Concert program dedicated to the "day of the older generation". Material (younger group) on the topic: holiday scenario dedicated to the day of the older generation

Concert program dedicated to the Day of the older generation "Love, Reverence, Care"

Good afternoon, dear guests. We are starting the concert.

On December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons, and in the Russian Federation this holiday has been celebrated since 1992.

On an October autumn day, it has become a good tradition note a holiday dedicated to worthy, wise, respected, in spite of everything, persistent and hardy people with a capital letter! To you!

Musical accompaniment No. 1 "Fanfare" (0.15 sec)

For you stands ……………. Isakovsky's poem "To a Russian Woman"


This day is a day of thanksgiving for the warmth of your hearts, for the strength given to work, for the experience that you share with the younger generation.

Today in our hall there are many who wish to congratulate you on this significant day.

For you: …………….. with the song "Black Cat"


"Elderly" - does not apply to you,
The word is only for passports,
You are young at heart,
Let love burn in your hearts!

Scene "Grandma's day off»


Today is our Sunday,
I won't wake up Grandma now.
For breakfast, I'll probably fry potatoes,
I'll bake a pie and cakes with jam.
All this is not difficult for me to do myself,
After all, Grandma should have a day off.
… Food on the table and bouquets in two vases
- Go, granny!.. Granny, well, where are you?

I'm in the kitchen! I'll take it off the floor now
Salt, butter, potato skins...
Then scrape off I must hurry
Dried dough from the walls and doors ...
Jam from the window, I'll wash it off the ceiling
And have breakfast, granddaughter, I'll sit down with you.


Don't let the years scare you.
And wrinkles will bypass
And gray hairs only from happiness
White frost will fall.
Be happy, healthy
Cheerful always,
Stay young
Let the years go by.

And now I invite you to the stage

………………. with the composition "How the fog has fallen"


Your role is invaluable
In our life - it is!
And such relatives, loved ones
On this day, you can't
Don't congratulate, respect
And do not give warmth!
And all congratulations for you,
Wishes to live long!

…………………… Yesenin's poem "Oh you Rus"


Gentle, sincere words of warmth,
Let it warm with magical breath
So that there is always happiness in the soul
And every wish came true!

Performing……………………. "Gypsy"


To cheer up we have an intellectual game -

Quiz Kinoman. Participate, don't be shy!

What movie is the phrase from?

1. Live well, and live well even better (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

2. And what about the father, do you have brides in your city? (12 chairs)

3. With a slight movement ... of the hand (Diamond hand)

4. Unsubstantiated, Watson ... (Sherlock Homes)

5. So that you live on one ... salary (Beware of the car)

6. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid (Striped flight)

7. East is a delicate matter Petruha (White Sun of the Desert)
8. But who will plant him ... he is also a monument (Gentlemen of Fortune).
9. The meal is served ... sit down to eat, please (Gentlemen of Fortune)

10. Fedya needs to .... (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)


Not one step towards old age

Not an hour to sorrow

But only in joy

And only in vigor!

Performs for you


Let it be warm from sincere words, from pleasant moments,
From the fact that there is a lot of goodness around,
Let the mood get even better!
May life always be generous with gifts!

………………….. poem "For you"

Years flew by, and there were adversities,
And as if you did not notice them,
And if bad weather comes again.
You will remember the songs of the young winds!

Song of yesteryear - Katyusha. Join us. Let's sing along (musical accompaniment No. 3)


Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore,
On a high bank on a steep one.

Came out, started a song
About the steppe, gray eagle,
About the one you loved
About the one whose letters she kept.

Oh you, song, girl's song,
You fly after the clear sun.
And a fighter on the far frontier.
Say hello from Katyusha.

Let him remember a simple girl,
And hear her sing
May he protect his native land,
And Katyusha will save love.

Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore,
On a high bank on a steep one.


The happiest moments
The best news!
So that from warm congratulations
It has become brighter!

Life will be more wonderful, brighter,
All dreams will come true!
inspiration, good luck,
Gentle words and beauty!


Let's all forget how old you are, because you are young at heart, and take part in the competition:

1. tie a scarf to each other. 4-6 people go out.

If you want to participate but cannot come, we will come to you. Let's raise our hands!

Distributing supplies for the contest. begin.

(musical accompaniment No. 2)


May it always be spring.
lives in your heart,
Let the rays of the flower
Bloom for you!
Happiness - without measure!
Health - without measure!
Lots of success
Hope and faith!

Scene Grandfathers and grandchildren.

1- Hello Peter! You won’t go out on the bench to sit, tryndet, about this and that?

2 – Yes, what are you, I haven’t done my homework yet.

1 – What are the lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You finished school a hundred years ago!

2 - Yes, I do - huh? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren.

1 - Yes, I have been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

2- Really? Is that how you pamper them?

1 - I do not indulge! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always rewrite me cleanly.

2– Oh, really strict.

1- So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2 - Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem Hm - hm ..., There is a green oak near the seashore; golden chain on that oak...
1- Yes, good!

2 - And day and night the dog is a scientist ...

1 - Am I a dog? What dog? What dog?

2 - Well, I don't know what breed he has.

1 - Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!

2 - A - a, I understand - I understand! I then first, By the seaside, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night the cat is a scientist ...


2 - He goes to the grocery store with a shopping bag ....

1 - With what string bag? Which deli? Where did you see this?

2 - Oh, what are you, friend! I have so many more lessons, I messed everything up.

1 - What do you think, if we continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?

2-She's already been named.


2 - Col! It is put to those grandchildren for whom grandfathers do homework.

1+2 = Oh-ho-ho! Eh!


Wonderful, amazing
Let it be every hour!
Looking forward to new discoveries
Delight, shining eyes,
Smiles, inspiration,
Warmth and beauty!
On this wonderful holiday
Let the dream come true!

Chastushki for you (musical accompaniment No. 4)

At least you are old people
But you are young at heart.
You always stay
Young up to a hundred years old!

The old woman says to her grandfather:
- I'm going to America!
- Go, I'll give you money:
I will sell your crutches.

Two old women without teeth
They talked about love
- We are in love with you:
I - in sour cream, you - in pancakes.

Grandmothers and grandfathers,
Clap your hands.
And dance until you drop
Don't feel sorry for your feet!

Grandma was peeling potatoes
Grandfather sang songs on the roof.
Grandma whistled a little -
Grandpa flew into the chicken coop.

Smoked pots
Julia cleaned with sand.
Two hours in Yulia's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

We will sing and you will dance
You don't spare your feet.
After all, you are not old yet,
You are young at heart!

On my sundress
Cockerels and cockerels
In the whole world there is no more beautiful
My sweet grandmother!

Congratulations on the holiday,
And we wish you with all our hearts.
For you to live long
And you bloomed like flowers!


There were forgiveness in life

And the bitterness of separation

And there were joys

But there were also pains.

And time goes by

And the years fly by

You look ahead

Looking back.

Performs …………… with the song “I give you music”


We are grateful to you for the past years,
For the fact that you are bad weather to spite everyone,
Overcoming all storms and hardships,
Laugh so fervently and lightly.
Thank you for the sparks of fun
They will delight anyone
And the autumn of life in an instant
Blooming spring wrapped.
Thank you for your concern.
You are our vanguard and reliable rear.
Your character, friends, is of such a nature,
That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

Performs ... ... the poem "The Day of the Elderly".

Now I ask those who participated in the quiz and competition to raise their hand, show where you are.

(we give gifts for participation)

May every day

What fate took

Brings joy with the sunrise.

And a lucky star shines on you

Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.

Our concert is over for you. Thank you very much for your attention. Sweet treats await you in the hallway.

(You can add any number of concert numbers, it all depends on the time you have).

October 1 is a special day. A day when you can safely bake a cake, prepare congratulations and invite grandparents and grandparents to the holiday. Today, the whole world honors the elderly.

It is only in youth that life seems long, health is inexhaustible, and the prospects are wide. Over the years, especially in old age, a person understands more and more that his problems forever remain purely personal and, at best, can only be of interest to close relatives. But it's not. The world community has not bypassed the issues of the elderly.

There are many social and state programs aimed at supporting the elderly, and even an official holiday. The whole world honors people who have crossed the 60-year mark on the Day of the Elderly, which falls annually on October 1.

Who celebrates the day of the elderly?

How often do we remember our elderly relatives? The bustle of life, constant troubles and problems do not leave a free moment for most people to think about their own lives, not to mention caring for the older generation.

At best, the younger generation remembers their aged parents, grandparents on their birthdays.

What can we say about that old woman whom the inhabitant meets every day at the bus stop, hurrying to work. Does the thought come to mind that she may need help, or maybe her grandmother, there is no one to talk to and a word at all.

There is an excellent occasion, since there are not enough opportunities for daily care, to remember your elderly relatives. Dedicate a little of your precious time to them on October 1, which is the Day of the Elderly in 2016.

Who should be congratulated on this wonderful autumn day? Of course, their parents, who gave their children their best years, grandparents, who tirelessly care about the well-being of children and grandchildren.

And don't forget about distant relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and, of course, about that granny that you encounter every day at a bus stop or in a supermarket.

Remember how many old people were left without care and absolutely alone. Definitely, you can give up on such social problems. It is the business of the state to ensure the old age of its citizens. But do not forget that the years are fleeting, and with his actions and relationships, a person lays the program of actions for his children.

Therefore, the Day of the Elderly is not only a holiday for people wise by life experience, it is a day of respect, a day of gratitude, a day of help, in which everyone without exception, regardless of age, gender and status, should take part.

history of the holiday

It would be unfair to say that before the advent of the holiday of the elderly, the issues of the elderly were not raised in society, and children did not take care of their parents in age.

In many families, traditions passed down from generation to generation are sacredly honored, relatives gather not only “on occasion”. Senior men and women are respected and their opinions and advice are unconditionally listened to. And who doesn't love grandma's pies or quiet cozy home gatherings. Such communication without a reason brings together and gives warmth to the soul.

No less important has always been considered the issue of the elderly and at the state level. Medical quotas for treatment and rehabilitation, social and targeted assistance. Even the maintenance of nursing homes can be safely attributed to one of the points of a kind of care. For some of the old people, this is the only shelter and way of survival.

Why, then, the question of organizing a special holiday became relevant. Surely without this, people and the entire community did not have enough opportunities to not forget about the global nature of such issues.

First of all, the holiday is organized as a tribute of respect and gratitude to the older generation. Not in the last place was the issue of reducing the life expectancy of people on the planet. Such an indicator depends on the social security and health of the elderly. Important were the problems of old age for low-income citizens and people living in third world countries. Not every person is able to ask for help, to say out loud about their problems.

Therefore, the UN has taken care of the sad statistics, stating that on the planet more than a billion people have crossed the line of old age, which, in relation to the total number of inhabitants, was more than 10%. Understanding the relevance of the aging society and the demographic situation, the Ball Assembly proclaimed a resolution on the establishment of a special day dedicated to the elderly. The event fell on December 14 in 1990, but the celebration has been celebrated since then on October 1.

At first, the initiative was supported by European countries. Russia joined the celebration in 1992, when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation was adopted, which spoke about the importance of the problems of the elderly. Later, the holiday found support both in America and in other countries that are not members of the UN.

For a quarter of a century, the International Day of Older Persons has acquired its own traditions and, most importantly, achieved its goal - to change the prejudiced attitude in society towards the elderly.

For centuries, the cult of ancestors was not always held in high esteem. There were terrible customs, according to which weak old people were thrown to a terrible death. Yes, and modern society was not distinguished by loyalty to pensioners, and outdated stereotypes became a stumbling block in solving many social issues.

Thanks to the holiday of the elderly, it became possible to speak openly about the problems of the elderly, pay tribute to their many years of work and care, and take small but real steps in providing much-needed assistance to them.

Undeniable facts about the elderly

When does old age come, that is, old age? Judging by generally accepted standards, this category includes people over 60 years old. Officially, a person who is over 75 years old is already considered an old man.

But is it possible to judge the age of the passport data. Someone even at the age of 70 remains a mischievous grandfather-boy or an enthusiastic grandmother-entertainer, and for someone, “spiritual” old age comes already at 35.

In many ways, of course, the condition of people of age depends on the social status and material security, and this fact is undeniable. Healthy nutrition and expensive treatment, timely examinations and preventive health improvement, a variety of leisure activities and activities of interest and interest are not available to every person after retirement.

But you must admit that in order to make airplanes with your grandson, plant strawberries in the beds and even write scientific papers, it is not necessary to focus on the lack of resources. How many happy grandparents run in the park in the morning, take strollers with their beloved great-grandchildren or devote their free time to their favorite hobby.

After all, this is a wonderful age when the children have already grown up, a career has been made, and a house has been built. And finally, the time has come when you can devote your life to yourself and your forgotten dreams.

And many older people do just that, surprising their friends, and all the inhabitants of the planet with their achievements. It turns out age is not a hindrance to fame. And dreams are obeyed by confident and persistent.

So, the dream of an American nurse, and later a housewife, Katherine Josten was only 60 years old. After the divorce, the lady plunged headlong into acting, achieving world fame and receiving 2 Emmy awards.

The famous KFC restaurant chain was breathed life by the old Colonel Sanders, when he was no longer 60 at all. Having failed with his diner, the man did not give up, but created a unique recipe for roasting chicken, thanks to which he gained popularity.

The first exhibition of paintings by Anna Maria Moses took place when the grandmother from America turned 80 years old. The lady remembered her hobby after the death of her husband and continued to write until the age of 101.

Old woman Nola Oks received her first higher education at the age of 95, returning to interrupted studies after 73 years.

And history knows a lot of such facts. Historians and scientists, millionaires and athletes, artists and writers became famous and rich precisely after the age of 60.

But not all people, having entered retirement age, rush headlong to conquer new peaks. For most, such changes in life become a huge stress. To remain out of place, to become a burden, to lose the possibility of self-realization, to feel unnecessary or, in general, superfluous - such a prospect frightens many.

Caring children and grandchildren can support, make it clear that life goes on. Therefore, it is so important to involve your elderly relatives in any field of activity.

Do not refuse help, trust your old people - their indispensable experience will be a good help in life, and for them such activities will be akin to a second wind.

For some pensioners, on the contrary, there is time for sports, participation in public and social life. And according to the results of polls, the dream of many old people is travel and, of course, health, and the lonely are not averse to acquiring romantic relationships.

How to congratulate the elderly?

Don't miss the Day of the Elderly in 2016, which will be celebrated on October 1st. This is a good reason to dedicate this day to your elders. It is not necessary to organize grandiose feasts, it is better to consider options for a cultural program.

For your loved ones, you can organize a barbecue in nature - an autumn and still warm day is conducive to such family leisure. Or you can just help clean the garden, do laborious work in the garden or around the house. But do not forget about communication by organizing home gatherings with a cake.

Get acquainted with the program of cultural events that take place in the city. Why not tell mom and her girlfriends about interesting concerts, fairs or competitions that are held on this day by public or government organizations in their honor.

Take part in charity events: donate your creative works that can be realized at charity fairs, provide sponsorship.

And, of course, prepare congratulations that can be sent in the morning by SMS or presented in the form of a beautiful postcard.

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Day of the elderly. So I want to say more of the most affectionate, most sincere words, so that their warmth can warm and always remind you how we honor your care, your love. Let your eyes shine with joy, your soul does not lose its passion and youth, and all illnesses and misfortunes are bypassed.

Every day we remember your concern,

We honor your experience and hard work.

On a holiday dedicated to the elderly,

Words are spoken in your honor, and fireworks are thundering.

Set aside sewing and knitting for a while,

Forget the awl and hammer

On this day, accept congratulations

Our beloved senior.

Larisa, August 30, 2016.

You have seen a lot
Huge experience behind.
I wish you this day
Live with peace of mind.

Bathe you in love, care
Beloved, dear people.
So that you are always respected
No problems were known.

I ask respect not for age
And not for the gray hair of the elderly,
Our swift age will be lived,
And someday we will catch up with them.

I ask you to respect the era
What the elderly had to go through:
In the poor mostly, but not bad,
There is something to remember, something to grieve about.

For the great time of battles
And for the good work
For the romance of their relationship
And always for great faith!

For roads, benches and squares,
For the built cities.
The elderly can be an example -
How well lived the years!

Laughter was sincere, joy was open,
Sometimes the whole yard was invited to visit.
We are the traditions of this forgotten
We don’t remember, it seems to us - nonsense.

We don't know housemates
We don't know who's name is.
Young, we live differently
Our comfort and coziness is more important to us.

But let's say today
Elderly dear old people
Just a kind word, dare
Tribute to give them to the great years.

We have a lot to learn from them.
And it makes sense to teach youth
Only strive for good in life,
And people older than us - respect!

Dear veterans of life and work! Congratulations on the Day of the elderly! We wish that age is not an obstacle to getting joy, happiness and great pleasure from life! We wish you a wonderful mood every morning and for the whole day, love of relatives and friends, respect and understanding! May your bodies be cheerful and healthy, and may your spirit always be on top and strive for the Lord for comfort and joy!

Health is the most precious gift
Which, like water, do not get drunk,
Let the mischievous fire of youth
It sparkles joyfully in your wrinkles,
Let children, grandchildren appreciate, cherish,
The heart will be hot, the mind will be cold,
And let the years run slower
Happy International Day of the Elderly!

The venerable age must be honored,
After all, you deserve respect!
I wish you a happy life
Please accept my congratulations!

Let the soul fill with warmth
Let health not be naughty
Let your house be cozy
May peace always reign in it!

Let there be children, grandchildren,
Let them visit you more often
So that you forget about boredom
So that your every hour is bright!

You are so wise, because you have seen a lot,
After all, life has passed like a long road,
We wish you to smile more often
Take care of your health, do not be upset in vain,
So that you live easily and well,
And your house was bright and big,
And there were many guests in the house,
Relatives and your closest friends,
So that tears drip from happiness
And do not be embarrassed by cute wrinkles!

On International Day
All older people
Health, peace to you,
Only good news.

Love, honor, strength,
Comfort and warmth
Let the young in the heart
Spring is always roaring.

Congratulations on your holiday!
May there be no troubles in life
I wish you good health
Live for at least a hundred years.

Let the soul not grow old
Will be forever young
Heart flutters with love
Regardless of the year.

Each acquired wrinkle,
With every gray hair
You can boldly be proud
You are an example to all young people.

We congratulate you today
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We trust endlessly
We respect, appreciate, honor.

Vigor, health, strength,
Ease in business, love.
Grandchildren to visit, to go,
Children, so as not to disappoint.

Let there be youth in the soul
And experience with wise eyes.
Prosperity, grandchildren, kids.
Let the children please with calls.

Comfort in the house and love
For the whole family and neighbors.
May the spirit be invincible.
Happy life, not average.

The day of the elderly has arrived.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Look great to a hundred
May all days be good!

We wish you tenderness, warmth,
Good health always
So that life flows smoothly
Let trouble not knock on the house!

In the Russian Federation in 1992, a wonderful tradition appeared - on the first of October every year to give a holiday to the elderly. Throughout our vast country, people celebrate the Day of the older generation.

Officially, this holiday is called a person, but not everyone likes this name. It turns out, as if we congratulate our relatives and friends on the fact that they have not been classified as young or even mature people for a long time. Therefore, the second, unofficial, naming, has taken root among the people more.

With whom to celebrate the holiday

When it is warm enough outside, all activities can be carried out outdoors - in the courtyard of the house or in nature. If you have planned a noisy and cheerful celebration, then you should invite all relatives, friends, and just neighbors who have already celebrated their fiftieth anniversary to it. Each of them should receive congratulations from you on the Day of the older generation.

If the cold days have already come, then you can rent a hall in the dining room or cafe. In this case, of course, the celebration will either take place in a narrow circle, or you will have to offer all participants to pay the costs equally.

Preparation for the celebration

Decorate the venue of the event with bouquets of wild flowers. On the table you can put homemade cookies, fresh buns, a variety of jams and drinks. By the way, if you start preparing in advance and notify everyone who will take part in this celebration, you can offer them to diversify the treats, cook them yourself and bring them to the holiday.

True, in a cafe or canteen this will be possible only if the administration allows you to supplement the menu with dishes of your own making. So, we begin to celebrate the Day of the older generation. The script is in front of you.

Holiday start

To host this event, of course, you will need to find a host for the evening. After the guests take their places, he goes out to them and begins his speech. First, congratulations on the Day of the older generation sound. Since many at this age already have grandchildren and are insanely proud of them, you can continue the evening with songs performed by them. Small children can perform, for example, the well-known composition "Grandmother next to grandfather."

After the introduction, the host needs to choose three or four guests who will become members of the jury for that day.

Buns and cheesecakes

It’s better to start with a competition in which older ladies will compete to see whose pastries are the best. Ladies must bring it with them in advance. The jury evaluates the appearance and taste of homemade cakes, cookies, pies and rolls.

Three winners receive beautiful packages with fragrant green or black tea. You can also donate sets.

Leisya, song

This is a pair match. An adult participant must sing a song in karaoke with their granddaughter or grandson. Such a competition on the Day of the older generation will become much more interesting if the participants do not select a song by name, but simply choose one of the categories. To do this, you need to pick up a few songs in advance and divide them into groups. Each of them should have 3-4 hits. For example, there may be such categories:

Folk song;

Songs of the war years;

Modern hit;

Hits of the 80s, etc.

The best performers can be awarded a set of DVDs. The themes of the discs must match the themes of the categories.

Merry burime

We select several participants and invite them to play an unusual burim. The host of the holiday must name four rhyming words. The task of the players is to compose the funniest rhyme with them. They will, of course, be judged by the jury. This competition can even be held in several stages. After each of them, one of the participants is eliminated.

Since this is still the day of the older generation, brought up on the classics, a volume of foreign or Russian poetry can become a gift to the winner.

Concert numbers

Our contestants definitely need to rest periodically, and the jury members can take a break. Therefore, after two or three competitions, we bring to their attention a children's dance number, songs and poems from their beloved grandchildren, funny stories, etc. Such numbers, in strict confidence from grandparents, are prepared in advance.

Oh, this family!

Funny games and competitions on the Day of the older generation will not only cheer up everyone present, but also help them feel a little freer and more at ease.

You can offer guests such entertainment - two participants (preferably a married couple), who were previously blindfolded with dark scarves, should try to feed each other with biscuit cakes.

It will also be interesting for couples to take part in the competition for the knowledge of their soulmate. First, the husbands leave the hall (they should not hear the answers), and the host asks the wives various questions. You can ask about anything! About the color of her favorite socks or about which corner of the globe she would like to visit. However, questions should be neutral. Do not forget that in fact this holiday is a day of respect for the older generation, so it’s still worth embarrassing older people with too frank questions.

Then the “second halves” return to the hall and give answers to the questions previously asked to their spouses. Points are given to the husband who gives the same answer as his wife. Encourage a small present is worth every couple. But the spouses who scored more points can be rewarded with some significant gift. It is desirable that it be associated with the theme of love and fidelity.

Separately, you can conduct a comic poll. Members of one family must take the age of each of them (only those who are present at the holiday), add up all the numbers and tell the host the resulting amount. The family with the highest number is awarded.

Love and care is the main gift

On Senior Day, don't forget about your grandparents. After all, they love you with all their hearts and always sincerely rejoice at the manifestation of care on your part. If you are far away, then at least call your relatives and find a couple of warm and affectionate words for them.

Grandchildren, if they are small, can make a gift with their own hands. Our elderly parents and grandparents appreciate such things even more than expensive presents.

Give the elderly a piece of warmth and comfort. A gift can be a warm cozy blanket, a beautiful flower in an elegant pot, a collage, original souvenirs, and perhaps someone will even allow themselves to send their parents to warm countries to the sea shores so that they can have a good rest?

The main thing - be sure to congratulate! Never forget about them!

About the Day of the Elderly for schoolchildren

Afanasyeva Rimma Akhatovna, teacher of social studies, MKOU "Unyugan secondary school No. 1", Unyugan village, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra
Purpose: the material is useful for social educators, teachers of history and social studies, class teachers, educators of extended day groups, teachers of additional education, methodological workers, students of pedagogical universities and colleges.
Description: This article talks about the International Day of Older Persons. It introduces the history of the holiday, the traditions of holding in different countries.
Target: drawing attention to the problems of the elderly.
1. Expand the idea of ​​the family, strengthen ties between generations.
2. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards others (to relatives and friends, the elderly.
3. To cultivate the desire to please the elders with their good deeds.
"And let the age grow up, but,
The soul of age is forever young,
Let it be as it should be -
Let there be age, dear to people, "-

V. Skvortsova

International Day of Older Persons.

October 1 is International Day of Older Persons. Perhaps it is celebrated in October because the autumn of the year is identified with the autumn of life. In the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation. No wonder the second name of this day is the day of kindness and respect. You can sometimes face humiliation, disrespect and discrimination of people of retirement age in modern society. We should thank them, because the knowledge and wisdom of older people can make a huge contribution to human development and sustainable economic development in the context of a knowledge-based economy in the 21st century. This contribution will benefit both the elderly themselves and society as a whole. Of course, in each individual case, first of all, the wishes of the elderly themselves must be taken into account. International Day of Older Persons is a special day for senior citizens around the world. Today, there are about 600 million people worldwide who are 60 years of age or older. In our rapidly aging world, "veterans of life" play an important role. They pass on their experience and knowledge and help their families. Mature people are a new force for development.

The origin of the holiday
The most important celebration for all our grandparents is the Day of the Elderly.

The history of the holiday dates back to the 70s of the last century. The first thoughts about its creation came to the mind of scientists who seriously thought about the aging of the population and the impact of older people on the development of the economy. First, the Day of the Elderly began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 80s around the world. Day of the elderly is celebrated on a large scale in the Scandinavian countries.
But let's go back a few decades back to the origins of this holiday. Japan is considered the founder of the day of the elderly.

In 1947, Masao Kadowaki, headman of a small village in Hyogo Prefecture, proposed to celebrate the "Day of the Aged". September 15 was chosen as the day for the celebration - and the harvesting was completed, and the weather was favorable. They gathered a council of elders and approved the motto of the holiday: "Let's improve life in the village, learning wisdom from the old people, respecting them and adopting their experience." Since 1950, the initiative for the celebration was picked up in other villages, and the tradition gradually spread throughout the country. Later, the expression "Day of the Aged" was considered not entirely ethical, and since 1964 the name was changed to "Day of the Aged". And since 1966, the day has become a national holiday - the Day of honoring the elderly.
In recent years, when talking about the elderly in Japan, the expression "silver age" has been increasingly used, and it must be said that the "silver age" in Japan, for the most part, leads a healthy lifestyle and looks great. And, undoubtedly, the Japanese proverb - "Learn new things by turning to the old" - very well reflects the connection between generations in Japan and makes it possible to understand that the cult of the older generation, in the good sense of the word, is very noticeable here. Everything that the country has achieved after the devastation left by the Second World War, it owes to them - to those who are over 70 today. Therefore, Honoring the Elderly Day is a bright and beloved holiday by everyone.

Not every country has a pedestrian "silver zone". Until 2003, Honoring the Elderly Day was celebrated on September 15, but since 2003, as a result of a partial revision of the National Holidays Law, it has been moved to the third Monday of September.

In 1982, Vienna, the capital of Austria, hosted the First World Assembly, which raised the issue of population aging. Representatives from different countries talked about the life of the elderly and shared their experience with each other. This has become an important issue for the governments of countries, because the social and economic situation of people of advanced age plays an important role in the development of any state, regardless of its location. The problem of providing veterans with a decent old age had to be addressed. The United Nations, of course, could not but support the decision of the assembly, as a result of which the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990 established: October 1 - Day of the elderly.

The Second Assembly on Aging in Madrid in 2002 supported this holiday and noted the main directions of work in terms of ensuring a peaceful and dignified old age for people:
- improvement of medical care;
- increase in income;
- improvement of social security;
- increasing public attention to their elderly;
- ensuring employment for those who have the strength and experience and are willing to work even in retirement.
First, the Day of the Elderly began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 80s around the world. In Russia, the idea of ​​the holiday was supported, because who among us does not remember his childhood, his beloved grandmother and her care! There is nowhere else in the world like ours that grandchildren make up the meaning of the life of most grandparents, and parents wholeheartedly trust their children to them.

In the Russian Federation, this day has been celebrated since 1992. On June 1, 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation decided to support the world initiative and declared October 1 the Day of the Elderly, not only a world holiday, but also our national holiday. On this day, which has become quite popular not only among the elderly, but also among young people, a lot of interesting things happen in Russia.
The government is timing some kind of financial shifts, an increase in pensions, an expansion of benefits, etc. to this date. Films and concert programs on central channels are compiled so that they are of interest to older people. Regional authorities carry out their activities. Pensioners are able to entertain themselves. Councils of veterans, interest clubs, folk choirs are the initiators of many meetings, concerts, competitions, tea parties both in the capital and in the most remote village of Russia.

And of course, it is very important how young people perceive the holiday. After all, the old people are pleased when their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren call on this day, come, leaving all their affairs and devoting the evening to their loved ones, their father's house, family.

The meaning of the holiday
In Russia, the Day of the Elderly is of great importance. The history of the holiday consists of many stages. But not only Russia cares about the older population. Other countries pay great attention to their pensioners. After all, they take part in public life. For example, in Africa, children with AIDS left without parents are cared for by their grandparents.
We cannot but thank them, because they do a lot for us. And in Spain, for example, care for the sick is carried out mainly by the elderly, especially women. In each state, certain traditions began to emerge, and over time, certain traditions were completely established.

Celebration in other countries
The holiday was first celebrated in Europe, especially in the northern countries, where the standard of living is much higher than the rest. Gradually, he moved to the southern states and the United States. There were traditions. Due to their financial capabilities, various events are held on this day in different states. But still the main goal is to encourage the elderly. This holiday has different names in different countries.
In the USA, for example, this National Grandparents Day what does it mean in translation "Grandparents' Day"

In China, the "Double Ninth Festival"
The Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, which is how it got its name. According to the traditional theory of Yin and Yang, the number 9 refers to Yang, which means positive, masculine energy. The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the day when two Yang numbers meet. Since ancient times, Double Nine has been considered an important holiday.
In Chinese, the word "nine" is pronounced the same as "longevity". Therefore, the expression "two nines" in Chinese is used to wish old people long life. At the holiday, it is customary to pay respect to the elderly. Thus, it so happened that young people on this day pay tribute to the elderly, and they, in turn, have a good time. Many companies organize climbing tours or other excursions for retirees. The young take the elders to the suburbs or send them gifts on this day.
In 2016, the Day of the Elderly in China will be celebrated on October 9th.
(2017 - October 28, 2018 - October 17, 2019 - October 7, 2020 - October 25)

Japan celebrates Respect for the Aged Day.

But the name of the holiday does not change its essence - in all countries they pay tribute to the elderly.
The international holiday was supported by many other states on the territory of the former Soviet Union.
On October 1, residents of Belarus and Ukraine, Latvia and Moldova, as well as Azerbaijan honor their old people.