How to Glitting Hair: Secrets of Professionals. How to return the power and glitter to dim damaged hair

This time we decided to tell what exist folk remedies for hair shine. On your rinsing selection and homemade masks.

After each wash, rinse your hair:

  • soft non-carbonated mineral water
  • 2 tbsp. black tea spoons per 1 liter of water (cook for 5 minutes, then cool), good in decoction add mint
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of lemon juice per 1 liter of water
  • chamomile decoction for light hair, hop decoction for dark and decoction onion husks for red
  • scarlet nettle (3 tbsp on 2 glasses of water, brew 15 min. On a water bath, rinsed with cooled; attaches not only shine, but also helps)
  • linden decoction (3 tbsp on 2 glasses of water, brew 15 min. On a water bath, rinsed chilled)
  • decoral sage (3 tbsp on 2 glasses of water, brew 15 min. on a water bath, rinsed chilled)
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of birch leaves on a glass of water (insist in boiling water 20 minutes, strain, cool)
  • chilled parsley decoction (boil 10 minutes 50 grams of grass by 0.5 liters of water)

There are more extremal recipes rinsing, how to give gloss hair:

  • light beer
  • i exhaled champagne (without bubbles)
  • in one liter of white wine insisted on a tablespoon of chamomile, rosemary and a horsetail. For rinsing to add 1 tbsp. A spoon on a liter of boiled water.

How to give gloss hair with home masks

Recipe No. 1 - Vitamin Hair Bright Mask

Mix 2 egg yolk with O.5 C.L. Olive oil, O.5 Ch.L. Vitamin E oil solution and 10 drops of vitamin A. Apply to wet hair, make a 5-minute head massage, distribute the mask along the entire length of the hair, cover with a cellophane cap and a towel. To keep at least 1 hour, then wash off warm water and wash the shampoo.

Recipe # 2 - Cognac Homemade Hair Bright Mask

Carefully mix 1 yolk eggs with 1 tbsp. Cognac and 1 tbsp. spoonful honey. Apply on your hair under a hat and a towel for 20 minutes and a variety of shampoo without use.

Recipe number 3 - Mask for shiny hair from almond oil

All ingenious simply - vary in the skin of the head almond oil and keep so much as free time, and then thoroughly wash the oil with shampoo.

Recipe No. 4 - Fruit Mask for Shining Hair Hair

Facelings 1 Slightly loose banana to the state of the Cashitz and distributed over the entire length of the hair. Hold the minutes 1O and wash off. An excellent addition to the brilliance will be a delicious fragrance of your hair. For a mixture effect to Banana, you can add a simple natural yogurt.

Recipe No. 5 - Henna and Kefir Mask

Mix colorless huu with a slightly heated kefir or yogurt before a creamy state. Apply on the hair and leave under the captive and a towel for 30 minutes. Then wash together with the shampoo.

Recipe No. 6 - Home Recipe Mask Masks

Having distributed on the hair. Ordinary mayonnaise and keep such a mask for about 30 minutes. It is possible to experiment with the addition of different oils in mayonnaise: jojoba, coconut, castle, peach, repeal.

Recipe No. 7 - Homemade Hair Sliced \u200b\u200bHair Breaker

Zami for 30 minutes in hot water pulp rye bread, and then vary in the roots of the hair and distributed over the entire length. Soak your head in heat and keep 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 8 - Dark Hair Mask

2 tbsp. Spoons of natural coffee small grinding cutting 1 cup of boiling water and let it stand until the water cools. Then strain and rinse the resulting coffee water. Leave half an hour under a polyethylene cap, and then with a variety of water.

Recipe No. 9 - Bright Hair Mask

Zavari 2 tbsp. Chamomile on 1 tbsp. boiling water. When the decoction cools, apply it to clean dry hair under the film. After half an hour, the sample and rinselines with cold water with lemon juice at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. Juice per 1 liter of water.

Recipe number 10 - glitter mask red hair

The same mechanism as with a mask for dark hair, only instead of coffee is applied for half an hour on the hair mixture from freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice in equal proportions.

Choose from the proposed folk recipes, how to give gloss with hair those that are suitable for you and use them regularly so that the hair is always beautiful and shiny.

Text: Folk remedies for hair brilliance collected and bravely checked for himself Daria Colzine for the magazine. All hair in place and even shine.

Healthy strands, reflecting glitter, always in fashion, regardless of the length and degree of smoothness. Therefore, many women spend huge amounts of money for the acquisition of means to give gloss hair, or attend beauty salons to give their curls a beautiful view with special procedures. However, it is not all possible to achieve the desired effect, so use the tips on how to achieve the brilliance of strands at home.

In order to return a beautiful and healthy view of their hair, it is not necessary to spend the transcendental sums. It is possible to care for hair and at home, which is sometimes much more efficient than salon procedures.

Glitter and flicker is a reflection of light from a smooth surface. And since the smooth surface better reflects the light rays, the straight strands look more shiny than wavy curls or curls. Therefore, for greater glitter, you need to give smoothness.

Fact! On the hair of the dark color, the shine is noticeable much better than on light curls.

5 Soviets, how to make a chapel brilliant at home:

  1. Completely combing. You need combing your spars with a thick, but short genuine bristle, slowly spending on each strand 25-30 times, starting with the tips. Such combing professionals are called polishing, because during this procedure, scales of hair cuticle are invited, and the hairs begin to glisten.
  2. Use a special line of cosmetics. Each famous brand has special hair gloss with vitamins, collagen, betaine, vegetable extracts, natural oils, etc. High-quality professional tools will help to return the brilliance of your hair and give natural flicker.
  3. Make staining henna. Processing strands of color or colorless henna guarantees shine, strengthening and growing hairs, getting rid of dandruff. In addition, Henna does not spoil the structure of the hair rod, unlike chemical paints.
  4. Add sourness. If you change the neutral environment on the sour, then the cuticle is invited and, accordingly, the hair will be blissing. Therefore, fruit acids, essential oils or citrus extracts are added to the balms and air conditioners. At home, you can also add to the water to rinse a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice.
  5. Use natural masks. The effect of the most expensive masks manufactured by industrial way is much less than from fresh homemade masks prepared a few minutes before use. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare a mixture for hair and always prefer with natural hair products.

Consider the best masks for the brilliance and smoothness of hair that is easy to cook at home.

Home masks will help to return the hair shine

Beauty, gloss, smoothness and hair health can be achieved by applying infringement inexpensive components for cooking home masks. They differ in the method of use and the main components. Each mask is aimed at achieving a certain result and positive effect:

  1. For shine and smoothness. Straighten the curls and return the shimmer's dull strands will help gelatin. Divide 1 tbsp. Food gelatin in 20 ml of warm boiled water, add 10 ml of balm. Distribute the mixture along the length of the hair and leave 50-60 minutes, put on the head plastic cap and towel. Wash warm water. Apply 1-2 times a week.
  2. For flickering and growth. Cognac is an excellent tool to give curls natural flickering and speeding up their growth. Mix 2 tbsp Cognac and 2 tbsp. Olive oil, heat up to 35-40 degrees, add 1 yolk, mix thoroughly. He applied a warm mask on the roots, and then distribute the length, to overtake the head with polyethylene and a towel, leave for 45-50 minutes. Ring with shampoo.
  3. For gloss and strengthening. Egg is a universal hair for hair. Mix 1 egg from 1 tbsp. Glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), add 1 tsp. Natural honey, beat up to a homogeneous mass. Apply for hair for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Repeat procedure weekly.
  4. For radiance and softness. Dairy products will give the curls a special radiance and softness. Mix 3 tbsp. Natural yogurt without additives or 3 tbsp. 10% sour cream, add 1 tbsp. Coconut oil. Apply a mask on strands and leave for 30-35 minutes. Rinse with shampoo and balsam.
  5. For brilliance and volume. Mask for blonde: 2 tbsp. Natural honey + 1 tbsp. Castor oil. Mask for dark chapels: 2 tbsp. Cocoa + 50 ml of milk, warm to dissolving cocoa. Masks are applied on the roots, then distributed along the length. Excerpt time of the mixture on the head is 40-60 minutes. Washed off with the usual shampoo.
  6. For gloss and silkiness. Mix 2 tbsp Balzama, 1 tbsp. Fresh aloe juice and 1 ampule of group vitamins in (B1-B3, B6, B12). After washing, put a mask on clean wet hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat such a procedure 1-3 times a week.
  7. For brilliance and moisturizing. This mask love to use in Mediterranean countries. Cucumber rubbed on a shallow grater, squeeze juice, add 1 tbsp. shallow salt, mixed with chicken egg protein. Apply a mixture on slightly wet hair, withstand 30-40 minutes and wash off barely warm water.

Home masks returning shine to dull curls are universal and suitable for all hair types.

Folk remedies for hair shine

In addition to masks, there are other recipes using folk remedies for giving shine, elasticity and smooth hair:

  • If the champions are bright, then the radios will help return the shine. Apply one cup of strong chamomile decoction to wet clean curls, withstand 30 minutes, insulated with polyethylene and towel head. Then wash the shampoo and rinse with acidic water.
  • If the hairstyle is dark, then the gloss will help coffee. Brew 2 tbsp. Natural ground coffee, strain and apply a warm drink on wet strands for half an hour. Wash your head with a soft shampoo.
  • If the redhead is a shiny, vegetables will help to make it brilliant. Mix the glio of carrot juice and the half of the beet fresh juice. Apply a mixture on strands, put on a polyethylene cap and warm the head with a hairdryer in cold air mode for a few minutes, to withstand another 20 minutes and washed off.
  • Infusion of birch leaves. To rinse the chases, pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. Crushed birch leaves, insist 20-25 minutes. Use for rinsing after washing your head.
  • Rinse apples. Skin from 3-4 medium-sized apples pour 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool decoction, strain and apply for rinsing after bathaking.
  • Herbal decoction. Fall asleep at 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 tbsp. Natures, dried marigolds and rosemary. Change for 25 minutes. Apply for rinsing after washing the heads for giving hair and smooth hair.
  • After the end of water procedures, hold clean hair under the stream of cool water. From such a pore procedure, the hair rod is closed, why the hair is becoming more smooth and shiny.

Brilliant hair is an indicator of beauty and health. But, unfortunately, many women, due to any reasons, cannot support the lap in perfect condition. Therefore, to carry out the dream of brilliant curls, it is worth listening to the advice of professional stylists.

Causes of loss of brilliance

Causes for loss of glitter hair is very much. Consider the most basic:

  • Rigid water. Tap water contains a huge amount of salts and chlorine compounds that destroy the hair structure. Locks become hard, lose elasticity and shine. Also very hair suffer when visiting the pool and frequent use of too hot water. It is better to wash your head with warm water, and rinse herbs champs.
  • Frequent use of shampoos and other styling.
  • Incorrect combing. To give gloss with hair, you should purchase a special comb with a natural pile, which contributes to the uniform distribution of skin fat. And before every wash, making a head massage with it. Also, at least once a month, wash everything combs in the soap solution.
  • Frequent use of hot hair dryer and other thermal styling agents.
  • Discoloration, chemical curling and staining with poor-quality paints.
  • Impact of ultraviolet.
  • Improper nutrition and lifestyle. Try to use vegetables and fruits more often, drink more clean water, abandon bad habits and play sports.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The vitamins of the group B and E correspond to the hair of the hair, they are kept in the liver, chicken eggs, whole gruses and seaweed.

Professional care products

Hair begin to glisten if they are smooth and they reflect light. The surface of the hair is scaly and when scales are directed in different directions, the hair can not glisten.

Therefore, to give brilliance to curls, first of all, they need to be aligned. To date, there are a large number of professional funds that help straighten hair. Some fill irregularities, while others smooth their surface.


Very often, the hair is not shiny due to dryness, in this case they need intensive moisturizing. To do this, it is worth picking up the right shampoo. It must contain vegetation extracts, keratines, proteins, vitamins, nutritious and silicone oils.

The pH level for a moisturizing shampoo should be approximately 2-3.5.

These criteria are shampoos:

  • Wella Brilliance for painted hair,
  • L'Oreal Professional Serie Expert Pro-Keratin Refill Shampoo,
  • L'Oreal Elseve color and glitter
  • L'Oreal Elseve Food and Glitter Crystal,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional BC Oil Miracle,
  • Vichy Dercos,
  • Brelil Professional Numero,
  • Alloton Phyto Touch Extraction,
  • Clean line.

Do not forget about the withdrawal shampoos that will help to give hair shine, enhance the brightness of the color and add the desired shades. Such shampoos can be found in the line of Estel, L'Oreal Color Protect, Irida Classic, Irida M de Luxe.


Unlike the shampoo, the balm should maximize the hair, so it is desirable that it contains in its composition vitamins, oil, fruit acids, citrus or silk extracts. In this case, it absolutely no matter how it will be - washed or not.

To obtain a quick result, pay attention to professional balms:

  • Wella Brilliance
  • Kapous Professional Balsam,
  • L'Oreal Elseve "Nutrition and Glitter Crystal Instant Transfiguration",
  • DOVE "Gray color",
  • Garnier Fructis,
  • Brelil Professional Numero.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a professional tool, then in ordinary balm you can add a few drops of any essential oil. An instant result wait, of course, not worth it, but over time the hair will get a noticeable shine.


Most sprays are in their composition surfactants that form a protective film on the surface of the hair. It fills emptiness between scales and smoothes defects. This makes it possible to protect curls from the negative impact of the environment and styling.

Professional sprays do not lose hair and do not make them visually fat. Stylists recommend:

  • Wella Shimmer Delight Spray for Spray
  • Wella Stay Brilliant Styling Lotion for Color Printing,
  • WELLA ENRICH Spray air conditioning,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional BC Oil Miracle Spray Air Conditioning,
  • Brelil Professional Easy Shine Liquid Crystal,
  • Syoss Blond & Highlights Spray Gloss For Light Hair
  • DOVE "Feeding" spray air conditioning.


Professional oils perfectly feed the hair and thanks to its composition form protective film on her hair, emphasizing the brightness of the color and creating a reflective effect. Similar oils make hair more silky and shiny.

  • L'Oreal Elseve "Extraordinary Oil",
  • Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Oil Miracle,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional Blondeme,
  • Brelil Professional BB Oil.


Add hair glitter can colorless staining or as it is also called glazing. For the procedure, special paint will need, the tone of which is marked as "00", because it has no color pigment and completely free from ammonia.

Colorless paint helps to emphasize a natural shade, give shine and protect the hair from any aggressive impact for several weeks. After staining, the hair becomes more silky, obedient and less shallow.

It follows the procedure once a month and with each repetition the effect of it will only increase. You can do it both in the cabin and at home. To do this, you will need to acquire a colorless paint, a special activator and a fixer.

If desired, you can stop your choice on the tools:

  • ESTEL Professional Essex Correct,
  • L'Oreal Professional Richesse Clear,
  • Matrix Color Seanc Clear,
  • Londa Professional.

In addition to colorless paints, you can resort to the help of tonic or gentle paints, explained to the tone of the hair. Ideal hair overflows will help create innovative paints:

  • L'Oreal Professional Prodigy,
  • SYOSS GLOSS SENSATION with the effect of lamination,
  • Wella Wellaton,
  • Londa Professional.

The most economical way to give hair shine is to paint their colorless henna.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies can also return gloss hair. Their advantage is that they are inexpensive and prepared from fresh products.


Recipe 1.

Vitamin mix for owner of red hair. Mix:

  • 50 ml of carrot juice,
  • 50 ml beet juice.

Shelter shoulders with a towel or cellophan. Apply the composition on the hair and distribute well. Sand the curls with a hairdryer or wait for natural drying. After that, carefully rinse your hair.

Recipe 2.


  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg,
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon,
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped oat flakes,
  • water.

Connect all dry ingredients and pour hot water. The mask must have a consistency of thick sour cream. Means rub in hair roots, then apply for the entire length. Cove the head with a hat for a shower and a towel and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off the usual shampoo, then rinse with water with lemon juice.

Recipe 3.

  • 1 teaspoon tea
  • 3 tablespoons of hot milk,
  • egg yolk,
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey.

Tea brew in milk, add egg yolk and honey. Ingredients mix and apply on their hair along the entire length. Wrap your head with a warm towel. After an hour, washed away with the help of shampoo.

Recipe 4.

  • 1 banana,
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil,
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt.

Ingredients beat a blender. Apply a mixture on clean hair by distributing along the entire length. Head covered with cellophane. Mask keep on hair 30 minutes. Wash warm water.

Recipe 5.

Grind the flesh of the watermelon. The resulting juice lubricate the hair and the scalp. Cover curls with shower cap and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash your head and rinse with a solution of lemon juice. Locks should dry by naturally.


To carry out the home procedure of lamination, hair will need:

  • 1 tablespoon gelatin,
  • 6-8 tablespoons of water or milk,
  • children's shampoo
  • balm,
  • avocado oil or almond.

Gelatin pour warm boiled water and stir well. Cover the capacitance with a lid and leave for swelling for 15 minutes. Then mix again. The main thing is that there are no pickles gelatin left, otherwise it is very problematic to comb into hair. If lumps were formed, it is necessary to put a container with gelatin on a water bath and warm up, constantly stirring.

After cooling, the gelatin mixture must be divided by half. One piece is mixed with shampoo in equal proportions (1: 1). It is very important that the shampoo has the same amount with a mixture, otherwise the hair after the procedure can become fragile.

Mix well gelatin with shampoo and apply on dry hair along the entire length. Keep the mixture on the hair you need 40 minutes, wrapped your head with a cellophane and a warm towel. After the outflow time, the shampoo needs to be bold, which is already applied to the hair, and rinse the head with warm water well.

While the hair dries out, take the second part of gelatin and combine with hair balm in the same proportions. And if possible, add 5-7 drops of avocado oil or almonds. Apply the means is necessary only for the length of the hair, avoiding the roots. It is important that the composition covered each strand.

You can keep balm on the hair from 40 to 120 minutes, be sure to cover them with a cellophane and a warm towel. In completion, you need to wash your head with a large volume of warm water without a shampoo and give hair to dry by naturally.

You can repeat the lamination procedure in 30-40 days.

Natural oils

To give gloss hair, any oil is suitable: olive, jojoba, rapid, avocado, almond, castor, coconut, grape bones.

Recipe 1.

If you process curls with any oil for half an hour before washing the head, the hair will be protected from drying and the adverse effects of aggressive chemicals. Before use of oil, it is necessary to warm up slightly and apply on the hair and the skin of the head with massage movements.

Recipe 2.

For the aroma procedure, any essential oil and a wooden ridge or a comb with genuine bristles will be required. Apply a couple of droplets of essential oil on the crest and thoroughly combing the hair from the roots to the tips for 5-10 minutes. Such a procedure fully replaces the head massage, and the hair after it will glisten and smell wonderfully.

Recipe 3.

To make oil wrapping for hair, it will take 2 tablespoons of warm rapid oil and 1 egg yolk. Ingredients mix and apply on hair. Wrap cellophane and hide with a towel. After 60 minutes, wash off warm water.


Recipe 1.

Make an instant hair shine will help the rinser from lemon juice. 0.5 liters of warm water dilute the juice of one lemon. This liquid rinse the hair after washing. But after such rinsing, it is definitely rinsed with clean water again.

Recipe 2.

The same effect will turn out if instead of lemon juice use vinegar in proportion 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

Recipe 3.

Skinny of several apples pour 1 liter of water and boil. After cooling to rinse the hair. With regular use, the curls will gain shine, will become more voluminous, it will be pleasant to smell.

Recipe 4.

Give the brilliance with light curls will help the chamomile infusion. 2 tablespoons of dry daisy colors pour 1 liter of hot water, insisted and thoroughly strain. Infusion to add to water with each hair rinsing.

Recipe 5.

For brilliance of dark hair recommended decoction based on strong coffee or tea. Raw 2 tablespoons of natural coffee either black tea in 250 ml of hot water and let it stand up to cooling. Then the decoction to strain and rinse the hair after washing.

We all dream of beautiful and healthy hair, but unfortunately, this is not given to everyone. Permanent stress, busy working days and leaving the desire of the best ecology of large cities contribute to the gradual weakening of immunity and a significant lack of vitamins and nutrients. All these troubles are reflected in the appearance of a person.

As regards the hair, then you need to remember - if they are healthy, then the shine will be in itself. If the hair needs treatment, then they can be given brilliantly with an artificial way, and appropriate treatment is necessary to maintain the effect.

What is the brilliance in itself? The gloss creates a reflection of light emanating from the surface. Straight hair significantly reflect than curly. Also shine clearer visible on dark hair than bright. But now you can find a huge amount of funds that allow even blondes with curly hair to find a beautiful shine.

First of all, you need to understand that to acquire a beautiful shine, you need a flat surface, in other words, scales should be aligned, damaged parts are heard.

  • wash hair should be warm water, and rinse better even cool. Hot water that many use when washing the head, the effect of the temperature is strongly damaging the hair structure;
  • after shampoo, you should always use air conditioning, and ideally carry out this procedure, still being in the bathroom. Under the influence of high temperature, the composition is better absorbed, sharing with hair vitamins and useful substances;
  • with a frequent use of the shampoo, it is better to dilute it slightly, or adhere to the use of the same company, it will be significantly less harmful for hair, rather than a variety;
  • it is necessary to use nutrient hair masks, and at least once a week. It is necessary to use them regularly, otherwise no effect will not succeed;
  • it is undesirable to use hairdryers, bad, etc. Devices for drying and hair styling, as they greatly damage the structure. If it is possible, it is better to give hair to dry yourself;
  • during laying, it is recommended to use mousse, since in addition to fixing properties, they have the ability to protect the surface of the hair;
  • section ends should be coordinated, they should not regret;
  • after bathing in salted water, you need to rinse your hair, otherwise they are cut.

There are many ways to give gloss hair. One of them is to use masks.

Several ways to prepare masks for glitter hair

Method number 1.

In the ceramic bowl mixed on a teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg, chopped oatmeal is added to them. The mixture is poured with warm boiled water, stirred to a homogeneous mass.

This composition must be applied to the head, insulate and keep at least half an hour. After the specified time, the mask must be washed with shampoo, rinse a slightly acidified water.

Method number 2.

A sturdy black tea welding is placed in a ceramic container, it needs to add three tablespoons of fatty milk, one yolk egg. The resulting mixture must be taken, after which one teaspoon of honey is added to it, and everything is mixed again.

The composition must be distributed on the skin of the head and hair, evenly distribute, insulate and hold for about an hour, wash off with a shampoo.

Method number 3.

For the preparation of this mask need a banana, oil and yogurt. The banana should be good, add oil to the resulting mass, then yogurt, and stir good. The oil is best to take the repense or castor.

With the help of a combing mixture, it is necessary to distribute on the skin of the head and hair, insulate, keep at least half an hour, after which it is thoroughly washed.

Method number 4.

Very fresh recipe, summer option. For the preparation of this mask, you need a few pieces of watermelon to crush, strain juice. The resulting cleaner must be applied to the skin of the head and hair, distributing over the entire length, then insulate and withstand at least 20 minutes. When rinsed, add watermelon juice to the water, it will help make hair not only shiny, but also silky.

In addition to masks, you can use sprays for glittering hair. Of course, to get the result, they need to be used regularly. The composition of the spray includes substances that create a protective film smoothing hair scales. Such a tool, like spray, is not able to cure hair, but externally will be able to give them smoothness and shine, disguising the shortcomings. When applied, the spray must be observed - the remedy is sprayed at a distance of about 30 cm from the head, on the ready-made hairstyle.

There are folk remedies for the return and maintenance of natural gloss of hair.

Neprug djobiva

Nettle is a medicinal plant, it is known to everyone. She copes with many diseases, including, very useful for hair health. To give shine curls, you need to collect fresh nettle, crushing it until the juice is obtained, and add the resulting solution during your head washing into the water.

If there is no possibility to collect fresh nettle, you can buy dried and insist a decoction at the pharmacy. It should be borne in mind that this method is more suitable for the owners of the hair of dark shades.


This product is suitable for hair of any shade, but it looks most effectively on blondes. From fresh lemon need to squeeze juice. It needs to be added when washing, or rinsing hair. Lemon will give hair strength and mirror glitter.

Birch leaves

To prepare this brave, you need to find birch leaves covered with resin. They should be chopped as much as possible, pour boiling water and give to stand for about 20 minutes. Finished decoction rinse the head after washing. This remedy greatly strengthens her hair and gives it shine.


Last on the list, but not the last in your magic qualities. To give glossy hair, 1 teaspoon of honey is mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil (it can be replaced with a ray or castor), mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, then apply to wet hair, evenly distribute, insulate. The composition must be kept on the hair of half an hour, after - wash off with shampoo.

How to give gloss hair at home? If you wondered by this question, then you encountered the problem of dull hair. In this article, proven tips are collected, how to give gloss with the hair of the fascia.

Brilliant well-groomed hair - a dream of any girl. But not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can boast them, many have a question: how to give gloss with hair? Fortunately, today there are many ways to combat the problem of dull and lifeless hair applicable both at home and in professional salons.

The main causes of dull hair

To understand how to make hair glitter need to deal with the reasons for their dullness. Nature is rarely dull, this problem occurs under the influence of various factors.

  • Incorrect care (incorrectly selected cosmetics, frequent use of too hot hair dryer, flock, iron, frequent staining);
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals, amino acids. Often this reason follows from the rapid rhythm of modern life, the lack of opportunity to eat during the day is correct and fully. Popular snacks in the "fast foods" often lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which in the mirror are reflected in our appearance, including leading to the fact that the hair looks completely lifeless;
  • Bad blood circulation of the scalp.

How to give gloss hair? What if the hair swells?

In order to always admire all of its luxury chapel, you can use several proven methods that will certainly help you give a shine to sweat hair:

1. Food

To forget what dull hair you should review your diet. Include more fruits and vegetables in it, but do not forget about the poultry and seafood meat. Also, to restore hair, it is recommended to use nuts (especially almonds), seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), dairy products.

2. Solar rays

Add smoothness. The glitter occurs when sunlight on the hair. That is why it is usually more noticeable on straight and dark hair than curly and bright. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to regularly use a variety of balms and, which will help align the structure of the hair, and at the same time they will appreciate the hair with the necessary useful substances.

3. Proper hair combing

This familiar daily procedure is the key to beautiful hair, it is important only to do it regularly and choose a good, high-quality comb. It is recommended to use brushes with rigid, short bristles or wooden ridges, popular plastic combs with long use are highly electrified. Combing, in fact, it is polished hair, as well as a massage of the scalp, which improves blood circulation. Therefore, this lesson is worth paying at least 5-10 minutes in the morning and in the evening. To improve blood circulation, you can also spend the sam massage head with fingertips using castor or olive oil. This procedure is recommended to be performed before washing the hair during 5-10 minutes.

4. Using quality care products

It is advisable to choose shampoos and balsams with natural components (proteins, vegetable oils, amino acids, plant extracts) that fit your hair type. It is important to choose a shampoo with the required pH level, for dry hair it is values \u200b\u200bup to 5, and for fatty - 5.5 - 6.

5. Contact professionals

To obtain a quick result in the cabin, you can make a hair lamination procedure. In this case, each hair is covered with a special composition, which becomes a kind of, protective film and protects them from the harmful effects of the external environment. After the procedure, dull hair will become shiny, smooth and silky. Such effect is preserved up to 6 weeks. At home can also be laminated. Give a similar result, but at less long time.

6. Masks of their natural henna

The masks of their natural henna (both color and colorless) also has the effect of lamination, but in addition it makes hair stronger and promotes their intensive growth.

7. Take advantage of folk remedies

It will also benefit the hair, and help them return the radiance. Dull hair is well treated with egg yolk, honey, lemon juice and cosmetic oils.

8. Brigine Sage

To return shine with dark hair, after washing, they can rinse the decoction of sage. For light hair, chamomile decoction is ideal for this purpose.


Everyone wants their hair to always look impeccable and the question "how to give glitter to the hair" no longer arose. To do this, it should be remembered that it is absolutely not necessary to get involved in special means to give glossy hair. Often, after their application of the hair, the opposite looks more, and sometimes even dirty, and wash the hair daily, as they say on TV, it is also not worth it, it destroys their external protective layer.

Only very greasy hair can freely carry daily washing, the normal hair needs to be washed 2-3 times a week, dry - every 4-5 days.

Love your hair, find the time to care for them, and you will always be irresistible!