Red urine in a girl's cause. Food products capable of painting urine in red. Pathological causes of urine color change

yellow or transparent.

If urine unexpectedly became red, it does not necessarily speak from pathology in the urinary system. Most often, redness is caused by food behavior or drug intake. But In some cases, red - This is a very disturbing symptom caused by the appearance of blood in the urine. The condition is dangerous and can even lead to a fatal outcome. That is why in no case the color of urin can not be ignored.

Photo 1. Red urine - an extremely alarming sign, often testifying about the presence of blood in the analysis. Source: Flickr (Dave Pearce).

Factors affecting redness of urin

Urina can blush both in the development of pathologies and in completely healthy people.

Factors that can cause the following:

  • the impact of some painting foods;
  • side effects of certain drugs;
  • availability of pathologies.


Normally, an absolutely healthy person can urine can redo the use of products containing coloring substances that are derived from the body with urine. These are such products like:

  • beetin all types of preparation;
  • cherryand its processing products;
  • carrot, especially fresh;
  • black currant in fresh and recycled;
  • products containing food colorings (carbonated drinks, confectionery, pickled ginger, etc.).

If you do not complain about anything, and at the same time you can establish a correlation between recent nutrition and urin's color, you don't need to beat the trouble.


When a person takes any medicines, they can also shift the color of Urin closer to the red part of the spectrum. Preparations, painting urine in red:

  • acetylsalicylic acid and preparations containing it (aspirin, cardiomagnet, etc.);
  • fundsagainst constipation based on phenolphthalein;
  • based on ibuprofenmeans against inflammation and to reduce high temperature;
  • medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis having in the composition rifampicin.

If you take one of these drugs, there are no other pathologies, there are no side reactions, it is necessary to inform you about turning urin, but there are no reasons for panic.


The most disturbing cause of dyeing urin is red - a disease that is noted by the presence of blood in the urine - hematuria. Blood in the urine is a very dangerous symptom, which is observed at:

  1. cancer tumors Bladder;
  2. glomerulonephritis- the kidneys and blood circulation are affected in them, which is why red blood cells entering with filtered kidney with blood, surpass in Urin, which may be a sign of both a separate disease and a concomitant complication of another disease;
  3. urolithiasis - when the resulting solid deposits (concrections) traumatize the inner dilution of ureters, while the blood from the microtrase falls into Urin and stains it;
  4. porphyry- hereditary disease with impaired pigment exchange and synthesis of porphyrins derived with urine;
  5. hemoglobinuria- hitting hemoglobin in the urine with an overly rapid splitting of red blood cells;
  6. blood coagulation disorders various origin;
  7. injuries of arrogant areas.

Please note: if the blood gets into the urine, the situation is very serious and tightening with a visit to the doctor can not in any way.

Depending on the amount of blood in the urine, macrohematuria is distinguished in which the color of urins can be either even red-brown, and microhematuria, which does not change the color, and is characterized by an increased content of erythrocytes, which are found in urine laboratory studies.

Representatives of strong sex often do not pay attention to the alarming symptoms, and in vain: severe diseases for which Red Urina may indicate:

  • acute and chronic form;

In addition, hematuria can develop after excessive physical exertion or sexual activity.

How diagnostics is carried out

For diagnostic purposes, a number of analyzes and surveys are prescribed. The very first and basic is the study of the Urin itself. To do this is carried out single fence urine. The first morning biological fluid is assembled.

After hygienic procedures for the analysis, take only the average portion of urine and attributed to the laboratory.

In addition to conventional laboratory analysis, you can independently conduct research on hematuria. A special test is sold at the pharmacy, which will show, whether there is blood in Urin, and what is its percentage.

The test is done very simply: in the same way as for general analysis (only in clean glass container), urimin, you need to dip a test strip. And literally immediately remove it, gently guting the extra liquid. Holding a strip horizontally, check with a diagram on the package.

Note. Such tests are not always true and much less accurate than laboratory studies, therefore are suitable only for a preliminary examination. In emergency cases, such a method is suitable, but it is better to turn to the laboratory, because hematuria can be a sign of serious illness.

If a large number of erythrocytes are found in the results of the analysis, additional studies must be assigned to put an accurate diagnosis.

Photo 2. When detecting hazardous symptoms, it is important not to engage in self-medication.

Urine Study can give detailed information about your health. Even one color can say a lot, and in its change you can suspect various kinds of disease. Normally in an adult man's urine color or straw yellow. Why can the shade change? In general, the color spectrum can be varied, ranging from bright shades and ending with the color of the orange juice. The reason for anxiety can be a change in urine in red, especially if it appears a streak or blood clots.

The color change most often indicates the presence of some kind of anomaly or violation by the urinary system. But it is worth not to forget that certain foods, as well as medicines, can lead to color change. With the slightest suspicions, it is best to contact a specialist for advice.

It is also worth noting that the shade of urine may differ depending on age, for example, in children, a shade of Urin is lighter than in adults, and in infants it has almost colorless. The shade also affects the activity of metabolism. An important role is played by the number of fluid highlighted by the kidneys. For example, a more concentrated urine has a more rich shade. If we talk about people who drink a lot of fluids, then they have a bright shade of urine. Amber tint may indicate dehydration and talk about the need to restore water balance.

As can be seen, the shade of urin may vary under the influence of certain factors. A healthy person has a change in urine color can be, but this phenomenon is only temporary. So, the reasons for the urine of red in a woman can be both pathological and physiological. Immediately I want to say that the physiological change in urine will be without pain, if some uncomfortable feelings arise, then it is necessary to worry. To begin with, talk, about inflammatory and infectious processes, as the main reasons for the appearance of red urine in women.

Pathological reasons

If the reddish urine appeared against the background of the infectious process, then other unpleasant symptoms will appear, namely:

  • frequent urination;
  • the smell of urin becomes unpleasant and sharp;
  • chills;
  • a slight increase in body temperature;
  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • hyperhydrosis.

If a microscopic urine study was revealed by an elevated level of erythrocytes, most often this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, in which the patient may be disturbed by the appearance of burning, sharpening when urine, as well as pain. Most often, this may be a sign of such serious disorders from the urinary system, namely:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • porphyry;
  • bladder cancer, etc.

The causes of the appearance of red urine can be different and the doctor should understand them

Injuries of the back, genital organs, as well as various violations of the reproductive system can also provoke the appearance of red urine.

Consider popular diseases that cause an unpleasant symptom:

  • hemoglobinuria. This is quite rare pathology, the essence of which is that the red blood calves decay inside the vessels. This can occur as a result of intoxication or transfusion incompatible for the blood group. It is the rapid decay of blood taurus that provokes a change in urine color in red;
  • glomerulonephritis. The disease can develop both the main disease and against the background of other pathologies, for example, rheumatoid arthritis or vasculitis. As a result of thinning blood vessels, a violation of the filtering ability of the kidneys occurs. The main symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis is the color change of urin in the color of meat lesions;
  • porphyry. This disease is genetic and its essence lies in the violation of the synthesis of hemoglobin. As a result, Porphyrine is formed - a substance that dies urin in red. Other porphyry symptoms are anemia, a decrease in body weight, light-dormant, a change in the color of the teeth;
  • urolithiasis disease. Conductors may have an uneven surface, as a result of which they damage the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Renal colic can be one of the manifestations of urolithiasis;
  • bladder cancer. Immediately, I would like to note that a malignant education can at first absolutely not exercise. A person can lose weight, he can slightly increase body temperature. Next may appear signs of urine delay. Patients may complain about the feeling not until the end of the empty bladder. Then, as a result of the fact that the cancer tumor decomposes, blood and falls into Urin;
  • hyperplaneism. This is a disturbance of the spleen, as a result of which blood tauries quickly disintegrate. Patients develop anemia, and as a result of the accumulation of bilirubin, jaundice appears.

As for the reasons characteristic exclusively for representatives of the fine sex, the following can be attributed to them:

  • erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • bleeding;
  • cystitis;
  • tumors of cervix.

Most diseases with timely and competent diagnosis and treatment are easily eliminated. That is why self-medication in this situation is simply excluded. It is necessary to explain in detail the doctor when an unpleasant symptom appeared, what causes, in your opinion, it was caused. If there were additional symptoms, the deterioration of general well-being, then it should also be informed about it.

With regards to diagnosis, the first, simple and rather informative is the general study of urine. The sediment microscopy will help determine the presence of pathological elements with which dyeing urine is associated. It is clear that treatment directly depends on etiological provocateurs factors. It is necessary to fight not with the symptom itself, but for the reason that it caused. For example, if the red color is caused by intensive physical exertion, then it is necessary to reduce their number.

If an unpleasant symptom is detected, you should not panic immediately, because it is not always to testify about the presence of pathology

If you want to prevent a change in urine color, then simple recommendations should be adhered to. First, you need to be attentive to consumable food, as well as accepted by medicines. This regarding the physiological causes of color change, which relating to the prevention of pathological reasons, then prevent them in the following ways, namely: a balanced diet nutrition, sufficient consumption of pure natural water; Timely visit to the restroom, properly compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, especially after urination and sexual intercourse, preventing supercooling or overheating, as well as the right mode of work and recreation.

Red urine after beet consumption

Most people are confident that urine dye after drinking is a typical and normal situation, there are those who believe that the color change should not occur and this is explained by the presence of some kind of violation in the body. Who is right?

According to experts, it leads to a change in color, not the beet itself, but its juice. The question of the effect of beets on the color of Urin is still being controversial.

Consider the main opinions that are trying to explain the connection of red urine and the use of beets:

  • the first statement lies in the fact that there are disorders from the kidneys, which explains the presence of a red shade;
  • others bind the change in the shade with the presence of dysbacteriosis, in which the natural balance of microflora is disturbed;
  • there is also an opinion that as a result of iron deficiency anemia such a change may occur.

Beet can paint urine in red

Pink urine color

Staining urine in pink color may appear from a completely healthy person and the following food can be caused:

  • beet;
  • with sour urine - black currant, and with alkaline - rhubarb;
  • carrot;
  • blackberry;
  • cherry;
  • availability of dyes in food: lemonade, candy.

As for drugs, such medicines can provoke the appearance of pink urin: aspirin, ibuprofen, rifampicin, etc. The main distinguishing feature of physiological and pathological causes is that, even when the urine changes, it will be transparent and without any impurities, which You will not say about urin with inflammatory and infectious processes.

It may appear in women due to taking oral contraceptives, an irregular menstrual cycle or ovarian dysfunction. The cause can be the pathological processes of the urinary system:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • oncology;
  • injuries;
  • ICD and others.

Gematuria in pregnant women

In pregnant women, the appearance of blood in the urine may appear almost on any period, and this is, for natural reasons, it causes fear of both the woman itself and the doctor who leads it. As practice shows, the red urine in pregnant women is not associated with dangerous reasons, but despite this, when the symptom appears, a woman must pass a survey. Common causes of hematuria during pregnancy are:

  • change of hormonal background;
  • pressure of the uterus on the kidneys and urinary paths;
  • in the later dates, as a result of an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, a breakdown of small veins near the renal cups may occur.

So, if you have an urine of a red shade, you need to first turn your attention to your lifestyle, diet. If you find that we drink a little, the solution of this apparent problem is simple - sufficient fluid consumption. But not always the causes may be so harmless, sometimes the red shade of urine may appear as a result of the infectious process of the urinary system. If you find other alarming symptoms, it is not necessary to engage in self-diagnostics, and it is better to be restrained, to pass analyzes that will help to exclude or confirm the alleged diagnosis. Attentive attitude towards your health, competent and timely approach to treatment is the key to your health!

Experienced doctors know that a red urine in a person is not always a sign of the disease. The reason can be the use of coloring substances. The change in the color of urins occurs due to erythrocyte or free hemoglobin entering it. Often this feature is observed with malignant tumors (cancer).

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    Essence of a phenomenon

    Polish urine is differently called macrohematuria. It happens true and false. In the first case, the red urine is due to the impairment of the function of the urinary organs. False hematuria does not indicate a disease. Color is a qualitative characteristic of urine. Normally, it is straly yellow. Human kidney filter blood plasma. In case of violation of their function, the erythrocytes fall into the urine and stand out.

    The main reasons for redness of Urin are:

    • hemoglobinuria;
    • the presence of stones;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • kidney cancer;
    • malignant urinary bubble tumors;
    • acute and chronic renal failure;
    • porphyry;
    • blood system diseases;
    • ranger injuries;
    • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
    • hydronephrosis;
    • schistosomosis;
    • damage to urethra;
    • pathology of prostate gland.

    In women, a change in urine color is possible during menstruation, in erosion and ectopic pregnancy. Macro Hematuria is most often detected in adults. Urine of reddish color occurs when using medicines (anti-tuberculosis drugs, sulfonamides, laxatives). The cause of false hematuria is dyes and some products. The beetter contains a pigment, which is excreted by the kidneys. When using this product, the color is not only urin, but also the feces.

    Cancer kidney

    Not everyone is known why the urine of red is allocated and how dangerous it is. This symptom is observed with kidney cancer. This is a malignant neoplasm. In recent years, the incidence has significantly increased significantly. This pathology in the structure of general oncological diseases accounts for about 4%.

    Cancer is detected by the advantage in people of old age. Redness of urine against the background of this pathology is most often observed at the age of 60. Men are sick more often. Risk factors are:

    • obesity;
    • smoking;
    • high blood pressure;
    • professional harm;
    • hemodialysis.

    Often, cancer is detected in people in contact with the salts of heavy metals and petroleum products. The risk factors include work in the enterprise for the production of rubber and paper. The main signs of kidney cancer are: macrohematuria, buttering pain at the bottom of the back, subfebrile body temperature, weakness, weight loss, sweating, expansion of veins in the abdomen, swelling.

    Polish urine is observed in most patients. Often the blood is allocated with clots. It happens periodically. In parallel, the attack of the kidney colic is developed. In the later stages of cancer urine acquires the color of meat lesions. This leads to severe anemia. Initially, hematuria disease is not visible to the naked eye.

    Malignant urinary bubble tumors

    The reasons for changing the color of urin can be wounded in the pathology of the bladder. This is observed when cancer. In men, this ailment is on the 5th place in the prevalence among all malignant diseases. People suffer from him mainly at the age of 65-70. The predisposing factors are:

    • stagnation of urine;
    • presence of prostatitis;
    • urethritis;
    • a benign prostatic hyperplasia;
    • diverticuli;
    • schistosomosis;
    • narrowing of urethra;
    • chronic cystitis;
    • long contact with chemicals (amines, phenols).

    The most often diagnosed transition-cell cancer. Polish urine is an early symptom of the disease. The reason is the release of blood from the vessels, which permeated the tumor. In most cases, Urina becomes pink. Often it is bright red. Unlike urolithiasis, there is no pain during micack. The hematuria is combined with frequent or night urination, a decrease in diuresis. Later joins the renal colic. Common symptoms include sleep disorders, moderate fever, weight loss and weakness.

    Manifestations of hydronephrosis

    Grozny kidney disease is hydronephrosis. With it, the urine accumulates. Its discharge is difficult. Hydronephrosis refers to congenital pathology. The prevalence among kids is 2 cases per 1000 people. Often, women are faced with a similar problem during pregnancy.

    The following reasons for the development of hydronephrosis are known:

    • obstruction;
    • congenital developmental abnormalities;
    • ureterocele;
    • urinary reflux;
    • ectopia.

    The main symptoms of the disease are: a change in urin color, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, high pressure, colic. Macro Hematuria is determined by each fifth patient with hydronephrosis. This symptom is combined with pain in the rib-lumbar corner. Often joins the infection. The pyelonephritis develops. If we lose without attention to the change in urine color, there may be hazardous complications in the form of urolithiasis, sepsis, hypertension and chronic renal failure.

    The presence of stones in the kidneys and bubble

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, the redness of urin indicates the presence of a man of urolithiasis. This pathology at which the concrections consisting of salts are formed. The disease occurs in chronic form with frequent relapses. The basis of the appearance of macrohematuria is damage to blood vessels and the ingress of fresh red blood cells in the urine.

    Pretty young people are sick. The predisposing factors include: monotonous menu, incorrect drinking mode, change of medium reaction, lack in the body of vitamins A and B, harmful factors of production, loss of one kidney, hypodynamia, chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis.

    The source of bleeding can be: bubble, kidney parenchyma, urethra and ureters. In most cases, the defeat is one-sided. The main signs of the disease are:

    • hematuria;
    • pump in the urine;
    • pain in the lower back, groove or pubic area;
    • colic.

    In large stones, anorya develops. In 8% of patients after an attack, blood is found in the urine. Urine becomes pink or bright red due to the presence of fresh blood cells. Often, urolithiasis is complicated by pyelonephritis. In this case, the symptoms of intoxication appear.

    Greeting schistosomoz

    Blood in the urine, visible to the naked eye, is a sign of a schistosomosis. This is a disease from the group of trematodosis. The pathogens are blood losers. Schistosomomosis is widespread in Asia, Africa and America. There are about 300 million patients. In the endemic regions, mortality from this pathology is very high.

    Inflammation develops. Amazing predominantly small vessels. Redness of urine most often occurs in the chronic stage of the disease. The following symptoms are observed:

    • terminal or total hematuria;
    • hepatoslenomegaly;
    • vaginal bleeding;
    • weakness;
    • malaise;
    • an increase in lymph nodes;
    • allergy;
    • discomfort during mixing.

    In the absence of treatment, schistosomes leads to inflammation of the genital organs, anemia, narrowing, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, renal failure, stones in the bubble. There is a risk of bubble cancer. The reason is the malignancy of ulcerative defects.

    Renal failure

    The work of the kidneys is to filter blood and cleaning it from the metabolic products and various toxins. First, the primary and then secondary urine is formed. Normally, erythrocytes do not pass through this barrier. In renal failure, this process may violate. Hematuria develops.

    It is manifested by pink or red urine. In the terminal stage of renal failure, Urina becomes similar to meat salts. With urine microscopy, red blood cells are detected. Often the cause of this pathology is glomerulonephritis. With it, the glomerular apparatus is affected by the filtering process.

    The main signs of chronic renal failure are swelling, hematuria, dry skin, reducing the volume of urine deposited up to complete anuria, skin itching, hemorrhage, sleep impairment, reduction in memory, niccountura, increased urea and creatinine. Such people need blood purification using the hemodialysis apparatus. The forecast is unfavorable.

    Polish urine with hemoglobinuria

    The change in the color of Urin is possible due to the presence of erythrocytes in it, but also hemoglobin. The latter is a protein that is contained in red blood cells. With the destruction of red blood cells, it comes out of the vessels. This pathology is called hemoglobinuria. The causes of its development are:

    • congenital erythrocyte membrane defect;
    • bites of poisonous animals and insects;
    • transfusion of incompatible blood;
    • intensive physical work;
    • strong cooling;
    • malaria;
    • syphilis;
    • mononucleosis.

    At the heart of urine dyeing into another color is hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). Urina such people becomes dark brown or reddish color. Additional symptoms include jaundice, an increase in body temperature, pain in joints, weakness and nausea.

    Survey and therapeutic tactics

    It is necessary to know not only the reasons for redness of urin, but also methods of treating patients. Therapy is determined by the main pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are carried out:

    When hydronephrosis is detected, the following groups of drugs can be assigned:

    • diuretics;
    • spasmolytics;
    • narcotic analgesics;
    • NSAIDs;
    • antihypertensive preparations;
    • antibiotics;
    • beta2-adrenomimetics.

    If necessary, plasmapheresis is carried out. In severe cases, operation is required (resection, plastic, bodging, balloon dilatation, endotomy). If a person has autoimmune, hemoglobinuria is shown to receive glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants. In the paroxysmal type of this pathology, iron and anticoagulant drugs are prescribed.

    With hyperplanism, a spleen can be removed. The main method of treating urolithiasis is an operation (stone). Antibiotics prescribed with a preventive purpose. The treatment circuit includes a diet. In the urogenital schistosomes, conservative or radical therapy is possible. In the early stages, biltricyde is prescribed. In the running cases, an operation is performed.

    If the watering of blood is appeared against the background of chronic renal failure, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance, to normalize the pressure using ACE inhibitors and take enterosorbents. Infusional therapy is often carried out. With a pronounced filtering decrease, hemodialysis required.

    The cardinal method of treatment is kidney transplantation. In case of violation of phosphorous calcium exchange, vitamin D preparations are prescribed. Thus, redness of urine is a dangerous symptom. Even with a single episode, it is necessary to refer to the urologist or therapist, as well as undergo a complete examination to clarify the cause of hematuria.

The change in urine color means the appearance of impurities in it, for example, blood. This is called hematuria (literally from Latin "blood in the urine").

Distinguish true and false hematuria. If the blood fell into urine from the kidneys, urinary tract or from genitals, for example, during menstruation, is true hematuria.

There is also false hematuria. In this case, the causes of the appearance of the urine of red in a woman are in the presence of various substances in the urine:

  • some foods - swallows, red berries, food dyes;
  • drugs - phenolphthalein, Fenazopyridine, Nurofen and some others;
  • chemicals present in the urine with other diseases are free hemoglobin, myoglobin, porphyrins, biliary pigments.

What diseases do the urine appear with a red tint in women?

If there is a watering of red in a woman, the reasons should be sought in various pathologies. Consider them in more detail.

Watering a man in the norm should be a light yellow shade. If color changes occur in it, different impurities appear and the smell changes, this may indicate pathological changes in the body.

Blood in the urine (hematuria) is a sign of health problems. In women, it may be a symptom of various inflammatory processes in the urinary sphere, consequence of drug intake, injury. To get rid of this problem, you must pass a thoroughly examination. Only an experienced specialist based on the results of the diagnosis may be appointed effective treatment.

Changes Changes Urin Flowers

Why urine red? More than a hundred pathological conditions may cause such a symptom in women like hematuria. It can be a signal for immediate surgery or a sign of chronic infection, which requires long-term conservative therapy and correction of lifestyle as a whole. Consider the most common states that can cause feminine hematuria.


In women of reproductive age, this is the most common cause of blood in Urin. - Inflammatory process in the bladder. The prevalence of this disease among the women's audience is due to the feature of the structure of the urethra. Pathogenic organisms freely fall into it during sexual intercourse, supercooling, bathing in dirty water. Blood in the urine is often found in the hemorrhagic form of cystitis and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain at the bottom of the abdomen when urine, common malaise.

Gynecological pathology

Blood penetrates the urine directly during the emptying of the bladder due to the very close location of the vagina to the urethra. And if a woman has gynecological diseases, urine can be painted in red.

These pathologies include:

  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • erosion.

On a note! If the cycle is violated, menstrual discharge in Urin may be mistaken for hematuria caused by pathological changes in the body.

Urolithiasis disease

Kidney inflammation

Such inflammatory kidney diseases are accompanied by damage to the vascular walls and the deterioration of the kidney filtering ability. Through them, erythrocytes easily fall into the urethra and in the urine.

Usually, with inflammation, the kidney hematuria is minor. But if the disease occurs hard, macrohematuria may develop. During the urine study, an increased amount of leukocytes and bacteriuria is also detected, which is a sign of inflammation.


Oncological pathologies also cause damage to vascular walls. Often in the urine in the presence of a tumor in urinary tracts, in addition to changing the color, blood clots appear. For a long time, the presence of a neoplary may not be accompanied by any concomitant symptoms. Urination is painless. Weight reduction, temperature rise, residual urine in the bladder can be observed.


This is a genetic disease at which hemoglobin production is disruption. The kidneys filtered porphyrin - the substance preceding the formation of hemoglobin and is derived from the urine outward. The high content of porphyrin can be observed during lead intoxication.

The causes of hematuria can also be:

  • ranger injuries;
  • reception of drugs (hormonal contraceptives, agents with amidopyrin, acetylsalicylic acid).

In some cases, dyeing urin in red is not caused by the presence of diseases, and the use of certain foods:

  • beet;
  • blackberry;
  • raspberries;
  • currant;
  • products with food dyes.

Clinical manifestations

Red blood bodies fall into the urine at different levels. There are 3 forms of hematuria:

  • initial (initial);
  • terminal;
  • total.

Depending on the cause of hematuria, the clinical symptoms accompanying it can be different. The nature of urination and the shade of urine may also differ. If hematuria is false, that is, caused by random items of menstrual blood in the urine or the use of coloring products, then other symptoms are usually not observed.

If there is an inflammatory process of the urinary system, the woman is accompanied by:

  • frequent urination;
  • changing the smell of urin;
  • increased sweating;
  • it is possible to increase the temperature;
  • pain sensations in the abdomen or lower back.

Brown or reddish urine can testify to the source of bleeding high in the kidneys. Bright scarlet color is possible with stones in the bladder, the infection of the urethra.

If the problem is in the urethra, blood, as a rule, becomes visible at the very beginning of emptying. If hematuria is observed during the entire process of urination, then the reason for the problem should be sought in the kidneys.

Without the necessary surveys, it is very difficult to determine the cause of hematuria, since it can accompany many diseases.


When dyeing urin in red do not need to panic. It does not always be hazardous to health. It is necessary to contact the nephrologist, (possibly to the gynecologist), which will appoint all the necessary research to form a proper diagnosis.

Diagnostic manipulations:

  • general clinical tests of urine and blood;
  • , in Nechiporenko;
  • studies of smears;
  • Ultrasound organs of the urogenital system;
  • CT, MRI.

Learn about possible complications after and about the rules for conducting the procedure.

About how to make a tincture of nine for kidney and how to make it written to the page.

At the address, read about what the kidney cyst in wives is dangerous and what to do so that the education resolves on their own.

Effective treatment methods

Depending on the disease, which caused hematuria in women, the doctor may assign conservative or operational treatment methods. If necessary, you may need to consult other specialists.

Drug therapy is assigned to cystitis, which consists of several groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics (cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones);
  • uroantisaptics (NitroColin, Fourosag, Furadonin).

Inflammatory kidney processes (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) require drug treatment, which includes a whole complex of medicines, physiotherapy, lifestyle correction. The purpose of certain methods of treatment depends on the form of the disease, its gravity and causes.

Urolithiasis, in which traumatization of the walls of the bladder and ureters of stones occurs, it is recommended to treat surgically. The most efficient and safe method is (lithotripsy). Tumors and cysts, in which blood gets into the urine is eliminated, only quickly.

In most cases, the presence of diseases of the urinary sphere is a prerequisite for the correction of nutrition and drinking regime, the refusal of bad habits and products that contribute to the exacerbation of the pathological process. With different diseases, the singularities may differ. Therefore, a list of permitted and prohibited products, their daily rate of use must be adjusted by a specialist.

Preventive measures

Blood can acquire a red tint for various reasons and completely exclude the possibility of hematuria is impossible. But it is possible to reduce the risk of this phenomenon if you follow some recommendations. First of all, you need to protect your body from inflammatory processes of the urogenital system, which become frequent causes of hematuria.

Specialist advice:

  • eat right;
  • drink enough clean water;
  • on time to empty the bladder;
  • do not overcohe
  • monitor the hygiene of the genitals;
  • do not use medication without appointing a doctor;
  • avoid stress and excessive physical exertion;
  • do not allow a sedentary lifestyle.

Urine of red in women can talk about various changes in the work of the body. This may be like coloring the color of Urin due to the reception of some drugs or the use of products and the symptom of serious diseases that require immediate intervention. It is impossible to diagnose yourself. The first manifestations of hematuria should alert and become a reason to appeal to a specialist. The earlier it is to detect the cause of red urine, the higher the chance to get rid of the problem faster.

How to form urine in the body? What diseases can there be a red urine in women? Useful information from a specialist in the next video: