How to return the look of the doll hair. How to unravel and straighten your hair with a doll on the example of the dial of Cinderella. How to straighten your hair doll with your own hands: small nuances

All girls play dolls. Hair is a weak place from these toys. During the game, the hairstyle of the doll begins to be confused, dirty. Even if the dolls are sitting on the shelf and never left the apartments, they also will not hurt your head washing. You can not cut a doll: it can lose an attractive appearance. There are many opportunities to correct the situation. Let's talk about how to straighten your hair with a doll after washing, is it possible to return to them the initial view at home?

Washing hair

For starters wash your hair toys. Artificial hair is quickly dirty, even if you handle them very carefully.

For washing, you can apply shampoo, liquid soap, any means for washing dishes, washing powder. So, we will need:

  • slightly warm water. From hot water, puppet curls are twisted;
  • shampoo. You can use the one that use yourself. And you can take the cheapest tool;
  • air conditioning. Anyone is suitable, but it is better for these purposes that is still imbued. He impresses his hair, make them smooth;
  • hairbrush;
  • towel.

Before you start, you need something tightly wrap a doll and close her face with a food film. It must be done so that the water does not flow into the toys. Of course, if a little water still falls inside, not scary. It can be easily removed, especially since now almost all dolls are dealt.

Add a little shampoo and hair can be washed. Some wash the head of the doll twice, but it is completely optional. After the completion of the procedure, wrap the toy with a terry towel. In no case cannot be applied to the hair, so they can easily break down and even more confused. In conclusion, the air conditioner should be applied on puppet hair for 10-15 minutes.

Then wash it off, the hair is blocked by a towel. Only now you can start the rectification process itself.

Process of straightening

Toys today are expensive, especially high-quality. And therefore will be offended if the hair of Barbie dolls will lose an attractive look after month. Often, the hairstyle is twisted, and we know that it's not so easy to comb your hair with a doll. In addition, the elbowed hairs will naturally grow again. The toy risks forever to stay with a bald head. The way, as often behind the lap dolls, it is necessary to care, depends on several conditions: the qualities of the doll, the age of the hostess, the intensity of the games, etc.

Nevertheless, do not despair. It is possible to bring hair doll into the proper look. They will look no worse than on the day of purchase. However, for this will have to be pretty tinted. Perhaps the most effective way in this case is an iron alignment.

ATTENTION: This method is suitable only for high-quality hair. Cheap dolls he is contraindicated. They will not be transferred.

So you will need:

  • a comfortable place to work (one small doll can be spent before half an hour);
  • iron;
  • water;
  • hair clips;
  • pure toothbrush;
  • pojokerka for animals.

Puzzle is easy to buy in any pet shop. Please note that we need the simplest and cheapest booster. It should be an ordinary wooden thing with sharp thin teeth, preferably without plastic tips. It is such a brush and will become the main tool for puppet-haired.

Sleeping iron. Approximately to the temperature values \u200b\u200bof 90-110 degrees. Otherwise, artificial hair simply burst. At low temperatures, on the contrary, they will be difficult to align. It is better to start to carry out a sample on a small hairkin hair to make sure that the temperature is selected optimally.

Now separate a thin strand. Space the rest of the hair. Pour thoroughly straightened by Pojoker to separate all the hairs from each other. Try not to pass out your hair! Now wet the curls and go through it with an iron. It is necessary to do it slowly, as if pulling hair from under the iron. Then neatly expect a warm strand to the toothbrush.

Repeat this procedure several times if your hair is still uneven. Wait until the strand coest, and then lock it. Now highlight a new strand. Do the same operations with all hair on the head of the doll. As a result, they will become smooth and smooth.

Despite the fact that this process seems to be quite laborious and painstaking, the result will exceed all expectations. If the dolls had smooth hair, they would look almost like new ones. If the hair was wavy, after such an alignment it will be possible to make a doll new diverse hairstyles.

We work with Monster High

Before you start straightening your hair with a doll, it needs to comb carefully. You can do it with dry, and with wet chapel. Specially wait, when it will completely dry, do not. Combing hair needs thin strands, starting movement from the tips. It should be done very carefully, so as not to pull too much hairs. Thus, you can comb the most confusing hair.

Many are interested in how to straighten the hair dolls Montster High. Here, for example, one of the useful video tips on this topic:

As you can see, it is quite simple. This will require only an iron and a tissue napkin. You can safely begin work.

So, comb your hair. Together with the doll, a puppet small comb is usually sold.

With it, you can easily cope with this task.

Then it is necessary to highlight the strand and wrap it with a tissue napkin.

In order not to overload the hair, the tongs should not be warmed too much. We take a strand, wrapped in a napkin, and spend on it slightly heated iron. After such a procedure, the hair gradually straightened. Such manipulations need to be done until the very end, with each strand separately. It will be implicitly looking if you straighten only the top of the strands, and the tips will remain wavy.

Video on the topic

Even more useful videos on the topic of the article in the following selection:

The "cubeer" doll can be arranged and necessary. If it plays a child, then in the process of the game, the hair is noticeably confused and polluted, but also standing on the shelf copies of the puppet collection does not hurt from time to time to refresh and update the hairstyle with the help of water procedures. How to wash your head with a doll, and then comb her hair?

Looking ahead, I will say that even the most hopeless hair can be saved. Therefore, do not rush to grab the scissors, and it is better to fulfill the simple procedures below to make sure: salvation is possible.

Immediately, I note that the lower-handed rules for the care of puppet hair are valid only for conventional synthetic hair Barbie, Bratz, Moxy and other branded (and non-forming too) dolls. But if the needlewoman has already worked on your favorite, replacing the scratched branded hair on the crackles of Mochir, for example, then it would not recommended to wash your hair with a doll.

To put the hair with a doll, you will need:

cool water;

an ordinary shampoo - you can use the same you yourself;

air conditioning for hair - It is convenient to take one that does not need to flush;


terry towel.

I use the usual plastic brush, which walked from Barbie, to my surprise, it turned out to be the most convenient tool. You can purchase a separate combing for dolls. I advise you not to use the one that is combing you - allocations from human hair will contribute to the rapid pollution of your doll's hair.

Puppet lovers also say that it is convenient to put the hair with a doll with a regular dumping for pets, the cheapest, on a coarse wooden or plastic base, with metal bristles. There should be no balls on the tips! They will only make it difficult for combing.

Preparing for Washing Head Doll

To begin with, the doll would be nice to wrap or a piece of natural tissue, so that excessive moisture gets on it, and not inward the pupa. Face specialists also recommend close, it is convenient to do with the help of a food film.

How to wash your head doll

My head is a doll in cool water, using shampoo. You can rinse your hair twice, but, as a rule, this is not necessary.

Immediately after washing, we wrap a doll in a terry towel, so that moisture from the hair absorbed into it. Towel can be slightly squeezed with doll hair - in no case to rub, because This will only lead to more confusing the hairstyles of your doll.

Then generously applied on the hair dolls air conditioner for hair (the most common, for humans is also suitable - and proceed to the priesthood: we will comb your hair with a doll.

Combing the hair can be both dry and wet. I usually comb dry, in wet only weighing them with your hands, as far as it allows the confusion hairstyle.

Combine small strands, ranging from the most tips of the hair doll. I do not advise to hurry, otherwise there will be a lot of hairs. They will even pull out, but with due accurately they will not be so much, and on the beauty of the doll and the thickness of the chapels visually it will not affect this.

Thus combed the hair with a doll with any degree of confusion. The view of some dolls kept me in despair, and who would have thought that they would be able to return if not in the initial, then adequate condition was for sure.

Here for comparison you have two photos of the condition of the dolls before and after washing the head:

As you can see, the difference is noticeable. Now this doll is the owner of lush beautiful hair, and I was sure that they would no longer be able to save them. As you can see, wash your hair with a doll, combing them is quite simple. Best patience, a new cartoon or film, and you yourself will not notice how Cinderella will turn into a princess!

Wisenteta. Especially for the site Favorite doll

Did you like combing dolls in childhood, make wonderful hairstyles and run to boast hairdresser's success in front of their parents? If so, then you know exactly what doll curls are turning after children's experiments. In a beautiful elegant washcloth. Let modern toys make a new generation from synthetics, it did not solve the problem. If your child swirls a new doll, because the old one turned into Babu Yagu, do not hurry to the store. Try this simple lifehak. He will save the toy chapel and your money.

Return the favorite dolls is a decent view will help a big wash and a small trick. Why not arrange a toy beauty salon? Even children will be interested in watching your hairdressing manipulations. We begin the puppet cubeer!

You will need:
1. Hard hair brush
2. Any air conditioner for linen
3. Bottle with pulverizer
4. Water.

Mix in a bottle with a pulverizer water and air conditioning for linen in a proportion of 50/50. How to moisten the puppet hair with a mixture so that they are really wet.

Carefully combing wet puppet hair until they raise all the nodules, and the strands will become perfectly smooth. Now is the time to rinse the curls in clean water. Make sure that there is no air conditioning.

Sweep puppet hair with a hairdryer, and ready! Plastic beauty again, like new.

How to straighten quickly and just your hair with a doll, if the toy start losing your attractive look, and the child's favorite toy turns into a disadvantage in marasing? Make it is quite simple, and even need, and the matter is not even in aesthetics. A toy that the child plays every day, or which is simply the total mass of the same toys, requires regular sanitation. Many believe that careful processing is needed only when the child is very small. By no means. In regular cleaning, all toys need, especially if the child in the family is not alone. This article describes in detail the whole process, and is offered a video for clarity.

How to straighten your hair doll with your own hands: small nuances

Before you take for straightening the hair of the doll, be it a familiar Barbie, or a new-fashioned doll Montster High, you should consider the quality of the toy. Original dolls from the original manufacturer are better in all senses, it concerns not only their similarities with the original and durability, but also the quality of materials.

Hauters in high-quality dolls are more resistant to external influences, but also requires a more careful approach. Before straightening puppet hair, they need to be impaired, and before washing - combing, at least minimal. Otherwise, the hair can be knocked into the unbearable koltun, and the hairstyle will be irrevocably corrupted.

At home, you can easily return the beautiful doll to the former gloss and glamor. To prepare the hair for water procedures, you need to safely play them. Best of all, if you have a comb, which comes complete with toys - it is just designed for the careful combing of artificial hair. If there is no such crest, you can take a simple comb with rare teeth, and without jerks, starting with the tips of the hair, comb hair. After that, you can take a comb with more frequent teeth, and play again. In no case cannot be draped for chopenas - the hair simply stretches, and will become even more confusing and curly. Hair and so miserably, but it should be. After the hair shape, it can be washed.

What will need for washing hair dolls?

  • Warm running water;
  • Children or any shampoo
  • Air conditioning (preferably)
  • Cup or basin, sink

Before breeding to bath procedures, a doll must necessarily split and remove all the earrings, hairpins and other decorative elements.

The crucible doll is put down the head near the flowing jet of water. It is not necessary to put the head of the doll for the water under the water, because water will fall through the holes, which will dry up for a very long time, and in the process will be created and an unpleasant smell, and a favorable environment for the development of microbes and bacteria.

Wet your hair, and carefully lacinate them with shampoo or baby soap. It is impossible to rub too much, or quarrel with circular movements - so you can damage and confuse the hair. Ruff foam and rinse to clean water. If the hair is very dirty - repeat the procedure.

After shampoo, it is advisable to lubricate the hair with air conditioning, and wait a while until it is absorbed into the hair, and wash off. It is even better if at your disposal there is a career that does not need to flush - it can be applied to the third.

You need to dry your hair naturally - a maximum of what can be done is to be rolled up with a towel, and leave it in a warm place to completely dry. It is not worth using a hairdryer nor leave a doll on the battery.

Hair straightening.

After the hair of the doll is clean and dry, you can proceed to their final processing - straightening. After this stage of the peculus chapels, it will become smooth, silky and obedient. There are several ways to straighten synthetic hair, but first of all need to remember that their artificial nature does not tolerate high temperatures. For this reason, the puppet lap is not dried with a hairdryer, and do not apply hairdressing tools directly. However, if you use small tricks, you can use a simple iron straightening iron. In addition to him, a dense fabric will be required - flannel or something like a similarity. It is desirable that the fabric is without a bright pattern, and, of course, clean.

Separate from the total mass of the hair strand, put it between two layers of fabric, and spend iron from the roots to the ends. So do with all strands. If you have an iron on which you can set the temperature, then set 100 degrees as much as possible, this is more than enough.

The second version of the hair straightening is less long, but more "hot." To do this, boiling water and great accuracy to avoid injuries. This method is good because you do not need to wait until your hair is dried after washing. To straighten the hair with a doll, after you wash with them air conditioning, pour strands with boiling water. However, this version of hair straightening is acceptable only for original high-quality dolls, otherwise synthetic hair will suffer sad fate, and the doll will have to stron at best.

Video on the subject of the article

Over time, when Barbie was in fashion, much has changed. Modern girls prefer a long-legged blonde of cute iswolves and vampires. Most likely, the secret of their popularity lies in the fact that every doll is special: individual appearance, hair color, outfit. And despite the fact that the favorite has changed, the main problem remains - and this is the hair dolls!

Yes, girls love to experiment not only with their own hair. Crop, braid pigtails, freeze ... And how to return the straight shiny strands to the doll? We learn how to straighten your hair with a doll Monster High.

In order to bring a hairstyle in full order, we will preny well wash them.

Ironing straightening

When the curls are completely dried, you can begin straightening. How to straighten your hair doll? Artificial fiber does not tolerate too high temperature modes, so it's easy to straighten with an iron for laying. But there is one way!

Straightening curls boiling water

Another way to straighten the curls monster High - boiled water. Be extremely neat so as not to burn the ferry.

The doll must be put on the edge of the shell, down head. After the water in the kettle boils, carefully pour strands.

It is important that the toy should be a good quality, since the lap cheap analogues, it can completely deteriorate from such a procedure. If not confident in the "origin" of dolls, it is better to use the first way.

Video: Puppet hair straightening procedure