneously, openly and sincerely. May insist on having sex on the first date - this is normal for him. The date with him will be vivid and will be remembered for a long time.

Taurus loves romance, and the evening promises to be sensual. He will choose a restaurant filled with an intimate atmosphere and will try to touch her as often as possible. Taurus cares about tactile sensations. If he really liked the woman, he will want to hug her and make a gift. Love is determined by the value of a gift.

Gemini love to talk, and they find topics for conversation themselves. The way to the heart of Gemini lies through sincere conversations and respect for his opinion. Representatives of this sign will love a date in the park and in a cafe. It is easier to get to know each other over a cup of tea or lat, in a warm atmosphere and during intimate conversations. Cancer on the first date will try to find out plans for family life, attitude towards children. She will talk about her income, benefits and will look for an emotional connection with the person she likes. Representatives of this sign are very affectionate and dependent. After the meeting, they will wait for an answer about the next meeting with special vexation.

Leos and Lionesses are equally hungry for attention. For the first date, they choose the best restaurant and expensive flowers. A man will definitely show generosity and serious intentions. This sign is family oriented and won't want to do it with one appointment. Will do everything to conquer the girl and win her heart. Virgos value chastity as well as romantic gestures. They rarely agree to a meeting with an unfamiliar person, preferring to first take a closer look and then go on a date. Virgos love cleanliness and in a cafe they will definitely pay attention to dirty tablecloths and dishes. A date with this sign will go well if everything is thought out in advance. Libra on the first date will be delighted with romantic gestures. With the help of romance, it's easy to win their hearts and make the right impression. Libra can hardly endure loneliness and it is not difficult to conquer them by showing attention and care to them.

The sexiest sign of the Zodiac - Scorpio, prefers to take the initiative and show the woman who is in charge here. Scorpios are passionate and jealous; for dating, they choose places where there are fewer people and a shorter distance between the couple. They look for deep relationships and unmistakably choose the right partner. The date will be with a touch of intimacy and desire for sex on the first date. Sagittarians love romance and adventure. It won't be boring on a date, as a simple meeting over a cup of tea will not satisfy their curiosity. They choose places where there are a lot of people and where they can learn something new. They will not let you get bored and will joke a lot.

Serious Capricorn will stay that way on a date. He will plan everything to the smallest detail, and any surprise will baffle him. But thanks to composure, he will quickly restore balance and continue to talk about himself. If he doesn't feel the spark, there won't be a second date. Capricorn clearly knows who and what he needs, and will not waste his time with an uninteresting person.

Aquarius will try to make friends first. Inquires about outlooks and interests. For the meeting, he will choose a non-standard place or an unusual film. To interest him, you need to have your own views on life and opinions that differ from the standard. An outfit chooses an extravagant one that can surprise or puzzle. Representatives of this sign prefer to stand out from the crowd and use any means. Pisces are romantic and mysterious. They can arrange an unforgettable meeting with surprises and cute gifts. They will be attentive and gentle, but if they do not like something, they will leave without explanation.

This exciting and enjoyable event - the first date - often becomes a cause of serious concern for the girl. What to wear, what to talk about, how to behave? And these are just a few of the questions from a long list of experiences. To avoid unnecessary worries, we will deal with one of the most important questions - how to behave on a first date.

What depends on the guy

In many ways, the behavior of a girl on a first date depends on who she has to spend it with. Of course, there are recommendations that are relevant for any case, but the nuances depend on the situation. Here are several possible options for the situations mentioned that are important for building a girl's line of behavior:

  • The guy with whom you are going to go on a date is very familiar. You may have had a friendship or a simple acquaintance before. In this case, he has a well-established opinion about the girl, you may have a lot of topics for conversation, in a company with such a guy, the girl feels freer.
  • For some time, communication between a guy and a girl continues at a distance, for example, on the Internet. They know quite a lot about each other, but have not met in person. In this case, they have an idea of ​​each other's views on life, interests and dreams, even about appearance. But neither the one nor the other could make up a complete picture of their interlocutor.
  • The guy and the girl are completely unfamiliar to each other. For example, other people organized a date with them, or it happened spontaneously. In this case, almost everything will depend on the first impression.
  • The date takes place on the initiative of the guy, the girl agreed to this after lengthy persuasion. At the same time, of course, both are at least familiar with each other, but there was never any personal, especially romantic, communication between them.
  • The opposite situation - the date was achieved / provoked by the girl. The guy did not show any interest, or hid him, the girl felt strong sympathy for him and in the end created the conditions under which a real romantic date took place.

Of course, in each individual case, the behavior of a girl can have significant differences. For example, in the latter case, when the guy did not plan any dates and actually turned out to be the led party in this case, the girl should be very well prepared in order to make the best impression. As soon as she took the initiative in organizing the date, she should consider not only her own image, but also the surroundings of the event and topics for conversation. However, such situations do not occur very often.

If a girl has to go on a date with a person who is only partly familiar to her, remotely, then a slightly different approach is required. We are talking about a personal acquaintance with a guy from the virtual space. It is important to pay maximum attention to two things - appearance (toilet, makeup, hair, etc.) and manners.

To cope with this task more easily and not to go too far, you need to try to imagine yourself through his eyes. Remember what and how you talked, what phrases you used, what you told about yourself. After that, try to imagine what image in his view has developed about you. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because here your own subjective opinion about yourself will always interfere, but in order to achieve the best effect, you need to try. Introducing yourself through his eyes, as objectively as possible, try to match your image with his ideas. Behave as he expects of you.

If you and a young man do not know each other at all, then there are pluses and minuses. A plus can be considered the opportunity to introduce yourself to anyone, choose the most unexpected line of behavior, surprise, fall in love with a guy, in the most extreme case, to be remembered for a long time. The disadvantages include the lack of information about the young man, the likelihood of awkward silence, constraint, shyness. But it must be borne in mind that he is in the same conditions and is probably also worried or embarrassed.

When a girl and a guy have known each other for a long time, albeit not very closely, everything usually develops much easier. First of all, because in such cases, the first date is set deliberately, thought out in advance, and occurs due to mutual sympathy. A girl at such an event feels more free, although even here you can get into an awkward situation, if you do not take into account a few rules that are relevant for any first date. These rules will be discussed a little later.

But even if the date takes place on the initiative of the guy, if the girl did not agree to him right away, and she has no particular desire to go to this meeting, this does not at all mean that you can behave as you like. It is necessary to understand that the girl's manners have consequences only for herself. And, quite logically, good manners have good consequences, and bad ones the opposite. Therefore, it is necessary to show as much tact as possible so as not to put the young man in an awkward situation.

General rules for first dates

There are several rules, following which you can adequately behave on the first date with any guy, both well-known and met for the first time. To better remember them, try on each of them beforehand. So:

  • Be natural... If you are embarrassed - embarrassed, if you find it funny - laugh, if you don't know something - say so. This will help you avoid stupid situations. For example, you can say directly to a guy with a slight smile: “Forgive me my awkwardness, I'm just really embarrassed a little - it's still a real first date”. And it will immediately become easier, because there will be no need to pretend, the guy will immediately feel the need to protect you. If you do not understand the topic he raised, say sincerely: "I do not understand this at all, to be honest, please tell me."
  • Have a sense of tact... This is a very valuable quality that testifies to a good upbringing. If the guy gets into an awkward situation, pretend not to notice it (as much as possible), try to turn the conversation to another topic or distract him when you feel that he is uncomfortable. Do not ask him for things that may be beyond his power or beyond his means.
  • Do not be vulgar... In an effort to be natural, it is necessary to observe the boundaries of reason. Laughing does not mean laughing out loud, being relaxed does not mean being cheeky. The same applies to appearance. Of course, when going on a date, a girl is trying to improve her appearance, but this must be done in such a way that the degree of effort is not striking.
  • Show generosity... If the guy is worried, support him, smile, say something nice. When he jokes, even if not very successful, smile at his joke, show interest in his story, let me courting you. Understand, he is trying and, most likely, he is also very worried.

When the date comes to an end, thank him for the pleasant time spent, say good night, offer to call / meet tomorrow or in the near future. In other words, this should be the point for today. It is better to refuse jokes from the series "maybe you will drop in for a cup of tea", "to you or to me", "which coffee do you prefer for breakfast". Of course, this depends on the purpose of your date. If you want a serious relationship with this young man, then it is best to avoid such conversations.

It is necessary to form a complete feeling that your first date was aimed at getting to know the guy as a person, a possible loved one, a soul mate. He must understand that you are primarily interested in his human qualities, that you are serious about choosing your chosen one, that he has yet to earn close relationships and trust.

This does not mean that he should be offended or humiliated with his arrogance. If you did everything right this evening, he himself will not allow himself ambiguous jokes or hints. If he does allow something like that, you shouldn't indignantly, with a feeling of “offended dignity” exclaim something like “What are you allowing yourself ?!” or "Who do you take me for ?!" Better to say with a calm smile: “Please don’t spoil such a wonderful evening, I feel so good in my soul now, let it be so”.

It is quite appropriate to exchange messages after the first date, for example, with the same wish of good night. It is better not to bother the guy with frequent reminders about himself, not to bombard him with messages, not to call every now and then after the first date. But when he calls or writes, let him know that you are happy about it. As a rule, after a successful first date, both the second and the third very soon follow.

If something went wrong

Unfortunately, not all dates go as planned. Not all of them are successful, not every later one wants to remember. In order not to find herself in a difficult and unpleasant situation, the girl also needs to prepare. This is especially true of those cases when there is a date with an unfamiliar guy. Although the tips below are quite applicable to many situations in life. Here are a few rules to keep in mind when going on your first date:

  • Count on yourself only. Wherever and with whoever you go, always consider a scenario in which your companion will leave you alone. Perhaps you yourself want to leave the date, and there should be no complications here.
  • Don't make yourself totally dependent. From any situation you should have a way out the second you want it. Accordingly, do not go on a first date to places where you cannot get out on your own (outside the city, to unfamiliar places with a limited exit option).
  • Do not tolerate if the situation takes an unwanted turn for you. If the guy didn't live up to expectations, turned out to be rude, etc., say that you want to go home, your mood has soured, you do not intend to continue a date that does not bring you pleasure.

Even if you're going on a date with someone you know, it's best to keep the above guidelines in mind. In addition, you should always inform someone of your acquaintances or relatives about where and with whom you are going. And this is far from an empty precaution. You may never find yourself in an unpleasant situation, but it is better to be ready for it and not get into it than to find yourself in a hopeless situation. Remember, sympathy can arise spontaneously, but trust is the result of consistent action.

The rendezvous has been appointed, the place and time have been determined, the outfit and styling have been chosen. The last but the most difficult question remains - how to behave on the first date?

Show courtesy? Undoubtedly. Avoid dry interrogations? Necessarily. However, a successful meeting requires much more. At the same time, “successfully” does not mean an invitation to a second date, but an unmistakable determination of the chances for a joint future. How do you calculate them?

Keep confident

Adequate self-esteem, its embodiment in behavior is a magnet. Subconsciously, people are drawn to such personalities, trying to imitate them, or at least fill with a piece of their energy. A woman walking with a slow, confident gait, or a man with a direct, determined gaze is a manifestation of pure sexuality.

It will not be possible to cultivate faith in yourself in a short time. However, in just a couple of hours you can minimize manifestations of uncertainty... How to do it:

  • choose comfortable clothes (without high heels or neckties, if they are unusual);
  • postpone experiments in appearance (styling, trimming a beard, mustache, makeup) until the time when stiffness and awkwardness will be less;
  • monitor posture, posture - straightening your shoulders and slightly raising your chin, you can feel better;
  • negotiate a meeting place in advance - it is better to go to a familiar institution or at least choose a location without unusual exoticism;
  • have a good rest before a date, sleep well, drink a mug of warm milk before bed, if your nerves do not allow you to relax.

What better not to do in any case, it is taking sedatives or alcohol. They make you feel lethargic, drowsy, and completely ruin your reputation. If the anxiety is on the rise, herbal tea or breathing exercises will help.

Be yourself

The absolute peak of wanting to be a better person comes on a first date. The desire for development is commendable, but good qualities are not always manifested, and it is not a good idea to sharply shock the interlocutor with negativity on the fifth or tenth date.

The better a person appears at the first meeting, the more expectations are presented to him on the next date. And the stronger the disappointment when the “ideal” does not correspond to the truth. Typical mistakes at the initial stages of a relationship:

  • try to uncompromisingly please the interlocutor at the expense of yourself;
  • “Adopt” the interests, views of the partner in order to impress him;
  • lie in order to feel sorry for or not to disappoint your mate;
  • be afraid to say no and thus to appear boring, weak;
  • ignore rudeness, repulsive behavior.

Opinions do not agree or something in a person you strongly dislike? Better to say so right away. Calm, tactful, but firm. If a person is trying to apologize, stop the annoying action, adequately perceive the dissimilarity - it's good. If not, why take away both your own and other people's time?

Show sincerity

“I love listening to classics, I go to the gym three times a week, I read Shakespeare in the original at my leisure”.

Perfectly! More precisely, it would be great if it was true. And so is pop, yoga and Marvel comics. The preferences themselves are good. However, the fact that they are hidden, replaced by lies, kills all the charm. The hardest part is to tell the truth after a long deception.

It is important to learn to accept yourself or strive for development. An overweight person may say three different phrases and get three dissimilar reactions:

  1. "I go in for sports, I eat right, but, apparently, the reason is genetics or hormonal disruption."
  2. “Well, yes, extra pounds. So what? I love myself, I will not change for anyone. Whoever doesn't like it may not look. "
  3. “I am gradually moving on to the correct way of life. So far, the result is small, it can be difficult, but I try. "

The first is outright lies, the second is uncompromising, passivity. And only the third expression belongs to the person with whom you want to deal.

Sound the qualities you like

The girl has a small bump on her nose. Her mother, best friend and even her brother sincerely say that a slight bend on the bridge of the nose gives some zest and does not spoil her face at all. But a new acquaintance appears on the horizon, asking if the girl wondered about rhinoplasty. What will she think about?

That's right - that she has a defect in her appearance. Paradoxically, but sometimes people tend to believe new acquaintances more than old ones... Especially when it comes to negativity. However, it is the same with positive qualities. If you like something in the interlocutor, you can say about it already on the first date.

“I am delighted with your smile - you have such cute dimples on your cheeks”.

“I love gallantry in men. Thank you for giving me your hand when I got out of the car. ".

“Your femininity delights me. You are so gentle and graceful! ".

The compliment will become a kind of "amplifier" of a good trait. The recipient of such an encouragement will want to more often show the quality they like - to be smiling, courteous or sophisticated.

Set information limit

No wonder they say that men love mystery in women. They just forget to add that the rule is valid for both sides... Only among guys it is more often called “sports interest”, and among girls it is called “intrigue”.

If you start telling the whole story about yourself from the first minute, there may not be room for curiosity. Where does he come from if all the secrets are revealed? Even the most banal thing can be presented with a slight veil of secrecy, and it will work. A drop of humor doesn't hurt. Three examples:

  1. - I like writing poetry. Most of all - about love, because they are the most tender. I wrote the first verse when I was 10 (tells him)... By the way, then I really fell in love with cooking and once burned my hand. And my nurse mom put some kind of ointment on the burn, and everything healed. At that moment, I made a firm decision to help people and wanted to study to be a doctor. It is because of my profession that I do not like white, so I want to buy an outfit of a different shade for my wedding. (another hour of talking about the perfect wedding, your interests and dreams)
    — …
  2. - What are you fond of?
    - Motorbikes.
    - Why? Which ones do you like?
    - I do not know. Fast.
    - And the color?
    - Would you like some more wine?
    - You did not answer to ...
    - Good wine, will you still?
    — …
  3. - You seem to enjoy playing the piano a lot.
    - Yes, I like to put stories and feelings into the sounds of music.
    - Where does such passion come from in you?
    - One very interesting story is connected with this. (smiles mysteriously).
    - Will you tell? (involuntarily responds to a smile)
    - But promise another date - on it and I'll tell (laugh together).

Which dialogue has more chances for a second meeting is obvious.

Listen and hear

There is a great risk that the interlocutor himself may lie on the first date. However, it is unlikely that he will control his body language at the same time, which will instantly give him away.

Even if you really like the person and cause great delight, this is not a reason to instantly schedule a second meeting. Causes:

  • you can feel sympathy when the couple is nearby, and in her absence you don't even think about her. This testifies not to the beginning of feelings, but rather to self-esteem, a desire to feel someone else's attention on oneself;
  • at first, good qualities are striking, only at home, in an objective setting, minuses suddenly pop up in the memory. It is advisable to think them over well already without the presence of the interlocutor and his emotional influence;
  • it can be good and fun to be with a partner. Sometimes even too much. After a date, it feels like it's easy to fall in love with, but is not suited to the expected role of husband / wife, soul mate, or couple in a no-obligation relationship.

These 7 recommendations on how to behave on a first date should not be taken as an axiom. They are intended only to direct the course of the meeting, not to control it. The most correct solution would be to analyze the situation, your partner, search for solutions based on a specific case. Sometimes you only need one piece of advice for a good rendezvous, and sometimes seven is not enough.