Beautiful congratulations on your 15th wedding anniversary. Beautiful congratulations on a crystal wedding

15 years of marriage
It's already a long time.
All past mistakes
This is a good lesson for you.

Congratulations on the round date
you and all your family
Live the life you are rich
15 years at stake!

Health, happiness and success
Let there be more laughter in the family
Smile. Great joy
And today is such a holiday!

wedding, wedding,
rings, rings,
Remember 15 years ago
Everyone was happy to marry you!

During this period you have experienced a lot
You had everything, both care and anxiety,
And joys and sorrows
But you managed to pass this path with dignity.

We want to wish you a well-aimed aspiration,
Keep the family strong
Success, good luck in all matters,
May you live long in happy affairs!

Congratulations dear!
15 years is a success
Live also. The best,
Let there be no obstacles in your destiny.

Handsome kids, what are you
Let the grandchildren of the little rascals be like you,
Live and give happiness to each other,
Expect good luck and success on the horizon.

15 years is a big date
May your family be rich in goodness,
I'm glad for the kids
And the cup of the hearth is full!

Happy wedding day
We congratulate you
Health, joy and happiness
We want a lot.

Let the children grow and delight you,
And your grandchildren will be, well, just a diamond!
Live in happiness and pleasant worries,
And not thoughts about their money work.

Good luck, success, let them accompany you
thank you for this tell the gods
Live in kindness and love,
In each other's eyes, you are the "groom" and you, the "bride", look!

Big event for your family
Exactly 15 years ago you played a fun wedding.
Be as young and bright
Please each other with romantic gifts!

Your family is your strong rear,
The main thing is that he be faithful and reliable.
Take care of families, take care of children,
Raise worthy children from them.

Live in love and joy
Give children sweets
May your life be rich in events
But only for good discoveries.

15 years ago
You sealed love with the bonds of marriage,
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge,
But your love still excites the blood!

I want to wish you great and bright feelings,
More happy moments
So that there are no secrets from each other
Live happily and long you!

15 years is a big date
In your family life
Let happiness in the house boil with a full bowl
The weather is wonderful - beauty in the family!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
So your wish came true
You have created a strong family
15 years ago, we all walked your wedding.

We would like to wish you
The same bright, clear days,
Living next to each other
After all, you are one of the happiest families in the world!

Good luck, health, success, wealth,
Let your home be your kingdom!
Let your kids grow up in care
And there will never be problems at work.

Family life.
It has meaning for every person.
Love and understanding forever
15 years have already lived together, you happy people.

Be happy, rich in success.
May your children be the best.
Family life is your glorious home
Let love and care be the main lever.

We wish you to live another 1000 sunny days
In affection, understanding, caring for a friend,
Raise Responsive People
And visit all the romantic places in the world.

Today is a crystal wedding anniversary,
You have been together for a decade and a half!
Love is beautiful like a ballroom dance
Living together is a happy secret!
You are also kind to each other,
It will never stop
After all, your life partner and friend -
Love in the hearts that has no end!

Dear “crystal” spouses! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - fifteen years of marriage. We wish your relationships to be as transparent and pure as crystal, and quarrels to be fragile, so that they break on the floor, and only peace and tranquility would soar in your house!

Crystal clinking glasses
Reflected today in the soul.
Today is a happy wedding day
Fifteenth on the turn.
Two hearts in one duet
Fifteenth year beat to the beat.
Two angels touching the shoulders
Keep the contract carefully.
You are always on the road together
In a single harness, bridle.
Keep walking like this - in step!
Forward to the guiding star!

You have a family anniversary -
And every year it gets stronger
I wish you to love.
Let the glass break for happiness
You don't need to feel sorry for him.
May you succeed in everything in life
After all, you just have to want it!

As life shows, if spouses take care of each other, then their feelings will certainly turn into a sweet habit, and ardent passion is replaced by tender love. Tatyana and Igor (names can be changed), you have been protecting each other for 15 years, so I raise this glass for you, with wishes to continue in this spirit!

Oh what a wonderful anniversary!
Yes, our dear friends!
No, think 15 years!
He runs to his beloved for lunch!
And she's getting more and more beautiful!
Our shining sun!
Let today's crystal ring!
Talking about a beautiful couple!

Don't believe that love is gone
Replacing yourself with a habit
She's still alive
Putting all of yourself into caring,
In the warmth, sincerity of the hearth
And you created comfort,
In children (the family is strong with children!)
And in faith that they will not betray.
For a decade and a half
You felt the fragility of feelings.
A secret is hidden in a glass wedding
Preservation of family ties.

Loving each other and (names of spouses)! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. You have lived together so little, you still have a very difficult road ahead of you. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own, as it once was with you. We wish you to live in full understanding with each other, patience to you for another 100 years of marriage together! Good health to you, which cannot be bought anywhere and never for any money!

Like crystal family life,
Fragile, tender, loud.
Over the years, you have merged together,
And this work is complex, delicate.
Let adversity bypass your home
They are afraid, they will not dare to approach.
Only happiness with prosperity awaits
Just trying to find your home as soon as possible.
Let children only please you over the years,
Respect, love, care.
Let life only rarely fall,
Let them take life easier.

Fifteen years together - "Glass wedding",
Bohemian chimes of crystal glasses,
But you, anniversaries, should not forget:
Fifteen years of happiness - not much, but not enough!
Fifteen years together - a milestone, not otherwise!
And to you, who pulled to the "highest measure",
We wish you great luck
And happiness in especially large sizes!

Anniversaries (names of spouses)! Congratulations on your little anniversary! For family life, 15 years is a small date. We wish you to live until the big - diamond wedding. May only happiness accompany you, and sincere mutual feelings and great strong love walk in step next to you. Remember, if something happens, you always have a soul mate and true friends who should not be forgotten!

Nobility of crystal
Your glowing family -
Fragile but strong
And beautifully proud
Unearthly beauty -
Husband, and next to him - a wife,
Full of joy, fun
And a love hangover
We wish you only happiness
Only together through bad weather,
Live in friendship and harmony
And love your children!

A fairy tale is bewitched by streams of love,
Crystal wedding rings in the soul
And the warmest, tender fairy tale
Today is spread in your destiny.
May all these years that have been lived together
They will give you the memory of tender days.
On this holiday, you are again the bride and groom,
Sparkle with happiness in loving eyes.
I wish you patience, bright dawns,
Dreams so that all yours come true forever.
And so that love does not keep taboos,
And joy gave, like sunlight.

Today crystal glasses are ringing
Distributed throughout the universe!
He calls about the happiness of the spouses,
He speaks of love beyond measure!
15 years have passed today
Since you got married
And there is no more reason to be sad
During these years you lived happily!
Today we wish you a celebration
That lasts forever!
Health, luck and magic,
And endless joy!

Crystal wedding comes at 15 years of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested. However, crystal is still a breakable material, so spouses must be careful not to break it.

The invited guests at the crystal wedding should be relatives and close friends of the spouses. Gifts for this anniversary should be made of crystal or glass. It can be various glass souvenirs or glassware. According to tradition, for a crystal wedding, there must be as many glass and crystal dishes as possible on the table, especially crystal wine glasses.

Having handed over their gifts, the guests raise their crystal wine glasses, and also say beautiful toasts and wish the spouses to live in prosperity and happiness.

Today is a special day for you -
You've been together for 15 years.
Congratulations on your crystal wedding.
I wish you happiness, warmth.

Let the fire in the soul not go out
Keep your bright hearth.
Let love always help
You survive resentment, fear.

The family is a great sanctuary,
You understood this a long time ago.
As the years go by, the feeling only gets sweeter
Like aged wine.

The sacred vessel became crystal,
15 years already family,
I congratulate you on a glorious date,
Love for both husband and wife.

May the sparkle in your eyes always flicker,
Let your passion not subside
Let the union only flourish
May you have abundance.

I wish to cherish tender feelings,
Do not let resentment into your house,
Let it always be comfortable
You even keep quiet together.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your 15th anniversary, on your crystal wedding. Dear ones, I wish you that the joy in your home is ringing like crystal, that you are always loved by each other and happy, that your family remains strong and friendly, that there is always good luck and luck on your way.

Crystal chime, glasses clink ...
Fifteen years is a crystal jubilee,
And you are not tired of loving each other,
Only every year closer and dearer.

Have not lost joy over the years,
She is in our hearts and souls forever.
And let everything that you dreamed come true
And only a tear will shine from happiness.

Happy crystal wedding, my dears!
It's a beautiful anniversary for you.
And let your feelings be
Love will play in the hearts with renewed vigor.

Keep each other warm with warmth,
Do not spare care, support in everything.
And no matter how many difficult periods
You will overcome them all together.

Can't believe it's been fifteen years!
They went insanely fast!
I wish you to continue to live troubles,
May you always love each other!

I wish you both tenderness and passion,
So that feelings only grow stronger, like steel!
And, of course, human happiness,
And so that your crystal is strong!

Crystal is reliable. They speak in vain
That it is brittle, that it is only glass.
For fifteen years he grew stronger every hour,
And the time has come to become a diamond!

And your crystal marriage is even more reliable
And it became stronger, not a crack in it.
It is based on a solid life,
And the cozy, sweet home became warm.

Fifteen years have gone by so fast
Like one day, and love is so strong,
What have you become younger during this period,
And passion is alive and insatiable again.

Already have children, good job,
You have built your own world.
So God bless you and have fun!
In life, love is the only idol.

Fifteen years that we lived together
The people call "crystal wedding"
For the fact that these years are also valuable,
And the experience of the past is also cherished.

Let wedding anniversaries only rise in price,
After all, you have both silver and gold ahead of you!
Let trembling feelings do not leave you,
And let your union be an example for us!

15 years of your family,
Crystal jubilee.
It's such happiness
Live soul to soul
happy to be
Every day.
Appreciate, take care
Try to multiply
Like in the first year you love
Stay family.

Your love grows stronger with age
You look great together
It's been fifteen years now
And you live like in a movie!

And happy crystal anniversary to you,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
I wish you happiness for no reason
Love, take care of your family!

I wish that dreams come true
So that you do not know the problems
In each other so as not to doubt
Wishing me this is not too lazy!.ru/cards/den-svadby/svadba-15-let-hrustalnaya.gif

Today there is a reason for the holiday -
Fifteenth wedding anniversary!
And we sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you all the best in the world!

Gathered here today is not accidental -
Congratulations on your crystal wedding!
You lived together for 15 years
Shared pain and joy in half,
There were many different moments:
Many sad and many excellent -
Your boat about everyday life did not crash,
She did not find herself aground.
You can safely call the family strong,
You rarely quarrel now,
How well did you get to know each other?
You are a wonderful couple!
We wish you health on the holiday,
May the house be filled with love
May happiness live with joy in it,
It will be good if you two!

Congratulations to my wife on our 15th wedding anniversary

I am very happy, dear, congratulations
Happy crystal anniversary to you!
I confess my love to you again
And thank you for the hundredth time!

Beautiful wife, mistress, mother -
I'm just lucky to find one! -
And I believe that we will celebrate
Together with you, a golden wedding!

Congratulations to my husband on his 15th wedding anniversary

We lived together for 15 years
But I still have love
And today I'm a bride again
You are the bridegroom, and the eyes burn with fire!

My dear, thank you for the tenderness,
For the warmth of your gentle hands,
For love and care boundlessness,
And for the fabulously sweet taste of the lips!

I wish you only happiness!
To make you happy with life
So that you do not know the shadow of bad weather ...
And so that you always love me!

Congratulations to friends on a glass wedding (cool)

Not all the dishes have been broken yet,
Even though we've been together for 15 years!
And such a temperamental, and passionate couple
We are giving away glassware!
If there is a quarrel, beat her!
Against the wall! And take pity on each other!
After all, the main thing is that you are healthy,
Well, we will give you plates again!
Quarrels do not last long, let moments
And passionately sweet reconciliation will be,
May the fire of feelings never go out,
Let the love of the heart always warm!

Fifteen years of marriage
And you are in love today!
Although there were quarrels and mistakes,
But it's so hard to remember these days...

Congratulations to my husband on a crystal wedding (cool)

Me, my dear, now there is no time for jokes!
Crystal is beautiful, but very fragile,
And in order to save our marriage,
I will try to love
Soul of the whole beer and football,
So that together we shouted "Goal!"
And fishing at night
I'll fish with you...
Your sweet car
I will drive like mine
I will help with the repair -
I can hold a screwdriver...
If you want, so be it
I can go to the sauna -
Taking a girlfriend with you
Male decorate team!
And you can be proud of me -
By his advanced wife!
I will share all the hobbies -
After all, I love you very much!

Congratulations to my wife on a glass wedding (cool)

My sweet wife
I can't sleep today
Don't forget about the wedding day
And I will love all night
Like 15 years ago
I'm glad to love you!
I will kiss for a long time:
Lips, eyes, nose - everywhere!
And when you fall asleep
I'll wake you up again!

Congratulations on your crystal wedding
And today we want to wish you
A lot of happiness, smiles and light,
May there always be summer in my heart,
We want to save up for a house,
He needs you - we know for sure!
Holidays to spend abroad:
In Amsterdam, Paris or Nice!
Let luck in business help
Let the smile on your faces shine
May peace and joy reign in the family,
The mood will always be wonderful!

You lived to see the glass wedding,
And all the same to each other desired!
And your family is just amazing.
And the daughter-beauty is charming,
The house is always clean and comfortable,
In a word, you are an absolute ideal!
"Keep it up!" - we say, congratulating,
And we wish you all the best in the world!

Other congratulations in verse for a crystal wedding

Don't let the crystal break
And shines like a star
And the song pours through the house
May your love always!
Let today congratulate you
The whole big family
Let happiness not leave you
Not today, never!

Anniversary (anniversary) of the wedding - 15 years from the date of the wedding - glass wedding

Glass (crystal) wedding celebrated through 15 years.
On this day, gifts made of glass and crystal are given.
Glass or crystal symbolize the purity and serenity of family life.

On the fifteenth year from the date of marriage, a crystal wedding is celebrated. Crystal is a transparent, clean, surprisingly sonorous material, it is much stronger than glass, so spouses who have lived together for fifteen years can boast of their strong family and love. But still, do not forget that the crystal is breaking, so you need to treat the family, as before, carefully, gently, trying to strengthen relationships. Fifteen years is a significant date that requires an appropriate celebration, in honor of which guests are invited: preferably witnesses of the marriage, best friends, relatives. At the fifteenth anniversary of marriage, children must certainly be present - as a symbol of continuing life, joy and family happiness. Accordingly, gifts are crystal things that are presented as a sign that relations between spouses should be transparent and clean, like crystal. As a rule, only round dates are observed after the fifteenth anniversary.

Congratulations on 15 years from the wedding day - anniversary - glass wedding

Everything in this world is fragile, like glass,
And the fate of two, alas, is no exception.
But to forecasts, and to hell out of spite
May joy and luck be with you.
15 years later, like the first time,
Let there be only a call of love
And with its purity caresses the eye
The transparent glass vessel is beautiful.

Congratulations on a glass wedding - 15 years anniversary of the wedding

We give you a glass jug,
So that at the wedding dear,
Cheerful and ruddy
Grog and juice flowed like a river.
So that entering the day to come,
Not sad and not sad
You loved only more
I cherish the wondrous feeling.

Congratulations on 15 years of wedding - anniversary - glass wedding

Dear N! Today marks 15 years since you've been married. I am insanely happy from the realization that you have lived all this time together without getting divorced, without dropping the high title of a spouse and carrying high the proud banner of love and devotion. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and wish you even more happiness, love and longevity!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - 15 years - wedding anniversary

Don't believe that love is gone
Replacing yourself with a habit
She's still alive
Putting all of yourself into caring,
In the warmth, sincerity of the hearth
And you created comfort,
In children (the family is strong with children!)
And in faith that they will not betray.
For a decade and a half
You felt the fragility of feelings.
A secret is hidden in a glass wedding
Preservation of family ties.

Congratulations on the 15th wedding anniversary - anniversary (anniversary) - glass wedding

More than once we will meet
At this friendly table.
Although many years - fifteen
It's already gone its own way.
Glass is fragile and beautiful -
Keep an expensive vessel.
We wish you many happy years
Without hardships and mental turmoil.

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary - 15 years - anniversary - glass wedding

A decade and a half
Many or few?
There were many notes
Anything happened.
But love led in everything
main path,
And she was alone
God and judge.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish again:
Let nothing break
Wall of native shelter.
Let it continue
One Love
Leads you along
Gifting again and again
Bright destiny.

Congratulations on the anniversary - 15th wedding anniversary - anniversary - glass wedding

Fifteen years and dawn again
The same as then, for the first time.
And there's just no distance
And you are "young" today.
God forbid you break the glass
Your love, fate and honor.
Let it be clear and bright
Always when you are together in everything!

Anniversary congratulations - 15 years wedding anniversary - glass wedding

glass wedding,
desired wedding,
Five-year-olds huddled -
Three at once.
God bless you good
To the fairy tale of the past
Continued again
Until the dawn of the earth.
To trouble with storms
Eyebrows did not frown
And framed the shoulder
Friends in difficult times.
For the light to come true
The most cherished
Relatives pleased
And the family grew.