Lemon is the best tool for strengthening the nails. Lemon - Effective and inexpensive Means for the health and beauty of nails

Each woman dreams of beautiful and healthy nails. But cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and other homework adversely affect the state of the nail plate. It becomes fragile and breaking. It is possible to improve your nails with the help of submitted means. One of them is lemon.

What is useful for a lemon for nails

Nails as well as hair and skin require constant care, since the nail plate is most exposed to an aggressive environment: detergents, hot water, poor-quality lacquers, etc.

Lemon is able to strengthen, whiten, moisturize the nails, and also give them shine

So that the notes look healthy, it is necessary to stick to balanced nutrition saturated with vitamins and minerals. And to strengthen them will help lemon, which contains vitamins A, E, D. Especially much is in it vitamin C and copper. All these components contribute to the synthesis of collagen, which is the main structural protein, which ensures the strength of all tissues, including nails. In the composition of fruit there are many also organic acids that are able to eliminate some diseases.

It affects the nail plate as follows:

  • strengthens;
  • cleans;
  • makes elastic;
  • whitens;
  • gives shine;
  • moisturizes;
  • provides skin-sparing skin around the nail;
  • it has therapeutic effects (eliminates fungus).

Cosmetic care

Before you use a lemon to care for nails, you should remember that it is impossible to use fruit or juice from it daily, because the acids in the citrus can be cut into the nail plate, which will lead to the opposite effect - it will become fragile and breaking.

The course is 2-3 months. During this time, the marigold will not only be strengthened, but will noticeably be thrown away.


Among the recreational activities are the most popular baths.



  • fresh lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • warm water (38-40 ° C) - 200 ml.

Juice must be mixed with water. In the bath, you can additionally add lemon slices. dip in the resulting makeup fingers and keep them for 20 minutes.

The nail bath with lemon allows you to strengthen the nail plate

Salt baths for laying nails


  • half juice of lemon;
  • warm water (38-40 ° C) - 250 ml;
  • sea salt without dyes - 3 tbsp. l.

Sea salt should be stirred in water, add lemon juice and hold the fingertips in the bath for 10-15 minutes in the bath.

Whitening acetic


  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water (38-40 ° C) - 100 ml.

All components are mixed. In the resulting composition you need to load the marigold for 10 minutes.

Milk for growth


  • half juice of lemon;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple juice - 1 tsp;
  • sea salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Honey dissolve in warm milk (38-40 ° C), add sea salt and apple and lemon juices. Immerse your hands in the resulting composition for 20 minutes. To accelerate the growth of nails, the bath can be repeated 2 times a week.

Oil from fragile


  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon essential oil - 2 drops.

Olive oil warm in water bath up to 38-40 ° C, add juice and lemon essential oil to it. Immerse in the resulting finger fingers for 15 minutes. After that, the residues of the mixture do not flush, but to bite the napkin.

Oil bath for nails with lemon saturates nail beds with essential nutritional components

Iodine for weakened nail plates


  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • iodine - 3 drops;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • glycerin - 100 g

All ingredients need to mix and obtain the mixture to heat up to 38-40 ° C. Lower the tips of the fingers for 15 minutes.


For strengthening and gloss

You need to take a lemon, cut it into two halves and immerse the tips of the fingers into the flesh. The duration of such a mask is 10 minutes. You can simply apply 1-2 drops of lemon juice to each marigold and rub it up to complete drying.

Nails will be strengthened, will be thrown off, get a healthy shine when using a lemon mask

Nutrient honey mask


  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp.

Ingredients to mix. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails and wash in 10 minutes.

Restoring with aloe and cucumber

This mask effectively restores damaged nails after removing the extensive. Ingredients:

  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • aloe juice - 1 tsp;
  • cucumber juice - 1 tsp.

Ingredients mix among themselves. The resulting composition is applied to the nails using a brush. Every 5 min. The mixture should be applied again. After a complete drying of the last layer, the mask must be washed and use the cream.

Other lemon uses


To strengthen the nail plate, you can use the zest. With its help follows for 1-2 minutes. Masse each nail. Massage can be done daily. The nail at the same time is saturated with nutritional components. In addition, during the massage, blood flow to the tips of the fingers is enhanced, which also contributes to the improvement of the nail plate.

Using cream

To care for marigolds, you can use the usual hand cream and lemon juice. You need to add 2-3 drops of juice into a single portion of the cream, stir and carefully launched into each nail.

Using hands cream with the addition of lemon juice has gained its popularity due to effectively effect and convenience when applying

Treatment Fungi Nail Lemon

Onychomicosis is a damage to the fungus nail plates on hand and legs. But much more often the disease amazes the nails on the legs, and the shoes of the leatherette, socks from the synthetic thread, non-compliance with hygiene contributes to this.

Organic acids included in lemon reduce the fungus colony and destroy it. Lemonic acid has antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Before applying the procedures, the leg must prepare: it is recommended to make a hot foot bath (40-45 ° C) for 10-15 minutes. On 2 liters of water you need to take 1 tbsp. l. liquid economic soap and 1 tbsp. l. soda. After the bath, the legs need to wipe the dry towel, and the softening horny layer is removed with a sawmill. As a result, the penetration of active ingredients in the depth of the nail bed is much facilitated.

Lemon compress

For treatment, it will take a lemon and socks with fingers or gloves for hands (depends on the class where the fungus appeared). To your feet you need to wear socks (or on hands - gloves) and to each nail plate, affected by fungus, attach a piece of citrus. This procedure should be done for the night. In the morning, the nail will become soft and pliable, which allows you to additionally eliminate some lesion foci. The course of such treatment lasts 8-10 days.

Use of socks with fingers makes it easier for lemon compress procedure

We treat chitrus mask's marigold

In this case, it is necessary to squeeze lemon juice and rub it into the sick nail within 15-20 minutes. Treatment should be done every day for 1-2 weeks.

Recipe with turmeric and lemon juice

Turmeric is distinguished by antiseptic properties, so it holds back the spread and reproduction of the fungus.

To prepare therapeutic composition you will need:

  • kurkuma - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 4-5 drops.

Ingredients mix to the state of the cassel, apply it to the patient to nail, and on top to impose a bandage. Initially, the procedure lasts 15 minutes. Then the exposure time can be increased to 30 minutes. Treatment is repeated daily. The therapeutic course is 1-2 weeks.

Bath with vinegar

Here you need to take:

  • half juice of lemon;
  • table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water (38-40 ° C) - 0.5 liters.

All components must be mixed. Nails should be kept in this solution for 10 minutes. It is recommended to use acetic bath until the new healthy nail will occupy.

How to cure legs to the tool with iodine

Iodine is quite effectively fighting the nail fungus. This is due to its high bactericidal properties.


  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • iodine - 3 drops.

The listed components should be mixed. With the help of a cotton wand you need to thoroughly rub the resulting mask in the nail, especially in its base. 20 minutes later. Remove tools remove napkin. The procedure is recommended to be done every day for 1-2 weeks.

Composition with tea tree oil

The tea tree oil is famous for the fact that it prevents the multiplication of the pathogenic microflora and contributes to its destruction.

Hello, dear readers. Probably every woman dreams of healthy and strong nails. How to strengthen the nails at home? Today we will talk about what the lemon for nails is useful, as well as how to whiten and strengthen the nails lemon. My manicure master recently advised me to use lemon for nails for treatment. How? Let's talk about this in more detail.

On the blog I already have an article ""? In the article I share recipes to strengthen the nails, I recommend you to read it.

Our nails, like the skin of the face, hair, need extra care and vitamins. Balanced nutrition, consumption of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and seafood, as it can not be suitable in order to restore damaged nails. In addition to the power to bleach, the usual lemon will fit the strengthening of the nails. What is this miracle tool and how can lemon be useful for nails?

What is useful for a lemon for nails

  • Lemon strengthens the nail plate and carefully cares for the skin around the nail.
  • Lemon and lemon juice perfectly whitens the nail plate.
  • Lemon makes a nail plate with an elastic, cleans and gives shine.
  • Lemon feeds, softens, moisturizes.
  • Lemon contains vitamin A, E, D, with, which makes the skin of hand gently and smooth and prevents nail separation.

Important! You should not use lemon or lemon juice daily, as it can cut the nail plate. Use lemon for nails or bath with lemon once a week. Results you will notice after the first procedure.

If the skin around the nail began the oven, as the lemon, due to the content of the acid in it, can irritate the skin around the nail, then, wash the lemon juice with warm water. In such cases, the use of lemon for nails will have to abandon.

It is best to use lemon to use a course, that is, once a week, 2-3 months. This will allow and strengthen and whiten your marigolds.

Nail Baths with Lemon

If you break down, the nails are laying, then it is best to "give a rest" from varnishes. Also before using lemon for nails and baths with lemon, nail polish should be removed. I usually use liquid for removing varnish without acetone.

After applying the lemon juice, the oven can oven, but I use the lemon juice for the nails constantly, the fingers are absolutely not baked. Perhaps you have in your hands there are wounds or microcracks, in this case, acidic juice can cause discomfort when entering the wound.

Bath with lemon, iodine and sea salt.

To strengthen the nails, it can be used once a week such a bath. You need to add a teaspoon of sea salt on a glass of water, three drops of iodine and three spoons of lemon juice. In such a bath, 10 minutes lower fingertips.

When you make a manicure add to the bath with warm water a little lemon juice. At the same time, the skin near the nails is well softened and easily removed.

Strengthening. Treatment. Whitening nail lemon

Oil bath with lemon for brittle and thin nails.

For the preparation of the bath, we need to mix several spoons of olive oil with a teaspoon of lemon juice. If you do not have olive oil, you can replace it with some other oil, on the extreme case with sunflower oil, but it is better to use olive. A mixture of oil and lemon need to warm in a water bath, so that the mixture was warm, but not hot. Lower the tips of the fingers into the oil mixture and keep about 15 minutes.

Surplus oil from nails can be removed with a napkin. Such an oil bath for nails can be done once a week.

Lemon for dull nails.

If your nails have a yellowish shade, look dull, then there is a great remedy that puts the shine to the nails and help whiten the nails.

To do this, it is enough to squeeze the juice from the lemon and put in the container with the lemon the tips of the fingers for 10 minutes. You can simply rub the lemon juice into the nail, and you can apply the lemon slices to the nail plates for 10 minutes. At the end of the hand procedure, you can lubricate with nutritional cream.

I recently opened Shea Oil (Carite). Perfectly nourishes the skin of the hands. I just take a piece of oil and lubricate your hands. Even for the face I use this oil as a night cream. You can read everything in the Oil in the article "Shea Oil (Carite)".

I usually cut off the lemon slice and rub the lemon juice into every marigold, after the procedure, I nano on my hands. So I fly my nails after shellac. In the summer I decided not to use varnishes, I gave to a relaxed nails.

Lemon zest for nails.

In addition to lemon juice and lemon nails, it is possible to use the lemon zest, which is rich in essential oils, vitamins and helps us in the treatment of nails.

Slices of lemon zesto need to apply to the nails and each nail massaging lemon zest within a few minutes.

Bath with sea salt and lemon juice.

To prepare a bath, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of warm water, a couple of lemon juice spoons add and lowered the fingertips for 10 minutes.

You can mix a couple of pinch juices with two teaspoons of lemon juice. Such a mixture must be rubbed into each marigold, leave for 10 minutes, wash off with water and apply nutritious cream.

Honey with lemon for nails.

Vitamin nail cocktail can be prepared mixing lemon juice with honey in equal proportions. This mixture is rubbed into each nail, leave for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water and lubricate your hands with a nutrient cream.

Also share with you a video, the transmission fragment "Everything will be fine", a mask for strengthening and growing nails.

The best effect of lemon, essential oil of this fruit and juice, according to experts, can only be achieved by combining it with other natural products, which also contribute to the strengthening of the nails. This products can be attributed to, for example, honey, iodine, olive oil. And now we will give some recipes for nails with lemon, they will make your nails with beautiful, healthy and shiny.

Lemon based nail baths: Recipes

Recipe 1. It is necessary to take 2 teaspoons of a cook or sea salt, a third of a glass of lemon juice, as much water and 4 drops of iodine. Water should be warm and dissolved in it salt. After adding lemon juice and iodine. Mix the prepared mixture thoroughly. Lower the fingers in the bath in such a way that the nails are completely immersed in the solution. Suppose 5-10 minutes. Then dry out his hands and abundantly lubricate with nutritious cream, while paying special attention to nails.

Recipe 2. It is necessary to take and mix 1 teaspoon of freshly prepared lemon juice and 100 g of olive oil. The mixture should be heated to 38-40 degrees, and after immersing your fingers on half an hour. Fingers should be omitted in a lemon bath completely. After half an hour, it is necessary to gently flush your hands with a napkin.

Recipe 3. The bathtub from the lemon and a small amount of vinegar is perfect for whitening the nail plate.

Recipe 4. To prepare another bath with lemon, it is necessary to thoroughly mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 drops of ordinary iodine, 1 teaspoon of honey, 100 g of glycerin. The prepared mixture should be heated to 40 degrees, and after immersing your fingers on a quarter of an hour. After 15 minutes, the hands should be removed from the bath and rinse with warm water.

Recipe 5. This bath will be useful for skin softening around the nails. Making a manicure, in warm water for hands. Add some lemon juice. The skin around the nails after such a bath softens and easily removed.

Oil baths

Every 2 weeks it is very useful to organize an oil bath for nail plates.

Recipe 1. It is necessary to take and mix in a jar from under the cream, a diameter of at least 6 cm, 2 drops of lemon essential oil, as much incense, tea tree, roses, 10 ml of wheat grain oil, 10 ml of jojoba oil. Immerse the fingers of the right hand into the cooked bath for 5 minutes, then do the same with the tips of the fingertips of the left hand. The oil remaining on the fingers should be launched in the nail rollers.

Recipe 2. For brittle and fragile nails, the baths of heated almond oil are perfectly suitable, in which several droplets of lemon oil and vitamin A. should be used to apply such baths 1-2 times a week.

Despite the fact that the lemon for nails brings great benefits, apply recipes of lemon baths are needed with caution, since their frequent use is fraught with a non-nail plate tube and the formation of cracks on the nails. In short, use the beneficial properties of the lemon for whitening and strengthening the nails with accuracy.

Brick, fragile nails - the problem of many girls. Someone Nature gave strong, healthy nails that are literally growing at an hour, and someone went around this gift.

And even if you are among the second, do not despair, because to strengthen the marigolds and give them strength and brilliance, without resorting to salon procedures. For example, with lemon.

Of course, our nails, just like hair or teeth, need additional care and saturation with vitamins. Therefore, balanced nutrition, enriched with fruits, vegetables, seafood and dairy products, as it is impossible to more by the way to restore damaged nails. Well, the juice of fresh lemon for nails will eoperase it in this!

Nail Lemon - Precautions

Before starting to actively impregnate the nails with lemon juice, the following should be remembered: Fresh lemon juice - the substance is active, and with unreasonable, excessive use may not only do not benefit, but also bring harm even healthy nails.

That is why lemon vitamin therapy is not a daily care procedure weakened nails. Optimally use 1 time per week by a course of 2-3 months or carry out an intense daily course of cleansing and strengthening nails with a duration of 7-8 days.

Otherwise, the excessive use of lemon juice can lead to.

Using Lemon For Nail - Folk Recipes

  • Recipe 1. Oil bath for brittle, weak nails.

Oil procedures - a well-known way to strengthen nails and hair. Well, for the preparation of oil bath with lemon, there are enough 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to mix with 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.

As a base oil, olive or burdow oil is most often used, although it can be replaced with other oil at its own discretion.

These are such simple recipes, with ease applicable at home, will give your nail shine and beauty!

Fragile, laying nails deliver a lot of hassle of their owners. On such nails, you can hardly make a good manicure, because the lacquer will hold badly. How to gain healthy, elastic, strong nails growing fast? This will help the folk remedies for the care of nail plates. And one of their such means - lemon. Let's find out how to give the strength and glitter to the marks, resorting to the help of the bath with lemon juice.

Nail plates, like hair, teeth, need extra care. This is a purely effect on the nails themselves and their power from the inside. It will help to make them tightly inner receiving calcium, products rich in vitamins A, C, E, iodine. And lemon juice will contribute to their fortress in external use.

But before the start of procedures, using this citrus, you need to not forget that the active substance of lemon juice can cause harm in abuses! That is why nail therapy with lemon can not be a daily treatment procedure about weakened nails. This is fraught with the cracks of the nail plates. It will be better if you use lemon juice with a course of two or three months and make procedures every week.

Recipes Baths with Lemon

The use of lemon for nails is their strengthening, whitening, increase growth. It is very helpful to make procedures with lemon juice for nails, which are often exposed to build up. Their recovery with the help of baths with lemon will significantly change the appearance of the nail plates. Folk recipes for the use of lemon in nail care suggest many combinations of this product with other components. We offer several popular recipes for nail baths with lemon juice.

  • Recipe number 1. Oil bath from fragility. Take a comfortable container for immersion. Pour 4-5 tablespoons of heated olive oil, mix with 1 tablespoon of lemon. You can add a couple of droplets of lemon essential oil. Immerse your fingers in such a bath for 15 minutes. Then do not wipe the peep with the nail liquid, and getting blocked with its napkin, let the time to absorb into the nail plates with the residues of the healing composition. Such baths can be made with top oil, and sunflower.
  • Recipe number 2.. Strengthening vitamin bath. Take two tablespoons of lemon juice and add two tablespoons of sea salt to milk water dissolved in warm water. Lower your fingers in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
  • Recipe number 3. Medivo-lemon bath. Mix two tablespoons of heated high-quality honey with the same amount of lemon juice. Add a pair of grapefruit or orange oil drops. Hold your fingers in such a bath 15-20 minutes. Survey and apply in your arms, nails nutritious cream.
  • Recipe number 4.. Whitening bath. Take two tablespoons of lemon juice, mix with three tablespoons of vinegar and dilute 100g water. Immerse yourself for 10 minutes. Rinse and smear the cream.
  • Recipe number 5. Vitamin bath. Take 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2-3 drops of iodine, 1 tablespoon of honey and 100 g of glycerin. This mixture is slightly warm, then immerse your fingers in it for 15 minutes. Rinse the hands with warm water.
  • Recipe number 6.. Bath for nail growth. Heat half a glass of milk. Dissolve two or three tablespoons of honey, juice ½ lemon, one teaspoon of freshly squeezed apple juice and one tablespoon of sea salt. To this therapeutic composition, lower the marigold for 20 minutes. You can repeat the procedure, heated milk. If this bath is used twice a week, soon the nails will grow much faster and gain a healthy and well-kept look.
  • So, lemon baths are your caring assistants in nail care. Their preparation, application does not require much time and additional funds. Taking care of the nails with lemon juice, you will be sure of its benefit, therapeutic properties, positive influence. And the marigolds will soon please you with a healthy view, glitter and elasticity.