How romantic to celebrate the new year together. Create an original menu. Christmas games for children and adults

New Year is a special holiday for each of us. Traditionally, it is customary to meet him in a warm circle of family and friends or together with a loved one. The last option, despite the seeming ease, is the most difficult. After all, this magical holiday must definitely leave the most fabulous and pleasant memories and become not just another m, but an unusual meeting of the New Year, which you will undoubtedly spend together.

It is worth remembering the proverb: "How you celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it." This is a solid reason to turn this holiday into a celebration of love, which will always be with you for 365 days of the coming year.

So, how to celebrate the new year together with your loved one?

New Year's Eve at home near the Christmas tree

First of all, it all depends on your characters and preferences. If your chosen one is an avid stay-at-home, the traditional meeting of the New Year at home, near the Christmas tree, is best suited. In order to bring an atmosphere of romance to the holiday, we recommend decorating the house in an appropriate way - placing spruce paws decorated with toys everywhere, hanging romantic and touching figurines of angels and wreaths of mistletoe, under which, as we know, it is customary to “catch” your chosen ones to give them a gentle kiss.

It is also worth taking care not only of the menu of the New Year's table, but also of the entertainment program. We strongly advise against relying in this matter on central television, which traditionally offers the same type of shows and not very exciting concert programs on New Year's Eve. For a romantic evening, this set is not very suitable. It is better to choose in advance a selection of romantic and comedic New Year's films about love. This list may include, for example, "Real", "Home Alone" and even the Soviet painting "Irony of Fate".

If your plans do not include watching TV on New Year's Eve, New Year's and romantic music can be a great background for the holiday, which will provide you with the right mood.

In addition, at home you can celebrate the New Year in a very unusual way, if you connect your imagination:

  • make an oriental tent over the bed, cover yourself with pillows, sweets and a hookah; and you can also prepare a surprise - an oriental dance;
  • imagine yourself in a house among the snow-capped mountains, throw an artificial skin on the floor, put on sweaters and prepare mulled wine;
  • arrange a spa-salon in the bathroom, strew the bath with petals, light scented candles.

And here are ideas of how else to have fun on New Year's Eve with your loved one:

  • when 12 o'clock at night strikes, each write a letter from the future, describing what you expect from the coming year for your family. Let these letters remain secret until next New Year.
  • arrange a photo session and video shooting, record your wishes and confessions on video, and on December 31 next year it will be interesting for you to look at it.

Both of these ideas can be made into a family tradition and repeated every year.

New Year's Eve in a house in the village or in the country

In the event that you are tired of home decorations to such an extent that there is no desire to celebrate the New Year in them, it makes sense to change the situation. An excellent option would be a house in the village or a cottage. Celebrating the New Year outside the city is a great idea for those who are tired of the bustle of the city and want to enjoy the silence and fresh air.

A secluded house in the village will be a great place for a romantic meeting of the New Year. You can not think about the entertainment program - after all, at any moment you can remember your childhood and play snowballs in the yard or make a snowman together. Such a pastime will not only give you pleasure, but also unite and bring you even closer.

If a spruce or pine grows near your house, you and your loved one can dress it up accordingly. Let yourself become carefree and fully immerse yourself in the celebration of the New Year with your loved one.

Meeting the New Year in a sanatorium or hotel

However, there are people who cannot sit in one place for a long time. If you and your chosen one are among them, the best place to celebrate the New Year for you and your chosen one can be a trip to a country resort or a cruise. In this case, the efforts to prepare for the New Year holidays will be minimal from you, while the pleasure from the holiday met with your loved one will be enormous.

But there are also disadvantages here - you will have to meet the holidays in the company of strangers, the same vacationers as you. However, nothing prevents you from escaping from the whole world to your room and celebrating the New Year alone. For this option, hurry up to book a room using the search engine for the best deals from hotels!

New Year's Eve in warm countries

Those who are tired of the traditional meeting of the New Year in our snowy frosty latitudes can be advised to make a trip to warm countries. What could be more original than celebrating the New Year somewhere in warm countries, on the shores of the gentle sea, together with your loved one? And the pleasant memories brought from such a romantic trip and the tan acquired on vacation will warm you during the remaining cold winter months. Thailand can be a great option for celebrating the New Year!

Celebrating the New Year with your loved one is not so difficult. Your imagination will surely tell you the right option where and how to celebrate this holiday. And your desire to make it the best holiday in the world and attention to the chosen one will undoubtedly help make the New Year a romantic and magical holiday, turn it into a real fairy tale.

Probably, we all have already made plans for the New Year. Noisy gatherings with friends and family, dancing until the morning - all this, of course, is good. But sometimes you want celebrate the new year together with your loved one- to be romantic. Is it possible to spend New Year's Eve in a special romantic way?!

First of all, for a romantic New Year you need to celebrate it ONLY together - and this is the main condition.

Creating a New Year's Eve Romantic Atmosphere

Create in an apartment maximum coziness and comfort. Think over the lighting, smells ... Candles, twilight, tinsel, fir needles, soft music - all this will create the necessary atmosphere.

No need to turn on the TV- it is best if your communication with him is limited to listening to the speech of the President and the chimes. Otherwise, he, like an energy vampire, will draw your energy onto himself, but you need to look first of all at each other.

Cooking a New Year's table for two

What is the New Year without a festive table? Even in the most romantic you want to eat! Therefore, a romantic New Year's table should be hearty, refined, and at the same time - light!

With a full belly - what kind of romance? Then he will begin to fall asleep, and not look into each other's eyes.

So: if you want romance, no big dinner! You will need: a bottle of good wine, a couple of light but delicious salads, lots of fruit, some meat and maybe pizza - that's it!

Dressing up for New Year's

Let you celebrate the New Year at home, and maybe even with your husband, who saw you in all forms, but the New Year is, first of all, a Holiday, therefore you have to look GOOD! A plunging back dress, tight pants, a sparkly top, a lace blouse… You must impress! And also - he must want to undress you 😉

Lingerie on New Year's Eve you should be the most-most-most! You can prepare some unusual kit ... and demonstrate it a little later 🙂

Of course, New Year's outfit implies New Year's makeup ..

What is New Year's romance without sex?

That's right - none! Therefore, after the exchange of gifts, congratulations and a light dinner, sex usually follows.

Sex on new year's eve should be special - imbued with the spirit of the holiday. Therefore, in order for it to be a long-awaited gift, it is advisable to refrain from it at least a couple of days before the New Year.

In New Year's sex, you can afford everything! Everything except quick sex is a pleasure for that and a pleasure for him stretch over 🙂

As an option for New Year's sex: champagne for a blowjob (put it in your mouth and give a blowjob to a man - very unusual sensations!), video and photo shooting of sex under the Christmas tree, sex in a festive bath with drinking champagne or mulled wine, luminous condoms and, of course, striptease!

Continuation of a romantic night

Of course, after all this, you can go to a noisy company, but I assure you that all your romantic vibes will evaporate here ... Therefore, unfortunately, it will not be possible to combine everything.

To stay from New Year's Eve only romantic memories- without any drunken faces and stupid toasts - spend this night alone with each other. Who said that you should (who should, by the way?) Be awake at the TV all the New Year celebration? Sleeping in each other's arms is also romantic!

I wish you to remember this romantic New Year for a long time!

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Text: Irena Ponaroshku
Photo: Yuri Koltsov

I hope you have not forgotten that the ability to organize a holiday for your beloved is valued by most girls much higher than the ability to detect in the bowels? Yes, yes, remember: how you meet the new year, so you will spend it. You can “fuck off” your girlfriend to the fullest - she will walk all year long, pray for a photocopy of your passport and run for beer in snow and rain. But if the holiday does not work out, then you will have to deal with the consequences and rehabilitate yourself until at least February 23, and then demand a holiday amnesty. Remember that on this night every girl is waiting for a miracle (it is better if the miracles are multiple and multi-stage), and by default the organization of magic is charged to you.

However, this year will not be easy for you... The word "crisis" is so hackneyed that you want to uproot it from the active vocabulary of men with huge linguistic tongs. And not because he didn’t touch us girls, and not even because the words “crisis” and “enuresis” are equally unpleasant for us. Just tired! And keep in mind: our plans for New Year's Eve and subsequent holidays cannot be spoiled by any rates and quotes. So a holiday in any way with you!

So, friend, given the poor patency of your financial gut, I’m ready to whisper a couple of tips for you on how to save money, but at the same time not lose face and forever stake out the title of the best Santa Claus in your district. I can honestly admit that my addiction to poor artists, recent student years and progressive oligarchophobia allow me to give out such advice and be fluent in this topic. In other words, I know the hard way what a low-budget New Year is.

So, so that your girlfriend does not ruin your entire anti-crisis New Year's plan, immediately tell her that you are in control of the situation, prepare a surprise and wink meaningfully. What kind of surprise awaits her is a secondary matter; the main thing is to take the situation into your own hands and not let her express her preferences regarding the NG meeting. Depending on the chosen holiday scenario, you may need the following props:
█ Viagra. Eat quietly, don't panic!
█ Condoms. Look for funny ones, with Santa Claus or a deer on the dome - it will add color to the holiday, and it will probably be fun for you to do it in the head of a deer.
█ Alcohol. At least three liters, if both you and your woman are happy owners of a mysterious Russian soul.
Santa Claus costume. Yes, we know, we know that Santa Claus does not exist! But you also know that seven orgasms in seven minutes cannot be, but every time you are fooled!

Ask your girlfriend in advance when the holiday begins according to her biological clock - December 31 in the morning or December 31 after visiting a beauty salon? Or maybe you are lucky, and for her the holiday begins only after the chiming clock? As soon as her biological clock starts playing Jingle Bells, you should give a speech something like this: “Sweet, long-awaited, one and only! I believe that the whole next year will pass like this day, and I want to do everything to make you happy! Today you are my Snow Maiden, my fragile snowflake, and I will fulfill all your desires! After such a hypocritical entry, much will be forgiven you on this day. And on the occasion of the holiday, it’s not a sin to invite your girlfriend to start drinking champagne in the morning, then by midnight your lady of the heart will hardly be able to distinguish the face of our president from the Kremlin chimes.

Now let's move on to developing a plan. Since we will have to give up nightclubs, restaurants and country residences as part of the anti-crisis program, it remains to be decided whether you want to spend the year alone with your chosen one. If you are scared or bored to be alone on such a responsible night, then check the composition of the company of drinking companions: there should not be more women than men! To make it clearer to you what I am talking about, I will repent: I celebrated one of the most unforgettable New Years in the male hostel room of the University of Peoples' Friendship, filled to capacity with representatives of all nationalities, except for women. Of the ladies, I was the only one, and my soul was light and joyful from this. A whole year! Moreover, if there are a lot of men, then you have a chance not to end up being the most drunk and ridiculous - Kolya Bydlo will outdo you anyway.

Most importantly, try to be unpredictable on this day! Surprise is your weapon. For example, I can bet that she has never had sex with Santa Claus - on this and you can build the whole action. You go out of sight for five minutes, change clothes, come back already in character, always with a beard, a bag and a huge staff (the size of the staff will favorably affect her subconscious). Then you draw air into your chest, shouting: “Ho-ho-ho! And where is my Snow Maiden ?! and open your robe. If the Snow Maiden is indignant at the biological minimalism that has opened up to her eyes, say that it is very cold in your North and if you warm it up, then magic will happen. Be sure to announce the gifts hidden in the bag and say that this New Year they will be distributed not to good, but only to oh-so-very bad girls. Then use the system of rewards and bonuses: let him read New Year's poems to you naked for sweets, remember the dance of little ducklings for a bottle of baileys, warm your ice staff with his breath for a pair of new stockings, etc.

Or this: write down a three-minute New Year's greeting for her against the backdrop of the Kremlin! And while all the other girls of the Russian Federation will be looking at Mr. Putin's tie, your odalisque will absorb your honey-vocabulary with your ears. Promise heavenly places, milky rivers, jelly banks, lie from the heart - the walls of the ancient Kremlin have heard nothing like that.

And finally, we will discuss the most painful issue - a gift for a loved one. If you are not ready to go broke this time on diamonds and even perfumes, then again you will have to dig deeper on the mezzanine of fantasy. The ideal material at hand is her photographs, scissors and glue. For example, take your school class photo and stick her face on each of your classmates: they say, now she is your whole life! Or take any secular magazine and replace all photos of secular lionesses, starting with the cover, with the face of your beloved: they say, only you are the only one, my cherished ... If your girlfriend is sentimental, then any thing related to your childhood will do as a gift - a teddy bear, a bottle for milk, sores from chickenpox: they say, only with you can I relax and feel like a child (maternal instinct will play into your hands). In a word, improvise and do not forget to accompany the presentation of the gift with marketing texts. Speech example: “Right now you are becoming the only woman in the world to own a foreskin amulet. Shalom!

And most importantly, my dear reader, do not forget that in the depths of every woman there is a little girl. And if you manage to find an approach to this mini-we, then it will become easier for you to please us in the New Year, and in a crisis, and on weekdays, and on holidays, and in sorrow, and in joy. Take heart, men!

With coming!

New Year's Eve with your loved one is very romantic. It can become a wonderful tradition for your life together and, perhaps, further strengthen your relationship. If you and your other half nevertheless decided to celebrate the New Year only together, then you will need to heed these tips and recommendations.

How to make a holiday desirable?

First, make sure that your desires for meeting the holiday in private with your partner completely coincide. If there is no consent, then you should abandon this idea, because you do not want to spend New Year's Eve looking at the sad face of your soulmate, who dreams of a noisy company. But there is no need to be upset if your idea is not successful. After all, you can have a great time in a big company.

Second, take the preparation into your own hands. Of course, you should not take everything upon yourself, a man can and should help you. But try to free him from various insignificant trifles that are not at all important for men. For example, he will drink champagne from glasses of even green, even red, even blue. Therefore, many issues will have to be resolved independently.

Third, don't get upset over trifles. If a man did not appreciate the drawing on the new service that you bought especially for this holiday, do not despair. Didn't compliment a deliciously prepared salad according to a new recipe? It's not a problem either. Remember, all this is too banal things that men do not even try to waste their thoughts on. But the fact that he left all his friends to spend this New Year's Eve with you already says a lot.

Well, fourthly. Think about how to make a man pleased. After all, they, like big children, love surprises very much. Change your image, make a new hairstyle, change the interior of the room for the holiday. All this will surprise your soulmate and help you remember the time spent together on this magical night for a long time.

Do you still doubt how to celebrate the New Year: together or still in the company of friends? We bring to your attention a few ideas on how to celebrate the New Year with your soul mate and get a lot of pleasant impressions.

Here are far from all the options for how to celebrate the New Year 2013 together with your loved one. You yourself can come up with a unique scenario that will make the holiday truly wonderful. After all, the main thing is that your other half will be next to you.

Celebration Ideas

new romantic year

This option will be a great surprise for your partner. He will be very pleased to see a room decorated with candles, a beautifully set table and other attributes of a romantic style. Don't forget the gift too. New Year's Eve is the best time for declarations of love. If there is a fireplace, then the night spent near the fire will be remembered for a long time.

Unusual holiday

If all the standard options do not suit you, and you are tired of romantic tenderness, then you can come up with something special and unique. For example, watch horror movies all night or take a bath with fragrant foam and blow bubbles together.

Happy New Year! With new sex!

New Year is the best time for new achievements. If you go to an intimate store before the holiday and buy various accessories there, then New Year's Eve will become a little sexual adventure. Champagne and fruits, strawberries and cream will be indispensable helpers for you.

Step into a new world

If funds allow, you can buy a ticket to hot countries and celebrate the New Year on the hot sand next to the gentle sea. Or go to a ski resort and then you will have an extreme New Year's vacation. There are also many European countries that you can visit for the New Year. In any case, you will have only positive emotions and a bunch of photos.

What to give a loved one

As you know, the main thing is not the price of a gift, but attention. Therefore, try to responsibly approach the choice of a gift. You can give a small souvenir, but present it in such a way that the partner will keep it for many years. Take care of the beautiful packaging. After all, it is always very curious what is hidden under the rustling paper in a beautiful box tied with a large bow. Remember, whatever you choose, choose it with love. After all, love is the most beautiful feeling that should accompany you in the coming new year.

On the rink

Snowflakes, his hand that supports you, fireworks over your head ... what could be more fabulous? Head to the city ice skating rink with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Riding together, you will not notice how time flies and the clock strikes 12. It's time to have a drink with your loved one for brotherhood and make a wish ...

By the sea

Those of us who are lucky enough to meet the holiday in a warm country can go to the beach at night. Let the wind be cool and the sand icy: the main thing is the stars, the sound of the surf and the company of a loved one. You can retire on the pier and hugging to meet 2016 under the rustle of palm leaves. And then the whole next year will be no less romantic!

Plaid, cinema and mulled wine

Where else can you celebrate the New Year? Some couples don't like noisy parties. If you're one of them, a homely environment with a warm drink, a good movie and a warm hug is perfect for you. By the way, you can cook some kind of “romatic” dish, like chocolate fondue, and treat each other with strawberries from a fork.

Absolute luxury

If you have time to book it in advance, you can meet New Year's Eve in an expensive hotel room. You can afford to order champagne on ice and caviar, make love on silk sheets, or first go down to the hall, where they usually arrange a New Year's ball for guests. This evening he will put on a suit, and you will put on an evening dress, you will dance to live music, and then go up to your room ... Great idea for a New Year's Eve!

Winter style

Rent a house in a snow-covered village, where it will smell like wood and fir cones. Let it turn out to be a real wilderness - far from civilization and alone with nature. The trip will turn out to be especially fun if New Year's festivities are organized in the village with a traditional feast where the locals gather. You have never tried this before! And in the morning you can take a steam bath and plunge into the hole ...

A la Russian

Where to spend the New Year holidays in our country? Travel to a beautiful city to celebrate a holiday in a new place. You can go to Ustyug, Yaroslavl, Boldino, Suzdal... There you can ride carts, drink mead, watch the fireworks at the Kremlin and walk all night along the cobbled streets. In the morning the festivities will continue and you can enjoy the local festival with games and refreshments.

Full extreme

If you are not afraid of hiking conditions, you can celebrate the New Year in a tent by the fire. Go to the forest in warm clothes. Don't forget to bring as many blankets and a change of shoes as possible. Make a fire, cook an ear, tell each other the most important things under the flickering of the flame. This adventure will be unforgettable!

Rules for a romantic holiday:

  • Make sure that the man supports your idea. In any case, even if it seems to you that he will be delighted, you should not make too unpredictable surprises. After all, a night in a tent, large expenses and traffic jams do not delight everyone.
  • Discuss all the details in advance. To make it really romantic, you need to take into account many factors, including issues of convenience, comfort and availability.
  • Be mindful of compromises. If a man wants to celebrate a holiday with friends or parents, a romantic evening can be moved to the night from the 1st to the 2nd.

Daria Mazurkina thought about ideas