Print wedding contests. Contest for the best congratulations. Competition "Unusual Dances"

Blitz tournament for husband and wife. Whoever gives the most correct answers gets the right to lead the solemn evening. The host asks the spouse and spouse in turn 5 questions each, for example, what was the mother-in-law wearing on the wedding day? what time was the painting? how did you get to the registry office? where was the banquet celebrated? how many guests were at the wedding? what was the largest (in size) wedding gift and from whom? etc.


Participants of the competition are asked to write down 10 adjectives that come to their minds first. Then they are given a text with gaps, instead of which they insert their own adjectives, and then read it to the young. The author of the most cheerful congratulations wins. The text could be: “Dear ..... the groom and ..... the bride! On behalf of my ..... soul and on behalf of the team ..... I congratulate you on this ..... event! Since ..... day, when your ..... hearts were united, and the most ..... and ..... family in the world was formed! I wish you ..... love! "

And again, like the first time

This competition will refresh your memory and remember everything related to the first meeting of our couple, and at the same time check who has a better memory, that of a spouse. The presenter asks questions, to which both husband and wife write answers to their leaflets at the same time, for example, the time of year of your first meeting, what was the weather, what was the most popular song, time of day, what they were wearing, what were their hairstyles, and so on. ... Then we compare the answers and see how many matches we have, find out who remembers the first meeting better. And at the end, the spouse can make a beautiful speech that his wife is still just as beautiful and wonderful, and give her a wonderful bouquet of flowers or some kind of gift.

Sweet Kisses

At any age, a married couple on their anniversary is pleased to give each other their attention and sweet kisses. The presenter gives the task to the couple, and she must answer with her kisses, that is, the number that corresponds to the answer is the number of kisses per question. Sample questions: How many children do you have? how many years have you known each other? How old is the groom older than the bride (or vice versa)? how many days did the wedding go? how many years have you been married? etc.

Darts of this anniversary

Spouse and spouse make up 5-10 questions for this competition, for example, where was your honeymoon? when was the firstborn born? a signature and favorite dish of the family? How are family leisure hours generally spent? etc. All questions are numbered and each question has its own number. Guests take turns throwing darts and getting their question. If they answer correctly, or at least approximately correctly, they receive their prizes, and if not, they fulfill the wishes of the spouses.

Without words

Spouses are invited to show with facial expressions and gestures the most significant or most memorable event that happened in their life together after the wedding. The guests have to guess what exactly the “newlyweds” mean. The competition can also be held for a while.

Conjugal memories

It's time to refresh the memory and feelings of the young. The host asks questions about the married couple, and the bride and groom take turns answering them. It will be nice to remember how it was. Examples of questions: How did the groom call the bride when they first met? What did you eat on your first date? The title of the first co-viewing movie? etc. And if the spouses cannot remember the answers, they are issued a fine: either the guests' desire, or the cries of "bitter".

Native hands

In this competition, "young" and guests are divided into two teams: a team of men and a team of women. Each team is given a large sheet of paper, a paintbrush and a palette with paints. The teams are positioned so as not to see each other. The main thing is not to peep honestly. All team members take a brush in their hand and, in turn, paint their hand with any paint they like and leave a clear imprint on the team sheet. When the sheets with the hands of both teams are ready, the presenter exchanges the sheets - he gives to the women's team a sheet with the prints of male hands, and to the team of men he gives the sheet with the prints of female hands. And now the condition of the competition: both men and women must find, among other prints, prints of their own hands - their second half and sign. The team with the most hits will win and receive a prize.

Quail eggs

A couple of spouses - heroes of the occasion and couples - guests take part. So, each pair gets 10 boiled quail eggs. At the start command, the participants of each pair begin to peel the eggs, while the woman peels the egg and gives it to the man to eat, and the man peels and gives it to the woman to eat. The couple that quickly peels and feeds all the quail eggs to each other will become the winner and receive a prize.

Men are always children

A couple of "young" and willing couples of guests are participating. All women claim that men are eternal children. So let's see how women manage with their "adults" and bearded children. Each woman in a pair receives, in addition to her man, a diaper (adult), a bottle with a pacifier (with the same content, for example, juice). At the command "start" women start to put on a diaper for their "child", then feed him with a bottle and sing baiushki-baiu. A couple in which a woman cope with the child faster, and the child is in a diaper and full (drinks everything to the bottom), closes his eyes and falls asleep to a lullaby, will win.

Each year spent in marriage is unique. Therefore, the celebrations of memorable dates for the family are different. The 30th anniversary of living together is called a pearl wedding. It is believed that not only relatives, friends, but also grandchildren are invited to this anniversary. Contests and competitions for this anniversary are tied to customs and mentality. Many original competitions have been invented for a pearl wedding. When choosing the latter, it is worth examining the guests and heroes of the day.

Fun contests for parents

Like any anniversary, pearl weddings have a number of traditions. It is believed that pearls are a symbol of purity and fertility. It is the only stone that grows like a tree or grass. Therefore, the family union of two people must grow stronger and develop. A pearl wedding (30 years together) is an impressive period, an indicator of the strength of relationships and an example for all friends and relatives. They celebrate such a holiday in the family circle. To keep the feast from boring, use fun contests and other entertainment. For example, the games "30 years later", "Know your spouse", "Confessions in front of everyone."

"30 years later"

The Pearl Wedding is the 30th anniversary of living together. Therefore, children can remind their parents of memorable events or dates. For the competition, one of the spouses is asked to temporarily leave the venue of the anniversary. Usually the husband does it. In his absence, the wife is asked a few simple questions. For example:

  • Describe the place where you met each other?
  • What was your future spouse wearing?
  • What was the weather like on the day you met?
  • Under what circumstances did you meet?

The answers are recorded. After that, the spouse is invited to the hall and asked the same questions. To make the game even more fun, repeat this procedure for the husband. Questions for him are prepared in advance. For example:

  • What is your wife's favorite color?
  • Describe the first fight.
  • Who is in charge in the family?
  • Favorite flowers of your wife?

It doesn't matter if the answers of the "newlyweds" match. In any case, the competition will cheer you up. At the end of it, they offer a toast to the health and longevity of the spouses, they wish that the road of life does not lead them to dead ends, and the next anniversary was even more fun than the current one. The anniversaries are congratulated by relatives, friends and relatives, they make congratulatory speeches and toasts.

"Get to know your spouse"

This competition is held on any wedding anniversary, but it is especially relevant for the pearl anniversary. One of the spouses, more often the husband, is offered to find his soul mate blindfolded. You will need to identify your wife by touch. The holding of the competition depends on the mentality and emancipation of the heroes of the day. You need to find your pair by leg, arm, knee, hair or shoulders.

"Confessions in front of everyone"

Props are required for this competition. The facilitator should prepare two hats to place the written question and answer notes. Naturally, they are put into different head units. The spouses take turns taking out the notes and asking questions to their halves. The answers do not match, so it comes out original and fun. The text is prepared in advance. The more unusual the questions and answers, the better.

Possible questions for the competition:

  • Do you often see strangers on the beach?
  • Do you like adult movie stars?
  • Which of your colleagues is the nicer?
  • Are you singing in the shower?
  • Do you like striptease?

Possible answers for the game:

  • Once every two days.
  • And who doesn't like it.
  • This is my life's dream.
  • Only in the morning.
  • In an undertone.
  • Not always, but periodically.

A pearl wedding has been compared to a necklace. Each bead strung on a string symbolizes the time spent together. For 30 years, many mutual friends have been formed. When inviting them to the anniversary, think over the competition program to make the holiday fun and easy. Entertainment for guests is prepared by the children of the heroes of the day. The choice of competitions depends on the location of the celebration. There are ready-made entertainment programs. They are "customized" for specific people. Here are some contests.


A funny competition for guests with a hidden meaning. Two or three drivers are selected for the game. Usually the most active guests go first, so that other friends and relatives feel relaxed and free. A piece of paper with the name of the place or institution is attached to the back of the drivers. Guests should be able to read the title, but contestants should not. "Institutions" choose original, memorable ones. For example: a women's or men's bathhouse, a sobering-up station, a strip club, an investigator's office, a toilet.

The drivers are asked questions, they, not knowing where they are going, happily answer them. After receiving the intended number of responses, guests are informed of their destination. Examples of questions for the competition:

  1. Do you enjoy visiting this place?
  2. How often do you go there?
  3. What are you wearing there?
  4. Who do you take with you when visiting this establishment?
  5. Do I need to be photographed there?
  6. Is a visit to this place paid or not?
  7. Does the spouse know about this institution?

"Seventh Sense"

This competition is simple, but it takes patience to listen to the rules. The participant of the game is blindfolded with a handkerchief. After that, the host of the competition shows the rest of the guests some of the actions. The participant must answer “yes” or “no” to each of them. Actions are chosen original, funny, memorable. For example, scratching behind the ear, kissing someone on the cheek. The action with which the participant in the game agrees should be remembered.

The next stage of the competition will be to determine the number of executions of this or that action. To do this, the presenter shows numbers on his fingers. At what value the participant of the competition will stop him, then the number is remembered. Next, a guest is determined who will perform the task. He is also identified with closed eyes. For example, the "performer" kisses the participant on the cheek a predetermined number of times. If the driver guesses the guest, then they change places.

"Come up with a verse"

It is customary to give poetry to a pearl wedding. To make this gift memorable, a competition is held among the male guests. To play the game, you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. A certain required number of words is set that should be used in writing. They are selected to be fun. For example: pearls, belly, tail, pirates, wife.

Table entertainment options

Pearl wedding is a solemn event. Such an anniversary cannot be ignored. Close friends and relatives are invited to the 30th anniversary of living together. Usually the celebration is held in a cafe or restaurant. To make the pearl wedding memorable, they prepare a scenario of the celebration with interesting games and contests. Often to celebrate an anniversary, they hire a presenter or toastmaster. Here are some examples of fun activities.

"KVN: come up with the end of the joke"

This competition is held at a festive table. It does not require physical exertion. The host of the holiday invites everyone to participate in KVN. For this, jokes prepared in advance are read, but without ending. The guests must come up with the continuation of the funny stories themselves. The success of such a game depends on the ingenuity and sense of humor of the presenter and participants.

Examples of unfinished jokes:

  1. How to make my husband go mad in bed? ... (Turn off football, take away the remote control).
  2. The wedding was postponed because the groom? ... (Out of money, not enough to buy the bride).

"Missing ingredients"

Basic knowledge of cooking is required to conduct such a competition. Guests are given recipes for simple dishes. Different ingredients are passed in them. The first person to identify the missing components will receive an incentive prize. The main thing for this competition is not to imagine complicated dishes. Not everyone knows how to cook, so cutlets, borscht or soups are suitable for the game.

"Famous couples"

During this competition, the host of the celebration invites guests to remember well-known, famous married couples. Both real and fictional characters will do. The competition is held until the last pair is named. It is advisable to remember the people who have remained in history, thanks to their love and loyalty to each other. Romeo and Juliet, Eurydice and Orpheus, Ruslan and Lyudmila will do. The heroes of the occasion are also called.

"Guess the melody"

What is an anniversary without a button accordion? At the celebration of the pearl wedding, musical games and competitions are held. There are many variations of the Guess the Melody competition. For example, a candy contest. Participants of the game are located on both sides of the table. Candy is placed in the middle of it. The host plays a popular melody. The participant who first recognizes it grabs the candy. If he guesses correctly, the candy goes to him in the form of an incentive prize. If you unsuccessfully try, you will have to put it back on the table.

Another option would be a competition where guests guess the song from several notes. For example, when a participant in a game guesses a melody, he says “stop”. After this phrase, the guest should name the keywords or the author of the song. The winner of the competition is the most erudite participant in the competition. To play, you need to select familiar, popular songs.

Celebrating a wedding anniversary is a very exciting annual event in the life of a family. As a rule, the closest and dearest people are invited to it to share the common joy. And in order for the holiday to pass in a good mood, a special entertainment part is done, similar to the contests on the second wedding day. The portal offers to see what contests are for a wedding anniversary or for any other memorable date from the date of the wedding.

Poetry competition

  • Props: three small opaque bags, pieces of paper with the names of objects written on them.
  • Participants: three pairs.

Each pair receives a bag containing pieces of paper. During the turn, the representative of the pair pulls out one piece of paper at a time. The task of each couple is to compose a small congratulatory poem to the heroes of the occasion using the written words. Such cool literary contests can be universal and can be used not only for a wedding anniversary, but also at any other family celebration.

Competition - darts

  • Props: set of darts; a numbered list of family questions.
  • Participants: all interested guests.

The couple prepares a small list of questions about their family, for example, about the place of acquaintance, about general hobbies, etc. Each question is assigned a number according to the boxes on the dart board. Guests take turns throwing darts, and depending on the hit zone and the number on it, they must answer one of the questions. In the case of a correct or close to the correct answer, they receive a gift, if not, then they fulfill the desire of the couple.

Pantomime king

  • Props: not required.
  • Participants: husband.

The husband is invited only with the help of gestures and facial expressions to show some funny situation that happened to the couple during their life together. Guests must reveal the storyline of what is happening. The wife can help them in this if she understands what is at stake.

Vocal love

  • Props: not required.
  • Participants: everyone.

The guests take turns calling songs with the word "love" in the text. Then the person who called this song should sing to the address of the married couple. The best performer is determined by the applause of those present and receives a commemorative prize.


  • Props: chairs, shoes, handy items.
  • Participants: four people.

A large white space is required for the competition. It is filled with chairs and other objects so that the result is a maze through which the participants must pass. But those are given no more than 60 seconds to remember the location of the moves, then they are blindfolded and launched into the maze. The task is from memory, carefully and carefully to find a way out of it. As part of the competition, outside help is allowed - safety net.

Collect a valentine

  • Props: five cut into several pieces of paper hearts, five sheets of white paper, five glue sticks, five beautiful small bags.
  • Participants: five groups of guests of the same number.

The couple prepares five beautiful paper hearts in advance and carefully cuts them into several pieces. Pieces of each heart are folded into a separate bag and distributed to groups of guests. The task of the competition is to assemble the mosaic and glue the heart on a sheet of white paper. The team that does everything first wins.

Artistic congratulations

  • Props: not required.
  • Participants: everyone.

The guests take turns making beautiful toasts to the couple. But at the same time, the heroes of the occasion offer them a version of the mood with which the words should be pronounced - cheerful, sad, dumbfounded, etc. The toast must complete the task as artistically as possible. As one of the options, instead of the mood, the name of a famous character, on whose behalf congratulations should sound, for example, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Nikulin, etc., can be named. The winner is determined by general applause.


  • Props: six glass glasses, six cocktail straws, water, vodka.
  • Participants: six persons.

Those wishing to take part leave the table, stand in line in front of the rest of the guests. Six glasses are brought out, in five of which water is poured, in the sixth - vodka. Participants should drink slowly through a straw without changing their facial expressions, especially the one who got the vodka. The guests' task is to guess who has it in the glass. These fun alcohol-related wedding anniversary contests are best done in the middle of the event, when guests are relaxing a little.

Anniversary competition - Eternal love

  • Props: not required.
  • Participants: all interested guests.

This funky wits contest is held right at the wedding anniversary table. Those present are invited to recall history and world art and name couples who were famous for their unbreakable love, for example, Romeo and Juliet. The guest who will end it all gets a little present. Such a competition will be very touching and symbolic for the celebration of the wedding anniversary.

Joint creativity

  • Props: easel, large sheet of paper, paints, brush, jar of water, tape.
  • Participants: married couple.

This is a competition for a couple celebrating their anniversary. They are located behind the easel, one of the guests ties their right and left hands together, respectively. In these hands they take a brush, paint and water are placed next to them. Now the couple must create their own piece of art. There is no specific time and competitive component, it is rather a meditative creative process for the participants themselves. And the picture itself will then become a family heirloom and an original decision on what to present for the wedding anniversary.

Relay of wishes

  • Props: not required.
  • Participants: everyone present.

The essence of the competition is quite simple. Everyone in turn pronounces wishes for the married couple, and each wish must begin with a new letter of the alphabet in its order, for example, “Angelic love! Endless happiness! " etc. At the end, the couple will choose the compliment they like best and reward the speaker with a gift.

Competitions for wedding anniversary are different, mobile and drinking. The portal site recommends not to overload the event with activities and give guests a rest. After all, the main goal of the holiday is to have a pleasant pastime in the circle of loved ones who have gathered for such a wonderful occasion.

Recreational activities at the wedding anniversary celebration will allow the spouses and everyone present to remember the sweetest and brightest moments of the wedding day. Original quizzes, drinking games, comic contests will set a good mood and charge all the guests with positive. Dance and active contests will not allow a fun celebration to turn into banal gatherings.

    Game "Match"

    Everyone, including the heroes of the occasion, participates in the game. Players sit in a circle and light a match. Then they take turns passing it on to each other.

    The participant, in whose hands the match goes out or completely burns out, can ask any question to the hosts of the holiday. Spouses must answer it honestly. If the match goes out in the hands of one of the spouses, then each player can ask any question of interest to the hero of the occasion.

    Sample questions
    Your favorite foods.
    What does the word "Love" mean to you?
    What is the happiness of your family?
    Which countries do you want to visit?

    Anyone can participate in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 teams and line up in 2 ranks. Each of them gets a banana.

    The first player on each team squeezes the fruit between his knees (or elbows). His task is to pass a banana to a nearby participant without using his hands. The second player of the team must take it with his knees (or elbows) and pass it to the next competitor, and so on, until the last participant has the fruit. If the banana falls, the relay starts over - the fruit returns to the first player. The judge of the competition monitors the honesty of the participants so that they do not help with their hands.

    The winner is the team that completes the task faster.

    Anyone can participate in the competition. They will play the role of forty. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams.

    Each group receives a regular hair tie. The first member of each team puts it on the nose, which is considered a magpie's tail. The rubber band symbolizes the news from the magpie.

    The essence of the competition is for the first player to pass the rubber band from his nose to the nose of the second participant without using his hands, and so on, until the whole team passes the baton. Cheating is prohibited. The presenter monitors the participants about deviations from the rules of the game.

    The winner is the team that completes the task faster.

    Game "Wish"

    The game involves 6 people. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare in advance the cards with the letters that make up the word "love" and put them in a box.

    Each participant, in turn, comes to the box and draws any card at random. His task is to come up with as many wishes as possible for the letter that comes across to him. For example, the letter "b": prosperity, wealth, endless love, endless happiness.

    The player who pulls out a card with a soft sign can come up with different wishes. The main thing is that they have a soft sign. For example: brilliance, perfection, liberty, perfection, joy, mercy.

    The player who names the most wishes wins.

    Several married couples are participating in the competition. Each of them receives a thread of a certain length and a needle.

    The task of men is to thread a thread into the eye of a needle held by a woman with the left hand (left-handed - with the right). The winner is the couple who copes with the task faster than the others.

    To make the competition more fun, you can assign to each pair a person who is supposedly responsible for the fairness of the game. But the main feature is that each caretaker has a dictaphone in his pocket. At the end of the competition, the main presenter collects all the voice recorders and tells the audience that he will now provide a sound recording of the first wedding night of each participating couple.

    Game "Skillful speaker"

    Everyone who wants to congratulate a married couple participates in the game. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen. The facilitator gives them the task to write 5 adjectives that come to mind first. For example: wonderful, helpful, kind, sweet, best.

It is believed that princesses have not been found in our area for a long time. However, there is a legend that they are simply hiding under the guise of ordinary women. There is a simple way to determine if a lady is flowing blue blood.


In the fabulous scenario, feather beds and a pea were used. For the competition for the wedding anniversary, we will need 5 stools, 5 thin pillows that are placed on stools (they can be replaced with terry towels folded in half) and small items. For example, walnuts, chupa chups, large buttons, plastic bottle caps, chestnuts, plastic eggs from a kinder surprise, etc.


Female guests. The order of participation can be determined using a counting line or drawing lots.


For this competition for a 1 year wedding, you need to select 5 participants, arrange 5 chairs, and put pillows on them. Unnoticeably lay out small objects under the pillows - you can put one, several (identical) or not put anything. After that, sit the guests on chairs so that they feel if there are "peas" under their "feather bed", named their number and items that lie under the pillow. The results will show if there are princesses among the invited ladies.


As a prize, you can present the winners with toy crowns.

Calico wardrobe

This pageant is perfect for a gingham wedding. It is lively, musical, fun and will make for a great photo shoot after its completion.


A large bag or box, a bright colorful scarf, a children's cap (it can be sewn from a diaper), a chintz robe, a kitchen apron, a skirt made of chintz stripes that are tied to an elastic band, a large chintz bow on a hoop, a large chintz bow tie around the neck.

Chintz garments should be large so that both a large man and a petite woman can wear them. In addition, the item should be easy and quick to put on and take off.


All comers who have come to celebrate 1 year of the wedding. Their number can only be limited by the number of clothes in a bag / box.


The guests stand in a circle and, to the music, pass from hand to hand a bag (box) of clothes. As soon as the music is stopped, the participant with the bag in his hands must take out any item of the wardrobe and put it on himself. After that, the music plays again, and the guests again pass the "wardrobe" to each other. This continues until the bag runs out of clothes.

If the music stops on the participant who has already put on something, the right to choose clothes is transferred to the next guest, who is standing in the course of the transfer of the "chintz wardrobe".


The prize for everyone will be a bright and memorable photo session. Guests can take photos of each other, take selfies, or pose for a professional photographer.

Body parts

A funny and fluid competition for a 1 year wedding anniversary. It looks a bit like a twister, only the participants touch each other, not the playing field.


Small pieces of paper with body parts written on them: left hand, right hand, left ear, right ear, nose, forehead, back, head, etc. There should be two paper sets. You will also need two paper boxes.


Several pairs of man-woman. The order of participation can be determined using a counting line or drawing lots.


From different boxes, a man and a woman pull out one piece of paper with inscriptions, read and try to touch each other with the indicated parts of the body. Without breaking the "contact", the couple again pulls the pieces of paper and touches the indicated places. During the competition, you can change position, lean on a wall or a chair, but you need to try to keep touching with all the selected parts of the body. If the “contact” is broken or it is impossible to continue the game, the participants are eliminated, and a new pair takes their place. Those partners who manage to touch a large number of body parts win.


As a prize, you can give out a medal of the Winner of the Competition "Body Parts" or diplomas to "The Most Flexible Guest".

Needle and thread

An interesting competition with a secret that will allow you to remember your wedding day.


A needle with a small eye, a spool of thread, a voice recorder (a phone with a recording function will do).


Calico newlyweds.


A married couple is called in to check how well they have learned to understand each other during the first year of marriage. The spouse is given a needle in the hand, and a spool of thread is given to the spouse. The husband has to thread the thread through the eye of the needle. The game can only be operated with the left hand. While the husband is trying to complete the task, the presenter stands as close to the couple as possible, quietly turning on the recorder, and records everything they say. When the thread is threaded, the host says that the couple did an excellent job and gives them a prize. Then he releases the spouses, and he himself offers to listen to how the first night of the heroes of the occasion after the wedding went, and turns on the recording that he made during the competition. Believe me, everyone will be funny.


As a prize, the couple should be awarded the medals "1 year of the wedding."

Real man (real woman)

A fun contest suitable for the first wedding anniversary for both sexes and all ages.


For the competition, you will need a woman's handbag and a backpack. In the bag you should put papillotes, a set of tips, a brassmatic, a highlighter, a green face concealer, lipstick, foundation, powder, a comb and other cosmetic items. The backpack should contain "male" items - pliers, screwdrivers, a set of bits for a screwdriver, wobbler, decoy, expander, spool, pressure gauge, etc.


A man-woman pair. Spouses can also participate.


First, they call the man and give him a woman's purse. Within three minutes, he must find in it items from the list consisting of papillots, tips, brasmatics, highlighter and concealer, and then tell how these things should be used.

A woman receives a similar task, only in her backpack she will have to find a set consisting of pliers, a wobbler, a decoy, a spool and a pressure gauge. There are no winners in the competition, because it was conceived with the aim of entertaining guests.


As a gratitude for participation, you can present the couple with handmade soap or medals with the inscriptions "Real man" and "Real woman".

Tongue Twisters

An interesting and fun competition. How to carry it out, you can watch the video:


A fun and lively competition that will delight the audience.


Calico tablecloths (optional), liquor-filled bottles or skittles, some heavy-duty eye patches.


Anyone interested in both sexes. Guests invited for a 1 year wedding are divided into male-female pairs.


Partners are placed at a distance of several (ideally 5-6) meters opposite each other. Paths are laid between a man and a woman, on which 2-3 bottles of alcoholic drinks or skittles are displayed. Men act as sappers who must, blindfolded, walk to their partner through a minefield and not stumble upon mines in the form of bottles. The highlight of the competition lies in the fact that after putting on the blindfolds, the presenter discreetly removes the bottles from the path and starts the "sappers" movement.


All participants receive prizes - they are given diplomas of successful passage of the minefield.

There are a lot of ideas for contests for a wedding anniversary of 1 year, but there are few interesting ones. We hope that the options that we have selected for you will make your holiday unforgettable and fun.