How to make rings out of. Making rings without using language. E-cigarette tricks: learning

This is the most beautiful and spectacular sight. It takes your breath away, and attracts the glances of passers-by, who constantly have a question: how can you make rings from hookah smoke? How is it possible to release several rings at once from the hookah smoke?

In order to deal with these issues, you need to be patient and try to understand the essence of the technique. Only then will you learn to do miracles on your own.

Lesson number 1. Make the letter "O" from a hookah steam

This is one of the simplest methods. First you need to practice without a hookah. Shape your lips into a regular circle. You will most likely look very stupid. Some recommend using electronic hookahs like here because the smoke from them is thicker. Believe me, it's worth it if the desire to learn how to make hookah smoke rings is so great. It is enough to do a few exercises and you will get used to the ring thanks to the hookah. Gradually, everything will grow into muscle memory and the specified procedure will be reproduced from memory. The best option would be if you do this procedure while standing in front of a mirror. This way, you will make sure that the steps for creating a hookah smoke ring are correct.

Before starting the experiment with a hookah, you must:

- to minimize the presence of any kind of draft in the room;
- exclude any movement of air (even the walking of your friends around the room);
- make sure that the hookah contains quality tobacco, as the rings from the hookah smoke should be white and thick.
In order to understand how to learn how to make rings from hookah smoke, you should learn how to connect your throat.

Let's figure out step by step how to make rings thanks to a pair of hookahs:

1. Make some coughing movements. Practice many times. The cough should be sharp and intermittent. Only in this way the rings from the hookah smoke will fly out at the exit.
2. If the previous option does not work for you, try another one. It provides for the following actions: constantly say the letter O to yourself, and the rings will begin to fly out by themselves.

The main thing is constant training. This can take a very long time, so do not despair if this experiment does not work out right away.

Let's move on to more complex ring-blowing methods.

Chiri O Method

How to blow smoke rings through a hookah using the specified method and what it is, we will consider further.

Chiri O allows you to release small rings of hookah smoke with a high frequency. The diameter of the rings is equal to a ten-kopeck coin. To do this, you need to have previous data.

Put the hookah smoke into your mouth and start tapping your cheek frequently. This action contributes to the frequent flight of rings from the smoke.

The difficulty of Chiri O lies in the fact that the required number of rings must be pushed through the exit. The secret lies in the movement of the tongue. It is necessary to move it forward a little in order for it to help push through the clouds of smoke.

How to properly blow rings of hookah smoke through the jaw?

The jaw method is considered the most difficult. It is characterized by increased efficiency. If at least once it turns out to start the rings with this method, you will never forget how to do such a trick.

Jaw Blowing Smoke Tricks

Take a mouthful of smoke and shape your lips into a large, regular circle with your jaw slightly forward, and then return it to its original position.

Some practice this method by relaxing the jaw muscles, allowing the jaw to drop sharply and again straining it to return it to its original position. The advantage of this method is the quick release of the rings at high heights. Sometimes the distance can reach several meters, and their diameter reaches 20 cm. The duration of the preservation of the rings of their shape reaches about 10 seconds.

Hookah smoke in a soap bubble

This method belongs to the exclusive and interesting section. Usually it is shown to children. Its meaning is to have hookah smoke inside the soap bubble. This will require liquid soap and a straw. Insert one end of the tube into the soapy water, and carefully and slowly release the smoke into the other. Larger bubbles will require a larger diameter tube and vice versa. For these purposes, you can even use a plastic bottle.

And in conclusion, it should be said that this selection of the most interesting hookah tricks can cheer you up, acquire a lot of emotions and become your favorite entertainment in a large company.

Copyright Muz4in.Net © - This news belongs to Muz4in.Net, and is the intellectual property of the blog, protected by copyright law and can not be used anywhere without an active link to the source. Read more -

It is foolish to deny that smoke rings or as they are also called "vape rings" or "O" are beautiful and interesting contraption. There is nothing more enjoyable than inhaling a delicious cloud of steam and exhaling a beautiful, elegant ring. You have probably ever tried to blow steam rings from a hookah, an ordinary cigarette, or an electronic one, but if you do not know the correct technique, then this is quite difficult to do.

But with our technique and short practice, ring-blowing will seem very simple to you. Follow these 3 simple steps to learn how to blow rings out of your e-cigarette.

3 Basic Steps for Making E-Cigarette Smoke Rings:

  • Take a good inhale of e-cigarette smoke. Breathe the steam down your throat, not your lungs! This may take a little practice, but will lead to better results. Breathe in as much vapor as possible. The more steam, the more beautiful and magnificent the rings will look and the longer they will stay in the air.
  • Shape your tongue and lips. Press your tongue to the bottom of your mouth and keep it as flat as possible. Shape your lips into a small "O" and move your lips as if you want to say "boo"
  • Exhale a small amount of smoke using your throat. This is where the most practice is required. It is like a mini cough, a short breath, or a low choking sound.

Additional things to try.

  • Add twist to your rings (spinning motion). Bring your tongue forward a little as steam comes out of your mouth. At the same time, keep it at the bottom of your mouth behind your teeth. Using the middle of your tongue, make a quick motion to push the steam and give it a spin. In this case, instead of moving the lower jaw up and forward, it is necessary to submit it only up.
  • Improving the appearance of the rings. Curl your lips a little as soon as the steam leaves the mouth, this will also make the ring more defined. The faster and further you tuck your lips, the faster and further the rings will fly. This is how you get small rings.

Another easy way to blow e-cigarette smoke rings.

If you suddenly have a basic method for creating rings, then there is another easy way to create them. You can make a ring by typing steam into your mouth, make the letter "O" with your lips and press your hands on your cheeks. Just give your mouth the correct "O", and each press on your cheeks will release a small ring. This method will give you a feel for how much steam you need to exhale and how to properly fold your lips. Gradually, from pressing on the cheeks, you will be able to move to short exhalations with the throat. However, until you learn how to properly exhale through your throat, you will not get big, beautiful and rich rings.

The final steps to getting rings from an e-cigarette.

  • A liquid with a high glycerin content (VG) will work better because the steam will be denser.
  • Train in a room with closed windows and no fan to avoid creating additional air currents. Otherwise, even the slightest air flow can knock your ring off until you learn to flush them perfectly.

Tricks with smoke, no doubt, will look spectacular and cool and, moreover, can dispel boredom in the evening, when everyone is gathered in the kitchen to smoke, but for some reason there is no common topic for conversation. There are many such tricks, from inhaling exhaled smoke through your nose to blowing bubbles filled with smoke.

The wizard Gandalf from the famous trilogy of John Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" was, in addition to a master of fireworks, also a master of ringing with his gracefully curved smoking pipe. We are ready to bet that many of the readers of the trilogy secretly envied him, and those reading this article directly asked themselves and those around them the question: "How do people manage to make rings like that?"

So, you decided to learn how to make rings out of smoke. Well, it's not a tricky business, and we'll be happy to tell you how it's done. There is nothing tricky about releasing rings from tobacco smoke that could take dozens of hours of training. You will need:

smoking device (pipe, hookah, vape);

or a rolled tobacco product (cigar, cigarette, etc.).

However, before we start learning, we must warn you of two important things.

First important thing:don't start smoking just to learn how to blow rings or perform other tobacco smoke tricks . Dozens, not dozens of hours,and a certain amount of time still has to be spent, and this is quite enough to earn addiction. Still, tobacco is in one of the first places among the substances that form it.

Second important thing:Remember that smoking negatively affects your health and that of those around you. Spare the health of non-smokers - they are not to blame for anything. Experiments with tobacco smoke on humans should preferably be carried out in the same smoking company.

What are the best rings made from?

The first in the line of tobacco products, from the smoke of which more spectacular rings are obtained, is, of course, a cigar. She is one of the very smoky smoking devices.

The second most popular is hookah. Note that the hookah must be prepared in a special way. Next, we'll show you how to do this with a few drops of glycerin mixed with hookah tobacco.

The third device that gives off a large amount of smoke, or, in this case, steam - although for the rings produced it does not matter at all - an electronic cigarette or a vape. The puffs of steam produced by vaping can be really very steep, enveloping the smoker (or in this case the bather) from head to toe. But for this, the electronic cigarette also needs to be prepared, and such a thick cloud of vapor is not always obtained with the help of a vape in the factory supply - special components are needed here. Therefore, we will tell you how to make rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette, but how to increase the steam release is a topic for a separate article, and we have not enough space for this information.

But in general, of course, rings can be started from any kind of smoke - be it the smoke of a cigarette, cigarillos, cigarettes or Indian bidis.

Pick up more smoke

Few will argue with the fact that the rings will be more spectacular, the thicker the smoke. Therefore, the easiest way, of course, will be to get rings from the most "smoky" tobacco product, namely a cigar. If there is no cigar, a hookah will do, which should be prepared in advance.

Not everything you breathe is smoke. Most of it is steam, which is obtained from glycerin. Glycerin is found in tobacco in cigarettes and is used as a vape dressing. It practically does not affect health.

You need to add glycerin to the hookah, which is sold in the pharmacy. You should not soak all the tobacco with it at once, as this substance is prone to rapid evaporation. It is enough to put a few drops on your fingers and rub the tobacco that you are going to put in the hookah cup between them. Preparation like this will allow you to get three to four times thicker smoke. If you do everything right, the addition of glycerin will not affect the taste in any way. There is nothing fundamentally different about how to make rings from hookah smoke from how to do it with the help of other tobacco products.

If you have not had time to acquire either a cigar or a hookah, then at worst a vape, already filled with glycerin and from this, gives much thicker puffs of smoke (more precisely, steam), or an ordinary cigarette, will do.

So, when you take smoke into your mouth, try to inhale deeply. At the same time, when inhaling deeply, try to keep most of the tobacco smoke in your mouth.

Round your lips

The next step in obtaining rings from tobacco smoke, you will need to stretch your lips forward so that they form a circle, which looks like you are pronouncing the sound "O". This is the simplest lip position. When you get the hang of making rings in this way, you can look for another position of the lips. Some individuals manage to start ringing when the lower lip is pressed against the upper teeth, but not everyone succeeds, so you should not start from this position. Dance from the stove - start from scratch.

By the way, for a convincing letter "O" (at least convincing for the ability to blow rings from tobacco smoke), the jaws will have to be parted.

Now you can start throwing smoke rings. For this…

Hiccup in the opposite direction ...

When we hiccup, air is drawn into our throat in quick jerks. Do something like hiccups in the opposite direction: Breathe out the air sharply and briefly from your throat so that it pushes a hole in the middle of each cloud of smoke that comes out of your lungs. Whisper the same "O" sound with a breath, similar to the English "H" sound. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho.

... click your tongue ...

There is another way to get rings from tobacco smoke. To do this, you need a tongue - you should lift it, sharpen it and press its tip to the palate. Next, you need to exhale the smoke while simultaneously dropping your tongue sharply, as if you were making short clicks. With each click you will exhale the smoke ring.

... or throw away the rings with your finger

For this ringing method, you need to pull in your cheeks. When you pull them in slightly, they should press against your teeth, and pits form on the cheeks themselves. On such a fossa, you need to gently tap your finger. By tapping in this way, you can release smoke rings - you just need to choose the position of your cheeks and get the hang of releasing a ring with each blow of your finger.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in the latter method, and rings with its help are less effective. But someone masters only this method, while others do not value a penny.

Change the position of the lips and the force of exhalation

A lot depends on the shape of the lips. Try experimenting with lip position to figure out how to release rings of different shapes - this can greatly affect the shape of the rings you release. Of course, this should be done after you get the hang of throwing rings in the usual way.

A wider "O" will give a larger ring size, and a stronger exhalation will make the ring thinner. In any case, everything is in your hands (or rather, in your lips).

Imagine, you can even give your rings and such a complex shape as the shape of hearts. To do this, having just released the ring, you must tap your finger in the air at a distance of about three to four centimeters above the freshly released ring - the air flow will make a depression in the ring and it will turn into a stylized heart shape.

We also add that this is a rather complicated trick and you won't be able to get it right away. In any case, start with the simplest.

How long does it take to study?

No, learning will not take a lot of your time. Apply perseverance, do not give up in the middle - and everything will work out. Some people manage to learn how to make rings in just a few minutes. Others who can't do it intuitively will have to spend several hours. You may not be able to do this for one evening - practice alone every time you take up a cigarette.

Purpose and perseverance will help you get where you want to be. You will learn to make such rings that all your friends will delightfully poke their fingers and ask where and how you learned this - are you not Gandalf, but you will only grin and release smoke rings, each of which will be different from the previous one.

This is the most beautiful and spectacular sight. It takes your breath away, and attracts the glances of passers-by, who constantly have a question: how can you make rings from hookah smoke? How is it possible to release several rings at once from the hookah smoke?

In order to deal with these issues, you need to be patient and try to understand the essence of the technique. Only then will you learn to do miracles on your own.

Lesson number 1. Make the letter "O" from a hookah steam

This is one of the simplest methods. First you need to practice without a hookah. Shape your lips into a regular circle. You will most likely look very stupid. Some recommend using electronic hookahs like here because the smoke from them is thicker. Believe me, it's worth it if the desire to learn how to make hookah smoke rings is so great. It is enough to do a few exercises and you will get used to the ring thanks to the hookah. Gradually, everything will grow into muscle memory and the specified procedure will be reproduced from memory. The best option would be if you do this procedure while standing in front of a mirror. This way, you will make sure that the steps for creating a hookah smoke ring are correct.

Before starting the experiment with a hookah, you must:

- to minimize the presence of any kind of draft in the room;
- exclude any movement of air (even the walking of your friends around the room);
- make sure that the hookah contains quality tobacco, as the rings from the hookah smoke should be white and thick.
In order to understand how to learn how to make rings from hookah smoke, you should learn how to connect your throat.

Let's figure out step by step how to make rings thanks to a pair of hookahs:

1. Make some coughing movements. Practice many times. The cough should be sharp and intermittent. Only in this way the rings from the hookah smoke will fly out at the exit.
2. If the previous option does not work for you, try another one. It provides for the following actions: constantly say the letter O to yourself, and the rings will begin to fly out by themselves.

The main thing is constant training. This can take a very long time, so do not despair if this experiment does not work out right away.

Let's move on to more complex ring-blowing methods.

Chiri O Method

How to blow smoke rings through a hookah using the specified method and what it is, we will consider further.

Chiri O allows you to release small rings of hookah smoke with a high frequency. The diameter of the rings is equal to a ten-kopeck coin. To do this, you need to have previous data.

Put the hookah smoke into your mouth and start tapping your cheek frequently. This action contributes to the frequent flight of rings from the smoke.

The difficulty of Chiri O lies in the fact that the required number of rings must be pushed through the exit. The secret lies in the movement of the tongue. It is necessary to move it forward a little in order for it to help push through the clouds of smoke.

How to properly blow rings of hookah smoke through the jaw?

The jaw method is considered the most difficult. It is characterized by increased efficiency. If at least once it turns out to start the rings with this method, you will never forget how to do such a trick.

Jaw Blowing Smoke Tricks

Take a mouthful of smoke and shape your lips into a large, regular circle with your jaw slightly forward, and then return it to its original position.

Some practice this method by relaxing the jaw muscles, allowing the jaw to drop sharply and again straining it, forcing it to return to its original position. The advantage of this method is the quick release of the rings at high heights. Sometimes the distance can reach several meters, and their diameter reaches 20 cm. The duration of the preservation of the rings of their shape reaches about 10 seconds.

Hookah smoke in a soap bubble

This method belongs to the exclusive and interesting section. Usually it is shown to children. Its meaning is to have hookah smoke inside the soap bubble. This will require liquid soap and a straw. Insert one end of the tube into the soapy water, and carefully and slowly release the smoke into the other. Larger bubbles will require a larger diameter tube and vice versa. For these purposes, you can even use a plastic bottle.

And in conclusion, it should be said that this selection of the most interesting hookah tricks can cheer you up, acquire a lot of emotions and become your favorite entertainment in a large company.

Copyright Muz4in.Net © - This news belongs to Muz4in.Net, and is the intellectual property of the blog, protected by copyright law and can not be used anywhere without an active link to the source. Read more - "About Authorship"

The basics of blowing smoke rings

Before you learn how to make smoke rings, it's worth a little practice. This process can be lengthy, but without training it is difficult to learn something.

When training, there are several main conditions that must be observed by everyone:

  1. The opening of the rings takes place in a closed room. Drafts are not allowed, they prevent the formation of smoke rings.
  2. The tobacco must be good. Regardless of whether a person smokes a hookah or cigarettes, the tobacco must produce a very thick smoke. Light tobacco will not give thick smoke.
  3. The jaw should be relaxed. You can take a few regular puffs and blow out the smoke in a standard way, pushing the jaw forward slightly.
  4. The main workout is to practice the letter "O". The correct lip shape at the right time is the main element for ringing. The exercise is practiced in front of a mirror. The essence of the exercise is to give the lips the shape of an almost perfect circle. When determining the diameter of the circle between the lips, you can focus on the usual five-ruble coin. This facial expression must be remembered and learned to reproduce as needed.

Popular ways to blow smoke rings

There are many ways to set off smoke rings. Much depends on what is preferred - a cigar, pipe, hookah, traditional cigarette. Habit and free time play a role. There are several main methods.

The easy way is with the language

The first method of launching smoke rings is traditionally considered the easiest:

  1. The mouth is completely filled with smoke, the lips take on a rounded shape.
  2. The tongue plays the role of a kind of piston: it comes out sharply forward, pushing the required amount of smoke out of the mouth. The easiest way is to pull the tongue as far as possible to the throat, and then sharply throw it forward.
  3. The main thing that you need to master when using this method is full control over the language. If the tongue behaves differently with each release, the density of the smoke coming out of the mouth will change. The result will be a rapid distortion of the smoke rings.

The main advantage is simplicity. Having mastered this method, everyone will know how to make smoke rings. The only drawback is that they will be short-lived. The knees come out at low speed and "live" only for a few seconds.

This method is named after the American inventor Robert Wood. To create the desired effect, he used a special device. You don't need a device to repeat the method, just use your own mouth correctly.

The more difficult way is with the jaw

The most difficult and effective way is to blow rings with your own jaw:

  1. The required amount of smoke is drawn into the mouth.
  2. The lips take the shape of a perfect circle.
  3. After that, the lower jaw is sharply pushed forward and just as abruptly returns to the starting position.

The most important thing here is absolute control over jaw movements. Some experts carry out all the manipulations as follows: first, the jaw muscles relax, as a result of which the lower jaw falls. This is followed by a sharp muscle tension, and it rises.

The main advantage is that the rings come out of the mouth at a very high speed. Thanks to this, they can fly off a long distance, grow to enormous sizes and stay in the air for a long time.

The surest way is with a cough

The most reliable way to emit rings is with a gentle cough.

Thanks to this method, it is possible to release up to five rings per second at high speed.

The main challenge is learning how to keep your cough under control. It must be strong enough to allow a certain amount of smoke to enter the mouth to create a new ringlet, and at the same time weak enough not to deform the released smoke. Having mastered the control of coughing, you can master the method itself.

The cough can be worked out by using tonsils. They block the passage of air from the lungs. After that, they need to be strained, and then relaxed as quickly as possible. There are other ways to practice coughing and using the throat to control air.

How to make hookah smoke rings?

In recent years, hookah has become one of the most popular smoking devices.

Before making rings out of hookah smoke, you need to choose the right tobacco. It must give off very thick smoke, otherwise the rings will not work.

In addition, you can read how to make a lot of hookah smoke.

The easy way is by tapping on the cheek

The essence of one of the main methods of emitting rings using hookah smoke is as follows:

  1. A certain amount of thick smoke is drawn into the mouth.
  2. The lips take the shape of a small circle. Unlike the previous methods, here you can limit yourself to the shape of a ten-kopeck coin.
  3. After that, you need to tap your finger on the cheek. With the help of a knock, a little pressure is applied to the smoke that has accumulated in the mouth.

With this method, you can create many small rings. Their number depends on the speed with which the smoker taps his finger on the cheek. The more often you tap, the more rings you can blow out. The main difficulty of the method is to move a certain amount of smoke to the circular hole between the lips to create another ring.

The method is more complicated - with sharp exhalations

Another way is much simpler and does not require additional effort:

  1. You just need to take a mouthful of smoke, give the lips the necessary shape ("ten kopeck coin"), pull them forward and strain.
  2. Then the smoke is blown out with frequent and sharp exhalations.
  3. It should be borne in mind that the initial and final rings can come out deformed, the rest depends on the quality of the tobacco and the density of the smoke.

Passing one ring through another

Whether hookah is harmful to health or not, many smokers are not interested, therefore there are many videos on the Internet on how to make rings from hookah smoke. One of the most popular is passing one ring inside another. This trick is very easy to learn:

  1. First, a conventional ring is produced in any way. It is desirable to make it bold enough so that it does not dissolve immediately.
  2. After a couple of seconds, when the ring moves back a short distance, the next ring is released, aimed at the center of the previous one.
  3. If there is only enough smoke in the mouth for one ring, it is worth spending a couple of seconds of waiting on a puff.

Video how to make rings from hookah smoke

  • Before blowing smoke rings, you should definitely exercise. First, the correct shape of the mouth is trained, then exhalation. Perhaps the beginning smoker will look silly at first. Gradually, this movement is brought to automatism, and the person does not even think about what he is doing at the moment.
  • When exhaling smoke, you need to make a cough-like throat movement, similar to those that every person does before starting a normal cough. These are sharp, strong and short exhalations. If such movements do not work out, you can pronounce the letter "O" on the exhale. This letter is pronounced the same way - very quickly and abruptly.
  • Before making a smoke ring, you should tilt your head back a little. As a result, the exhaled air will tend upward. This little secret makes it much easier to create a smoke ring.

It is important to remember that smoke rings are not emitted through the exhalation of the smoke. Exhaling too harshly will deform the ring and will minimize the effect. Real rings appear by stepping the volume of smoke in the mouth.

Breathing out the smoke is best done indoors. If a smoker will do it on the street, he must take into account some of the nuances:

  • Direction of the wind. If the wind blows on your face or back, blowing out the ring will be quite problematic. It is better if it blows a little from the side.
  • To prevent the wind from entering the mouth and diluting the thick smoke, the lips should be tightly closed. The exception is a small circle at the moment the ring is ejected.

There are many less common ways of releasing smoke rings. Every amateur can create his own way. You just need to not be afraid to experiment.

Can you make smoke rings? How did you learn? Let us know in the comments.

Is it possible to release rings from the vapor of an electronic cigarette?

Cigarette smoke rings have always attracted attention and every smoker, at least once, tried to learn how to make them. Some avid smokers perfect the exhalation of gray rings, perfecting their skills every day. The rings are usually made with thick, heavy smoke from strong cigarettes or cigars. Is it possible to make rings from the vapor that is exhaled when smoking an electronic cigarette? The process of forming a ball of vapor in an electronic cigarette is based on the principle of an inhaler - the liquid boils and a thick vapor is formed, from which, after regular training and mastering simple manipulations of the lips, tongue, lung function, you can get beautiful and even rings. Let's consider the most popular three methods.

How to blow rings out of e-cigarette smoke - 1 way

This method uses the lips and tongue.

  • Tighten with steam, fold your lips with a tube, the letter "O", in the center of which you need to place the tip of your tongue.
  • The tongue should not touch the lips.
  • Now exhale sharply and abruptly.
  • An abrupt and short push of steam is produced by the lungs and larynx.
  • A sharp exhalation resembles a slight, barely audible cough.

Practice a few times, you should be patient and soon you will start to get clear, even rings of steam.

How to blow rings out of e-cigarette smoke - method 2

You can exhale the rings without using your tongue, this method allows you to quickly release the rings and looks beautiful.

  • Take steam into your lungs, curl your lips with a tube in the shape of the letter "O".
  • Lips extended forward must be tightened and fixed.
  • Exhale e-cigarette smoke in sharp, small, frequent bursts.
  • To master the technique, beginners can utter the sound "OX" at the same time as they exhale.

Over time, you will learn how to make smoke rings without sound, only with sharp exhalations.

How to blow rings out of e-cigarette smoke - 3 way

This method involves the lips and larynx, and this method of emitting smoke from e-cigarettes is called the "W method." Thanks to this technique, the rings become clear-cut.

  • To release a smoke ring, fold your lips into a straw and say the sound "oh".
  • When this sound is pronounced, the lips first expand and then contract, due to which smoke rings are obtained when you exhale.
  • A distinctive feature of the method is that when inhaling, steam is collected not in the lungs, as it was in the first and second methods, but in the cheeks.
  • The clarity of the contours of the smoke rings is influenced by the circumference of the lips, therefore, by changing it, rings of different diameters can be produced.

To master blowing e-cigarette smoke rings, use all three methods to find the one that works best for you. Experienced smokers, when mastering the smoking trick, recommend:

  • you should not keep the smoke in your throat for too long;
  • when tightening, you do not need to collect a large amount of smoke;
  • do not strain the jaw, the facial muscles should be relaxed;
  • e-cigarettes do not need to be lit like regular cigarettes, as they immediately give off a thick vapor. Therefore, you can start releasing the rings at the first tightening;
  • train indoors, without drafts, which will distort the released rings;
  • first, you need to work out the correct shape of the mouth, and only then exhale the smoke;
  • when releasing rings, tilt your head back a little so that the smoke rushes up.

Only regular training will lead you to the desired result, and soon in a noisy company of friends, at a party or in a club, you can safely demonstrate your ability to release beautiful and clear smoke rings from an electronic cigarette.

  • Be patient if you want to learn how to blow perfect smoke rings. You may not succeed the first time, and it will take some practice to perfect your skill.
  • When throwing smoke rings, try to stand near a window or other light source to illuminate your rings. In this case, the rings you issued will be more visible to the rest.
  • Choose cigarettes with thick smoke: full flavor, 100s, menthol and the like. Note that the lighter the cigarette, the less dense the smoke will be and the less visible the rings will be. Hookah smoke can be used as an alternative to blowing rings.
  • If you are standing in a draft, or the air around you is restless due to the constant movement of people, then the rings will quickly disintegrate. In this case, try to find a quieter place in the room. Depending on where the draft is coming from, try throwing the rings in different directions.
  • If you are using cigarettes, unpack the pack correctly. Before opening it, tap the top edge of the stack on a flat hard surface or palm several times so that the tobacco compresses towards the filter, leaving a small patch of clean paper at the end.
  • For thicker smoke, you can also use small cigars (cigarillos). Popular brands include the following:
    • Al capone
    • Black and mild
    • Swisher sweets
    • White Owl
    • Winchester
    • Hamlets
  • To put a small ring through a large one, simply estimate in which direction and how fast the rings are flying. Carefully release the ring so that it retains its shape and moves slowly, then move your lips a little tighter and release the second, smaller ring. The small ring should move faster than the larger one; if not, curl your lips forward to give it acceleration. That's all!
  • The speed of the ring is determined by how much pressure you put on your inaudible "y" sound. To get more speed, you should push the smoke in your throat with the movement of your diaphragm, as if you were about to exhale or cough.
  • Try practicing in front of a mirror. This way you can see how the ring is formed, how it flies, and how the movements of the mouth affect its shape and flight.
  • Here's an easy way for a beginner: Move your lower jaw upward rather than trying to push air out of the glottis to get the stable ring off quickly and accurately enough.
  • Try to hold your tongue when throwing the rings so that it does not disturb the rotation that you are trying to give the rings. Just keep your tongue to the lower palate. Don't overdo it.
  • You can also let rings in the open air, but you should remember about the wind, which will quickly disperse them. If you understand the physics of the formation of rings (vortex), then try to let them go upwind - this will even make your actions easier.
  • To make your workout easier, try blowing perfect rings with e-cigarettes.

Instructions on how to make smoke rings correctly

Where without the hated school physics course! The circular shape results from the sharp ejection of smoke from the mouth. The radius of the inner circle is smaller than the outer circle, resulting in the shape of a Simpsons donut.
Interacting with air molecules, the outer side slows down its movement, while the inner one is accelerated due to the push. This creates the effect of moving around itself.

Now is the time to learn how to apply this knowledge.

Setting up the conditions for the trick

Yes, you can't just sit down and put on the ring! It is necessary to carry out preparatory measures:

  • Make sure to smoke indoors without strong air currents or drafts.
  • You must use a quality moissel. Low-end production produces a small cloud that is more difficult to learn with.
  • Adjust traction. If you are a beginner, then tightening more tightly will not work, you will cough, everything will come out in lumps. And these are not rings, although they seem to be.

Technique and methods of throwing rings: training with video

A cloud from tobacco can take different forms, the main thing is to be able to release it, to form it. Technologically, the feint looks simple: relax your jaw, take a few regular puffs to test your traction and your own strength. Then form the letter "O" with your lips. And then you need to properly push out the steam. There are several ways to do this:

With the help of the tongue

It is believed that this particular method is the most easily accessible, it is easy to do even for beginners. Smoke is collected in the mouth, the tongue is pressed as much as possible to the throat, then pushed out, releasing a large enough lump. The tongue plays the role of a distributor; it must "fall out" in the middle of the circle from the lips. The disadvantage of this method is that the circles come out quickly enough, and evaporate just as quickly, although the wizard in the video seems to have fixed the problem.


Mouth in a small circle (with a coin denomination of 10 kopecks). After light tapping with a finger on the cheek, pressure is created on the smoke, which makes it come out. You can release small rings with frequent knocks. The difficulty of the feint is that the cloud constantly needs to be brought as close to the lips as possible. This is usually done by gradually moving the tongue forward.


Lord of the Rings

Before starting your own smoky performance at a party, or at home with friends, you should start with the basics of this art. And the first thing you should master is how to put on simple steam rings.

And you should not be skeptical about this, because before starting tricks more difficult, you will have to thoroughly master your oral apparatus, learn to use your tongue, jaw, and even an Adam's apple. And the fact that you accidentally got two or three rings on the first try does not mean at all that you are ready for the next step.

How to learn to blow rings? Before becoming the great lord of the rings, learning how to make a jellyfish or performing another smoke trick, you will have to practice a little in the basics.

You need to learn how to properly flush your first ring using a vape:

If you have grasped the principle of how to blow up rings from steam, then rings from smoke will not be difficult for you either.

Do jellyfish baby

After you figured out how to make rings, large and many, vape tricks become much closer to you.

At the moment, there are a great many of them, and their number and complexity is constantly growing.

And if you really figured out in detail how to make smoke rings, then you can try to take a big step forward in order to learn how to launch your first jellyfish.

The trick can be roughly divided into 3 components:

  1. Creation of a ring.
  2. Ring push.
  3. Steam release completing the figure.

But all this is 3 phases in essence of one process. Now let's take a closer look.

Methods for creating rings were described a little above, and, as a rule, a person starting complex tricks can launch a ring with his eyes closed. What you need to do is to release the ring and catch it in the palm of your hand.

Moreover, you need to catch on the lower part of the palm, the fingers will not play a role in the subsequent action. With a forward motion, you should push the ring in the direction of its movement so that the air cushion in front of your palm during the push will give the ring acceleration.

When you see that the ring has begun to receive additional speed from your palm, you should draw some steam into your mouth. Not into the lungs, but into the mouth. The steam that you release the next moment should be thick.

Approaching the ring with your face, as far as your personal smoke blowing technique will allow, you should release steam in the middle of the ring with one push. As soon as this clot passes through the ring, it will begin to wind up, as it were, on the ring, thereby creating a unique visual effect of a jellyfish.

There are no limits to perfection in the technique of vape tricks. A little diligence, patience and a good device after a little time will make you a real conqueror of steam and smoke, and no company can resist your smoke show.

Hookah smoke rings are one of the brightest symbols of tobacco smoking. If you want to understand how to blow smoke rings or how to make rings, first of all, you need to be patient and practice. This trick rarely succeeds the first time, and if you want to impress others with your skill, you need to make some effort in learning the trick.

To begin with, let's deal with the scientific side of the question "how to start rings from steam." When smoke rings are thrown, a centripetal vortex of air is created, which creates a "ring". The initial force of "exhalation" twists the ring and determines its rotation speed and intensity of movement. The sharper the exhalation and the narrower the lips are folded, the faster the ring will fly. The very shape is determined by the letter "O", which is folded by the lips. We recommend practicing in front of a mirror to achieve a perfect circle and, as a result, an even ring shape.

So, the diameter of the outer side of the ring is obviously larger than the inner one. The initial exhalation sets the internal acceleration of the flow, which, in combination with the contact of the outer side of the ring with air molecules, makes the ring twist inward, maintaining a rounded shape.

Our goal with you is to learn how to set the correct intensity of the initial exhalation, while maintaining the even shape of the lips. Let's look at the ways in which you will answer the question "how to learn how to fly rings."

You draw in the steam and exhale it a little to fill your mouth with smoke. After making sure that you have enough smoke in your mouth (after exhaling it will be so), pull your tongue towards the back of your throat, make an even letter "O" and push your tongue forward as quickly as possible. The whole secret of this method lies in the consistency and uniformity of tongue movements to ensure the correct air flow rate. The disadvantage of this method is the low speed and density of the rings, but this will give you a basic knowledge of how to blow rings with your mouth.

The easiest way to make rings

The second way to blow smoke rings: by a sharp exhalation of air.

There is an important aspect in this method: both the jaw, and the tongue, and lips are in the same and fixed position. In the same way, you inhale with a hookah or vape, exhale a little smoke, fix the position of the jaw and the letter "O", which, we hope, you have already trained in the previous method. Then the most important stage: a sharp exhalation of air. To learn how to do it correctly, try to practice beforehand: try to whisper (!) The letter "O" as quickly, often and sharply as possible, folding your lips accordingly. This will help you understand how much exhalation is required. After you have learned to whisper "O" quickly, try to maintain the speed and sharpness of your exhalation, but slow down the intensity. If you did everything correctly, then you will understand the correct position of the jaw, tongue, the nature of the exhalation and the correct shape of the lips. Vary the shape of the lips to achieve different ring sizes.

The third way to blow smoke rings: with the jaw

In principle, the previous two methods should have been enough, but you can complicate your task a little - try throwing rings with your jaw. Remember what you read in the second method about the intensity of the air flow and the fullness of the mouth with smoke (this is important for the tightness of the ring). Now fold your lips with the letter "O" and open your mouth as much as possible. Yes, to learn how to blow rings, you need to be a little fish. Feel the jaw muscles tense? Okay, remember. Now try to exhale sharply from this position and fold your lips into the letter "O" of the correct circle. For a faster learning curve, try saying something like "Oh," with an emphasis on "O", but with a lip shape like "Y" (only slightly wider).

How to make smoke rings?

With this method, you will learn to set not only the shape of the ring, but also the speed of its movement by varying the intensity of the jaw movement. Accordingly, to make a large ring of smoke, you need to vary the width of the letter "O".

What you need to learn how to make rings:

The most important thing is well-lighted and smoky or vape. You need the quality of the hookah so that it has a thick and dense smoke, so that your rings are perfectly even and dense.

Please note that there should be no active movement or draft nearby, which can pretty much prevent you from learning how to make rings from steam.

How to make Medusa out of smoke.

We're sure you've already learned how to make smoke rings and are already bragging about it to your friends, but let's look at something harder? How to make Medusa out of smoke. So, you let out a wide ring of smoke, fix the direction of its movement. Then gently try to blow a thin stream of smoke into the center of the ring.

Smoke tricks. Smoke jellyfish.

Please note that the speed of the stream of smoke should correspond to the intensity of the twisting of the ring. Otherwise, at a lower intensity, the ring will simply "fall apart", and at a higher intensity, it will also fall apart, but due to the fact that you will simply blow it off.

How to make Medusa out of smoke?

How to make a Tornado (Vortex) from smoke

The next level of difficulty is a tornado of smoke. You have learned how to make circles of smoke, make a jellyfish, now it remains to learn how to make a whirlwind of smoke. What is needed for this?

  • The first step is to create a dense layer of smoke on a hard surface. Take a deep drag on the lighted one and gently (!) Start breathing it out onto the table. For a more even layer of smoke, you can exhale the smoke by placing your hand horizontally on your upper lip. This will make the smoke more even.
  • Then gently bring your hand to the smoke without making any sudden movements. The position of the hand should be like this - vertically along the table.

Smoke tricks. Smoke tornado.

  • When your hand is in smoke, and the smoke itself is uniform, make a sharp movement straight up, while changing the position of the hand, as if you are trying to pick up the smoke and throw it up.
  • Practice and, as soon as a tornado of smoke appears, you can try to twirl the vortex at its top, swirling it intensively with your brush.

Smoke tricks. A whirlwind of smoke.

How to blow smoke rings. Bottom line.

That's all you need to figure out how to blow smoke rings and learn other smoke tricks. We have no doubt that with a little practice and diligence, you will be able to fly rings correctly and do other tricks with smoke. Remember that practice and persistence are essential in this endeavor. Try, try, and you will surely understand how to make smoke rings.

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