How to develop fine motor skills in a child's hands: useful tips for parents. Influence of motor skills on the development of speech

Development and restoration of fine motor skills

"There are no incurable diseases, there is a lack of knowledge ..."

(V.I. Vernadsky)

Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, in combination with the visual system, to perform fine, precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes.

In everyday life, a person every minute needs to perform some actions of fine motor skills, from primitive gestures to very small movements.

Well-developed fine motor skills actively interact with attention, thinking, coordination, observation, imagination, memory (visual and motor). And isn't a well-developed hand in itself of little use? After all, it is thanks to her that a person does so many necessary things all his life: writes, draws, fastens buttons and ties shoelaces, and, finally, works on the same computer, therefore, his quality of life directly depends on its development.

Fine motor skills develop naturally from infancy on the basis of gross motor skills. First, the child learns to grab the object, after that the skills of shifting from hand to hand appear, the so-called "tweezers grip", etc., by the age of two he is already able to draw, hold a brush and a spoon correctly. During preschool and early school age, motor skills become more varied and complex. The proportion of actions that require coordinated actions of both hands is increasing.

Fine motor development can be accelerated in the following ways:

  • Exercises with small objects - puzzles, mosaics, beads, beads, etc.
  • Massage of hands and fingers
  • Molding

In the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are very close. And the size of the projection of the hand, located in the cerebral cortex, occupies about a third of the entire motor projection. It is these two scientifically confirmed facts that make it possible to consider the hand as an "organ of speech" along with the articulatory apparatus. That is why the development of finger movements is simply necessary for the development of memory, attention, thinking and speech, which was proved by the Russian physiologist V.M. Vekhterev. In his writings, he proved that simple hand movements also help relieve mental fatigue. The development of fine motor skills is carried out in combination with finger massage, training of attention, memory, observation, logical thinking. First of all, it must be remembered that the development of fine motor skills is interconnected with tactile sensations: the more different materials a person (child) touches, the more sensitive the fingertips. The level of development of speech and communication skills directly depends on the degree of formation of fine motor skills of the hands. It is necessary to develop it at any age - both for kids and adults!

Chinese scientists, in the II century BC, knew about the influence of the action of the hands on the development of the human brain. The ancient Chinese claimed that hand exercises and finger massage harmonized the body and mind and positively influenced brain activity. Each finger has a fairly extensive meaning in the cerebral cortex. The development of fine movements of the fingers precedes the appearance of articulation of syllables.

Thanks to the development of fingers, a projection of the "scheme of the human body" is formed in the brain, and speech reactions are in direct proportion to the fitness of the fingers. The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system. By massaging certain points, you can act on the internal organs that are connected with these points.

Massaging your thumb increases brain activity. The index is connected to the stomach. Massaging the middle finger, you have an effect on the intestines, the ring finger - a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Massaging your little finger helps your heart work. Massage of the hands has both a positive effect on internal organs, a tonic, immunostimulating effect, and also stimulates mental functions and speech.

Of course, first of all, the above is important for the development of babies, but in the age of general hypodynamia and brain atrophy, it becomes relevant for adults as well. For whom even the most common text writing, especially with pen devices, is extremely useful. Unfortunately, knocking on the computer keyboard does not give such an effect.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills not only have a stimulating effect on the development of speech, but are also a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of its interaction with subordinate structures. As well as memory, thinking, attention and observation. Human hand movements are formed in the process of education and training, as a result of associative connections that arise during the work of visual, auditory and speech-motor analyzers.

All cases of speech disorders, when a person with normal mental abilities and normal hearing suffers from oppression of the speech organization (cannot properly organize the sound and / or semantic structure of his speech) are called speech disorders.

The main reasons due to which speech impairment develops are:

  • childbirth trauma;
  • transferred bodily (somatic) diseases, long-term;
  • unfavorable speech environment;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • lack of attention, lack of love and communication.

In severe cases of speech disorders, a person not only cannot clearly and clearly speak himself - he poorly perceives and assimilates someone else's sounding speech, has difficulty building phrases and sentences, and has a limited vocabulary.

This applies to both an active vocabulary (words meaningfully used in speech) and a passive one (words of other people's speech, perceived by ear). If you do not take the proper measures to correct speech in a timely manner, a person has serious communication problems and, as a result, the development of all kinds of complexes that impede interpersonal communication, the disclosure of mental and creative potential.

As a rule, a person with speech impairment is very critical of his pathology, but one of the main dangers posed by speech disorders is the inhibition of intellectual development, because speech is one of the main intellectual tools.

The normalization of the development of intelligence occurs as the speech difficulty is eliminated and normal word pronunciation is formed. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to finger massage and exercises to develop and restore fine motor skills.

"The hand is a brain flowing out!" (Kant)

Handicraft is one of the most effective impacts on speech-motor projection in our head: beadwork, bead embroidery, just embroidery, macrame and more.

And the more high-precision movements are required from you, the better. This not only develops memory and thinking, but also relieves nervous tension.

The modeling should be noted separately. And it doesn't matter if the material is clay, plasticine or dough! Not a single point on our palms, not a single arm muscle will remain unused!

The most frequent hobby of men, which also develops motor skills, is the manufacture of all kinds of models of airplanes, tanks, sailing ships, wood carving, jewelry work. Adults need this kind of games just as much as children. Since for a deep understanding of himself and his attitude, every adult needs, at least sometimes, to return to childhood!

Let us dwell in more detail on the method of restoring and developing fine motor skills and, as a result, restoring speech and communication in general - Embroidery with beads.

The tactile perception of hard, small bugles (beads) with the fingertips, combined with the need to perform precise movement to attach it to the tissue base (canvas), causes hyperstimulation of the motor projection of the brain. At the same time concentrating vision on small details of the pattern and on bright colors of beads, we restore associative connections with the result of our own motor activity, which in turn leads to the development of fine motor skills. One of the important ways to control the course of the process of restoring the communication system and a way to enhance the effectiveness of exercises to restore fine motor skills is to involve the patient in a conversation or describe the result of actions, visualize the perception of colors and the picture as a whole, the transition to a positive outlook.

It is necessary to start the exercises with small objects, with simple information content and no more than five colors of beads.

It is advisable to use for this specialized schemes or sets with a color scheme already applied to the canvas. At the stage of describing an exercise or setting a task, it is necessary to explain and then control the implementation of the primary rules of embroidery:

  • beads should be sewn evenly and with the same slope;
  • an element of the main pattern should be in the center of the embroidery and stand out with decoration;
  • the size of the beads should be the same size;
  • the fabric for embroidery must be stretched very tightly, therefore tapestry frames or hoops are used;
  • use synthetic and reinforced threads, you can use fishing line;
  • the color of the thread must match the color of the canvas;
  • on the canvas, embroidery is performed in rows;
  • the length of the thread for one row should be 4-5 times longer than the width of the embroidery itself;
  • the number of beads in a row should be equal to the number of cells in a line of the scheme.

As you master the technique of embroidery and speech description, it is necessary to complicate the patterns for embroidery, selecting options with a large number of colors of beads and threads used and their color preference, increasing the size and complexity of the composition.

At this stage, it is necessary to introduce additional motivation through the description of beadwork as an art with deep historical roots. Bead embroidery has been known since ancient times. Since ancient times, Russian craftsmen have admired their magnificent embroidery skills, first with pearls, then in the middle of the 17th century - with colored glass beads. Bugles were used to decorate clothes, pictures were embroidered with images of various landscapes, churches, icons, etc. Bead elements are used in the decoration of clothes, which gives it an original and elegant look.

Many styles in modern fashion do not do without beaded jewelry. Modern needlewomen not only successfully decorate clothes, but also shoes, wallets, mobile phone cases and handbags. For many women, beading has become a favorite hobby. Great mood and developed imagination play a huge role.

This type of creativity requires special skills, patience, dexterity and accuracy, which are gradually mastered as you progress through the method of restoring fine motor skills and verbal communication.

Particular attention must be paid to completing each exercise. At the stage of unfinished embroidery, this is an encouraging conversation with summing up intermediate results. And upon completion of each of the works, this is their design with a frame or baguette and joint determination of it in a certain gallery with exposure to third parties and a joint discussion of the merits of the composition.

Also, an important point is to improve the ergonomics of embroidery devices, as the exercise becomes more difficult.

The selection of the correct size of the hoop and support, as well as containers for beads, is very important, as it allows you to focus on the main process and provides convenience, and, therefore, the necessary duration of the exercise.

One of the main criteria for assessing the success and completeness of the implementation of the technique can be considered a stable manifestation of a patient's positive perception of the world around him, his inclusion in free verbal communication in the reference group, the absence of difficulties in visualizing mental images and their correct description.

Psychologist, A.E. Malish

General manager

Psychological consultation

The new modern hobby loom bands are suitable for both adults and children. Remember your childhood!

For the development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old, you need to perform simple exercises and massage the hands. Experts advise giving babies to open and close jars, pour cereals from glass to glass, and teach them how to tie knots. All these games for the development of fine motor skills in children will not take a lot of time, but they will be of undeniable benefit, because the way a child knows how to coordinate his movements largely influences the development of his speech and thought centers.

The development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements of the fingers plays the most important role in the development of the child. Therefore, it is very important to engage with the child from an early age through special exercises, games and tasks for the development of fine motor skills. The development of fine motor skills at 4-5 years of age affects the maturation of the speech and motor areas of the cerebral cortex, which are in close proximity to each other. By developing motor skills, we influence the intellectual development of the baby.

At this age, parents should carefully observe the child, because the harmless turning of the sheet when drawing or painting indicates a rigid fixation of the brush. This can be checked as follows: ask the child to draw a circle with a diameter of about 5 cm.If he, without much effort, drew a circle of the desired diameter with one line, then you can be calm: he is fine with fine motor skills. If the child drew not a circle, but an oval of a small size and in several steps, while moving the hand, then this is already a violation of the coordinated movements of the hand.

Hand massage for the development of fine motor skills in children

Hand massage has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of the child. It is performed with one hand, while the other fixes the massaged surface.

Massage movements are done from the fingertips to the forearm. The duration of the massage is 5 minutes. Massage is carried out daily or every other day (10-12 sessions per course).

The interval between massage courses for the development of fine motor skills in children can be from 10 to 30 days.

Requirements for the massage of the hands: the hands of the massage therapist should be clean, without jewelry, nails should be short.

The hands of the person being massaged should also be clean. You can use baby cream or powder if your hands are sweating. This is necessary for better sliding of the masseur's hands during the massage.

Preparatory exercises for fine motor skills before a massage for children are as follows:

1. The child's hand lies freely on the table. An adult, fixing the wrist with one hand, with the other hand alternately raises each finger of the baby to the maximum position.

2. The child's hand lies on the table with the palmar surface up.

An adult holds his palm with one hand, bends his fingers inward with the other.

So, the child sits, the hand rests freely on a hard flat surface (on the table).

Here's how a hand massage is performed to develop fine motor skills in a child:

  • the masseur with the whole palm makes a plane stroking of the back of the child's hand from the tips of the fingers to the middle of the forearm. Repeat 3-5 times;
  • the massage therapist makes a forceps-like stroking separately for each finger of the child's hand from the tips to the base of the finger;
  • the massage therapist makes a forceps-like circular rubbing of the fingers of the child's hand from the tip to the base of the finger;
  • the massage therapist makes a circular rubbing of the back and palmar surfaces of the hand from the base of the fingers to the wrist;
  • repeats movement No. 1;
  • the masseur, with the help of a hand or a vibrating massager, makes dotted movements of the back and palmar surfaces of the hand and fingers from the tips to the wrist;
  • repeats movement No. 1.

Correct coordination skills will be essential in the later life of the baby, as in order to dress, draw, write and perform other activities, you need to do a lot of precise, coordinated movements. Massages and exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children can be performed with music or using poetry and songs.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children

How else can you develop fine motor skills in a child at home? Various exercises and games play an important role in the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements of the hands and fingers.

A constructor can be used to stimulate fine motor skills.

It is better to start with large parts, gradually replacing them with smaller ones. Then move on to collecting puzzles, stringing beads, etc.

Examples of how to develop fine motor skills of hands in a child 4-5 years old:

1. Pouring any cereal from glass to glass. This exercise develops muscular hand coordination. Once the child has mastered it, you may be allowed to pour or pour water or other drinks.

2. Tying knots. Teach your child to make knots. It also develops coordination, fine motor skills and dexterity. You can start with a thick string, then move on to a thinner string, such as a string.

3. Opening and closing cans of various sizes. Place jars of different sizes, bottles, vials with lids in front of your child. Ask him to open all the covers and close them again. This activity is also aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Small bags can be sewn and fill them with, for example, semolina, large pasta, rice, cotton wool, etc. Let your child feel these bags and guess what is in them.

This is not a complete range of games for the development of fine motor skills in children, coordination of hand and finger movements. Parents can supplement them with other exercises.

Skills of children 6-7 years old

Primary school children should have basic hygiene skills. They are already quite independent and quite capable of self-service. They are able to brush their teeth themselves (under adult supervision), rinse their mouths after eating, wash, take a shower or a bath, dress and undress themselves, tie their laces, fasten buttons, and keep an eye on their hair. Such skills are especially important, since at this age children begin to go to school, where their parents will no longer be around.

It is very important that younger students are taught to be neat. They need to understand that wrinkled, dirty things look bad, and sloppy hairstyles and dirty nails make them ugly.

Primary school children should be. Very often, parents strive to relieve the child from work duties and do everything for him that he could easily do himself (for example, put toys or put things in order on the desk). Children 6-7 years old who do not follow the daily routine, are not accustomed to work and do not have the skills to perform socially useful work, it is very difficult in the school team. At school, they will definitely have new responsibilities: class duty, help in preparing the class for the lesson, and others that they will have to cope with on their own.

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Hello reader! Today we have a somewhat unusual article, the topic of which is fine motor skills. There will be a lot of exclamation and question marks - I will swear. Mostly for psychologists, but you will probably get it too. I will scold psychologists for their attitude to the issue under consideration, namely to the development of fine motor skills. Parents will get it for using the principle of sufficiency in the upbringing of their children.

Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills is a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes.

Exactly fine motor development in children, psychologists attach particular importance and at the same time associate the development of fine motor skills with the development of speech. The fact is that in the brain the zones responsible for the projection of the hands are located next to the zone responsible for speech skills. Here, as a rule, they mean the "Broca" zone, which is responsible for speech, or rather, for articulation. This is the official opinion of psychologists. Great psychologists teach this in institutes of psychologists to little ones, and they write about this in all books for parents, but I have a number of questions ...

Firstly, in addition to Broca's zone, Wernicke's zone is also located nearby, which is responsible for understanding speech. But this is not so important. What interests me the most is where the rest of the zones in the brain of psychologists have gone ?! It seems that for psychologists in Broca's zone the light has come together like a wedge. You can teach a child to speak on time, just by constantly talking to him. This works very well too. But I've met great talkers in my life. They spoke very well and quickly, but by and large it was complete nonsense. A great example: a girl - a nanny from the cartoon "Super Family".

Let's return to our rams ... There are many more zones in the brain around the representation of the hands than psychologists believe. Areas responsible for attention and concentration, for imaginative and spatial thinking, memory, etc. Simply put, hands pulls all the intellect! And it seems to me that the presence of speech skills in a child cannot be an indicator of general development.

More ... Broca's and Wernicke's zones are located in the dominant hemisphere of the brain. For right-handers in the left, for left-handers in the right. And again the question. Why do psychologists always talk only about the development of the dominant hemisphere? It seems that we have one-sided children. But what about the second hemisphere, which is responsible for creative thinking and processing of novelty? We're kind of develop motor skills of both hands, not just one. Therefore, the development of fine motor skills also develops the creativity of the child.

The lag principle

One more thing ... I am worried about the very peculiar approach of psychologists to the use of techniques development of fine motor skills... The same applies to parents! In general, it looks like this: a child is born to parents. He grows up in his crib, plays with rattles, laughs. Cheerful and healthy toddler. But time passes, and the child does not speak. Time passes, he is already three years old, but he speaks very badly. And then the parents understand: “Oh my God !!! Something went wrong!". They take him to a psychologist, and the psychologist says: “Your child is lagging behind in development (otherwise we ourselves did not guess). We will develop. ”And he begins to develop his fine motor skills, he specially works with him. The speech was developed - and excellent. We observe further, and he holds a pencil like a shovel ... “Oh my God !!! We urgently teach you to hold a pencil! " Further ... “Oh my God !!! He doesn't know how to fasten buttons! " Well, etc. Question: Why do psychologists and parents expect deviations in the development of the child? Wasn't it easier to deal with him from birth ?!

Sufficiency principle

But this already smacks of a conspiracy 🙂 In general, it is not clear why psychologists and parents develop skills in children to the level where they can normally exist and interact with others, that is, to the statistical average. And it all stops there. It seems that psychologists don't like being too smart. And who set these standards in general? What norms can there be in the development of intelligence ?! And it is completely unclear why all of the above suits the parents? Is it because psychologists tell you so? 🙂 It seems to me that every parent wants to raise at least a genius. So why isn't anyone doing this ?!

I invite all parents to use the principle of inadequacy in the development of their children. That is, the achieved result is good only at the moment of its achievement, and then it is again not good enough. You must understand that the foundation for the further development of a child is laid precisely in early childhood. And how effectively this period is passed, the rest of life can be so successful. Not a fact, of course, but the chances will increase many times over. So don't wait! Start working with your child from the first months of life. And advice ... Only constant systematic training will give you a positive tangible result.

Here I will not describe the ways of developing fine motor skills in children, because there is enough information on this on the Internet without me. Just type in "Fine motor development" in the search engine and you will be taken to the right place. And my site is not about children, but about adults.

Development of fine motor skills in adults

And again, the position of psychologists that is completely incomprehensible to me. Everything related to the development of fine motor skills is dedicated to children. Well, the child grew up - so what? Development got stuck ??? remained the same, the number in it is the same, the number of connections between neurons has significantly decreased (this is the specificity, I will explain another time), so why not develop fine motor skills further? From development fine motor skills adults will get all the same benefits as children. Speech skills are unlikely to improve significantly, but thought processes are very much. This must be done!

There is a small snag in the way of development. After all, the fine motor skills of adults are already sufficiently developed. We already have all the basic skills. It means that something else is needed.

For the development of fine motor skills in adults, learning to play a musical instrument is perfect. I would choose something popular. For example, a guitar. In general, I chose it 🙂 In addition to the applied purpose (development of fine motor skills), the wife can always play the guitar. Or not your wife 🙂 And besides fine motor skills, learning to play a musical instrument will pump your brain very strongly. A whole new system is forming in your brain, and this is a very valuable bonus.

If you already play some musical instrument, then learn to play another. Move from strings to keys or wind instruments. But you can try something else. For example, you can master the ten-finger printing method. From life observations I can say that all those who have a ten-finger typing method have a very high speed of thinking and outstanding intelligence. Reflecting on this relationship one day, I thought it might be a coincidence, and I did a small and unobtrusive survey among friends and family. And this relationship was confirmed.

There are many different tutorials for learning to play musical instruments. It is worth looking online. And for teaching the ten-finger method of typing, I personally use the online keyboard trainer "Key Race". A very original idea for a keyboard trainer. Register on the site, read everything carefully and start training. And remember that only regular systematic exercises will give tangible, sustainable results.


It is an innate or developed ability to wield the non-dominant hand as well as the dominant one. The bottom line is ... The ease with which your dominant hand is wielded roughly reflects your mental and cognitive development. Do the following exercise: Write down any sentence with your leading hand. Rate how easy it was. Next, write down the same sentence with your non-dominant hand and rate how difficult it was. The difference in ease of writing with your leading hand and your non-leading hand is roughly equal to the potential dormant within you. Surely after this simple exercise, many will be amazed at this huge difference.

Another advantage of ambidexterity ... To solve the problems of some epileptics, neurosurgeons have to take countermeasures - epileptics have their brains cut open. Separate the hemispheres from each other. Then the patients are monitored for some time, and these observations led to the next discovery. The activity of the dominant hemisphere increases, while the non-dominant hemisphere practically stops its activity. What is the conclusion here? A poorly developed non-dominant hemisphere, due to its underdevelopment, slows down the dominant hemisphere of the brain, preventing it from revealing its full potential. It is very easy to check this.

Do the exercise I described above, but after you write the sentence with your non-dominant hand, write the same sentence again with your dominant hand and evaluate how much faster, lighter, and smoother your old handwriting became. This happens literally instantly. The effect will be stronger if you write longer with your non-dominant hand. Developing your non-dominant hand is a very important moment in developing your abilities. So exercise.

By the way, the world famous genius Leonardo Da Vinci developed his possession of the non-leading hand to perfection, which I wish you too 🙂

Any parent has repeatedly heard that it is necessary to develop fine motor skills in children. Is it really important? Undoubtedly! The fact is that the brain centers responsible for fine motor skills, the development of speech and thinking are located in the same area of ​​the brain. The development or lag in the development of one of them, has a similar effect on the other. Simply put, a child with well-developed motor skills will learn to speak faster, his vocabulary will form earlier, and his thinking will be clearer and more imaginative. And, of course, skills that require small arm muscles will be more resilient.

The sooner you start developing your child's motor skills, the better. In the first months of life, during a general massage, pay attention to the baby's palms. Massage the inside and outside of your palms with light stroking movements. Rubbing lightly on the pads and each phalanx of your fingers. This finger gymnastics has a positive effect on the active points of the cerebral cortex. Encourage the child to grab your fingers and lift up. While awake, give your child toys that are easy to take in hand: pyramid rings, cubes, small balls, rattles. Often place small objects near your child, such as soft cubes or small balls, so that the child can throw them around the room. As soon as the child learns to crawl or walk, involve him in putting things in order - let him collect the scattered toys with you and carry them in the box. Such exercises develop motor skills and at the same time perform educational tasks. In a year, a child can collect simple pyramids, alternately stringing rings.

After a year, the tasks of developing fine motor skills become seriously complicated. At this time, you need to use special exercises that purposefully act on small muscles and coordinate the work of the hands.

Children will be more willing to complete the tasks given to them if they are presented in a playful way.

  • When the child bathes in the bathroom, be sure to give him toys - ducks, scoops, small buckets. With a scoop and a bucket, he can collect water and pour it on the duck. Show how to do it.

  • Walk with toys in summer and winter. Have the child pick up sand or snow in a bucket with a shovel or scoop. Playing with sand is very useful - it massages the palms, and with age, when the child already begins to sculpt "pies", molds and just small slides, motor skills and fine coordination of hands develop. Collect autumn leaves with your child in bouquets.

  • From 1.5-2 years old, give the child paints so that he draws. Stock up on paper and paints in 1-2 colors. At this age, children find it difficult to cope with a brush, but with their fingers and palms they paint with pleasure. Show your child to dip their fingers in the paint and then draw lines across the piece of paper. Surely, in the first classes, the child will dip his entire palm in the paint. It's not scary. He just gets to know new material for him. Let the child more often collect pyramids of different sizes and shapes and learn to button up.

  • At 2.5 years old, a child can be given a brush, 2-3 bright contrasting paints for drawing and offer simple tasks. First, these will be lines in different directions, then more conscious drawings. Offer the children pyramids, large cubes for building the simplest structures. Let the child leaf through books with interesting pictures himself. From a steep dough or plasticine, teach to roll balls and "sausages" between your palms.

  • At 3-4 years old, the child can be offered coloring, explaining that it is impossible to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing. At this age, it is more often necessary to offer the child modeling, games with small objects: take 10 beans, peas and grains of rice or buckwheat. Combine them in one bowl and have your child arrange them in piles. Place dad next to him and arrange a competition between them: who will decompose faster. Be sure to compliment the winner! At this age, the child should be able to dress independently, buttoning all buttons, fasteners, lacing and tying the laces on the shoes. These self-care skills have a very positive effect on motor development.

  • After 4 years of age, many children begin to master reading skills. By this time, motor skills and hand coordination should be well developed. But don't stop there. Let the child collect mosaics, puzzles, paint complex coloring pages with many small details. Performs small errands around the house: collects toys after games, puts things in order in his play area. If you have a pet, involve your child in cleaning the cage; cleaning and wiping the bars of the cage will benefit him.

The development of fine motor skills of hands should be taken especially seriously during the period of preparation of the child for school. The ability of the first grader to concentrate, his thinking, imagination, motor and visual memory depends on how well things will be with this.

With insufficiently developed motor skills, the child is expected to experience and disappointment caused by the fact that he will quickly get tired of the hand holding the pen. As a result, he will not be able to keep within the rhythm of the lesson. Failure to concentrate will negatively affect the fact that the child will "lose the line" on which to write. And the writing skills themselves will be more difficult - the sticks will turn out to be clumsy, letters and numbers will be different in size and slope.

Therefore, when preparing a child for school, it is necessary to ensure that his hand becomes flexible, obedient and strong. In this case, we can talk about well-developed motor skills.

At about 5 years old, along with coloring pages, children can be offered the simplest recipes. At first, the child needs to be given simple tasks that require only a few minutes to complete. For example, write one line of sticks. Gradually, tasks can be complicated and made from a little longer, bringing them to 20-30 minutes. One indispensable condition is that the child should write with pleasure. If you fail to arouse interest in learning, it is better not to deal with the child on your own, but to involve an experienced teacher in this.

However, to sculpting from dough, clay, plasticine; applications from paper, fabric, fur, natural and scrap materials; children are much more willing to cut and make figures from paper. And parents only need to create suitable conditions for the child's favorite activities.

Efforts spent on developing motor skills will certainly give positive results. After all, well-developed fine motor skills are not only an opportunity to quickly master the skills of writing and drawing, but also a powerful prerequisite for a high level of intellectual development of a child.

The development of fine motor skills helps to prepare a baby under 3 years old for attending kindergarten or school. A child who has developed pens from early childhood perceives information better, thinks logically, and has a good memory. The mechanisms that affect the development of speech and the intellectual indicators of a little man should be developed from birth.

Fine motor skills, what is it?

Mothers, fathers and grandmothers of babies should know - fine motor skills are not named because they are not very important in the development of a child, but because it is responsible for the work of small muscles. The ability to handle small objects in early childhood has a beneficial effect on further mental and physical development.

Developed fine motor skills in a child helps him to handle a pen, pencil or brush well, use scissors, a sewing needle and other small objects. Such a baby quickly learns to tie shoelaces or button up buttons. To work with small objects, the little man will need good coordination, for which one of the sections of the brain is responsible.

By developing fine motor skills in your baby, you thereby contribute to the development of his intellect and learning ability.

The child controls the movements of the hands and fingers well when the musculoskeletal and nervous systems are in complete harmony.

Exercise and massage to develop fine motor skills in toddlers

The developmental stages of motor skills are individual for each child. The first unfamiliar movements are awkward for the baby, but after several repetitions from day to day, they become confident and more accurate.

There are many options for the development of fine motor skills in children under three years of age. From the first days of life, the baby is given a finger massage, performing the procedure several times a day. Its duration does not exceed 5 minutes.

The massage consists of a series of exercises

  • Stroking and patting have a good effect on sensitive receptors located on the palms and fingers.
  • Gentle jaw opening that newborn babies grip very tightly.
  • Massage the inside of the handle a toy with a pimpled or ribbed surface.

Important! All procedures are carried out as gently and accurately as possible.

From two months , children put toys of different shapes into pens. In this case, adults should talk with the baby, commenting on their actions. The baby's task is to hold the toy in his hand for as long as possible.

From six months exercise complicates. An adult, singing songs or telling nursery rhymes, simultaneously works with the baby's hands (for example, the well-known "goodies"), after which the baby will try to repeat the actions of adults herself.

From nine months When children begin to actively move around the house, showing interest in various objects, there comes a fertile time for the continuation of the development of fine motor skills. Teach your baby to pour cereals or other loose objects from a container into a container (but stay close!). In the bathroom, you can pour water from glass to glass. Invite the baby to look for a small toy in a bowl of cereals. Nothing that the croup will crumble, such an activity trains the fingers well.

During classes and games, it is important not to forget that in front of you is a small child who quickly gets tired of monotonous actions and switches his attention to something else.

Fine motor skills should take the form of fun gameplay, transforming monotonous activities into fun entertainment.

Games and activities that develop motor skills in young children

  1. Finger development by gymnastics and games using funny rhymes.
    This is the oldest and easiest way. Squeezing and unclenching the handles, wiggling fingers and palms gives babies up to three years old great pleasure.
  2. Painting ... Give the baby a pencil, pen or felt-tip pen. The objects for drawing develop well the correct grip of the fingers, which in the future will contribute to the presence of a beautiful handwriting in the child or even open his talent as an artist. In order not to discourage the kid from holding a pencil in his hands, do not punish him severely if he suddenly paints wallpaper or furniture for you.
  3. Molding ... In order for the baby to mold a ball or roll a sausage, you can use not only plasticine, but also clay or dough. Get your crumb to work when baking pies. The responsible assignment of rolling the dough will give him pleasure and help the development of his fingers.
  4. Small household items ... Little fidgets are constantly trying to grab any household items. There are enough such items in any home. Let your child play with clothespins, a teaspoon, or a jar lid. Children twist unfamiliar objects in their hands with great pleasure. But even here one should not take his eyes off the young researcher in order to get these objects out of his mouth in time.
  5. Stringing objects ... One of the first toys that children have after rattling is a pyramid. At first, the child's actions are awkward, he just cannot plant a pyramid ring on a stick. But our children are little stubborn, they will not stop until they achieve their goal. As the baby grows older, the task of stringing objects becomes more difficult, reducing the size of the toys. Multi-colored beads and similar items are used. Again, for safety reasons, do not leave the child alone to play with small objects, because little curiosities are trying to drag everything into their mouths.
  6. Ironing game ... Crumple up a large sheet of paper and ask your baby to smooth it with his palms. Children are happy to smooth and then crumple a new toy again.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills in children

Today's children can be kindly envied. A huge number of educational toys for all occasions help the all-round development of the little man. There are a huge number of designers for fine motor skills, from simple plastic cubes to Lego with the smallest details ... Choose a set suitable for your child's age, and he will be happy to start building houses and building castles, thereby developing his hands.

Special crumbs develop fingers well large puzzles for the little ones (Seguin board). Collecting a toy, kids not only develop their hands, but also train logical thinking.

Present your baby sorter cube with holes , into which various objects are inserted, for example, molds for playing in the sandbox. Each face has a recess in which only a certain toy will fit.

Reappeared on store shelves colorful nesting dolls ... Our mothers also developed us with the help of this wonderful toy. Such a gift will bring a lot of joy and benefit to your little one.

In childhood, everyone loves to listen to fairy tales. If you buy or make puppet theater toys with your favorite characters , the kid will gladly put them on his hand, making the dolls move.

Remember! The development of a child's speech directly depends on fine motor skills. It happens that the kid cannot explain to the adults what he wants, therefore he is capricious and nervous. The sooner the little ones learn to speak correctly, the more comfortable they will be in a nursery or kindergarten.

Developing fine motor skills in the baby, you should not force him to perform certain actions. All classes should take place in an easy playful way and bring joy to the baby.