How to restore strength? Restoration of vital, physical and mental strength and energy after illness, stress, training, work, fatigue. How to rejuvenate and beat chronic fatigue

Not always a person's life is rosy, beautiful and carefree. Sometimes it feels like everything is against you. It can be difficult to survive such moments, because the vitality is at zero.

When there is no strength, and there is not enough energy even to adequately perceive criticism, then it's time to resort to a total mood restructuring. Five effective ways to quickly restore strength will help.

Method One: Exercise

If you feel that you are losing your temper, that you will soon explode with anger, rage or hopelessness, then go in for sports. You can go to the gym to “beat” the bag and do some strength exercises, or you can go for a long run, go to the pool. When the body is tired, it has no strength for anything, including depression.

Exercise regularly in moderation to minimize the risk of negative emotions. This is very important in today's world, where negativity surrounds us everywhere.

Method two: eat an apple and some sweets

Sugar contains glucose, which activates brain activity and gives strength to our muscles. You can eat honey, as natural honey is the only food that is 100 percent digestible.

An apple is a coffee substitute because it instantly invigorates. Always keep one ripe apple on hand so that in moments of breakdown you can always “disperse” yourself. Do not forget that sweet not only increases energy, but also improves mood.

Method three: relax properly

Use Buddhist meditations to relax and uplift your energy. 10 minutes will be enough to reset your brain and your consciousness. Most great people rested during work for 10 minutes every hour and a half.

Method four: healthy sleep

In the long run, healthy sleep is a good way to regain strength and strengthen your body. Follow the regimen and sleep as much as the body requires.

If you cannot fall asleep early, then try to do it as early as possible, find a balance. If you can't see the difference, then at least don't go to bed too late. You need to sleep at least 8 hours. There are exceptions to the rule when 4 hours is enough for people, but 99% of the world's population needs 8 hours of sleep.

Method five: take a break from everything

Look for ways to cheer yourself up, cheer up, energy. Chat with nice people - call your spouse, friend or girlfriend, watch an interesting video about the structure of the Universe, or just forget about everything. In a word, throw out the excess rubbish from your head. It may not be easy, but each of us has something that helps to distract from problems.

Relieve stress in time so that negative thoughts do not become negative programs. They are your main enemy, because it is almost impossible to get them out of your head without the use of special techniques. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.03.2017 05:02

The modern rhythm of life leads to overwork - both physical and emotional. Stress and bad...

Many people mistakenly believe that their words and thoughts disappear without a trace, but this is not so. ...

Greetings, dear reader!
The height of autumn is the time when summer is long over, and before the New Year holidays there is still life and life. This is where the familiar state of seemingly unreasonable fatigue arises, when you feel exhausted even in the absence of obvious physical exertion.Howto enjoy every new day? Let's figure it out!

When the ship leaked...

But before we understand how to gain and accumulate the energy necessary for a happy life, it is important for us to track down the weak points of the body, those “holes” through which precious forces flow. This happens on four levels: the physical body, the energy body, the mind, and the emotions. The mere awareness of these causes will help you stop the process of draining the resources of the body and understand howrestore vitality.

Examples of energy waste at the physical level:

  • Uncontrolled and unconscious muscle clamps, blocks;
  • Energy-intensive postures, such as stooping or, conversely, excessive looseness of the body;
  • Chronic diseases or other ailments, especially those accompanied by constant pain;
  • Unconscious copying of gestures, movements, gait, postures of the body of an energy vampire who is next to you.

Examples of energy waste at the energy level:

  • Constant thoughts that this negative state will last forever, complaints about low energy tone;
  • Rhythmic, shallow breathing, when the exhalation is shorter than the inhalation (it should be the other way around), breathing through the mouth;
  • Long stay “within four walls”, lack of walks in the fresh air, in nature.

Examples of wasting energy on a mental level:

  • “Self-discipline”, self-digging, uncontrolled chewing of the negative;
  • Syndrome of "restless mind": constant jumping of thoughts from subject to subject, inability to separate one's "I" from one's own thoughts, identification with them;
  • Too deep immersion in dreams, separation from the real world;
  • Unproductive thoughts about the past or worry about the future, inability to live in the here and now;
  • Pointless complaints about things you can't change: the weather, politics, the economy, other people;
  • Incomplete, unstarted or postponed cases that now and then pop up in memory and remind of themselves.

Examples of wasting energy on an emotional level:

  • Emotional trauma and clamps;
  • The predominance of aggression, despondency, anger, pessimism and other negative emotions (this is one of the most serious reasons preventing the preservationrestoration of vital energy);
  • Having conflicting goals or desires;
  • Internal emotional conflicts, addictions, unhealthy attachments;
  • Unresolved problems in personal life that hang like a “dead weight”;
  • Negative emotions of loved ones directed at you;
  • Sleep disorders: nightmares, insomnia, lack of sleep, regimen disturbances - late going to bed or late rising.


Energy - to raise, a course for a happy life!

Now, knowing the main "gaps" in your physical and mental system, you will be able to take emergency measures and stop the process of uncontrolled draining of the body's resources. It's time to find out howrestore vitalityand achieve the desired goals with it.

Filling with energy at the physical level:

  1. Compliance with a healthy lifestyle: good nutrition and sleep, quitting smoking and alcohol;
  2. Measures to cure and prevent diseases, at least the very first steps;
  3. Carrying out various cleansings, such as therapeutic fasting (if there are no contraindications), herbal decoctions, cleaning the internal organs in order to get rid of toxins;
  4. Using meditation to get rid of muscle spasms and blocks;
  5. Eastern practices: tai chi quan, qigong, hatha yoga, etc.

Filling with energy at the energy level:

  1. not with the mouth, but with the nose, while the exhalation is longer than the inhalation;
  2. Proximity to nature, walks in the fresh air;
  3. Maintaining balance and calmness during periods of weakness, understanding that this state will not last indefinitely;
  4. The use of energy practices that help to relax the body and at the same time focus on sensations, the movement of energy within you.

Filling with energy at the level of the mind:

  1. Conscious tracking of thoughts throughout the day;
  2. The ability to observe one's thoughts as if from the outside, without dissolving in them and not identifying oneself with them;
  3. Acceptance of oneself: both the strengths and weaknesses of one's personality, the rejection of self-flagellation;
  4. Awareness of a simple truth: nothing lasts forever, positive and negative periods of life alternate, this is a natural process.

Filling with energy at the level of emotions:

  1. Emotional hygiene: the ability to label what you feel;
  2. Cultivating the habit of maintaining a positive outlook on life, regardless of external circumstances;
  3. Tracking negative emotions, the ability to express them in an eco-friendly way, without blocking, but not allowing them to destroy you;
  4. Working through emotional traumas and clamps with the help of various practices;
  5. Maintain a positive attitude in dealing with people;
  6. Refusal to communicate with people who devastate you energetically;
  7. Emotional openness, development of love and

Restoration of strength and energy

It is instantly possible to restore strength and energy! With just 15 minutes a day of very simple exercises, you will get immediate tangible results. You will be surprised at the strength and energy that you will feel in your body at the end of this complex. They have their origin in an ancient art that was often kept secret. After a few minutes, stop and feel the movement of this energy through your body and recovery. A very important condition is to concentrate on the correct execution of the exercises. Do these exercises for 15 minutes to gain inner strength and access your inner potential. This energy is called Qi and is often translated as the breath of life.

Feel it right now! Do the first exercise and already feel the energy flowing through your body and a surge of fresh strength.

Exercises to increase energy and vitality

1.0 exercise

Stretch your arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Bend your palms inward and vigorously rub your nails together. This activates your inner energy, which the ancients called Qi, the life force. Your inner strength and your inner potential depend on it. Take a deep breath and vigorously rub your nails together. Feel this energy. Keep doing it for a minute. Now place the palms of your hands with your hands facing each other. Hold them like this and feel the pulsating energy, this is the Qi energy, the life force.

Place your hands on top of each other at the bottom of your abdomen. Breathe in, slightly inflating your stomach. While exhaling, gently press the stomach to the back, exhaling completely. Relax a little. Repeat several times and feel your mind relax, feel the energy in the center of your body. Thus, your diaphragm will drop and your chest will relax, tension in your chest and your heart will relax. This will help to feel emotional balance and calm the mind.

3.0 exercise 3.1. the exercise

"Vertebral breathing" - breathing in motion. It helps to get rid of stress, tension in the nervous system and develops the flexibility of the back. Position your hands at shoulder level. Breathe in. Look up. Straighten your shoulders and open your chest. Then round your back, lowering your tailbone, and bringing your chin closer to your chest. Nice deep breath as you rise and straighten up. Inhale - look up. Exhale - round your back. After a few repetitions, speed up the execution by synchronizing the movements. This exercise is good to do at any time of the day to add flexibility to the back and the body as a whole. Every time you need to recharge, you need to practice spinal breathing.

4.0 exercise

Activation points

Points, the pressure on which activates the internal energy of the body.

Lung point. After a deep breath. It is located directly below the collarbone. Tapping this point promotes efficient functioning of the lungs, helping them to better convert oxygen into vitality. Then we will move along the meridians, energy channels to the hands and you will feel an electric tingling in your hands.

Take a nice deep breath in, tapping the lung point, as you exhale, open your hand and slap your arm with your other hand, going down to your wrist. And then clapping your palm on the other, outer side of the arm, rise to the shoulder and neck. Do it three times. And then do the same on the other side of the body.

Now keep your palms at chest level, without touching, keep a distance of a few centimeters. Close your eyes and feel the electrical pulsation between your chest, lungs and arms. Pay attention to the sensations in your body after doing this exercise.

We have begun to awaken the inner energy of your body. It doesn't take much time for you to discover this magical power that is within you.

Now let's do a stretch that will eliminate tension in the neck and shoulders. Spread your arms to the sides, pointing them down with your palms away from you. Spread your fingers. Shoulders also point down, and the sides. If at the same time you press your chin, then you will use the so-called tension lines, areas for which chronic tension is characteristic. This is a great preventive exercise if you work at the computer for a long time, against neck tension, headaches, mental stress and any hand problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Tilt your head to the side, pressing your ear to your shoulder. As you do this, you should feel a pleasant stretch in your other hand. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale just let your head slowly roll over to the back of your shoulder and then to the front of your shoulder. Repeat this movement several times in both directions, thereby getting rid of stress, stiffness and tension in the muscles of the upper back and neck. It is a long exhalation that helps to get rid of tension in this area. Now lower your arms and relax them completely. Close your eyes. Notice the sensations in your body. Feel the improvement in energy circulation. From the neck, it goes to the shoulders, goes down to the arms and rolls to the fingertips. If you feel warmth, pulsation or tingling in your palms, this is the life force, Qi energy circulating in your body.

Stretch your arms forward with your palms up and lightly tap your wrists against each other. On the inside of the wrist there are acupuncture points that are responsible for emotional balance, sleep quality, and the prevention of insomnia. And also these points can be used not to adopt the energy of other people. You just need to tap these points. The palms are facing your face. We clap on the points on the inside of the wrist of one hand with the outside of the wrist of the other hand. After this exercise, you will feel more vitality, more Chi energy in your hands. Clap your wrists against each other for emotional balance and cleansing your chest of negative energy and anxiety. Take a deep breath, relax. When you lower your hands, feel that these points are active. You have awakened this electrical energy, this life force, and it flows in your hands. Pay attention to the sensations in your body.

After just a few minutes of this practice, you will feel the circulation and flow of vitality.

Smooth movements increase vitality, and also help to calm the mind. Sometimes they are called movement meditation. They bring clarity to your mind and charge your body with vitality.

7.0 exercise

Raise your arms, inhale, spread your arms to the sides, expand your chest, turn and

Point your palms up and exhale as you gently bring your hands back forward. Take a short pause at the peak of inhalation. Think about how stale or old energy leaves your body as you bring your hands together. And when, spread your arms, imagine that you are receiving new energy to recharge and refresh your body. When you inhale, you inhale life, new sensations, and when you inhale

get rid of the old energy, let go of the past. Refreshing, energizing. Now we move our hands as if we were holding the ball. Pay attention to the sensations on the surface of the palms. Slightly move your palms so that there are 8-10 centimeters between them, close your eyes and try to feel the energy between your hands. Your body is full of electromagnetic energy. When you do these

exercises, they activate your inner potential, and you feel, contain and radiate more energy from your hands and whole body. Slightly reduce the distance between the hands, and then gently spread them, bring them together again. Pay attention to feelings. Breathe in as you bring your palms together

exhale as you release. Your hands feel warm and like two magnets, they are attracted and repelled. This is your life force. It is not always in the shell of your body, it may be outside the body. When you perform such movements, you feel a current between your palms. Put your hands down. And now, we take all this energy that has accumulated in our hands and envelop the whole body with it. This technique is called "lowering the sky." Inhale, slowly raise your hands. Exhale, slowly lower your arms. Feel pleasant waves of relaxing energy flowing from your head down through your whole body. If you need additional healing energy, deeper relaxation, just open yourself to them during this exercise. Whatever energy you need, have the intention to receive it, whether it be abundance, creativity, clarity of thought, well-being, or a sense of balance and harmony in everything.

Place your hands on your lower abdomen. We end the full cycle of exercises the same way we started. Breathe deeply and listen to the sensations in your body. Do you feel different now before exercising? Your consciousness is calmer, more relaxed, you feel electrical energy, this new power that you have discovered in yourself. Close your eyes. Take a few more deep breaths. Listen to the sensations of your body. No need to imagine anything, just feel. Allow yourself to sink into the present moment and be completely relaxed. Lower your arms and relax.

Hurry up to perform simple exercises, make sure of their effectiveness and start using them in your life to restore strength and energy!

Ways to restore strength after physical, emotional, mental fatigue. Recommendations of traditional medicine.

To live means to have strength, inspiration, impulse to action.

However, sometimes we feel a lack of energy, and the amount of work is still too much. Yes, we can ignore the signals of the body about fatigue, but in this case it wears out faster, the connection with it and its needs is lost, we are more and more like a tortured robot outwardly.

The pace of life of most people leads to a daily accumulation of stresses that should be dealt with regularly. Otherwise, the risk of illness and serious malfunctions in the body increases.

Note that, in addition to physical fatigue, there are:

  • emotional
  • intellectual
  • spiritual

Let's talk in more detail about ways to restore vital energy in different situations.

How to quickly restore strength after an illness?

a woman helps a man recover after an illness

Illness is the final way to alert a person about failures or excessive loads on the body.

It does not arise in a day, an hour, a moment. Painful processes are launched on the subtle energy plane and manifest themselves after a while, if their prerequisites are not eliminated.

The temporary decrease in activity that accompanies any illness is given to us as a boon, as an opportunity to rethink our:

  • deeds
  • way of thinking
  • installations
  • life in general

And what do we do most often? We are actively fighting the disease with pharmaceuticals. Yes, there are such diseases when you can’t do without them. These are extreme cases.

The process of confrontation or struggle involves the acceleration of physical exhaustion. We then recover in different ways:

  • through the mouth - we eat pharmaceutical vitamins, fruits and vegetables in raw and in the form of juices, beekeeping products, herbs in tea and decoctions, dietary supplements, spices
  • through movement - walks in the fresh air, exercises in the form of gymnastics, yoga, dancing
  • through the eyes - we contemplate the beauty of nature, reproductions of artists, mandalas
  • through the ears - we listen to pleasant melodies, meditations, prayers, sounds of nature
  • through the nose - we smell the smells of essential oils, brewed herbs, fresh aromas of forests, meadows, parks, natural reservoirs
  • through tactile receptors - hugging a tree, petting animals

How to quickly restore physical strength after work, training?

the man used up his strength at work

When we give our best physically at work or in the gym, we logically deplete the supply of vitality. This is an indicator of quality time spent.

However, constantly living in such a rhythm means accumulating physical fatigue.

Then at one moment the body will say - stop, stop! It's time to change attitude and rhythm!

The following methods of physical recovery will come to the rescue:

  • water procedures and a contrast shower. Water literally washes away fatigue from the body and takes all the negativity out of the head. Those who regularly train in the gym know about the miraculous power of the bath and sauna. And professional "hard workers" often restore themselves with cold water or a contrast shower
  • saturation of the body with oxygen. If you have access to a coniferous forest, go there for an hour or two. A more expensive alternative in financial terms - a pressure chamber
  • fruit juice. Especially if it is prepared by you or a loved one from homemade fruits.
  • massage. Since we feel tired in the body, we need to release it through the body. The hands of another person will relax tired muscles and set you up for a relaxing holiday.
  • less stressful activities. For the gym - you switch to more gentle shells, exercises, or reduce the total load by a third during the next workout. At work - each office employee will have documents that need to be folded into folders, revised for the purpose of destruction, sending to other departments. The work is mechanical, and the head is resting
  • a leisurely walk in pleasure with an emphasis on the beauty of the surrounding nature, rather than getting stuck on personal problems. Mother Earth loves us unconditionally and is always ready to take away all the bad things and bestow lightness on her children. Just like you - your
  • meditations, auto-training records. For example, professional athletes are sure to listen to them both before competitions and after training.
  • healthy food. Much has been said about this, but this moment is always relevant. Through food, we get a specific taste, which affects our character on a subtle plane, nourishes a certain trait of it.
  • passive rest. Sometimes lying on the couch or sitting in a rocking chair on the veranda of your house is more than enough to recuperate
  • a glass of clean water without gas. Any activity of increased complexity launches intensive internal processes of the body, which means that water consumption increases. Follow the recommendations for drinking clean water and replenish it regularly

How to restore vitality and spiritual strength?

girl on the river restores mental strength

Stresses, sorrows, trials in life leave their mark on us, undermine and take away strength. But you should pull yourself out of the states of depression and spiritual weakness on your own or with the help of benevolent people.

Sometimes we don't see a way out. So much we are drawn into the problem that the world loses its brightness and joy.

So what can we do for ourselves?

  • walk, several hours near a natural reservoir
  • leave for a while
  • go to the temple
  • pray
  • aromatherapy session
  • buying an outfit that you have long dreamed of
  • hairstyle change

If the case is more hopeless and you cannot get out alone, then:

  • going to a psychologist
  • participate in constellations, group lectures
  • confession in the temple, spiritual teacher, mentor
  • we do things that we have long dreamed of but put off, for example, skydiving
  • we are going on a tour of countries where we have never been
  • we go with pilgrims to holy places

Means of restoring the body after mental fatigue

the girl is tired of working at the computer

Unlike physical fatigue, which occurs due to muscle strain, mental fatigue is provoked by a static body position and lack of movement for a long time. Therefore, the people are advised to work with their hands after working with their heads.

However, not everything is so simple with the choice of a way to restore strength. Fatigue happens:

  • general
  • local
  • chronic
  • periodical

Therefore, the methods of returning strength to our body after mental labor differ:

  • a breath of fresh air is a quarter-hour walk outside the walls of the house / office, an open window in the room
  • sunlight
  • regular sports training - any kind of sports, dancing, yoga, classes in the gym, swimming pool. It is enough to occupy yourself 2-3 times a week with the activity that brings more pleasure.
  • doing a job you like, a hobby
  • hiking
  • good sleep in a ventilated room
  • planning your activities in advance, as well as rest time

Revitalizing vitamins

vitamins for recovery

The physical wear and tear of the body is provided by nature. We are only able to speed up this process by irrational loads, fatigue, wear and tear.

If we add poor-quality nutrition to all this, in which food industry products and additives predominate, then diseases cannot be avoided.

Nutritionists care about the balance of vitamins in the body and recommend increasing the consumption of foods containing them in cases of increased physical exertion. Among the first:

  • B vitamins - rescuers for the nervous, muscular systems
  • C - antioxidant, vitamin of health and vitality
  • A - or beta carotene is especially valuable for the eyes, brain cells
  • E - a vitamin of beauty and youth that our skin loves
  • D - solar vitamin that supports the strength of the skeletal system
  • iron - reliever of depression
  • fish oil - enriches brain cells with the necessary acids and minerals
  • magnesium - participates in the absorption of D and calcium, works in tandem with iron in emotional exhaustion
  • calcium is the basis of all living tissues, especially bone
  • folic acid - regulates metabolic processes

Rest restores strength

girl resting in the sun in nature

With the acceleration of the rhythm of life, the amount of time for it decreases. However, without rest, we will quickly turn into a downtrodden horse, and the body will stop us with a serious illness so that it may be impossible to get out of bed.

Therefore, wisely alternate the time of work and rest, without bringing yourself to the extreme point of fatigue.

Note that in addition to tension in the body, it is also noted in:

  • mind, that is, emotional
  • soul, i.e. psychological
  • spiritual sphere, when contact with God is weakened or completely lost

Relaxation methods are:

  • active
  • passive

The first are represented by ways to change the type of activity, for example, after a long sitting at the computer, it’s good:

  • dance to a rhythmic melody for 5 minutes
  • take a shower with active rubbing of the body with a washcloth
  • relax and allow the body to make any movements to the melodious meditative music

We refer to the second:

  • a short nap for a quarter of an hour
  • tea break - for it you should have several varieties of aromatic tea in store. In order to feel a surge of bliss and relaxation through the sense of smell, inhale its aroma after brewing.
  • sunbathing on the veranda / at the open window along with exercises for the eyes
  • talking to a positive person
  • viewing funny photos on the Runet, for example, demotivators

Foods and nutrition that restore strength

recuperation fruit basket

And yet, food is not just fuel to maintain the strength of the body, it is the nourishment of the subtle structures of a person, which find their manifestation in our character traits. If you feel tired, you also feel the need to eat something specific.

What can be eaten from products in order to restore strength and bring health benefits?

  • drink warm water
  • eat banana, citrus fruits
  • drink hot chocolate during the day, warm fresh milk with sweet spices in the morning or at night
  • chew on pumpkin seeds
  • eat several different nuts, dried fruits, a spoonful of honey
  • green beans

But there is such fatigue and apathy that only fasting and prayer will help.

Good for restoring sleep

girl's sweet dream to recuperate

Sleep is a powerful natural way to restore the body not only from fatigue, but also from diseases, such as the flu. The stronger and deeper the sleep, the lighter and more cheerful you feel after waking up.

To make sleep time as efficient and therapeutic as possible, use some tips:

  • walk half an hour before it
  • ventilate the room
  • keep the temperature in the bedroom around 21℃
  • shift the last meal a couple of hours before bedtime and eat it in very meager amounts
  • keep a sleep schedule. Scientists recommend falling asleep between 10 p.m.
  • take a bath or shower before bed. To calm the nervous system, it is good to use essential oils of lemon balm, mint or chamomile.
  • brew tea from the herbs listed above when nervous tension is too strong, or drink a glass of boiled milk with a spoonful of honey
  • position your bed in the bedroom so that your head is facing north or east. In case of ailments - to the south

Music of various origins affects our body and subtle structures in different ways. For example, the sounds of nature relax, align the vibrations of the body and systems, fill with strength.

The music created by people that sounds in cafes, bars, supermarkets, often on the street, on the contrary, excites our consciousness, provokes tension and even more fatigue. Even if we do not feel it right away, regular listening to it dulls our sensitivity.

To relax, choose melodies that are in tune with you, giving relaxation and peace to the mind. Suitable for this:

  • sounds of nature with an admixture of wind instruments
  • classical music
  • mantras, indian culture meditations
  • songs on spiritual themes performed by monks with a guitar
  • recordings of organ, symphony orchestras

Such music has a creative effect on us, distracts from annoying thoughts, switches attention to the true eternal themes of human existence.

Folk remedies for recuperation

a cup of green tea for recuperation

Traditional medicine comes to our aid in matters of recovery after mental, physical labor or illness. Use the following tips:

  • minimize your sugar intake
  • avoid heating food in the microwave
  • brew rose hips and drink as a tea throughout the day. Arrange yourself a fasting day at this time, refusing food
  • prepare a coniferous decoction. Suitable branches, cones, needles of spruce or pine. After boiling water with coniferous elements, remove the container from the heat and leave the broth to tune in a dark place for 12 hours. Add it to a warm bath of 750 ml
  • useful mixture of onion or garlic with honey, lemon
  • prepare Tibetan tea - brew 50 grams of green tea, add a glass of boiled milk, a spoonful of melted butter, barley flour. Mix all ingredients and pour into a thermos. Such a drink, even in extreme conditions without food, will nourish you with strength, energy and vitamins for several days.

Video: relaxing music

Remember when was the last time you felt in good shape, full of strength and energy, beating like a fountain? I only ask you not to justify yourself and reassure yourself that this is possible only at an early age! Rather, it is time for you to change something in your habits.

How same recover?

Sleep better. And here the main thing is not the amount of sleep, but its quality. There can be many reasons for poor quality sleep, from a heavy dinner at night to a blanket that is too stuffy or an unventilated bedroom. There are a lot of recommendations - they will definitely come in handy for you.

Eat little and often. Do not forget about breakfast, snack on a banana, dried fruits. But sweets are best avoided. Lunch should be energy-intensive—that is, include bread, rice, pasta, fish, dairy, or lean meats on your menu. And as many fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs as possible. As they say, .

The use of vitamins with iron content will help you restore your strength well. A lack of iron leads to a lack of oxygen in the blood, without which there is a feeling - "as if falling apart."

Needless to say, you need to drink more water. After all, the lack of water, and not other liquids (tea, coffee, etc.) leads to a feeling of fatigue.

Look after your liver health. This is not surprising, because it is the liver that takes on alcohol, preservatives, nitrates and other muck. So support your liver and strength with antioxidants and don't torment it with alcohol.

Breathe properly. It is the lack of oxygen or improper breathing that leads to exhaustion. Therefore, to help you, which copes not only with chronic fatigue, but also apathy and overeating.

Physical education and sports will help restore strength. It doesn't matter which one, the main thing is to move actively. If you work out 2-3 times a week, great. But even here the golden mean is important. Do not overdo it!

BUT how same recover when you are under constant stress. Stress exhausts the body and leads not only to decline, but also to health problems! Be sure to understand what is bothering you and learn how to deal with negative emotions. Here again, breathing exercises will help and