Lapbuk do it yourself on a kindergarten. How to make a Lapbuk. Master Class. What will be needed for the manufacture of a Lapp

Lappbook (English Lapbook) - an interactive folder for children on a given topic. This section contains examples of manufacturing and master classes with step-by-step photographs of homemade folding books on all lexical topics.

What is behind the fashionable word Lapbuch - teachers are divided by work and experience. Homemade Piggy Bank and Treasury Books. How to make a labbook? All stages - from idea to embodiment. Topics for Lapps and examples of finished work.

Maam-Lapbuk. Ready templates for printing

On our website Maam.

Publications with photos of homemade Lapps from educators and teachers Maam

Contained in sections:
  • Books and books do it yourself. Homemade, babes, tactile
Includes sections:

Publications are shown 1-10 of 4386.
All sections | Lapp. Interactive folder

July 3 - Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, two years ago I published lapbuk"My homeland is the Republic of Belarus" https : //www..html time passed and I made a new lapbukBy adding a variety of games and gaming ...

This leptbook made with your own hands, a good helper for working with children 3-6 years. It consists of several parts. On the cover two pockets in which you can put pictures on any of your topic. I used pictures on the topic "Spring". The inner part of the leptback consists ...

Lapp. Interactive folder - master class "Using a Lapbuka in the process of the development of mathematical representations from preschoolers"

Publication "Master Class" Using a Lapbuka in the Development Process ... " In order to meet modern requirements, teachers of the preschool educational organization must be constantly learn, engage in self-education, improve their level of professional competence. So, it is important for educating us to learn to adequately react to ...

Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

Consultation for teachers "What is Lapbuk?" According to the new requirements and learning goals, which are marked in GEF to, kindergarten educators need to look for and implementing new interactive and more efficient methodological means and techniques that contribute to the practice of their work.

Lapbuk "Entertaining Mathematics". The development of elementary mathematical ideas is the extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development of the preschooler. Games with mathematical content are developing logical thinking, cognitive interests, creative ...

Municipal pre-school educational institution Kindergarten combined species No. 1 Belinsky Explanatory note is relevance. The speech of the child is an indicator of its development. A good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive full-fledged development of children, this is the key to a successful ...

Lapp. An interactive folder - an abstract Node using a Lapbuka from the MAAM site in the preparatory group on the topic "Water"

Purpose: - improve the presentation of children about the diverse properties of water, draw their attention to the fact that even such a familiar object, like water, is in itself a lot of unknown, interesting. Education area: "Cognition" - to promote accumulation in children of concrete ...

What is Lapbuk?

In essence, the Lapbuk is a folder or mini-book in which knowledge is systematized for some topic. Threads can be like wide ("mathematics", "weather", "Sport") and narrow ("cats", "snow", "apples"). In such a book, many pockets and converters containing the necessary systematized material (including illustrative) for studying and consolidating knowledge on the topic.

Lapbooks help quickly and effectively learn new information and consolidate studied in enormiture form. These thematic benefits have bright decoration, a clear structure and ideally being developed specifically under a specific child with its level of knowledge. Collective "thematic folders are also common - Lapbuki in kindergartens and schools - manufactured by educators and teachers.

The optimal age of the child for the start of classes with thematic folders is 5 years. The ideal option of making the thematic folder - together with the child, then it remembers the information in the process of creating a labbook. In the course of working with thematic material, the child conducts observations, performs tasks, studies and fixes the impnformation. Subsequently, having a finished thematic folder at hand, a child can refresh his knowledge on a particular topic.

LapBook is the final result of collaboration with children on a particular topic. Its manufacturing must be preceded by thematic classes and games, discussion and discussing complex issues, fulfilling tasks. In this case, the child will be ready to make the thematic folder with you, and it will actually fulfill its role as a fixing, systematizing didactic and game benefit.

Varieties of thematic folders

Depending on the purpose:

  • training;
  • gaming;
  • congratulatory, festive;
  • autobiographical (folder-report on some important event in the child's life: travel, hike in circus, vacation leisure, etc.)

Depending on the form:

  • standard book with two reversals;
  • folder with 3-5 reversals;
  • garmoshka book;
  • figured folder.

Organization of material:

  • standard pockets;
  • ordinary and curly envelopes;
  • harmonic pockets;
  • book pockets;
  • windows and doors;
  • rotating parts;
  • drawing parts;
  • cards;
  • tags;
  • arrows;
  • puzzles;
  • clean sheets for notes, etc.

How to make a lapbook with your own hands?

The process of manufacturing a labbook is incredibly exciting. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard base (cardboard folder or tight paper sheet A3 format);
  • paper (white, color, paper for scrapbooking with different colors and texture);
  • printer and / or handles, pencils, markers, paints;
  • ordinary and curly scissors;
  • glue and / or tape;
  • stapler;
  • decorative elements as necessary (buttons, sequins, brides, suspension, clips, dried leaves, stickers cut from logs thematic pictures, etc.)

Ready-made thematic templates for Lapps and pockets for them, which can be downloaded for free or for a symbolic fee on the network, is the best option for newbies. However, you can try to do and something original. Believe me, it's not so difficult - the main thing, start and captivated by the process.

Decide the theme of its folder. If you make a laspuk for preschoolers, then the themes and materials for them should be elementary, for schoolchildren you can choose the material more complicated. In addition, if you do the Lapbuk not for the team, but for one child, do not forget to navigate it: what themes need to be learning or secured, as far as the child is promoted in a particular topic. Meet your child, what topic he would like to choose the material and make a folder.

Create the basis of the thematic folder. There are three main options: basic, basic with the addition of 1-2 extensions and dual base. Manufacturing such the foundations detachedly shown enople:

Basic Basics for Lapp
Basic Basics with extensions
Dual Basic Basic Option for Lapp

Place which information on the selected topic will contain your folder. Draw several approximate layouts on a simple sheet or in Word (Painte or Designer Program), select the optimal option for posting the necessary information. Think out what kind of your pockets will have (bottom) and how information will be organized in them. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of a labbook. At this stage, the child can join.

Engage on the thematic folder gradually: one lesson is one task. Come up with a convenient place to store manufactured materials. Interesting ideas and fruitful joint classes with children!

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution - Kindergarten"Tullukchaan-from"

Municipal District, Verkhnevilyu Ulus (district) RS (I)


"Lapbuk as a type of adult and children's joint activities."

art. Educator MBDOU "Tullukchan -OT"

Table of contents:


    What is Lapbuk?

    How to make a labbook?



In order to meet modern requirements, teachers of a preschool educational organization must be constantly learn, engage in self-education, improve their level of professional competence. So it is important for them to learn how to adequately respond to taking place in the field of education, to be able to work in a team of like-minded people, competently and efficiently organize educationally - Educational work with pupils, effectively build partnerships with their parents to solve educational tasks, independently carry out the selection of education and adapt it, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the children of a specific group, focusing on the requirements of the GEF of pre-school education.

In connection with the introduction of the GEF of pre-school education, each teacher is looking for new approaches, ideas in their pedagogical activities. So we started studying and use in our work a completely new, interesting indispensable methodological manual - Lapbuk. It can be used both in kindergarten and at home. Lapbuch is interesting and useful in what together adult and children are doing it.

Relevance This topic is that Lapbuk is a great way to consolidate and repetition of the materials of the project or the thematic week.


About dating teachers with a new type of joint activity, Creating a Lapbuka in kindergarten.


    Study of materials about the Lappboard;

    Creating schemes, pockets, the choice of theme, materials;

    Practical application in pedagogical activities

    Organization of exhibitions, master class

    What is Lapbuk?

Lapbuk (lapbook.) - in the literal translation from English means "cast book" (lap -knees, book- Book). This is such a small homemade folder that the child can conveniently decompose on his knees and at is its contents. But, despite the seeming simplicity, it contains all the necessary materials. on this topic.

Lapbuk - relatively new learning tool.For the first time, the Americans began to create Labuki.Lapbuk is a folding book with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and movable details, in which materials are placed on one topic. This is a great way to consolidate a certain topic with schoolchildren and kids, comprehend the content of the book, conduct research work, in the process of which the child participates in the search, analysis and sorting of information.

Lapbuk usually looks like interactivethe book, information in which is represented in the form of opening windows, removing and unfolding leaves and other funny parts. They, on the one hand, are designed to attract the interest of the child to the folder itself. And the sided side is an excellent way to file all available information in compact form.

    How to make a labbook?

LappBook consists of a folder of the A3 format, which is pasted by pockets, clamshell books, windows and other details with visual information on the topic of Lapbuka: from interesting games to vocabulary and large number of internet information filed.

To make a Lapbuk will need:

1. Printed Labuk templates or independently draw a template. To do this, it is good to use color paper for printers - then the folder turns out color and colorful;

2. L East Dense Paper A3 or 2 Sheet A4 For the manufacture of the folder itself. For this, any cardboard folder will suit. Traditionally, Lapbukov folders are made with bivalves, opening in opposite sides. They are very easy to make thick paper.

After that, the folder from the inside should stick sheets for the background. Outside the cover is covered with colored paper and decorated at your own discretion. For example, a winter folder can be decorate with snowflakes, at the same time it will be the first task - make snowflakes.

3. N Ezhanship, adhesive pencil, color pencils, markers, multicolored handles, tape;

4. B is an enribunity fantasy.

    The value and application of the Lapbuka in kindergarten.

Lapbukhelps a child at wisdom to organize information on the topic studied and it is better to understand and remember the material (especially if the child visual). Adult visuals such a form of study will also like. This is a great way to repetitive. At any convenient time, the child simply opens Lapbuk and gladly repeats the traveled, looking at the book made by its own hands. Lapbuck is well suited for training in groups where children of different ages are simultaneously trained.You can choose the tasks for each (for kids - pockets with cards or animal figures, for example, and senior children - tasks implying the ability to write, etc.) and make such a collective book. The creation of a Lapp is one of the types of joint activities of adults and children. And maybe another form of presentation of the project or the thematic week. In the future R.ebenok will learn how to assemble and organize information - good preparation for writing abstracts and courses.

In an interactive thematic folder "Yakutia- our republic"which we together with the children will be made will be stored materials of classes about their republic Sakha (Yakutia).


On the cover of our Lapbuka, we were glued with the coat of arms, the flag of our republic and Aal Luha Mas (sacred tree), symbolizing the folk epic Olonkho. (Fig.1)

This folder is shitted from 9 educational elements. (Fig.2)


2). The book is the harmonica "trees and shrubs that grow in our republic." It serves to enrich the knowledge of the child on the circumstances of his republic.

3). "Minerals of Yakutia". Children tell about the minerals of the republic, where and how they are produced, what they are made, etc. Schematic drawings of children we placed in a convective in the form of a hexagon in the Origami technique.

Pictures of the Republic of the Republic - Borisova EA are placed in the center of the folder. And the capital of Yakutsk.

four). "The arms of the districts and cities of the republic", the cards are placed in the envelope. Children should know the emblem of their area, the capital and other cities of Yakutia. What is the famous city (district).

five). The developing element "Yakut ornament" will help the child not only correctly call patterns, but also prepare for writing. Children sample draw patterns.

6). Minister "Riddles in verses" to guess the riddles of wild animals of Yakutia. It is designed to train memory and consistency. Each page has a mystery with replies (8 riddles).

7). Pictures "What is our republic?" We have the most severe frosts, a long winter, "Pole of the Cold", a Yakut horse that is not afraid of harsh frosts, musical instrument "Homus", dance dance "Osuahai". The story on the pictures is a task to develop a connected speech.

8) "Map of Yakutia", which we took from Chuorakyk's children's magazine. Children should find their area (city), what is drawn on the coat of arms? What is the famous area? For example, the task is "Find the city where your brother is learning."

nine). "Ware and Beresta dishes" - from what and how did Yakutskaya utensils are made? What decorated? What are they intended for? Baby can draw himself.


There are a lot of information in our small book-aslant in our small book in a very attractive and interesting form. But everyone can make it in its own way and most importantly with children. Children are very careful about the product of their creativity and are proudly told and show it.

Implementation of our project"Lapbuk as a type of adult and children's joint activity includes three stages:

- at the preparatory stage Teachers studied materials about Lapbuka from the Methodological Journal "Pre-school Education", from the site "It's interesting!" (Tavika .ru);

- the main stage - this is the creation of a Lapp "Yakutia is our republic, which consists of 9 educational elements.

- on the final The stage is planning to organize the exhibition of joint works of educators, parents and children on various topics. For example, "Seasons", "Our Family", etc.

Held a master-class at the district competition of pedagogical skill "Senior Educator -2015" on the topic "Lapbuch", which was very interested in the teachers of the district.

Thus, during the implementation of this project managedo Meet teachers with a new type of joint activity, Make a Lapbuk in kindergarten "Yakutia - our republic."

Such an unusual feeding of material must attractthe attention of the child, and it will not return to this folder to this folder, to Polyte, play it, and at the same time, imperceptibly for itself, repeat the material passed.

Lapbuk (Lepbuche, Lap - knees, book - book). If you translate literally, then lapbuk is a book on the knees. You can often find other names: thematic folder, interactive folder, project folder. But the essence comes down to the fact that the Lapbuk is a homemade interactive folder with pockets, mini-books, windows, movable details, inserts that the child can get, shift, folded at their discretion. It collects material for some particular topic.

Lapbuk is not only a powerful reference tool and a special form of organizing educational material, it is, first of all, the basis of the partner project activity of an adult with children (teacher with pupils, parent with a child). The base of the Labuk is created by the teacher and is complemented, improved with the children and their parents. As a result of this work, you have a perfectly developed research project.

Lapbooks help quickly and effectively learn new information and consolidate studied in enormiture form. These thematic benefits have bright decoration, a clear structure and ideally being developed specifically under a specific child with its level of knowledge.

Form of occupation

LapBook is the final result of collaboration with children on a particular topic. Its manufacturing should be preceded by thematic classes and games, discussing complex issues, fulfilling tasks. In this case, the child will be ready to make the thematic folder with you, and it will actually fulfill its role as a fixing, systematizing didactic and game benefit.

Lapbuki can be done both individually and on a group lesson. In the case of working with a group of children, two options are possible: either the teacher distributes tasks between students, and together they collect and fill one folder. Either the teacher shows a master class, and children with it make each copy of the folder.

The ideal option of making the thematic folder - together with the child, then it remembers the information in the process of creating a labbook. In the course of working with thematic material, the child conducts observations, performs tasks, studies and enshrines information. Subsequently, having a finished thematic folder at hand, a child can refresh his knowledge on a particular topic.

The size of the finished Lapbuka.standard de facto worldwide - folder A4 folded and A3 in the open form.
This size is ideal that the child can work independently with Lapply: keep it in hand, write and perform tasks in it, and after classes put a folder on the shelf or put in the portfolio.

Varieties of thematic folders

Depending on the purpose:
  • training;
  • gaming;
  • congratulatory
  • festive;
  • autobiographical (folder-report on some important event in the child's life: travel, hike in circus, vacation leisure, etc.)
Depending on the form:
  • standard book with two reversals;
  • folder with 3-5 reversals;
  • garmoshka book;
  • figured folder.

Organization of material:

  • standard pockets;
  • ordinary and curly envelopes;
  • harmonic pockets;
  • book pockets;
  • windows and doors;
  • rotating parts;
  • drawing parts;
  • cards;
  • tags;
  • arrows;
  • puzzles;
  • clean sheets for notes, etc.

Why do you need a Lapbuk?

  1. He helps a child at wisdom to organize information on the topic studied and better understand and remember the material (especially if your child visual). Adult visuals such a form of study will also like.
  2. This is a great way to repetitive. At any convenient time, the child simply opens Lapbuk and gladly repeats the traveled, looking at the book made by its own hands.
  3. The child will learn to assemble and organize information on their own - good preparation for writing abstracts and courses.
  4. Lapbuk is well suited for classes in groups, where children of different ages are trained at the same time. You can choose a job for everyone (for kids - pockets with cards or animal figures, for example, and senior children - tasks implying the ability to write, etc.) and Make such a collective book.
  5. The creation of a Lapp is one of the types of joint activities of adults and children. And maybe another form of presentation of the project or the thematic week.

How to make a lapbook with your own hands?

For this you need the following materials:

  • cardboard base (cardboard folder or tight paper sheet A3 format);
  • paper (white, color, paper for scrapbooking with different colors and texture);
  • printer and / or handles, pencils, markers, paints;
  • ordinary and curly scissors;
  • glue and / or tape;
  • stapler;
  • decorative elements as necessary (buttons, sequins, brides, suspension, clips, dried leaves, stickers cut from logs thematic pictures, etc.)

Ready templates Pockets for Lapps that can free download - The best option for newbies.

However, you can try to do and something original.

1. We start with the topic of the topic.

The theme of the Lapbuka can be any:

  • interesting events taking place with the child;
  • hobbies of children;
  • themes of the week;
  • literary works;
  • multiplication heroes, etc.

Themes can be both common and private. For example, you can make a common labbook on the topic "Insects". And you can take some particular insect and in Lapply give detailed information about it.

If you make a laspuk for preschoolers, then the themes and materials for them should be elementary, for schoolchildren you can choose the material more complicated. In addition, if you do the Lapbuk not for the team, but for one child, do not forget to navigate it: what themes need to be learning or secured, as far as the child is promoted in a particular topic. Meet your child, what topic he would like to choose the material and make a folder.

2. Plan.

After we chose the topic, you need to take paper and handle and write a plan. After all, Lapbuk is not just a picture book. Therefore, you need to think that it should include in my senses to fully reveal the topic. And for this you need a plan that you want to tell in this folder.

3. Creating a layout.

Now you have to come up with how each of the points of the plan will be presented in the Lapbuka. That is, draw the layout. There are no borders for fantasy: the form of representation can be any. From the simplest, to games and developing tasks. And all this is placed on different elements: in pockets, notes, mini-books, accordion books, rotating circles, converters of different forms, etc.

How to create a folder? 3 options

Exists three main options: Basic, basic with the addition of 1-2 extensions and dual base.

Production of such baselies is shown in detail in the pictures:

Draw several approximate layouts on a simple sheet or Word (Paint or Designer Program), select the optimal option for posting the necessary information.

Think out what kind of your pockets will have (bottom) and how information will be organized in them.

Templates for Lapbuka.

Now you can proceed to the manufacture of a labbook. At this stage, the child can join. Engage on the thematic folder gradually: one lesson is one task.

This form of work helped the teachers to create conditions for supporting the children's initiative and creativity in the group. In the process of observation, the teacher learns that the child does with great interest. In the process of such creativity, the child becomes not only the creator of his own book, but also a designer, an artist-illustrator, writing of his own stories, mysteries, poems. Such an exciting form of work creates conditions for the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of the child.

"Lapbuka Passport"

Passport as a document determines the composition and value of the Lapp content, i.e. "Lapbuka's passport" is a complete description of the tasks, materials and games, the rules that are part of the Lapp. A good additions are drawings of pages or photos of finished, inserted into the passport.


  • Lapbuk as the newest way to systematize knowledge
  • Examples of Lapps on
  • Shop Lapbukov
  • Lepbuk "Gray Voron"
  • Examples of Lapbukov
  • The Biggest List of FREE Homeschool Lapbooks - Ever!
  • Lapbooks.
  • Totbookstotpacksall


Flap Books.


Petal Books.

Graduated / Layer Books

Shutterfold, shutterflap, shuttertied


Lapbuk - an exclusive invention from the United States. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis subject is extremely interesting. The essence is to teach children with a variety of pictures and drawings. It is quite easy to make a lapbook with your own hands, you can download the templates for free by reference at the end of this article.

And to begin with, I propose to understand more about what kind of invention, how to create it better.

A variety and purpose of the Lapp

In order for our kid to know the world invented a variety of things: books, toys, applications on tablets and smartphones, computer programs. Also for these purposes, many people make video clips on YouTube, where they tell children about various subjects and train their arithmetic, spelling and other ways to prepare children to kindergarten, and then to the younger school classes. You can watch videos, buy expensive games and applications, and you can make a learning item with your own hands! Today it will be discussed just about the second embodiment for perfected and hardworking.

Lapbuk is a folder created from cardboard inside which different sizes of pockets. They can invest photos, visual drawings and appliqués. Such feed will help to take a lesson with a child in a visual understandable form, and cause child interest.

Lappbuck can be narrowly directed specialized in some science, for example, by ecology, in mathematics, on the development of speech, CMD, traffic rules. The goal of the Lapp is that the baby learned something new, so the Lapbuk for the younger group and early age can be created according to taught, wild animal or insect. My family, my city, Lapbuch on security, music, vegetables - for children of 4 years, kids and preparatory group is also popular.

Examples of Lapbukov

So, you have prepared all the materials, showed all your fantasy on pictures, numbers, and you can safely begin the manufacture of a Lapbuka, which is quite simple to make it yourself, pushing out of our examples available for downloading below.

Example of a laspk folder plan to the first September: we need to introduce a baby with the names of school items; Conduct with the help of pictures a conversation about the rules of behavior; Share how to collect a portfolio; a few useful proverbs (exclusively for the development of lexicon); And most importantly - to tell about the way to school and back home, if the child will walk without parents.

In general, Lapbuk can be divided into several varieties:

  1. Festive.
  2. For study.
  3. Designed to tell with the help of pictures a brief autobiography of a child.
  4. Make an original gift (by the way, musical accompaniment will be a huge plus).

Forms and appearance

If we talk about the form of a Lapbuk, your creativity will play a considerable role: as a result, a simple book can be obtained with an original idea, folders of different geometric shapes and many other forms. Creating a Lapbuch folder, you teach your baby to the perfection, it develops imagination and child gets used to accuracy.

With the help of this game, the child will learn the alphabet, numbers, geographical location of countries, it will develop logical thinking, and soon you will see the interest of knowing the new. Think, create, show your fantasy and create masterpieces for the development of your child. Believe me, you will be interested in your baby and in the future you will make a lapbook folder together. The fact of joint creativity will be even more useful to children.