How to put a person into a trance or hypnosis with the help of a glance. Special techniques for training the eyes and developing a hypnotic gaze that can hypnotize. Animal hypnosis. Telepathy as a method of hypnosis How to hypnotize a cat

Today, the most popular version of the explanation of animal hypnosis has become the point of view that considers this phenomenon as a protective reaction of the body. Its author is Charles Darwin. He theorized that hypnosis is a "fake death" to avoid being attacked. A similar idea was expressed by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1951), who attributed animal hypnosis to self-preservation reflexes: the victim's nervous system at this moment from overload goes into a state of transcendental inhibition, the centers responsible for movement are turned off in the brain. In this state, all the forces and resources of the body are directed towards solving the most important task - saving life. In the same way, Pavlov explained the effect of an unnatural position, when the animal's attempts to regain its natural posture are met with insurmountable resistance. According to Pavlov, this is also a reaction of inhibition caused by overexcitation, which, for example, causes the appearance of a snake in frogs and rabbits. From such an overstrain, the brain cells should have died, if not for the protective protective process of inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

Let's start with the flip technique. Usually, the animal is simply taken, turned over on its back, and it lies in an unnatural form, as if frozen in hypnosis.

The toad turned out to be the easiest one in this sense. Usually, for hypnosis, toads are recommended to press their paws to the body. With our toad, this was not necessary - it was enough just to put it on its back and wait for a while.

Agama - push-up coup

A simple coup can also hypnotize a chicken, for this it must be gently turned over its back and put up with its paws.

It is a little more difficult to hypnotize a bearded agama lizard. Here we not only turn the animal over, but also press its paws to the surface on which it lies. After some time, the agama freezes and can lie for quite a long time.

Chicken - closed eyes coup

Now let's complicate the version with the chicken, for this we turn it not over the back, but on its side and close our eyes. First, you press the chicken's head to the surface, then slowly release your hand so that the chicken does not react to the change in the situation.

Chinchila - gaze fixation

Now let's move on to fixing the gaze. The technique is similar to the previous one, but now, instead of covering the animal's view, we simply fix it at some point, most often it is a finger.

When performing the technique, it is important that the animal follows your finger. You ask how to make him do it. No way. It's just that there are animals that are initially fixed on the finger, and there are those whose eyes begin to run in different directions. Obviously, this method is not applicable to the latter. You also need to monitor the correct position of the finger. It is important that he falls into the field of view of the animal and is in sufficient condition so as not to see double in the eyes.

Dog - Stretching

In this case, you turn the animal onto its back and gently stretch it in different directions until muscle tone subsides. After that, the dog can simply be thrown on its side, and as you can see, its body remains paralyzed.

Rabbit - shrink - expand

Now let's move on to one of our most difficult pets - the rabbit. Initially, it turned out to be hypnotized by the method of compression and expansion. Outwardly, you can see similarities with the stretching method, but in reality everything is much more complicated.

The first thing I do is stretch the rabbit in order to give its body a strictly vertical position, so that it does not fall on its side when I release it. Stretching also helps to scare him a little. Then I begin to gradually bring and spread my arms, trying to feel the rabbit. The first second the rabbit rests its paws on my hands, but at some point I cease to feel resistance from his side, at this moment he needs to be quietly released.

This technique is suitable for beginners, when you have not yet found an approach to the animal and do not feel it well enough. It allows you to find the balance point at which the animal is conveniently located.

Pig and rabbit - correct body position

And finally, we move on to the pinnacle of skill in hypnosis of the guinea pig and again to hypnosis of the rabbit by giving the correct body position.

Oddly enough, guinea pigs are credited with the greatest ease of entering a trance, but for us she did not give in for three days until the last moment, until I found a position in which to hold her. After that I found the same position in the rabbit and chinchilla.

How do you know if your animal is hypnotized? There are several options here. The first - the animal simply freezes and lies for a long time in an unusual position. In this case, attempts to move the animal's legs either wake it up, or the legs move slightly and return to their place.

The first reports of hypnosis of animals appeared in 1646. The Jesuit priest A. Kircher wrote in his book "An Unusual Experience" about how the rooster was "bewitched". This is considered the first scientific description of a classic case of so-called animal hypnosis.

The essence of the experiment was as follows. It is enough, firmly holding the bird with your hands, gently pressing its head to the floor and then leaving it in such a position for a while so that the chicken comes to a state of immobility, relaxation, as if deep sleep, from which it can only be brought out with a sharp jolt or a loud sound.

In other works on hypnosis of animals, the following description of the experiment with a chicken was given: "A chalk line was drawn in front of the beak of a tied chicken, and this instantly put it into a daze." The author of the work explained this phenomenon by the "fear of the animal."

A certain contribution to the study of animal hypnosis was made by the famous scientist I.P. Pavlov and the physiologist V. Ya. Danilevsky, conducting interesting experiments on a wide variety of animals: dogs, birds, mammals, snakes, newts, frogs, and crayfish.

If you do not hurt the animal, give it some unnatural position (best on the back) and hold it for some time until the resistance stops, then the animal continues to lie quietly for many minutes and even hours. In this state, the animal can be carefully transferred to any other unnatural position without the slightest resistance on its part. At the same time, in hypnotized animals, a significant decrease in the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes is observed: they can be pricked, burned, cut, and they continue to lie motionless, as if feeling nothing.

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This was especially well revealed in experiments on lobsters, octopuses, frogs, rabbits, and birds. In birds, you can observe real cataleptic symptoms: they can raise their head, turn their neck 180 °, and they hold this unnatural position for some time. Here, perhaps, we can even talk about a symptom of waxy flexibility, similar to that observed in a hypnotized person.

So, for novice specialists, we describe the simplest method of hypnotizing chickens. The experience itself is extremely simple, but requires certain practical skills.

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The chicken is given an unusual position, it is turned over on its back with its legs up. You need to slightly stretch her neck and hold her head and legs in this position from a few seconds to one minute. At first, the chicken flutters, fights off with its legs and wings, but then after a while freezes in this position. Then, carefully, without sudden movements, you take your hands away from the bird.

When hypnotizing a chicken, when you have turned it over on its back and extended its neck forward, you can additionally draw a line on the ground going from the bird's beak.

The chicken is hypnotized. You can pierce her body with a long needle, lift it up by the foot, and blow a stream of tobacco smoke on it. She does not budge.

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However, after about a minute, her hypnotic numbness will pass by itself, and she will jump to her feet.

An amusing case has been described by a researcher of animal hypnosis. Arriving at the market where live chickens and ducks were sold, he witnessed how a teenager (apparently familiar with the techniques of hypnotizing chickens) approached the tradeswoman and asked if she had good chickens, to which she replied, not without pride: “Look for yourself how strong and healthy! "

Then the joker quickly took one chicken, then a second, a third, quickly turned them onto their backs, and, to the horror of the hostess, they froze like dead on the counter.

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A turkey is easy to hypnotize, too. The bird's head is tucked under the wing and then rocked - so to speak, lull it to sleep. She almost immediately falls into a hypnotic sleep that can last for several hours. The more often hypnotic sessions with animals are repeated, the easier they fall into a state of hypnosis and the weaker their resistance becomes.

The main conclusion made by V. Ya. Danilevsky, studying hypnosis in animals, is as follows: hypnosis is "an emotional, purely reflexive inhibition of thinking and will." It is based on the emotion of fear. Later, this circumstance was successfully used by specialists in the field of hypnosis when creating methods of emotional-stress psychotherapy for people suffering from alcoholism.

Fear, severe fright, uncomfortable and unusual body position can cause in animals a kind of paralysis, numbness, shock. Such, for example, is the paralyzing effect of snakes on birds.

In addition, everyone is well aware that fear, severe fright sometimes cause a kind of paralysis of will and thinking in a person: he stops rooted to the spot or “freezes” for some time in a state of inhibition, losing the ability to think or move. Such techniques for hypnotizing people belong to the group of techniques that cause confusion, surprise, and emotional shock.

Psychotherapists also use the technique of confusion, which takes the patient by surprise, breaking the chain of his logical reasoning, and then a trance state occurs. Close to confusion is the surprise experienced by a person from what he heard, saw or felt.

Psychological shock, fear is a very effective method of inducing a hypnotic state in a person. It is often used by stage hypnotists to induce trance quickly.

The hypnosis specialist must be proficient in animal hypnosis techniques. This allows you to improve your skills in non-verbal techniques and expand the range of your professional capabilities.

Continuing to consider hypnosis in animals, it should be noted that the state of hypnosis is easy to induce in frogs.

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The frog needs to be turned over on its back, put on the table and hold its legs pressed to the body for several seconds. If you then gently withdraw your hand, the frog will remain motionless.

You can give the frog's body one or another pose, for example, sit it with crossed legs, stretch one leg forward, and press the other to the chest - and it will freeze in this position. This phenomenon of waxy flexibility of joints and muscles is called catalepsy.

Along with the suppression of movements and catalepsy, a distinctive feature of animals in hypnosis is a decrease in sensitivity - anesthesia. These phenomena are observed both in hypnotized animals and in humans in hypnotic sleep.

But what about other representatives of the animal world? It turns out that an individual approach is needed here. Finding him is sometimes very difficult. The Hungarian scientist F. Veldengy cites interesting observations about the methods of hypnotizing various birds and animals:

“... The attendants managed to put a chain on our lion and lead him out of the cage. First four, and then six people fought for a long time to turn him over on his back. I wanted to hypnotize the beast according to the usual method. In the end, seizing the right moment, I managed to sit on his ridge, clasp his head from behind, and in this position, gazing intently into his eyes, induce a hypnotic numbness in him. When I jumped off him and walked to the side, he remained for several minutes in an unusual position for him ...

The most dangerous, however, were experiments with crocodiles. The management of the zoo warned that they would not be responsible for my life and health. I knew that if a lizard is restricted from its ability to move freely, then it falls into a hypnotic stupor. It seemed to me that this method can be used in order to hypnotize a crocodile. As you know, these are not very friendly creatures. Already at the age of several months, the crocodile will not miss the opportunity to grab a person's hand. What can we say about adult specimens. But when I sharply grabbed the crocodile by the neck and squeezed it, the reptile, to the surprise of the zoo attendants, immediately became motionless. One by one, the crocodiles became numb, remaining in this state for many hours. They could be turned over on their backs, kicked - they didn’t react to it ”.

It turned out to be very easy to hypnotize the guinea pigs. There are two ways to do this. The first is to grab the animal by the ear and lift it up, lightly stroking it. It is curious that in this case the animal loses the ability to perceive sounds and smells, reflexes are noticeably weakened. But visual perceptions enter the brain - the pig's eyes remain open.

You can hypnotize a guinea pig in another way - lightly squeezing your nose with your fingers. She almost immediately becomes numb and remains in this position for a long time. By the way, this method is also suitable for bears - both brown and white. By stroking a beast's nose, it is easy to make it non-aggressive. On occasion, everyone can be convinced of the effectiveness of this simple method.

Physiologists believe that when an animal is forcibly brought into an unnatural position for it, and its attempts to regain its natural posture are met with insurmountable resistance, the animal's nervous system cannot withstand the enormous overexcitation that goes beyond the endurance of the nerve cells. And then the so-called transcendental inhibition occurs, which is a protective protective process that saves cells from overvoltage and from death. The process of transcendental inhibition can occur in the nervous system as a result of exposure to the body of any superstrong stimulus.

Such a super-strong irritant for frogs and rabbits will be the appearance of a snake. Frogs and rabbits freeze at the sight of a snake. This state of immobilization is misinterpreted by many, attributing snakes to the ability to hypnotize.

IP Pavlov reveals the biological meaning of this phenomenon: “Before a huge force, upon meeting with which there is no salvation for an animal either in struggle or in flight, there is a chance to remain whole - precisely in immobility ... in order to be unnoticed, since the moving objects especially attract attention ... Such "freezing" is a dream, only partial, localized. Obviously, numbness in a person, "tetanus" in cases of strong fear is exactly the same reflex just described. "

In animals, there are many types of drowsiness, reminiscent of the state of sleep. One of them includes the concept of "animal hypnosis", or "akinesis" (torpor). Can animal hypnosis be compared to hypnosis in humans? The difference, first of all, is that during hypnosis of animals there is absolutely no verbal command, the execution of orders during a hypnotic state.

We meet with the phenomenon of akinesis not only in vertebrates (from mammals to fish), but also in many invertebrates, such as crayfish, insects, etc. The further we move away from humans, the more difficult it is for us to make any comparisons. And, nevertheless, all this variety of types of passive and immobile state does not exclude an attempt to find something in common in them.

Thanatosis also belongs to the group of phenomena associated with the hypnotic state of an animal. It consists in the fact that the animal "pretends" to be dead. The phenomenon of thanatosis has been found in a number of animals, from mammals to insects, although the forms of its manifestation are different. It has been established that thanatosis serves animals as a means of protection from enemies. For example, insectivorous birds do not pay attention to an insect if it is in a state of thanatosis. If a sparrow, once in its teeth, falls into a state of thanatosis, the cat abandons it.


The classic animal hypnosis experience is a well-known miracle experiment conducted as early as 1646 by Kircher. He hypnotized the chicken: he tied its paws, then quickly threw it on the table and drew a chalk line, starting from the tip of the chicken's beak and further along the axis of its body length. The chicken remained motionless.

Subsequent experiments showed that it is not at all necessary to bind the paws of the animal, and it is not necessary to draw a chalk line. It is enough to instantly turn the animal onto its back and for a very short time to concentrate this position, that is, simply to hold the animal. The moment of instant is especially important.

Such hypnosis of animals also has some practical significance: when weighing live birds in a zoo or during ringing.

The secret of the snake charmers

Since ancient times, snake charmers have used certain techniques with which they "lull" poisonous snakes. In Egypt, they take a spectacle snake (naya haye) for demonstration. She is sensitive to the slightest movement around her, while showing her "hat" (swells her neck). If the snake at this moment, that is, at the moment when it is in an excited state, is grabbed by the head from behind and lightly pressed with a finger in the back of the head, the snake immediately falls into a state of immobility; after that, you can safely do whatever you want with it - as if it were not a poisonous snake, but an ordinary cloth ribbon.

The same method of "lulling" is used by snake charmers in India and Morocco. You can get the snake out of the akinesis state instantly, you just have to blow on it. Scientists have debated a lot about whether such hypnosis can be considered a dream. And they came to the conclusion that, although the hypnotized animal closes its eyes, nevertheless, this state can in no way be regarded as a dream. If we take into account the increasing respiration of the animal, then we can come to the conclusion that the animal, on the contrary, is in an excited state.

Frog and toad are easily hypnotized. They are simply placed between the palms of the hands and quickly flipped onto their backs. In a frog, in some cases, hypnosis persists even after it is lifted by its paw. Chickens are also subjected to rather deep hypnosis: during hypnotic sleep, they can be lifted by their paws or by the comb, without fear of waking them up.

Many invertebrates lose any ability to move only because they find themselves in an unnatural position for them, for example, a crayfish, if placed in a position resembling a tripod, where two pincers and the front of the head serve as support points. Whether such an unnatural position for cancer can be considered as a dream is difficult to answer, since scientists cannot yet distinguish a sleeping cancer from a cancer that is awake.

A similar experiment, only with locusts, was carried out by the scientist P. Schmidt. He called it "cataleptic bridge". Locusts the length of a finger are placed so that only the front and back of the body serve as points of support. Pebbles weighing several grams are placed in the middle of the insect's body, which does not have any support. And locusts, in general, extremely sensitive to all stimuli from outside, such as light, electric current, shocks, falling, etc., in a state of hypnosis does not react at all to most stimuli.

Other experiments show that the well-known moth, or land surveyor, at the slightest danger, for example, when a bird appears, behaves in the same way as the locust in Schmidt's experiment - it freezes in a motionless state.

Thanatosis, that is, a condition in which an animal behaves as if it were dead, is undoubtedly the most effective means of protecting small animals and insects from a stronger enemy.


Once, during one of his travels in Central Africa, the outstanding English traveler David Livingstone unexpectedly encountered a lion, which grabbed him and carried him away.

Here is what Livingston himself writes about this case: “The lion growled disgustingly in my ears and shook me from side to side as a terrier does with a rat caught in his teeth. The shock I received caused a numbness similar to that which probably occurs in a mouse caught in the mouth of a cat. The numbness caused a complete anesthesia of the body: despite the fact that I was fully conscious, I did not feel any pain or fright. The state in which I was was similar to the state of a patient laid on an operating table: a patient under the influence of chloroform sees the movements of the scalpel, but does not feel any pain. The truly amazing state in which I was, in no case can be considered as a result of the conscious process of my brain. It was a shock that caused the fear to disappear. "

Feeling that the human body does not show any signs of life, the lion left him alone for a short time, thereby giving Livingston the opportunity to recover and avoid the mortal danger that threatened him.

This amazing case proves once again that thanatosis of an animal in the face of impending danger is very often an instinctive act of self-defense. Often, a hypnotic state can only be preceded by a mental effect, without any physical touch. This is, for example, the state of an animal, the moment of "bewitching" it with a snake.

Ringed (which, like a snake, rushes at its prey as soon as it moves) becomes absolutely powerless in front of a motionless sitting frog. The state of immobility guarantees the frog safety. But as soon as she flinches, she rushes at her with lightning speed.

Some species of frogs and toads, at the sight of a snake approaching them, take any unnatural posture: they protrude their paws forward, swell strongly or rush towards the snake, which often makes it flee.

All these examples show that the phenomena associated with the generalized concept of "animal hypnosis" are very, very different. Some of them, of course, are aimed at bringing benefits to the animal, and in other cases, to save his life. The meaning and significance of a number of other phenomena are less clear to us. However, we can almost always observe that such a state occurs when the weak meets the strong, as a result of opposition from the victim.

Modern psychological practice welcomes completely different methods of influence: consultations, art therapy and even hypnosis - video sessions with the correct application of hypnosis can even be viewed online.

However, before you begin to master the basics of real hypnosis, study the secrets of the magnetic gaze and try to apply them in everyday life, remember some rules.

  1. Of course, in order to hypnotize a person, we you must have his consent... The only way. Your ward must completely trust you, otherwise it will not be possible to establish contact.
  2. Use hypnosis for positive purposes only... Of course, it will not be difficult for a real professional to put a person into a state of hypnotic sleep in just 2 seconds. However, a special license is required to use hypnosis for medical and psychological purposes. At home, we can put a person into a state of superficial trance, when he fully begins to concentrate on his inner feelings. A similar practice is used by yogis.
  3. Remember the main rule is not to harm... Teach the person to get out of hypnosis correctly.

Hypnosis is an altered experience of consciousness.

It should not be confused with a dream. During hypnosis, the characterization of the imagination is structured on the basis of suggestion. As you know, almost any person can be hypnotized. The one who is most susceptible to hypnosis is the one who is relaxed... So, before you hypnotize a person, you need to relax him. This process takes place during the first stage of hypnosis.

As soon as you establish contact with your subject, ask him about previous experiences of hypnosis, and make sure that he is ready to follow your commands.

So, let's move on to the initial stage of hypnosis - relaxation. Ask the person take a comfortable position in a darkened room. Make sure in advance that no one bothers you. For the transition to the relaxation stage, you need to prepare not only your partner, but also yourself. Namely - to choose phrases with which you will immerse your ward into relaxation, train your voice, and control intonation. You can learn all this on your own. Dig into thematic literature, after which you will be able to operate with words and sentences that can relax any person.

However, relaxation alone is not enough to hypnotize a person. Gradually your the voice should become more impressive, you will have to switch your partner's attention to immersion in hypnosis. The central sensation here remains peace and tranquility. Your phrases should be suggestive and your voice should sound monotonous and natural.

Hypnosis and getting out of it

The next step is hypnosis itself. In such a state, a person loses the ability to look critically at things... At the same time, he will remember and realize everything. If you are not yet confident in your suggestion skills, try hypnotizing your cat.

There are different techniques:

  • you can stroke the animal and it will trust you and simply fall asleep;
  • you can use the moment of surprise and catch the animal while jumping, take it by the scruff of the neck and turn it over in the air;
  • use mechanical methods of influence: the cat looks at the washing machine or at the clock, etc.

There are plenty of videos on how to learn hypnosis. And you can try to hypnotize both animals and people. Remember that for every person individual phrases and methods work exposure during hypnosis. However, never try to scare or do anything illegal.

The fact that a person is immersed in a state of hypnosis will notify you even breathing and a peaceful look... Try to match the rhythm of his breathing. Do not speak very quickly, but do not draw out words either.

Coming out of hypnosis will be a relatively small stage. Get the man out slowly but surely... For example, count out loud to five and ask to open your eyes. Remember to emphasize that it was a positive experience and ask the person to talk about how they felt.

How to Learn Hypnosis: Simple Exercises

Sessions are sessions, but the question remains unresolved: how to learn hypnosis? They will help you with this. simple exercises with a drawn dot that must be looked at every day.

Since the simplest method is to hypnotize with the gaze, we will learn how to control it. Have you ever watched how a person can stop an intruder or pacify an angry animal with one glance? There is nothing fantastic in this, it just lends itself to such a skill as magnetic gaze... And it can be easily developed in oneself.

To start draw a dot on a piece of paper, the diameter of which is equal to two centimeters. Hang the piece of paper 2-3 meters from your eyes. Concentrate your gaze on this point, try to look at it for 5 minutes without blinking. When you're good at it, increase the time.

Further complicate the exercise- move around the room and look at the point on the wall. If your eyes are suddenly watery, then continue to look at the point in a static position. Repeat the exercise every day and you will succeed. After a while, place several sheets of paper with dots drawn on them on the wall at once. After that, you need to concentrate your gaze on each point alternately.

Through daily exercise, you will learn to focus your gaze and be able to hypnotize a person to follow orders. Of course, the concept of an order is conditional - they must be clear and simple... Do not force the person to do what you would not want for yourself.

The fact that a person can be put into a state of trance, in which he can be forced to obey the commands of the hypnotist, is no longer news to anyone. But is animal hypnosis possible?

Animal hypnosis - fiction or reality

Initially, there were two separate theories explaining the phenomenon of hypnosis in animals - physiological and psychological. The psychological hypothesis was put forward immediately after the first successful experiment in the introduction of hypnosis in animals. It was conducted back in the 17th century by Ataiasius Kircher, a German monk and scientist-inventor. He laid the chicken tied up on the board, then drew a chalk line from its beak. As a result, the chicken remained motionless for some time, even after being untied.

Based on the results of this experiment, the following assumption was made. Kircher believed that the chicken ceases to resist when it realizes the futility of the fight. When unties the bird's paws, it continues to lie in the position imposed on it, because it perceives the drawn line as the bonds that previously tied it. Thus, in psychological theory, the main role was given to the influence of the thinking and emotions of the animal.

Subsequent animal experiments changed the way the chicken goes into trance. Everything turned out to be much simpler. It is enough just to turn the bird into a certain position for it to freeze in it. The German physiologist W. Peyer learned to bring various animals (hypnosis of dogs, cats, birds, rabbits) into a motionless state with lightning speed. This gave birth to a purely physiological explanation of the state of hypnosis in animals. Scientists have concluded that immobility occurs as a result of changes in motor skills. At the same time, the mechanism of muscular fixation in animals was compared with the stiffness of the body when using certain methods of hypnotic suggestion in relation to humans.

However, the explanation of the phenomenon solely from a physiological or psychological point of view remained unsatisfactory. This was the beginning of the modern view of animal hypnosis, based on the ideas of Charles Darwin. The state of immobility of the animal, reminiscent of the cataleptic type of hypnosis in humans, is explained by the animal's instinctive reaction to the threat. If the predator is very close or has already grabbed the prey, then there is a better chance of surviving pretending to be dead than if you try to run away or start fighting back. Indeed, most animals in nature disdain to eat carrion, as there is a risk of poisoning.

This instinct is triggered when the hypnotist turns over and holds the animal by force. If the victim does not find salvation neither in struggle nor in flight, then nothing else remains but to freeze. Thus, the observed trance state is an animal's attempt to find salvation in a situation that is assessed as life-threatening.

Domestic physiologist V. Danilevsky found out what happens during hypnosis of experimental animals with their bodies. During trance, there is an inhibition of the motor centers in the brain and a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes. The animal can be pricked, cut or pulled hard on the limb. However, the animal will not react to pain. As a result of the research, a conclusion was drawn, which is adhered to in the scientific world to the present: hypnosis in animals occurs as an exclusively reflexive inhibition of the cerebral cortex.

How to hypnotize animals

Why Practice Animal Hypnosis? There are three main goals that can be achieved in this lesson.

  1. Good fun. Demonstration performances, including pet hypnosis, will delight not only children, but also surprise your adult friends and relatives. In case of success with hypnosis, it is the animals that do not raise questions, and not whether the hypnotized person was deliberately playing along with you.
  2. Scientific research. Correlation of unusual conditions in animals and humans can reveal the secrets of the human brain.
  3. Honing

Animal hypnosis is usually needed for entertainment. If you want to master the techniques of hypnosis and become a professional hypnotist, we recommend taking online training from a psychologist-hypnologist. Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

How to hypnotize a cat at home

To hypnosis a cat, an adult animal, but not too old, should be selected as the test subject. It is better to pre-feed the animal in order to inspire confidence in him. Felines are rather obstinate creatures.

Put the cat on some kind of hill - a bedside table, a chest of drawers, a table, the back of a sofa. Play with him so that he wants to jump down. At the time of the jump, the animal must be caught, turned over in flight and carefully placed. From surprise, the animal will fall into a state of catalepsy. Try to place the cat on something soft so that it doesn't wake up from hitting a hard surface. Do not forget to say the command "Sleep!" To make the right impression on the audience. The condition will last for about 30 seconds. Remember that loud noises can awaken the animal ahead of time.

Let's look at another way to hypnotize a cat. This method is best used on young animals. You need to take the animal by the scruff of the neck in the place where the mother cat takes the kittens with her teeth when she carries them. The animal instinctively succumbs and stops moving so as not to interfere with the actions of the mother, in this case yours.

Now you know how to hypnotize a cat at home. Let's move on to the dogs.

How to hypnotize your dog at home

It is necessary to turn the animal over on its back and begin to gently stretch it by the lower legs and head in opposite directions until the muscle tone subsides. After the dog is frozen, you can roll it to one side. You can get your pet out of paralysis by clapping your hands.

Is it possible to hypnotize animals

Many people ask the question, is not such an effect harmful to pets? Since it has to be scared to get an animal into a cataleptic state, it can be quite a stressful experience for cats and dogs. Do not repeat this trick too often. If you are afraid of hurting your pet, try telepathic suggestion. Of course, the phenomenon of telepathy has not yet been confirmed by science, but the ability of pets to sense their owners even at a distance is beyond doubt.

How to hypnotize a dog using telepathic suggestion

Leave the room where the animal is, close your eyes and imagine in all colors how you are going to go for a walk with her: how you put on your shoes, put on a coat, bequeath your pet and open the door. Do the exercise at a time other than your usual walks. If the animal happily runs into the room or runs to the front door, wagging its tail, the experiment can be considered a success.

Now try the same method, but with some unpleasant event for your pet. For example, your pet doesn't like to swim. Think about the preparations for the procedure and see how the animal reacts. If the dog hid or looks at you with a plaintive look, then it worked.

How to hypnotize a chicken

And here is another harmless trick that will make a proper impression on toddlers. Place a dark cloth over the bird's head. Chickens see very poorly in the dark, completely losing their orientation in space. The animal will be immobilized until you remove the cape.