Beautiful signature in the passport samples. How to come up with a signature original and beautiful? Personal Signature Tips

Passport is a very important document certifying his identity for a person. But the passport is valid only if there is a signature of the owner. Moreover, it is necessary to come up with a signature on the passport so that in the future it can be easily repeated when you sign important documents.

The signature on the passport and on other documents should coincide, otherwise they will not be recognized as valid. Once and forever, having signed in the passport upon receipt, you can no longer change your signature. Therefore, it is necessary to practice in advance and come up with a signature - a beautiful original autograph.

Almost everything before receiving a passport is the flour of creativity, by writing a lot of sheets of paper in search of the perfect combination of letters and perfect lines. Yes, come up with a signature for a passport - an occupation is not a lung.

What if the notebook is already written and does not fit all the options, the paste in the handle is about to end, and the autograph is not yet invented? Perhaps these tips will help you in creating the most important signature in your life:

1. First and most important advice: Remember that you will need to play a passport sign in close to the original version of a huge number of times, so it should be not too difficult to sign for you.

2. Write your surname on a sheet of paper and look at it. The easiest option is the first few letters (or the surname completely, if short) with a beautiful stroke at the end. Such a combination of letters is quickly remembered and it can be easily repeated in the future (this may be a significant minus).

3. If you do not want to take one surname as a basis, you can come up with a signature on a passport:

  • combining the initial letters of your initials;
  • one letter smoothly goes to another;
  • it is possible to position the letter inside another, for example, such easily can be done with the letters "E", "O", "C".

You can come up with a beautiful combination of some other way - create and pick the most you liked!

4. See how your relatives are painted, search for autographs of famous people on the Internet. Borrow with them the idea, sign up by adding your original items.

5. It is advisable to come up with a signature on the passport so that it is compact, not very long, otherwise in some situations it can deliver inconvenience: sometimes it happens that there are almost no place in the documents under signature.

6. The spectacular signature on the passport is certainly important, but you should not worry about it so much to throw things or not sleep at night because you can't come up with how beautiful to sign in the passport. Believe me when you are in the future may be putting your signature in multi-billion dollar contracts, you will not matter whether you have a beautiful signature among competitors (although it will probably be a pleasant fact).

Many would like to pick up the document home to paint in a passport in a relaxed atmosphere, having trained before it a couple of dozen times. However, according to the law, put signature in the passport in place at the time of receipt. You need to come up with a signature on a passport in advance, so practice at home and be prepared to put your autograph on the most important document in your life!

Before the most important point, do not worry, check the handle so that the ink does not smear - and confidently put your main signature on the passport, which you probably honed to perfection!


If this option is too simple or dislike, you can try to write the title letters of the name, patronymic and surname. Try to write them in different versions, for example, first initials - then surname, and vice versa. Close, what option do you like better.

To add a highlight to the painting, you can make the end of one letter to the beginning of the second, and the end of the second one - the beginning of the third. This option looks quite interesting.

Another difficult, but the beautiful option is to spell one letter to another. It is especially easy to do this if there are letters "O", "E" or "C" in the signature. It should be noticed that the men's signature should contain clearer and straight lines, and may afford different monograms and hooks.

And of course, the painting can be completed by some stroke, similar, for example, on a cardiogram or something else (as a hand go).

Do not be lazy to stretch with the invented option, it will allow you to "fill your hand" and remember all the bends of the stroke. The main thing is not to forget that the signature for the whole life, and it should be easy to perform.

To work out a new, beautiful signature, first appreciate the current one. What do you like in it, and what not? Think to make you want to change. Use the letters from which your name consists. Think how you can give them individuality, how to emphasize. Analyze which of these letters can be decorated with dots and curls, and which it is better to leave simple (most likely, it will be the letters that are equally in the upper and lower register - C or O). Choose the brightest element of your signature, the one that will become its center. You may want to lay out some information into the signature, make it a carrier send. The signature may be a clear and clear, speaking of clarity of mind, or swallowing with which you will seem more than colorful personality. Try to make a signature not too intricate, not to spend a lot of time on it.

The signature may include only initials or full name and surname. The first option is considered more official and business. It is important that the signature cannot fake. To do this, make it longer and more readable. Try to fit the full name and surname. Write the letters and clearly, picking up, observing all the rules. Simple and vague signatures are easier to fake than clear and strictly derived.

Think in advance which parts of the name you want to include in your signature. You may want to turn on the full name, and maybe limit the surname or initials. It will not be superfluous to look for inspiration in the signatures of other people. Examine signatures. Many of them have unique autographs, from which it is quite possible to borrow an idea or even some separate elements.

Try and experiment. Take a sheet of paper, put several signatures on it. Give the will of fantasy, try different options. Various, decorations - nothing is prohibited. You can work on a single signature using a pencil to erase unsuccessful items and apply new. Select some letters. You can, for example, make the letter larger, or vice versa, reduce it. The signature will be brighter, noticeable and individual. You can, for example, highlight the first letters of the name or surname.

To make a clearer and readable illegible signature, highlight one letter. It can be done on the contrary, one letter careless to highlight it in a flat signature. In addition, a good emphasis will create an underscore. This way to give style signatures is very common, but the underscore will require some time. A more interesting way - to turn into an underscore some separate letter. Usually, the last letter is used for this, but this, of course, is not strict rule. Suitable any letter in your name. Letters with a long or short tail, such as y, l, h. This tail can be stretched under the entire signature. You can emphasize the painting and curl. Such an exquisite way will decorate even the most standard and usual signature. An even more original way - to emphasize the signature with zigzags. Such a signature will look more acute and graphic.

To give a style signature, use ancient font, handwriting in retro style. To do this, double the horizontal intersections, make letters twit and decorate their bends and curls. If you want to make your signature completely original, use the Gothic font.

Make a signature more unique by adding squeaks into it. Choose such letters that are suitable for interesting bends and try to derive them an unusual way. For example, you can use repeating items. Three large ovals, for example, will help create a single signature design. Capital letters can slope. So you can give a signature of brightness if there are no letters with lower tails in the name (y, l, x and others). Drive the signature with curls to give it a solemn view. The lower part of the letters can be made larger. This is an easy way to help decorate the signature.

To give signatures of individuality, add numbers or characters to it. It may be a year of birth, a favorite number or the end of the university. In this case, the rest of the signature can be left simple in order not to complicate the process of signing documents, etc. too much.

Select the best option by combining the most successful option in the final signature.

Sooner or later, each of us thinks about how to come up with a beautiful signature to make it a reflection of his style, character and profession. Suddenly you will become some famous or important person, you will leave your signature on the things of your fans, books, and you have an ordinary, ordinary stitch, invented in your time during and used further as a habit! Change the usual snapshot on a spectacular and original signature at any age, but to do it better only once, otherwise you will create a lot of problems associated with important securities.

Beautiful signature is a peculiar image of a person, his statement about himself, an important success factor, the formula for expressing essence and character. That is why it should be approached with all seriousness.

Point, dot, comma - published. ... oh, curve!

When choosing a signature, pay attention to the following nuances:

Learning to create a spectacular signature

Write your last name on a sheet of paper, name, patronymic and carefully look at them - try to see something new in them. Perhaps sidewood over this occupation of two hours, you will come up with an orriginal idea. If the inspiration left you, we suggest contact our advice.

  • One of the most common options is the use of the first three letters of the name or capital letters of the initials. Such painting occurs completely and near and is unlikely to qualify for the title of unique and original.
  • Try to write letters to each other. This is not the easiest option, but it is quite serious and concise. Beautiful signature will succeed in the winners of the initials beginning with the letters "O", "C", "E", "Yu".
  • Experiment with a beautiful connection of letters in the signature, so that they smoothly passed one to another - the painting will turn out to be dense, incomprehensible and mysterious.
  • You can make two in the painting - name and patronymic, if you do not want to focus on your last name.
  • Another interesting option is the use of Latin hieroglyphs and Cyrillic in the signature. For example, half of the facsimile performed the second - Cyrillic, and the hieroglyph is complemented. The signature will look luxurious and unique.
  • As for curls, which usually ends with a signature, it all depends on your imagination - it can be a conventional circle, a broken line, "cardiogram", sinusoid. The main thing is not to overdo it with the use of curls, otherwise the signature will turn out to be a milder and screaming.

If you are in doubt about how beautiful to make a signature and whether it is spectacular, refer to the help of special programs or graphic studios that you will familiarize you with examples of beautiful signatures and help create a similar one.

Painting in the passport: it is serious

So, the solemn moment of receiving the passport came, and you have not come up with how you will sign in it. After all, the autograph left in this most important document, you can no longer change, and, moreover, it is desirable to signature to be beautiful and liked you.

When drawing up important documents, such as a purchase and sale agreement, the signature on them should be identical painting in the passport. Therefore, it is better to take on the creation of a signature in advance to get used to it and learn to reproduce even with closed eyes.

In order for you to have a decent and beautiful signature on the passport, use the above tips. Remember that men's signature is more serious and concise, unlike female, for which frivolous curls and roundings are allowed.

Author signatures

Each person has a certain handwriting.

However, when writing words, he is subordinate to the spell in school, trying to write exactly and neatly, which prevents items to determine its character and temperament. What you can not say about the signature, which involves the flight of fantasy, giving a complete picture of the author's inner world. The signed person seems to show his essence, paints his psychological sweating.

Direction of Stroha

Signature, leaving down, speaks about the opposite temperament. The man is depressive, pessimistically susceptible to frequent diseases, is unsure of himself and angry with others.

A straight and smooth beautiful signature tells about the "Golden Mid" man. He simultaneously pessimist and optimist, has a balanced character, used to do everything exactly, carefully and right

Signing length

A long signature is created by people who are accustomed to approach everything with seriousness and pedantry.

These are people for whom someone else's opinion is fundamental, they are incredibly stubborn and persistent.

The short facsimile belongs to people impatient, cheerful and slightly superficial. They do not like slowness, are inattentive and inconstant.

A person's signature can tell a lot about him, about his values, worldview, character, being a mirror of his inner world. Do not hurry when choosing a facsimile, constantly train to remember it and give it individual strokes. After all, a beautiful signature is which will be a kind of advertising of your inner "I" throughout my life.

Order your car autograph

Autograph (from Greek. "Auto"

- And - "Grafo" - I write) - In this case, the personnel signature in documents, postcards, souvenirs or a memorable short text inscription on the book, or a photo that ends with a personal signature. Also called any handwritten author text.

Nowadays, when personally written documents (except letters, postcards and debt receipts) meet less and less often, the role of the autograph is transferred to the signature. And the attitude towards such a noticeable personality manifestation is becoming more serious.

(video on YouTube)

Personal signature acts as a bright poster with a list of psychological characteristics of its author and demonstrates the degree of complexity of fake, which speaks of its owner's soultyness. The autograph allows a lot to tell about themselves, without uttering a word. In the end of the letter or document a personal signature, we do not even guess that the second of a second we create a graphic self-portrait.

WATERMARK Based on the original autograph, the coat of arms or the monogram can be made on your personal write paper. There are congratulatory letters on such paper. From more tight paper, you can make business cards or postcards. White and colored paper with watermarks on special market makes the company Paperman in Russia.

Exlimbars For home or personal biliotki, electronic media assemblies: CD, DVD, tape recorders or video recordings, as well as vinyl records, too, be developed on the basis of an expressive artistic autograph. ExLibris can be made in the form of a print or printed on a color or black and white printer on self-adhesive paper, and then stick to the protected object.

Development of exlebris
based on autograph.

Usually the most complicated and stable on the design of the signatures of bankers due to the specifics of the profession (examples below):

We do not know the studies that would definitely report how much favorable deals or contracts in which a certain person acts as a guarantor, changed in a less favorable direction or did not take place at all, but the fact that such cases take place in banking or when taking work,

- We probably know. In particular, the US Supreme Court in 1978 declared legitimate the use of graphology when admission to work.

One of the current problems of admission to work is that more and more people successfully rent graduation exams at school and come to universities, and therefore firms are increasingly becoming more difficult to select suitable candidates for vacancies from the growing number of graduate specialists. Peter Gerard, managing one of the divisions of the Michael Page selection company, argues that the number of candidates for jobs in the United Kingdom has increased sharply in recent years. In some areas, competition is especially high, and the problem is exacerbated by a large number of people coming from abroad. One of the main reasons for such a state of affairs, according to Gerard,

- the Internet. "People are easier to learn about appearing vacancies",- He said in an interview with "BBC" and added that thanks to network questionnaires, one person can now easily submit statements at once on a dozen places. However, as the head of the European Employment Center of the Goldman Sachs Investment Bank is said to Kalum Forrest, "if you take a job of not those people, you are doomed from the very beginning."

As a result of the correspondence, it will be too early or later to put its signature. This must be prepared in advance, without hoping that your resume will not fall to a specialist in graphology.

Remember your feelings from a look at various autographs that had to meet in your life. Sometimes it is a pleasant roundness that soothes and has to itself, sometimes beating through the edge of energy, which demonstrates activity and business pressure. It is easy to recognize modesty and eccentricity, authoritarianism and self-confession, but it happens that the Scholyar Correctness causes doubts at least in some kind of positive qualities of its owner.

Below are given autographs of outstanding historical personalities:

Anna's autograph, daughter Yaroslav Wise (French Queen)

Autograph Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Getman Ukraine)

Autograph Taras Shevchenko (poet, artist)

Autograph Salvador Dali (artist)

Autograph Mikhail Bulgakov (Writer)

Avtographer Alexander Pushkin (poet)

Autograph Lion Tolstoy (writer)

Autograph Vladimir Ulyanova (Lenin)

Specialists in graphology (Snapped) on the basis of perennial observations, comparisons and conclusions argue that the signature as and handwritten reflects the internal state of the person. Moreover, the owner itself changes with the change of signature (and on the contrary). These two factors are inseparable. All the same, that with a bad mood to take and smile ... The mood immediately improves.

Here are just a few basic, most characteristic autograph parameters for which their owner can be estimated.

Rising up The signature or her ending characterizes its owner as an energetic, temperamental, optimistic person.

Horizontal Informs about balanced and constancy.

Sannolled down signature or her end Symbolizes pessimism, uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life and work performed.

Large and swallowing signature- Author - egotist. He puts well with the everyday average living conditions. Wants to achieve much more.

Starting letter signature correspond to initial letter of the name expresses modesty, simplicity, satisfaction of requests for their real possibilities.

Starting letter signature- Name Writing, and after it, a signature was made from the surname - Deliability, responsibility for your actions, thoughtfulness. The point speaks of the discipline and the completion of its intentions.

Initial letter intricate (It is possible to connect various initials in the form of a monogram)- Clearness, secrecy. Such people are selective in friendship, incredulous.

Availability in signature multiply repeated monotonous strokes Increased energy, author's activities, the ability to see the perspective in the manifold.

Additional elements (Strokes, loops, curls, semantic elements) contained in the signature of the intense (SPORTOPEX) indicate that the author has imagination and resourcefulness.

Inter and unreasonably decorated The initial letter and the entire autograph generally reflects excessive ambition, egocentrism, self-confidence, possibly to the detriment of the results of the case.

Signature without stroke - culture, educationalness.

Straight ripples stroke at the end of the autograph, as if dropping down, - Energy, determination, courage, stiffness in relations with subordinates.

Returning to the beginning of the signature Roscherk- Egoism, distrust.

There are different periods in life. There are ups and downs, victories and defeats. These factors are often reflected in the mood and on the autograph of its owner.

In the book of Morgettern "Psychographology", published in 1903, the autographs of Napoleon are reproduced under the army orders after decisive battles.

Napoleon Signature Options Bonaparte In different periods of his life path reflects changes in the career, status and mood. Below are autographs left by Napoleon on various documents.

Napoleon in the rank of artillery captain (1793)

Napoleon - Emperor (1804)

Signature of Napoleon under the proclamation after a victory for Austerlice (1805)

Napoleon's autograph after the battle near Moscow (1812)

Signature of Napoleon when speaking from Russia (1812)

Signature of Napoleon after the lost battle at Leipzig, which led to the loss of conquests in Europe (1813)

Often man himself comes up with his signature In accordance with your tastes, ingenuity, social status or profession.But as the ambition and business or creative activity grows, there is a need for some originality, aesthetics and a special meaning! Yourself, without the lessons of calligraphy, not so easy to do, how do not try, and to whom to do- Unknown ...

We were developed a special algorithm For such an unusual creative process, and we have made a few first works. The experience was successful. One of the customers said so about the result: I had an understanding that it was necessary to somehow improve the autograph, but what could be achieved by such a result, "I did not assume. It's like walked in an old, a zamusolen, a mint tie - it seems to be ashamed, and there is no other.And now in such a fashionable and elegant feeling confidently, more than ever!

How is it performed correction or autograph update To display the new status of its owner, technological necessity, stable repeatability, etc.?

Such development of personal signature Consists of an analysis of Motorika Hand writing. Then, on its basis, all sorts of signature designs are made, in accordance with the specified parameters. Then the owner trains writing proposed options in its performance. By further adjustments for several sessions, the search for the best result continues. (video on Youtube)

The cost of such a development Depends on the complexity of work, the specifics of the problem and the number of adjustment sessions.

Below is a four-characteristic example of searching for options for specified owners of signatures to semantic and graphic priorities, as well as taking into account the specifics of calligraphy and motor skills of the owners. At the request of all autograph owners, we do not cite their final results.

Example number 1.

Initial signature (before the development)

A sample from the proposed options based on a dynamic star, a hint of which was an analogue and several alternative designs.

After several sessions of the writing training session, the Customer decided to move away from the options that improved its analogue and worked out alternative options. Below are the signatures performed by the owner at the stage of training stable motility writing.

Example number 2.

The autograph that the customer enjoyed was too simple for his new position and it was easy to fake. After independent attempts to create a new signature, the customer decided to order us the development of autograph a higher degree of difficulty, but without excesses.

We have proposed about 50 options for drawing different degrees of complexity. Some of them are shown below. After the first stage, three different options were selected, after which another refinement was followed and the exercise of the final version.

Example number 3.

The owner of his own autograph on the basis of the name over the past 10 years has been gradually deteriorated due to the large number of everyday signatures on documents. Going to a new career level, he decided to develop an autograph anew- More complex and dynamic, based on the name or initial letter and surname.

In total, 45 different designs based on the previous (top) version and original were proposed. After training, several alternative options was chosen final. For current documents, facsimile manufacturing was ordered. And on specially responsible documents and congratulatory or invitation cards, the owner puts the autograph internally.

Example number 4.

Former teacher took up his business. At the time of our feeder, an ever-growing enterprise required updates to many parameters. After the development of a new trademark and other graphical constants, it was honored that its new status and, especially, the emotional rise absolutely does not correspond to the "teacher's" signature (left version), which served as faithfully and the truth. After several attempts to independently improve the situation by adding their name to the last name, the business woman asked us to do this problem.

Search options We started with trying to unleash the tangle of initials. Added still strokes with baroque plastic. After training, they stopped on them. Surprisingly the final version of such a difficult autograph in its execution was quite consistent.. Often on pre-election posters after quotes, politics put its autograph. If he is broken and expressive, then the impact of the poster is much stronger. So the voter for autograph intuitively sees the nature and principles of the policy. Considering that confidence in politicians is not very high, (3:14 min. Video on You Tube)

Almost every person thinks about the beauty of his signature. Many want to make it original and memorable. We will tell what steps need to be taken to create a beautiful autograph.

The painting process begins with the definition of its character. Decide for yourself, it will be difficult or simple. There are several signature options - based on the last name, name and patronymic, full initials. When you choose the option, it will be necessary to supplement it with interesting distinctive signs. As a basis, you can take signatures of famous people. Now we will consider step by step instructions for creating the original signature. Decide on the character of the signature. Women prefer various rags and fools, and men with shower and straight lines. But all people are individual, so it can be the opposite.

Many people come up with their signatures, pushing away from their last name. Separate three letters from it and try to put a neat snatch at the end. See what happened. Such autographs look very beautiful if they start on a vowel letter. This method is the easiest way, so moving on.

Many famous people painted their initials completely. Try to play with letters. Put the first letter of the name, then the point and completely surname. Beautiful curls will decorate the signature, but you can not put them. You can also write your surname abbreviated and put after it the first letters of the name and patronymic. Another option - Try to limit yourself to large letters of the name and patronymic, finishing the signature with the original curl. The drawing will help you ask you the right direction.

You can complicate the task. Look at your initials - three letters. Imagine yourself with a famous calligrapher (before there were such professions) and come up with interesting curls to three these letters. But do not overdo it. Overweight many different patterns in male signature looks inappropriate. If you are a woman, you can safely turn your fantasy. Connect three letters in such a way that one, starting, smoothly passed to another.

Signs are very popular with the use of Latin letters or their combinations with Cyrillic. The first letter you can put Latin, and the rest will write with ordinary Cyrillic. You can do the opposite. Do not forget to put a distinguishing mark at the end. It can be a wide stroke, curl or a broken line.

General recommendations for creating an original signature:
  • Let the larger letters surround the rest. This option will help refresh the signature that does not have letters leaving for fields, for example, "s" and "d".
  • You can highlight your signature by Zigzag. It will make it interesting and fast in writing.
  • Grasp the signature of the elegant loop. This element will give her a royal and official appearance.
  • Choose one letter and emphasize it. The most beautiful will look at the last underlined letter, but you can highlight anyone if you think it is necessary.
  • Highlight the signature with the original element (snowflake, triangle, etc.). If you failed this particular option, most of the signature should be left without change so that it does not look too overloaded.
  • If your signature is the letters "T", "G", "P", "B", you can cover it with a horizontal line.
Look at the signatures of famous people. It will help you inspire and create a unique signature. Warren Buffett, Lady Gaga, Win Diesel, Alexander Pushkin, George Bush, Barack Obama and many others are known. You can add elements of their signature to your. But do not forget about the individuality that should be present in your signature. Also remember that it should not be too complicated. You quickly get tired of playing huge patterns in ordinary life.

You can not apply your name in the painting, but as practice shows, this is not the best option. Your signature must say something about you, it will be much more interesting. To secure the created signature, put it on paper every day.