T-shirts and tops. # 6. Pleated midi skirts. Short and ultra-short jerseys and tops

It is likely that every lady's wardrobe contains all sorts of tees, tops, and tees with bold prints and branded headlines. These clothes are a wonderful magic wand for composing several different outfits at once, which are formed by combining different colors and mixing styles. Let's take a look at which models are offered by the most respected fashion houses for the new spring-summer 2017 season.

Jean Paul Gaultier / Spring 2017 / Backstage / photo theimpression.com.

Fashion for hot weather in the coming year will be saturated with bold colors, extraordinary silhouettes and simplicity of designs. On the one hand, the trends contrast with each other - protecting feminine tenderness and elegance, and on the other, they offer fashionistas to dress up in baggy T-shirts with huge emblems or shirts that look like the uniforms of spa workers. Such mixtures of sporty, street style and splashes of chic give a lot of food for thought for urban fashionistas.

Lace top

Lace is generally associated with abundance, social events and high manners. Nowadays, this fabric is increasingly found in evening dresses. Their sophistication and beauty can transform any top into a real work of art. In this case, on this type of fabric, details and decorative ornaments are simply superfluous. However, this does not mean giving up jewelry or costume jewelry altogether. Wear a gold chain, pendant, pearl necklace, or long tassel earrings to complement the neckline.

Space and freedom is the motto of the spring-summer 2017 season

No restrictions, nothing should get in the way! Plus size T-shirts and tops are in great demand this season and go well with short shorts and high-waisted jeans. Skirts of any design are also compatible with oversized tops, from pencil models to pleated midi. Baggy T-shirts and T-shirts are perfect for walking on hot days, and can also be a great outfit for comfortable movement, for example, in a spa center or as an option for a promenade along the promenade on the South Bank, where convenience and spaciousness of appearance are two integral parts. One of the current trend looks is the trapezoidal top, which emphasizes the gracefulness of the shoulders and hides the flaws.

Lingerie Style Outfits

This trend came to us last year and is still on the wave of popularity. Undoubtedly, the sheen of satin fabrics, lace and fine straps is the best combination of sophistication and comfort in one detail. The top of the lingerie style can be rewarded for most of the variations it can have. Wear it under your trouser suits, and there will be a strict office dress code, which, in a new interpretation, has a completely different, sexy and romantic appearance. However, if you have chosen a casual look for a walk, then an oversized jacket will perfectly complement each other.

Since boldness and minimalism have become the main motto of spring, bandeau and bras are gradually but surely becoming independent elements of a woman's wardrobe. These tops look great in combination with office blazers, with straight cardigans made of coarse cotton.

Structural elements

The main element of any top in the spring-summer 2017 season is the cut-outs, and not only deep, but also cut-outs of various lengths, widths and even geometric shapes throughout the clothes. Leather is still the real adornment of any woman's outfit. But we should not forget that even such a win-win element can become destructive if you overdo it with it. So, try, experiment, create new combinations of modern trends and classic silhouettes, and then your image will be beyond competition!

Fashionable floral prints spring-summer 2017

It seems that floral prints are timeless and this season was no exception. Short tops and sleeveless T-shirts are more like a showcase with flowers of all kinds, where luxurious roses, sunflowers and a bouquet of field daisies are comfortably placed. Their position on clothes can be absolutely chaotic and abstract, or vice versa - be a repetition of each other.

Striped T-shirts in trend in the summer of 2017 photo

Another pattern that has become "immortal" is stripes. Striped tops and longsleeve are the main representatives of the resort and beach style, so relevant in the summer. Long sleeves are especially popular given the far from spring mood of the weather this spring. However, this season, fashion designers have breathed new life into the striped pattern. Now it does not have an exact sequence or any symmetry: the T-shirt can have multi-colored stripes with different lengths and directions, as well as a pattern with interesting optical effects.

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Sports women's style summer 2017

Sportswear is no less popular against the backdrop of sophisticated bras and velvet tops. Now fashion and sport form a wonderful symbiosis that is called atlege. Designers try to convey their message to the public through collections that show that femininity cannot be understated or hidden by oversized shirts, sweaty tees and cut-out tops. Nowadays, it is not at all necessary to endure the everyday inconvenience of wearing and heels, because there is a sporty “athleisure” style.

Sparkling style is in fashion: lurex and metallic

The aesthetics of discos haunt designers. The sparkling top is absolutely irreplaceable for the 2017 summer season, so it's the perfect reason to let your imagination run wild while playing with textures. However, the cut of these outfits resembles the clothes of the spa workers or the shortened version of the Japanese kimono. However, when choosing fabrics, you should first rely on sublime gold and laconic silver, which are the main metals this year. You can see interesting solutions and stylish combinations in the spring-summer 2017 collections from popular brands in the photo below:

Romantic style is another trend of this season.

Ruffles, ruffles and other attributes of the romantic style, more applicable to doll dresses and children's pajamas, have now become the most requested details of any top. It is best to wear them without decorative elements to avoid theatrical effect. Choose monochromatic clothes and don't combine the same items or complicated accessories in one outfit.

Juicy colors in fashion in spring 2017

Green, yellow and pink are the main components of this spring and summer color palette. Shades of yellow can be absolutely versatile: from lemon yellow to acid-bright neon. Barbie pink is the sweetest and most childish color. This summer, girls shouldn't be afraid to choose both pink and pastel shades and fiery fuchsia. With regard to green, greenish and more intense tones will become the most demanded. The right colors will be chosen to match the skin tone of the face: almost any shade can be combined with dark skin, and fair-skinned women of fashion should think about a light palette, especially when it comes to green.

T-shirts with slogans and emblems are relevant this summer

Shirts with bright branded letters and logos are a kind of tribute to the trends of the last century, which began in the 90s. Nowadays it is impossible to surprise anyone with letters on clothes, this style is unlikely to make a splash at a fashionable party. However, this summer and spring, the rule is: the more text on the fabric, the better.

When winter is already very close, you don't want to think about the cold at all. Here we can be saved by a trip to warm countries, travel magazines or just memories of the summer. Why not start preparing for it now? Forewarned means armed, as they say. Let's start with the simplest thing - this is a top that can be worn under any circumstances. It has long been an indispensable element of the wardrobe, it can become the basis of an ensemble in almost any style - that is why it is so appreciated by fashionistas and designers around the world. This material presents the trends that dictate the fashion for stylish women's tops for the spring and summer of 2017. Descriptions of models that deserve attention are accompanied by numerous photos in which you can appreciate the flight of design ideas and the beauty of this wardrobe item.

The main thing is femininity

Femininity, like last year, again remains in the foreground - that is why, along with tops, designers pay great attention to dresses, skirts, sundresses and decorative elements that can make almost any outfit feminine and romantic. And the top here is certainly no exception - it can perfectly fit your figure, making it beautiful and sexy. Femininity can be enhanced with special materials such as silk, chiffon, lace and satin. Also add decor - shuttlecocks, bows and flowers. The most fashionable women's top for 2017 must be absolutely feminine - this is the smoothness and softness of the cut lines, light flowing fabrics and exquisite princes. And, of course, the pastel range, which is actually diluted with rich burgundy and classic black and white colors.

Next, you can look at the photo of fashion tops:

Another distinctive feature of the tops is the new material. Now they are also made of leather, which is not very popular in summer - but the designers still took a chance, and, apparently, such an unusual top is slowly gaining popularity, though so far only in narrow circles. They look great with different styles of trousers - it's good if you risk using different shades of the same color in one ensemble. Previously, stylists categorically prohibited such experiments, but times, as you know, are changing - and now the fashion for such outfits is at risk of becoming one of the most successful trends of 2017.

Fashion trends 2017

If earlier the main task of clothes was to emphasize the features of the figure, as well as to give femininity to the image, now the tasks of fashionable things are completely (though not always) different. For example, along with classic models, you can often find a top in the style of rock, grunge, futurism. They are made from the most imaginable and unthinkable materials, which we could not have thought of before. For example, since last year, designers have been actively using polymer materials - plastic has already penetrated into the wardrobe (skirts, dresses, raincoats, etc.). There are only a few designers who presented a top made of plastic, but this still does not mean anything.

This page contains photos that will help you choose the most suitable and relevant models for the upcoming season:

Now the top is not just one of the things, it is now also decorated with decorative elements - rivets, ruffles, inserts from different materials. It all depends on the chosen style.

I think it's not a secret for anyone that the top was originally an element of a sporty style, and only since time has it gained frenzied popularity as a universal wardrobe item. The sporty look has never gone out of style and 2017 is not going to be an exception. Therefore, we think it's time to remember the roots of this fashionable outfit - bright and restrained models of loose fit, often with a wide collar, zippers and ties, are popular.

The pinnacle of femininity is the boudoir style found in Golden Age Hollywood films. A distinctive feature is an expensive material: lace, satin, silk, glossy leather, jacquard and the like. Clothes made from these materials are the embodiment of real femininity, which you can realize even in such ordinary clothes as a top. Necessarily a little intimacy - lace in unusual places, not revealing anything superfluous, but attracting attention. Also, this style is characterized by a combination of expensive materials with fur and satin bows.

The folk style also did not exhaust itself over the past season - in 2017, folk motifs on the top will provide you with a fashionable and relevant new thing. In summer, these tops look very colorful - especially when combined with natural shades: light brown, sunny, fresh green, lavender, pale pink and pastel blue. They contain patterns and motives of different peoples of the world, while the materials are chosen absolutely modern.

For a snack under the curtain

It is important to choose not only the correct model of the topic, but also to choose the same fashionable color. By the way, color preferences among designers are very unusual. For example, in trends you can find a gray-green hue. This color is certainly not for everyone - you need to take into account your color type so as not to turn from a bright summer beauty into an incomprehensible faded creature with imperfections and redness on the skin. The color, so to speak, opens up all the flaws, so you need to use it carefully, and only if it really suits you, does it suit your skin tone. It also ages the skin - be careful.

But the presence of other colors in fashion collections did not surprise us at all. A rich, juicy pink is often found - it is simply impossible not to recognize it. A top like this can be worn for a romantic date or a business meeting - but only in combination with white or cream trousers, which in this case will become the perfect backdrop for the main element of the ensemble. This shade is very warm and interesting, so we advise you to actively use it in your summer wardrobe.

No summer is complete without white and red colors. White has long been associated with both ordinary people and designers with relaxation, a sunny beach, endless sea and a bright scorching sun. That is why you should never pass by it in the summer.

But red appeared in summer trends not so long ago - it can be found more often in trends for the fall-winter season than in spring-summer collections. True, here it is not presented as a basis - more and more in various stripes, peas and other small details that are necessarily present on any top.

Do not forget about cropped and very short tops - they will save you from the heat in the summer and give the image of femininity and sexuality. Models with an American armhole, a loop, and one sleeve are also relevant. In addition to them, you can find more daring models, but, unfortunately, we will hardly have to see them in the store for sale.

Women's tops have long become a must-have for the summer season - only from year to year they acquire new details, new materials, decorative elements and color schemes are added. Do not lose sight of all these fashionable novelties, because in the summer, more than ever, you want to look bright and stylish in any situation.

All shades of red and bold prints will give your outfits a unique style and brightness. If you are not indifferent to chic and glamor, then you should try on a suit a la pajamas. Long sleeves, bare shoulders, cropped trousers that reveal the ankle, pleated skirts or with an unusual print - it seems that the designers were inspired by the fashion of the 90s. Few? What about frills? By the way, there will be plenty of them. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

In general, we can say that the trends that the designers tried to offer us were already traced in the last season of 2015-2016. Only in the coming season will they gain full strength.

Slip dresses and pajama suits will replace naked dresses. Well, you have to shock the public with something. You must admit that you won't surprise anyone with leopard-print leggings, so why not wear leggings? Yes, and leggings will be back in fashion again.

Layering, multicolor, originality and dimensionlessness - these are the four words that fully characterize the trends of the 2017 spring-summer season.

1. Red is everywhere

The street style of the spring / summer season is replete with red and its shades. Red is the king of the 2017 season. This is understandable, because the rooster, symbolizing the fiery nature, will be the symbol of the next year. This trend will appeal to those ladies who are not afraid to be in the spotlight.

To balance the look, some overly daring young ladies are especially advised to choose red shoes. It's time to get your favorite red dress out of the closet, which you would not dare to wear at any other time. Shoes, jewelry, sunglasses, hair and makeup should all complement an already self-sufficient red outfit. To make the lady in red look elegant and stylish, it is recommended to give preference to strict, straight silhouettes. Red can be different: from bright red to brick or noble burgundy.

2. Pajamas a la grand dame

The pajama theme returned to the city streets at the end of the 2016 summer season, but in 2017 it will unfold in full. This is a kind of interpretation of the glam chic style. And we are not talking about pajamas with cartoon characters, but about expensive fabrics like silk, satin and velvet, slip dresses, wide pajama pants and cozy blouses. Details in the form of appropriate accessories and properly selected shoes will help to make a laconic image.

Pajamas are like a capricious lady, so it is important not to overdo it so as not to look ridiculous. If, for example, you add a little fur to your pajama suit, then no one will think that you left the house in your pajamas. And if he does, then no one forbids you to serve your image, as they say, with a sauce a la lounge bar. By the way, your unisex robe may well become a replacement for a cardigan.

3. Layered masterpiece

One of the most powerful ways to demonstrate that you have taste and style is with a layered outfit. And the ability to create a multi-layered image is pure art. You can create a real masterpiece from a few simple things. Despite the fact that no one has yet canceled minimalism, those who have perfectly mastered the art of layering in clothes will be considered fashionable. Unconventional and eccentric image - this is the main motto of the upcoming season.

Feel free to combine a dress with trousers and T-shirts with skirts. Let your outfit become a statement “Unexpected but gorgeous!” Says your roommate. Consider this a win-win.

4. Patent leather

Despite the fact that leather things have always been in fashion, this season, like twenty years ago, they are again on the cutting edge. On the streets of New York, Milan and Paris, you can meet people in mini-skirts and patent leather pants. And when paired with an oversized sweatshirt and loose-fitting clothing, this material gets a new, modern interpretation.
The main thing is to emphasize the figure. Choose those things that are slimy so that they look like your second skin. Patent leather is always associated with some kind of trashy chic!

5. Expose your shoulders

The most surprising thing is that this is not a new trend either. It's just that this season, the designers decided to offer sweaters with a bare shoulder.
And the first to pick up this trend were celebrities who now and then appeared in warm clothes (sweaters, cardigans) with bare shoulders. This very spicy detail will refresh your look. Just remember to wear sunscreen in the summer so you don't have to worry about funny circles on your shoulders if you suddenly want to show everyone your hands.

6. Pleated midi skirts

This trend was only outlined in 2016 - 2017, and in 2017 it will also be very popular. Why not actually? Why is pleated leather worse than the same patent leather? Pleated skirts have always looked very stylish, maybe a little harsh, but at the same time very elegant.
It's a very feminine trend, albeit from somewhere in the 90s again. If you prefer to dress in all black, then you simply need a metallic pleated skirt. You can pair it with a shirt or bomber jacket! Just make sure you have them in your closet.

7. Long sleeves

When developing a model, very important attention is paid to proportions. The appearance depends on it. If the clothes do not go beyond certain proportions, then we can say that the suit fits. Oversized clothes, as a rule, do not stay long in the collections of famous designers, since they are initially created as an experiment. This experiment is often called bold.
However, in the spring-summer 2017 season, fashionistas and fashionistas reacted positively to long sleeves. This is another trend from the past, from the times when ladies covered their hands almost completely. And why do you need to bare your hands when there is still something to show? In addition, in windy weather you will be warm.

8. Mix and match bold prints in one outfit

Statue images with prints more reminiscent of engravings of past centuries shone on the catwalks. A very bold decision, but it seems that the designers decided that not only the woman, but also her outfit should be a mystery to others.
Intricate geometric shapes, intricate patterns like Bohemian glass and unique floral motifs - there is plenty to roam around. If you haven't decided yet, try combining two prints in one outfit. After all, you have not forgotten about the principle of originality, which was mentioned above? This outfit certainly looks extravagant.

9. Pants-leggings

When it comes to fashion, the first thing that comes to mind is the importance of detail. Leggings are the staple of 2017 streetwear. And it is this small strip of fabric that encloses your leg at the bottom - the very detail for which these trousers are so loved by women. They resemble rider pants.

It is this eccentricity that makes these pants so trendy. It doesn't matter if jeans, trousers or leggings, if they have a small strip of fabric at the bottom, they automatically become fashionable and ultra-modern. Just remember that this little detail has to stand out somehow.

10. Ruches and frills

Ruffles also gradually returned to fashion in the form of fringes and ruffles. And this is natural, because in order to emphasize the multi-layered outfit, it is enough to add frills to it. It is noteworthy that the tendency to decorate garments with frills can be traced not only on T-shirts, dresses and tops, but now it is also noticeable on bags and shoes. The most amazing thing is that now frills flaunt not only on the chest, but also along the bottom of the trousers and sleeves, in the front, in the back, on the side ...

Fashion designers do not hold imagination, but it seems that it also has its limits. As you can judge from the proposed trends, everything new is well forgotten old. Only in the case of fashion, this is not just an old, but a rethought, reformulated old direction. Even a kind of reference to the 90s. It is, in principle, not bad, because in that period of the heyday of the fashion industry, conventions were not so strongly developed. We can say that it was a time of bold experiments and new discoveries in fashion. That is why it is so important that fashion again gives us a chance to feel freedom from conventions, they are not afraid to shock the public, no, not with their nakedness, but, on the contrary, with their clothes.

Every woman's wardrobe has blouses, regardless of whether she is following the fashion trends of 2017 or not. And every fashionista should have several blouses that would fit perfectly on her figure or harmoniously combine with the chosen style. In the spring-summer 2017 season, designers offer many different options for women, with which you can create interesting looks, at the same time, emphasize all the advantages of the body. They place the main emphasis on femininity, transparency and mystery. Meet the most fashionable blouses 2017 presented at Milan and Prigue Fashion Weeks.

The lightest fabrics for trendy blouses in 2017

Runway designers presented blouses to wear in 2017. These things are made of fabrics with different prints, they are distinguished by restraint, but at the same time sensual. Models of classic, closed silhouettes are adorned with weightless transparent fabrics. The materials used to sew these blouses are silk chiffon or silk.

Cavalli offers fashionistas light chiffon blouses with floral patterns, complemented by long wide sleeves and a high collar, as well as simple models with a deep neckline. You need to combine such blouses with short ones with tight shorts or trousers, similar to how fashionable cotton blouses are worn with denim shorts, which are also fashionable in 2017.

Brenda Drys Van Noten presented fashionable blouses for spring-summer 2017 with a boat neckline, which are made of silk and have silk prints with unusual natural elements. These models are recommended to be worn with narrow and wide knee-length skirts. Unusual ethnic prints used in Dolce & Gabbana adorn light-colored blouses.

Tunic blouses 2017, an overview of fashion trends with photos

Tunics and voluminous flying tops are the things that every woman should have in their wardrobe. Beautiful fashionable blouses of 2017 do not look strict. Fashion trends in the photos of the shows prove it. Tunics will decorate even the most boring, classic suit. A fluttering tunic dress accentuates the spring mood. A well-chosen tunic: the most relevant piece for a summer look. How should tunics look in the new warm season? The designers made blouses-tunics free and voluminous in the chest and waist, with bare shoulders, with deep grooves of various shapes. The sleeves in the blouse, by the way, are almost the most important element.

Blouses in a "free" flying style never leave a woman's wardrobe. Summer style is always simple, elegant and so beautiful. If someone wondered how to sew a blouse, then, first of all, you should pay attention to the high cost of the fabric. Tunics can be decorated with decorative elements: ruffles, flounces.

Blouses 2017 with photos; new details-unusual sleeves

Designers call the most fashionable blouses, those with sleeves that attract attention. These models have short sleeves or, on the contrary, too long, in a Victorian style. In addition, the long sleeves are often quite wide and spacious, with volume starting near the shoulder or right at the shoulder line. Blouses or tunics with unusual sleeves are also often bulky. One of the varieties of such models is asymmetric.

One of the most beautiful and colorful trends for next spring and summer: single sleeve blouses. Such clothes not only correct minor figure flaws (flabby arms), but also make even the most ordinary image stylish. The Lanvin brand offers shirts, fashionable blouses for the 2017 season, in the photo you can see models with one sleeve. They are complemented by various decorative elements and draperies. One-sleeve blouses are perfectly combined with tight skirts and trousers in various styles.

Beautiful blouses military 2017, photos of novelties in the style of a military theme and retro

In the spring-summer 2017 season, there will be fashionable blouses in the military style, as well as retro models in the style of the 80s. The correct combination of military blouses with other clothes will allow women to look unusual and stylish every day. Feminine ruffles can, in some cases, complement the strict cut blouses of 2017. A photo of such a novelty may at first be a little discouraging, but then you realize that it is better to look like crazy than to look like a gray mass.

Military-style outerwear repeats the upper part of the dress: a clear cut, strict lines, straight sleeves, stand-up collars, pockets on the chest, buttons. This blouse can be tucked into the skirt or belted with a strap, depending on the model of the product. From the 90s era, designers inherited wide sleeves and a crisp shoulder line.

The retro style is reflected in the abundance of ruffles, ruffles, embroidered collars, bows and ribbons.

White blouses with romantic elements will be especially popular, their texture and cut are not important. White blouse, claiming to be the "fashionable thing of 2017", cannot but have some zest. In addition to the above trends, there will be a fashion for light (only light, not deliberate) negligence. For example, rolled up sleeves, voluminous bows that are untied and tied in front of blouses, hang freely, decorating beautiful blouses of 2017. Photos of new items can be seen on the Internet.

Fashionable blouses with sequins 2017, clothes with sequins or shiny appliques

On the catwalks, you could see blouses that look like Christmas balls. But not for simple plastic balls from the supermarket, but designer, chic ones. The blouse of the new season should be fully decorated with sequins or just appliqués. Designer items are decorated with sequins of not too acidic shades: they are natural blue, lilac, green. Designers, offering us fashionable blouses in 2017, took the word "shine in everything" literally.

Models of such blouses have a simple cut so as not to distract attention from the decor. Apparently, the couturiers offering such products were a little inspired by the era of the 60s or 20s. Clothes with sequins are decorated with translucent, weightless, chiffon sleeves. If someone wants to sew a similar thing, inspired by fashion shows, then they should not skimp on accessories and fabrics. Otherwise, instead of a chic blouse, you can get something lurid.

Art Nouveau style and painting on white blouses, fashionable in 2017

Art Nouveau is the most glamorous trend of the early 20th century. Designers inspired by this trend come up with quirky floral and floral prints. A well-made art nouveau embroidery will highlight the wearer's belonging to the “ladies from high society”. Art Nouveau was not originally a style for the poor. Fashionable blouses of 2017 have only expensive decorative elements. Women's photos seem to hint: I am expensive and inaccessible.

But affordable accessories and chic materials now allow any fashion-conscious girl to try the “modern” style on herself. Couturiers who love this style strive to give a woman's silhouette some resemblance to a butterfly or a flower. Embroidery or prints on things are usually in the form of a lily, orchid or chrysanthemum. These are the trendiest prints of the Art Nouveau era. The silhouette is clearly divided: if you are wearing a straight blouse in the modern style, then the skirt should have a flying shape.

Fringe - one of the directions of fashionable blouses, photos of women's clothing 2017

This season, fringe can be used on any part of the blouse. For example, on the chest, instead of frills, below, behind, on the back. Fringe creates a free, youthful, dynamic image. It sways rhythmically as you walk and allows you to focus on precisely those parts of the body that you want to emphasize. Blouses of 2017, photos of which are already decorating fashion magazines this year, are decorated with different types of fringes.

A fringed blouse or skirt is the perfect choice for going to the disco. Many dance costumes are decorated with elements and fringes precisely because it looks especially impressive during the dance.

Some blouses that will be in fashion in 2017 are decorated with fur and fringe at the same time. In many photos of beautiful blouses 2017, you can also see a combination of fringe and feathers.

If clothes with tiered fringes do not suit you, you can buy a simple blouse, decorate it with beads in the form of long fluttering elements. In addition, such accessories are very relevant in the coming year.

Fringe on clothes can be made from various materials: leather, suede, cotton, synthetics.

Blouse made of several materials

Interesting and original models made from different pieces of fabric were presented on the catwalks this year. For example, linen blouses with guipure inserts or silk blouses with soft red leather sleeves. Designers presented expressive, sometimes completely unthinkable combinations. A blouse made of equal pieces of fabric will be the perfect outfit for a cool spring or summer evening. She looks romantic and is perfect for going to the movies or for a date. Simple and concise models can be worn in the office.

Designers have experimented a lot with sleeves this year. The new items feature leather sleeves with perforated patchwork sleeves and fringed sleeves. Inspired by such trends, you can buy or sew a product for yourself by constructing it from two different things. If you want to get rid of rags and buy only stylish blouses, then start in 2017.

In the collections of some couturiers, one could see such a trend: clothes in a cage, decorated with pieces of fabric with picturesque prints. For example, floral. Such checkered blouses are made slightly fitted and emphasize the femininity and grace of the figure.

Denim blouses

Designers, like all people, love to save money. Therefore, we decided to turn old jeans from last year's collections into beautiful fashionable denim blouses. The art of wearing denim is not easy. In addition, a denim blouse must necessarily have trendy elements: fringe, print, etc. If you choose the right clothes for a fashionable product made of jeans (fashionable pencil skirts, fashionable trousers with fringes, etc.), then the image will turn out to be quite expensive. But do not wear fashionable jeans blouses with ordinary jeans. Since 2017, judging by the photo, this is not relevant.

Another option to make the look fashionable by putting on outerwear made of jeans: using clothes with the effect of "lightly frayed" as well as leather clothes. This combination will create a "free" and youthful style. It can also be complemented by clothes with romantic elements: with lace, frills. Do not be afraid to look like a bum who puts on all things at the same time. If the clothes are made of high-quality, wearable, expensive materials, then the image will not look bummy, but multi-layered.

Graphic blouses

Prints with plant and animal themes are in fashion. For example, Dolce Gabbana this year presented clothes with unusual graphic designs. It seems that someone has drawn with a pencil on a white blouse. Fashion and blouses with embossed masterpieces of famous artists do not come out either.

But interesting motives can be not only drawn. Fashionable clothes may have perforations. For example, a cut in the form of roses. To put such a thing in your wardrobe, you need to take a simple white T-shirt, of course, not shabby and not worn out. Stencil - thick lace lace (lace with large floral patterns), circle along the lines of the pattern, and then take scissors and cut out the fragments. The result will be a designer and, moreover, almost free blouse. Few would believe that it was once a white "country" T-shirt. 2017 blouses sometimes have trendy perforated details on the collar.

In the collections, you can see a combination: a plain blouse or a T-shirt plus graphic sleeves. And this trend can also be repeated at home if desired. Just cut off the sleeves of a boring dress and sew them to a plain blouse. It will turn out cute and fresh.

Blouses with lace and buttons

If you want to attract the attention of a man, then you should wear feminine things. Such, for example, are offered by the designers Dolce and Gabbana. In fashion magazines, the 2017 blouses from Dolce and Gabbana immediately draw attention to themselves.

In their collection you can see not only bright prints with fruit and predatory themes, but also delicate models with expensive laces. It is worth considering that lace must be exactly expensive, otherwise the man will think that you are not a beautiful girl with a fashionable blouse, but a beggar from a village disco in lurex. women blouses 2017

It is worth considering: lace is never sewn onto knitwear. This finishing material is able to decorate only a thing made of non-stretch fabric.

If you don't have money for Italian lace, don't be upset. You can take my mother's box with various buttons that was lying on the mezzanine and generously decorate the sleeves with buttons. White blouses for the 2017 season look especially good if they have buttons on them.

Even if you do not know how to convince others that this blouse is from an elite brand, then at least you will be thought of as an interesting and creative person. And such a thing will definitely attract attention.

Clothes with floral elements or appliques and colored blouses 2017, photos of models with prints

Many stylists have come to love floral prints and appliques. But, nevertheless, they do not make products with an all-over floral print. They add bold florals and botanicals to plain blouses and T-shirts. For example, against the background of a white blouse, there is a bright colorful stripe. A similar trend last year could be seen in dresses. Fashionable blouses 2017 can have typical female interesting details like stripes with rhinestones. But the pattern of cells or stripes can look quite feminine if the style is elegant and the fabric of the blouse is flowing.

You can also see products with appliqués in the form of rather large flowers at the shows. In general, you might think that 2107 is the year of the peonies. They are present everywhere: in bouquets and on clothes. Luxurious appliqués in the form of large flowers adorn simple things and transform them.

On the same thing, you can see a combination of several different decorative elements. For example: a combination of fringe and floral print.

So, we can summarize which blouses are worth buying:

Gardens will bloom very soon in the streets and, of course, in the hearts of our lovely ladies. In such weather, you do not want to sit behind wide walls, but on the contrary, there is a desire to flutter in decorated, pleasantly smelling gardens and parks, and delight those around you with your dazzling outfits.

In the fast and frantic flow of life, we try to do everything at once, so often, not having time to choose an outfit for ourselves in the morning, we put on jeans and a T-shirt and run about our business. But you really want to look irresistible even in an ordinary T-shirt. That is why designers pay no less attention to this thing than to other types of clothing. Each of them added its own peculiarity, zest. And, of course, they did their best.

Now we can observe a huge variety of T-shirts for any, even the most sophisticated, taste. Sometimes in stores eyes run up from such a huge choice that it can not but please the lovely customers.

Christian dior

Many popular designers, through their art, try to convey to us the most valuable and intimate that warms in their hearts.

For example, Stella McCartney translates her love of nature into the lyrics on her T-shirts calling for the environment.

Stella McCartney

Ashish Gupta encourages us to address the issue of migration. Also, his works are decorated with beautiful words about high feelings, such as tender love and sincere devotion.

Vanessa seward

T-shirt texts seem to be a very popular trend among designers. They use jokes, puns, funny phrases. Junia Vatabane is particularly distinguished by such a brave step that he put Cyrillic inscriptions on his T-shirts, which do not carry a deep meaning.

House of holland

But with a lot of text we are surprised this season by Adrien Cayado and Alexis Marcial.

Vanessa seward

Fashion T-shirts, T-shirts and tops 2017

Pretty girls will surely love the fact that cropped tops and T-shirts are still in fashion. Putting on such a thing, you can be 100 percent sure that all eyes will be directed in your direction. Marc Jacobs and Matthew Williamson have a huge selection of tops to suit all tastes. And those who managed to tighten only the upper part of the body before the sunny spring days will love the bando T-shirts, which were provided with great love by the Osman company.

Solid color T-shirts with prints 2017

In the basic wardrobe of a modern and stylish girl in 2017, there must be a couple of monochrome T-shirts for any occasion. They are usually black, white or gray, but in spring you can add soft bedding tones to them. They can be combined with anything. Tops and T-shirts of this color suit any girl, whatever she may be. T-shirts in these shades also look good with different prints applied to them.

2017 fashion materials

The priority for designers is always cotton and knitwear, but thin enough. Thanks to these materials, girls feel comfortable and comfortable in them. Although many of the stylists bring some variety to this palette. For example, chiffon T-shirts have become popular, which looks gentle and elegant on ladies. It is also combined with a grid, and a very beautiful and light dessert comes out of it. And for the femme fatale ladies, designers have prepared leather tops that will look spectacular with jeans.

Actual colors of t-shirts and tops 2017

Fashion shines in different colors this year. Any girl will find in her what she likes. A wide range of colors is presented here, which cannot but delight the eyes of a shopaholic. You can choose dazzling white or bright red, charcoal black or powdery - it doesn't matter, the main thing is to correctly combine it with other clothes.

Fashion prints 2017

The designers did not pass by the prints on the T-shirts. It has been in fashion for a long time and the demand for T-shirts, tops and T-shirts with various kinds of inscriptions on them does not want to retreat. Although our restless stylists introduce into fashion both elegant stripes and delicate floral prints, as well as abstraction and nautical themes.

Sheer and lace tops and tees 2017

Lovers of beautifully and gently emphasizing their bodies with lace and translucent fabrics will be delighted with the spring-summer collections, because this time designers are making a big bet on such tops and T-shirts. We will see a wide variety of colors and styles as the designers have done a great job this season.

And this is not the whole list of 2017 trends. Designers prioritize delicate tops in lingerie style, casual sports T-shirts, and even double sets.

Tops and T-shirts in sporty style spring-summer 2017