What products are given in the dairy kitchen. Free meals at school. Who is eligible to receive dairy cuisine

Before 2016, many experts assumed that dairy kitchens in the capital would either be abolished altogether and residents would be provided with appropriate cash benefits, or they would be reorganized and placed at pharmacies. The bills, approved by the Department of Health of the capital, left the dairy kitchens as they were. They carry out their activities in most cases at children's clinics, while in 2016 their range has been significantly expanded.

What and who is entitled to in Moscow in 2016

Some believe that only parents with babies can use the services of dairy kitchens, while providing only baby products. Such categories of Moscow residents as:

  • disabled people;
  • from 0 to 3 years old (previously it was up to 2 years old);
  • up to 7 years old when living in a large family;
  • up to 15 years old in the presence of a disease in a chronic form (for example, hemoblastosis).

Order No. 906 of October 29, 2015 provides (depending on the category) a certain set of products, which, for convenience, can be presented in the form of a table:

Who is issued What is issued Volume per month (g / person)
Pregnant Milk 9000
Pregnant Milk 9000
Breastfeeding mothers Milk 12000
Vitamin-enriched juice (at least 2 types) 4290
Children under 2 months Milk mixture (dry) 700
Milk mixture (liquid) 4800
Children from 3 to 4 months (in addition to goods for babies up to 2 months) Fruit juice 1200
Fruit puree 1200
Children 5 months. Milk mixture (dry) 700
Milk mixture (liquid) 4800
Fruit juice (at least 3 types) 1000
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Fruit puree (at least 2 types) 1000
Children 6 months. Milk mixture (dry) 350
Milk mixture (liquid) 2400
Porridge, dry (at least 2 types) 400
Fruit juice (at least 4 types) 1200
Fruit puree (at least 3 types) 1000
Children 7-8 months Milk mixture (dry) 350
Milk mixture (liquid) 2400
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 1400
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Fruit puree (at least 5 types) 1000
Canned food of meat and vegetable origin (at least 2 types) 1300
Meat puree (at least 3 types) 560
Children 9-12 months Milk mixture (dry) 350
Milk mixture (liquid) 2400
Cottage cheese 600
Kefir 600
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Fruit puree (at least 5 types) 1000
Canned food of meat and vegetable origin (at least 2 types) 1300
Meat puree (at least 3 types) 560
Children 1-2 years old 2400
Kefir 2000
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 2600
Children 2-3 years old Specialized baby milk 2000
Kefir 2000
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit puree (at least 6 types) 1200
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 2600
Disabled children, as well as children from 3 to 7 years old (up to 15 years old with chronic diseases) Milk 18000

Data as of April 2016
From the table above, it can be seen that the range of products is quite large and includes both milk formulas for very young children and mashed potatoes, kefir, cottage cheese for older children. In addition, the legislator provided for the supply of products for the presence of various types of juices and purees, which the supplier determines independently.

Who will supply the dairy products in 2016?

Among the applicants for the supply of products for dairy cuisine, a competition is held annually, the mandatory conditions of which are the availability of certificates for children's products that meet all the requirements of the Customs Union.

Based on the results of the competition, the suppliers for 2016 selected:

  • LLC "Agat" (feed products, juices);
  • JSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann" (milk and kefir);
  • JSC "Novomilk" (milk and cottage cheese).

Consequently, the cottage cheese supplied by Novomilk will be Krepysh, and the kefir supplied by Wimm-Bill-Dann will be Agusha-1 and Agusha-2. These suppliers are manufacturers, so it was not difficult to determine the type of supplied children's products.

LLC "Agat" is not a manufacturer, but only carries out wholesale trade. It will be impossible to determine what specific canned food, as well as juices, will be supplied. Only an assortment of types of canned food and juices is known:

  • puree with veal, pork, chicken, turkey (meat and vegetable with chicken and beef);
  • Pureed vegetables such as cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots, and squash
  • puree from the following fruits: apple, apricot, pear, as well as berry and fruit with the addition of currants or blueberries.

Attention! All canned foods provided under the program are supplied without added preservatives or starch.

What is included in the dairy kitchen for pregnant and lactating

The dairy menu in the capital for women in position and for nursing mothers is juice and milk. The only difference is in the monthly volumes of products provided. So, for pregnant women with permanent registration, the norms of products are as follows:

Breastfeeding mothers are provided with the provision of products in a volume of about 1/3 more, which is 12,000 g and 4,290 g, respectively. Pregnant women receive food from the moment they are registered with a medical facility and after they write an application for the provision of food under the project. Products are dispensed throughout pregnancy.

The procedure for registration of a dairy kitchen: requirements and documents

The recipient of the products must personally write the application. Pregnant and lactating mothers write the application in person and act as recipients on their own. If the recipients of dairy products by law are children, regardless of their age, then the application is written by one of the parents or other legal representatives (guardians or adoptive parents).

This application should be sent to the head of the medical institution, on the basis of which the applicant is subsequently included in the lists of persons for the distribution of products free of charge. The organization to which the application is submitted is determined depending on the category of recipients, namely:

  • pregnant women should send an application to the antenatal clinic;
  • parents of children and nursing mothers should apply to the medical institution in which the child is being observed (as a rule, the polyclinic at the place of registration).

In addition to the application, documents are attached, which are confirmation of the arisen right to receive products from the dairy kitchen. Among such documents are:

In addition, documents are required to establish that a potential recipient of dairy products has a permanent registration in Moscow, since the program under consideration applies only to residents of the capital.

Time and rules for issuing baby products in dairy kitchens in Moscow

The order contains a specific time for the issuance of preferential products. So, the operating mode for dispensing points is set from 06:30 to 12:00 daily. At the moment, in various districts of the capitals, the delivery of products within the framework of the project is constantly carried out by up to 6 milk distribution points at each children's polyclinic.

Attention! To resolve issues related to the provision of preferential categories with dairy products, residents of Moscow should contact the hotline numbers that work at every children's clinic.

Dispensing of goods is carried out on the basis of the corresponding prescriptions of doctors. To issue such a prescription, you should come with the child to the doctor's appointment, if the child is the recipient.

Registration of prescriptions for pregnant women and children under 1 year of age is carried out within a month from the date of submission of the application, for lactating women and children under 3 years of age up to 3 months, for other social categories up to six months.

Will dairy kitchens be canceled?

This issue has been discussed for a long time not only among recipients of preferential products, but also among legislators. The introduction of anti-crisis measures throughout the country only aggravates the situation.

Probably, in the coming years, dairy kitchens will not be completely canceled, since the state policy is aimed primarily at ensuring a happy childhood. Provision of socially unprotected categories, which include recipients of free products, is an important social guarantee.

For the first time, the law on the provision of free milk to nursing women was signed by the pre-revolutionary authorities in St. Petersburg. The initiator was the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health in order to reduce the highest mortality rates for newborn babies (almost 40% of children died in infancy).

In the post-revolutionary period, dairy children's cuisine did not disappear, that is, the Ministry of Health of Soviet Russia did not cancel this necessary service. Dairy centers have operated with varying degrees of success and effectiveness in children's clinics and hospitals.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of free baby food during the Great Patriotic War. It is safe to say that dispensing milk has saved more than one child's life.

In the 60s, the Ministry of Health clearly regulated the order of organization, functioning and the list of products with the help of legislative acts. Dairy kitchen items began to appear in all regions and republics of the Soviet Union.

Dairy cuisine is also very popular in 2018. Newly minted parents can get help in such institutions by submitting all the necessary documents and receiving a referral from a pediatrician.

However, from year to year, some provisions in the organization of children's kitchens change in accordance with the specifics of the economic situation in the country. It is necessary to understand who is entitled to free baby food and how exactly mothers can arrange this service.

So, a dairy kitchen is understood as an organization that produces, ensures the correct preservation and distribution of specialized food products in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

A similar measure of socio-economic support is regulated by a regional law. Local authorities also determine the required list of beneficiaries, select organizations that will provide free dairy food to those in need.

Thus, in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the list of persons who, in accordance with the legislation, can receive milk, dairy products and mixture for free, may differ.

But still, there are main categories of citizens who can fully use the services of a dairy kitchen in accordance with the law. These include:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Breastfeeding mothers until the baby reaches six months of age.
  3. Children:
  • up to 12 months of age who are on artificial or combined feeding;
  • from 12 months to three years of age;
  • under seven years old if they are brought up in large families;
  • with disabilities and chronic ailments up to 15 years of age.

If the child is left without the care of his own mother and father, the paperwork for receiving free dairy products is shifted to the shoulders of the guardians and other legal representatives.

To understand which categories of persons are supposed to have a dairy kitchen for young children at the present time, it is necessary to study the regional regulatory documents. Another option is to consult a pediatrician (if food for newborns) or a gynecologist (if food for pregnant women).

It is necessary to draw up documents for a dairy kitchen in the medical institution to which the recipient of this benefit is attached. Pregnant women must send an application to the antenatal clinic where they are registered.

Breastfeeding women need to complete documentation to receive free baby food from a pediatrician who oversees the development of a newborn baby or an older child.

If special food is required for a child with special needs and requirements, then parents should draw up documents for a children's dairy kitchen with a specialist in the institution where the baby is registered.

What documents are needed to receive food, as noted above, parents will learn from local regulations or from a specialist observing a child or pregnancy.

In general, the list of documents required for registration of a dairy kitchen looks like in the following way:

  • application addressed to the director of a medical institution;
  • baby's birth certificate (to issue a baby's birth certificate, you must submit a certificate issued at the maternity hospital);
  • medical policy (to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you can contact the insurance company in which the parental policy is issued);
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence (in order to register a newborn, you must first obtain a birth certificate of the child);
  • proof of identity of mom or any other trusted person;
  • other documentation confirming the receipt of benefits (certificate of large family, adoption of a child, confirmation of child disability, the presence of certain diseases, etc.).

Documents for obtaining benefits in certain regions can be transferred not only to the head physician of the relevant medical institution, but also to the local Social Security Administration, as well as to the MFC (multifunctional center).

It should be understood that dairy products are issued according to medical prescriptions that need constant renewal. That is, it is necessary to regularly consult a doctor, he will prescribe a new prescription as soon as the previous one turns out to be expired.

How often do I have to get a prescription?

We have more or less figured out the question of what documents need to be drawn up to receive free dairy products. Now you need to understand how often you have to visit a doctor to get a prescription.

Everything, of course, will depend on the specific orders of the local authorities. As a standard, the conclusion for free feeding will be issued for one month.

Also, the doctor can use recipes for the dairy kitchen issue for a period:

  • up to three months- for this period, free meals will be provided for small children under 3 years old, as well as for lactating and pregnant women;
  • up to 6 months- children from large families, children with disabilities and chronic diseases under 15 years old.

The indicated dates should not include the month of birth of a newborn child, if during this period the parents issued a separate prescription.

The decision on the length of the period for which the prescribed prescription will be valid is made by a specialist after a medical examination and observation of the child. The doctor has the right to independently reduce or increase the duration of the conclusion.

The calendar period for which the prescription will be issued begins, depending on the setting of the child for a medical examination:

  • is the baby just born? The specialist writes out a prescription for a newborn for a given calendar month, while the volume of dairy products will be calculated taking into account the days remaining until the end of the month;
  • if the procedure takes place before the 15th calendar day, then the prescription is issued for a period that starts from this calendar month. In addition, the volume of products issued will be calculated for a whole month;
  • if you had to see a doctor after the 15th day, then a medical prescription is issued for a period that starts from the next month. The volume of products issued will also be calculated for a whole month.

Thus, you can request a free milk meal any day. The duration of the conclusion will be determined by the doctor, based on the results of examination and observation.

As already mentioned, the dispensing of dairy and other products free of charge is governed by local legislation. Regional authorities can determine both the categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit, and the norms for the release of products.

Today, the volume and variety of products depends on the age of the child. That is, the free diet of a baby under one year old will differ slightly from the menu of a patient 7 or 15 years old. If we talk about women, then it all depends on whether she is in a position or has already given birth.

Approximate norms for dairy products (per month)

Client category Products
Women in position

  • milk - 9000 grams;

  • fortified juice - 3960 grams.
Breastfeeding mothers

  • milk - 12,000 grams;

  • fortified juice - 4290 grams.
Baby from 0 to 3 months

  • dry adapted milk mixture - 700 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk mixture - 4800 grams.
Child of the fourth month of life

  • the same set;

  • fruit juice - 1200 grams;

Child of the fifth month of life

  • the same set of infant formula;

  • fruit juice - 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge - 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree - 1920 grams.
Child of the sixth month of life

  • dry adapted milk mixture - 350 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk mixture - 2400 grams;

  • fruit juice - 1200 grams;

  • fruit puree - 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge - 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree - 1920 grams.
Child 7-8 months of age

  • the same volume of dry and liquid milk mixture;

  • fruit juice - 1400 grams;

  • fruit puree - 1000 grams;

  • vegetable puree - 1920 grams;

  • meat puree - 560 grams;

  • vegetable and meat puree - 1300 grams;

  • dry porridge - 400 grams;

  • cottage cheese - 600 grams.
Baby 9-12 months old

  • the same assortment and volume of products;

  • kefir - 2400 grams.
Child from 12 months to 2 years

  • milk - 2400 grams;

  • kefir - 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese - 600 grams;

  • fruit puree - 2200 grams;

  • fruit juice - 2600 grams.
Child from 2 to 3 years old

  • milk - 2000 grams;

  • kefir - 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese - 600 grams;

  • fruit juice - 2600 grams;

  • fruit puree - 1200 grams.
A child from a large family, a disabled child, a child with chronic diseases

  • milk - 18,000 grams.

As a conclusion

The question of how to get dairy cuisine for children for free worries many parents. Let's summarize all of the above and highlight the main and most important points:

  • free milk nutrition - a measure that allows you to support both the woman and the child;
  • the specifics of granting preferential terms are regulated by regional authorities. For example, in St. Petersburg, children's cards are issued after the birth of a child to buy food for him;
  • also, local authorities determine a list of products for all categories of beneficiaries (the list of these categories is specified by the local law), which will be provided by employees of the dairy kitchen;
  • the question of how to obtain this benefit is decided at the local level. You will definitely need the documents of the newborn, the parent's passport, the application (the form is directly issued by the doctor).

So, today dairy kitchens function and delight the work of many domestic parents. Of course, rumors regularly appear that this year these organizations will "order a long life", but, fortunately, such information continues to be just rumors.

State policy designed to increase the birth rate and make the institution of the family more attractive gives hope that the work of dairy kitchens will continue in the future, despite the claims of municipalities about the ineffectiveness of such institutions.

As a conclusion, we can advise all mothers who are eligible to receive this benefit, be sure to seek the advice of a doctor or social security specialist in order to use the services of a dairy kitchen. This will significantly save on food.

Documents required for milk nutrition: 1. Certificate of the birth of a child (copy and fictitious). 2. Certificate of marriage, divorce, if the marriage is not registered, certificate of paternity or certificate f-25 of a single mother (copy and fictitious) 3. Certificate from the child's place of residence about his joint residence with the parent ... 4. If the parents are registered in different regions, a certificate of non-receipt of benefits from the UT and CZN of the region where the parent is registered is required. 5. Passports of parents (2 and 5 pages) copy and forged. 6. Income (alimony, scholarship, pension, etc.) of the parents for 3 months preceding the month of treatment 7. if the parents do not work, work books about the last place of work, service, study (copy and fictitious) 8. References from the center employment for receiving (not receiving) unemployment benefits

Documents for obtaining a certificate for food for pregnant and lactating mothers: 1. Certificate of family composition (housing department) 2 / Applicant's passport pages 1 and 5 (copy and fictitious) 3. Parents' income for 3 months preceding the month of treatment 4. if the parents do not work, work books about the last place of work, service, study (copy and fake) 5. Certificate from the central health center 6. For nursing mothers - a certificate from the pediatrician that the baby is breastfed

Required documents for the appointment of a monthly allowance up to 16 years (142 rubles): 1. Certificate of the birth of a child (copy and fictitious). 2. Certificate of marriage, divorce, if the marriage is not registered, certificate of paternity or certificate f-25 of a single mother (copy and fictitious) 3. Certificate from the child's place of residence about his joint residence with the parent ... 4. If the parents are registered in different regions, a certificate of non-receipt of benefits from the UT and CZN of the region where the parent is registered is required. 5. Passports of parents (2 and 5 pages) copy and forged. 6. Passbook or bank details (Sberbank) in the name of the applicant (copy and fake.) 7. Income (alimony, scholarship, pension, etc.) of parents for 3 months preceding the month of treatment 8. If parents do not work, work books about the last place of work, service, study (copy and fictitious) 9. Certificates of the employment center about receiving (not receiving) unemployment benefits 10. TIN, SNILS 11. Help from school (child 16 years old) 12. Certificate from RUNO ( guardians)

Documents for the appointment of childcare benefits for a child up to 1.5 years (2674 rubles). 1. Certificate of joint residence of the child with the applicant (from the housing department). 2. Passports of parents (2 and 5 pages), copy and counterfeit, TIN, SNILS (applicant) 3. Birth certificate of the child (copies and counterfeit.) 4. Marriage certificate (copy and counterfeit) 5. Labor book (copy and vile) (yours). 6. Certificate from the place of work of the child's father stating that he does not use parental leave and does not receive child care benefits. 7. Savings. book or cash receipt of a plastic card (Sberbank) in the name of the applicant (copy and forged.) 8. Certificate from the state authority. employment services on non-payment of unemployment benefits, a form for the appointment of benefits for caring for a child up to 1.5 years.


Find out if you belong to the privileged category of citizens who can nutrition... Such nutrition provided:
- all children from birth to two years old;
- children under three years old, if the child is from;
- children under 15 years old, if they suffer from any chronic disease;
- children under 18 years old, if they have a disability. Free in many regions nutrition children under two years old are issued only to low-income families, therefore, it is necessary to have a certificate of family income.

Get a recipe for baby dairy cooking. To do this, you must visit a district pediatrician at the district children's clinic. He must write out a certificate allowing him to receive free baby nutrition in the dairy kitchen. This prescription certificate will indicate the allowed amount of free food: the name of the product and its amount that will be handed out at each visit.

The prescription is usually issued for a specific period (depending on the category of benefits and the age of the child). Therefore, when the validity period of the certificate comes up, then it will need to be obtained again. For all privileged categories (except for the age of up to two years), it is necessary to submit documents confirming: a certificate of disability or confirmation that the child is from a large family. Such documents are issued by the social protection authorities.

A certificate for a dairy kitchen must have the signature of the district pediatrician who issued it, the signature of the head of the nursery and the seal of the polyclinic. The manager's signature can be obtained by yourself or you can leave a certificate to the nurse so that she can give it for signature. Then the prescription is stamped in the registry of the children's clinic.

Find out the location of the milk dispenser. Each address is assigned to a specific department of the children's dairy kitchen, you can clarify its location and opening hours at the registration desk of the children's polyclinic. Usually, the operating hours of the institution issuing free child nutrition, set from 6.30 to 10.00 local time.

The prescription received from the district pediatrician should be taken to the milk distribution point, there it will be registered, a number will be assigned and it will be reported on what days it will be issued nutrition... You will need to come on the appointed days, sign and receive food.


  • what documents are needed to receive baby food

Advice 2: What documents are needed to receive baby food

Low-income families are entitled to free meals for babies under 2 years of age. To do this, it is necessary to provide a number of necessary documents to the social service.

You will need

  • income certificates, prescription from the district pediatrician on the appointment of food, other documents


To get free dairy products for your baby, collect the package of necessary documents. Prepare in advance all family members, birth certificates and documents proving your marital status. If you are married, take your marriage certificate with you. If you are divorced at the time of applying for free meals, provide the social services with a divorce document.

Contact the accounting department at the place of work to obtain a certificate of income for 3 months that precede the month of application. The same certificate must be provided by the spouse. If you have a divorce certificate, you must provide documents confirming the amount of alimony payments.

If the head of the family does not work, he must go to the labor exchange or provide documents confirming his disability. Take care to be able to justify temporary unemployment. Otherwise, representatives of the social service will refuse to issue a certificate that makes it possible to receive free meals.

The Moscow City Health Department has signed a three-year contract for the supply in 2017-2019 of free meals for privileged categories of the population (children, pregnant women, nursing mothers) who are residents of the city of Moscow through milk distribution points (dairy kitchens).

What will be given out in the dairy kitchen in Moscow in 2019

From January 1, 2019, part of the baby food in the dairy kitchen will be dispensed in ready-made sets packed in a four-valve corrugated box. The packaging is designed to support the gross weight of the products included in the kits.

In total, 6 contracts were concluded until December 31, 2019 for a total amount of 11 billion six hundred twenty seven million... The food supplier for the dairy kitchen is Wimm-Bill-Dann JSC.

The number of kits given out per month depends on the age of the child:

  • from 0 to 3 months - set # 1 - 1 box;
  • 4 months - set # 2 - 1 box;
  • 5 months - set No. 3 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 6 months - set No. 4 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 7 months - set No. 5 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • 8-12 months - set No. 6 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • from 1 to 2 years old - set No. 7 of part 1, 2 - 2 boxes;
  • from 2 to 3 years old - set No. 7 of part 1, 2 - 2 boxes;

In addition to the sets, fermented milk mixture, cottage cheese and kefir will be provided.

  • For pregnant women - set number 9, parts 1,2,3 - 3 boxes;
  • Nursing mothers - set number 10 parts 1-2, 1-2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • Large, disabled and chronic children - set number 11 parts 1,2, 3 - 3 boxes;

The composition of the kits can be found in the table.

Vegetable puree Bebivita

According to contracts for dairy kitchens in Moscow, from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, the following range of free meals will be supplied:

Dry mixes

In 2019, the quantity and assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

For feeding children from birth to 6 months, dry milk mixture for feeding young children "BELLACT OPTIMUM 1+",. Package weight - 350 g.

For feeding children from 6 to 12 months old milk powder mixture for feeding young children "BELLACT OPTIMUM 2+", production of the Republic of Belarus... Package weight - 350 g.

Instant dry porridge (instant)

Bellakt but also brand "Agusha".

Instant oatmeal dry milk porridge (or wheat with pumpkin, or buckwheat), enriched with vitamins, minerals, with fructose for children over 5 months old, "Agusha"

Porridge was given in 2017 Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus.

Instant dry milk porridge of 5 cereals (wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, corn) enriched with vitamins, minerals, prebiotic substances, with fructose for children over 6 months old, "Agusha", production of the Russian Federation. Package weight - 200 g.

Porridge was given in 2017 Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus.

Dry dairy-free instant buckwheat (or rice) porridge, enriched with vitamins and minerals, for nutrition of children over 4 months old. "Agusha", production of the Russian Federation. Package weight - 200 g.

Porridge was given in 2017 Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus.

Instant dry buckwheat porridge with apple, enriched with vitamins and minerals Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus... Package weight - 200 g. In 2017, porridge from the same manufacturer was issued.

Cottage cheese

Children's cottage cheese " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 4.2% for baby food older than 6 months, enriched with calcium, vitamin D, and prebiotics. Package weight - 50 g. The remaining shelf life at the time of delivery is 9 days.

Fermented milk mixture

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Adapted fermented milk mixture "Agusha-1" based on partially hydrolyzed proteins, enriched with probiotics, L-carnitine and nucleotides for nutrition of children from birth to 6 months, with a mass fraction of fat 3.5%, in a package of 200 ml.

Fermented milk subsequent mixture adapted "Agusha-2" for baby food from 6 months, with a mass fraction of fat 3.4%, enriched with probiotics, in a package of 200 ml.

Not included in ready-made kits, issued in addition to the kit.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Kefir for baby food over 8 months " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 3.2%, in a package of 200 ml. The remaining shelf life at the time of delivery must not be less than 8 days.

Not included in ready-made kits, issued in addition to the kit.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Sterilized drinking milk for baby food from 8 months " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 3.2%, enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and iodine in a package of 200 ml.

UHT drinking milk enriched with vitamins and iodine for nutrition of children over 3 years old " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 2.5%, in a package of 1000 ml.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

For pregnant women, apple juice with pulp enriched with vitamins and minerals " Agusha"500 ml each.

For nursing mothers apple and apple-pear juice with pulp " Agusha"500 ml each.

For young children, assorted juices, clarified and with pulp (5 flavors), 200 ml each, under the trademark " Agusha».

Vegetable puree

In 2019, cereals will be supplied not only "Bebivita" but also brand "Agusha".

Vegetable puree for the nutrition of young children of 3 tastes: squash, cauliflower, broccoli, brand name "Agusha"... Product weight 80 gr.

In 2017, the brand's vegetable puree was issued "Bebivita", in jars of 100 gr..

Vegetable puree for feeding young children 2 tastes: pumpkin, carrot brand "Bebivita"... Product weight 100 gr.

Fruit puree Agusha

Fruit puree

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Fruit puree for feeding young children of 6 different tastes: apple, pear, apple, cherry and blueberry, apple-apricot, apple, pear and peach, apple, black and red currant brand " Agusha". Product weight - 115 g.

Meat puree

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Meat puree for feeding young children of the trade mark " Agusha»Three flavors: chicken, turkey, beef. Product weight - 80 g.

Puree meat and vegetable

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Puree meat and vegetable for the nutrition of young children of the trade mark " Bebivita»Three flavors: chicken, turkey, iron-fortified beef. Product weight - 100 g.

According to the signed contracts, the total weight of free food received is slightly more than indicated in Order No. 292, but less than what was received in 2017 due to a decrease in the volume of packaged vegetable puree.

The number of products dispensed in pcs. remained unchanged.

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