Breast strengthening oil. Almond and camphor oils. Use for massage

All women dream of having beautiful breasts. Since ancient times, they have used oil to increase the bust. It promotes tightening and enlargement of the female breast.

Natural oils have a great advantage over synthetic preparations, as they are made from natural ingredients.

The benefits of oils for the bust

Over time, the breast changes shape, becomes flabby and sometimes decreases in size. For prevention, complexes of essential and vegetable oils should be used. They increase the elasticity of the breast and increase its size. The appearance of the skin also improves: it becomes younger, stretch marks are eliminated.
Any oil made from natural ingredients can have a positive effect on the breast. However, oil treatments alone are not enough. Along with them, exercise, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are required.

The condition of the skin and the body as a whole depends on the lifestyle. If a girl or woman is passive, eats irrationally and has bad habits, then the oils will not give the desired result.

Correct application

To achieve the desired effect, you should know how to work with oils correctly. Incorrect application technique may not bring the desired result.

  1. Before the procedure, the oil should be heated to body temperature. This will allow beneficial substances to have the maximum effect.
  2. To tighten the chest, oil must be applied along special massage lines: from the bottom of the chest, move from the center to the armpits, and from above - vice versa. This should be done smoothly and without pressure. Moving to the sternum, you need to move from the center to the chin, and then to the collarbones and shoulders.
  3. If only oil is used, then the excess should be removed with paper towels.
  4. If a mask has been applied to the skin, then it is covered with a cloth soaked in warm water and thoroughly wrung out. Then the beneficial substances will remain on the skin.
  5. Apply the oil after a bath or shower. Beneficial substances are better absorbed into the skin, which increases efficiency.
  6. When applying oils, do not touch the nipples.

There is nothing complicated in the procedures. If everything is done in accordance with the rules, then the effect of such care will be much better.

What result can be achieved

With the help of procedures with oils, you can increase the breasts. It will not be possible to achieve great results, but it is quite possible to make the bust one size larger.

In addition to the effect of increasing, with oils, you can achieve an increase in skin elasticity, improve its turgor and other characteristics.

The most effective vegetable oils

There is a wide range of oils that do the job well. In addition to promoting breast growth, they have a number of other positive qualities. All oils can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores. The following oils show good results in breast enlargement and improvement of the general condition of the skin.


It is made by pressing flax seeds. Contains a large amount of nutrients, as well as phytoestrogens.

It should be used not only externally, but also inside every day, 1 tablespoon. The product affects the growth and appearance of the breast. In addition, it prevents skin laxity, increases tissue elasticity and prevents wrinkles.

sea ​​buckthorn

It is made from sea buckthorn berries and seeds. Recommended for flabby breasts. In order to enhance the action, it is recommended to take it orally.

Sea buckthorn oil is included in most recipes for women's body cosmetics. In addition to increasing breast size, sea buckthorn oil helps to even out skin tone, moisturize tissues, increase their elasticity, relieve inflammation and improve appearance.


Cacao butter

It is a leader among other oils due to the effective increase in breast elasticity. It has a regenerating effect, and also makes the skin supple.


Made from olive fruit. Due to vitamins and antioxidants, it slows down skin aging. Increases the elasticity of the breast, regenerates sagging skin, and also rejuvenates it. Helps to soften the skin and eliminates them in the presence of irritations, has an antibacterial effect. It is unique because it contains a large number of moisturizing ingredients.


Helps to increase the elasticity of the breast, and also eliminates formations in this area. Slows down skin aging, nourishes and cleanses it. In addition to the main properties, this oil has a pleasant aroma.

When applied to the skin, it acts as a barrier to ultraviolet rays. A balanced composition makes it possible to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, which prevents the expansion of pores.


It is obtained by pressing the pulp of the coconut. It is included in most types of cosmetic products. Recommended for dry skin.

Rejuvenates, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Coconut oil is used in the fight against stretch marks and successfully copes with the task.

Breast augmentation with essential oils

Such oils should not be used as a single product. They must be added a few drops to the base, which is most often vegetable oils.


It is used in compresses, as well as with ordinary rubbing. It has a tonic effect, tightens the bust, and also has a good effect on pigmented skin.

It is actively used in the elimination of scars. If you add camphor and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions to the cream, it will whiten the skin.

Ylang Ylang

This essential oil not only promotes breast enlargement, but also has a rejuvenating effect. It is better to use it as an addition to the main oil. You can take almond or olive.

Suitable for all skin types, making it a versatile product. It is considered ideal for aging, sensitive skin, as well as those with enlarged pores.

Black cumin oil

Contains estrogens and is also valued as an antioxidant. Contains a large amount of useful acids and vitamins. Favorably affects the condition and growth of the breast.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties and, according to some reports, prevents the occurrence of cancer.


Suitable for aging skin, as it has a noticeable rejuvenating effect. Copes with wrinkles and has a bactericidal effect. The product is quite allergenic.

It is recommended to use in combination with exercises. The following recipe is most often used: add 4 drops of fir oil, 2 cedar oil, 1 drop of eucalyptus, anise and rose oil to a tube of cream, mix and apply after the exercises.

fennel oil

It contains many vitamins and antioxidants that help eliminate inflammation and congestion in the mammary glands.

During the procedure, the secretion of sex hormones increases, which provokes breast growth. However, it is better to use it with any basis.

Additional benefits of oils

Breast massage is a useful procedure. The process itself is enjoyable, relaxing and uplifting. The main condition is that massage movements must be done correctly, without causing pain to yourself.

With the help of massage, you can not only increase the size of the breast, but also make it elastic. When exposed to the skin, the pores open, which helps to remove toxins and toxins. This is the prevention of diseases of the mammary glands.

Things to remember when using essential oils

There are a few rules to remember when doing breast massage with essential oils:

  1. An allergy test must be carried out before use.
  2. Essential oils should not be used in their pure form. You need to add them to the base.
  3. With massage and compresses, you do not need to touch the nipples.

It is important to be guided by these rules, since an allergic reaction can cause especially severe consequences. If all these recommendations are followed, the risk of negative effects on the body will be minimal.

Ready funds

If there is no desire to study the properties of oils and mix products on your own, you can use ready-made products for breast enlargement. Of these, the most popular are:

  1. Api bust. The base is wheat germ and almond oil. The product includes a large amount of essential oils, which gives it a unique aroma. It must be used regularly, rubbing with massage movements. It contributes not only to breast enlargement, but also to giving it elasticity after childbirth.
  2. Dermo bust. An effective tool, with regular use of which the result is visible after 3 months. To improve the effect, you need to combine with Api-bust massage oil.
  3. Biocomplex Palmer and cocoa butter. Enlarges breasts and eliminates stretch marks. Must be used in courses. After several months of use, you need to take a break, and then resume the procedures again. Restores the previous appearance of the breast after breastfeeding, but the use is possible only at the end of lactation.

If a girl has small breasts, she should not give up. Naturally, with the help of oils it will not be possible to greatly change its size, but they nevertheless contribute to an increase.

Many of the fair sex are proud of their beautiful breasts, given to them by nature. Meanwhile, this part of the body requires unusually careful care, because if you do not pay attention to it, its appearance will leave much to be desired.

True breast care necessarily includes special physical exercises, massages, wraps, the use of masks and creams made from natural products, as well as aromatherapy. Essential and cosmetic oils for the breasts allow you to keep the most seductive part of the female body young, elastic, toned and sexy for a long time, and the breast skin - incredibly soft, silky, velvety and elastic.

Oils for breast firmness: which one to choose?

All essential products improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous cells, which, in turn, strengthens the pectoral muscles and significantly improves the shape of the female bust. If you regularly massage the décolleté area and additionally use aromatic oils, you can achieve an incredible effect.

With the correct use of certain types of cosmetic oils for 2-3 months, the effect of lifting and enlargement of the mammary glands occurs, which some women achieve through expensive surgical procedures.

Unfortunately, this effect does not last long. That is why in order for your décolleté to always look perfect, the procedures must be repeated regularly.

Breast firming oils are used in a variety of ways. They can be added to the cream during a massage, special masks, tonics and lotions can be prepared on their basis, and also used in the form of compresses. At the same time, if desired and depending on what effect you want to achieve, you can use one product or a mixture of several natural substances.

The ether is not applied to the décolleté area in its pure form, since the skin in this place is too sensitive and is damaged very quickly. To prepare a cosmetic product, any essential products must be combined with a base, which can be cosmetic oils, milk, sour cream, cream, kefir, as well as any fatty body cream.

Olive oil for breasts

Unlike essential products, olive oil is best used in its original form. This healing liquid is one of the most affordable, since a bottle with it can be found in almost any kitchen. It is also extremely easy to use - take a warm shower and spread this product over the décolleté without touching the nipples.

If you applied too much of this liquid, remove the excess with an ordinary paper towel or napkin. To give this procedure a unique aroma, you can add 1-2 drops of any essential fragrance, such as rosemary or lavender, to the olive base. Be careful and try not to overdo it with ether - otherwise, such a mixture can cause severe irritation of the epidermis.

Linseed oil for bust enlargement and firmness

Flax seed has been successfully used in folk medicine and cosmetology for many years. The ability of this natural product to maintain the beauty of the fair sex is due to the fact that it contains phytoestrogen, which increases the level of female sex hormones. In particular, to increase the breast and give it elasticity, it must be used both internally and externally.

Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed and pour 500 ml of kefir into it and mix thoroughly.

The resulting remedy should be drunk 1 tablespoon 50-60 minutes after breakfast and dinner for two months. After that, it is recommended to take a monthly break, and then repeat the course of taking this liquid again.

Additionally, you will have to prepare a lotion that you need to apply to the skin in the décolleté area. To do this, 2 drops of aromatic linseed oil must be dissolved in a sufficient amount of any base. Use the prepared lotion every morning and evening, applying to the delicate skin of the chest and gently massaging with warm palms for several minutes, then rinse with water. It is recommended to take a contrast shower immediately after the procedure.

The simultaneous use of flaxseed internally and externally helps to improve the overall condition and appearance of the mammary glands, as well as increase them by approximately one size in 4-5 months. Unfortunately, this remedy is not suitable for everyone - its oral administration is prohibited for diseases of the stomach and intestines, and external use - for dermatological diseases and pathologies of the venous network.

Almond oil for breasts - recipes for masks

Almond oil is one of the most effective and, at the same time, safe natural cosmetic products. Since ancient times, it has been used to care for skin, nails and hair. The undoubted advantage of this substance is that it is suitable for owners of any skin type and, moreover, rarely causes allergic reactions.

This product can be used to apply on the chest area in its pure form, preliminarily slightly warmed up in the microwave, or it can be used to prepare a nourishing mask for tightening and caring for delicate skin. Take a handful of oatmeal and combine it with a little hot water to make a smooth paste.

After that, carefully add 2 teaspoons of almond concentrate to the prepared composition. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mass on the décolleté. After about 25 minutes, shower with cool water without using detergents. Another effective breast mask can be prepared from a mixture of this product and grape seed oil. Combine these 2 components in arbitrary proportions, mix thoroughly and gently massage the resulting mixture into the skin with fingertips.

After about 20-30 minutes, the excess mask must be removed from the skin with a napkin; it is not necessary to rinse off the product with water. This grape seed mask is great not only for the décolleté area, but also for oily facial skin prone to acne.

Using essential oils for skin care

There are quite a few different ways to use essential products to give the bust elasticity, get rid of stretch marks and slightly enlarge the mammary glands.

For example, you can use one of the following folk cosmetology recipes:

Essential and base oils have a truly miraculous power for women's skin and, in particular, the décolleté area. Meanwhile, these cosmetics, like any other, can provoke allergic reactions, so you should be very careful with them.

In addition, in the presence of any chronic diseases and pathologies of internal organs and systems, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using such products internally or externally.

The pride of every woman, the bust has always required attention and care. With age - after childbirth, severe weight loss or other factors, she loses her shape and is no longer as attractive as before. Essential oils will help restore the breast to its previous form. For the chest, there are several fragrances that can make the bust luxurious again in every sense of the word.

The female breast consists of adipose tissues and glands, so it makes no sense to “pump” the pectoral muscles in this place, since this is unlikely to affect the appearance of the bust. But the skin of the bust should be maintained in excellent condition all the time, in most cases, the beauty of the breast depends on its elasticity and tone. This means that the skin of your bust must be systematically subjected to all the necessary procedures that you carry out for the face and body. Be sure to sometimes do masks, peeling, scrub, massage, contrast shower, apply cream. The latter should contain more and more vitamins, elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid with age.

In addition, bust and skin care is the key to their beautiful appearance in the future. It is very important to maintain the skin of the breast at the proper level.

Base and essential oils for breasts

The best of the best in breast care are the following esters:


Considered an ace in body shaping. Compositions with it improve skin turgor, make the bust firmer, contribute to its swelling, increase in volume,. Recommended as an additive to breast creams and lotions. Try the following products with this oil:

- contrast compresses. Prepare two bowls of hot and cold water (300ml each). In the first, dissolve 10g of sea salt, into which 5 drops of rosemary essential oil have previously been dropped. Take two handkerchiefs, moisten the handkerchief alternately in hot and cold water, and apply it to your chest for half a minute. Do 15-20 applications. At the end, take a cool shower;

- “warm up” the bust by alternating dousing with warm and cool water for 10 minutes. Rub 1 ml of almond oil with 10 drops of rosemary essential oil into the skin of the chest. Do a light chest massage, then take a cool shower.

It is strictly forbidden to use jojoba oil as a transport oil, as it helps to eliminate fats under the skin!

ylang ylang

In the compositions of mixtures with essential oils for the breast, caring esters are used, such as ylang ylang, nerol. They make the skin beautiful, have a lifting effect, and other unaesthetic things. In addition, ylang ylang is considered an aphrodisiac oil, so your breasts will be alluring and attractive a priori. Try the following mixes:

- 15ml bitter almond oil, 1k ylang, 2k orange;

- 15ml macadamia oil, 1k ylang, 2k geranium;

- 20ml olive oil on hops, 3k ylang, 2k geranium, 3k fennel, 1k.

Rub the mixture every evening after a shower for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water.

Important! Before using mixtures with essential oils for the breast, be sure to consult a specialist for neoplasms. If you have at least a predisposition to them, it is recommended to cancel the procedures with essential oils for the breast. By the way, if you have such a danger, choose only clothes that fit your figure so that it does not constrain your chest.


It is a light oil with a pleasant sweet aroma. It perfectly tones the skin, and promotes the production of the hormone estrogen, therefore it is effectively used in means to increase and correct the contour of the bust. It is an aphrodisiac oil and tightens the "natural frame" of the breast. Natural antioxidant, reduces bust sagging. Ingredients:

- 30ml avocado oil, 1k lavender, 2k, 2k fennel;

- 30ml shea butter, 5k orange, 2k fennel;

- 30ml argan oil, 3k geranium, 2k fennel;

- 30ml mosquito rose oil, 1k grapefruit, 2k ylang, 2k fennel.

Of the base oils, you can also use wheat germ oil, which gives elasticity to the skin and nourishes it, hazelnut oil, which promotes tissue regeneration, rice bran oil, black cumin, cocoa, grape seed.

What else can be used in formulations for breast enlargement and improvement of its tone?

  1. Enlarge your breasts the way you can't. You can visually correct the forms with the help of clothes and adding the following ingredients to cosmetic products:
  2. Collagen. Strengthens the skin, makes the joints in it more durable, so the breast retains its elastic state longer. Can be added to

Beautiful breasts are the dream of every woman. For it to come true, you must not forget about constant care, which includes performing special exercises, healing masks, creams, massages, various types of body wraps, and aromatherapy. Cosmetologists are sure that essential oils will help rejuvenate, tighten the skin of the chest, make it supple and more sexual. And the skin after using essential oils will become smooth, elastic and tender. What oils are used for breasts? How to use them correctly?

The effect of essential oils on the skin of the chest

A well-chosen oil improves blood circulation in the cells under the skin, strengthens the muscles of the chest and improves the shape of the bust. When carrying out breast massage with aromatic oil, the effect will increase significantly. Some essential oils, for example, from flax seeds, with constant use, tighten and noticeably enlarge the chest.

Draw your attention to! The result after using oils is not long-term, so you have to constantly carry out procedures.

You can use essential oils in the form of a compress or masks. Also add to different tonics, lotions, creams, apply during massage. Remember, the use of undiluted oil is prohibited, it leads to various rashes, severe irritation. It is best to mix the product with fat cream, sour cream, milk, kefir, almond or vaseline oil, cream. When you rub the mask, make sure that the mixture does not get on the nipples.

Breast Benefits of Flax Seed Oil

This type of oil will quickly tighten the pectoral muscles, give the bust splendor. Flaxseeds contain phytoestrogens, which increase estrogen levels. When the level of the hormone begins to rise, the breasts increase significantly without surgery.

To enhance the effectiveness, it is necessary to combine the external use of flaxseeds with the internal. How to prepare a magical remedy? A tablespoon of flax seeds is taken, poured with half a liter of kefir. The mixture is drunk in the morning, evening, an hour after eating. You should last 2 months, then rest for a month and continue the course again. Experts are sure that flax seed oil affects the breasts after 5 months of use.

It is best to prepare natural butter at home. To do this, you need to take 2 drops of an essential agent from flax seeds, dissolve in any vegetable oil. When applying, be sure to perform a massage. The effectiveness of the oil will increase if you take a contrast shower.

Olive oil for breast massage

Natural olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and oleic acid. Scientists have proven that aromatic olive oil is the best preventive measure for breast cancer. With it, you can stop the growth of a malignant tumor. In addition to using olive oil externally, it is also important to take it internally.

Before buying olive oil, be sure to carefully check the expiration date of the product. If olive oil is expired, it can seriously harm your health.

It is very important to use olive oil after childbirth, with its help you can get rid of scars that have appeared, stretch marks that prevent you from wearing clothes with an open neckline. With a daily massage with olive oil, you can achieve excellent results. The tool is allowed to be used even during pregnancy, it is absolutely safe. You will increase the effectiveness of the oil if you add a few drops of vitamin E to it.

Useful properties of camphor oil for breasts

During pregnancy and lactation, be sure to use camphor oil. You noticed that the mammary glands began to swell strongly, harden, severe pain appears and it is impossible to express milk, make a compress with camphor oil and you will feel much better.
How to prepare camphor oil?

  • Warm up the camphor a little.
  • Soak gauze in oil and wrap it around the breast.
  • Place cling film or plastic bag on top. After that, wrap your chest with a shawl, a warm scarf.
  • Perform the compress at night, and in the morning wash off the chest with warm water.

After using the compress, you will notice significant relief in the morning. Your breast will become soft, the pain will subside, and milk can be expressed easily. To consolidate the healing effect, the procedure is repeated again. It is important to use camphor oil as soon as the first symptoms and chest pain appear.

Enlarge breasts with essential oils

Essential oils are used to enlarge, tighten the chest, get rid of stretch marks. It is important to be aware that for effectiveness, the oil is used for three months. When using, do not forget to dilute the base oil.

Such recipes are effective:

  • You will need 3 essential fragrances - verbena (15 drops), geranium (9 drops), flax seed oil will be the base, so take 50 ml. Use during massage.
  • Prepare lavender oil (7 drops), tea tree ether (8 drops). The oil is rubbed into the chest for 10 minutes.
  • The following aromatic mixture is useful for the breast: fennel oil (9 drops), ylang-ylang (13 drops) and grape seed oil base - 50 ml.
  • It is necessary to take anise, fennel, rose, camphor oil at least 4 drops. Rub into the chest in the morning and evening.
  • The chest will noticeably increase when using citrus essential oils (take any 2 drops each) in combination with a base - olive oil (you will need 50 ml)

So, still only dream of beautiful breasts. Enough! It's time to act. Rather, buy oil and strengthen your breasts. All in your hands. Additionally, you can contact an aromatherapist who is well-versed in the features of various essential oils, he will recommend what you need. You can also consult with a beautician who knows all the secrets about the use of oil for the breast.

Essential oils are a real treasure trove of nature. They have found their application in the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, medicine and cosmetology. There are a large number of recipes for the preparation of home remedies for body, hair and skin care, which are based on essential oils. Aromatherapy is also in demand, which involves the restoration of the body and the emotional and psychological background of a person. The use of oils as a means for lifting the décolleté and chest is gaining great popularity. Here we will consider this aspect in more detail.

Essential oils have a huge range of beneficial properties. Their knowledge will help you make homemade beauty recipes on your own, as well as choose more priority ones for yourself. In addition, each oil has a certain set of qualities, and helps to solve a number of problems.

  • rose oil - has a moisturizing and firming effect. Can smooth out wrinkles (especially good under the eyes) and improve skin elasticity. It will become a real salvation for fading and dry skin;
  • sandalwood oil - helps to rejuvenate and tone the skin. Eliminates its sagging, dryness and dehydration. Often used in massage as an anti-cellulite agent;
  • anise oil - gives the skin elasticity and saves from flabbiness;
  • grapefruit oil - suitable as a brightening and whitening agent for the skin;
  • ylang-ylang - prevents the aging process of the skin, increases its elasticity, is a stimulator of the growth of new cells;
  • Lavender oil is an excellent remedy for rejuvenating skin of any type. Suitable for both face skin and buttocks, thighs and chest;
  • juniper oil - will also increase the elasticity of the skin, give it elasticity and eliminate stretch marks;
  • neroli - will help refresh and rejuvenate mature skin by smoothing wrinkles;
  • petitgrain oil - regenerates, rejuvenates, smoothes and restores skin elasticity. Suitable for the care of mature, dry and sensitive types of epidermis;
  • patchouli - eliminates flabbiness of the skin of the chest, thighs and abdomen. The properties of this oil are enhanced if it is used in conjunction with counterparts such as bergamot, cloves, clary sage;
  • fir oil has a tightening effect. Even taking a bath with a couple of drops of this product added to it will help give the skin a boost to renewal.

This is not the whole list of useful properties of oils. In addition to cosmetic qualities, they have a whole set of medicinal ones. Therefore, using them for the purpose of rejuvenation, tightening and simply, the effect goes on the whole organism as a whole.

Application dosage

Before you run to the bathroom and make your own miracle remedy, you should be aware of the dosage of oils. They should not be neglected, because compliance with the measure is important in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bhome care. In addition, it is worth remembering that they are not applied in their pure form! The acceptable norms for the use of essential oils will bring benefits such as:

  • as a means for massage - 3-6 drops of ether per 15 ml of the main substance (1 tbsp. L);
  • for baths there will be one difference - the oils should be mixed with sea salt or another substance. Do not drop them directly into the water! This can lead to pinpoint small burns, due to the presence of oils on the surface of the water. So, for baths you need 4-7 drops per 1 session of taking the procedure;
  • when preparing masks, creams and lotions for body skin care, you will need up to 10 drops of essential oil per 1 tbsp. l. fixed asset;
  • for an enhanced effect of skin creams, the dose can be increased to 13 drops per 1 tbsp. l..

Please note that these dosages are for body skin care. The maximum permissible norms for hair and facial skin will be different.

How to tighten the bust with essential oils?

From the above information, you can learn a lot of useful things and make your own breast lifting masks using essential oils at home. If creating is a little scary, then you can turn to proven cosmetic products. There are many recipes for home use that will improve the skin of the chest, tighten and increase its elasticity with the help of essential oils.

Recipe number 1. Decollete mask


  • 7 drops of each of the oils: fennel, ylang-ylang and geranium;
  • 70 ml of the main substance (oil of wheat germ, hazelnut, grape seed or jojoba).


All ingredients are mixed in a ceramic bowl until smooth. If there is a lot of funds, then its remains can not be thrown away, but left for storage, after pouring it into a glass container and closing it with a lid.


We clean the skin of the chest and décolleté with a light scrub and apply a mask. It should be applied to the entire skin, with the exception of the areola of the nipples. To achieve the effect, you can put 1 layer of cling film on top of the mask and cover your chest with a towel. The thermal effect will help to penetrate deeper useful trace elements. We stand for 15 minutes, after the remnants of the mask it is enough to remove with a cotton pad. It is not recommended to wash it off.


The combination of these oils will help lighten the skin, saturate it with vitamins P, A, B, C. The first, by the way, helps to maintain the youthfulness of the skin. If the mask was based on wheat germ oil, then the skin will become soft and moisturized.

Recipe number 2. Contrast compress


  • 10 grams of sea salt;
  • 5 drops of rosemary;
  • 300 ml of cold and the same amount of hot water;
  • 2 handkerchiefs, or cotton shreds.

Compress preparation:

We take 2 ceramic bowls. Pour cold water into one of them, hot water into the other. Dissolve rosemary essential oil in sea salt and add this mixture to a container of hot water. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved.


We moisten one handkerchief or a piece of cloth in cold water, the second in hot. We squeeze, and fit to the chest, alternating them. We hold it on the skin for half a minute - we change it, etc. The total number of such maneuvers is 10-20 times. Then you can take a light shower, or just wipe your chest with a towel.


The contrasting alternation of cold and hot will increase blood flow, provide lymph flow to the skin of the chest and increase elasticity. All this will be more effective due to rosemary oil. It will help to fix the result and will be a great addition to such compresses.

Recipe number 3. Contrast shower with massage

This recipe works well even during a bathing session.


  • 10 drops of rosemary oil;
  • 1 ml of the main agent (almond oil is best).

Preparation and application:

It is very easy to prepare this tool, just mix these 2 components until smooth. Then you should prepare the bust for massage. To do this, alternately pour it with a shower, then cold, then hot water. Then, for 5 minutes, gently massage the chest area using the resulting product. Movements should be light and smooth. In no case do not rub hard and sharply - this can injure sensitive skin. After the massage, it is enough to take a light shower.

Recipe number 4. Fennel oil - as the main component in the composition

Here you can choose your favorite song. Each of them is based on fennel oil. It helps not only to tighten the skin of the chest, but also helps to increase the size of the bust. In addition, this oil is a natural aphrodisiac. This can be understood only by feeling its aroma - sweet and pleasant.

Option 1


  • 30 ml of rose flower oil;
  • 1 drop grapefruit oil;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 2 drops of fennel

Option 2


  • 30 ml avocado oil;
  • 1 drop of lavender oil;
  • 2 drops of fennel and the same amount of carrot oil.

Option 3


  • 30 ml shea butter;
  • 5 k. orange oil;
  • 2 drops of fennel itself.

Option 4

  • 30 ml of the main substance (argan oil is well suited);
  • 2 drops of fennel oil;
  • 3 drops of geranium oil.

Application and manufacture

Regardless of the composition of the mask, all ingredients are mixed in a glass bowl until a homogeneous consistency. Apply to the pre-cleansed skin of the bust. Exposure time 1015 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of the skin. It is not recommended to rinse with water, just blot the remnants of the mask with a paper towel. Also, the resulting mixture can be added to breast skin care creams.