How to fool things in a suitcase. How to compactly fold under linen. So, in the cabinet can be useful

The biggest minus of storage of clothes in folded form is the appearance of folds in the places of folds. But this lack is easy to minimize if you fold things correctly. How - consider in this article.

What objects of the wardrobe are we talking about?

Some hostesses decide the designated problem drastically - everything that happens, hang on the shoulders. Is it possible? Not always. First, the wardrobe of any family is so extensive today that it is problematic to store everything on a canopy. Just not enough space in the closet. Secondly, there are things that the shoulders are contraindicated - they are drawn on them.

On the shelves and in boxes are customary to store:

    t-shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts;

    thin sweaters, turtlenecks;

    knitted sweaters, sweatshirts;

    jeans, leggings;

    shorts, Breeches;

    underwear, socks;

Many prefer to store in the folded form of the shirt. At the same time there are virtuoso them, as in the store. Indeed, if they are sewn from good tight fabric, it is quite possible to do without shoulder.

Methods and general rules for storing things in folded

You can add things in different ways, but store them mostly in two ways.

1. Traditional stack. The objects are folded so that the rectangle is turned out to form the shelf - a short side into width, long - in depth. There are "rectangles" on each other, sorting by category.

Shelves with stacks of clothing look neatly. But this method has a significant drawback - removing the lower items, involuntarily disrupt order in the stack, over time it turns into a shapeless bunch in which everything is more difficult to find the necessary things.

2. Vertical storage by. The Japanese organizer of the space offered to turn the items in the "rolls" or "envelopes" and stored in one layer, setting vertically.

The method is ideal for chest of drawers. You can use conventional shelves in the closet, but supplement them with shallow or structures the space using the Yarus Mesh, baskets.

Before you start folding clothes, remember some simple rulesthat will help avoid unnecessary folds.

    Before collapse, the thing needs to be fine.

    Do not fold things while they are warm from the iron, give tissues to cool and the likelihood of formation of folds will be significantly less.

    Folding clothes, try not to make vertical bends in the middle - in this form they are most noticeable.

    In the stacks on the bottom, lay heavier and dense items, on top - lungs.

Learning to add competently

Consider how to fold things on specific examples, with possible options and a step-by-step description of actions.


The most numerous wardrobe subject. We will describe how to fold a short sleeve T-shirt, but the same way is suitable for pastes, tennis, polo shirts, tops.

1st way:

    Spread the T-shirt on a smooth surface face down.

    Wrap the left part inside so that the vertical fold takes down from the middle of the shoulder.

    The same actions are with the right part of the T-shirt. It turned out a long rectangle.

    The bottom of the width is approximately with the palm bend to the back.

    The resulting rectangle fold in half and turn over the face.

2nd way:

It was invented by the Chinese - real virtuosos at the speed of the work of certain employment operations. The result of this method is similar to the previous one, but the process itself lasts literally a couple of seconds.

    Mentally divide it in half horizontally and spend the vertical line from the middle of the shoulder down.

    At the intersection site (point a), grab the cloth with your left hand.

    With the right hand, grab the T-shirt for the middle of the shoulder (point B) and, without releasing it, take it on the bottom in the place where the vertical line was lowered (point C).

    Raise the T-shirt and shake the fabric slightly.

    Turn the remaining part to get a neat rectangle.

3rd way:

    Spread the face face up.

    Mentally swing from the edge of the neck down and turn the right edge into this line. Wrap a hood in the opposite direction.

    The same manipulations do on the left side.

    The resulting rectangle fold in half and once again in half. "Put" it into a container for vertical storage.

Thin sweater, sweater

Jumpers, sweatshirts, turtlenecks, sweaters, i.e., all sweatshirts with long sleeves fold in one scheme.

1st way:

    Spread the blouse on a flat surface face down.

    Turn the right side along the line that goes from the middle of the shoulder down.

    Sleeve put along a wrapped part. If it goes beyond the bottom floor, turn it out.

    The same actions do blouses with the left side of the blouse.

    Wrap up the bottom third of the sweaters (from it will turn out "pocket").

    The upper part with the neck neatly fuel into the resulting pockets. Store such a bundle is best vertically.


Shirts are usually stored on her shoulders. If there are many of them, use. But there are situations where the shirts have to put the unwittingly, for example, collecting luggage on the trip. Let's see how to do it competently.

    Outlooking a shirt first hang on the shoulders, button buttons, give the fabric to cool.

    Spread it on the table buttons down.

    Wrap the right side of the shirt along the line running from the middle of the shoulder down.

    Sleeve spread along the wrapped part, lift it up, folding in half.

    The same actions are performed with the left half.

    Wrap up the bottom third of the shirt, the one that refuel into the pants.

    Fold the rectangle in half, turn over.

If it is impossible to mentally divide the shirt on the equal parts, use a cardboard insert as a template. Any glossy magazine is suitable from the girlfriend in shape and size, the album for drawing.

After decaying the shirt on the table, place the cardboard in the upper part of it in the center, closing on a 2/3 collar. Specked in the instructions, spend around the cartons. Remove it when the shirt is completely folded.

2nd method (in "Pocket"):

    Fold the pant jeans to the pant.

    Out inward all the protruding parts to get a smooth rectangle.

    Turn the top of the trouser at the top of the pants.

    Pants fold in half, once again in half.

    Come in the "pocket" from the rapel of jeans.


Shorts in folded form do not occupy a lot of space, so they are conveniently stored in with cells.

    Fold the shorts in half, connecting the pants.

    Turn the protruding parts to get a rectangle.

    Fold it in half again and roll the roll.

    So that the bundle does not fall apart, the lower edge can be fed into the upper part, as in pockets.

How to facilitate folding clothes?

The process of folding clothes can be considerably simplified if you buy. This perforated board consisting of four parts, flexing which, play, fold things into neat (one size!) Rectangles. Heap of clothes quickly turns into slender stacks.

Alexandra Savina

Weekend - perfect time to do homemade. We have already talked about several, which make it easier to clean, and now we suggest to do closets and shelves. We have gathered several video instructions that will help more effectively fold things and save space.

How to decompose things in the closet

Universal Asos Instruction: It explains how to add jeans, sweaters, T-shirts and linen, as well as how to store them better (Tip: All you fold in the Chest boxes, it is worth placing vertically). Bonus roller - instruction how to hang a trouser suit in the closet. Having mastered these ways, you can improve skill - for example, learning popular methods in the Internet t-shirts and socks.

How to fit the mountain underwear in the box

Surely you heard about the cleaning method: she turned the guidance of order in the house in the matter of his life and now teaches others. If you are not ready to apply all its principles, you can restrict ourselves to individual practical video tutorials - for example, how to ergonomically folded underwear and socks in a small box.

How to fold a shirt

The most convenient way to fold the shirt is similar to how you come around with sweaters and T-shirts, but here there are nuances. First of all, the Pugovitsa. It is not necessary, as in this video, fasten your shirt on everything is enough to fasten the first, last and one in the middle. Otherwise, everything is quite easy. If you can not fold clothes exactly, you can take advantage Folder or special plank.

How to fold bed linen

There is nothing difficult in folding bed linen: the only object with which difficulties may arise, are a sheet on the rubber band. The roller of the furniture and interior items of West ELM explains how to cope with it. At first it seems that everything is not easy, but after a small workout it will be given to you without difficulty. In order to save place and convulsively not look for linen from one set, the sheets can be stored in one of the pillowcases.

How to fold things in a suitcase

In the video of Heathrow Airport, you can find some simple, but effective tips on how to collect things on the trip. There are general recommendations (choose the things you want to take with you, and then boldly postpone a third of them - most likely you will need much less clothes than you think), and small tricks (fold socks in shoes - so you save a little space ). The authors of the roller say that they were focused on Lifehaki pilots and flight attendants - those who regularly collect suitcases.

The perfect order in the closet is something from the field of fiction. How many do not be in, in a few days everything is all again. To keep order for a long time, you need to fold clothes compact, ordered. It is forces to everyone. How to fold things? We will tell about it in the article.

General cleaning in the closet

First you need to spend a large-scale audit in the closet and reconsider all the clothes. It will take a lot of time. However, as a result of such an inspection, things that have defects are not suitable in size or simply broke out, move from the cabinet to a more suitable place, thereby freeing the useful space on the shelves. If you can, then divide things off the season. Summer clothes in winter can be hidden and vice versa.

Organization of space for things

There are many ways to fold things and how to store them. It all depends on your wardrobe. For example, fans of dresses, strict costumes need to take care of a spacious vertical cabinet, so that all this good can be chewed. For lovers of shoes, you need compact furniture with retractable shelves. For casual wear, it is necessary to highlight the pencils with high shelves, to decompose clothing by groups on each shelf. For hosiery and linen, the chest of drawers with drawers will be the perfect option. Bed linen and towel will fit into the mezzanine.

How to fold various types of things?

To significantly save space in the closet and make the search for the right thing as fast as possible and convenient, you need to get acquainted with the basic rules of how to fold things:

  1. Having exhausted dresses and shirts, pre-button buttons. Once a week, shake them away from dust. Trousers are comfortable to hang on the hangers with the clips, after having previously folded their pant to the pant.
  2. To fold the blouse or shirt, you need to decompose the thing on a flat surface, the sleeves are folded inside parallel to the back, and the side sides are touched to the center. The resulting rectangle is three times folded. Such images can be folded shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts.
  3. In order to fold the pants, first of all you need to free your pockets and remove the belt. We put the pants in half on the pants and then we fold a strainer the desired number of times to get a neat square.
  4. Skirts and shorts fold on the principle of pants or they can be twisted into a roll.
  5. The eternal problem of many people, it is to find the second sock. To get rid of this problem, socks should be folded alone in another or tangible with a gum.
  6. Underwear is folded in half, overlooking the sides. The bra is folded by cups inside.
  7. Bed linen so that it compactly placed in the closet, during folding it is recommended to stroke. Folded the sheet 4 times, stroke the seams, folded once again 4 times, stroke. It turns out a thin rectangle that will be convenient to store in the closet.
  8. The lower shelves of cabinets are suitable for storing shoes, high boots can be suspended with clothespins. In boxes do not hold shoes, it is not compact. So that the products hold the shape, fill them with paper.
  9. Bags, before removing in the closet, you need to fill with paper or rags so that they do not remember.

How we have already learned how to fold things, we'll figure it out now, how to fold them compactly into the closet and save the order in it. To streamline clothes as much as possible, fold it by type. Highlight a separate shelf for pants. Plouses and jeans are already folded in a stack on a separate shelf. For stacks with T-shirts and T-shirts, pick a separate place.

Small things distribute on separate cabinets of the chest: tights to the pantyles, socks with socks. Underwear must occupy a separate box. Warm sweaters, as a rule, do not impenet. Therefore, they can be folded into a dense stack and place on a separate shelf. If the place allows you to distribute things in color, at least everyday.

Clothes that you wear extremely rarely put it separately. But how to put things so as not to join? For such clothes, highlight hangers with clothespins. This option is very convenient for its multifunctionality. You can brush up 3-4 pairs of trousers at once, and you have a few blouse on top on my shoulders. Thus, you can save space in the closet and your time on ironing the product.

How to fold things on the road?

Many lovers of traveling are gaining a lot of unnecessary things on the road, and they also make them not compact. How to save place in the bag? Experienced tourists are divided by secrets, how to compactly fold things into a suitcase:

  1. Gathering on the road, all T-shirts, Sweaters, Mikey in the tubes, they are so occupying less space and can fit even in the sidelines of the bags.
  2. Folding shoes, not necessarily put it with a pair. It will be reasonable to place shoes along the walls of the bag. So that the shoes did not get marked, it can be filled with socks and pantyhose.
  3. Fragile and valuable things fold in the middle of the suitcase.
  4. Belts and other long things we split along the bags.
  5. There are special packages. They are called vacuum. You can pack in them a lot of soft things, and then remove the air with the help of a vacuum cleaner. The volume of the package will decrease more than 2 times. However, it is worth thinking how to fold things into a suitcase before returning home, if there is no vacuum cleaner.
  6. In order not to remember the pants, you can add them to a small basket, the upper part of the trousers to lay in the suitcase, top to fold other things and cover all this with pants.
  7. Cosmetics and personal hygiene items do not need to be placed with clothing, it can stain things. If there are no options, then carefully pack it into plastic bags and put the bags in the side departments.
  8. The most necessary things, including money and documents, put in manual sting so that in the event of a loss or theft of luggage you were changing.


Knowing all the tricks of how to fold things correctly, do not forget about the elementary: check the cabinet to avoid unpleasant odor, things for long-term storage are only the wicked and well dried, once a month do cleaning on the shelves. Shoe drawers regularly rub from dust, shoes before seasonal storage handle special means to prevent the development of fungal infections.

It is independent on whether you fly on a business trip or once a year go on vacation, on the eve of departure you are usually collecting things. A lot of things or a little, a large suitcase on wheels or a modest travel bag - every time you choose based on the purposes of a particular trip.

True, there are general requirements for any type of baggage: to put things compactly and carefully, so that everything fit, while trying not to remember the clothes and protect fragile and valuable objects from damage.

Particular attention should be paid to the baggage, if the airfare is planned, because in this case the weight of the suitcase is important, and if you do not plan to hand over a suitcase into luggage, then its dimensions.

Consider how to put things in the suitcase correctly and economically.

First of all, decide on the planned number of things and pick up the suitcase that is most suitable in size. Do not try to fit into a small suitcase Two-week stock of clothing for a family of four, as you should not and drag with you the biggest suitcase, going on a trip to the weekend.

Useful advice: Remember that the suitcase itself also has a weight! Large spacious suitcases weigh a lot, especially model from plastic or fabric suitcases with plastic corners, additional handles, locks and two rows of wheels. The harder the empty suitcase, the fewer things you can take on a long trip.

Determined with the size of the suitcase? You can start packing things.

To begin with, spread all things at free places near the suitcase. Do not be lazy to bring all the necessary hygiene products from the bathroom, and from the hallway - shoes that take.

Mark for yourself things requiring special handling: dresses, hats, jackets. Later we will talk in detail about how it is better to collect a suitcase so that they do not remember and retain the form important items of your wardrobe.

The most difficult things should be folded on the bottom of the suitcase, closer in the wheels, if any. These include: shoes, hygiene (shampoo, shower gel, shaving foam, toilet water in a glass bottle), paper documents in large volume, Spare power supplies for smartphones or cameras. So in a vertical position, the suitcase will be most stable and not belonging at an inappropriate moment.

Following at the bottom of the suitcase, it is necessary to arrange high things, trying not to create smooth stacks.

Clothing that does not mind or which can be easily stroked upon arrival on vacation, you can have free in the suitcase, laying the layers. Such clothes include children's things, men's underwear (socks, panties, t-shirts), women's underwear (panties, bras, tights, socks, shirts), swimsuits and smelting, some T-shirts and pants.

Down jackets, aerial knitting sweaters, vests are conveniently packaged using vacuum packages - they significantly save space in the suitcase. But before you use this way, make sure that where you are going, there is also a vacuum cleaner to collect things on the way back. And keep in mind that things in the package can greatly pregnant, you may need an iron or saparir.

There should be fragile things between the layers of clothing: a camera, camcorder, tablet, laptop. If you plan to take a terry bathrobe to feel at home on vacation, it will become perfect packaging for valuable equipment! Just wrap the desired thing, and if necessary, and a few things, separating their layer of bathrobe fabric. The same advice will be useful to you if you plan to attach a towel into a suitcase.

Useful advice: bathrobes and microfiber towels are nicer to the touch and have good absorbent properties, while occupying significantly less than the place than the usual terry. In addition, they dry very quickly and will be simply indispensable on vacation to the sea!

Between the layers of clothing it is also worth the addition of drugs in glass containers (syrups, solutions for injection). Collecting before going the first-aid kit, get rid of paper boxes and packages in advance, leave only blisters with tablets and instructions for use (for convenience you can use an elastic band for money or stapler).

If the place in the suitcase allows, fold all the medicines into a package or cosmetic bag, so it will be easier for you to find them if necessary. However, this can be done in place, and for the flight to decompose in free places in the suitcase. Medications that may be required to you before flying or on the road, for example, from outering or headaches, you should remove into manual sting.

To competently distribute things inside the suitcase, you should not immediately pack all the clothes, especially if you prepared it with a margin. Start with the one that should be taken, and in the fill in the filling of the suitcase, rate the remaining place for other things, such as comb, hairdryer, cosmetics, razor, etc. It is possible that everything is closed, something from clothes will have to donate and for this You do not have to re-disassemble everything - you just remove excessive clothes back to the closet!

So that the closed shoes are not deformed when moving, fill it with small objects, wrapped in a soft tissue (socks are perfect). So you will further save space.

Things that may need to you at the airport before or immediately after the flight, it is convenient to place a suitcase, so that when opening the zipper they turned out to be the first, and they could be easily removed. So things include warm things if you fly to the country with a cold climate, or, on the contrary, light shoes and panama, if you are welcomed by a bright sun.

Useful advice: If you doubt whether the weight of baggage was met when collecting a suitcase, put things on top that you can put on yourself, such as a warm sweater or vest. Weigh a suitcase at the airport and with a small transcend, get them and put them. Also, such clothes can be carried in hand without any problems, and on arrival to remove back to the suitcase.

When packing cosmetics, including decorative, be especially careful. Some tubes with cream, lip glisters or gels from pressure drops on the plane can flow, despite tightly closed covers. Wrap them additionally in the cellophane package so as not to spoil the clothes and other things.

To save things in their places, use the belts available in the suitcase. Close all zippers, and for reliability, pack the suitcase at the airport to a special film - it will protect it from damage and spontaneous disclosure. You can also pack the suitcase itself, by purchasing a suitable film in the store.

Now let's talk about things requiring special packaging.

How to pack a hat in a suitcase

Method 1.

You can pack your hat with fields into a special case, fit and suitable carton box. The disadvantages of this method can be attributed to the high cost (therefore cases buy, as a rule, for expensive hats) and the size of the packaging. The box will take a lot of space in the suitcase.

Method 2.

If you take a straw hat with you, purchased during last year's holiday, you can use a simple instruction:

  • At the bottom of the suitcase, put dense things, creating a smooth bottom;
  • twist a few things in rolls or balls and fill with them with a hat;
  • put a hat in a suitcase fields down, place clothes around it (right on the hats fields);
  • do not put on top of hats heavy objects so as not to remember it.

Your hat will be in great shape!

If there is no possibility or desire to carry a male suit in a special case on a hanger, you can try to carefully pack it in a suitcase. In this case, do not choose a suitcase of the smallest size for a business trip - with too tight styling of things, the jacket is likely to come.

To fold the suit in the suitcase correctly use the simple instruction:

  • Make sure that there are no chances on the jacket, if necessary, disappear;
  • roll into the jacket on a flat surface;
  • remove the right hand of the jacket inside, carefully placing the formed folds;
  • without turning the shoulder back, the right sleeve circle in a circle along the back of the jacket;
  • insert the left shoulder into the right. Follow the sleeves to be smoothly and remained inside.
  • once again, carefully straighten all the folds, align the floors of the jacket and fold the jacket in half horizontally.

If necessary, you can fold the pants a couple of times horizontally, after aligning the arrows, and put them in the resulting bend seal.

Now you know how to fold a jacket. For reliability, you can put it in a plastic bag in the lock and, closing the lock, leave a little air in the package. Try to put the jacket in a suitcase in such a way that solid items with uneven edges do not come into contact with it.

How to fold a leather jacket in a suitcase

You can fold the jacket into the suitcase compactly and conveniently, if you use, for example, the instruction for folding a male suit, namely the jacket.

Often, cover the jacket and jacket are similar. If you need to pack the jacket of a sports cut, then it is enough to turn the jacket inside out, leaving the sleeves inside, fasten the zipper and fold the jacket horizontally.

Do not use vacuum packages for transporting leather jackets - casting the skin is extremely difficult to lead to a decent view.

How to fold a coat in a suitcase

Of course, the coat is optimally transporting "on themselves", putting it on the road, or in portpel, a special case, on a hanger. Adult coat can occupy all the space of a small suitcase!

However, if you still need to pack the coat in the suitcase, fold it according to the instructions for folding the male jacket and put on the bottom of the suitcase. Put the layer of clothing on top and only then put personal hygiene products and any items having uneven edges and sharp corners. Upon arrival, immediately get the coat from the suitcase and hang on the hanger.

How to fold a shirt in a suitcase

Often together with business suit you have to lay in a suitcase and shirts.

We offer a brief instruction how to pack the shirt correctly and neatly:

  • Roller up a shirt on a solid flat surface, button buttons and flip down the buttons down;
  • take each sleeve alternately back, folding it parallel to the fold line;
  • twice fold the shirt horizontally, straightening all the resulting folds.

This method allows you to compactly fold not only classic shirts, but also polo shirts.

More options for video:

How to fold a t-shirt in a suitcase

T-shirts with short and long sleeves, polo shirts can be folded in several ways.

Method 1.

Fold the T-shirt on the vertical and horizontal, focusing on the drawing. So you will get a flat rectangle that does not occupy a lot of space.

Method 2.

Fold the sleeves of the T-shirt, as in the drawing on top, and then, starting with the neck, roll the T-shirt into a neat roll. This method is perfect for those who decide to compactly pack all things in the suitcase - clothing, rolled into rolls, takes less space.

Method 3.

If you are not worried about the state of T-shirts after transportation, you can put them in empties formed in a suitcase after laying all things. Correctly and evenly filled with a suitcase - the key to the preservation of your things in order.

How to fold jeans in a suitcase

Jeans have long become universal wardrobe items. Thanks to the dense inclusive material and the lack of arrows, you can pack them in any way: folded vertically and roll into a tight roll, folded vertically and horizontally and put on the bottom of the suitcase, providing a flat pad to lay the imaginative things, or even wrap them fragile things in TCD Tablet, camera. If, when transporting jeans, it will still be remembered - they will easily smoke on you!

How to fold shoes in a suitcase

Always useful to capture a spare pair of shoes on the trip.

Shoes, especially men's, weighs quite a lot, so it should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase. Do not put shoes in pairs, you will save space if you put each shoe separately and surround it with soft things. For additional saving of space, fill the shoes with socks or underwear (you can wrap underwear into a cellophane package), or small objects, also pre-wrapped with a cloth.

Packaging boots, it is desirable not to bend the top. But if the sizes of the suitcase do not allow to attach the best boots, then try to put them not on the most bottom, and do not place heavy things on top of the bent. To avoid a strong chance, pave a pair of rolls rolled out of clothes.

Before packageing thin heel shoes (hairpin), wrap each heel with a newspaper or a cloth - it will protect things next to the neighborhood, from damage.

Each piece of shoes It is desirable to wrap in a dense tissue or cellophane bag to the traces of a cream for shoes or street dust remaining on your shirts and dresses

How to fold a dress in a suitcase

Beautiful dress - an important detail of the Girl's wardrobe and on vacation, and on a business trip!

When choosing dresses, try to give preference to an outfit from a non-losing or low fabric. Do not take linen dresses with you, if you do not have the opportunity to use the iron - they are guaranteed to minute in a suitcase with any way of folding.

A long dress can be laid in 2 stages: first put a skirt in a suitcase, leaving the top of the dress freely hang out of the suitcase, then lay a layer of light things twisted into rolls, and put the top of the dress on top of them. Do not lay heavy items on top, let them all turn out to be under the dress.

If the dress is decorated with beads, rhinestones, stones - wrap it additionally in the cloth or a tight package. So you save all the decorations on the dress safe and do not damage the clothes nearby in the suitcase. This advice will be especially relevant for those who need to pack in a suitcase wedding dress.

If there is such an opportunity - carry a wedding dress and accessories to it in a separate suitcase or hard coffee. Ask the wedding salon consultants how to put a dress or veil, they have a rich experience of packing these garardo items.

Even with the most neat packaging, the dress may interfere. Do not be upset, the hotel always has a steam iron, and if not, then try to contact any wedding salon on arrival - you will not refuse to bring a dress in order for a moderate fee or even completely free!

How to pack wine in the luggage of the aircraft

Often, as a souvenir from vacation, we are driving alcohol: wines or traditional drinks of the country in which they visited.

If you fly on the plane, then all the alcohol in the container, the volume of which exceeds 100 ml, you will have to go to luggage. You can put the bottles in the suitcase, after turning them with a poultry film, and with its lack of clothing.

In many airlines, only alcohol products in the factory packaging are allowed to transport, so it will have to carry in the original glass bottles.

Keep in mind that movers at the airport are not ceremony with suitcases and passing the wine into the luggage of the aircraft, you risk getting your suitcase with clothes, poured wine from a broken bottle. Use one or more firmly tied polyethylene packets for each bottle.

For transportation of liquids, there are no such strict restrictions on the train, so if you are driving alcohol for yourself, you can pour it into plastic bottles, it will facilitate the weight of your suitcase. In addition, plastic is extremely difficult to damage even with careless handling of the suitcase.

Whatever you travelery before package wine into luggage, remember the weight of the bottles (about 1.5 kg for a bottle of 0.75 l) and calculate the total weight of the suitcase. Taking a lot of alcoholic "souvenirs" with you, you can simply not raise your suitcase for lifting the stairs or you will have to pay a bill for the airport.
We wish you a pleasant trip!

To learn to rationally use home space, it is not enough to buy a wardrobe for things - it is very important to learn how to put clothes correctly. There are many simple ways that allow you to streamline space and make storing things more comfortable. So how to put things in the closet to be ordering?

To rationally use the space of the cabinet, it is worth familiar with the basic storage rules. There are quite a few ways to properly distribute clothing. To do this, you need to adhere to a certain sequence of actions.


There are many storage systems. In any one, the basic rule is to get rid of all unnecessary clothing. Each thing must pass a strict selection. Leave exclusively what we carry constantly. The remaining items can be thrown away, give familiar or needing people.

Principle of sorting things


When sorting, it is recommended to be based on a variety of criteria. However, the main can be considered a seasonal factor. The shelves in the closet should be conditionally divided into different categories. The most accessible should be placed lungs or warm things - it all depends on the time of year.

Separately position the clothes that can be worn at any time of the year. For example, it can be a jacket on buttons. In winter, it will be perfectly combined with a turtleneck, and in the summer it will protect from cool weather.

Recommendations for sorting things

Seversing hangers

Of course, use individual hangers for each thing - it is very convenient. However, this option is not suitable for everyone. In this situation, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • favorite things from delicate materials are placed in separate covers;
  • place things on hangers on shades;
  • for thin materials, use soft hangers.

How to disassemble hangers

Accommodation in the closet

At the next stage, it is necessary to distribute things on the shelves. In this case

  • near the wardrobe wall is worth placing things that do not correspond to the season;
  • for small items, such as T-shirts and underwear, a separate pull-out drawer is suitable - it is also permissible to place such things in the chest;
  • on the lower shelves it is worth losing things that are planned to be worn by exclusive reasons;
  • it is better to put clothes to the upper shelves that are just more often worn than on holidays.

How to use space in the closet

Method Marie Condo

Japanese Marie Condo has developed its method of maintaining a flawless order in the closet. To do this, it is enough to adhere to such recommendations:

  • get rid of unnecessary clothes;
  • keep all things in one closet - it will help get an idea of \u200b\u200btheir quantity;
  • all things turn into rolls or fold into rectangles - it will make it easier for their search;
  • perform sorting in color scheme, type of fabric and purpose.

Useful accessories

To maintain order in the cabinets, you must use convenient accessories. These include the following:

  1. CAFR - is a suspended shelf of textiles that helps vertically stored. They are usually hanging on the crossbar or the cabinet door. In such an accessory, it is convenient to place shoes, scarves, straps, scarves.
  2. Universal hanger - a comfortable fitting for fashionists who love scarves, scarves and belts. To do this, it is enough to attach an accessory to the wall of the cabinet and hang textile decorations on it.
  3. Organizers for shoes. If there is no pantry, the impressive part of the cabinet can be occupied by many pairs of shoes. To solve the problem, you should use comfortable boxes. Such adaptations are recommended to put a wardrobe on the bottom and stick stickers to them. This will help to compact shoes and facilitate the search process for the desired pair. Special attachments are perfectly suitable for spring and summer shoes.

Storage of various things and accessories

Of course, immediately after cleaning in the closet there will be an ideal order. However, many people complain that he remains not long. At the same time, it is important not only to accurately fold one or another thing, but also to provide her right place. In this case, it will be possible to maintain order for a long time.

IMPORTANT: Things that are planned to be used often are located in the most accessible places. On long shelves put clothes that wear quite rarely.


It is better to store the skirt at the lower crossbar of the hanger. In this case, the top will be able to hang a jacket or blouse. If there is no such possibility, the thing needs to be folded in half, and then roll into a compact roll. Several skirts folded in this way will not take a lot of space and reveal.

How to store skirts

T-shirts and T-shirts

The standard method of storing the masses and T-shirts is as follows: the thing needs to be aligned and folded along in half. As a result, the form of the letter "g" will be obtained. The sleeves should be wrapped on the main part of the T-shirt, after which it will turn the lower part up. As a result, the square comes. If there is very little space in the closet, the square obtained is to turn into a roll.

Blouses and shirts

If there is no possibility to place blouses and shirts in the closet, they should be put on the shelves. It is recommended to perform such actions:

  • smooth the blouse or shirt and fasten to all buttons, and then put on the table up the back;
  • to mentally divide it on 3 longitudinal fragments;
  • left sleeve and a third of the backs to get right;
  • after that, get the left sleeve on the left side, aligning it with the edge of the shirt;
  • similar actions to perform for the right side;
  • the bottom to wrap up to the very base of the collar.
Simple ways to fold clothes

Sweaters and jumpers

These clothing items should be folded in the same way as shirts and blouses. In addition, these things can be collapsed into the roll, because they are deprived of resistant collar, complementing shirts.

Recommendations for storing knitted things

Pants and jeans

Before laying out these items, it is recommended to remove the belt and pull out the contents of the pockets. Then the pants should be placed well and folded in half. After that, they need to smooth out once again and this time to fold across. To save a place, a thing is quite possible to roll into a roll.

Pants Storage Methods

Blazers and jackets

  • the left side will be back, as if intending to turn the thing inside out, but the sleeve should not be touched;
  • perform a similar action for the second side;
  • fold the jacket in half;
  • floors to be subjected to the direction of the collar;
  • if you need to roll the jacket in a tight roll.

How to compactly fold the jacket so that he does not get rumbling


When storing socks, people pursue the goal - not to lose. To make sure things correctly, follow the recommendations:

  1. Fold the socks with the cross so that heels become its center. Wrap a stall of one toe under the heel of the second. On the other hand, the cuff is also recommended to be subjected. Perform similar actions for the second sock.
  2. Fold the socks together, then the upper turn inside out in such a way that the lower is inside it.
  3. Impose socks on each other. The cuffs of one of them will slightly twist to grab the second cuff. Then the socks should be folded into the neat tube.
Interesting way to compactly fold socks


Linen is better stored in the dresser. For sorting it is worth using shoe boxes. It is recommended to place underwear on criteria - seasonal factor, color scheme, etc. Bras should be folded in half, combining cups.

  • decompose them on a flat surface and smooth out;
  • conditionally divided into 3 parts;
  • right and left part to wrap to the center;
  • the bottom is subject to top and slightly wrap into the rubber band.

Laundry storage options in the closet and dresser

Baby clothes

To properly keep children's things, it is convenient to enjoy delimiters. They enable to place all the clothes separately from each other. Thus, it will be possible to separate the white shirts from non-ferrous, and sweatshirts from sweaters.

How it is convenient to decompose children's things in the closet

Many parents are interested in how to decompose things in the closet comfortably on the shelves. They are better to accommodate in special boxes.

Storage method in boxes


Scarves, belts, bags and other accessories should be stored in a separate container or box, which is divided into compartments. All things are recommended to twist into a roll. If there is a place, it is permissible to hang on the hangers. To do this, use rings, hooks, clothespins.

Storage options Ties in the closet or wardrobe


All shoes must be stored in the closet. To optimize the space, it is recommended to adhere to such rules:

  • light shoes put in textile covers and hang on the hook;
  • on the bottom of the cabinet to place baskets, boxes and containers with shoes;
  • locate shoes in special cabinets in the hallway.

IMPORTANT: To ensure the safety of shoes, it is worth removing it into the closet clean and dry. Also, it is also recommended to provide protection against moth. So that things remained longer than fresh, the closet must be systematically ventilated.

Now you know how it is recommended to fold and store your things in the closet. To optimize the space, it is worthwhile to conduct a revision and sorting of clothes, getting rid of unnecessary items. After that, it is permissible to distribute things on the hangers and shelves.

