Classic clothing style message. Classic style in clothes

Different occasions require different styles of clothing. Modern women are well accustomed to their diversity. But the most common and most sought after is the classic style of clothing.

Classic clothing style

This fashion trend exists as if out of time, as it has been well tested by it. It is always relevant and appropriate. This classic is different from other styles. There is no clear age limit for connoisseurs of this clothing, so it is suitable for absolutely everyone. Of course, for each of the age categories, clothing has its own distinctive features of style, but it is always kept within the framework of this style.

In general, the word "classic" comes from the Latin classicus, that is, exemplary. Also, the word "classic" means exponentiality, specificity, representativeness, typicality. Classics are characterized by elegance, restraint and emphasized proportionality. It necessarily lacks non-functional details and trendy elements. First of all, it is associated with beauty and harmony.

The classic style of clothing has been formed over the years.

Many classic details and garments have remained unchanged since their inception.

For example, pumps, without which it is impossible to imagine a women's basic wardrobe.

Classics in clothes are characterized by the presence of a sense of proportion in everything. The volume, shape, decoration, colors, artistic design of clothes and, of course, the behavior and manners of a person in a classic outfit cannot be pretentious and expressive. In the design of such clothes, there are practically no decorative elements at all. It organically combines aesthetics and functionality. This style attracts with quality. Such clothing contributes to the creation of a business atmosphere, restraint of behavior.

There is a lot in modern glossy magazines. Being clothes for all time, he still obeys the key trends of fashion trends. This applies to the finish, the shape of the silhouette, the choice of the type of fabric and its color. Therefore, if a woman prefers classical styles to other styles, this does not mean that you do not need to follow fashion. It changes even in the classics, although not as fast as in other fashion trends. And this is despite the versatility of such clothes, in which it is appropriate to go to the office to work, to a solemn event, to the theater. These clothes allow you to always look great, matching the occasion. She can become a real lifesaver in situations where there is a lack of self-confidence and how to dress better.

The main colors characteristic of the classics are discreet shades in gray, brown, dark blue, as well as light shades of beige. Not very bright color contrasts are also allowed, but very dosed. Bold colors and bright tones should not be abused. Fancy flashy decorations are also not welcome.

It is preferable to use discreet colors with the selection of soft shades in the suit. Despite the fact that in the clothes selected in the classic style, the predominance of black shades is obvious, one should pay attention to the peculiarities of his psychological perception, from which follow the recommendations of a partial rejection of him in clothes, including business ones. But this recommendation, according to the existing rules of etiquette, does not apply to black toilets for official receptions. The color of the fabric for classic clothes is better to use one-color or with simple geometric patterns: a thin strip, a cage, a “chicken foot”. However, when making a festive, elegant costume, it is permissible to use fabrics with bright, catchy patterns. As for the type of fabric, you can take any - from brocade to drape. When tailoring a classic suit in recent years, it has become acceptable to use lightweight fabrics with elastic fibers. They are able to repeat the figure well, besides, they almost do not crumple.

Men's classic

Along with the feminine, there is men's classic clothing style. Its adherents are officials, politicians, representatives of the business world and other intelligent professions. This style is worn by intellectuals, employees of various institutions: leaders, managers, teachers, lawyers and others. Classic clothing allows a man to look more restrained, more determined and formal.

Classic clothes adorn any man, regardless of age

As for the history of classic clothing, it comes from England in the 16th century. The outfits began to be rightfully considered one of the most sought after, and the direction remains the oldest. Initially, these were men's outfits. It is strict English men's suits that are considered the progenitors of the classic style, the roots of which go back to deep English puritanism, its conservatism, rigor and rejection of excesses in all its manifestations. But the classics, in addition to being embodied in clothes, should become an internal component, a philosophy of life. In smartness, neatness, elegance, inner core, the main qualities of a man dressed in classics are manifested. The way he carries himself in a classic outfit shows whether he really is like that or just wants to appear like that. After all, the classic style of clothing for men is a full-fledged lifestyle, a reflection of the inner world and range of interests.

For lovely ladies

Often, when they talk about the classics, today they imagine an office business suit. But it is precisely from classic clothing that business clothing develops, and not vice versa. Simply classic has become the basis of success, excellent taste, sophistication and elegance. The restraint, impeccability and simplicity of this style have won the respect of women all over the world. The classic style standard was created by the famous Jacqueline Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel, Margaret Thatcher, as well as other noble ladies. Top-class outfits, their first-class, not overloaded with excesses - this is the motto of lovers of classic outfits.

And it is not for nothing that the first ladies of most states are guided by the classics, which has become a kind of standard. He will never be forced out of the fashionable Olympus. And let it be called boring, pedantic, strict, but the classics are stability, success and victory. No wonder they say: when in doubt what to wear, it is better to give preference to the classic style. But what is the secret of the classic?

Perhaps in the unity of the image, in its harmony, as well as in the refinement of all lines. The image in the classical style is tactful, but far from boring pedantry. He is clearly restrained, but at the same time devoid of arrogance. It feels traditions based on fundamentalism, which is so necessary for a person in the modern world.

Pictures of classic-style clothing from different eras can help to imagine the historical side of the issue. It should be noted that the process of transforming a classic men's suit into a women's wardrobe was very slow, overcoming enormous resistance. But women are quite actively trying to borrow male elements in their costume. And at the end of the 18th century, the feminist movement for equality with men was born, and clothing became a means to an end in it. And the duration of the process was explained by many opponents. Only Coco Chanel was able to finally convince the global conservative community and open her own stunning classic clothing collections to the world.

It was thanks to Coco Chanel that girls were able to start wearing menswear. Which, by the way, suits them very well!

Outfits in the classical style turned out to be not only quite beautiful, but also functional, comfortable and elegant. It is to this great designer that women owe their famous "hits". Who today will refuse a little black dress, a trouser suit, a straight skirt below the knees, a straight tweed jacket and many other masterpieces of the immortal Coco. Her classic outfits stand the test of time and remain modern beyond time. They are appropriate almost everywhere and always, have no age restrictions, are great for any type of figure. Women in classic suits always seem slimmer, look more elegant and collected. It is not for nothing that Queen Elizabeth II of England prefers to appear in society, perhaps following the example of her high-born grandmother, Queen Mary.

As a completely self-sufficient option, endowed with its own characteristics. The main ones can be considered minimalism, elegance, quality, simplicity, moderation, which manifested itself not only in color, but also in decoration and silhouette. The classic style combines elements of rigor, restraint and femininity. Good-quality fabrics, discreet colors, as well as patterns in the form of herringbones, paws, stripes and cages are suitable for him. The silhouette of such clothing should be straight, adjacent or semi-adjacent.

In the classics, a minimum of decoration and openness is allowed. Shoes must be elegant. And the general characteristics of clothing are recognized as rigor and conciseness in everything. Women's skirt should have a length at the level of the knees: a little lower or a little higher than their line. Although the unforgettable Coco Chanel considered the length of the skirt unacceptable, from under which the knees peek out. In general, the classic accepts the maxi, but the mini certainly never.

The best fabrics for such dresses are silk, tweed, velvet, wool and jersey. What is important, eye-catching extravagant decorations are not welcome in the classic style. All jewelry and accessories should be discreet, simple, but very elegant. Fine jewelry, natural pearls and discreet brooches are allowed. Also, the laws of this style dictate the rule that the presence of more than three decorations is in bad taste.

Very comfortable classic style for girls. Its advantage over others is that all types of clothing in it can be perfectly combined with each other. It is very convenient, profitable and practical.

Clothing in the style of the classics must comply with the following generally accepted canons:

  • the silhouette skirt should be strict: straight, flared, pleated, wraparound or trapezoidal;
  • a trouser business suit is appropriate in a classic wardrobe;
  • trousers in this style should be straight with a natural waist height;
  • the dress should be strict in shape, closed or with a slight neckline, simple in cut;
  • different blouses, tops and turtlenecks are appropriate;
  • the jacket should have a straight or semi-adjacent silhouette;
  • girls look good in straight, fitted or semi-fitted coats, strict and simple;
  • from shoes, pumps with low (up to 6 cm) heels are considered the most suitable;
  • it is allowed to use jewelry, pearls, small gold or silver jewelry, brooches, bracelets;
  • embellished hats or scarves are appropriate in a classic suit;
  • neckerchiefs look organically with such outfits;
  • you can complement classic suits with bags of various shapes, including bright colors.

The modern women's classic clothing style remains the most conservative, although it has undergone many changes in the history of the fashion world. Color priorities have changed, pocket shapes, types of fabrics, sleeve sizes and jacket lengths, many other elements, but, in general, this style remains itself. Classic-style suits are worn for years, they rarely go out of fashion, which happens with clothes of similar styles. And therefore, if you choose a high-quality classic suit, then you will have to say goodbye to it only when you want, and not when capricious fashion requires.

A photo

Ideal for work

This one is for walking around the city.

Victoria Beckham loves the classics too

Outfit for an evening out in a classic style

Ann Hataway

Great autumn outfit

Classics in clothes are distinguished by special femininity

Elegance in simplicity - these words can describe the classic style

True classic style involves a minimum of jewelry

Blouse, trousers, trench coat and pumps - a wonderful autumn classic bow


Most often, the classic style of clothing is associated with calm, timeless elegance. There is absolutely no place here, neither for exaggerated shyness, nor for outright excesses. Women who prefer the classic style are characterized by simplicity and sophistication in detail. In short, the classics are on the fine line between modest conservatism and expressive drama, the purpose of which is to make a vivid impression.

Characteristics of the classic style

As already mentioned, in the classic style of clothing are especially appreciated simplicity and minimalism. A mandatory requirement for such outfits: elegance that stands out from the crowd.

The secret of a successful classic style bow lies in the special attention to detail and the ability to create an individual look from individual components of very high quality.

Women who choose this style are distinguished by a special love for design and decor. They are well versed in fashion and always very skillfully dilute their wardrobe with the latest trends. Very often, such ladies put their career in the first place in life. This type is typical for businesswomen who hold high positions and have remarkable organizational skills (after all, it is especially important for such women to look great not only on working days, but even on weekends). Fans of the classic style know a lot about well-tailored, expensive clothes and love to buy them.

Wardrobe in classic style

The style of a classic in clothes is subordinated to a career, so all outfits, including, are distinguished by special elements with a touch of luxury. Even in their free time, girls who choose a classic style look very elegant and can go to an important meeting at any time. The most important thing for them is high quality, therefore, fakes of famous brands are the strictest taboo (regardless of whether it is outerwear or underwear). The same rule applies to accessories and cosmetics. An impeccable haircut, well-groomed hands with perfect manicure, beautiful make-up and modern jewelry are the essential attributes of the ladies of the classical style.

In the closet of classic style fans you can find: elegant white blouses, women's suits, simple skirts, evening dresses, cashmere sweaters and coats, as well as many accessories: belts, scarves, bags and shoes.

Reading these descriptions, it may seem that only very rich women can afford to adhere to this style. Of course, a wardrobe in a classic style requires significant financial costs, but, above all, we are talking about a thoughtful approach to shopping and the ability to correctly combine individual elements of clothing.

Since only a few have the opportunity to wear dresses from famous designers, not so wealthy ladies who want to dress in a classic style have to plan their purchases very carefully. They never buy another blouse on sale, but save very scrupulously for a specific item, such as a dress or coat. But we can say with confidence that it is thanks to the classic style that such women always look very elegant.

Audrey Hepburn, Jane Fonda and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis are rightfully considered true icons of the classical style. Other famous people who prefer the classics: Katie Holmes, Ashley Olsen, Brooke Shields, Victoria Beckham, Lauren Conrad, Angelina Jolie, Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama, Diane Kruger, Marion Cotillard.

Classic style in clothes: for whom?

If you prefer classic style, then you are more conservative in comparison with modern fashionistas. Your wardrobe is definitely dominated by neutral color scheme(namely black, gray, dark blue and beige shades), but that's all styles are distinguished by clear, straight lines. Another characteristic feature: you will surely like tops, jackets, and dresses with an accentuated waist.

Classic style fans prefer simple, timeless, business attire. They often adhere to the trend that obliges them to select the appropriate accessories for each individual outfit (handbag and tonal). Such women never chase fashion and do not even pay attention to strange, eccentric trends.

Young girls who adore classic style often hear "accusations" addressed to them that such clothes give a more mature look, which does not always go well with their young age. In fact, these fears are groundless - a classic suits everyone.

Classic style is the basis of chic fashion. It is characterized by minimalism, accuracy and elegance. However, women of this style rarely experiment and, therefore, sometimes run the risk of looking too predictable and even boring.

To prevent this from happening, you should not be afraid to leave your comfort zone: choose basic things not only in neutral, but also in more expressive shades. Evaluate your type of appearance and choose a palette that will best emphasize your natural beauty.

Classic colors (gray, black, navy and beige) are often diluted with bright accents of red, yellow, pink, green and blue.

You can upgrade your classic outfit with interesting details that emphasize the individuality of your image. Such accents can, for example, be a stunningly colored scarf, a trendy studded clutch or fashionable sandals with many straps. Another option is to combine the basic things of the classic and some other style. You can get ideas for fashion experiments from many well-known fashion bloggers.

Classic clothing style for women: an exemplary wardrobe

In a classic wardrobe, old and new things coexist in an amazing way. Here, the main role is played not by the labels of famous brands, but by styles and cuts.. Of course, you simply can’t do without a few expensive things in the closet, but the main value of a classic wardrobe is that all the ego elements fit perfectly on their mistress. A real classic is always in fashion, so if a thing is of excellent quality, it can last for years (which is also a definite advantage). In an exemplary classic wardrobe, you will definitely find:

  • a little black dress (and preferably more than one);
  • little white dress;
  • classic tweed jacket in the style of Chanel;
  • knitted blazer (navy/black/beige/off-white);
  • beige camel wool trench coat;
  • classic boats (black / nude / gray / red);
  • classic ballet flats (black/nude/red/pink);
  • a pair of fitted jeans;
  • a pair of white jeans;
  • a pair of straight trousers;
  • a pair of skinny trousers;
  • black pencil skirt;
  • small check shirt;
  • white shirt dress;
  • striped shirt;
  • plain white T-shirt;
  • cashmere pullover;
  • cashmere cardigan;
  • a pair of tortoise-shell sunglasses;
  • leopard print item (bag/coat/shoes);
  • quality silk scarf (which can be knitted in many ways);
  • things with classic patterns (stripe / tartan / houndstooth / small cage);
  • pearl.

Classic clothing style for girls: 9 must have things

If we narrow down the previous list to just a few of the most popular items, the must-haves include:

  • little black dress. In combination with the appropriate accessories, it can be worn to work, to the city or to an evening date;
  • boats. An uncomplicated classic without unnecessary decorations is the perfect shoe for both a friendly meeting and a business banquet;
  • White T-shirt. This simple, but very irreplaceable thing looks great not only with jeans and a comfortable cardigan, but also with a jacket and a pencil skirt;
  • black or navy blue jacket. Another thing that looks great both in an elegant version with straight trousers or a pencil skirt, or in combination with jeans;
  • pencil skirt. The most popular style for women to wear to work and business meetings;
  • cashmere sweater. Paired with jeans, this is the perfect bow for shopping, walking in the park or gatherings in a cafe;
  • jeans. Simple classic jeans can be used in a variety of styles and looks for a wide variety of events (except, of course, official meetings);
  • White shirt. This is another timeless piece with many uses: you can wear it with smart trousers and skirts, as well as with jeans or flared skirts;
  • trench coat A black, beige, or navy trench coat goes with almost everything, so you should get at least one of these trench coats.

Classic clothing style: photos of bows

Recently, the minimalist trend has been in great demand and the classic style of clothing just fully meets all its requirements. Many elements belonging to the classic style (little black dress, white shirt, simple cardigan) are the basis of a variety of interesting looks. Thanks to this, even with such a compact wardrobe, you can always come up with new feminine bows.

The classic style is not only elegant and graceful, it is also very simple and comfortable. The three presented sets for the office, walks and going out are the best confirmation of this truth.

work outfit

White cotton t-shirt, black trousers and a dark fitted blazer ensemble equally well suited for office everyday life, and for weekend walks. Completeness of stylization complement classic black ballerinas and a long, thin necklace. A jersey jacket makes this look perfect for everyday wear.

Outfit for city walks

The second set, perfect for everyday wear, consists of dark blue jeans, a white shirt with a long back and a dark blue short. As in the first case, the image is complemented ballet flats and a pendant on a long chain.

Outfit for a classy outing

The last set is a great variation on how to dress for special occasions. Beautiful black dress combined with a short beige jacket- the perfect duet for any social event. To make the image look truly perfect, it must be supplemented nude pumps and a matching clutch. The finishing touch could be elegant bracelet with original clasp.

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The life of a modern girl is filled with events. In the morning - studying at the university or working in the office, where everything is scheduled by the minute: lectures and seminars or important meetings, negotiations with partners, working with clients, and so on. The evening promises to be no less eventful if you are planning a corporate event or visiting a nightclub with friends. You always have to be on top!

If it is not possible to change clothes every time in accordance with the occasion, classic-style clothes that suit all girls without exception will be appropriate in any situation.

It's elegant!

Creating an image in a classic style is quite simple. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of conciseness and take into account certain rules:

  • Fitted clothes. No large sizes and additional volume. Clothing should be fitted, successfully emphasizing the figure, with a minimal but spectacular decor.
  • Appropriate accessories. It is advisable to use no more than three gold or silver jewelry. Earrings should not go beyond the earlobe, and it is better to decorate the neck with a thin chain with a small pendant or a string of pearls.
  • Inconspicuous makeup. In keeping with the restraint of the ensemble, make-up should also be concise. Bright flashy tones are unacceptable. And lovers of red lipstick in this case, it is better to give preference to soft peach shades.
  • Neat hairstyle. Natural hair color is welcome, plus a bob haircut or smoothly combed hair gathered at the back of the head in a ponytail.

An image in a classic style should not contain unnecessary elements. Every detail, from clothes to manicure, is designed to create an elegant harmonious look. It is this fact that allows you to "present" yourself in the most favorable light.

The legendary Coco Chanel said in this regard: "You will not get a second chance to make a first impression."

business conversation

And now about the main thing. The word "classic" has Latin roots and in translation sounds like "exemplary". That is why classic clothes are emphatically elegant, representative and proportional. This allows you to create a businesslike atmosphere and calls for a low-key demeanor. Best of all, a business suit will match the working environment, presented by an elegant duo: a jacket plus straight-cut trousers or a pencil skirt in black, white, navy blue or gray.

The “highlight” of the costume will be a chiffon or silk blouse or a neat top. At the same time, no deep necklines and immodest cutouts.

Classics are synonymous with modesty, so there should be an exceptionally hidden hint at graceful feminine charms. Strict and flawless! The jacket as an element of a classic wardrobe remains unchanged, but still fashion trends have a certain influence on its style and length. Therefore, with equal success, you can try on an elongated cardigan or a shortened spencer. As an alternative to a jacket, you can use a blazer. A blouson with a wide belt that can be tied into a bow will look no less interesting.

The skirt should not go far from the knee - the length can vary one palm up or down. And lovers of dresses can safely put on a sheath dress, which also matches the classic style. It can be complemented with a jacket or jacket, which will create the right mood in the office. In the evening, in a relaxed atmosphere, you can take off the jacket and add the appropriate accessories to the dress - and a casual outfit in a classic style is ready!

White Queen

Elegant and casual, modest and a little flirtatious - a white blouse firmly holds a leading position in a classic wardrobe. Perfectly combined with a skirt and trousers, it will be a great option for every day and for an evening out.

Slender girls can try on a shirt cut with a see-through hidden button closure and a gathered peplum that accentuates the waist.

More voluptuous young ladies should give preference to a loose cut with a turn-down collar, miniature button closure and cuffs on the sleeves, which remain true to the classic style.

An elongated blouse with a fitted silhouette presents the figure of the owner in a new format. Despite the resemblance to a dress, it is still not recommended to wear it solo. As a combi partner, a straight skirt or dress pants will successfully perform.

Little black masterpiece

With the light hand of Gabrielle Chanel, the women's wardrobe was replenished with a universal model - a little black dress that is appropriate in any situation. The classic version is not only a traditional sheath dress, but also models of various cuts.

It can be an elegant tapering dress with a shallow neckline and a hidden fastener, in which you can safely go to work in the office, and in the evening, having picked up stylish accessories, you can safely go to a banquet.

A knee-length dress with embossed seams and a V-neck that follows the contours of the body and fits perfectly will look no less advantageous! A narrow frill along the bottom edge will add a touch of ease to the office look and will coquettishly develop to the beat of every movement.

Let there be color

Black plus white is definitely elegant and stylish. However, the classics sometimes allow themselves mini-experiments. Noble black and white clothing models in the light of the latest fashion trends will look more impressive thanks to skillfully selected color accessories.
For example, a white pantsuit with a thin black stripe will be successfully complemented by an elegant fuchsia blouse or top and matching pumps. A blouse in pale blue, pale pink or olive is ideal for a black skirt. A turquoise sheath dress with a jacket, a handbag and shoes of the color of coffee with milk will look elegant and stylish.

Burgundy heeled shoes and a matching handbag will be a great addition to a black trouser suit.

Always on the top

Classic style is appropriate always and everywhere. Long gone are the days when strict classics were the prerogative of older women. A modern girl is purposeful and ambitious, and the classic style of clothing helps her to emphasize her position in life, build a career and realize her plans.

At a lecture or at an interview, in a college auditorium or in an office room, in a boardroom or in a nightclub, at a corporate event or in a circle of friends, she is always impeccable, because her true "classic" remains a good assistant - a sign of good taste and an invariable secret of success. .

Classic style images, in the following video:

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Classical style is often confused with English, however, despite the similarity, these directions differ from each other. The classics allow some softening of the lines, a slightly bolder color scheme, fashionable notes and modern "advanced" solutions. While remaining puritanical, the traditional classic offers its admirers plenty of opportunities to look great!

As you know, translated from lat. classicus - means exemplary (exemplary). A model is something to be equaled to, something to aspire to. That is why the classic is the standard of all styles. The secret of the strength of the classics is in the integrity of the image, the number of little things, accessories that could be beaten is minimal. The classical direction is traditional, it includes strictness, discipline, but does not impose stiffness. Tact, but not pedantry, distance, but not arrogance. Strong, educated business people always prefer to maintain their wardrobe in a classic style. The fabrics used for classic outfits are of perfect quality, expensive, luxurious. Sophistication, refinement of lines, a minimum of distracting trifles - these are the main "buoys" in the ocean of classics.

Characteristic features of the style

The characteristic features of the style are:

  • simplicity and elegance;
  • luxury and excellent quality products;
  • lack of ruffles, sequins;
  • formal dresses, structured suits;
  • elegant beautiful shoes;
  • minimal accessories.

Classic oblige

It is unacceptable to wear a formal three-piece suit to work, and to wear jeans with a turtleneck or T-shirt in the movies. Style must be followed in everything - this is the calling card of a person. There are situations when you meet a lover of the classics at work, during your holidays in a Hawaiian shirt or bicycle shorts. This should not be done, especially being carried away by the classical style.

Well, if the choice fell on luxurious rigor, it should be traced in the entire wardrobe - from underwear to headwear. Moreover, today it is very easy to pick up a toilet in the classics, even for picking berries! Of course, we are not talking about shooters on pantyhose or a bathing suit with a bow tie. You should choose more appropriate models, styles, pay attention to the material and its color.

Who to wear

First of all, a rational person. People who no longer listen to the voice of reason, but to emotions, will feel stuffy in a strict chic suit. Aesthetes and punctuals by nature, leaders, successful business people - this is whose choice of a classic wardrobe will be justified.

What to wear with (accessories)

Either very expensive exquisite jewelry, or its complete absence. Natural jewelry, not dazzling with an abundance of multi-colored stones. Women should completely abandon earrings, or choose those that will not protrude beyond the edge of the earlobe. With regard to rings, pendants and beads, minimalism triumphs. Neckerchiefs, stoles will help to add femininity to a casual business suit.

What to wear (bags, cases, briefcases)

Of course, the podium goes to the skin. Natural expensive material in impeccable finish with luxury fittings. As for the shape, standard geometric shapes are welcome - a square, a rectangle, a trapezoid. with small or medium handles, only a tablet bag can go on the shoulder, in other cases the bag should be carried in hands. Sometimes envelope bags (a la Chanel) are appropriate. As for briefcases and folders, there is strictness in everything: expensive leather in dark shades, preferably natural black and brown, sometimes gray, the number of pockets, zippers and fasteners should be kept to a minimum.

Taming of the Shrew. Hairstyle, makeup

Ladies should choose, replete with styling options. Short to medium length hair can be elegantly styled in natural strands, should be collected in a ponytail, snail or bun. Hair color should be as close to natural as possible, although the classic style (unlike English) allows for slight deviations dictated by fashion.

Soft, natural, but strict and thought out to the smallest detail, always an even complexion.

To work, negotiations, meetings

As they say, the first impression cannot be made a second time ... The suit must correspond to the idea of ​​​​the ideal image of a business person. An impeccable hairstyle, perfectly ironed clothes, expensive elegant jewelry, a solid Swiss watch, a bag or briefcase made of luxurious materials. Speech, facial expressions, gestures, behavior - a continuation of the external appearance. Everything is in place, everything is in tune.

It is better not to combine parts from different costumes. The most correct decision would be to choose a suit with a semi-fitting cut made of dense fabric. If there is a T-shirt in the suit, it may differ from the main color.

In fact, there are a lot of colors and shades corresponding to the classical style. It is only necessary to limit those that are unnatural, catchy, bright or ambiguous. by the most optimal for every day are black, grey, blue, brown, white and ivory.

Drawing in a business suit It is appropriate only when it does not focus on itself. Ribbed, plaid, polka dot or striped outfits can look both formal and stylish. The main thing in the selection of these toilets is to adhere to the measure.

By the way, the little black dress, which simply must be in any women's wardrobe, is the very classic of the genre. Dress length: plus - minus 10 - 12 cm above or below the knee. The cut is traditional - refined simplicity. Appropriate and at work, and at the celebration, and on vacation.

Fabrics, cut

Straight, sometimes fitted silhouette. Simplicity of forms and sophistication of content. Accentuated shoulder line. Trousers are direct or made narrower from top to bottom, arrows. The length and shape of skirts, jackets or jackets varies according to fashion trends. Of the materials, preference is given to woolen crepe, gabardine, flannel, satin, cotton, linen. From light fabrics - chiffon and natural silk.

The classic style has no restrictions on gender, age, or strict criteria for height and weight. This choice of clothes can become the hallmark of a person who is ready to combine charm, rigor and sophistication throughout his life. A man of classic style, like his suit, is luxurious, elegant and impeccable!

The classical style of clothing is the most conservative and most strict in its manifestations. There is little room for innovation here. Modern fashion only slightly complements it with new elements from year to year. The essence is always the balance of functionality and elegance, simplicity of cut, strictness of lines. Classics is designed to emphasize the naturalness, natural beauty of a person, because the proportions of classic clothes clearly correspond to the proportions of the human figure. For example, the waist line is always in its natural place.

The range of women's clothing is quite diverse. It includes coats, dresses, jackets, spencers, cardigans, vests, skirts and trousers, as well as blouses. The combination of all these things is truly universal. However, rather strict requirements are imposed on each thing, which allow us to attribute it to the style in question.


Pants are almost always straight cut, but a slight taper down is allowed. The presence of arrows on the trousers is also an integral element. Just like in a classic jacket, the pockets should be framed, with a leaf or with a flap.


A shirt-type blouse with a turn-down collar and a moderate neckline is the core of the classic style. However, today a classic business suit can be complemented with a turtleneck, a top or a thin sports jumper, which is more suitable for a business rather than a classic style in its traditional sense.

The dress

The dress is strict, clearly on the figure. The silhouette is semi-fitted. A small neckline emphasizes elegance. It features a classic cut, when there are two tucks at the chest and at the waist, and there is also a tuck for a bulge on the back. The sleeve is tight-fitting and, like a jacket, set-in. For summer, a variant of a dress with straps is possible.


Outerwear in the classic wardrobe is represented by a jacket cut coat, straight or semi-fitted silhouette. The collar must be with lapels, if there are pockets, then they should be decorated, as in a jacket, traditionally.


Suitable headgear may be an English hat, an elegant beret or a headscarf.


Shoes must be made of genuine leather. If you take a traditional approach to style, then these are pumps with a small steady heel or flat sole. However, today simple elegant low-heeled shoes (up to 4-5 cm) may well form the basis of a classic wardrobe. The shape of the nose of such shoes may vary depending on the fashion trends of the current season.

Traditionally, the color of the shoes was matched to the purse, but today it can also match one of the main colors: a suit, blouse or even a headscarf.


As a rule, monophonic fabrics of black, brown, blue, green, gray, burgundy colors and their various shades of a predominantly dark palette are used for tailoring classic clothes. Light colors are good for the summer season: light gray, various shades of beige, wheat color. The main rule is to use soft, muted shades, playing on soft color contrasts is allowed. If the fabric has a background pattern, then it is usually a strip, a cage, less often a "herringbone" or "chicken foot". In any case, the pattern should be small, not standing out against the main color of the product. In addition, the use of expensive high-quality materials is one of the most important aspects when tailoring classic clothes. High-quality cotton, wool, knitwear, silk, satin - this is the usual choice of manufacturers of such clothing. Currently, materials with the addition of elastic fibers are also used, which contributes to a better fit of the figure and helps clothes not to wrinkle.

So that the ensemble in the classical style does not seem boring and gray, there are several tricks to improve perception.

Trouser and skirt suits are well refreshed by the peeping edges of collars and cuffs in a contrasting color. A bright neckerchief, a stylish belt, beautiful elegant shoes can also give an additional effect of freshness.

In conclusion, I would like to say that everything has its time and place. You can shape your wardrobe according to your taste from clothes of various directions, but it is very important to learn how to dress in accordance with its purpose. A person's clothes, his behavior characterize his internal culture, way of thinking, interests. By clothes, manners, posture, gestures, a positive impression of a person is made, often unconscious, sympathies and antipathies are formed. Therefore, neglecting your appearance is an unforgivable mistake. It will be difficult for you to change the image that a person has created when meeting you. Thus, the accuracy, conciseness and simplicity of a classic wardrobe is often associated with purposefulness, organization, constancy and inspires confidence.