How to calculate the consumption of fabric for a baby dress. How to calculate the consumption of fabric for a garment. Fabric consumption for basic types of clothing

When you are going to sew such a complex and large product as a dress, it is important not only to choose the style, pattern and fabric, you also need to calculate its consumption. After all, only an accurate calculation will allow you to buy as many meters as the fabric is needed for the dress and not find yourself in a situation where you have spent a lot of money and you have a lot of scraps or, even worse, there is not enough material.

General principles

There are general methods for calculating how many meters of fabric are needed for a dress or other product. Such methods are used in mass production of clothing or in a tailor shop and, according to them, the consumption is taken as typical for a certain style and parameters of the client.

In this technique, everything is simple - measure the length of the intended product and the length of the sleeve, add centimeters to the hem of the hem and the resulting number will be the required amount of material.

This method is simple, but it does not take into account the width of the canvas or your parameters. It is only suitable for a figure and height that fit well into a certain size of clothing. But for full or tall girls, as well as those whose top is of one size, and the bottom of another, this technique will not work. They will have to calculate the number of meters more precisely. It is better to use more meticulous calculations in cases when you buy expensive fabric for a dress (no one wants to pay for extra centimeters).

To do this, take into account:

  • width of the fabric;
  • your volumes and growth;
  • style;
  • the presence of decorative elements;
  • fabric features such as pile or pattern.

Let's consider the calculation of the amount of fabric in more detail, based on these aspects.

Width of fabric

Almost all modern textiles for clothing are produced with a width of 145-150 cm.

This is very convenient, because if you fold the canvas in half lengthwise, the pattern will follow the width, and from one cut it will be possible to cut out two parts at once (the front and back of the product). But it won't work for overweight ladies with large hips.

There are also fabrics with a smaller width - 90-120 cm. These are often natural and expensive options - silk, chiffon, lace. If, when deciding which fabric to sew a summer dress or evening dress from, you choose them, then keep in mind that the consumption with such a width will double.

If the fabric is wider than 150 cm, this will make it possible to cut out small details from the remaining edge - a sleeve, pockets, a collar, which will give an overall saving of material.


To calculate the fabric consumption for a dress, you need to take measurements of the volume of your chest, waist and hips even before the pattern is built. Moreover, for fat ladies, the consumption will be almost 2 times higher, since with a large volume of hips, the pattern will not fit in half the width of the fabric.

For example, with a hip volume of 130 cm, one half of the pattern of a sheath dress will have a width of 65 cm, add 5 cm for seam allowances and get 75 cm.If we take a standard fabric width of 145 cm, two pieces of the pattern will not fit on it therefore, you will have to buy twice as much material.

Height is also important, the taller the woman, the more material will be spent on the outfit. In the enlarged method of calculating it, there are groups by height:

  • the first group includes women 149-154 cm,
  • in the second 155-160 cm,
  • in the third 161-166 cm,
  • in the fourth 167-172 cm
  • and in the fifth from 173 cm.

For each next group, about 30 additional centimeters are added for sewing the same model.

How much fabric is needed for sewing a dress, depending on its style

Before choosing a fabric for a dress, think over its model in detail. It also directly affects the amount of material. So, if you want to sew a case with short sleeves, it will take three times less meters than for an evening dress to the floor, not to mention how much longer the fabric should be for a summer dress with a sun skirt.

Let's look at a few basic examples:

  • If you plan to sew a one-piece version with a straight hem, then you will need to measure the length of the future product. Add to it the length of the sleeves and another 5 centimeters at the edges for the shoulder seams and hem and get the required amount of fabric. But remember - this is so if the width of the canvas is at least 145 cm, and your volumes fit in half of this width. If they don't fit, then you need two lengths. Additional elements can be cut out of the leftovers - a belt or a collar, if any.
  • But how much fabric is needed for a sheath dress or with a fluffy cut-off skirt at the waist - the same as for a one-piece dress, but you need to add another 10 cm to it for cuts along the waist line.
  • If the skirt is planned in a fold, then multiply the volume of the hips by 3, if it turns out to be more than the width of the canvas, then you will need at least 3 lengths.
  • If you decide how much fabric is needed for a floor-length dress with a flared skirt, then keep in mind that the consumption will be large both in width (taking into account folds) and in length - take measurements of the cut-off hem from the waist to the floor, taking into account shoes the finished outfit will be of the desired length.
  • Patterns "sun" and "half sun" require even more footage. So, on the "half sun" you need to take two lengths of the skirt and two parts of the radius with a notch for the waist and do not forget to add 10 cm to the seams. In the "sun" take the material exactly twice as much as in the "half sun".

Here is an example of how much fabric is needed for a knee-length, floor-length or mini dress:

How much fabric is needed for a dress with a flounce, frill, pockets or other details

If the pattern involves small or large details, they need to add from 20 to 30 cm. From these pieces you can cut out pockets, a turn-down collar, a belt or a decorative shuttlecock. However, if the parts are bulky, then they may require more reserve.

Do not forget about the lining, for it you also need to calculate the consumption. Usually this is the length of the product for one-piece models or the length of the skirt for cut-off. But if you have a pleated hem, the lining consumption will be the same as for the main fabric. No lining is made on sleeves or for wide long skirts. You might also think about which fabric to choose for a summer dress to avoid padding.

Features of fabrics with a pattern and pile

All of the above tips are only good if your fabric is solid color or with a small pattern. For a larger pattern or cells and stripes, you will have to take into account its alignment in the seams. And this implies a greater expense.

Usually the planned footage is increased by 30-40 cm. The same is with the material with pile - on it all the details of the pattern must be laid out so that in the finished product the pile is directed in one direction. This means that more loose fabric may be needed to cut small parts.

However, if you want to buy a coupon, this approach may not work. The important thing here is how you plan to position the main pattern on the coupon dress. The styles of such outfits often imply a pattern along the hem, in this case, measure the width of the planned skirt and buy exactly that amount of a coupon.

It is important that the rest of the pattern fits across the remaining fabric. But in this case, pay attention to its properties - not all of them will be able to cut across the shared thread, especially if you are thinking of a "sun" - in this case, the hem edges will sag.

Counting the fabric for a dress or trousers is an important step in cutting clothes. An accurate calculation of fabric for a product will help to correctly position the details of the product on the fabric and avoid unnecessary costs when more fabrics are purchased than required. We will tell you how to correctly calculate the required amount of fabric for outerwear: skirts, dresses, blouses, trousers.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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The width of the fabric is an important indicator

When calculating the fabric for a product, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the width of the fabric. Typically, the standard fabric width is 145cm. The width of natural fabrics - chiffon or silk can be less and range from 90cm to 120cm. Natural lace has the same width. In some cases, the width of the fabric may exceed 145cm, and this must also be taken into account when calculating the fabric for the product.

Rule 1: The width of the fabric is an important value when calculating the required length of fabric for a product.

Fabric calculation for straight skirts

The main measure when calculating the length of the fabric is the hip circumference.

Hello, welcome to the Sewing Encyclopedia website. Today I want to tell you how much fabric you need for a half-sun skirt, sun, 1/4 sun, as well as double and triple sun. It is not difficult to build and sew such skirts, the problem arises when it is necessary to calculate the amount of fabric for one model or another. Let's figure it out today.

Calculation of fabric for a skirt sun


Such a model is sewn without a seam, so you need to take a square for work. The standard width of the fabric is 140-150 cm, which means that we take the same length. In this case, the width of the fabric will dictate the length of the skirt, and not vice versa. This is how it looks in practice.

The length of the skirt will be equal to 1/2 the width of the fabric minus the first radius, which is calculated using the formula:

R1 = (From / 6.28)

And minus the seam allowances.

From = 70 cm, R1 = 70 / 6.28 = 11 cm,

140 cm / 2 = 70 cm, 70 cm - 11 cm = 59 cm, 59 cm - 4 cm = 55 cm

4 cm is the seam allowance.

So, with a fabric width of 140 cm and a waist circumference of 70 cm, you can sew a seamless skirt with a length of only 55 cm.

Please note that the fabric is folded in four when cutting.

With two seams

In this case, we will calculate the fabric as for 2 semi-sun skirts. Determine the length and waist circumference. We calculate the recess according to the formula given in the section "No seam".

Length - 80 cm, From - 65 cm

R1 - 65 cm /6.28 = 10 cm

Now we select the fabric. If it is with a print or some kind of floral pattern, then this will oblige you to cut the details in one direction, regardless of the length of the skirt.

In this case, the calculation of the fabric will be as follows:

Product length multiplied by 4, plus 4 notch radii and 4 cm for allowances.

(80 cm x 4) + (10 cm x 4) + 4 cm = 320 cm + 40 cm + 4 cm = 364 cm

If the drawing allows you to make a mirrored layout, then the calculation will be slightly different.

We multiply the desired length by 3-3.7, the longer it is, the larger the coefficient we take.

  • 80 cm x 3 = 240 cm
  • 100 cm x 3.5 = 350 cm - floor-length skirt

To the resulting figure, add four radii and four centimeters for allowances.

  • 240 + (10 x 4) + 4 = 284 cm
  • 350 + (10 x 4) + 4 = 394 cm

For girl

To calculate the fabric for sewing a skirt for a girl, we determine the length and waist circumference.

Example: Length - 40 cm, From - 57 cm, R1 = 9 cm

We consider: two lengths of the skirt plus two R1 and 2 centimeters for allowances.

(40 x 2) + 18 + 2 = 100 cm

This is a fabric calculation for a width of 150 cm and is also suitable for adults if the length of the product does not exceed 60 cm.

How much fabric is needed for a half-sun skirt

The name half-sun speaks for itself - it is half the sun, which means that the fabric will need half as much. In general terms, these are two skirt lengths plus two radii and 4-5 cm for allowances. The radius for a half-sun is calculated using a different formula.

R1 = (From / 3.14)

From = 70 cm

R1 = 70 / 3.14 = 22 cm

Let's calculate the fabric for the semi-sun:

  • 40 cm long: (40 cm x 2) + (22 cm x 2) + 4 cm = 128 cm;
  • 50 cm long: (50 cm x 2) + (22 cm x 2) + 4 cm = 148 cm;
  • 60 cm long: (60 cm x 2) + (22 cm x 2) + 4 cm = 168 cm;
  • 70 cm long: (70 cm x 2) + (22 cm x 2) + 4 cm = 188 cm.

So it is necessary to calculate either long semi-sun skirts, for example, more than 60 cm long, or for large sizes, where the waist has a significant girth, or for materials with a pattern, when the fabric cannot be laid out in a checkerboard pattern, but only in one line. The half-sun will be cut out with two side seams and with a full turn of the material. To be honest, this is not the most economical option for a single skirt. If she is cut out for a dress, then this is quite acceptable.

In all other cases, the consumption can be reduced, since the length, size and fabric allow you to lay out the patterns so that you can go in 1.3-1.5 lengths and radii. The product will also have two seams.

(60 + 22) x 1.3 = 107 + 4 = 111 cm, where 4 cm - seam allowances

Be sure to consider the drawing on the material!

Now let's calculate the material consumption for a half-sun skirt with one seam. This option is suitable for short, small skirts and plain fabric that folds in half.

(70 +22) x 2 = 184 + 2 = 186 cm, where 2 cm - allowances

Fabric consumption for a skirt 1/4 sun or bell

Such a skirt requires even less fabric than a half-sun.

Again, we calculate the radius of the groove using the following formula:

R1 = From / 1.57

R1 = 64 / 1.57 = 41 cm

Be sure to check that the resulting figure is not less than the hip girth.

The fabric consumption will be equal to the length of the product plus the notch and 2 centimeters for the seams.

Skirt length: 60 cm, you need to buy: 60 + 41 +2 = 103 cm

How to calculate the amount of fabric for a double sun skirt

R1 = (From / 2) / 6.28

From - 60 cm, R1 = 60/2 / 6.28 = 4.7

Product length - 55 cm

For a double sun, you need two sun skirts with a recess radius of 5 cm each. One half will need fabrics:

Two lengths plus two radii and 2 - 3 centimeters for seams:

(55 x 2) + (4.7 x 2) + 3 = 122 cm - one half,

122 cm x 2 = 244 cm - in two halves.

When cutting, the material is folded in half. The skirt is more than 60 cm and is sewn to the floor from four semi-sun skirts.

How much fabric do you need for a triple sun skirt

The calculation is similar to the previous one, the only difference is that the waist circumference is divided by three.

R1 = (From / 3) / 6.28

From - 60 cm, R1 = 60/3 / 6.28 = 3.2

Product length - 55 cm

Three suns will need to be cut. We count on one part:

Two lengths plus two radii and 2-3 centimeters for allowances.

(55 x 2) + (3.2 x 2) + 3 = 119.4 cm - one piece,

119.4 x 3 = 358.2 cm - into 3 parts.

Well, I think I answered the question of how much fabric is needed for a skirt, the sun and all its derivatives. Good luck!

The fabric consumption for a dress, skirt, or trousers can be calculated using the standard rates used in mass-production factories. Well, if you do not focus on them and do not calculate their values ​​for each figure, then you can use the atelier's technique. This technique is very simple and understandable to everyone.
If the figure does not have excessive deviations from the norm, then for example, for a men's jacket, the length of the sleeve is added to its length, plus allowances for the hem of the bottom. The expense for a shirt, blouse is also calculated. For trousers, the length is measured from the floor to the waist, plus 15 - 25 cm for the belt and pockets (valances).

How much fabric do you need for a skirt? Usually, a 150cm piece of fabric along the length of the skirt plus the width of the hem is sufficient.
For a dress, robe or coat, fabrics need to be bought based on the length of the product plus the length of the sleeve, taking into account the hem of the bottom. If you are wondering how much coarse calico is needed to sew a 2-bed set of bed linen, then you will need about 7 meters of coarse calico, 220 cm wide.

All these figures are rather approximate, and in order to determine exactly how much fabric is needed for a particular product, depending on your height, fullness, etc., you will have to make more accurate calculations, taking into account all the factors affecting the consumption of fabric. What are these factors?
Firstly, the consumption of fabric for a skirt, dress or trousers is significantly increased if the pattern “along the hips” does not fit into the same width of the fabric (150 cm). See below for more details.
Secondly, the presence of additional decorative elements such as pleats, ruffles on the skirt or patch pockets, tabs, etc. also significantly increase fabric consumption. A completely different fabric consumption for some models of skirts, for example, a sun skirt. The fabric consumption for such a skirt can be up to 5 meters. For a half-sun skirt, the consumption is less, but also significant.
Let's take a closer look at how much fabric is needed for sewing a particular product, including for sewing bed linen.

How much fabric do you need for a skirt, dress, trousers

The fabric consumption of course depends on the width of the fabric. But it also depends on the style of the product, the dimensional characteristics of the figure, as well as on the complexion of a woman or a man. If a narrow fabric (90 - 110 cm) is used for sewing, then, of course, the consumption is almost doubled. Modern fabrics are mainly produced in widths of 150 cm, so I will not particularly consider the consumption of "narrow" fabrics. Try not to use this width even for bedding. From my own experience I can say that the most "optimal" layout for bed linen is obtained from fabric (calico, chintz) with a width of 220 cm.

The style or model of clothing directly affects the consumption of fabric. The more folds or ruffles there are on a dress or skirt, the more fabric is needed. A lot of fabric is also spent on sewing a hood (40 - 60 cm). It is possible to accurately calculate the consumption of fabric for these parts only after constructing a pattern and carrying out a preliminary layout of patterns on the fabric.
Keep in mind that many fabrics allow you to cut the details of the pattern in a mirror image (striped, checkered), which sometimes significantly saves fabric, especially when cutting skirts and trousers.

When calculating the consumption of fabric for clothes, the dimensional characteristics of a person are also taken into account, that is, the circumference of the chest, hips, waist, as well as the height of a person.

This photo collage shows the approximate tissue consumption rates for a person of average height and normal build. They will be useful to you in order to quickly calculate how much fabric is needed in the store without asking the seller and quickly multiply this figure by the cost of 1 meter of fabric.

Fabric consumption for full figures almost doubles

With the same size of the product, but different heights of the person, the consumption of fabric will not be the same. Naturally, with high growth, it is necessary to buy more fabrics than with medium and low.
Depending on the height of the figure, the height of a person is determined. For example, for a female figure, the approximate division by height will be as follows: 1st height 149 - 154 cm; 2nd growth 155 - 160; 3rd growth 161 - 166; 4th growth 167 - 172; 5th height 173 - 177.

If you can add 20-30 cm for the difference in height, then for the fullness you have to almost double the consumption of fabric. This is due to the fact that the cut of a skirt or trousers with a hip volume of more than 120 cm does not "pass" in the same width of the fabric. And if the fabric is 150 cm wide, then you can still try, but with a width of 140 cm it will not work. You will have to buy two lengths of fabric. For example, for a skirt for a fat woman, you need two skirt lengths (80 + 80) and 15 - 20 cm additionally for a belt, allowances for seams along the waistline and hemming of the bottom. The same applies to other products: trousers, dress, jacket, etc.
All these calculations will greatly change (increase) if the products have many additional finishing elements.

Below is the approximate fabric consumption for some of the main types of products.
Man's jacket... You need to measure the length of the jacket, add the length of the sleeve and make an increase of 15 - 20 cm.

Straight skirt... With a fabric width of 140cm, you need to take one skirt length plus 10 centimeters - a margin for hemming, a belt and seam allowances.

Womens Blouse... With a fabric width of 90 - 110 cm, you need to buy fabrics of two lengths of a blouse and one length of a sleeve. With a fabric width of 150cm, one blouse and sleeve length plus 10-15cm is enough.

Men's pajamas... With a fabric width of 90 cm, fabrics need two lengths of trousers, three lengths of a jacket, two lengths of a sleeve. Another 20 - 30 cm is added to the collar and pockets.Or half as much with a fabric width of 150 cm.

Pants... With a fabric width of 140 cm, you need to take one length of trousers plus 10-15 cm for children and adolescents. For adults, depending on the fullness of the figure, add 20 - 30 cm.

Children's or teenage coat... With a fabric width of 140cm, two coat lengths are needed plus 15-20cm for the hem of the bottom, since the hem for a children's coat is made 7-10 cm so that it is possible to lengthen the coat when the child grows up.

Womens nightdress... With a fabric width of 90 cm, fabrics of 2.5 shirt lengths are required.

The dress... For a sleeveless dress, it is enough to buy 130 - 150 cm of fabric. To calculate how much fabric you need on a long sleeve dress, be guided by the length of the dress (plus hem and seam allowances) and the length of the sleeve. If there is a turn-down collar, add another 20 cm.

Linens... Many are interested in how much fabric is needed for bedding. The fabric consumption will be optimal if you buy calico or chintz 220 cm wide. For one and a half bed linen (2 pillowcases 70X70) you need 6.2-6.4 meters. For a double set (2 pillowcases 70X70), the fabric will need 6.8 - 7.2 meters. For a family set, approx. 10 meters.
Fabric consumption for bed linen primarily depends on the size of the pillowcases and the width of the sheet, as well as the layout. That is, if you cut two 1.5 sleeping sets with two 50X70 pillowcases at once, then the fabric is consumed without residues.

How to determine exactly how much tissue you need

You can also determine the consumption of fabric for the product according to the method given below.
Make up the main drawing of the pattern according to the taken measure to scale. Usually the scale is taken 1: 4 or 1: 5.
A drawing of a pattern on a scale is as follows: a centimeter is divided into four or five equal parts and each division is conventionally taken as a centimeter. If modeling is provided according to the style, then the lines of the style are applied on the pattern drawing and the pattern is cut along the outlined modeling lines.
Then, on the same scale (1: 4 or 1: 5), the width of the fabric assumed for the product is drawn in conventional centimeters, and the length of the fabric is taken arbitrarily.
It is necessary to draw the full width of the fabric in the case when the cutting is performed "in a turn", that is, when the fabric is folded along the transverse thread, the edges of the fabric in this case will pass from both sides. But cutting is often done "in the fold", when the fabric is folded along the shared thread. In this case, the width of the fabric should be drawn at half its actual width. In this case, the edges will be on one side, and on the other side there will be a fold of the fabric. For example, the width of the fabric is 140 cm, while the width of the fabric is 70 cm (on the accepted scale).
Further, the patterns or their details are laid out within the limits of the width of the fabric drawn to scale, taking into account the increase in the seams and the requirements for the direction of the thread in the details according to the established style.
The laid out details of the pattern will allow you to find out how much fabric is needed for this product.

Every time we intend to sew a new product, the first thing we need to do is calculate the fabric correctly. This is very important, because by correctly calculating the fabric, you will save yourself unnecessary expenses and save your nerves in the event of a shortage of fabric during the sewing process. It is necessary to approach this issue as accurately as possible and try to take into account everything that affects it.

When calculating the material, you need to remember some points on which it depends on how many meters of the coveted canvas will be spent on sewing the model you have conceived. Today we will tell you about them and try to teach you to take into account all these nuances.

So, perhaps, the most important point in the calculation is to decide on the style of the product, choose the fabric for it and take into account the size and features of the figure.

Silhouette and style of the product- different silhouettes of clothes, respectively, require different costs of fabric in terms of quantity. The more complex the cut and the flared silhouette, the greater the consumption of fabric. Do not forget to also take into account the purpose and seasonality of the model that you sew, because the choice of fabric depends on this, and its quantity also depends on the fabric. For example, a sheath dress for an office made of suit wool will take half as much material as a summer dress - a bell bottom made of transparent chiffon. Do not forget to add fabric to all additional and complicating elements of the model (for example, pocket, shuttlecock, hood, yoke, basque, etc.), as well as add to the processing of the product (collar, lower collar, edging, and so on)

Size and height of the figure- are always taken into account. In textbooks and magazines on sewing, you can find tables and tips for calculating fabrics for a particular product. Provided that the figure is standard, then this will not complicate big problems and you can safely use the tips. But if the figure has its own nuances and is not standard, then it is imperative to take into account all its features, as well as the height of a person. When counting, they mainly use measurements - the length of the product, the length of the sleeve and the width of the widest part of the product according to the pattern.

You also need to pay attention to the following points -

Width of fabric- there are fabrics with different widths, and this should never be forgotten. Every time you buy, you need to check it with the seller. For example, fabrics with a width of up to 1 meter will take on a product almost twice as much as fabrics with a width of 140-150cm. And sometimes canvases with a width of 180 and more turn out to be much more profitable in price and more economical when cutting.

Fabric pattern- be sure to focus on the drawing of the fabric. For example, if the fabric is in a cage or strip, then you should include a percentage for the finalization of the pattern when calculating. On the parts connected to each other, the drawing should be aligned, in order to avoid curvature and not a beautiful general appearance of the product. Very often the drawing has to be adjusted and, because of this, the material is consumed a little more than usual. Sometimes in some models of striped fabric, they "play" with its direction and this also needs to be taken into account.

The same applies to fabrics in large floral or graphic designs. If it is directed in one direction, then it is also necessary to position the cut details in one direction in order to maintain the rhythm, which requires a little more material consumption.

The composition and texture of the fabric- you already know that fabrics come in different compositions. It is advisable, when calculating fabrics from natural raw materials, to take into account the percentage of shrinkage. Because before sewing it, it is necessary to design it, the canvas will shrink, and only then start cutting. Therefore, you must keep this in mind and always add a few centimeters. Do not forget to also pay attention to the texture of the fabric.

Pile fabrics can only be cut in one direction. And materials, which are very "sup", require when cutting to leave more width of the allowances and at the same time the consumption of fabric will increase.

Advice - if you are a beginner tailor and it is still difficult for you to navigate the right amount of material, we recommend that before buying a fabric, first make a pattern for the product that you will be sewing. Lay it out at home and roughly calculate the amount of fabric. Or bring a pattern to the store and on the spot, looking directly on the canvas, calculate its consumption. The sellers of our store will be happy to advise and advise you on how to make the most economical cutting.

So, the general rules for calculating fabric.

Attention! In the table we will indicate the data on the calculation of the fabric for a standard figure of 48 and 54 sizes, with a fabric width of 140-150 centimeters and with a width of 80-100 centimeters. The calculation is made only with net lengths for products without complicating elements. Therefore, do not forget to add additional footage and take into account all the nuances that we wrote about above.

product name

Quantity of fabric at width

140-150 cm.

Quantity of fabric at width

80-100 cm.

Size 48

Size 52

Size 48

Size 52

Straight skirt

Godet skirt

One piece length + hem allowance

Product length + belt width hem allowance

Two or three product lengths + hem allowance

Two and a half or three product lengths + hem allowance

Two lengths of the product + hem allowance

Three or three and a half product lengths + hem allowance


One or one and a half lengths + hem allowance

One and a half or two lengths of the product + allowance for the hem of the bottom

Two lengths of the product + hem allowance

Two lengths of the product + hem allowance

Blouse or jacket

One length of the product + length of the sleeve + the length of the hem allowances

One product length + sleeve length + hem allowances + 30-50 cm (for processing)

Two product lengths + sleeve length + hem allowances

Straight silhouette sundress

One product length + hem allowance

One product length + 30-50 cm (for processing)

Two lengths of the product + hem allowance

Two lengths of the product + hem allowance

Straight-line dress with sleeves

Flared dress with sleeves

One length of product + length of sleeves + length of hem allowances

Two product lengths + hem allowance

Two lengths of the product + the length of the hem allowances

Two lengths of the product + length of a sleeve + length of allowances for hem

Two lengths of the product + allowances for hemming the bottom + 30 = 50 cm (for processing)

Two product lengths + sleeve length + hem allowances

Two product lengths + sleeve length + hem allowances

Straight coat

Flared coat

Product length + sleeve length + length of hem allowances + 30-50 cm (for processing)

Two lengths of the product + allowance for hemming the bottom + 30-50 cm - (for processing)

Two product lengths + hem allowance + 30-50 cm (for processing)

Two lengths of the product + length of a sleeve + length of allowances for hem

Two lengths of the product + allowances for the hem of the bottom + 30-50 cm for processing

Two product lengths + sleeve length + hem allowances

Two product lengths + sleeve length + hem allowances

Two product lengths + sleeve length + hem allowances + 30-50 cm (for processing)

Remember, the table lists relative data, which you can use as a hint. Each product requires an individual approach and an accurate calculation of the fabric according to the style.

We remind you how you need to take 4 necessary measurements, from which they are mainly repelled when calculating the fabric.

Chest girth- Measured horizontally at the level of the armpits through the protruding points of the chest.

Hip girth- measured horizontally through the protruding points of the buttocks in the back, thighs on the side and in front, taking into account the protrusion of the abdomen.

Length of the product - removable on the shelf. From the highest shoulder point at the base of the neck, through the protruding point of the chest to the point of the intended bottom of the product.

The length of the sleeve - It is removed with a slightly bent arm, from the lowest point of the shoulder (the point of articulation of the shoulder and arm) through the elbow to the intended bottom of the sleeve.

We wish you the best in your endeavors, and our store will always be happy to help and make the sewing process a pleasure.