Clover tattoo sketches. Who is the clover tattoo suitable for? What does the symbol "clover" mean among different peoples

The clover, depicted with three petals, symbolizes unshakable faith, hope and pure love. A clover tattoo means that its owner strives to emphasize the unity of the soul, physical body and spirit. For Christians, clover is one of the main symbols of the holy trinity: the Lord the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In different faiths and cultures, the image of this plant has different interpretations. So, Hindus see in it a reflection of the cardinal points, Buddha - the unity of the eternal soul and a perishable body, in Chinese culture, clover is a symbol of summer. In ancient times, people attributed magical properties to the plant.

Clover tattoo meanings

The first petal of the clover is a symbol of hope, the second is of faith, and the third is of love. Therefore, this underwear image symbolizes three important components of a person's life at once.

Another common tattoo option is the four-leaf clover. In nature, the quatrefoil is a kind of anomaly. There is a belief that if you find such a clover, dry it and carry it with you, then it will definitely bring it to its owner. Therefore, a four-leaf clover tattoo means that the owner of such an image wants to catch "luck by the tail" and with ease achieve the intended goals. Also, the four-leaf clover personifies rarity and uniqueness. A person who decides to get such a tattoo will emphasize these qualities in himself.

The meaning of the horseshoe and clover tattoo

A horseshoe is often added to the image of a clover in order to enhance good luck and luck. Such an image will bring success and boundless happiness to its owner.

A ladybug tattoo on a clover has a similar meaning. It symbolizes happiness and well-being. Such an image will be an excellent talisman that can make a person's life brighter and happier. This tattoo will contribute to the fulfillment of desires.

A clover tattoo is often chosen. The popularity of the image is due to its multiple meanings. Clover is depicted with both three petals and a four-leaf clover. The number of sheets has its own meaning. Clover attracts both men and women.

The shamrock symbolizes faith, hope, love. Each petal has its own meaning. But another meaning of the shamrock is the threefold unity of the soul, body and inner spirit. A clover with a fourth leaf has always been considered a symbol of good luck. Such a flower is rare.

Clover is an integral part of Irish culture. Saint Patrick explained the foundations of Christianity and the unity of the Holy Trinity using the example of clover. Clover is a symbol of the threefold unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. According to legend, the first four-leafed plant grew in Eden. He got to the ground thanks to Eve, who took the flower with her during her exile.

But the mention of clover occurs much earlier. Hindus, as one of the oldest cultures, believe that clover leaves symbolize east, north, west and south. Druids perceived clover as a symbol of the spring solstice. In ancient Greek myths, the image of clover on the headdresses of the gods is mentioned.

The abundance of clover flowers in the cemetery led to the acceptance of the shamrock as a symbol of loss and parting forever with dear and close people.

The image of the clover is of two types: with 3 and 4 petals. But the color scale allows you to choose any shade of the pattern from sea blue, sky blue to emerald grass, evergreen fir trees. White and black clovers are also popular. The image of black clover evokes mystery and a certain mysticism. And white clover is associated with a fairy tale.

The very image of the clover differs from the imagination of the master and the client. Clover drawing is also practiced against the background of mysterious buildings. Or the choice stops at the image of several flowers at once. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer the image of some stern symbol over the clover pattern. Thus, the clover enhances the meaning of the picture as a symbol of good luck and success.

In all cultures, clover has long carried a meaning on every petal. According to legend, having found a clover with four petals, a person caught luck "by the tail." But such finds are rare, so people tend to attract good luck by depicting a flower on their bodies.

Do you like the clover tattoo and are you thinking about getting one soon? Great idea, easy to put into practice. You just need to go to the tattoo parlor and explain to the master in an accessible way how exactly the clover leaf should be depicted, what size it will be. You also need to specify the level of detail, position, etc. There are many people for whom even the angle at which the drawing is located matters.

Before making a final choice and heading to the nearest salon, let's study the issue in more detail. What does such a drawing mean, what options are there. You might want to simplify or complicate the standard sketch.

A simple and complex version of a clover tattoo

The meaning of the three and four leaf clover symbol

The history and origin of the symbol is very complex. Every culture has its own definitions. Each country, culture had its own idea:

  • India - north, south, east and west;
  • Egypt is an adornment of the headdresses of deities. For example, a flower rested on the heads of Isis and Osiris;
  • China is a symbol of the summer season;
  • Druidism among the Celts is the equinox;
  • Buddhism is the unity of the material and the spiritual;
  • There was also an old tradition to plant clover on the grave as a sign of farewell and forgiveness, repentance, loss.

Nowadays, the original sacred meaning of the four-leaf clover tattoo has practically been lost. However, in the old days, the fourth petal symbolized good luck. Legend (obviously of Christian origin) says that the four petals are faith, hope, love and luck. There were no such representations in Celtic culture and tradition.

What does a three-leaf clover tattoo mean? The number three has always been important in the traditions of European Christian peoples. With the arrival of a new religion on the territory of Ireland, the symbolism of the Trinity appeared here - a deity in three forms. It was with him that the beautiful flower was identified. A legend passed down from generation to generation tells that Saint Patrick, who came to the Celtic tribes, explained the essence of the Trinity using the example of clover. As the three petals are one flower, so, according to him, the Father, Son and Spirit are manifestations of one deity.

Now images of clover can be seen everywhere. Especially a lot of them become during the celebration of St. Patrick's Day - March 17. Modern Irish people sacredly honor their traditions.

Some people believe that all clover flowers are three-leafed. But this is not the case. In nature, a similar mutation occurs for every 10,000 plants. Moreover, four is far from the limit. Science knows cases when the number of leaves reached six. But for some reason, such even rarer specimens are not popular.

Choosing a drawing and a plot

By the way, about the popularity of certain sketches. Take a look at the photo of a four-leaf clover tattoo to understand exactly how the result might look. Each tattoo artist uses his own individual style, which is reflected in the sketches. You can also order an individual development. Then your clover will be 100% unique.

Someone prefers old-school images, someone likes hyperrealism. There are also those who are a fan of minimalistic images, consisting of only one outline applied in green paint.

People who believe in the help of Fortune write the word "luck", and often the drawing is complemented by images:

  • Dice;
  • Leprechaun with a pot of gold;
  • Ladybug on a clover. It is known that this insect symbolizes the good luck and patronage of the Virgin Mary;
  • St. Patrick;
  • Irish with a bottle of traditional drink;
  • Celtic traditional patterns and ornaments;
  • Various inscriptions, signs, symbols acting as amulets.
  • Horseshoe clover. If you are completely superstitious, then this is how you guarantee yourself double luck.

Craftsmen are often ordered not just a clover tattoo, but various stylized drawings. The difficulty depends on the plot, size. If a ladybug tattoo on a clover, or a horseshoe with a clover tattoo can be done even by a young tattoo artist without much experience, then it is much more difficult to draw Saint Patrick framed by leaves.

What do you personally like? If you are a big fan of everything Irish, and every year you celebrate a national holiday by wearing green and heading to the nearest themed pub, then you should choose the appropriate image.

Interestingly, the meaning of a four-leaf clover tattoo for girls is different from that of men. It is believed that in a woman he personifies grace, beauty, attractiveness and tenderness. Men have physical and spiritual strength, dexterity.

Where to get a clover tattoo

Once you have finally decided on the color, size, style and other details, all that remains is to choose where it should be located. There are several options. Clover will look good on the arm, shoulder, forearm. Clover tattoo on the wrist is common. It can be a single flower, or a weaving of several, forming a floral pattern - a bracelet.

Another common option is leg clover. Accommodation areas:

  • Ankle;
  • Hip;
  • Caviar.

In these zones, four-leaf clover tattoos are usually done by girls. Most often we are talking about miniature color drawings. But in some cases, ladies prefer whole plots, inscriptions, decorative additions.

Another feminine option is the neck tattoo. But if you look at the photographs of the Irish themselves, for whom such decisions are traditional, you will be surprised to find that their arrangement of the picture has nothing to do with gender. People do it how and where they want.

So it doesn't matter if you get a clover tattoo on your wrist, leg, thigh, or chest. The main thing is how much it will suit you and how you like it.

Where is the least painful clover tattoo?

The denser the skin, and the more muscle and fatty tissue under it, the easier the procedure will be. All people are different, and for some, the procedure, carried out without local anesthesia, will bring minimal discomfort. If you are afraid of pain, immediately inform the master about it.

If you have thin and sensitive skin, then tattoos cannot be done without pain relievers.

On the thigh, there is enough skin and meat separating the skin from the bone for you to get rid of the minimum stress. The ankle and wrist are less comfortable in this regard.

Pay attention to the sketches of the clover tattoo. Most of them assume a small inflorescence size. If you enclose it in a circle, you will get a diameter of 2 - 3, less often 4 - 5 cm.That is, if you do not need pictures on the skin, the procedure will be quick, healing will take a standard time, and the cost of the work of the master will be quite acceptable and will not affect your budget.

Esize with clover tattoos, click on the image to enlarge

Irish culture and traditions are not losing their popularity in our country. People like symbolism, they want to believe in luck, that by depicting this sign on their skin, they will change their lives. Psychologists, esotericists and scientists believe that we can change reality with our belief in something. This placebo works well in terms of the choice of amulets, talismans, incl. in the form of a tattoo.

There are no less people who do not believe in any mysticism. They just think that such a tattoo will look beautiful, and are guided solely by their personal tastes. Perhaps this is the most correct option, excluding such a phenomenon as disappointment. After all, miracles are what we do ourselves.


Interesting thematic photos on the topic of clover tattoo, all photos of various styles and trends, from amateur to exclusive.

The clover tattoo is especially popular among people who prefer wearable designs depicting plants. This pretty herb with round leaves of three or four petals and lovely white and pink-lilac flowers is not only beautiful, but also healthy. She is in great demand in agriculture. Along with oats, clover is preferred for food by horses, whose strength and endurance are known to everyone. Cows that eat clover produce especially tasty milk. This dessert is also a favorite for goats, rabbits and chickens, whose dietary meat and delicious milk taste are in demand among real gourmets. And the famous song “Mowing Yas Konyushinu”, which in translation from the Belarusian language means “Mowing Yan Clover,” says that by doing the work of mowing this plant, you can find your love.

Flower symbolism

Since ancient times, many peoples have associated the purest and kindest associations with clover. In Buddhism, this plant combines the earthly and the spiritual, Chinese philosophy interprets clover as warmth and summer, the Hindus perceive the four-leafed plant as the four cardinal points, the Druids as the equinox, in ancient Egypt nobles adorned their headdresses with this divine attribute.

In Christianity, three-leaf clover means Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Divine Trinity in three leaves speaks of the fusion of faith, hope and love, which are the main tenets of the entire Christian religion. And a rather rare clover with four petals adds the number 4 to the three most basic feelings - good luck! Which helps to express them even more vividly, and to feel happiness in full.

The ancient people, due to the similarity of color, compared the clover inflorescence with a violet, which was perceived as a symbol of sadness, sorrow and repentance, so they planted graves in the cemetery with a carpet of this plant. The shape of a clover flower resembles a rose, and this gives the right to associate it with ardent and passionate love. Therefore, the modern clover rose tattoo is of great importance for all lovers and those looking for love.

Who is the tattoo for?

Clover tattoos, photos of which can be found in large numbers in the gallery after the article, are ideal for both the strong and the fair sex. Sketches of this noble plant bring happiness and good luck to everyone, without exception, especially if clover tattoos are combined in a composition with a horseshoe or an inscription.

People who prefer clover tattoos have a very docile character, avoid conflicts, purposefully go towards their goal, without pushing anyone with their elbows. They are loyal, honest and noble, they make excellent friends and passionate lovers. In family life, owners of a clover tattoo have established themselves as good family men who protect their loved ones from all sorts of troubles and hardships..

Value for the stronger sex

The value of a clover tattoo for men speaks of masculinity, strength and intelligence of a person. Such men are generous and sacrificial, know how to love truly or are in search of love. A clover tattoo can also tell about the religious orientation of its owner, his worship of traditions and the observance of harmony in everything that surrounds him. A four-leaf clover on the arm or covering the leg will serve as an excellent talisman that protects against all earthly troubles, and sketches in the form of a plant with numbers, inscriptions or a horseshoe are a manifestation of the desire to change your life for the better materially, which means a desire to gain good luck as a companion. giving wonderful surprises.

Meaning for the fair sex

Such a tattoo is of great importance for girls seeking to find love and create a wonderful family with a loving husband and wonderful kids. These women have a developed sense of taste, they take care of themselves, they are excellent housewives and wonderful mistresses. The presence of a clover flower in women indicates a desire for pleasure, since there is nectar inside the inflorescence, from which bees make honey. Four-leaf clover on a tattoo will give its owner good luck and success in all her affairs and will certainly help to find happy love.

Everyone who wants to get such a tattoo needs to know what a tattoo means in prisons. In the post-revolutionary and post-war times, there were many petty thieves in the country who hunted theft in transport and on the streets. It was they who got such a tattoo. In the modern world, such a craft is shameful, therefore clover is considered a symbol of shame and pettiness. This fact should not be a reason for rejecting this tattoo, but it is still worth knowing it.

Execution technique

The stylistic solution can be very diverse: both black and white and color compositions look equally attractive. Girls prefer the second option, making the drawing in green. You can take the minimalism style as a basis, without pretentiousness, pathos and unnecessary details. Everything is clear, concise and at the same time sweet and gentle. Celtic ornament in ethnic style will help to give a sacred meaning to the tattoo. Sometimes clover is even depicted in the center of the mandala - then the composition takes on a philosophical implication. Usually, small sketches are chosen as a body pattern, so a tattoo with a clover on the wrist, neck or on the finger will become a stylish decoration, talisman and amulet for its owner.

Photo of tattoos

Selection of sketches