How to make a family genealogion. Family tree. Little accession: useful habit - write

Elena Kiseleuva

Practitioner genealogy.

Everyone at least once thought about her roots. Of course, we know the place of birth of our parents. If lucky, we are familiar with the history of grandparents. So what is next? Decralation, war and repression made a lot of information from family archives. Yes, and the system of passports in Russia has been introduced relatively recently - at the beginning of the twentieth century. Until this time, documentary information about a person was kept in government agencies or in churches.

Because of this, families have only vague memories and legends about the progenitors. But the older and the wiser you become, the more clearly you understand how important it is to know your roots. Tell me how to get information about your ancestors.

Step one. Organization of the information storage system

Pedigree is a family archive that implies the storage system. Option of such a system - sites for the preparation of pedigrees.

Their advantages:

  • The ability to access from different devices and anywhere in the world.
  • The ability to upload photos, documents and other information.
  • The opportunity to invite relatives to the site, who will be able to make information and share their documents and photographs.

After selecting a suitable site, fill in personal cards on each relative with the information that is currently.

Step second. Selling family documents and photos

Surely somewhere on the mezzanine, everyone has a box, or even a suitcase with such a heritage. Forgotten documents, photos, postcards, letters and other traces of history can be useful. Carefully read and analyze their contents.

Pay attention to:

  • Dates in documents. Make dates and related events in a card file for each person. In building a pedigree dates - key starting points for subsequent work in the archive.
  • Signatures from the back side of photos. Sometimes together with the year, when the photo was taken, you can meet the age, which allows you to calculate the year of birth. Open the frames with old photos. On the back, you can find the cherished dates and other elements of the ancestors.
  • Photos of relatives in shape. On the outfit, you can understand the born of troops and the Chin of the Military, as well as to approximately determine the year of photographs, if it is not specified on the turnover. Not trouble if you are not an expert in this area. Now on many genealogy forums (for example, the Genealogical Forum of the WGD), you can find the enthusiasts that will help with pleasure with expertise.

At this stage, the gaps in family history are often detected. For example, you can find a photo with a person unknown to you or, on the contrary, do not meet any card of your beloved grandfather. Perhaps the documents will open earlier unknown facts that you want to know more about.

Step Three. Communication with relatives

Surely you have had many questions after selecting photos and documents. To miss anything and make a more complete picture of the ancestor, in conversation with use these questions:

  • Surname, name and patronymic (for a woman - maiden name).
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Date and place of burial, if there is no living person.
  • Surname, first name and patronymic of Father and Mother.
  • Nationality.
  • Brothers and sisters, their dates of life.
  • Children, their dates of life.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of his wife (husband).
  • Where and when I studied, what kind of education received, who is in the specialty.
  • The occupation and place of classes: where, by whom and when he worked.
  • In which events that had widespread social importance participated (war, the development of the north or virgin).
  • Religion.
  • Awards, titles.
  • Which class was related (until 1917).
  • Character features, interests, inclinations.
  • Sources of human information: Publications in the press, network, letters, memories.

Fix answers during a conversation in a convenient format. Make a note about the source of information: specify the name, first name and patronymic of a relative, who he has to be studied ancestor, the current date.

Ask, perhaps your relative has photos of ancestor or documents from which you can find out additional facts of life. But you should not be limited to them. At this step, there is a filling of facts and dry dates by emotions and memories. Record all interesting events, even if they did not have a significant impact on the course of family history.

Step fourth. Web search

Our ancestors did not find a boom of social networks. Information about them is stored on paper in government agencies. However, some of the information on the network can still be found. So, in recent years, a lot of data from the military archives of the first and second world wars has been discharged, digitized and published.

Information can be found on these resources:

  • World War II 1914-1918. Alphabetic lists of loss of lower ranks.
  • The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
  • VIPC "Fatherland".

In all databases, a search string is running where you can drive the desired surname and in the drop-down lists find the necessary person. In some bases there is an opportunity to see and download the original document, where your ancestor will be mentioned.

All databases were created manually by transferring data from paper sources. Therefore, when searching should consider the human factor and look for the surname in different variations.

Pitch fifth. Work with archival documents

In archival documents, you can find information related to personal data: FULL NAME, date of birth, death date, marriage date. Depending on the statute of limitations and type of document, information can be stored in the registry office or archives of the city. On the sites of these institutions, the conditions for the provision of similar services, timing and address where to contact are specified.

Communicable for search are the name, year and place of the human birth, the information about which you request.

In both institutions, electronic requests can be sent, but the registry office will ask for information to come personally with a document certifying the personality, and asks the person who is requested by information.

The archive is responsible for a month. In response, a receipt for payment for services is sent to the request.

After receiving payment, employees proceed to the search, which can last another month.

You may say that information on this person is absent in the archive. This may occur if one of the three criteria was unreliable. In this case, it is recommended to expand the search for the search by year or neighboring settlements.

If the search was crowned with success, you will receive a certificate from the archive about your ancestor. It will indicate all the information that is in the original source, but the archive does not send a copy of the historical document itself. If you are interested in a copy, specify the clock of the reception and order of admission to the documents and visit the archive personally.

If you live or often in the countries of Europe or the United States, there is another option. The database on the residents of the former CIS countries has the Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days (Mormons). In the 90s, they traveled the archives and digitized most of the documents: metric books, population censuses, and audio fairy tales. For a relatively small amount, you can access this information. The data is stored in the main office of Mormons in Salt Lake City in the form of microfilms that can be viewed only on the equipment located on the territory of churches in the cities of Europe and the USA.

Microfilms are ordered on the FamilySearch website. There you can choose a comfortable city and make payment. Shipment takes about a month. The site indicates that copying materials is prohibited, but not everything is so hopeless. The argument "I specifically flew to these goals from a distant Russia" is considered weighty, and permission to get quite possible.

Drawing up a pedigree is a fascinating process similar to archaeological excavations and a detective work. When you find information about the ancestors, there is a feeling that I found a treasure. And it is not far from the truth, because this bit of family history is really priceless.

Learn your pedigree, meaning to learn your origin. It may be relevant to carriers of famous names, for people whose ancestors were famous people.

But even those who have not been famous and those who entered the history of the ancestors often want to know their own genealogy to confirm or disprove various family stories that are transmitted from generation to generation.

It is better to know and comprehend the history of your family to find your roots, understand the meaning of your own actions and character traits - all this will help to make a pedigree tree.

How can one get a pedigree tree

Information about the pedigree must somehow systematize and prevent the most understandable and aesthetic as possible. Genealogical data obtained by research can be represented in different formats, but the most popular representation is a pedigree tree.

Several generation information can be presented in various types.

  • Presented only direct descendants - The tree is strongly branched, the external level includes a large number of people.
  • Presented all known ancestors - The tree has cut-off side branches to provide information as compact as possible.
  • Tree includes all family members who bear one last name - branches of married relatives on the female line are cut off.

The criteria of systematization can be different, and depending on the selected version, the design of the genealogical tree is selected.

Even small-scale genealogical studies may include a large amount of information found.
What to say about a full study in which the genus is restored to 10-12 knees.

In any case, it will take the use of an organized methodical approach to store open information. And to display the visual design of the genealogical tree design.

Designer pedigree tree

This type of design is a layout that is done individually for each family. Photographic paper or foamarton serve as the basis for layout. The size can be different - it depends on the number of persons included in the tree and the degree of its branching.

The basic version of the design of the Tree includes the work of the historian to systematize information about all the relatives known to you, the development of an individual layout of the tree, design and print of the tree on the photo paper (format: 61x200 cm) or foam-mocarton (format: from 56x84 cm to 1200x1200 cm).



Artistic pedigree tree

This is not just systematic information, but a work of art. The decoration of the pedigree in artistic style is carried out by an illustrator-professional, which uses printing equipment or watercolor for work.

Next, the result is reproduced on the canvas with the high quality plotter printing. This method allows you to get a digital image of the highest quality without losing the sensation of handmade.

Standard picture format on the subframe - 150x90 cm. The resulting "picture" of the family history is inserted into the frame from the baguette. It looks such a tree solid and fascinating, and it can be a decoration of any home.

Folding pedigree tree

The folding tree is made in the original style - as an old railway card. Manufacturing is carried out manually. The "Map" has a luxurious cover of genuine leather. Such format is convenient for storing in the office or on the regiment of the family library.

Tree six

Schjere - Perhaps the most original and interesting way to make a pedigree. In traditional style, but using the most modern technologies, such design looks very decorative and effectively.

Applied only natural materials:

  • parchment;
  • wood;
  • canvas thread.

Parchment is tensioned onto a wooden frame and fixed with canvas filaments. On the parchment information is applied manually. The resulting panel is aged to achieve maximum naturalistic.

Carved panel of the genealogical tree from the wood massif

Your family tree is cut on a wood array that is made of high-quality teak rocks and is treated with a special oil from drying out. Looks like such a tree very impressive and solid.

Whatever option you choose, professionals working in the company's family traditions "Christian" will be able to design in such a way that they will satisfy the requirements of the most demanding customers.

How to order registration of a pedigree tree

If you have a desire to explore your origins and family roots, you need to contact our experts. Qualified experienced historians have been working on the successful search for the most lost personalities for many years, they will help not only find the necessary information, but also to systematize it.

Professional artists, designers, illustrators will offer a version of the design that will arrange you and will have to do with all your relatives.

You can order the service by calling by calling the message by email or arriving at our office personally. The cost of services and the end result depends on the depth and scale of searching for information about your ancestors, as well as from the selected version of the designer design.

The pedigree tree is more than the designation of family lines, branches, a certain number of names, surnames and portraits. This is a trip to the past, to the origins, and the robust link of this past with the present and future.

How the tree grows, each family is growing, and each family is growing - from the most ancient ancestors (roots) to young representatives of the genus (green leaves). Mom and dads in the family tree can be compared with branches, grandparents - with a strong trunk.

It is thanks to such an association that a schematic representation of the pedigrees of each family is called the genealogical tree (trees).

The content of the article:

Preparation options for genealogical trees

There are several options for the design of the family tree of the family. Traditionally, the pedigree is drawn up from its impetus, the most ancient one of the people known in the family. Then this ancestor is depicted at the head of the family, and the branches of his offspring, including the marriages of children, grandchildren, etc., are schematically diverged. The better the family knows its story, the more careful refers to the preservation of the memory of the ancestors, the coming to the branches of its genealogical tree. Many famous names know and honor the story of a kind of 200-300 years.

In schools, to draw up a student portfolio or within the framework of the task, the lesson is asked to make another type of genealogical tree, when the child itself is put on the family, and branches go to parents from him, from them to grandparents. This is usually enough, but if there is information about great-grandmothers and great-grandfather (and deeper roots) - it is advisable to provide it.

The preparation of the genealogical tree along with the child is a fairly exciting occupation, and not just a boring school obligation. If parents understand this, they will hold a lot of exciting minutes in the company with a child, remembering their own childhood, telling about their grandparents, who they were in their profession, what they remember them, what interesting stories from their lives know.

By catching a child to preserve the memory of generations, you will give this tradition and him - and who knows, perhaps, after many, many years your family tree can boast a lush crown with a lot of branches.

How to make a genealogical tree of the family with their own hands?

To begin with, draw the draft tree, on which we mark the family members of the child (direct relatives): their names and initials, dates of life. Wheel photos of family members - the tree will cease to be an impersonal, it will not be just a dry list of surnames and dates, but a graphic image of the family.

Choose a tree making method. If the teacher is allowed, it will be great if the child draws it with his own hands (pencils or paints), and you enter the photo and sign the data.

A combined option is possible: Print the pattern with a tree and get the signed photo cards on it.

You can create a genealogical tree of the family with your own hands in the usual Word, in Pent, Photoshop and other graphical editors. There are online programs for compiling graphic family pedigree.

However, the easiest option is the printout of the finished selection of the genealogical tree.

Family tree: Patterns for filling

To open the image in full, click on it.

The genealogical tree is a kind of tribute to the ancestors. So we are trying to express all the love and gratitude to our relatives: grandparents and forefathers. Make a family tree with their own hands is quite simple, especially if the pedigree is known in advance.

How to make a genealogical tree correctly?

Options for drawing a pedigree a huge amount. You can draw a pencil family with your own hands, and use the ready-made template. However, before starting to work, think over in advance the main points:

  1. How well do you know your family? And it is not only about grandparents, grandfathers, mom with dad and aunts. Think about deeper family roots. To do this, ask your relatives or extract the family archive with photos.
  2. Then think the essence of the tree construction itself and make an exemplary sketch. The photo is preferably in two directions: bottom up or vice versa. But note that a clear relationship between one family member with another should be traced on the tree.
  3. In addition to names and surnames, you can specify the dates of birth, as well as this or that person is you. Of course, if there is no such information about all family members, then it is not worth doing this.
  4. You can decorate your pedigree in various ways. For example, come up with or paste the ready-made family coat of arms, place on canvas vignettes - small photos in the frame, as well as write the name of the relative with beautiful venselted letters.

To create a family tree, prepare templates will be useful. We carry out several basic options for your consideration:

And now, when all aspects are considered and templates are selected, it's time to move to practice.

Collect all relatives and ancestors together

This master class is offered as a visual example, how to make a family tree of the family with their own hands. You can modify it at your discretion. For example, try instead of leaflets to glue photos of relatives or paint with multi-colored paints.

Necessary materials:

  • photo frame in the form of a book;
  • thick color cardboard;
  • a pen;
  • hole punch with leaflets;
  • glue pistol;
  • dry branches.

Process description:

How to draw a family tree with your own hands, we figured out, now it's time to decide on the options for its design in the interior of the apartment. And here, in truth, methods can be a huge amount.

The pride of the apartment or a large cozy house, of course, will be a genealogic tree painted on the wall. To do this, you need to raise photos of relatives on branches depending on related links. The barrel itself can be performed in the form of painting walls or cut the base from multi-colored adhesive tape.

Skilled craftsmen and needlewomen will create a real tree, for example, from gypsum. The main thing is to think through the scheme for placing photos and prepare for each of them a separate place in different parts of the trunk.

No less beautiful from aesthetic point of view, a pedigree in a conventional photo frame looks. Here you can show fantasy and decorate the tree to your taste.

You knit well or sew, and maybe own the embroidery cross? Why not apply these skills in practice, creating unique interior items? It can be an original pillow with embroidery, tablecloth or beautiful napkins with a pedigree.

The tree of such a plan can be printed on the computer, for this there are many online services. The main thing is to choose the right font and beautiful paper. It will be nice to look a pedigree on glossy paper for photos. The finished genealogical tree can be hanging into the frame on the wall or store along with family photos.

Interested can independently assemble information about living and left relatives, for many it becomes a family hobby. If you do not have time to collect and analyze data, order the genealogical examination from professionals from the House of Family Traditions "Christian".

What is a genealogical tree

Genealogical data can be represented in different formats, including in the form of an ancestral or pedigree scheme.

The depth of branching covers several generations, and the information presented on the tree may be different types:

  • If the tree shows all the direct descendants of a particular personIt has a strongly branched structure with a large number of persons at the external level.
  • The tree may include all the famous ancestors of the living person now. In this case, the side branches are cut off for a more compact display of information.
  • Sometimes the tree covers all family members with a specific surname.For example, the descendants of the male line. At the same time, married descendants on the female line are compared.

It makes sense to limit the preparation of the genealogical tree according to one of these criteria so that the resulting scheme did not look over the scheme did not look cumbersome and it was possible to consider related links on all branches.

To improve clarity next to the name of the ancestor, it often places his dates of birth and death. If the space allows, you can turn on the date of marriage and place of birth.

The image of a pedigree in the form of a tree probably came from the Bible where it was used to illustrate the genealogy of Christ.
The most extensive genealogical tree in the world is the pedigree of the Chinese thinker Confucius. It covers more than 80 generations and includes more than two million people.

Why make a genealogical tree

What reasons encourage people to spend time studying their pedigree? For example, the owners of famous surnames want to find out if they are related to relatives with a famous historical person.

Someone is trying to understand why it has strong resemblance to the ancestor on the old family portraitor get information about the progenitor, in whose honor was named. Research will help learn more about parents, grandparents after their death.

Restoration of the genealogical tree will determine whether family history about the ancestors is true, to solve disputes on the origin of family relics and gain a deeper understanding of the Praded's participation in any historical event. In addition, you can:

  • save culture and family traditions, especially if the ancestors were emigrated to another country;
  • assess the risk of obtaining certain hereditary diseases, analyzing the causes of the death of remote ancestors;
  • find now living relativeswith which you have common progenitors.

In addition to satisfying simple human curiosity, the preparation of the genealogical tree of his family has a deep philosophical content.

It will help to understand the answers to three important questions., who underlie all religions of the world:

  • Where does I come from? This question is closely related to the past and helps to understand where your ancestors come from and how they turned out where you are today.
  • Why am I here? Understanding that led you to this situation helps to determine your place in life.
  • What will happen next? If you turn the genealogical tree and look at it from the point of view of the Founder's ancestor, you will see what is the future of many generations that were before you.

Family tree - It is more than just a set of several family lines stretched through the timeline. In fact, this is a story in a personal scale, a trip through many lives, woven together past, present and future.

What to pay attention to the preparation of the genealogical tree

To make a genealogical tree, you must understand the true size of your family. Most people tend to underestimate this parameter, as they build their vision on the number of relevant relatives known to them and do not take into the calculation of remote family representatives, which are found during the search for information. The amount of time that is spent on the study of the pedigree depends on the number of members of your family.

The genealogical type of medium size describes a family history for about 150 years, which represents about five generations.
In such a pedigree, taking into account both of both parents in each knee, a total of 63 members of one family are present. If you or your parents have brothers and sisters, the number of representatives increases.

For example, if each pair of your ancestors had three children, this number becomes equal to 5840 potential relatives on a single genealogical tree. And this is excluding families of the second halves of your ancestors in a straight line.

How to cope with the compilation of a big family tree?

The popular approach is built on the electoral study of the separate branch of deep into the decades ago. Another opportunity is to build a family tree horizontally when all the well-known branches are recorded, representatives of which are still alive for today (aunt, uncle, cousins \u200b\u200band sisters).

In practice, most people are trying to make a genealogical tree of the family horizontally and vertically simultaneously.

In this case, a selective approach is usually used, choosing which branches to make first. As a rule, the farther back in time you go, the more efforts and resources are necessary to collect information.

Stages of the preparation of the genealogical tree

Genealogical examination and communication with relatives

At the stage of the genealogical examination, the systematization of all detected archival documents is carried out, the proteotype of the genealogical tree is drawn up and the search depth is estimated.

This is the initial stage of any genealogical research,
According to the results of which the gaps are found in the information and the algorithms for an in-depth search are determined.

You will need to send requests to archives. to search for documentary sources of information:

  • birth certificate;
  • records of baptism;
  • marriage certificate;
  • immigration documents;
  • death certificate.

Sometimes it is possible to detect land recordings, military documents and medical records. Some families can store cuts from newspapers, memorable things, old letters and photos. They will also be useful, especially if they are indicated by names, dates and places of shooting.

Inochanned sources of information, for example, family legends, are found when communicating with relatives. Such a conversation may be like pleasant and productive, if you prepare questions in advance and make a conversation consecutive and logical.

The main advantage of this step is that it will force you to first collect information about living relatives. The most knowledgeable family members are, as a rule, its oldest representatives. Some of them remained not so many years. Do not lose the possibility of polling them while they are still alive.

It is also important to chat and get information from the farthest relatives.With which you had common progenitors.

Perhaps they own unfamiliar information to you. Be sure to record the girls of your family names. Note, in old handwritten documents, different options for writing names and dates can be found, which will require additional check.

Have the meaning and place of birth of ancestors - Knowing the geography of distributing your kind, you can make the binding of the coat of arms characteristic of a particular area. This will additionally decorate the genealogical tree and give it an individuality.

Genealogical research and archives search

The depth archive search, digitization and decoration of the family tree - the next stage of clarification of the pedigree.

Genealogical studies that you can order in the House of Family Traditions "Christian", can be divided into several types:

  • Classic family of genealogy Tracks the story of a particular family based on documentary sources from various archives. The list of analyzed materials is previously discussed with the client.
  • Full genealogical study "turnkey" More large-scale and engage in all available resources, including urban, regional and departmental archives. Thus, you can open your pedigree to 10-12 knees.
  • Point genealogical research It is carried out in a local archive for the foundation of the client's nationality or to repatriate parents.

For the detection of the necessary archival data will be made a detailed report. With attached copies of documents and official certificates, as well as the conclusion of the possible further search directions.

The collected information is entered into a special copy of the family history "Family History".

DNA examination

DNA analysis is another popular component of genealogical searches, which allows you to get more information about the biogeographic origin of a person and helps to find out if two people are connected with their relatives.

DNA testing is an addition to the study of the pedigree and is most often used to establish kinship and confirm the information that was collected on the basis of searches.

This service uses the latest technology and laboratory tests to determine ethnicity based on the genotype study. The result of DNA expertise allows you to look a few thousand years ago, to determine the migration paths of the genus and give an idea from which region of the ancient world your ancestors came.

Thus, you can learn the family tree of the family from its roots. The dynamic list of DNA coincidences in an extensive database will help to detect unknown relatives related to the general ancestor in any knee, and restore lost relationships.

Visual design of the genealogical tree

Even a small amount of genealogical studies can generate a significant amount of information. In this case, it is important to use an organized and methodical approach for storing and displaying your family history.

In decoration of pedigree, various options are used from the simplest on paper to the carved panels, which will be inherited.

Turning to the House of Family Traditions "Christian"Along with the genealogical expertise, you can order the following ways of displaying a pedigree on a genealogical tree:

Designer genealogical tree

Designer Tree Scheme Released with an individual for each family layout on the photographic paper format 61x200 cm or focarter size from 56x84 cm to 1200x1200 cm. In fact, the length of such a tree depends on the number of persons on the branches.

Artistic genealogical tree

Art Tree It is drawn up by a professional illustrator in watercolor or engraving technique. High-quality plotter printing allows you to reproduce the result on the canvas in the form of a picture of the design in the baguette frame. The standard format of such a picture on the subframe is 150x90 cm.

Folding Tree in the form of a railway card It is made manually and placed in a leather cover. The pedigree tree in this format is convenient to store on the bookshelf in the family library.


Schjere It is drawn up in a traditional style with the involvement of modern technologies and natural materials. Parchment is stretched on a wooden frame, the parchment is made manually, after which the panel is artificially aged to give a decorative effect.

Family tree from a wood array

Carved Punkit is performed by highly qualified wizards 3D threads on a high-quality expensive wood array that passes a special processing from drying out. You can intend the LED backlight for the best effect.

Our specialists will prepare visual variants of the design of the genealogical tree that will satisfy the requirements of the most exquisite customers.

Where to order services for the preparation of the genealogical tree

Do you want to explore your family roots, but not enough time or resources?
Refer to genealogy experts. You do not have to make efforts and spend your time trying to find and decrypt the original documents. You are guaranteed to get a large family tree, built and beautifully decorated in the shortest possible time.

Where can I order in Moscow for genealogical examination?

Qualified historians of the House of Family Traditions "Christian" will prepare basic questions for interviewing relatives, will help to talk and offer variants of the database for the artistic mapping of the tree.

How much is the genealogical tree? Contact us to specify the price of a pedigree specifically in your case. The cost depends on the depth of the search and the selected option for the visual design of the genealogical tree.