What the aroma look like. Selection of essential oils for aromatherapy. To optimize mental activity

Want to fall asleep today on the ocean, tomorrow to find yourself on the Alpine meadow, and the day after tomorrow it is all day to feel yourself walking among the resinous pines heated by the sun? There is nothing easier. To do this, do not even need to leave the house! Get the Aromalamp, and your ocean breeze, fresh wind from the mountains and the heading of the woody spirit - as well as hundreds of other favorite smells - will always be with you.

Another 10 years ago seemed incredible wonder, today the aroma lamps firmly occupied their place in our homes and apartments. And that is, there are a lot of reasons.

  1. They successfully replace air fresheners. Moreover, if the latter regularly come across polymers, artificial fragrances and other unpleasant "chemistry" (no wonder Rospotrebnadzor attributes fresheners to the category of low-dangerous, but still unsubstantiated substances), then good quality oil is not sinful.
  2. They do not limit your fantasy. The same aerosol can produce a single fragrance, while the oils can be combined in different proportions, handing out the atmosphere of their home.
  3. Many oils have antibacterial and antiviral action, due to which they can serve as an excellent prophylactic medium of colds, especially during the epidemics.
  4. Daistent light of the candle creates a special comfort, cleans the air from unpleasant odors, and in combination with favorite aromas helps to relax, get rid of negative emotions and tune in to positive way. Experts of subtle matters, by the way, assure that the combination of flame and essential oils leads to harmony energy of the room.
  5. Stylish, tastefully selected aroma lamp can become a spectacular decor element. Fortunately, their choice today is almost unlimited - spending a little effort, you will definitely find exactly what perfectly fit into the interior of your home.

In short, you have at least 5 reasons to acquire a new cute and useful accessory for your home. But before going to the store, it would not be bad to clearly imagine what exactly you want to find there. Aromatic lamps are different:

  • by the method of heating, they are divided into classical, electrical and catalytic (flameless) combustion lamps;
  • by material - on glass, ceramic, stone, metal and combined (for example, combining glass and stone or metal);
  • in size - any, from very miniature to pretty bulky and heavy.

At the same time, there are all models according to a single principle: the fragrant composition mixed on the basis of water or alcohol and essential oils is poured into a specially intended capacity and warm up until the fragrant cocktail starts evaporate and does not fill the air with pleasant aromas. The whole difference is exactly what a mixture is to use and how to warm it.

On average, the aroma is capable of refreshing and disinfection of air in the room, up to 20 m2.

Subtleties of choice

If the appearance of the future update for the home is entirely determined by the individual preferences of its owners, then the other characteristics are the material, the principle of operation, safety - need additional study. As - in no way, you have to use this thing for many years, so it is necessary to approach the selection process.

Depending on the material

A good aroma lamp will possess at least two advantages: a relatively low weight so that it can be easily moved from place to place, and easily washing bowl for water. The most successful choice in this regard will be glass, as well as any ceramics from primitive clay to a porcelain or its more fun and expensive shame of the slip. The range of prices for such lamps is great, but rarely reaches the transcendental heights, so you do without problems find the model on your wallet and taste.

In second place are aroma of metal. They are reliable, durable, easily fit into the interiors performed in a variety of styles, and are quite accessible by price, although they are inferior in this regard to cheaper ceramic collections. True, there is a risk that the unfinished manufacturer saved on the material and used metal capable of reacting with active oil substances, but to avoid this danger simply: it is enough to purchase a metal lamp with a glass bowl.

Stone aroma lamps are less common than made of ceramics and metal, but not because they are inferior to them in quality. Rather, on the contrary! Natural stone does not form harmful compounds with oils, it is well warmed, it is easy to comprise clean ... Perhaps the only pronounced minus of such lamps is their high cost - first of all, because of not the cheapest method of production (most of the work is performed manually). But how luxuriously look like a bauble on the table or shelf in your room! How mysteriously will flicker flashed candles hidden behind through stone thread! ..

According to the principle of work

If you are a convinced connoisseur classics, and the contemplation of exactly burning flame acts on you pacifying, the choice is undoubtedly stopped on the classic version of the aromalamps. Water in it warms up with the help of special candle-tablets, the reserves of which must be regularly replenished, but the rest of the lamp does not cause the hostess of problems. Is that requires high caution in operation, especially if you have small children and curious pets in your apartment - no matter how cool, and every time, using it, you will deal with open fire.

Catalytic lamps that resemble the bottle of exquisite spirits are somewhat different. They are a vessel with aromatic fluid containing a certain amount of alcohol, burner and wick, by the counting of which and evaporation of aromatic substances occurs. Be careful about the burner of catalytic arabolamba, nothing is worth burning your fingers even after the flame itself is already extinguished!

Electric aromalamps will definitely come to the fans of technical innovations and those who thoughts about the fire are not allowed to quietly enjoy their loved odors. Due to the absence of fire, burning about such a lamp is extremely difficult, and the constant temperature of the bowl, which is provided by electric heating, causes the oil to evaporate less intensively. From here it follows that and buying new bottles with fragrant contents you will have less frequently. In addition, many users assure - the aromas "sound" cleaner when they are not mixed as soon as the intimate smell of burning fitle.

Electric aroma lamps can work from outlet, batteries and even ... from the laptop. In the latter case, the miniature device connects to the USB port of the computer, as a regular USB flash drive, and during operation you envelop a cloud of a pleasant fragrance.

To size

Do you think, right here, exactly all depends on the wishes of future owners? Not really. Be sure to follow:

  • the volume of water bowls was at least 30, and better 50 ml - so its contents will be heated evenly;
  • the bowl itself was located at a height of 7 to 10 cm from the form of aromalamps - otherwise it will either overheat from the proximity of the flame, or, on the contrary, will not reach the desired temperature. An exception is high open structures in which conventional decorative candles can be used.

How to use Aramalamp?

It all depends on what model you stopped.


  1. Well ventilate the room.
  2. Pour a few spoons of clean water into the bowl.
  3. Add selected essential oil. At first, there are enough 3-5 drops, although with time the experienced way you can easily set the optimal volume of fragrant additives.
  4. Light a candle and install it under the bowl of the bowl.
  5. Give the lamp to turn 15-20 minutes and extinguish it. Stretching the time of the first sessions up to an hour and more, as the "old-timers" aromatherapy make, do not, otherwise you risk getting a migraine.
  6. Give the cup to cool so as not to burn your fingers, and wash it, neatly draining the residues of fragrant water into the sink.

Do not let liquids completely buy. The author of these lines, for example, somehow left a candle in the lamp longer, and received a glass bowl as a result, disfigured with oil divorces. And easily finished, since the empty capacity of two scores could crack from contact with the flame.

Important! Do not leave a burning candle without supervision and do not keep it near it flammable items. Even miniature "tablets" in reliable cups from foil can cause fire.


  1. Carry the room.
  2. Fill the vessel aromalamps with a fragrant mixture, specially intended for this purpose.
  3. Insert the wick and let him be soaked like a liquid. Usually it takes 20 minutes, but it is better to wait for half an hour.
  4. Install the burner on the neck of the vessel and burn the wick.
  5. After 1.5-2 minutes, blow the flame. The lamp will continue to work, turning the fluid filling in fragrant evaporation.
  6. After 15-20 minutes, extinguish the burner, covering it with a cap.

Do not fill the lamp on more than ¾, do not give liquids to evaporate to the limit and do not use foreign mixtures. Only those that are intended for aroma, and fremevertent burning!


The efforts of producers competing with each other, electric aroma fragrances often have several built-in features, so do not be lazy to learn the instructions attached to your purchase. It will allow you to prevent errors in working with a thin device and not disappointed as a result.

Did it permissible at the case of replacing the essential oil with spirits? If we are talking about a catalytic lamp, unambiguously not. But for its classic and electric faversities, exceptions are possible - for example, you can add a few drops of handmade perfumes into a bowl of the database, created on the basis of all the same natural oils. As for synthetic perfumery, its use in aroma lamps is not only undesirable, but even contraindicated.

How to wash?

... And is it worth doing this, because everything you do not scrape from her walls today, just evaporate the next time using the bowl? Alas, will not evaporate, but rather will nourish, and besides, it is unpredictably mixed with a new portion of oils, spoiling a session of aromatherapy, so that the lamp is very careful. And at the same time comply with several mandatory rules:

  • do not proceed to cleaning until the bowl cooled so that the sharp change of temperature so that the temperature change does not lead to the appearance of cracks on its surface;
  • use the soft sponge and conventional dishwashing fluid, and only in rare cases when the walls are too contaminated - food soda;
  • if it is not possible to get rid of the smell of oils, rinse the clean cup of water with a spoonful vinegar breeding in it.

Do not forget to periodically wipe the lamp itself with a damp soft cloth in order to avoid cluster on it dust.

Recipes of fragrant compositions

Over time, each enthusiastic owner of the aroma lamps becomes boring to use one or another oil with a frenzy smell, and it begins to make its own multicomponent compositions. One bad thing: To assemble a high-quality bouquet of scattered fragrances, you need to possess either an excellent sense of smell or experience. If neither, nor anyone, you do not have yet, use the ready-made recipes of fragile mixtures for any occasion.

Purpose Essential oils number Purpose Essential oils number
For a good mood carnation 1 drop For strong sleep, option 1 sandal 2 drops
bergamot 1 drop neroli 2 drops
marjoram 1 drop incense 1 drop
pine 1 drop For strong sleep, option 2 lavender 4 drops
lemon 1 drop chamomile 4 drops
For relaxation fir 5 drops Toning mix juniper 3 drops
juniper 4 drops cedar 2 drops
mint 3 drops marjoram 2 drops
From cold tea tree 7 drops To create a playful mood jasmine 4 drops
eucalyptus 5 drops rose flower 4 drops
lavender 1 drop sandal 2 drops
For the atmosphere of romantic notes ylang-Ilang. 1 drop bergamot 2 drops
sandal 1 drop To initiate desire for men ginger 3 drops
patchouli 1 drop patchouli 3 drops
rose flower 1 drop bergamot 3 drops
bergamot 3 drops cinnamon 2 drops

The benefits and harm of aromatic lamps

What benefit is the trendy passion for aromatherapy using special lamps, we have sufficiently talked at the beginning of this article. They allow you to create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, disinfected the air, remove the stress and affect both health favorable way both on health and our mood.

However, even relatively harmless essential oils with incorrect use can deliver serious problems:

  • first of all, they often cause allergies, so start your sessions with caution;
  • fragrant couples of some oils - sweet dill, rosemary, birch, sage, thyme and others - it is categorically not recommended to inhale epileptics and pregnant women to avoid unpleasant consequences for well-being;
  • and even the owner of Iron health does not avoid complications, if the aromas are inseparable. For example, recent studies in Taiwan showed that Bergamot oil, eliminating the decline of forces, bad mood and insomnia, while inhalation of his evaporations more than half an hour causes pressure increase, headaches and violations in the work of the heart. It concerns this and other smells, so know the measure.

Aromalamp and aromadiffusor

Classic ceramic and stone bowls, evaporating oils due to the candle light, are known to many. Electrical devices are less common, but also in demand. But the aromadiffusion for many represents a riddle. What is it and is it possible to attribute this mysterious apparatus to the glorious family of the aromalamp?

Let's start with the fact that the aramadiffusers are three species.

The first option looks like a bottle with aromatic liquid. Discover it, lower the inside of a few thin rays and ... everything. The sticks made from the rattan or bamboo will be soaked in a spacious mixture and fill the room with a selected aroma - the thick of you are pushing them into a bottle, the richer is the atmosphere. Precautions in the treatment of such a Aramadiffusor are actually absent, we will only have to pick it up on it and trace the curious younger family members do not overturn the entire design on themselves.

The second option looks like an imperious ceramic figurine, to which you need to spray selected aroma from time to time. The porous material will delay the evaporation of volatile substances and longly detain the smell indoors.

The third version of the aramodiffusor is often called an aroma, but not ordinary, and ultrasonic. Evaporation of oil is achieved in it due to the effects of ultrasonic waves that split the liquid on the smallest drops and throw it into the air clouds of steam. Nor high temperatures nor the danger of fire - in some models are not required to even add water, which makes it possible to use them in cars with convenience. True, such devices easily fail, so you have to handle them very carefully.

Video: the simplest aroma lady do it yourself

Original air freshener, meditation assistant, tool for strengthening immunity, personal antidepressant or simply tribute to fashionable trend ... It doesn't matter than the aroma person personally for you, the main thing is that it fully meet your needs. Therefore, come to the choice with all seriousness, examining in detail the dignity and disadvantages of each model - so you will definitely select the optimal option for yourself and will be satisfied with the purchase. Well, there will only be happy to use it, turning your apartment in a flowering garden, then in the forest school, and then in confectionery or bakery with sweet fruit pie - depending on the mood.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the main types of aromalamp

    How to use an aroma with oils in magic

    What are the magical properties of essential oils

    What are magical recipes for aromalamps with oils

The history of oils can be called the same ancient as the history of mankind. Their magical properties described the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, they were dedicated to the sacred treatises, they were the main participants in the ancient rituals. Millenniums believed that oils are protected, bring good luck, money, wealth, happiness, love, success. This can be trusted or not to believe, but still you can not neglect their strength tested for centuries. From this article, you will learn about what magical properties have various flavors, as well as how to enjoy the aroma.

Main types of Aromalamp

Aroma lamp with a candle is a small bowl for water and oil. The vessel with water and aromatic substance is located above the fire, under its effect, the oil evaporates, saturating air.

It is very easy to use a ceramic aroma, just pour water into the bowl, diluting it with several (as five) drops of essential oil. When the mixture is heated, its pairs will spread in the air. You can use the aroma with oils and the candle anywhere.

You can now buy an electric aroma and a USB aroma, thus deciding the question with the search for small candles. Oils in them are heated from electricity. Lamps are a ceramic saucer connected to the power supply. To obtain a pleasant fragrance, it is enough to include them on the network.

Use such an aroma for essential oils, as in the photo, you can not only at home, but also in any other room. For example, such a device with an unobtrusive neutral smell can be put even on the desktop.

In order for the air in the whole house evenly filled with the aroma of essential oils, it will be necessary to adapt to your aroma. If it has a big water bowl, then start with ½ of its volume, adding no more than 5 drops of the essential agent.

Part of the specialists recommends the beginners to start with a pair of oil droplets. In this case, you give the body the opportunity to adapt to the aroma gradually. The Aromalamp Bowl can accommodate from 2 to 15 tablespoons of water, while the larger the volume of the bowl, the more slowly the house will fill the aroma of the essential oil.

How to enjoy the aroma flame in aromatherapy

The use of aroma is similar to the use of inhalation methods, however, the spectrum of their action is wider. It is mainly possible to enjoy the aroma for aromaticization of the premises, but the tasks and goals can be persecuted by various.

There is their conditional division into aromatic, that is, the use of aromalamps to aromatize the room and giving it a special atmosphere with the help of smell, and therapeutic, in this case the essential oils solve the problems of preventive or therapeutic nature.

Effectively use the aroma in order to adjust the emotional background and obsessive mental states, reduce the level of stress, reduce the manifestation of depressive states, fatigue. In addition, they can be used to prevent dystonia to improve tone, memory and intelligent functions, to combat respiratory infections.

To give the aroma of the room, choose essential oil based on your preferences and taste. However, it is possible to start using an aroma with basic mixtures.

    Mandarin and cinnamon aromamasla and cinnamon, taken in equal proportions, for the working area and the cabinet - lemon and rosemary, for the bedroom - a mixture of lavender essential oils, melissa, neroli and inspirational ylang-yulang, and the living room can be filled with aromas of active and Supplement to communicate lemon oils, orange, petitgrain and lemongrass.

    In preventive purposes, it is possible to use an aroma with eucalyptus oils and tea tree, they will not give viruses to spread if someone from home is sick. For this purpose, aromatic oils of sandalwood, sage, mandarin and bergamot are also suitable.

    You can use the aroma in order to remove unpleasant odors, for example, from cigarette smoke. To do this, you need oils of fragrant citronella or lemon grass, you can use a mixture of mint, lemon and rosemary oils.

    The creation of a romantic intimate atmosphere contributes to the aroma lamp with rose oil, delightful ylang-ylang, tart notching sandalwood, neroli and ginger.

    To remove the voltage arising during hard work, mental loads, when working with a computer, you can use an aroma with a mixture of ginger, limetic and lemongrass.

So, how to properly use the aroma and oils? Pour 2-6 tablespoons of warm water into the bowl by adding an aromatic oil at the rate of 5-6 drops by 15 m 2 rooms (the maximum number of drops - 15, minimum - 3). Start with a smaller amount, gradually increasing the concentration.

Watch how water evaporates when adding it as needed. In no case cannot be leaving the working aroma uniform.

Before using the aroma with new oils, you need to thoroughly wash the bowl, and then rinse with water diluted with vinegar.

Check video about how to use the aroma:

You can also use candles with aromatic wax for aromalamps, then the smell will be not so concentrated as from oil.

However, in addition to therapeutic effect, the aromalamp has magic properties, about the use and application of which we will describe below.

How to use the aroma with oils in magical purposes

Together with the aromas of essential oil into our respiratory tract, millions of particles of fine essences fall.

These molecules, falling into the blood, spread through our body, stimulate its various functions and include those of them that are needed at a particular point.

Essential oils have not only well-known medical properties, they contribute to the awakening of unique abilities in us, improving mood, calm or, on the contrary, vice versa.

Apply essential oils in magic in various ways:

    use the aroma;

    make mixtures with basic oils, which are then applied to various objects or on the body;

    apply one oil or mixture thereof (without adding base oil), in which case it is impossible to drip on the skin;

    you can add butter in the bath, in the cream, in the shampoo, in the shower gel (intensifying the attractiveness, attracting success, etc.)

You just need to know what properties are different essential oils, and use the aroma to be used in accordance with their appointment.

Magic properties of essential oils

Essential oil in its pure form, without mixing with the base, is not applied to the skin. However, if you eliminate the contact of the skin with essential oil, that is, to drive a drip of the oil onto cotton or paper, then you can carry it with you, putting in a wallet, purse, handbag, etc. A number of oils can be added to a glass of water, leaving on the table . Some can be used if you add them to the bath (maximum one drop). In addition, you can use the aroma, filling the room with certain flavors and waiting for their magical impact.

We give a guide to various aromamaslam:

    Apricot: This is an aroma of passion and love.

    Avocado: Bring happiness, wealth and long life.

    Acacia: Holy Oil, they use them before lighting a candle or smoking room.

    Ambergris: Protects from evil and trouble.

    Ambrosia: I contribute to the transformation of a man's timid and shy in bold and decisive.

    Anise: will increase the ability to clasp.

    Bergamot: Being mixed with basic oil and applied to both palms, protects from evil.

    Verbena: It will help to remove the curse, protect.

    Vetives: Let us overcome any spell, protect against a bad eye.

    Grape seeds: contributes to popularity and wealth.

    Carnation (spice): If you mix with the base oil and apply to the base of the neck or on the hips, you can excite a sexual desire.

    Carnation (flowers): You can use to attract good luck during gambling.

    Allspice: The strength and energy will give a mixture of fragrant pepper and any base oil applied to the chest and legs.

    Ylang-Ylang: It will help to find a good job, you need to use it as follows - apply on a cotton or paper and take with you when you go for an interview.

    Camphor oil: Gives power if you use with essential oil.

    Cedar: will help protect against adversity and suffering.

    Cypress: It will help to find calmness in unhappiness, as well as console the child.

    Clover: Apply to the pillow to preserve the loyalty of the spouse.

    Cinnamon: Brings good luck, money, love.

    Lavender: It will help to find peace in the house, stop the spread of gossip (you need to add to a glass with water).

    Bay leaf: If you apply on the body in a mixture with basic oil, it will help in cleansing the soul.

    Lemon: To protect the house.

    Raspberries: Helps pregnant, and also contributes to successful childbirth.

    Mandarin: You can use when protection is needed or additional forces, it is enough to add an oil drop when taking a bath.

    Almonds (basic oil): It will help to attract money, you can use the aroma, combining with other oils.

    Myrtle: Helps to attract love, good luck, money.

    Juniper: Execute wishes will lead to honors and glory.

    Nutmeg: Use to protect from the evil eye, attraction of good luck, add a drop of oil when taking a bath.

    Peppermint: Add interest in life will protect accommodation.

    Patchouli: It is considered the most powerful aphrodisiac with magical properties.

    Peach oil: Bring harmony, peace and love, you can wear with you or drop on the furniture in the house.

    Rose flower: Attracts love to life, it will help to gain consistency in relationships.

    Rosemary: Iolate, relieve emotional experiences and pain.

    Chamomile: Contributes to attract attention, strengthens sexual attractiveness.

    Ruta: Protects from curses.

    Sandal: It helps heal, strengthen intuition and clairvoyance.

    Pine: It is considered to be oil cleansing by adding it a drop into the water when taking a bath, you can cleanse from sins, errors, that bad, which was previously.

    Qitronella: help to attract friends or customers (in business).

    Sage: It is considered to be an oil foresight, it is applied to the forehead (necessarily together with base oils).

    Eucalyptus: Promotes healing.

5 magic recipes for aroma lamps with oils

1. The mixture for attracting money.

Take a small bottle, fill it with sweet almond oil, add three drops of Majorana essential oil and two drops of lemon oil and eucalyptus, shake. Blockes Store in a cool dry place.

Looking at the history of oils, it can be understood that this recipe is not accidental.

For a long time, it is believed that the oil of sweet almond (basic) attractive for money, wealth and wisdom. With the help of Majorana (Origanum Majorana) was distilled off unclean power. Majorana, rosemary and mint and mint mixture with a mixture of Majorant, to protect them from an evil eye.

Mayran and violet helped protect against cold weather, so amulets with them were worn in winter time. Lemon personifies purity and energy. It was believed that if it was in full moon to use amulets with lemon butter, various diseases can be defeated. Eucalyptus is considered "giving health."

The mixture includes four ingredients that personify the four elements. Almonds is the land, Mayran - air, lemon - fire, eucalyptus - water. In the Middle Ages, a man intently watched him surrounding him. Medieval alchemists to achieve balance and harmony in life, health, nutrition advised to combine surrounding items and make a menu so that it includes elements that belong to these four elements - land, air, fire, water.

2. Mix for attracting health.

Take a small bottle, fill it with sesame oil, add three drops of sage essential oil, two drops of lavender oils and cinnamon, shake, store in a cool dry place.

This recipe also consists of plants related to the four elements - land, air, water, fire, with the basis in the form of sesame oil.

The sesame is considered one of the oldest plants. It is believed that his seeds are able to open the doors of love, wealth, good luck, health, find treasures, to learn secrets. If you put sesame seeds on an open dish and leave on the table, they will attract money. The main thing is not to forget to change them monthly.

3. Mix for attracting love.

Take a small bottle, fill it with an avocado oil, add three drops of basil and coriander oils, two major oil drops, shake, store in a cool dry place.

This composition with shifted equilibrium, since it present two oils related to the elements of fire, designed to light the fire of love. As a basis, such aphrodisiac is used as avocado.

4. Mix for the housing fence from evil forces.

To obtain this mixture, it is necessary to connect four drops of basil essential oil with three peppers of geranium oil, two drops of pine oil and one drop of vetiver oil.

In antiquity, there was a huge number of herbs recipes, helping to protect the house from thieves. For this, herbal shifts wrapped in a cloth or placed in special bags of different colors.

5. Mix for attracting good luck.

To obtain a mixture, it is necessary to take three drops of fragrant pepper essential oil (PIM, AllSpace), two drops of cedar oils (atlas or Virginia) and Roman chamomile, one drop of mint peppermint.

The resulting mixture is applied to the cut of a red cloth, remove it into the bag of suede and wear it with you.

You can also have a small vial filled with basic rosehip oil, drop essential oils, stored in a cool dry place at home or at work.

Different oils for aroma you can buy in our online store "Witinino Happiness", which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. Here you will find what is suitable for you, a person who goes its own way is not afraid of change, responsible for his actions not only before people, but also in front of the universe.

In addition, our store presents various esoteric goods. You can purchase everything you need to conduct magical rituals: fortune telling on tarot cards, rune practices, shamanism, Wickers, Druidkraft, North tradition, ceremonial magic, as well as much more.

You have the opportunity to purchase any products interested in you, ordering it on the site running around the clock. Any your order will be completed in the shortest possible time. Residents and guests of the capital can visit not only our site, but also a store located at: ul. Mosseeka, 4. Also, our stores are in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Taganrog, Samara, Orenburg, Volgograd and Shymkent (Kazakhstan).

Look at the corner of true magic!

Aromatic lamps can rightly be considered a universal method of therapy. They are used to give the placement by unobtrusive light atmosphere and coziness, which makes it possible to achieve the normalization of psycho-emotional state. Aromalamps help to relax, get together with thoughts and improve health at the expense of the prevention of ARZ and other diseases. Modern people are increasingly resorted to such therapy, but not many know how to properly use a similar attribute. Consider in order important aspects.

Principle of action of aromalamp

The aromatic lamps are also called smoking, the device is a glass vessel (a piece for evaporation), connected to the arch. As an idea, the arch can be replaced with a decorative case - the place of installation of the candle or the heating zone.

According to the principle of operation, aromatic smokers are electrical and mechanical. The latter, in turn, heat the water with open fire due to the burning of the candle (pills).

To use the aroma for the purpose, it is necessary to pour water into the vessel, add your favorite ethers and set fire to the candle (turn on the device into the socket). The fire is heated by liquid, as a result of which the fragrant mixture is destroyed, leaving behind a pleasant smell.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the electrical lamps, in which the heating occurs much slower. Thanks to this design, the room is filled with a pleasant aroma evenly, without sharp jumps. For this reason, therapy goes well, and a person does not focus on changing the smell.

As for the duration of the procedure, it varies within 1-2 hours for the "Experienced User" and 15-30 minutes for Novika.

Selection of ethers for aroma lamp

The selection of essential oils is carried out taking into account personal preferences like the preparation of the perfume composition. In the future, you can easily navigate throughout the variety of flavors, but still give basic recipes that it is worth starting experiments.

  1. In the cold season, use a fragrant composition for the prevention of diseases. An excellent example of an effective mixture will be a combination of tea tree esters, eucalyptus, lemon / grapefruit. It is also worth seeking an option from the esters of Sandal, Bergamot, Mandarin and Gerani.
  2. To improve the emotional state during the working day, it is worth purchasing essential oils of rosemary and lemon. The option is suitable for both office space and a cabinet in an apartment / house.
  3. To create a relaxed atmosphere with a note of romance in the bedroom, add melissa, neroli ethers, lavender, ylang-ylang, yarrow into the lamp.
  4. For premises with a large cluster of people (living room, reception), it is suitable for the combination of essential oils of lemongrass, ginseng, birch bark, roses, orange and petitgrain.
  5. If you want to calm the child before bedtime or create a fabulous atmosphere in the children's room, give preference to cinnamon and citrus fruit ethers (grapefruit, lemon, orange, mandarin).
  6. If it smells like a sharpness, there is a smell of tobacco smoke or pets, take advantage of the composition of Rosemary ethers, lemongrass, mint / melissa, cytronella.
  7. An excellent help to intimate intimacy will be a mixture of essential oils of ginger, roses, ylang-ylangs, oak and willow bark. Optionally, you can replace the ylang-ylang and oak boron with a lemongrass and a limetic.

  1. Before directing the procedure, check the room for half an hour to get rid of unnecessary smells that make perception. After that, close the vents, windows and doors so that the aroma of the aroma lamp does not disappear into "nowhere".
  2. When you choose a place to install a lamp, do not put it on the surface that can easily ignite (plastic, foam, glue, tablecloth, etc.). Make sure that the device is located in the zone inaccessible to children.
  3. Wash the vessel with running water, turn down the neck down to the unfiltered glass fluid. Type 350-400 ml in the tank. Clean water.
  4. Select a mixture of aromatic oils or use only one component. Add ether to water from the calculation of 2 drops of composition per 100 ml. liquids.
  5. Turn on the monoblock into the socket or set fire to the tablet if the lamp is mechanical. After 10-15 minutes, you will feel the characteristic flavor. Do not forget that the duration of the first therapy should not exceed the mark of 30 minutes.

It is worth understanding that the esters that suit you may not be comparable to the health of relatives or friends. If someone has allergies to incoming components, remove this oil from the list. Aromatherapy should bring joy to all those present if you plan to enjoy a session together.

  1. Watch the well-being of not only your own person, but also the people around you. In the presence of one of those present, asthma or other similar diseases, treat therapy with caution.
  2. Carefully monitor the addition of ethers, their number should not exceed the norm. Otherwise, you risk getting instead of cheerfulness and positive oppressed state mixed with a notching irritability. Physical endurance and mental activity will also deteriorate significantly. Total should be in moderation.
  3. Regarding the liquid, add only warm filtered or rebound water. Otherwise, during the heating process, the vessel can burst due to a sharp difference in temperature.
  4. Keep the lamp in sight to prevent too much evaporation. When you notice that water has become smaller, press more liquids, the device should not work in such a state.
  5. If you inhabit the houses in your house, follow them throughout the session, or do not let pets in the room where therapy is carried out. There are cases when a cat or fretank drops the aromalamp, provoking the danger. The same applies to children, the device must be outside the zone of their reach.
  6. After each procedure, rinse the aromatic lamp with soap solution, and then rinse the mixture of vinegar and water (per 1 liter of fluid accounts for 50 ml. Acetic solution is 3-6%). Such a move will help to further avoid mixing components.
  7. In the absence of an allergic reaction to essential oil components, you will handle a number of problems, such as chronic fatigue and insomnia, overall macake, the development of influenza and ARVI. In addition, aromatherapy helps to put into order memory, mental and physical activity, psychological state. Very often, the device is used in the fight against protracted depressions, stress, fainting.

The use of an aromatic lamp does not represent difficulties if you follow the elementary recommendations. Make sure that no one from those present was allergies, remove the device away from children and pets. Choose ethers taking into account preferences, follow the overall state during the first session.

Video: how to choose and use the arabolam

Good day to all!

Today I will tell you how to use Armalamp. Aroma lamp is a device for saturation of air with pairs of essential oils. This is one of the most frequently used aromatherapy methods.

The aroma is made out of itself any figure made of ceramics, porcelain, glass, metal. Most often, the lamps are made of ceramics, but here's a glass lamp, which is depicted in the photo above, I brought out, there are such lamps and they have their own features of application.

In addition to its immediate function to aromatize the room, it can perform a decorative role and be an element of the design of the room.

Recently, electric aroma lamps and ultrasound (diffusers) appeared.

But I also like the usual ceramic aroma, especially made by hand. At folk craft fairs, you can sometimes find wonderful works, such as these. I saw them on.

Aromalamps from ceramics

Naturally, it was not kept and bought one. It seems to me that in the ceramic products there is a special charm.

At the top of the lamp there is a small bowl where water is poured and essential oils are added. Directly under the bowl is a place where a small candle is put, most often in a metal case. But in the glass Egyptian oil lamp is allowed to drip directly into the bowl, without water. But I use it simply as a nice souvenir, like memory.

From the burning candle, water with essential oils in the container is heated, the pairs rise into the air and thus flavored the room and the people in it are obtained by aromatherapy session.

And when we breathe such air, the molecules of essential oil fall into the lungs, and from there in the blood. And with blood current, they are spread throughout the body and provide their healing effect where necessary.

The simplest aroma lamp is a glass with hot water, where you can also add essential oils. But with this method, the ethers are actively evaporated in the first minutes, and as water cool downs, the intensity decreases.

Terms of use of Aromalamp

To make the aromatherapy session, there are rules for using the aromalamp.

First, the essential oil must be high-quality, 100% natural essential oil.

Secondly, the oil should not cause side effects and allergies. For the new oil, make a snuff and skin sample first. About how to do it

Thirdly - do not exceed the dosage and time of the procedure.

Fourth, the room where the session should be well ventilated.

How to use aromalamp.

For aroma of the room, first the room is carried out so that there are no extraneous smells in it. Immediately before the procedure, close or window close.

Pour water into the water bowl, burn the candle and place it in the lamp. Do it in the next room, so that the smell of the ignition match did not spoil the aroma of oil.

Put the lamp into the room for the procedure and add essential oil to water.

Essential oils can be added to 2-3 receptions. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

During the procedure, sit comfortably, you can lie down, enable pleasant hard music.

Essential oil in the aroma unit can be used from one plant, and can make the composition of oils to increase their action.

An interesting effect will turn out if it is used in the composition - the upper, mid and lower ones. Then, over the procedure, the fragrance will change a little, reveal, as in the spirits.

Compositions for aromalamp:

  • with fatigue and overwork:

2 to. Orange, 2nd Carnations, 2nd eucalyptus.

  • with nervous exhaustion

2nd rosemary. 2nd to. Gerani, 2nd lavender

  • aroma lamp evening for relax and calm

3 to. Lavender, 2K. Ylang-Ilanga, 1 to. Rose Tree

  • to improve the brain and pensione work (before the exam)

2nd rosemary, 2nd to. Thyme, 2nd lemon

  • to give confidence

2nd rosemary, 3 to. Orange, 1 to. Basilica.

  • for relax

3 to. Juniper, 3rd fir, 2nd mint.

Aromatherapy is gaining its popularity every day more and more. It is not only used as a fashionable procedure, but also has a lot of positive and beneficial properties for the human body. In this article, let us understand the useful properties of this therapy, as well as in the rules of operation of the aromalamp.

Aromalampa is a reliable assistant in your home. It, with the help of various essential oils, is capable of not only to restore the psychological state of a person, strengthen the sleep, but to save your apartment from various viruses, thereby reducing the number of infectious diseases.

Types of aromalamp

Before dealing with the rules of operation of aromalamps, let's consider their diversity together. In essence, the aroma is a ceramic vessel. In most cases, evaporation of essential oils occurs due to their heating with the help of candles or heating elements. But modern technologies do not stand still. Currently, electrical aroma lamps can be found, and such that can be powered by USB connectors. You can choose only the most convenient option for you.

Basic principles of using aromalamp

For the lamp only positive emotions to you, you need to know and always remember the basic principles of using these instruments. Below will look at them in more detail.

  • Use the lamp is preferably in a well-wired room. It is necessary in order for the aroma of filled with its aroma clean air in your room.
  • Do not abuse oil proportions. The optimal solution is just 2-5 drops of the desired essential oil dissolved in two tablespoons of water.
  • First of all, you need to fill the bowl with a prepared solution or oils. And only after that he to light the candle (or simply connect to the power grid).
  • You must always follow the evaporated liquid in the aroma. If necessary, it must be pouring.
  • So that the oils are not burning in the lamp, you need to have a candle to have the right distance from the heated fluid. As a rule, it is about 10 cm.
  • If the lamp is not electrical, then it is still necessary to observe both the fire on the candle. There are different situations (drafts, plastic objects near, etc.), so you always need to be extremely careful.
  • The time of one-time use of aroma lamp usually does not exceed 20 minutes. This time is enough for your room to be filled with wonderful and useful aroma.
  • If the oils in the lamp will be used with different flavors in different sections, then when they are changed, it is necessary to rinse the aromalamp bowl. It is best to do this with a soap solution. To completely remove the smell, you can still wipe the bowl of vinegar.

Selection of oil for aroma lamps depending on the room

You can arrange an aroma in any part of your apartment, but you need to be careful and careful with the choice of oil. Some oils are suitable for bedrooms, others for outdoor activities. Let's let's look at this.

  • Living room. The best for this room is suitable for the aroma of lavender, Melissa, exciting lemongrass and, of course, colorful Petitgrin.
  • Children's room. For kids, the aroma of mandarin and cinnamon is always perfect. These flavors create a comfort and festive mood in the room.
  • Office or workplace. For this type of premises, it is good to use the smell of refreshing lemon and delicate rosemary.
  • Bedroom. But in this room it is best to breathe lavender fragrances, melissa, ylang-ylang, as well as neroli.

All these oils can be used one by one. And you can all together, creating a charming bouquet of smells. Also in its taste you can make different proportions, thereby playing your favorite notes and flavors.

Use aroma lamps in their apartments. They will not only be favorable to influence your emotional state, but also take care of your health. Most importantly, remember the safety of the use of such devices and be healthy!