How to keep a young face at home. How to keep the youthful skin of the face? Effective methods of facial rejuvenation. Moisturizing and nourishing

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In skin care, everything is individual. And yet there are guidelines that will suit everyone. We asked leading experts in the field of dermatology and cosmetology to name universal rules that will help delay skin aging.

Learn to relax

Dr. Olivier Courten-Clarence, CEO of the Clarins Group, advises: “Relax your facial muscles as often as possible and relax yourself. When you are tense without noticing it, you clench your jaw and frown. As a result, a wrinkle forms between the eyebrows, the tips of the lips sink. A relaxed face looks calm and attractive.

Do breathing exercises regularly. For a few minutes, forget about problems, find a quiet place, take a comfortable position and breathe slowly, if possible with your nose, without effort, gradually lengthening the exhalation. It promotes oxygenation of cells, gives the face freshness and radiance. During water procedures, rinse your face with cool water. This technique maintains skin tone. "

Three main stages

Dr. David Orentrek, Clinique's Lead Dermatologist, recommends repeating three simple steps every morning and evening: cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing. The composition and format of the products depends on your skin type. So, you can clean your face with dermatological soap (if you have oily skin) and a delicate foam (if it is sensitive).

During water procedures, rinse your face with cool water, this maintains skin tone

Many people exfoliate their skin from time to time. using harsh exfoliators, but this is not entirely true. “Together with the appearance of new cells, a layer of dead cells forms on the surface of the skin. In the morning, you need to remove the layer that has formed overnight. Therefore, you should cleanse and exfoliate your skin in the morning and in the evening. Facial care is akin to exercise - it is better to do it regularly according to a program specially designed for you than to overload the body with intense exercises from time to time, ”says David Orentrek.

All around the water

“The care products only moisturize the skin by 20% in the outer layer. The remaining 80% of moisture comes from food, drink and dietary supplements, ”says star dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad, creator of his own line of cosmetics, Dr. Murad. The specialist claims that the water that cells need for normal functioning is best obtained from food - fresh vegetables and fruits. They should form the basis of the daily diet.

In cosmetics, it is better to give preference to creams with components that attract and retain moisture inside the cells. These are lecithin, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts (cucumber, aloe), oils (shea tree and borage seeds).

Simple moves

French cosmetologist Joelle Siocco, the creator of the author's facial massage techniques and the consultant of the L'Oréal Paris brand, believes that any treatment should be supplemented with self-massage. It takes from 3 to 5 minutes, is suitable for any age and skin type, and increases the effectiveness of cosmetics.

In cosmetics, it is better to give preference to creams with components that attract and retain moisture inside the cells.

First, you need to improve the lymph flow. To do this, press simultaneously with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on the skin, moving from top to bottom - from the forehead to the décolleté. Then you need to gently grip and lift the skin with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, without stretching it too much. With such pinch movements, you need to work out the entire face, neck and décolleté. Finally, you need to pat yourself on the face with your fingers so that the skin turns slightly red. Such "slaps" stimulate blood circulation, enrich the skin with oxygen and increase its tone.

Less but better

London beauty therapist John Tsagaris, creator of Skin Point Eight and author of acupuncture-based rejuvenation, claims that most women misuse their skincare products: "For example, the more products you apply, the better."

“But the more of all kinds of products are on your face, the more they will provoke the appearance of bacteria, blackheads and inflammation, - continues John. - It is better to act less on the skin. It is contraindicated to cover oily skin with a too thick layer of cream, and for dry skin, you cannot use light textures. "

In addition, John Tsagaris advises to go to baths, saunas and spa treatments more often. They improve tissue trophism, accelerate metabolism, open and cleanse pores, free the skin from dead cells and make it more receptive to cosmetics.

Today I am celebrating my 35th. You can congratulate me.

Have you seen a picture of a sad cat sitting in a cap over a cake? I have about the same expression on my face now.

“We need to have fun. It's your birthday! " - you will say.

Sad sigh.

I love my birthday. But the slowly creeping old age scares me and, on the contrary, the receding youth. And don't be fooled that you didn't have such thoughts. I look in the mirror - the skin of my face is not the same. Hair is not as shiny as it was at 20. And I picked up a little on the same birthday cakes.

The husband kicks all morning to think positively. But what positive are we talking about when I discovered another wrinkle?

Having drunk a glass of red right in the morning (and what, on your birthday you can!), I was inspired. There is no early old age! How to keep your skin youthful?

I dive into Google. Below I will share my tips with you, we will "save" together!

Yes, yes. The first item on my anti-aging list is sleep. No matter how hard I tried to find a miraculous face cream, which will give an effect equivalent to good rest, alas.

I remember my student years: Lyubka and Vovchik and I could dance until morning. Then drink a huge amount of coffee and immediately run to the exam. Pass it perfectly, by the way. Save the scholarship. And, of course, go celebrate until the next morning.

My cheeks were pink then, my face and eyes were shining, and the night dancing only improved my figure.

Now, every hour of lack of sleep settles on my face a light blue under my eyes. And it's not that blue doesn't suit me, of course….

Write down the basic rules of healthy sleep on a sheet of paper and glue in a prominent place:

    Forget about the phrase "You will sleep through your life."

    For youthful skin, you need to sleep at least 8 or even 9 hours. And no, not from 2 am to 10 am. It's time to remember that the whole body recovers better if you fall asleep before 22.00.

    I have a friend who even opens a window at -25. Her skin, by the way, glows with youth and health at her 40s. But here we focus on our body. It may be enough for you to open the door for air circulation.

    Comfortable pillow, suitable mattress.

    The mattress should not be firm or soft. The pillow is neither high nor too flat. And by the way, the recommendation of a psychologist to sleep with my spouse under different blankets came up to me. At the same time, the quality of sleep has improved, and keeping the relationship at the same excellent level is not a problem.


    Yeah, and that's important. Buy a beautiful bed, which you will be happy to fit in the evening. And by the way, have you noticed that falling asleep on a clean bed is much more pleasant?

    Conclusion: we change bedding once a week consistently, and more often in summer. Don't use air conditioners. Allergies, swollen face in the morning and watery eyes - pain.

    And the last thing: when falling asleep, give up the TV mumbling under your ear.

    Like someone mumbling? Ask your husband to tell you a story or stroke you until you fall asleep. I'll try it today, I swear!

The second tip is also simple. But why is it so hard to stick to?

I started drinking water the same way I went on a diet. Every Monday. But then a misted can of cola was treacherously in my hand.

Finding out that you are not drinking enough water for your body is as easy as shelling pears: a relatively dark color of urine (sorry, I'm a lady) and rare urination.

Save yourself life hacks that will help you start drinking more water. As I tear it from my heart, but long youth requires decisive measures:

  • Place water bottles all over the house.
    Near the computer, on the work surface in the kitchen, on the dressing table. You don't have to drink it all at once. Take a few moderate sips and get on with your business.
  • Cocktail n-n-nada?
    If you add a bunch of mint and a slice of lemon (orange / apple) to the water, you get a very tasty drink. Such water is also useful and well absorbed. NO, sugar is not allowed.
  • Always with you.
    You should have a bottle of water in your bag. Is always. On a walk, on the way to work, on a visit. "And when it comes to it in the wrong place, what to do?" - you ask. If you take 1 small sip, then you will definitely not be impatient to the destination. But if you drink the whole bottle in one gulp - expect trouble.

Council number 3. Do you want to keep your youth? Learn to temper.

Did you know that the contrast shower tightens the skin, preserves youth and elasticity, removes cellulite and improves blood circulation? And also the immunity becomes stronger, sleep and headaches disappear.

Of course, winter swimming is ideal in order to preserve youthfulness of the skin. But you can't force me to dip my toe into the hole for any price. Perhaps your enthusiasm for keeping young will be stronger? Then share with me.

And, of course, a couple of secrets for taking a shower, which will give the skin elasticity and freshness:

  • For youthful skin, take a shower under warm water (not hot!) At the end, turn on cold water. It is worth starting to pour over from the feet and smoothly rise higher.

    Breathe deeply. Exhaling helps the body to cope with this mini-stress. Alternate douches: 1 minute of cold water, 2 minutes - warm.

    Finish off cold if it's morning or you're not using moisturizers. Finish warm if you plan to pamper your skin with oil or nourishing cream.

  • If you shower 2/3 times a day, I advise you not to use skin gels every time. Household chemicals are very dry skin, which leads to early aging.

    Especially do not wash your face with soap (or any other means) more than once a day. It is great to wipe your skin with an ice cube (chamomile, for example) in the morning.

  • Use different towels for hands, body and face.
    You will thank yourself later for such a trifle.

But I don’t remember what I would eat such a beauty.

Minimize (and ideally refuse altogether): rolls, cakes, sweets and chocolates. And anything that will cause your face to break out with pimples, rashes, or blush. After all, our covers are so closely related to what and how we eat.

The basis of your diet should be vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, dairy products (also not fatty) and quite a bit of cereals. For lovers of sweets - honey, dried fruits and nuts. Remember that nuts are high in calories, and dried fruits are often soaked in sugar syrups.

The youthfulness and beauty of the skin is largely dependent on nutrition. Your face and body will thank you.

You need to moisturize not only from the inside, but also from the outside. It is necessary. I had a friend who did not use body creams, believing that "there is nothing to stuff the skin with any filth." Is it so?

When it comes to store-bought, inexpensive body lotions, then maybe. But I prefer oils. They are truly a treasure of benefits for the skin of the face and body, prolonging youth.

  • Apply the oil to damp skin using light, pounding movements. So it is better absorbed, and massage for the skin is a useful thing.
  • We also apply body oil to damp skin. Ideally, after that, walk around naked for a few minutes until everything is well absorbed. Well, you’ll tease your husband at the same time.
  • Choose “your” oil that suits your skin type. A universal option is coconut.
Essential oilsProblems to be solved

Tea tree oil

Acne and inflammation on the skin, excessive oiliness of the scalp and hair, dandruff. It has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Ylang Ylang Oil

Wrinkles, various skin imperfections. It has anti-aging and smoothing properties.

Broccoli oil

Split ends, dull and brittle hair. Wrinkles and signs of aging on the skin of the face.

Lemon oil

Wrinkles, oily skin, age spots.

Lavender oil

Oily facial skin, inflammation and acne, oily scalp, dandruff.

Sandalwood oil

Brittle, dull hair, dry skin of the face, inflammation on the face, signs of aging.

Peppermint oil

Fading skin, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, oily scalp and face.

Chamomile oil

Pigmentation, allergic skin reactions, acne. Brittle hair, irritated scalp.

Carrot seed oil

Stale complexion, pigmentation, wrinkles. Split ends, brittle and weak hair without shine.

Rosemary oil

Fading skin, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, scars and scars.

Council number 6. Re-tune to the "positive and youthful" mode.

If you are also used to thinking in a standard and gray way, we have something to work on together. We urgently need to reconfigure!

You can start your journey into the world of positivity and ease from the following bases: Louise Hay, Joe Vitale, Peel Norman (look for books by their authorship).

Do you believe that our physical state and state of mind are closely interconnected? How can the skin be tightened, the face radiate youthfulness, if in your head one thought is sadder than another? Are your shoulders lowered, is your speech replete with stop words and negative messages? I doubt.

Write down the following affirmations on your sheet and stick them to the mirror:

  • I radiate youth, health and beauty.
  • I am the love.
  • I love myself and accept myself completely. With all its flaws.
  • My body is strong, my back is strong and even, my shoulders are straightened, my legs are healthy and beautiful, my skin is firm, and my face is young and smiling.
  • The whole Universe helps me to stay healthy and happy, keep energy and be filled with love.
Have you noticed what an even and beautiful complexion you have after a run? What? The last time you ran for groceries and back? HM…

Sadly, but keeping the skin youthful, and especially the skin of the face, will not work without physical exertion. And I'm not talking about the iron in the hall right now. Yoga, dancing, light jogging, fitness, stretching - any load that pleases you.

Sport improves blood circulation, trains the cardiovascular system, allows you to keep your muscles and tendons in good shape, and strengthens the joints. The skin becomes more elastic, its color is noticeably improved, and the cheeks acquire a natural glow.

And, of course, the main thing is regularity! Today you run, tomorrow you dance, the day after tomorrow you do yoga, and the next day you have good sex (better training, huh?)

How I love the bathhouse and sauna! Perhaps this is the coolest advice that will help maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. A trip to the "steam room" perfectly helps the skin to get rid of toxins and toxins. The pores open, a natural deep cleansing occurs.

Of course, there can be no talk of alcohol in the bath. And, of course, if you have contraindications - sit in the chill, and preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face and body with the help of other methods.

All kinds of scrubs and peels in the sauna - this is what will help keep the skin youthful! I will tell you a couple of the simplest, but cool scrubs that will not leave any lady indifferent.

1) Coffee scrub (for body, rough skin of hands and feet).

  • Half a glass of coffee grounds.
  • 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt.
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (coconut, olive).
  • 4-5 drops of vitamin A and E.
  • 4-5 drops of essential oil (whichever you like).

The scrub is quite abrasive. Be careful with it if your skin is prone to dryness or there are inflammations on the body. Do not use on your face!

2) Oatmeal skin scrub.

  • 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of honey.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of fat sour cream (kefir).

We massage the face and décolleté area.

3) Clay scrub.

  • 1-2 tablespoons of clay.
  • 1 tablespoon of water.
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt (fine or medium)

Suitable for the whole body.

4 recipes for wonderful face masks to help keep skin youthful

Sipping some water, I wrote out a detailed plan for the next week. And I'll start running, and eat right (that's just milk the birthday cake).

And, of course, I will begin to make face masks. To keep your skin healthy and youthful, it needs to be pampered occasionally.

I brushed off the shop masks right away. How do I know what they stuffed there? As my grandmother says: "Don't put on your face what you won't eat."

# 1. Spirulina mask.

This seaweed is now very popular. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, which our skin needs so much. It smells, however, creepy. But what will you not do for the sake of youthful skin, huh?

  • Crush a couple of spirulina tablets to a crumb state.
  • 1-2 teaspoons of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of your favorite face oil (I have olive oil available).
  • 1-2 drops of lemon juice (not worth it if you have hypersensitive skin).

Mix everything, apply on a damp, clean face for 20-25 minutes. Wash off. Enjoy a toned face.

# 2. Aloe vera mask for youthful skin.

  • Half an ampoule of scarlet (sold in any pharmacy; issue price - a penny).
  • 1 teaspoon of your favorite oil.
  • 1-2 drops of vitamin A or E.

Apply on face for 30 minutes. We turn on relaxing music. We meditate by closing the household on the other side of the door. The skin will thank you for this smoothed wrinkles.

No. 3. Honey mask for the skin.

Honey is a universal remedy. It helps to improve the immune system, strengthen the health and keep the skin youthful! And many consider honey even a conductor of energy ...

  • 2 tablespoons of honey (liquid, always warm).
  • 2 teaspoons of your favorite face oil.

Everything. Apply the mask to cleansed face for 30 minutes. We breathe in the incredible aroma of honey. We remember our grandmother, summer warm days, milk with a sweet crust of bread. We love ourselves.

The facial skin after this mask will become velvety and silky.

No. 4. Egg mask on guard of youth.

beauty and youthfulness of the skin

As old as the world, but such an effective egg mask. Helps to keep the skin youthful. Moreover, it is suitable both for dry skin (we use yolk in the composition), and for oily skin (we replace the yolk with protein).

My skin is prone to dryness, so I take:

  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey.
  • A couple of drops of vitamin A or E.

Actually, my short synopsis on the topic “ How to keep skin youthful»I declare closed. Starting today, I will certainly start caring for my skin in all possible ways! When, if not on your birthday?

Until then, eat a tiny piece of birthday cake ...

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With age, the structure of the facial skin undergoes complex processes, and its appearance changes, alas, not for the better. The older a woman gets, the more she wants to maintain beautiful, smooth skin and remain young and attractive. But, as a rule, they begin to think about preserving the youthfulness of the skin of the face only when they notice the first signs of its aging: wrinkles, a tired look, dark circles and bags under the eyes. Indeed, after 30 years, the skin of the face begins to fade and fade gradually, mimic wrinkles and age spots appear. In this article, we will figure out what the aging of the skin depends on, how to resist this process and how to keep the skin youthful for as long as possible.

Skin Aging Causes

For every woman, aging of the facial skin occurs individually and depends on many factors. Only 20% of this process is regulated by a hereditary factor. The remaining 80% includes the factors listed below.

Aggressive environmental impact. First of all, it is solar activity. Ultraviolet rays are enemy number one for our skin. Ultraviolet light causes irreversible processes in cells, pigmentation, thickening of the stratum corneum. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the skin, oxidants or free radicals are formed, which attack cells and destroy the elastic fibers of the skin. Long-term exposure to sunlight on the skin at any age causes accelerated skin aging - photoaging. Clinically, photoaging is characterized by hyperpigmentation, a decrease in the ability of cells to produce collagen, deep wrinkles, the appearance of a vascular network, dryness and roughness of the skin, the occurrence of benign and malignant tumors. In addition to sunlight, cold and wind, the skin of the face is exposed to a polluted environment. These are emissions into the atmosphere of industrial waste, various chemical compounds, and exhaust gases.

Prolonged and intense stress with which our life is so filled. Stress is the second main reason for the negative impact on the beauty and youthfulness of the facial skin, accelerated premature aging of the whole body. During stress, the hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released. Cortisol causes an increase in blood sugar, the excess of which leads to the destruction of collagen. The natural production of hyaluronic acid, which is the skin's natural moisturizer, is reduced. As a result, the properties of the skin change, it becomes hard and wrinkled. In addition, excess cortisol stimulates fat synthesis, which leads to the accumulation of body fat and increased sebum production. Under the influence of adrenaline, the capillaries spasm, resulting in reduced blood flow. Lack of oxygen and essential nutrients lead to an unhealthy complexion, and the protective properties of the skin are sharply reduced.

Improper nutrition in which the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients. Sandwiches, chocolates, chips, waffles and various convenience foods from the store negatively affect the youthfulness of the skin. Constant "sitting" on diets also does not add beauty to the skin of the face. Dramatic weight loss thinns the subcutaneous fat layer of fiber, dehydrates the skin, which leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Bad habits. Everyone knows that smoking and alcohol abuse dramatically age the skin of the face. But there are many more unwanted habits that can lead to premature wrinkles and facial aging. Let's name the two most common. The first habit, oddly enough, is the habit of constantly chewing gum. As a result of chewing, the tone of the muscles of the lower part of the face weakens, the elasticity of the skin around the mouth decreases, and this leads to the formation of wrinkles. The second is reluctance to remove makeup before bed. It will lead to dehydration, dullness and sagging skin. In addition, the appearance of dermatitis, allergic reactions and acne is possible.

Wrong way of life often causes loss of beauty and youthfulness of the skin of the face. Everyone has probably heard that sleep is the best medicine. The body needs adequate sleep for at least 8 hours a day. Sleep gives strength, relieves fatigue, tones, improves mood. If you do not constantly get enough sleep, the body begins to experience stress. Microcirculation of blood slows down, the skin does not receive proper nutrition and is depleted. As a result - circles under the eyes, a dull complexion, a tired look, skin rashes. Workaholics run the risk of getting aged, ugly skin before others. Constant nervous tension, lack of rest and normal nutrition - as a result, lifeless skin deprived of healthy tone.

Diseases of the internal organs the body also negatively affect the condition of the skin.

It can take a long time to list all the factors that lead to aging of the facial skin. We will try to figure out how to preserve youthful skin for longer in these conditions, because you really want to stay beautiful, no matter what.

Facial skin care after 25 and 30 years

You should not wait for a certain age in order to intensively begin to care for your skin. The beauty of the facial skin must be protected from a young age. Up to 25 years of age, the skin usually needs a simple wash with foam and light moisturizing with a cosmetic product.

Products with good moisturizing and nourishing properties will help you to keep the youthful skin of your face after 25 years. It is necessary to use creams and masks, taking into account the age and type of skin. One of the regular procedures should be cleansing the skin in the morning and evening. Do not use soap for this purpose, it dries the skin very much. Better to use a non-foaming foam cleanser. Do not wash your face with hot water, it expands the pores, increases the oiliness of the skin. Cleansing homemade masks and scrubs that you can do at home are helpful. Use quality makeup.

Note! Girls over 25 years old should not sunbathe for too long and only before 12 noon and after 16 hours. Be sure to apply sunscreen. In hot weather, use thermal water to apply to your skin.

If possible, lead a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, give up bad habits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.

Often, excessive facial expressions cause wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes at this age. Try to keep track of your facial expressions. It will not be superfluous to use the services of a professional cosmetologist several times a year.

Care and preservation of youthful skin up to 30 years old is not so difficult, the main thing is to pay enough attention to the skin of the face and follow the recommendations.

More careful skin care will help to maintain youthfulness of the skin after 30 years. At this age, the skin becomes thinner, moisture evaporates faster, therefore, first of all, the skin needs to be moisturized. Use moisturizers that promote collagen production. Such creams even out skin texture well, improve complexion. Drink at least two liters of clean drinking water a day. In addition to water, green tea is very useful, it is able to remove free radicals from the body.

Use nourishing creams with vitamins C, A, E, F. It is not recommended to use cleansers and peels containing surfactants. After 30 years, the delicate skin around the eyes becomes thinner, the first age wrinkles become noticeable. Buy special care products for the skin around the eyes, do not use face cream for this purpose. Apply them in a circular motion, being careful not to stretch the skin. At home, masks and compresses that you can prepare yourself will help from wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, at home, you can do a facial massage once a week after a nourishing mask; in the morning, wipe your face with a piece of ice from a decoction of herbs.

If you have time and money to visit a beautician, use his services, take a course of lymphatic drainage facial massage. This massage improves blood circulation, fine wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. Ideally, this procedure should be done twice a year.

Note! To reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, use products with SPF 20 or more. Don't go outside in summer without applying sunscreen, even in cloudy weather.

Do not forget about your health, if something does not go well in the body, this will have a bad effect on the beauty of the skin of the face. It is useful to take vitamins, drugs to improve immunity: tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, schisandra chinensis. Monitor your diet. Useful unrefined vegetable oils, fatty fish, eggs, veal and lamb liver, nuts, seeds. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, drink natural juices. Sesame seeds, flaxseed oil, parsley, celery, wheat bran are very useful for the beauty of the skin. It is better to exclude white bread from your diet altogether, replacing it with bran bread.

And of course, don't forget to go to bed early to get a good night's sleep. Try to sleep on your back to avoid facial creases and wrinkles.

Facial skin care after 40 and 50 years

If up to 40 years old you could still afford to neglect measures for skin care, then 40 years is the time to think about its rejuvenation and nutrition. Regular and proper facial care at this age is the key to maintaining beauty and attractiveness. Nature has programmed the beginning of skin aging after 40 years and there is no getting away from it, but we are able to slow down age-related changes. After 40, the ability to regenerate skin cells decreases, since the content of the female sex hormone estrogen decreases in the body. In addition, the skin of the overwhelming majority of women after 40 years becomes dry and loses elasticity. As a result, age-related wrinkles, bags under the eyes, sagging skin and pigmentation appear.

Note! After 40 years, it is necessary to avoid the influence of factors that can disrupt the lipid layer and reduce cell regeneration. Such factors include: chlorinated tap water, soap, scrubs with large particles, alcohol-containing products, low-quality cosmetics, ultraviolet radiation, stress, unbalanced diet, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.

When caring for your skin, the main thing is to observe regularity and consistency. Decoctions of chamomile, sage, linden are excellent cleansers. It is helpful to wipe the skin with a piece of ice. You need to cleanse the skin with milk. When buying a day cream, pay attention to whether it contains protective filters.

When going outside, be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Protect your eyes with UV-blocking glasses. Use lip gloss and lipstick with SPF filters and a moisturizing effect on your lips. On sunny days, if possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep your face in shade. Do not sunbathe in a solarium.

When buying an anti-aging cream, pay attention to its composition. It is desirable that it contains antioxidants: vitamin E, selenium, retinol. To exfoliate the stratum corneum, the composition should include fruit acids: grape, citric, glycolic and others. Hyaluronic acid in a low molecular weight form is useful for the care of aging skin. Each of its molecules is capable of holding a huge number of water molecules and delivering them to where they are most needed. It is a unique anti-aging skin protector as it moisturizes even the driest skin from within.

At home, you can make nourishing night creams. They are made on the basis of vegetable oils or beeswax with the addition of essential oils, herbal ingredients, fat-soluble vitamins. Do not forget about perfectly rejuvenating face skin masks made from pulp of berries, fruits, honey, oatmeal, and fermented milk products.

If you have enough funds, you can include placental cosmetics, hardware lifting procedures, photorejuvenation, hyaluronic acid injections and much more in caring for mature skin of the face, cosmetologists will help you choose what is necessary and safe for you.

This is especially true for women who are over 50. Skin aging at this age is significantly accelerated, facial muscles weaken, the oval of the face "floats". The main reason for negative changes in the condition of the skin is hormonal disruption that occurs in the female body, that is, a consequence of the onset of menopause. To preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the facial skin after 50 years, you need an integrated approach and maximum effort. A woman after 50 should use funds and carry out procedures according to her age. Use only products based on natural substances. Use hormone-based intensive repair creams with caution, as these can cause facial hair to grow.

Note! After 50 years of age, creams should contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, B, retinoids, collagen, elastin, amino acids or polysaccharides. Serums with a lifting effect will help reduce wrinkles around the eyes. The massage will help to visibly tighten the oval of the face, sagging cheeks and chin.

An important point in the care and rejuvenation of facial skin at this age is regularity and consistency. In addition, skin care should be carried out in conjunction with the treatment of climacteric manifestations, that is, monitor the hormonal background.

Smooth beautiful skin is a gift from Nature, which can be extended for many years. Do you agree that a woman looks advantageous if her face is smooth, fresh, with a natural blush, without pimples, irregularities and tons of decorative cosmetics?

Adopt the secrets of world celebrities and the recipes of nutritionists who know how to preserve youthful skin not by hearsay, but from their own experience.

Own merit

It is much easier to be beautiful and graceful in youth than in an elegant age. However, young girls often look much older than their age. An enhanced tan in a solarium, hair extensions and a plentiful layer of makeup on the face do not make anyone more beautiful, but on the contrary, they age and spoil their appearance, sometimes beyond recognition.

However, excessive facial cleansing, exfoliation and whitening, instead of prolonging the freshness of youth, lead to thinning and rapid aging of the skin. Even vitamins will not help here. "Nothing ages like the desire to rejuvenate!" - said Coco Chanel. Wrinkles on the face after 40 years are normal, but their absence causes associations of an unnatural mask.

Intense grooming, including excessive amounts of vitamins, is considered a psychological abnormality called body dysmorphic disorder. A person is inclined to exaggerate any defect on the face or body, becomes irritable, harsh, self-critical. Of course, there are “lucky ones” who inherited youthful skin and a slender figure through their genetic line to old age. But mostly beauty, healthy and blooming appearance is its own merit. What are the secrets of youth and recipes to prolong it?


The great Coco Chanel - a woman to the marrow of her bones - said that for female beauty and youth, first of all, a full and healthy sleep is important. The more "solid" the age, the better the night's rest should be. The French fashion trendsetter herself went to bed at 22 o'clock, and nothing could force her to change the chosen daily routine.

Why is a night's rest so important? Because its absence will necessarily lead to a violation of the regenerative functions of cells, to a violation of the body's production of melatonin, the so-called sleep hormone. From insomnia, any type of skin will become flabby, wrinkled, covered with age spots, and the oval of the face will change.

Ayurveda adherents suggest going to bed around 10 pm and waking up before 6 am. Sleep should be 7-8 hours for the brain to be fully rested. Before going to bed, the bedroom needs to be well ventilated, and even better - to sleep with the window open, the room should be darkened, or a special bandage should lie in front of our eyes.

Skin care

It is necessary to learn to take care of the face and body from childhood and do it throughout life. Lack of sleep, cosmetics that are not washed off at night, the use of low-quality skin care products gradually leave their mark in the form of early wrinkles, tired facial skin, circles under the eyes, and rapid aging. It is not recommended to wash your face with soap, as the alkali "draws" water from the body and degreases the skin. It is much more beneficial to use a liquid substitute or washing gel instead of regular soap.

Ladies of Balzac's age are not allowed to wipe their face with alcohol-based lotions: they violate the skin's protective cover. Products for morning and evening face care should be more gentle and gentle than for young skin.

Attention: youthful skin requires active hydration, especially after washing or cleansing, and then using a nourishing cream according to age and skin type. By the way, expensive creams are not always useful, often their cheap counterparts have a more useful composition. At night, you need to use a night cream or do without it at all, so that the face "breathes".

Shower and peeling

Monica Bellucci starts every morning with a cool shower. The charming Italian claims that mankind has not yet invented a better remedy for skin tone than a contrast shower. The actress also protects her face from direct sunlight, and on hot days she always uses a refreshing facial spray. Ageless Sophia Loren moisturizes her face, neck and décolleté with ice cubes every morning. And peeling and masks, which contain the necessary elements and vitamins, can also prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Sun protection

Scientists claim that a huge percentage of wrinkles are caused by exposure to harmful UV rays. Even being in the shade, the body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation, so lying on the heat in order to “get a good” tan or often go to a solarium is harmful. Chasing a tan when young can lead to early pigmentation, dryness and thinness of the skin and many wrinkles in old age.

6 "golden" rules

  1. Give up regular soap in favor of foam or gel for washing your face;
  2. Be sure to moisturize your skin;
  3. Select skin care products carefully, and not according to the principle: “expensive means high quality”;
  4. Make nourishing face masks (so that vitamins nourish the epidermis) and peeling cleansing;
  5. Go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time;
  6. Protect your face from direct exposure to UV rays.

Nutrition or beauty recipes from nutritionists

Healthy food and essential vitamins are the key to beautiful skin. Healthy foods, vitamins and proper nutrition are the secrets of a beautiful appearance. The daily inclusion in the diet of the use of cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cottage cheese is a guarantee of a blooming face skin. Recipes for spicy and fatty dishes, as well as products containing preservatives, additives and dyes, should disappear from the menu.

We must forget about smoking and alcohol - these are the first pests of a pleasant complexion and youth. Fast food, in which there are practically no vitamins, just a convenient "snack" that has nothing to do with a proper and healthy diet.

All the same Coco Chanel recommended essential products for a full breakfast: cereals, cottage cheese, fruits and berries. Vitamins are available, youthfulness of the skin is ensured, extra pounds are not terrible, and there is enough energy for the entire first half of the day.

  1. Fresh berries (blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, plums), containing not only vitamins, but also antioxidants - they protect the skin from harmful external factors.
  2. Kiwi, guava are the leaders among fruits that promote collagen production. Strawberry is a berry that contains many vitamins and has the same ability.
  3. Tomatoes are foods that contain lycopene, which protects the epidermis from UV rays.
  4. Seafood (especially oysters) contains trace elements necessary for female youth and beauty of skin, hair and nails.
  5. Red fish as a source of Omega-3.
  6. Cocoa - This drink contains flavonoids, which provide blood circulation and prevent the flaking process. Cocoa can be substituted for green tea, but the latter excites the nervous system.


Another essential element of all diets and healthy eating is water. Juices, soft drinks, drinks are other products. You need to drink up to two liters of clean water per day, without waiting for signs of thirst.

The main volume of consumed water should fall on the first half of the day, that is, up to 16 hours. And you need to drink every 15 minutes, several sips. In the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink a whole glass, but not late in the evening and before bedtime, otherwise swelling under the eyes is guaranteed.


More movement: dancing, sports, fitness - everything will do and will work for you. Charlize Theron, for example, loves to run with her dogs, and the secrets of youth and beauty of Monica Bellucci in yoga and swimming. The best part is that you can do physical exercise at any time. Even a 15-minute but daily morning exercise can recharge you with energy and good mood for the whole day.

The natural beauty of healthy skin is a precious gift for a woman of any age. Hygienic skin care from an early age, especially in adolescence, during puberty, allows you to keep it healthy and fresh for a long time.

We offer an approximate hygienic care regimen for normal, dry, oily and combination skin.

Every day, when washing your face in the morning and in the evening, you should pay a little attention to your face. Skin care consists of simple procedures - cleansing, toning and nutrition. However, one should take into account the peculiarities of the skin, i.e. individual susceptibility to cosmetic formulations.

The condition of the skin (color, structure and oiliness) must be systematically observed by looking at its surface in a magnifying mirror.

All cosmetic procedures - cleansing the skin of the face and neck, applying cream, powder, masks, self-massage, etc. it is necessary to carry out strictly along the lines of least stretch of the skin, from top to bottom towards the nearby lymph nodes.

The skin lines go in the following directions: along the lower jaw - from the middle of the chin to the earlobes; on the cheeks - from the corner of the mouth to the ear canal, from the middle of the upper lip and the lateral surface of the nose to the upper part of the auricle; around the eyes - from the inner corner along the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, and then along the lower eyelid to the nose; on the forehead - from the middle of the forehead to the temples; on the nose - from the bridge of the nose along the back of the nose to its tip, from the back of the nose down along its lateral surfaces (Fig. 1).

To cleanse normal skin of the face, cosmetics such as solid and liquid soaps, emulsions, alcohol solutions can be used. At any age, cosmetic milk, linden blossom infusion mixed with a 20% alcohol solution, and cucumber juice are effective. It should be remembered that normal skin on the face does not remain even with regular care, if any universal creams are indiscriminately applied. Therefore, special preparations are used to restore and correct the normal functioning of the skin. After an evening cleansing, nourishing rich fortified creams are effective.

After washing with cold water in the morning, it is enough to apply a bold or day cream to the skin to protect it from dust and weather all day. For normal skin, a steam bath and special care methods are not necessary. Monthly masks and compresses are helpful. Universal creams and masks after compresses make the skin elastic, stabilize the content of organic acids and skin moisture.

Dry skin cannot stand either cold or hot water. Therefore, it is very important to clean it properly. The water for washing should be warm and free of salts (boil 5 liters of water with one tablespoon of baking soda). Pre-dry skin is wiped with mild cosmetic emulsions. Alcohol in lotions is completely unacceptable for dry skin. As a lotion, it is better to prepare a juice or extract from fresh cabbage leaves.

In the morning and in the evening, dry skin must be thoroughly covered with cream, without making any sudden massaging movements. A light pat is sufficient. The night cream must include vitamins, wheat flour, alantoia, moisture-retaining complexes. In the morning, the skin is refreshed with warm water and a moist, oily cream is applied for protection. During the day, the water evaporates and the skin retains its beautiful appearance. In winter, do not use hydrating creams, it is better to use nourishing creams.

For complete cleansing of dry skin, hydrogen-containing oils are used. Alternating contrasting compresses, steam baths are completely unacceptable. Dry skin must be protected from low atmospheric pressure and extreme temperature changes. Every day for 20 minutes it is necessary to do a face massage with a fat cream.

For oily skin, cleansing is one of the most important procedures. Twice a week you need to wash your face with warm water and soap, using only liquid soaps with neutral or slightly high acidity. Every day, you should wipe your face with special washing creams and cosmetic waters containing no more than 20%

alcohol. All these products cleanse sebum and its decay products. Oily skin is favorably affected by 25-30% alcoholic herbal tinctures. After cleansing, the face is smeared with a moist cream. Sulfur powder can be applied every other day, which prevents inflammation of the sebaceous glands and the development of seborrhea. Shiny areas on the skin during the day should be wiped with a napkin or lignin soaked in herbal infusion.

To cleanse the skin of comedones and narrow the enlarged pores, warm compresses or steam baths for the face of camellia or chamomile infusions are used, which soften the skin and help cleanse the tissues. Fat-binding and tightening masks and compresses are effective.

Particular attention should be paid to disinfecting oily skin, avoiding overdrying it. Disinfectants, as a rule, dry the skin, and products that maintain natural oil content in the case of impaired activity of the sebaceous glands can cause inflammation and a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

The sun and ultraviolet rays prevent the secretion of sebum and disinfect its surface well, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

The most insidious skin type is mixed. For its daily cleansing, liquid soap and warm water are used, which have a degreasing effect. To keep the oily skin constant, cosmetic milk and liquid cream are applied. Once or twice a month, you need a steam bath with herbal infusion or warm compresses with herbal extract. Masks and compresses are required at night at least three times a week.

It is good to wipe oily and sour cream-type skin in the morning with cabbage juice or young grape wine. Bread kvass has a strong whitening effect. Raspberry juice and lemon juice (in a 1: 1 ratio) fortify the skin.

Fading wrinkled skin also needs cleansing, so once a month they make a steam bath of lime blossom and chamomile infusion or a hot compress. The face is pre-lubricated with cosmetic milk and honey. After that, you need a compress of warm vegetable oil, a mask of yeast, eggs and horseradish with sour cream, berries, fruits or vegetables. Then a cold compress from the infusion of herbs or juices is applied to the face. The skin is rinsed with cold water and lemon juice or rubbed with a piece of ice. A greasy nourishing cream is applied to damp skin and after 15 minutes its excess is soaked with a towel.

Even in antiquity, the beneficial effects of snow, ice and cold water on the skin were noticed. When caring for tired wrinkled skin, you should wash your face daily with pieces of ice from infusions of mint, plantain, juice and gruel of plants. Infusions can be prepared from a mixture of several herbs. In the summer, such washings are made from frozen juice or gruel of fresh plants - thyme, rose petals, jasmine, white lily. One tablespoon of finely chopped herbs is poured with boiling water to make a gruel, then heated over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After that, it is defended for 10 minutes and filtered. The infusions are poured into ice molds and frozen.

For the same purposes, you can prepare an infusion of parsley (200 g of fresh herbs, chop, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 1 hour, then drain and freeze), dandelion flowers (pour two tablespoons of flowers in 1/2 cup of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 25 minutes, then strain and freeze), dandelion leaves (pour 200 g of leaves with 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6 hours, drain, freeze). With withering skin, dandelion flowers are mixed with finely chopped lemon, from which the juice is squeezed out. The infusion is filtered through cheesecloth, and the juice is added before freezing.

A decoction of dandelion roots cleans the face well from acne (the roots for the decoction are dug in September and October). The crushed roots are poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Strain and freeze.

After washing with ice, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing cream containing honey, aloe juice or milk.

The following mixtures have a tonic effect on all types of skin:

black and green tea (one tablespoon per 1 liter of water);

St. John's wort, mint, thyme, bearberry, sage, chamomile (one tablespoon per 1 liter of water);

mint leaf, valerian root, motherwort herb, hawthorn berries, rose hips, chamomile flowers (two tablespoons per 1 liter of water);

St. John's wort, thyme, motherfucker, oregano, sage, eucalyptus leaves, anise fruits, marshmallow roots, plantain leaves (one tablespoon per 1 liter of water);

St. John's wort, bearberry, corn stigmas, rose hips, lingonberry leaves, juniper berries, birch leaves and buds, cornflower flowers (two tablespoons per 1 liter of water);

mint, oregano, valerian root, motherwort herb, hop cones, marshmallow root, chamomile flowers (two tablespoons per 1 liter of water);

linden blossom, horsetail, sage (two tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

The mixture of herbs is boiled for 10 minutes on low heat, insisted for 15 minutes, then filtered and rubbed over the face.

If you are going to a visit or to the theater and want to look good, do not forget to freshen up your face before applying makeup. To do this, clean it with lotion or cosmetic milk and wash with three pieces of ice at intervals of 10 minutes. After that, apply a mask of one teaspoon of sour cream mixed with five drops of fruit juice and two drops of vitamins. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water. Then apply corn flour pre-brewed with milk on your face (one tablespoon of flour for 1/3 cup of milk). After 15 minutes, remove the mask in a circular motion. Wash your face with warm water. To whiten the skin, mix two teaspoons of sour cream with a powdered aspirin tablet. After 30 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.