Calcite is the most diverse stone. Calcite (photo) - properties, significance for humans and who is suitable

Calcite or stone flower is unusual in appearance. His processed products can be viewed for hours. The brilliance of the edges delights, amazes and surprises. The wealth of the inner world remains a mysterious secret. The magic of appearance makes you believe in the power and magic of calcite.

History and origins

The stone has so many names that it is not clear how it attracts geologists.

Each name gives a specific characteristic to the mineral:

  • Stone flower - features of its structure when found, petal processes.
  • Stone rose - similarity to the most beautiful flower loved by many women.
  • Paper spar - the degree of fineness and transparency.
  • Stalactite and stalagmite - germination in natural conditions is similar to these occurrences inside mountain caves.
  • Heavenly stone - unusual color and brilliance.

Calcite is translated from Latin as lime. Small crystals have different costs. The price is not high, but not everyone can buy a jeweler's product. That is why, after purchasing a piece of jewelry or jewelry made of calcite, it is taken care of with special care and accuracy.

The history of the stone is so great that it is impossible to list all its milestones:

  1. Pyramidal structures of Egypt;
  2. Tower of Babel;
  3. Parthenon.

The unique creatures of nature include the Great Australian Barrier Reef of the sea coast with a length of more than 2 thousand km, completely consisting of calcite. Another unusual natural specimen is a porcini mushroom. He was found in a deposit of mercury, the weight of the mushroom is 15 kg. The history of the discovery of the mineral is also striking. In Iceland, a 6 m cavity was found, transparent and unusual in its reflection effect. They wanted to attribute the find to the wonder of the world. Gradually, the mineral began to work wonders in the history of scientific discoveries of physical and chemical processes.

Calcareous calcite has been popular for many centuries. It is among the leaders in terms of prevalence and production. The name of the group has been used since the middle of the 19th century.

Scientists provide interesting data: calcite covers the earth by about 40%, and by weight in the earth's crust it is only 4%.

Physical properties

The mineral has a number of special properties that distinguish it from a number of related rocks. Calcites were formed in different ways. There are magmatic aggregates and rocks of metamorphic origin. Crystals of bushy forms are found in caves.

Other samples may have special structures:

  • pyramids;
  • spheres;
  • plates.

Aggregates consisting of calcite grains fill hydrothermal veins, the mineral is found in the strata, among carbonatite bodies. Calcite chemical characterization: Ca carbonate. Lime has gone through a centuries-old transformation process.

Most of the formations have the following physical properties:

  • perfect strong cleavage;
  • pallor of a white or gray line;
  • stepped fracture of the internal structure;
  • 3 line of the Mohs hardness table;
  • trigonal system;
  • shine of mother-of-pearl and glass;
  • boils when exposed to hydrochloric acid or vinegar;
  • density 2.7 g / cc cm.

Aggregates on impact are scattered to debris, grains and parts.

Prevalence of calcite deposits

Deposits and production are carried out in many areas. Limespar is found almost everywhere on the surface of the planet Earth. Stocks of natural lime samples are located in the following countries:

  • USA;
  • Italy;
  • Hellenic Republic;
  • Mexican states.

The mineral calcite is mined in Russia: in the Ural and Trans-Baikal mountains. Other mining sites are located on the territory of the Donbass mines.

The healing properties of calcite

Traditional medicine suggests using calcite as a remedy. Healing stone can solve many health problems. But there are features of its use. The powers of the mineral creatures depend on the color palette.

  1. Orange breeds improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Red aggregates help with intestinal infections.
  3. Yellow crystals heal the kidneys.
  4. If silver-cut beads are made of lime, they can speed up getting rid of colds.

Lithotherapists recommend using gem jewelry to improve heart function. For this, pendants and rings are suitable. It is better to wear the ring on the little finger. The connection of the hand with a beneficial mineral will relieve cardiac abnormalities.

The magical properties of calcite

Calcite reveals the ability of extrasensory perception. It enhances the ability to see, hear, penetrate. Mediums perform rituals with stone. Every day they merge with its essence, feeling the power and power of natural creatures. Wearing jewelry enhances the subconscious.

A person begins to foresee and understand in advance what threatens and can end in many situations:

  1. Acquaintance;
  2. Meetings;
  3. Affairs;
  4. Career changes.

The owner penetrates into the thoughts of others, feels an attitude towards himself, foresees betrayal or betrayal in advance. The stone is attached to the owner. He, when moving to another, closes and does not help, on the contrary, you can feel a decline in strength and heaviness. Therefore, it is not advised to take someone else's calcite jewelry or pick up someone lost. Calcite enhances its magical properties when passed from generation to generation by inheritance. To obtain calcite, magicians perform a rite of fusion with the mineral. There are simple, understandable spells that mediums use to change ownership. Without their help, you can also conduct the rite on your own, but you should study all the subtleties of such ritual actions. There is another way to tie the found gem to yourself. It is purified from the old energy. The stone is placed in a sieve, a cloth under running water and left for a long time. Water purifies calcite, frees it from previous attachments, helps to connect with another owner.

There are people for whom there is no purpose of discovering psychic abilities or meditation. For them, the gem will become their own after a week of constant stay next to the mineral.

Charms and protective amulets

As a talisman, calcite is an assistant to professions that require precision and accuracy:

  • medical professionals (doctors);
  • economic specialists;
  • legal officers;
  • businessmen and entrepreneurs.

He helps to become practical, forward-thinking. It is believed that the owners with the help of the power of the mineral will avoid professional miscalculations and ridiculous mistakes.

Astrology advises amulets made of gem for lovers of fast and long driving. Professional chauffeurs take calcite talismans with them on the road. The mineral will protect you from accidents, difficulties on the way, make work or travel easy and enjoyable.

Colors and varieties of limestone

In nature, lime spar is found in several varieties.

  1. Dense mass aggregates - marble.
  2. Soft - travertine. These include chalk and other minerals formed by centuries-old fossilized remains of algae.
  3. Alternating bands of calcite of different quality - marble.
  4. Transparent aggregates - optical calcites. They have the unique ability to double-refract rays when passing through the mineral. Such samples are also called Icelandic spar, after the place of its first discovery. When viewed through the spar, the object bifurcates, gives two reflections.
  5. Black stones of calcite are anthraconites. The color is explained by the increased content of bitumen in the rock.
  6. Other varieties suggest its chemical composition. Then the name comes from the content of the mineral: margano-, zinc-, ferro-calcite. Impurities change the color and properties of the stone.
  7. A variety of calcite is.

Interesting video: Yellow calcite

Calcite and the signs of the zodiac

Astrology tells who is suitable for calcite according to the horoscope. In their opinion, the mineral will help everyone except Scorpions. This is explained by the magical properties of the stone. Scorpios can practice black witchcraft. They are naturally endowed with such inclinations. Calcite is a kind and pure mineral. He does not like evil thoughts, black thoughts. The stone will help all the light patrons of the zodiac signs. Will become a friend of the guardian angel.

The use of decorative stones

Mineral varieties are popular in construction work: limestone, marble. They are used to prepare finishing materials, elements of decor and interior decoration of premises.

Other types have found application in chemical industries. It is included in the process of creating carbon anhydrite, caustic soda, calcium chloride. Metallurgical production uses the mineral to create varnish mixtures, rubber and paper base. The type of Icelandic spar has found application in optical business, but modern technologies of synthetic materials have pushed spar into the background.

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Calcite is a very famous mineral that adorns the collection of almost every stone lover. The interest in him is understandable: he has very beautiful transparent, often large crystals.

Some jewelers even make jewelry out of it. It also attracts the attention of those who listen to the advice of astrology.

Physicochemical properties

Calcite gets its name from the Greek word "calx", which translates as lime. Until the middle of the 19th century, it was called so - lime spar, since it was used to obtain it.

In 1836, the German scientist J.K. Freyesleben called the mineral calcite, which turned out to be pseudmorphosis after celestine. After 9 years, the mineralogist V.K. von Haidinger established that it is calcareous spar, suggesting to call it calcite.

What is calcite stone? The properties of this mineral reflect its characteristics, allowing it to be distinguished from similar minerals. All questions are answered by calcite mineralogy, its main provisions are presented below.

Chemical composition, morphology are very important data. They serve as the basis for the characteristics of the stone:

  • formula CaCO 3 (carbonate);
  • often contains impurities of elements magnesium, iron, manganese, less often strontium, zinc, nickel; as well as finely dispersed inclusions of other minerals (chlorite, hematite);
  • trigonal system;
  • crystals of scalenohedral, prismatic, tabular, rhombohedral appearance;
  • aggregates - small or large transparent grains, sinter forms (stalactites, stalagmites, spherulites (spherical aggregates), asbestos-like vein aggregates.

The main physical properties, by the combination of which it is possible to confidently determine calcite:

The species are very diverse. Their presence led to different uses of the stone.

  • Icelandic spar - very clean, transparent large grains, which have an unusual property: if you put the grain on a sheet of paper covered with writing, the letters will begin to double;
  • black calcite is called anthraconite, it contains a lot of bitumen, it is a purely collectible stone.
  • onyx is stacked in layers, similar to agate;
  • satin spar - silky "fibrous" calcite;
  • porous aggregates called travertines;
  • in limestone caves are deposited white balls - oolites, they are called cave pearls.

How is calcite formed?

Calcite can form under different conditions, and it depends on them whether it composes rocks or only represents a mineralogical manifestation.

The peculiarity of bicarbonate solutions is that they can crystallize calcite, as well as combine with other elements, for example, silica, to form new minerals. For example, dissolved opal and calcite under favorable conditions combine and give a new stone - andradite-grossular garnet.

Limestones dissolve easily under the action of groundwater, forming karst caves. Calcium-rich solutions flow from the ceiling of such caves, and stone icicles - stalactites and stalagmites - begin to grow.

There are many large deposits of this mineral:

Classic and unconventional uses of calcite

The use of this mineral is extremely diverse. First of all, it is a valuable mineral. Calcite marble is an excellent finishing stone. Lime is made from limestone, cement is diluted, used as a flux in metallurgy. Icelandic spar is used to make optics and even lasers. Onyx is popular for crafts - caskets, carvings, candlesticks.

In jewelry, transparent, beautifully colored crystals are used very rarely (they are easily scratched), but blue and orange-yellow calcite cut is in demand in the USA. Large beautiful calcite crystals are a collector's dream.

In astrology, calcite is widely known, the magical properties of which are associated with the crystal structure, which is capable of absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positive impulse waves. Therefore, the stone is recommended to all zodiac signs except Scorpio due to its stronger energy field.

Calcite gives the ability to anticipate future events, which allows you to work more effectively in the professional field. It gives its owner clarity of mind, self-confidence.

The rules for handling this mineral to preserve its medicinal and magical properties:

  • use only purchased, not donated, stone;
  • it is better to set in silver, since gold suppresses its energy, and cupronickel, on the contrary, absorbs it, preventing interaction with the owner's biofield;
  • use transparent differences as a talisman, avoiding black shades;
  • for medicinal purposes, apply a light yellowish stone to the sore spot;
  • for the treatment of the digestive tract, carry calcite prisms with you.

Calcite requires special care because of its softness, so it is not recommended to make inserts from it into rings, signet rings or make key rings. The best option is a pendant, earrings or natural druse (an aggregate of several crystals).

It is very easy to distinguish a natural stone from a fake. If this is an unprocessed sample, then a small piece must be chipped off: for the real one it will be a parallelepiped. You can drip it with acetic acid: real calcite will "hiss". If you need to check the cut or crystal, then you should look at the stone in the light.

The natural inside has thin straight cracks, as if drawn along a ruler. They can be mentally extended and you get a beveled quadrangle.

Calcite is an unusual creation of nature, which is irreplaceable in various sectors of the economy: the production of optical devices, metallurgy, construction, agriculture, the collection industry and even jewelry. In astrology, it is considered a stone of professionals, clarifying the mind and giving positive energy.

Calcite or calcium carbonate is a hard rock, translated from Latin as "lime". The mineral is distributed all over the world and has many names: heavenly stone, marble, spar, stone rose, limestone, stalactite and others. This gem represents one of the most numerous groups of stones on Earth. It can be found everywhere in the mountains, on the sea coast, forests, and tundra.

Mineral extraction

Calcite is mined all over the world. So the United States has large limestone deposits. In Namibia, specimens with inclusions are found. Cobalt deposits were discovered by the Moroccan Republic and the Congo. Iceland is famous for the largest deposits of spar crystals reaching 6 meters in length. Russia extracts marble in Transbaikalia, Primorye, and the Urals. Ukrainian deposits of this mineral are found in the form of chalk deposits mainly in the Donbass.

Most of the continental rocks are composed of dense-grained calcite layers. Calcite deposits are presented in the form of numerous intergrowths and druses. Calcium carbonate is the basic element of most solid sedimentary rocks. In addition, stalagmites, stalactites, helectites and other cave aggregates are composed of this material.

Areas of use

The mineral calcite is widely used in construction. Lime and cement are made from it. Marble tiles adorn the facades of buildings and structures; cultural monuments are also made of marble. The metallurgical industry cannot do without this mineral, for example, as a flux. Also calcium carbonate is added in the production of caustic soda. It is not used as inserts in precious items, since its soft porous structure is not suitable for jewelry purposes. Mineral varieties such as manganocalcite and satin spar are used in the manufacture of handicrafts.

Experts especially appreciate translucent samples of pastel colors: cream, white, pink, yellowish. Jewelry with them is framed with cupronickel or silver.

Various souvenirs and handicrafts are made from multi-colored and transparent calcites. Copies are sold in which there is no processing of calcite, they are only polished, without violating the natural unique properties.

Physical properties of calcite

Calcite rock is of various types: columnar, lamellar, scalenohedral, prismatic, rhombohedral. Additionally, the composition may contain manganese, strontium, iron and others.

Calcite mineral properties:

Calcite stone boils when interacting with dilute hydrochloric acid. Upon impact, the mineral disintegrates into separate rhombohedral cleavage particles. High pressure and heating (not exceeding 470 degrees) turn the mineral into. At temperatures above 470 degrees, the rock breaks down into carbon dioxide and lime.

Types and colors of calcite

All varieties of gem, despite their diversity, have an identical composition, differing from each other only in appearance and the presence of impurities.

The color palette of this mineral is varied. Most of the cases are colorless translucent specimens. But there are also brightly saturated samples. They are: crimson, purple, blue, green, yellow, honey, brown. Each multi-colored stone has certain natural unique properties.

Calcite for medicinal purposes

First of all, the mineral has proven itself well in the treatment of the digestive system. For each organ of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a certain color of the stone. Orange gem improves digestion, heals the spleen. For intestinal disorders, red specimens are more effective. For renal failure, yellow calcite is used.

The pink gem helps to overcome fears, depression, balances your own emotional background.

The blue gem is a good pain reliever that also lowers blood pressure.

Orange calcite is also used to stimulate sexual function.

Products with calcite improve blood flow, normalize heart rate. In case of colds, ARVI, it is recommended to wear calcite beads in silver vestments.

In addition, the miracle stone can enhance endurance in a person, helps to cope with physical exertion.

To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to come into contact with the stone: hold it, warm it with your hands, meditate with it, attach it to the sore spot.

Calcite in the world of magic

Calcite nugget has extraordinary magical properties.

Only real natural gems have magical properties of calcite.

Calcite in the horoscope

Calcite is a friendly gem, a representative of light higher powers, it is not tied to any particular sign of the zodiac. Regardless of the date of birth, the miracle stone helps all people. The only exception is the zodiac of black magic - Scorpio, with him the gem cannot fully make friends. Capricorns are well patronized by green stone talismans. Cancer is a blue mineral.

Talismans and amulets

Calcite mineral as a protective talisman serves as a good helper for people working in medicine, business, economics, law. He warns people of these professions from working mistakes, makes their actions far-sighted.

Extremals, motorists are advised to purchase calcite amulets without fail. Most professional chauffeurs are familiar with the gem firsthand. It saves them from accidents, accidents on the road, travel, makes the long journey pleasant and easy.

How to identify natural calcite

In order not to get entangled in stones, their imitations must have certain knowledge. Artificial imitations are very similar to natural specimens, but if such gems are suitable for jewelry, then for the treatment of diseases or for magical purposes, such a stone will be useless.

A natural gem can be determined using acid, it must be dripped a little on the mineral and observed. A real rock will manifest itself as a violent chemical reaction, the mineral will instantly dissolve. A large number of various fakes are sold in stores, which do not go unnoticed by specialists.

Calcite is a mineral, of which there are a great many varieties from crystals of Icelandic spar to marble and ordinary limestone. The morphology of calcite is extensive, and the history of its origin is varied. The basis of any of the types of this stone is calcium, from which the name was obtained. Calcites of various shades are used in magic and lithotherapy, and marble with limestone is actively used in construction and decoration of buildings.

Calcite has many names, each of which reflects a particular quality. Here is some of them:

  • Stone Flower. This is the name given to minerals that are shaped like flowers because of the characteristic petal processes.
  • Stone rose. The name is almost the same as the first, and the stone is similar to this beautiful flower.
  • Paper spar. These are the thinnest calcite plates, as a rule, they are transparent.
  • Stalactites and stalagmites. One of the most common calcareous forms found in many caves. The stalactites and stalagmites owe their origin to water, which gradually leaches out the lime.
  • Heavenly stone. A brilliant variety of calcite minerals. One of the most famous is the Sunstone or Icelandic spar, its unique crystal structure leads to the polarization of light.

The name itself is translated from Latin as lime. Calcite has been known to mankind for a very long time, it was from limestone blocks that the Egyptian pyramids, the Greek Parthenon, etc. were built. A lot of marble statues have come down to our times since antiquity.

There is also a unique natural monument - the Great Australian Barrier Reef, its length is striking - 2000 km, the formation consists entirely of limestone. Another well-known natural formation, entirely composed of calcite, is a large porcini mushroom weighing 15 kg, it is interesting that it was discovered in a mercury deposit.

Physical properties

Calcite has a number of properties that distinguish it from related rocks. The origin of calcite is varied. There are rocks formed by magmatic or metamorphic means. In caves, specimens of bushy forms are often formed, these are crystals. In addition, calcites are found in the form of thin plates, spheres and pyramids.

The mineral consists of carbon dioxide and calcium, the formula of calcite is simple - CaCO3. Cleavage of the mineral is very strong, the surface has a glassy or pearlescent luster. Lime begins to boil on contact with acetic or hydrochloric acid. On a strong impact, the calcite will split into fragments or pieces. Crystalline forms, such as Icelandic spar, will break into octahedrons.

The chemical formula of the mineral, unfortunately, is the guarantee of its low resistance to high temperatures. There is a special group of aragonite calcite, these minerals are obtained by heating to 470 degrees. At higher temperatures, the stone breaks down into lime, releasing carbon dioxide.

A fairly common morphological form of the mineral is crystals of various shapes - octahedrons, rhomboids, prisms, etc.

Siliconized calcite is a natural filter for water, therefore it has found its application for a long time. Nowadays, stone chips are used in sewage treatment plants and devices. Siliconized calcite removes metal impurities from water.

Related video: Various calcite mineral

Where is it mined

Deposits of calcite, especially limestone and marble, are found throughout the earth. There is a lot of calcite in Russia in the Urals and in the Baikal region. There are also large mining sites in the USA, Italy, Greece, Mexico.


Calcite is a stone that has several varieties, here are some of them:

  • Icelandic spar. Colorless transparent crystals that refract sunlight into two streams, as a result, the image behind them appears to be double.
  • Antraconite. A special type of black mineral that contains bitumen.
  • Simbircite. It got its name from the meta of the first find, simbircites were first discovered in Simbirsk (present-day Ulyanovsk). The most common yellow and red mineral of this type.
  • Argentine. In nature, it exists in the form of plates and differs from other calcite minerals in a silvery sheen.
  • Manganocalcite. Mineral interspersed with manganese, as a result has a beautiful pinkish tint.

However, the most famous calcites are, of course, marble and limestone. There are also marble onyx and manganocalcite.

Color spectrum

Calcite shades are quite varied. It is not only colorless and white, due to various impurities, the color of the mineral can change significantly. If the stone contains cinnabar, it will be bright red. Copper carbonates will give different shades of blue or green. There are also yellow and brown calcites due to iron impurities, less often you can find crimson or purple stones.

Healing and magical properties

The healing properties of calcite largely depend on its shade, since the inclusions of other minerals also affect the sphere of influence of the stone. The main medicinal and magical properties of calcite:

  1. Red calcite. Good for those who are constantly afraid of something, this mineral will give confidence and strength. The properties of the stone help to cope with suspiciousness and nervous feelings. Red is a very active color; in lithotherapy, calcites of this color are used to treat blood and heart diseases.
  2. Yellow calcite... It has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also strengthens the kidneys, helping to cope with various diseases. Stones of this shade help in meditation, and also increase the vigilance of a person. Crystals of yellow calcite also help to dispel sad thoughts, they bring joy and harmony to life.
  3. Orange calcite... Like yellow, it has a good effect on digestion, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the spleen. Orange stones also improve the health of the reproductive organs. Such a mineral will also help in the treatment of mental diseases, especially phobias and the effects of stress. In witchcraft, orange calcites are used to restore strength.
  4. Honey calcite beautiful golden hue can be both transparent and translucent. It gives self-confidence, helps to deal with past grievances and negative emotions, and makes it easier to go through changes.
  5. Pink calcite... Strengthens energy, allows you to cope with nightmares, improves sleep.
  6. Green calcite. It will help in the treatment of chronic wounds and diseases, both physical and mental. Will help all-round development.
  7. Blue calcite. Relieves pain and has the ability to lower blood pressure. Strengthens the nervous system, soothes, helps to cope with irritability. Also, blue stones stimulate the imagination, making them an invaluable gift for creative people. In addition, calcite stone and its properties are enhanced on the road by choosing blue crystals.

Amulets and talismans

The magical characteristics of calcite make it an excellent helper for everyone who wants to develop their magical and psychic abilities, it also enhances clairvoyance. Of course, this does not mean that you can ignore reading books and learning, however, with calcite, the process of comprehending magical arts is noticeably easier.

Calcite, or druse crystals, can help combat laziness, so if you are often prone to the urge to lie on the couch instead of doing business, this stone is what you need. The mineral gently, but persistently, changes a person's attitude. In addition to a charge of cheerfulness and inspiration for new things, calcite will give the ability to foresee situations, which will make it easier to find a way out of life's troubles or completely avoid them.

For happiness in love, you can purchase manganocalcite, a beautiful pinkish stone. He will make relationships more harmonious, and help single people finally find their happiness. Also, manganocalcite will help insecure people by raising their self-esteem.

If you actively use calcite to expand your own magical abilities, do not lose it or give it to anyone else - this leads to the loss of all the properties of the crystal. The only safe way to transmit calcite is through inheritance.

Zodiacal correspondences

Calcites do not have a clear reference to specific planets and signs. The only one who should refrain from acquiring a stone is Scorpions... The fact is that the mineral is still a conductor of high vibrations and light forces, while Scorpios are most inclined to engage in black magic.

How not to buy a fake

Artificial stones look very similar to their natural counterparts, but they do not retain the magical and healing properties of the original. Natural calcite can be easily identified using ordinary vinegar. When the liquid interacts with the surface of the stone, a violent chemical reaction will occur, calcite will begin to dissolve.

So, calcite is a vast group of minerals with its own special properties. The crystalline forms of this stone are used for magical purposes and healing, but limestone with marble has long been known as building materials.

Calcite (calcium carbonate) is a very common and well-known stone. Translated from Greek "calcite" means "lime". Onyx, limestone, stone rose, marble are just some of the names for calcite. The second name is Icelandic spar.

It has been known since ancient times. It is hard to imagine, but the Egyptian pyramids and columns of the Parthenon are composed of calcite.

It is among the leaders in production and use.

Origin story

There are two main pathways for the formation of calcite. The first is hydrothermal. High temperature aqueous solutions come from magma chambers. They very often contain calcium carbonate in a dissolved form, which precipitates as a solid precipitate in the process of lowering the temperature. As a result, the so-called "calcite veins" are formed.

The second way of the formation of this mineral is the result of the vital activity of lower marine organisms, mainly plankton. Their shells and skeleton are composed of calcite, which, after the death of animals, forms large deposits on the seabed.


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of calcite in nature. It is part of the organisms of most living things on Earth. The most common examples are shells and skeletons. Calcite is used in medicine, jewelry, in everyday life. Scientists call this mineral the "stone of life" and it really is.

Physicochemical properties of calcite

Calcite belongs to carbonates, which means that it easily reacts with all acids. The reaction will be quite violent: with the formation of carbon dioxide and foam.

Calcite is quite often found in its pure form, but it can also contain a small amount of impurities of metals: iron, manganese, nickel and others. It is the content or absence of impurities that determines the appearance of the mineral.

In the Mohs table of hardness, calcite occupies the third position, which indicates that the stone is quite soft. It can be easily scratched with a regular needle. Scratches reduce the shine of the calcite.

It is easy to distinguish a mineral with impurities from a pure one. Without third-party substances, calcite will be transparent, with large crystals. If you look through it at any object, you will notice that the object has increased approximately 2 times. From this it can be concluded that calcite has a strong birefringence.

The most common forms of calcite are regular shapes: octahedrons, prisms, rhomboids, etc.

If calcite contains an admixture of manganese, it will have a pink or reddish tint. Iron will give calcite a yellow-brown hue, and malachite will give green.

The density of the mineral is 2.7 cm / cm³.

Under physical impact (for example, a blow), the crystal will split into regular polyhedrons.

Has a glass or pearlescent luster (depending on impurities).

Place of Birth

Calcite is distributed over the entire surface of the earth, so there are many places for its extraction. In Russia, calcite is mined in the Far East, Transbaikalia and the North Caucasus. The largest field is located in Iceland. Calcite minerals are mined there, which are large in size and have excellent optical properties.

Yellow crystals are mined in the USA, while blue and blue minerals are supplied from African countries.

Varieties and colors of calcite

The mineral has many varieties.

Let's take a look at some of them:

  1. Argentine. It has a lamellar structure and a silvery shade.
  2. Antraconite. A type of calcite that has a black tint. It is achieved due to the content of bitumen in the mineral.
  3. Icelandic spar. Has the highest birefringence of all varieties.
  4. Marble. It is a solid type of calcite.
  5. Travertines are soft varieties. These include chalk, limestone and minerals formed by fossilized remains of algae.
  6. Pearl.

Calcite comes in many colors. The most common is a translucent stone, but there are blue, pink, reddish, brown, yellow (its various shades), crimson. If the stone is transparent, then it is completely clean. Each color has its own magical properties.

Calcite: magical properties

Depending on the color, the mineral has a different magical effect on a person. Generally speaking, calcite enhances energy flows, develops the sixth sense. It changes a person's attitude and contributes to the fight against laziness.

Calcite is used in meditation. It is believed that with daily meditation with this mineral, a person will be able to discover expanded knowledge in himself, and comprehend the basics of self-knowledge. If there is no desire to reveal extraordinary abilities in yourself, but only to improve your energy, you can do without meditation, you just need to constantly carry the stone with you.

People with extraordinary abilities use calcite in their rituals.

Consider a stone of each color:

  1. Blue. The mineral of this color is used by people who want to protect themselves from negative magical effects. It purifies energy and promotes the growth of inspiration.
  2. Honey. This stone is recommended for people who lack courage. It will help its owner to gather courage and forget all grievances.
  3. The pink stone will help get rid of nervous tension and increase motivation.

In order for the mineral to begin its effect, it must be constantly carried with you.

Experts note that the stone is strongly attached to the owner, and therefore the loss of the stone can lead to long-term blocking or even loss of abilities. Therefore, it is not recommended to donate the mineral, unless you intend to pass it on by inheritance. However, there is a nuance here: this stone should be inherited through a generation, and only through the female line.

When choosing a stone, you should pay attention to your own inner feelings. If at the first contact with calcite you experience pleasant emotions, then the stone will certainly be very useful to you. If, upon contact with a mineral, you feel a kind of rejection or confusion, then it is better to make a choice in favor of another stone.

Healing properties

Calcite is widely used in medicine.

Each color has a specific healing effect:

  1. The stone of red color relieves diseases of the hip joint.
  2. Pink - improves heart function.
  3. Black calcite is used after injuries.
  4. The blue stone will help normalize blood pressure and relieve pain.
  5. A stone with a golden hue has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain.
  6. The green stone will help the body fight infections.
  7. Colorless calcite has antiseptic properties.

If beads are made of calcite and placed in a silver frame, then such a decoration will help get rid of colds.

To achieve the desired result, you need to constantly contact with calcite: hold it in your hands as often as possible, apply it to a sore spot and wear it closer to the body, for example, on a chain.

What zodiac signs are compatible with?

It should be noted that calcite is rather unpretentious. Most of all, it suits the representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. For people born under a different sign, calcite won't do much harm either.

Only Scorpios should be wary of calcite. It is believed that those born under the sign of Scorpio are most inclined to engage in black magic. Warlock people should also stay away from calcite, as this stone conflicts with black energy.

If we talk about the compatibility of calcite with certain names, then most of all calcite will suit Svetlana, Vladimir, Lyudmila and Makar.

Talismans and charms

As an amulet, calcite should be considered by doctors, drivers, lawyers, economists and entrepreneurs. The stone will help representatives of these areas avoid professional mistakes and achieve success. Calcite protects drivers from serious accidents and makes the journey easy.


Calcite, despite its abundance, is rarely used to create jewelry. Its fragility is to blame. To create a piece of jewelry from this mineral requires a lot of skill in working with such materials. Still, there are craftsmen who manage to place calcite in a beautiful frame. Most often, calcite jewelry is earrings, rings and pendants, but bracelets are extremely rare.

Therefore, if you want your calcite jewelry to serve you for a long time, you will have to handle it very carefully.

Calcite application

Calcite is a useful and very common mineral, which is why it is used in many areas. Various types of calcite, such as limestone and marble, are used to make various interior decorations. In metallurgy, this mineral is used for the production of varnishes, paints and paper bases. Earlier, calcite was used to build optical devices.

Despite the fact that calcite is poorly suited for the jewelry industry, it is used for making handicrafts and souvenirs, which are very popular.

The mineral is practically not processed. It is only cleaned and, if necessary, sanded.

Cost and care

Due to its abundance and availability, calcite is inexpensive. It depends on the material of the frame in which the stone is inserted. Calcite jewelry will not be expensive. The cost can start from 350 rubles. But, despite this, it will not be very easy to acquire calcite jewelry, since few people undertake the manufacture of jewelry from this mineral.

In order for calcite to serve its owner for a long time, you need to take good care of it. It is not enough just to protect the mineral from mechanical damage, you need to maintain its energy. It is not difficult to do this - just hold the stone in running water and leave it to “charge” in the sun for a while.

If you live in a city, then you should take your pebble out into the countryside, to the sea, to the forest, because in the intense energy of the city it is harder for a stone to work. Natural energy will help calcite to restore its strength.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

The most reliable way to check the authenticity of calcite is to use any acid. One drop will be enough to start a violent chemical reaction.

On impact, the mineral will crumble into small crystals of regular shape.

Of course, the purchaser will not check the authenticity of the calcite in the above ways. He will have to pay attention to the weight, external data of the stone and rely on his own feelings.

Combination with other stones

Calcite is a wonderful mineral for those who do not like to be limited to little. It goes well with other precious and semi-precious stones. The main thing is that the colors of the stones and their frames look harmoniously together.

  1. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is composed of calcite.
  2. There are more than 700 varieties of this mineral in the world. He is a real record holder for this indicator.
  3. The earth's crust contains 4% of this mineral. In terms of area, this corresponds to an indicator of 40%.
  4. The name of this mineral was given by the famous Austrian geologist Wilhelm von Haidinger in 1845.
  5. At elevated pressure or high temperature (470 ºC), calcite turns into aragonite. Upon further heating, it decomposes, forming carbon dioxide and lime.
  6. Coral reefs are composed of calcite. Another property of calcite is insolubility in warm water. This is why reefs are not found in cold seas.
  7. Calcite is easily dissolved by groundwater. Because of this, "icicles" - stalactites and stalagmites - are formed in the caves.
  8. In one of the deposits of mercury, a "white mushroom" was discovered - a natural formation consisting of calcite and weighing 15 kilograms!